1000 questions to ask a man. What questions can you ask a guy via correspondence to get to know him better?

Some girls who dream of rekindling the flame of passion again think about what vulgar question to ask a guy? This a great way to quickly attract attention and bring newness to the relationship. Of course, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the fine line between provocation and insult. An incorrectly formulated question, even with a positive message, can destroy an already fragile relationship.

First, you should identify the goals that are being pursued. Depending on this, we will select questions with varying degrees of “vulgarity.” Agree, the questions asked to a classmate and a beloved guy should be different.

Competent play with intimate issues is quite complex, but incredibly interesting. You should not directly ask questions like “When and how did you lose your virginity?” or “Did you measure your penis with a ruler?” If you want to cheer each other up, it's much more interesting to catch a man. For example, he says that it is inconvenient for him to correspond on the phone, because, you see, his fingers are large. Catch him by saying that this is for good.

Intimate questions you can ask a guy include:

  • How does he feel about sex in unusual places?
  • Does swearing during sex turn him on?
  • About sexual fantasies.
  • How does he feel about girls who like to walk around the house and sleep naked?
  • What would he do if you settled on a desert island?
  • What sex positions does he prefer most?

What interesting questions can you ask a guy?

Interesting questions It’s easy to dilute communication. Get philosophical. Ask him if he was making a movie, what would it be about? Find out how a young person feels about extreme sports. Laugh together, talking about the cats that jumped from the 8th floor - whether they celebrate Airborne Forces Day or not.

Top 10 ridiculous vulgar questions for a guy:

  1. Would you give a 55-year-old woman a cunnilingus for a million dollars?
  2. How many times a day do you masturbate? Does your hand hurt?
  3. Have you ever wondered how much penis enlargement surgery costs?
  4. Admit it, do you like being friends with gays?
  5. Honey, can I buy a vibrator?
  6. What size is your dignity? … Brain!
  7. How does he feel about threesomes?
  8. Does he shave his intimate area or not?
  9. How many times a day can he do this?
  10. What is he willing to do for sex with a beautiful girl?

Asking sexual questions to a guy is a good way to excite and provoke a guy. This will help you find out interesting intimate details of his life. The psychology of relationships is this: it is necessary to constantly introduce notes of piquancy. Discussing vulgar topics helps to understand the reasons for your partner’s behavior, especially if the guy doesn’t want a relationship.

Top vulgar questions for a guy to stir up passions:

  1. Do you spy on a girl in the shower or locker room?
  2. When you first watched porn, what were your impressions?
  3. Who was the first object of your fantasies?
  4. Which famous book heroine would you like to make love with?
  5. What will be your first thought when you see a girl wearing your T-shirt on her naked body?
  6. What color of erotic lingerie excites you the most?
  7. Do you often talk to your friends about vulgar topics?
  8. Do you like discussing your worth with a girl?
  9. Do you get excited when you see a woman dressed as a nurse, a police officer, or a student?
  10. Who is your favorite porn actress?
  11. How long can you go without sex?
  12. What attracts more: oral or anal sex?
  13. Do you prefer to wake up with coffee in bed or a gentle blowjob?
  14. What do you think is the best time of day to have sex?
  15. Does it excite you if someone else catches you with your beloved during an intimate process?
  16. Are there times when you don't wear underwear?
  17. Do you want someone else to watch the sex?
  18. How do you fight an erection when you see a sexy girl in public?
  19. What is impossible to excite you?
  20. Are you dreaming of trying it with twins?
  21. Does the thought of trying to have sex discreetly in a public place appeal to you?
  22. How sensitive are your erogenous zones, and where to look for them?
  23. Do you call your “friendly organ” by an affectionate name?
  24. Are you more attracted to experienced girls or virgins?
  25. In what position did you make love for the first time?

The questions that are appropriate to ask an adult man are different. As a rule, a mature person is of little interest in voyeurism and other amusements of the “explosion of puberty.” Vulgar topics are appropriate, but awkward, offensive questions about size or homosexual experience should be avoided.

Top vulgar questions for a man:

  1. Are there taboos in your intimate life for you?
  2. How do you feel about sex in the workplace?
  3. What type of women are you most attracted to?
  4. Is sex a way of spiritual and physical reunification or a marital duty?
  5. What's the sexiest thing a woman can do?
  6. What smells make you think sexually?
  7. How often do you want to diversify intimacy with experiments?
  8. What was the most unusual experiment in bed?
  9. Are you inclined to have mistresses or stir up interest in your wife?
  10. What is the most acceptable frequency of sex?
  11. Do you think erotic costumes are a good way to add something new to a relationship?
  12. Do you like sex in the shower?
  13. Is a holiday romance a betrayal or a way to escape from routine?

What questions should you not ask a guy to get him interested?

If the girl hopes for a long and serious relationship, you need to know what questions should not be asked to a man under any circumstances. These include clarifications about the income of a loved one, his sexual orientation, views on the political situation in the country, as well as disputes regarding religion. By asking such questions, a girl will demonstrate a complete lack of education, tact, or even commercialism.

The right questions to ask a guy about include hobbies. Find out what your loved one dreams about. Find out what he wants to achieve in life. Develop communication in a direction that is interesting to both. There is no point in talking about motorcycles, unless, of course, you are not an ardent fan of two-wheeled transport. Otherwise, the girl’s pretense looks, at least, pathetic. In conversations, a compliment on the matter and light flirting are appropriate.

We hope that this material was useful to you and now you know exactly what interesting questions you can ask a guy.

What's a dirty question to ask a guy? Attracting attention

Did you meet through the Internet and were you captivated by his appearance or communication style? Do you want to continue dating, but don't know where to start? We have compiled a list of questions that will help you get to know a guy better and decide whether there is a need for a personal meeting or whether your communication will remain only on a virtual level.

To find out by correspondence whether a young man is right for you, try not to scare him off with your excessive interest. Move smoothly from general questions to more complex and intimate ones.

But don't overdo it! Remember that you are not interviewing a candidate for a responsible position with your boyfriend, but are just trying to find out whether you and your new acquaintance have common interests, views and goals.

Simple, general questions

Once you find out the name of your interlocutor, you can continue the conversation. Simple questions that you would ask without embarrassment if you met in person will help you with this:

  1. How old are you?
  2. You study or work? Do you like your job?
  3. What city do you live in? What attracts you most about him?
  4. What was your mood today?
  5. What are you going to do tomorrow?
  6. How often do you meet people on social networks?
  7. What is your date of birth?

Questions about hobbies

We can say that the primary data has been collected. It's time to move on to questions that will more fully reveal the character of your interlocutor. The answers to them will help you get to know him better and decide whether you have similar topics for communication:

  1. What kind of music do you listen to? What is your favorite musical style? Group?
  2. What's your favorite movie or TV series? Actor? Genre?
  3. Do you read books? Which of them made the strongest impression on you?
  4. Do you have a hobby, favorite pastime?
  5. Do you attend any sports section?
  6. How do you feel about extreme sports?
  7. Who are you according to your zodiac sign? Do you trust horoscopes?
  8. Do you have a lot of friends? Where do you like to spend time?
  9. Share what interests you most in life?

Advice! There is no need to ask one question after another without interruption. It is necessary to conduct a dialogue - ask, but do not forget to also tell about yourself. If a guy is interested in you, it will be important for him to find out about your interests and hobbies.

His family, religion

Well, do you feel closer? Have you laughed at the same jokes and are you still interested in continuing the conversation? Then it's time to learn about the more personal aspects of his life:

  • Do you consider yourself a believer? If yes, what church do you attend?
  • Are you alone in the family or do you have brothers or sisters? If so, what is your age difference?
  • Do you live with your parents? If not, how often do you see each other?
  • Did you grow up in a complete family? Do you like your parents' relationship?
  • Do you love family feasts? How are your holidays going?
  • Do any animals live in your house? Who exactly? Do you like tinkering with them?
  • Do you love strands? Who usually does the cleaning in your family?
  • Do you have heart-to-heart conversations with your family? Do you share problems and events that are important to you?
  • Do you feel the support of your loved ones?

Comic questionnaire

Take a break from your serious “information gathering” business. Give your interlocutor time to relax, smile, and cheer yourself up with a frivolous conversation.

Here are some unusual and original questions that will help you with this:

  1. What character are you in a computer game?
  2. Do you believe in ghosts?
  3. What funny things happened to you or your friends while traveling?
  4. Do you sing in the shower?
  5. What stupid or funny thing have you ever done for a bet?
  6. Do you like to walk in the rain?
  7. What's the funniest text message you've ever written or received?
  8. What is your first thought when you see your reflection in the mirror in the morning?

Questions about personal

If you think that you already know a lot about each other and questions on personal topics will not confuse the young man, you can ask him this:

  • Do you change girls often? Are you dating anyone now?
  • Do you have an ideal woman? Is this a collective image or was it based on a living person?
  • What shortcomings in a person would you not be able to come to terms with under any circumstances?
  • What actions would you never forgive your friends or girlfriend?
  • Do you think that “sex is not a reason for dating” or is it an important step that presupposes a serious relationship?
  • Can you fall in love at first sight? Has anything like this ever happened to you in your life?
  • Do you consider yourself a romantic?
  • Do you think there is a chance to build a family life by meeting on the Internet?

Trick questions

Do you consider yourself to be a liberated young girl, are you not afraid to ask provocative questions, and do you answer them with pleasure? Then take the chance and find out everything that interests you.

Just don’t ask the guy frankly vulgar questions. Despite all the freedom of morals, it is still not worth going beyond the boundaries of civilized communication.

  1. How do you feel about open relationships? Do you consider physical betrayal to be a reason for separation?
  2. Could you have sex with multiple partners?
  3. Does other people's homosexuality scare you? Does this make you feel aggressive?
  4. Do you like sex that involves risky situations? For example, in crowded places?
  5. Do you always use condoms or should contraception be a concern only for girls?
  6. How do you feel about watching pornography?
  7. Do you think it’s normal to use the services of a “call girl”?

Advice! Conversations on sexual topics touch on very intimate aspects of life and not everyone is ready to discuss them, even during virtual communication. If you notice that your partner is feeling awkward and withdrawing into himself, slow down and switch to lighter topics.

Questions - answers

Play a game with your interlocutor. Ask questions and offer multiple answers. For this test, choose interesting and tricky tasks that will help you find out in a humorous way what is important to your new friend.

Question Answers
1. What is the best time of year for you? 1. Winter – I love skiing. Every year I try to go to the mountains with friends.
2. Spring – I like to watch the awakening of nature, walk through a blooming park and listen to birdsong.
3. Summer is the sea! Parties! Partying until the morning!
4. Autumn - what could be better than sitting at home in front of a computer game when the dull rain drums outside the window.
2. What color attracts you? 1. Red is the color of passion.
2. Blue – deep, like the sea. The color of meditation.
3. Orange – “crazy” color. Not for all.
4. Black. Why all these excesses? Our life could use a little rigor and conservatism.
3. Assuming that humans evolved from animals, who was your “ancestor”? 1. Of course it's a lion. Isn’t it clear from my habits that I am a real king!
2. Wolf. Dangerous and lonely.
3. Probably a cat - I also like to appear out of nowhere and disappear on my own business.
4. The bear is peaceful, but it’s better not to touch me. I love to eat, and especially to sleep.

Advice! Try to keep the conversation in a light, relaxed tone. It has been proven that a person opens up best in a conversation on a frivolous topic, but demanding answers to complex and unpleasant questions will most likely lead to your communication being interrupted.

Don’t be afraid to start a conversation first to interest the guy, but don’t be intrusive either. Do not interrupt your interlocutor, otherwise he will lose his mind, and you will show your bad manners.

Let your friend speak, but if his views on basic life issues are unacceptable to you, cause misunderstanding and mistrust, it is better to end the conversation. Remember, no one has the right to impose their opinion on another person, especially in an aggressive manner.

Well, if every day you feel that the young man is becoming closer to you, you have many common interests, you agree on family and universal values ​​- perhaps your online dating has a real chance to develop into a real relationship.

Useful video

So, are you dating or not, you just started communicating, you really like him and you think, “how not to scare him off?”

Men, by nature, are not particularly talkative, or rather, he may be talkative, but talking does not mean opening your soul.

So, let's figure out what questions you can ask a guy?

  1. Your questions should be far from the cliched phrases “How are you?”, “How is the weather?”. Such typical questions can only push him away, and in principle the answer to such a question is supposed to be monosyllabic: “Normal”, “Good” and so on. Our task is to start a dialogue that will be interesting to both and one question will flow smoothly from the other.
  2. Ask a guy about his hobby, for example, if you know that he is interested in boxing, hockey or goes to the gym. Guys love to talk about their hobbies, but just like girls, we always talk about what interests us with pleasure.
  3. Avoid very personal topics. You shouldn’t ask directly how much he earns, why he broke up with his ex-girlfriend, and why his grandfather died. You don’t need to get into his soul so quickly, the time will come and he will tell you everything himself.
  4. You can ask how he likes to spend his free time. This question will help not only set the tone of the conversation, but also help you find out more information about him, learn about his character, moral values ​​and inner world.
  5. Ask him about travel. It’s not bad if you’ve been abroad yourself, tell him about it, and he’ll share it with you in return.
  6. Ask where he studies/works. Just don’t go too deep into the topic of your work, it can get boring. Ask where and who he works for, what his responsibilities are, whether he is interested in this or whether he is going to develop in a different direction. There's no point in going any further.
  7. Be interested in his life principles. His attitude towards love and friendship. These questions can be used even in relation to unfamiliar men.
  8. Give compliments. This will help defuse the situation and relax him. Just choose non-personal compliments. For example, a compliment like “You are such a bunny” will not be appropriate, but “So cool, you have such a courageous profession” is just right.
  9. Don't ask too many questions. Still, you should have a dialogue, not a monologue or passing an exam.

What questions should you not ask a guy?

1. Aren’t you bored with me?

If he is still with you, then for sure he is interested in you, otherwise he would have left. These types of questions can make a guy think that you are insecure and stupid. There are so many topics of conversation in the universe, so asking such nonsense is not recommended.

2. Do you love me?

This question is like a red rag for a bull. If he loves you, he will say so himself. Besides, you're probably rushing things. Girls, as a rule, after the first date begin to make plans for a young man, they are ready to say “I love you,” get married and have a bunch of children. For guys, things are different with this. Just because he's hanging out with you or dating you doesn't mean he loves you. Don't rush him.

3. Have I gained weight?

Men rarely notice minor changes in your appearance (this could be a couple of extra pounds or the color of your nail polish), they more often evaluate the image as a whole. But after your question, he will definitely pay attention. Do you need it?

4. Questions about his ex-girlfriends

You'll ruin your own quiet life. Why do you need to know that? Everything that was is past. Also be wary if he himself starts talking about his exes, he probably still has feelings.

What questions can you ask a guy on the Internet?

  • Counter questions. He asked you, and you repeated his question. For example, “How did you spend your day?” Communication on the Internet is difficult because, being at a distance, it is difficult to find common topics.
  • Clarifying questions. You asked, he answered, ask a clarifying question, for example, “What do you do in your free time?”, he answers “Boxing”, you answer “Boxing, it’s very interesting! How long have you been doing this?” and stuff like that.

In general, questions on the Internet are not too different from questions in real life; you can add a couple of topics:



Ask him about his plans for the future, there will be a reason to think about whether you are on the right path at all?

-bad habits

This question is worth asking so that if in the future you agree to meet in real life, you will not be surprised if he comes on a date with a bottle of beer and a cigarette.


Maybe you grew up in the same yard? Ask him what he was like: quiet or restless. This will show your interest in him and he will be pleased.

In any case, when communicating with a guy, the main thing is your sincere interest in him. You can ask at least a thousand questions, but if he doesn’t see a spark of interest in your eyes, he probably won’t want to continue communication. Good luck!

Girls often don’t know what to ask a guy via correspondence in order to interest him and get to know each other better. Asking vulgar questions and talking about personal topics when meeting people is not always appropriate. It all depends on the character of the young man. Psychology experts believe that you should first take an interest in the guy’s hobbies and life goals, ask about his favorite music, films and books that made a lasting impression on him. Based on the guy’s answers, you can create a psychological portrait of him and establish normal communication.

Rules for correspondence on intimate topics

When communicating or corresponding on provocative and frank topics, the following rules should be observed:

  • The young man should not doubt that he is in control of the situation (even if this is not the case in reality), and should feel comfortable. When communicating in real life, you can monitor a guy’s reaction to an intimate question, and when communicating virtually, you can analyze his answers.
  • You cannot criticize his manhood and doubt his sexual capabilities, ironize on this topic or openly laugh at his shortcomings.
  • You should not ask your loved one how many partners there were before this relationship and compare yourself with them.

Vulgar questions can be veiled without resorting to rudeness and obscene language; there is no need to write slang words and names of genital organs.

What you should never say to a man

Dirty questions for a guy

You can ask interesting and tricky questions of an intimate nature after prolonged communication and the establishment of a trusting relationship with a pen pal.

A list of vulgar, tricky questions for a guy who likes a girl:

  1. 1. Tell me about your first sexual encounter.
  2. 2. What do you prefer in intimate caresses?
  3. 3. Name the most erotic and attractive part of a woman’s body.
  4. 4. Do you think that making love and having sex are identical concepts?
  5. 5. Do you like to experiment in intimate relationships?
  6. 6. Played role-playing games? What images excite you the most?
  7. 7. What things do you consider unacceptable in intimate relationships?
  8. 8. Are you a fetishist? Do you love lace erotic lingerie and fishnet stockings?
  9. 9. Share your erotic fantasies and desires.
  10. 10. Describe the first girl you felt sexually attracted to.
  11. 11. Which famous singer or Hollywood movie star would you like to have sex with?

To get to know your lover better and find out about his sexual preferences, you can ask the following questions:

  1. 1. Do you like long foreplay or think only about yourself during sexual contact?
  2. 2. How do you feel about female domination?
  3. 3. What are your favorite positions during sexual intercourse?
  4. 4. The most unforgettable sex or lovemaking of your life.
  5. 5. How did you feel when you lost your virginity?
  6. 6. If I am not ready for sexual relations before marriage, can you refrain from intimate relationships with other people or is this unacceptable for you?
  7. 7. What size is your manhood?
  8. 8. Breast size that your lover should have.
  9. 9. How often can you make love and how long does sexual intercourse last?
  10. 10. Do you like hair on your private parts or do you prefer perfect smoothness?
  11. 11. Your attitude to tattoos and piercings in intimate places.
  12. 12. Do you watch films for adults? If yes, which category do you prefer and what are your favorite paintings?

Questions that you can only ask a close man:

  1. 1. Have you ever had group sex or several partners at the same time? If not, do you dream of sex with two people at once?
  2. 2. The funniest moment during sex.
  3. 3. How do you feel about virtual explicit entertainment or phone sex?
  4. 4. Has there been a time in your life when your parents came home at the most inopportune moment?
  5. 5. How do you feel about oral sex?
  6. 6. Have you had any experience of communicating with a girl of easy virtue?
  7. 7. Have you ever had sex with a girl you only knew for a few days?
  8. 8. Describe your ideal sexual relationship.
  9. 9. Attitudes towards sexual minorities and sexual intercourse with representatives of other races.
  10. 10. Do you visit stores with intimate goods or buy toys for sexual entertainment on the Internet?
  11. 11. Do you feel comfortable buying contraceptives or do you feel awkward when doing so?
  12. 12. What do you think about self-pleasure and how often do you do it?

Intimate questions for a guy with whom a girl wants a sexual relationship:

  1. 1. Have you ever had unprotected sexual contact in your life? If not, then what is your attitude towards such intimate relationships?
  2. 2. Does dirty language during intercourse turn you on?
  3. 3. Attitude towards anal caresses and sexual contact.
  4. 4. Would you sleep with a very mature lady for a lot of money?
  5. 5. What are you willing to do for a beautiful girl to give herself to you?
  6. 6. How do you feel if during sexual intercourse a stranger watches the intimate process?
  7. 7. Your attitude to explicit photographs and home videos of sexual content.
  8. 8. What smells excite you?
  9. 9. Do you like making love while intoxicated?
  10. 10. Sexual intercourse in water or in the shower - how do you feel about such sex?
  11. 11. Is a one-night stand acceptable for you?

What to ask a young man when meeting him in order to interest him:

  • Who are you according to the horoscope and the eastern calendar?
  • Do you like extreme sensations and adrenaline in your blood?
  • What do you value most in people? Name the main character traits.
  • Who is closer to you, dad or mom, and why?
  • Active recreation - your attitude towards it.
  • Tell me about the action you are most proud of.

Normal questions to get to know a guy better:

  • How do you feel about assault and showdowns with fists?
  • What annoys you the most?
  • Tell us about your childhood fears.
  • Do you have any phobias at the moment?
  • The most vivid memory from childhood - tell us about it.
  • Do you trust your sixth sense?
  • Do you prefer to give or receive gifts?
  • An act that you will never forgive?
  • Your negative sides.
  • Describe yourself in four words.
  • What offends you?
  • Have you ever taken revenge on your offenders? If yes, then tell us about it.

A young man will enjoy topics about cinema, literature and other questions that help him learn about the guy’s hobbies and preferences:

  • How do you feel about magical rites and rituals?
  • Do you believe in psychic abilities?
  • Name your favorite musical composition.
  • What feature film or documentary will you remember for the rest of your life?
  • Do you like cartoons?
  • What is your attitude towards serial films?
  • Literature that influenced your life and changed your worldview.
  • What cuisine do you prefer and the name of your favorite dish?
  • How do you feel about balls and costume parties?
  • Do you attend cultural events?
  • When was the last time you went to the opera or theater?

List of interesting questions for communicating with a guy:

  • Do you like rain and walking together under an umbrella?
  • Have you ever had prophetic dreams?
  • What animal or living creature do you associate yourself with? And why?
  • The most necessary thing for you.
  • How many hours do you spend in the virtual world?
  • Is love possible at a great distance from each other?
  • Love at first sight is your attitude.
  • My favorite holiday.
  • Did you gamble?
  • What country or city do you dream of visiting more than anything in the world?
  • If you became a superhero, which famous movie and cartoon character would you like to be?

Tricky questions:

  • If you suddenly find yourself naked in the middle of a crowded street, how will you behave?
  • If you could break the law and get away with it, what crime would you commit?
  • Could you take your wife's last name or do you think it's unacceptable?
  • If you have the opportunity to visit the past, where would you go and why?
  • If you broke up with your girlfriend, is a repeat relationship possible between you?
  • Will you tell your lover the codes for social networks and email, or do you have something to hide from your significant other?
  • Is it possible to love two people at the same time?
  • The most shameful act or situation that you would like to erase from your life.

Well-thought-out tricky questions for a guy will help give clarity to the relationship and form your opinion about the likes or dislikes of your chosen one. In this article, we have compiled a list of well-thought-out, most interesting tricky questions for guys about finances, work, family, friends, as well as love and relationships.

These questions are taken from life situations and observations, so they should be asked to the guy. For example, one of them: “Will you take your mother-in-law on vacation with your family”? How do you like this question? The rest on the list are also cool and interesting, which you can ask a guy even by correspondence.

Review the questions below to find the right ones for your boyfriend. Many of them are a little provocative, and some are uncomfortable, but they are all quite varied. Therefore, it is worth asking at least a few questions to your chosen one in order to diversify your communication.

  1. Questions like these can add some fun to a conversation with a guy, making it more interesting than usual. This is a kind of master class in polishing knowledge about men. So we definitely recommend that girls have a list of these questions for their boyfriend in their communication arsenal.
  2. The answers to these questions help to understand the difference between male nature and female nature. After all, guys avoid flaunting their inner world, and also rarely share their personal lives with others. That's why girls are required to have a cunning approach - thoughtful questions. Thanks to them, they will be able to penetrate the male “heart” and get an idea of ​​the character of their chosen one.
  3. Tricky questions are tricky questions that are difficult to answer unambiguously. This means that the guy will have to use his brains to answer them. This will help the girl see his real, unfeigned character.
  4. Guys think they are smart enough not to fall for provocative questions. However, they fall for these tricks. Common sense and experience will not help here. When it comes to tricky tricks, some questions are funny, others are a play on words, and the answer to others sets a trap. Therefore, it would seem that the answers are logical or in accordance with common sense, but the thought that comes to mind is quite often incorrect.

Uncomfortable questions for a guy

  • Are you deceiving others? How often, in what case?
  • In a relationship, who should have the upper hand - a man or a woman?
  • What would you do if you had the opportunity to be invisible or a woman for a whole day?
  • What is one thing you will try to save if the house suddenly ends up on fire?
  • Is it easy for you?
  • Given the opportunity to commit any crime with impunity, what will you do?
  • What is better for a man - to be smart and ugly or dumb but beautiful?
  • Given the ability to lock any one person in a mental hospital, who would you lock?
  • What is more important for a girl to have - attractiveness, intelligence or beauty? Which one do you prefer?
  • There are different opinions on how often men and women should take a bath. What do you think?
  • How often should a man and woman change their underwear and socks?
  • Can you tolerate bad breath, sweat or dirty clothes? Should we talk about this if this happens?
  • Does it irritate you when a person burps or passes gas?
  • Have you ever had mental disorders?
  • Does this suit me...?
  • Will you buy me...?
  • Does a man like it when a girl gives him a massage?
  • What do you like most about a girl's appearance? What parts of her body do you like most?
  • What do you consider the sexiest thing in a woman?
  • Have you ever dreamed or fantasized about me?

Tricky questions for a guy about finances

  • Should the money earned by spouses go into a common “pot” or should everyone have their own cash register?
  • Should a wife always ask her husband's permission to buy certain things?
  • If a spouse saves a decent amount, for example, on online purchases, can she consider this money her own?
  • Should a wife, especially if she does not work, always give her husband an account of the money spent?
  • When buying real estate while married, who is better to register it for - the husband or the wife?
  • Can you trust me with your money?
  • Would you risk investing money in some stocks or assets today?
  • Should spouses hide the amount of their salary from each other?
  • Is the wife obliged to save?
  • What would you like to do if you had a lot of money?
  • Will you give your wife her salary?
  • Can you honestly tell your wife what salary you receive?

Tricky questions for a guy about work and friends

  • What kind of person do you consider your boss to be and how do you feel about him?
  • When you get married, how much time will you devote to your friends and work?
  • For the sake of your family, can you give up frequent communication or meetings with friends?
  • Can you leave your job for the sake of your family?
  • Would you support your spouse’s desire to leave to earn money or change a well-paid job?
  • Do you like my friends?
  • Can you give up your friends for the girl you love?
  • Would you be able to refuse your wife a romantic dinner for the sake of beer with a friend you saw a long time ago?

Trick questions about relationships

Provocative questions for a guy about family/marriage

  • Who should take the first step towards reconciliation after a family quarrel?
  • If your wife doesn't want to have children, how will you react? Could this be a problem for a marriage?
  • How long does it cost for a wife to go on maternity leave?
  • How do you feel about separation in marriage? Would you let your wife go to the resort alone?
  • What is your attitude towards living with your parents after marriage? For my mother-in-law to live with us?
  • Will you be jealous if I communicate closely or be friends with men, for example, work colleagues? (We recommend for this reason).
  • If you have to care for one of your parents, what will you do: hire someone to care for them; you will look after your parents yourself; or will you entrust the “care” to a nursing home?
  • Would you agree to adopt foster children if you don’t have any of your own?
  • If some behavior or words of the wife cause constant dissatisfaction or irritation, is it worth trying to save the marriage or not?
  • How will you react when you find out that someone hit or hurt your child?
  • Who should go to parent-teacher conferences at school?
  • Having your own family, can you refuse your parents anything?
  • What will you do if your wife cools down to sexual relations?
  • Would you allow your wife to change religion?
  • Who will you love more - your child's wife or mother?
  • Would you enter into a prenuptial agreement at the request of the bride?
  • Can you call your mother-in-law and father-in-law mom and dad?
  • Do you agree for the bride to leave her last name upon marriage?
  • What irritates you about my parents, family, relatives?
  • Do I look seductive or not?
  • What are the two things you especially like about me, and what is the only thing you can’t stand about me?
  • Could you describe me in three words, if so what?
  • Do you prefer to be rough, romantic or sensual?
  • What's the most unusual thing you've fantasized about?
  • Do you prefer to give or receive?
  1. During the initial period of courtship, be careful when asking the tricky questions that you have prepared for the guy. Since it is unknown what could anger or confuse him.
  2. Think about the possible consequences: hurt, embarrassment, anger.
  3. It is important to remember: a guy’s reaction to these questions will depend on his nature and temperament.
  4. Don't try to ask all these questions in a few weeks of courtship.
  5. Don't try to fundamentally figure out the answer to a question that the guy refuses to discuss.
  6. It is better to ask questions not in a testing way, but in a flirtatious way. This will help the guy be more relaxed.

We think you'll enjoy these articles for further reading:

How can a girl stay interested in herself?
For those girls who dream of marriage, we advise you to read.


Communication is by far the best way to get to know someone of the opposite sex. One of these opportunities is asking tricky questions to a guy. This is a kind of veiled way to find out his character.

At the same time, when thinking about how to choose difficult questions for a guy, think about why you want to ask him? Are you asking just for fun, to embarrass, or is this a flirty game?

Obviously, some of the questions on the list may seem awkward, others are tricky or funny. But without them there will be no complete idea of ​​the guy’s way of thinking and character. These questions can be a fun conversation starter or an interesting puzzle to add spice to your conversation.

Sincerely, Andronik Oleg, Anna.

Watch the video to see how difficult it is for guys to answer tricky and difficult questions.

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