32 Federal Law on memorable dates. About days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia







State Duma

Federation Council

Introduce into the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 34, Art. 3532; 2007, N 50, Art. 6237; 2011, N 27, Art. 3879; 2013, No. 4084; 2014, No. 2930; 2016, No. 2494)

1) Part 7.1 of Article 5 should be stated as follows:

"7.1. On the personal savings accounts of participants who were excluded from the register of participants in connection with dismissal from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b”, “c”, “d” and “j” of paragraph 1, subparagraphs “a”, “b” and “g” of paragraph 2, paragraphs 3 and 6 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, which did not have the right to use savings for housing provision on the grounds provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 10 of this Federal Law, and which were included in the register of participants on the basis provided for in paragraph 14 of Part 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, funds are taken into account in the amount of savings for housing, recorded in the registered savings accounts of participants on the day the emergence of grounds for excluding them from the register of participants.";

2) Part 2 of Article 15 should be stated as follows:

"2. In case of early dismissal of participants of the savings-mortgage system from military service, if they do not have the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Article 10 of this Federal Law, participants of the savings-mortgage system are obliged to return the amounts paid by the authorized federal body under the target agreement housing loan in monthly payments for a period not exceeding ten years. Moreover, in the event of dismissal of participants in the savings-mortgage system from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "d" - "h", "l" and "m" of paragraph 1, subparagraphs " c" - "f.2" and "z" - "l" of paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service", starting from the day of dismissal, interest is accrued on a targeted housing loan at the rate established by the targeted housing loan agreement. Participants in the savings-mortgage system are required to pay the accrued interest amounts to the authorized federal body in the form of monthly payments within a period not exceeding ten years. Interest income on a targeted housing loan is investment income. Interest is accrued on the amount of the outstanding balance on the targeted housing loan."

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

The history of Russia is rich in significant events. In all centuries, heroism, the courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. In addition to military victories, there are events worthy of being immortalized in people's memory.

This Federal Law establishes the days of glory of Russian weapons - the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the days of military glory of Russia) in commemoration of the glorious victories of the Russian troops, which played a decisive role in the history of Russia, and memorable dates in the history of the Fatherland associated with the most important historical events in the life of the state and society (hereinafter referred to as memorable dates in Russia).

In the Russian Federation, the following days of military glory of Russia are established:

April 18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice, 1242);

September 21 - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380);

November 7 is the day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941);

July 10 - Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709);

August 9 - Day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714);

December 24 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790);

September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790);

September 8 - Day of the Battle of Borodino of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812);

December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853);

December 5 - Day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941);

February 2 - Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943);

August 23 - Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943);

May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 (1945);

The following memorable dates for Russia are established in the Russian Federation:

development of plans and programs for military-historical work;

holding events aimed at perpetuating the memory of Russian soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles associated with the days of military glory of Russia;

propaganda of days of military glory of Russia;

installation of memorial structures and objects, creation of memorial museums and exhibitions of federal significance dedicated to the days of military glory of Russia;

development of draft international treaties of the Russian Federation to ensure the safety of memorial structures and objects perpetuating the days of military glory of Russia, which are located on the territories of foreign states, as well as participation in the implementation of these international treaties;

coordination with the relevant organizations of foreign states on whose territories the specified memorial structures and objects are located, measures for their preservation and improvement;

ensuring public order during military days

The procedure for holding days of military glory of Russia and events dedicated to memorable dates in Russia is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Financial support for holding days of military glory of Russia and events dedicated to memorable dates in Russia is provided from the federal budget. Funds from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, as well as extra-budgetary funds and voluntary (including targeted) contributions and donations from individuals and legal entities can also be allocated for these purposes.

This Federal Law comes into force on the date of its official publication.

The president
Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin.

; dated February 28, 2007 N 22-FZ; dated October 24, 2007 N 231-FZ; dated April 10, 2009 N 59-FZ;dated May 31, 2010 N 105-FZ; dated July 23, 2010 N 170-FZ;dated November 29, 2010 N 320-FZ; dated 04/01/2012 N 24-FZ;dated June 27, 2012 N 95-FZ; dated July 10, 2012 N 115-FZ;dated December 30, 2012 N 285-FZ; dated November 2, 2013 N 295-FZ;dated November 4, 2014 N 340-FZ; dated December 1, 2014 N 413-FZ) The history of Russia is rich in significant events. In all centuries, heroism, the courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. In addition to military victories, there are events worthy of being immortalized in people's memory.This Federal Law establishes the days of glory of Russian weapons - the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the days of military glory of Russia) in commemoration of the glorious victories of the Russian troops, which played a decisive role in the history of Russia, and memorable dates in the history of the Fatherland associated with the most important historical events in the life of the state and society (hereinafter referred to as memorable dates in Russia).(Preamble as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of July 21, 2005)Article 1. Days of military glory of RussiaIn the Russian Federation, the following days of military glory of Russia are established:April 18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice, 1242);September 21 - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380);November 7 is the day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941);July 7 - Day of the victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Chesma (1770);July 10 - Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709);August 9 - Day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714);December 24 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790);September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790);September 8 - Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812);December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853);February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;December 5 - Day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941);February 2 - Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943);August 23 - Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943);January 27 - Day of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade (1944); (As amended by Federal Law dated December 1, 2014 N 413-FZ)May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945);November 4 is National Unity Day.(Article as amended by Federal Law dated July 10, 2012 N 115-FZ)Article 1-1. Memorable dates in RussiaThe following memorable dates for Russia are established in the Russian Federation:January 25 - Day of Russian Students;February 15 is the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland; (Paragraph supplemented - Federal Law of November 29, 2010 N 320-FZ)April 12 - Cosmonautics Day;April 26 is the Day of Participants in the Elimination of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and the Day of Memory of the Victims of These Accidents and Disasters; (Paragraph supplemented - Federal Law dated 04/01/2012 N 24-FZ)April 27 - Day of Russian Parliamentarism; (Paragraph supplemented - Federal Law dated June 27, 2012 N 95-FZ)June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941);June 29 - Day of Partisans and Underground Workers;July 28 - Day of the Baptism of Rus';August 1 is the Day of Remembrance of Russian soldiers who died in the First World War of 1914-1918; (Paragraph supplemented - Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 285-FZ)September 2 - Day of the end of World War II (1945);September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism;November 7 - October Revolution Day 1917;December 3 - Day of the Unknown Soldier; (Paragraph supplemented - Federal Law dated November 4, 2014 N 340-FZ)December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland;December 12 is Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.(Article supplemented by Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 N 98-FZ; as amended by Federal Law dated July 23, 2010 N 170-FZ)Article 2. Forms of perpetuating the memory of Russian soldiersThe main forms of perpetuating the memory of Russian soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles associated with the days of military glory of Russia are:creation and preservation of memorial museums, installation and improvement of monuments, obelisks, steles, other memorial structures and objects perpetuating the days of military glory of Russia, organization of exhibitions, installation of memorial signs at places of military glory;preservation and development of territories historically associated with the exploits of Russian soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles associated with the days of military glory of Russia;publication in the media of materials related to the days of military glory of Russia;naming the names of national heroes who distinguished themselves in battles associated with the days of military glory of Russia to populated areas, streets and squares, physical and geographical objects, military units, ships and vessels.By decision of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, other measures may be taken to perpetuate the memory of Russian soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles associated with the days of military glory of Russia.Article 3. Organization of the days of military glory of RussiaThe Government of the Russian Federation will organize:development of plans and programs for military-historical work;holding events aimed at perpetuating the memory of Russian soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles associated with the days of military glory of Russia;propaganda of days of military glory of Russia;installation of memorial structures and objects, creation of memorial museums and exhibitions federal significance dedicated to the days of military glory of Russia; (As amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)(Paragraph six has lost force - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)development of draft international treaties of the Russian Federation to ensure the safety of memorial structures and objects perpetuating the days of military glory of Russia, which are located on the territories of foreign states, as well as participation in the implementation of these international treaties;coordination with the relevant organizations of foreign states on whose territories the specified memorial structures and objects are located, measures for their preservation and improvement;ensuring public order during the days of military glory of Russia.Article 4. Procedure for conducting military ritualsThe procedure for conducting military rituals in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops is determined by the President of the Russian Federation.Festive fireworks on May 9 and February 23 are held annually in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.Article 5. Procedure for holding days of military gloryof Russia in the Russian Armed ForcesFederation and other troops and activities,On the days of military glory of Russia, established by Article 1 of this Federal Law, ceremonial events are held in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops.In connection with the memorable dates in Russia established by Article 1-1 of this Federal Law, public events may be held at the initiative of state organizations and public associations.The procedure for holding days of military glory of Russia and events dedicated to memorable dates in Russia is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.(Article as amended by Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 N 98-FZ)Article 6. Financial support for the daysmilitary glory of Russia and events,dedicated to memorable dates in RussiaFinancial support for holding days of military glory of Russia and events dedicated to memorable dates in Russia is provided from the federal budget. Funds from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, as well as extra-budgetary funds and voluntary (including targeted) contributions and donations from individuals and legal entities can also be allocated for these purposes.(As amended by the Federal Law




Introduce into the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 34, Art. 3532; 2007, N 50, Art. 6237; 2011, N 27, Art. 3879; 2013, No. 4084; 2014, No. 2930; 2016, No. 2494)

1) Part 7.1 of Article 5 should be stated as follows:

"7.1. On the personal savings accounts of participants who were excluded from the register of participants in connection with dismissal from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b”, “c”, “d” and “j” of paragraph 1, subparagraphs “a”, “b” and “g” of paragraph 2, paragraphs 3 and 6 of Article 51 of the Federal “On Military Duty and Military Service”, which did not have the right to use savings for housing on the grounds provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 10 of this Federal Law , and which were included in the register of participants on the basis provided for in paragraph 14 of part 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, funds are taken into account in the amount of savings for housing, recorded in the registered savings accounts of participants on the day the grounds for excluding them from the register of participants arise." ;

2) Part 2 of Article 15 should be stated as follows:

"2. In case of early dismissal of participants of the savings-mortgage system from military service, if they do not have the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Article 10 of this Federal Law, participants of the savings-mortgage system are obliged to return the amounts paid by the authorized federal body under the target agreement housing loan in monthly payments for a period not exceeding ten years. Moreover, in the event of dismissal of participants in the savings-mortgage system from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "d" - "h", "l" and "m" of paragraph 1, subparagraphs " c" - "f.2" and "z" - "l" of paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service", starting from the day of dismissal, interest is accrued on a targeted housing loan at the rate established by the targeted housing loan agreement. Participants in the savings-mortgage system are required to pay the accrued interest amounts to the authorized federal body in the form of monthly payments within a period not exceeding ten years. Interest income on a targeted housing loan is investment income. Interest is accrued on the amount of the outstanding balance on the targeted housing loan."

The president
Russian Federation







State Duma

Federation Council

Introduce into the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 34, Art. 3532; 2007, N 50, Art. 6237; 2011, N 27, Art. 3879; 2013, No. 4084; 2014, No. 2930; 2016, No. 2494)

1) Part 7.1 of Article 5 should be stated as follows:

"7.1. On the personal savings accounts of participants who were excluded from the register of participants in connection with dismissal from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b”, “c”, “d” and “j” of paragraph 1, subparagraphs “a”, “b” and “g” of paragraph 2, paragraphs 3 and 6 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, which did not have the right to use savings for housing provision on the grounds provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 10 of this Federal Law, and which were included in the register of participants on the basis provided for in paragraph 14 of Part 2 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, funds are taken into account in the amount of savings for housing, recorded in the registered savings accounts of participants on the day the emergence of grounds for excluding them from the register of participants.";

2) Part 2 of Article 15 should be stated as follows:

"2. In case of early dismissal of participants of the savings-mortgage system from military service, if they do not have the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Article 10 of this Federal Law, participants of the savings-mortgage system are obliged to return the amounts paid by the authorized federal body under the target agreement housing loan in monthly payments for a period not exceeding ten years. Moreover, in the event of dismissal of participants in the savings-mortgage system from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "d" - "h", "l" and "m" of paragraph 1, subparagraphs " c" - "f.2" and "z" - "l" of paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service", starting from the day of dismissal, interest is accrued on a targeted housing loan at the rate established by the targeted housing loan agreement. Participants in the savings-mortgage system are required to pay the accrued interest amounts to the authorized federal body in the form of monthly payments within a period not exceeding ten years. Interest income on a targeted housing loan is investment income. Interest is accrued on the amount of the outstanding balance on the targeted housing loan."

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

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