4 questions to help you make a decision. How to make the right decision in life: Descartes square

Is it difficult to make an important decision on your own? I recommend using the auxiliary technique of Descartes Square. Take action!

Decision making is perhaps one of the most important and complex features of human life.

On the one hand, it is pleasant and honorable that you are in charge of your own destiny, and on the other hand, you will accept Not correct solution, and the consequences can be the most dire.

When it is almost impossible to make an important decision on your own, you should use auxiliary techniques, such as Descartes square.

The goal of the “Success Diary” website is to make your life easier and help you achieve success with minimal losses.

Descartes' square or why is it so difficult for people to make decisions?

It would seem that man is a rational being, for whom decision-making is a common thing.

Since childhood, we learn to choose: what to buy with birthday money Nice dress either spend it on candy, tell your parents that it was you who broke the vase, or try to blame it all on the cat, stay at home and study properly for the test, or go for a walk with your girlfriends.

There seems to be no end to the decisions made, big and small.

Sometimes the choice is given to us easily, sometimes it is incredibly difficult, most often we are satisfied with the result of the decision made, but sometimes we reproach that we should have acted completely differently.

Of course, about nothing Descartes square Small children don’t know, but no one is stopping adults from looking for auxiliary ways to make life stages easier.

Psychologists believe that there is nothing wrong with the fact that it is very difficult for us to make vital decisions.

Humans are prone to doubt and uncertainty, especially when something really important is at stake.

"Most of life's problems are solved as algebraic expressions: bringing them to the simplest form."
L.N. Tolstoy

The 5 main reasons that make it difficult for us to make decisions, in their opinion, look exactly like this:


    If one of the solution options stands out favorably against the others, then there will be no particular problems with the choice.

    But if all the versions look very attractive, then it’s already quite difficult.

    Ignorance of the final result.

    A person simply does not know what he wants.

    Lack of information to make the right decision or inability to analyze it.

    Character traits.

    You know, there are people about whom they say “neither fish nor fowl.” It is difficult for them to even decide what to eat for breakfast or what to wear to work.

    And they are not able to make a vital choice at all.

    Fear of failure.

    It constrains you so much that you simply lose the ability to think rationally.

What is Descartes Square?

If you have noticed at least one of the above characteristics, then it is probably incredibly difficult for you to make decisions.

You can, of course, use a proven method: take a pen, a piece of paper and write down the pros and cons of the decision in two columns.

This method is not very effective, because a person thinks in only two directions: what will happen or what will not happen if I choose this or that option.

And any decision should be analyzed from four sides at once.

And that’s exactly what it’s designed for. Descartes square.

It looks very simple: a table of four cells with four questions.

And, nevertheless, these questions are quite enough to analyze the situation with different sides, consider the pros and cons, both in case of making a decision and in case of not making it.

That is, you do not approach the solution of any problem at random, but after serious analysis.

Naturally, the last word remains up to you, but using Descartes Square allows you to minimize risks and significantly simplify your choice.

It works like this: on a piece of paper (you can draw it in the form of a table and write questions with colored paste) you write down the answers.

Be extremely careful and answer as honestly as possible.

How to use Descartes Square correctly?

My friend Olga was personally convinced that Descartes Square works.

She worked as an administrator in a beauty salon, but was not happy with her job: there were a lot of responsibilities, clients took out their bad mood on the girls and did not know how else to show off, and the bosses demanded that she almost lie down in front of everyone who had something in their wallet. 100 hryvnia.

Moreover, they didn’t pay that much for this horror.

Since the schedule was 2/2 days, Olga free days I started trying to earn money as a copywriter.

She succeeded, the number of orders increased, and prices rose.

And then the moment came when I had to make a decision: quit the hated beauty salon and devote myself entirely to copywriting or leave everything as it is.

The solution, as you understand, is not very simple and Olga decided to use Descartes Square.

She answered the questions like this:

  1. What happens if I leave the salon? (Benefits of care).

    • I can.
    • I will no longer tolerate the whims of my clients and the dissatisfaction of my superiors.
    • I'll have days off.
    • I will gain respect because I will do something of my own.
    • I will have a favorite job instead of an unloved one.
    • I will be able to gradually increase my income by raising prices.
  2. What happens if I don't leave the salon? (Disadvantages of an unmade decision).

    • I will still spend a ton of time in the salon.
    • I will continue to suffer from the whims of clients and the dissatisfaction of my superiors.
    • It's good if I have at least one day off a month.
    • I will reproach myself for chickening out and not leaving the salon.
    • I will continue to be nervous about my unloved job.
    • My bosses at the salon are not very generous, so they are unlikely to raise my salary.
  3. What won't I get if I leave the salon? (Disadvantages of the decision made)

    • You will have to work very hard to have high incomes.
    • There will no longer be paychecks twice a month on certain dates.
    • I won't be able to do procedures at low prices.
    • I won’t be able to see my friend, another administrator from my shift, as often as before.
    • I will miss communicating with people.
  4. What won't I get if I don't leave the salon? (The downsides of not making a decision. Don't ignore double negatives!)

    • I won’t be able to realize my goals because I won’t have enough time for this.
    • I can't take care of mine nervous system, because every day either the bosses or the clients cause hassle.
    • I won't be able to devote all my time to what I like.
    • I will never know whether I would have been able to make money as a copywriter or not.

And another simple example of

application of the “Descartes Square” technique.

Let's turn on a short video and watch:

Descartes square helped Olga.

She finally left the salon and now her income is quite high, she does what she loves, has much more free time than before and doesn’t regret it one bit. the decision taken.

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The wise Square of Descartes for making the right decisions in life is again popular, and for good reason. Modern life- these are new technologies, innovative formulas, a frantic rhythm, an avalanche of discoveries, to which we do not have time to get used to, before they become outdated. Every day we are faced with hundreds of tasks that require immediate decision– ordinary everyday and sudden complex ones. And, if easy everyday tasks rarely baffle us, then we have to rack our brains over serious life ones, consult with friends and even look for answers on the Internet.

But easy way making the right decisions has long been invented!

A little history: about Descartes' square and its founder

The 17th-century French scientist René Descartes was renowned in a variety of fields, from physics and mathematics to psychology. The scientist wrote his first book at the age of 38 - but, fearing for his life amid the unrest associated with Galileo Galilei, he did not dare to publish all his works during his lifetime.

Being a diversified person, he created a method for solving the problem of choice, revealing to the world Descartes square.

Today, when choosing therapy, this method It is widely used even in neurolinguistic programming, helping to unlock the human potential inherent in nature.

Thanks to Descartes' technique, you can learn about your hidden talents, desires and aspirations.

Descartes square - what is it and how to use the method?

What is the method of the French scientist? Of course, this is not a panacea or a magic wand, but the technique is so simple that it is included in the list of the best and most in demand today when faced with the problem of choice.

With the help of the Descartes square, you can easily and simply identify the most significant choices, after which you can evaluate the consequences of each of the choices.

You don't know whether to quit your job, move to another city, start a business, or get a dog? Are you tormented by “vague doubts”?

Use the Cartesian square to get rid of them!

Video: Descartes Square

How to do it?

  • Take a sheet of paper and a pen.
  • Divide the sheet into 4 squares.
  • In the upper left corner we write: “What will happen if this happens?” (or “the benefits of this solution”).
  • In the upper right corner we write: “What will happen if this does not happen?” (or “the benefits of giving up your idea”).
  • In the lower left corner: “What won’t happen if this happens?” (disadvantages of the decision made).
  • In the lower right: “What will not happen if this does not happen?” (disadvantages of not making a decision).

We answer each question sequentially - point by point, in 4 separate lists.

What it should look like - an example of making a decision using Descartes Square

For example, you are tormented by the question -. On the one hand, it’s so healthy, but on the other... your habit is so close to you, and do you really need this freedom from nicotine addiction?

We draw a Descartes square and solve the problem with its help:

1. What will happen if this happens (pros)?

  1. Budget savings - at least 2000-3000 rubles per month.
  2. Your legs will stop hurting.
  3. Healthy skin color will return.
  4. Will leave bad smell from hair and clothes, from the mouth.
  5. Immunity will increase.
  6. The risk of getting lung cancer will decrease.
  7. There will be fewer reasons (and expenses) to go to the dentist.
  8. Breathing will become healthy again, and lung capacity will be restored.
  9. Bronchitis will stop tormenting you.
  10. Your loved ones will be happy.
  11. This will be an excellent example of a healthy lifestyle for your children.

2. What will happen if this does not happen (pros)?

  1. You will save your nervous system.
  2. You can still have fun chatting with your colleagues in the smoking room over a cigarette.
  3. Morning coffee with a cigarette - what could be more pleasant? You don't have to give up your favorite ritual.
  4. You won't have to give your beautiful lighters and ashtrays to your smoking friends.
  5. You will have your “helper” for when you need to concentrate, kill hunger, ward off mosquitoes, or pass the time.
  6. You will not gain 10-15 kg, because you will not have to eat your stress from morning to evening - you will remain slim and beautiful.

3. What will not happen if this happens (cons)?

In this square we enter points that should not intersect with the upper square.

  1. The pleasures of smoking.
  2. Opportunities to run somewhere under the pretext of smoking.
  3. Take a break at work.
  4. Opportunities to get distracted and calm down.

4. What will not happen if this does not happen (cons)?

We evaluate the prospects and consequences. What awaits you if you give up the idea of ​​quitting smoking?

So, if you don't quit smoking, there won't be...

  1. Opportunities to prove to yourself and everyone that you have willpower.
  2. Healthy and beautiful teeth.
  3. Extra money for fun.
  4. Healthy stomach, heart, blood vessels and lungs.
  5. Opportunities to live longer.
  6. Normal personal life. Today, many are switching to a healthy lifestyle, and a partner with bruises under the eyes, yellow skin and fingers, the smell of cigarettes on the breath and incomprehensible expenses on “poisons from Philip Morris,” as well as a bunch of nicotine “sores,” is unlikely to be popular.
  7. Opportunities to save up for at least a small dream. Even 3,000 rubles a month is already 36,000 a year. There is something to think about.
  8. A worthy example for children. Your children will also smoke, considering it the norm.


To make the Descartes square even more visual, put a number from 1 to 10 to the right of each inscribed item, where 10 is the most significant point. This way you can evaluate which points are most important to you.

Video: Descartes Square: How to make informed decisions

What do you need to remember when using Descartes' technique?

  • Formulate your thoughts as clearly, completely and openly as possible. Not “in general”, but specifically, with the maximum number of points.
  • Don't be alarmed by the double negative in the last square question. Often this piece of technology confuses people. In fact, here you need to focus not on feelings, but on specific consequences - “If I don’t do this (for example, don’t buy a car), then I won’t have (a reason to prove to everyone that I can pass the license; opportunities are free move around, etc.).
  • No verbal answers! Only written points will allow you to clearly assess the problem of choice and see the solution.
  • The more points, the easier it will be for you to make a choice.

Constantly train using this technique. Over time, you will be able to make decisions quickly, without being tormented by the problem of choice, making mistakes less and less and knowing all the answers in advance.

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This century is the century high technology, ultra-modern developments and a frantic pace of life. Every day life brings us face to face with the need to make decisions. huge amount tasks, for which we have to constantly think about what choice should be made in each individual situation. And when thinking about which path to take, we all use some of our skills, methods and decision-making techniques, which are based mainly on our life experiences, opinions, positions, views, points of view. But are our decision-making methods always good and effective? It's safe to say that this is not always the case.

The decision-making technique that we will talk about in this article, of course, is not magical, but it is so adaptive and easy to use that it is considered, perhaps, one of the best available today. It is called "Descartes Square".

To avoid unnecessary questions, it should be said that the author of this technique is Rene Descartes - a French philosopher, physiologist, physicist, mechanic, mathematician, as well as the founder of algebraic symbolism and analytical geometry and the author of the philosophical method of radical doubt.

Descartes square

Descartes Square is an extremely simple decision-making technique that requires very little time to use. With the help of Descartes Square it is easy to establish the most significant criteria choice, as well as assess the consequences of any decision option.

If you look at life ordinary person, then you can see that when he finds himself in a situation where it is necessary to make decisions, he, as a rule, concentrates on one or two of its features, thereby driving himself into a kind of dead end in which other significant selection criteria are not noticed. In addition, a person’s standard thinking contributes to the fact that he asks himself only one question: “What will happen if this happens?”, because the usual scenario of behavior involves performing some action and evaluating the subsequent action. feedback. But in practice it has already been proven hundreds of times that, first of all, it is necessary to first think thoroughly and only then perform an action. And the Descartes Square is precisely designed to first think, but not just go through several options in your head, but write everything down on paper, following a certain technology.

An example is the following situation: you want (to get a job new job, start your own business, go freelance, etc.), but you just can’t get rid of doubts about this. You, of course, see all the advantages and benefits of a new type of activity, but you don’t know what it is to do something that you haven’t done before, and, accordingly, you hesitate in making a decision. So: using Descartes Square, you can look at the current situation from four different sides (we will continue to consider this example a little later).

How to use Descartes Square?

To use the Cartesian Square you will need a piece of paper, pen or pencil. Once these tools are ready, you can begin working with the Square, which involves answering four basic questions. These four questions can be figuratively represented as four points of observation of the problem, from which you can look at the problem from different angles and get the most objective picture of it. And one more thing: it is very important to answer each of the four questions as best you can. large quantity answers, because this will allow us to consider maximum amount features of the problem.

So, Descartes Square looks like this:

We ask ourselves four questions in sequence and answer them as follows: To visually examine the principle of operation of the Descartes Square, let’s take the same example with a change in the type of activity that we considered above.

What will happen if this happens?

This question implies a search for the advantages of getting what you want. The word “this” should mean the implementation of the decision being made. The first question is the most obvious and for this reason it is very important to find as many answers as possible, i.e. don't stop with what first comes to mind. The answers to this question will help you make a decision.

What happens if I change my occupation?

  • If I change my occupation, I will take the first step towards my dream - to do what I really like.
  • If I change my occupation, I can stop working “for my uncle” and control both my work and my income myself.
  • If I change my occupation, it will show my courage, and I will respect myself more.
  • If I change my occupation, I can prove to those around me that I am serious about changing my life.
  • If I change my occupation, this will become my motivation to gain new knowledge and master new skills.
  • If I change my occupation, I can start doing something new sooner.
  • If I change my occupation, I will stop doubting the correctness of my choice.

What happens if this does NOT happen?

This question implies a search for the advantages of not getting what you want. In other words, the answers to the second question will show you what will happen if you refuse to implement the decision you are making, and everything remains the same as it was before. As you answer, write down all the advantages of the current state of affairs that you would not want to lose.

What happens if I don't change my occupation?

  • If I don’t change my occupation, I won’t have to give up my usual lifestyle.
  • If I don’t change my occupation, I won’t worry about having to acquire new knowledge and learn new things, because it may not work out.
  • If I don't change my occupation, I can rest peacefully on my days off.
  • If I don’t change my occupation, I won’t have to explain myself or make excuses to anyone.
  • If I don't change my occupation, I can think about it in the future. It might really be worth holding off.
  • If I don't change my occupation, I can indulge in daydreams about doing what I really like.
  • If I don’t change my occupation, I will prove to the people around me that I am satisfied with the current state of affairs.

What will NOT happen if this happens?

This question involves looking for the disadvantages of getting what you want. Simply put, the answers to the third question will represent the price you will have to pay to implement the decision you are making.

What won't happen if I change my occupation?

  • If I change my occupation, I will no longer be able to live the life to which I have become so accustomed over many years.
  • If I change my occupation, I will no longer be able to put off taking action to find new opportunities.
  • If I change my occupation, I will no longer be able to rest on my usual days off.
  • If I change my occupation, I will no longer have enough time for aimless but pleasant pastime.
  • If I change my occupation, I will no longer have the opportunity to communicate with my previous colleagues and go to fun corporate events.
  • If I change my occupation, the people around me will no longer have the same attitude towards me.

What will NOT happen if this does NOT happen?

This question implies a search for the disadvantages of not getting what you want. By answering the fourth question, you cut off the remaining “nons” that interfere with the implementation of the decision being made. At this stage, it is recommended to respond as quickly as possible, based on .

What won't happen if I don't change my occupation?

  • If I don’t change my occupation, I won’t have the opportunity to realize my dream of making money doing what I really like.
  • If I don’t change my occupation, I won’t be able to stop working “for my uncle,” which means I won’t be able to independently control my work and my income.
  • If I don't change my occupation, I won't respect myself anymore, because... I will show fear of changes in life.
  • If I don’t change my occupation, no one (including myself) will believe in the seriousness of my intentions to change my life.
  • If I don’t change my occupation, I will never have the motivation to gain new knowledge and master new skills.
  • If I don’t change my occupation, I won’t be able to get rid of my doubts and will remain worried about the fact that I didn’t make a decision.

In fact, Descartes Square can be applied not only to the sphere professional activity, but also to any other area of ​​life. But it is important to understand once and for all that all your answers need to be written down, and not answered mentally. Firstly, you may simply get confused in your answers, and secondly, a person’s subconscious works in such a way that it ignores the “NOT” particle, which is why there is a high probability of making mistakes. Therefore, be sure to use a piece of paper and a pen, you can even print out the Square in a large format, and answer each of the questions in the appropriate sector. And the very process of writing down answers will, as it were, convert mental arguments and fantasies into letter form, which will provide you with significant assistance in making a decision.

Descartes Square is one of the many techniques used globally for time management. We discuss more such techniques in the course. Join us!

February 23, 2017

Greetings! Statistics say that each of us makes about 100 decisions every day. The choice can be simple: “whether to wear a hat on the street”, “watch a comedy or a detective story in the evening.” Or fateful: “marry Petya or Vasya”, “become a programmer or marketer.”

In 80% of cases we make a decision in a couple of seconds. But to decide on something serious to a person much more difficult. Do right choice Simple and useful techniques help. One of my favorite options is the Descartes square for making decisions in your personal life.

The author of the method is Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, physiologist, mechanic, mathematician and physicist. Rene Descartes is the founder of analytical geometry, algebraic symbolism and the philosophical method of radical doubt. I think a person with such a solid “resume” can be trusted.

The “Descartes square” technique allows you to consider any situation from different points of view and make a sober, informed decision. The method has long been successfully used in psychology and even in NLP.

We will need a pen and a large sheet of paper. In principle, a computer will do, but I prefer the “paper” version.

And we answer 4 questions:

  1. What will happen if this happens? (pros of the event)
  2. What happens if this doesn't happen? (pros not events)
  3. What won't happen if this happens? (disadvantages of the event)
  4. What won't happen if this doesn't happen? (cons not events)

The square is my favorite decision making tool! I use it often in work, business, and even in my personal life. I recommend it to you too!

Practical benefits

Everyone knows what to take important decisions you need to do it carefully and with a cool head. But, unfortunately, in 90% of cases we are guided only by our current mood and emotions!

The technique allows you to “turn off” feelings and “turn on” logic and reason. Analyzing the situation from four sides makes it possible to make the right choice. Using different opinions and reviews, as well as your own and others’ life experiences.

Thoughtful filling of the Descartes square eliminates confusion in thoughts and clarifies the situation as much as possible!

An example of using a Descartes square

Let's try to fill the square with conditional example in online mode. Tatyana is a young mother with two children on maternity leave. Five years ago she quit her job and since then has been focusing exclusively on home and family.

Her friend Irina (another young mother) invites her to open a small joint business With minimal investment. The essence of the idea: organizing children's parties ( thematic competitions and games, props, hall decoration, animators).

Irina takes over the development of scripts and organizational issues, Tatyana – design and business promotion in social networks. Important point! Before going on maternity leave, Tatyana worked as an Internet marketer. In addition, she is an excellent drawer and owns two graphic editors.

In general, Tanya likes her friend’s proposal. But her imagination draws too many problems. And she just can’t make a final decision.

Let's try to take Tatyana's place and draw up a design documentation for her. By the way, I took the situation from personal experience my good friend. So all comments can be considered as close to reality as possible.

So, the test: “Is it worth starting a business organizing children’s parties with Irina?”

What will happen if this happens?

Let's consider the main advantages of the situation “a business idea has been successfully implemented”:

  1. A new interesting activity for self-realization will appear in life. A flexible schedule will allow you to combine it with caring for your family. Employment does not provide this opportunity
  2. “Organizing children's parties” is an interesting and creative business. Tatyana and Irina have all the skills and abilities to get started. On initial stage you don’t even need to involve third parties in the project
  3. If successful, the business will become
  4. You will expand your circle of acquaintances and diversify your daily routine “home-playground-shop”
  5. Ready-made party scripts will allow you to organize bright holidays for your own children
  6. Irina - ideal partner For similar business. The friends understand each other perfectly and have organized themed parties for friends more than once

What happens if this doesn't happen?

Let’s analyze the advantages of the situation “Tatiana refuses Irina’s proposal”:

  1. Money for business is guaranteed to stay in the family. You can spend them on anything: start renovations in the nursery, update your wardrobe, or
  2. You can still devote all your time to home, husband and children. Any aspects of the family will remain under full control Tatiana. She can be sure that she always has her finger on the pulse. And children still grow up in love and care
  3. You don’t have to delegate some of your tasks to others (Tanya doesn’t like to do this in principle). And don’t be tormented by remorse because there is little time left for your family.
  4. You can slowly restore your working skills and return to your old job after maternity leave.

What won't happen if this happens?

Let us describe the disadvantages of the situation “business has become a real occupation”:

  1. There will be no time left for yourself and your family. Every day it will be necessary, with clients and orders and the needs of children and husband
  2. There will be no perfect order in the house
  3. There will be no guaranteed days off or vacations. The business format assumes that you need to be in touch every day from morning to evening
  4. Conflicts with Irina are possible. After all, many

What won't happen if this doesn't happen?

It remains to consider the disadvantages of the situation “Tanya refuses Irina’s proposal”:

  1. No life changes in the near future. The endless “Groundhog Day” will continue until the end of maternity leave.
  2. The circle of communication and interests will not go beyond “young mothers and relatives.” As a consequence: degradation in personal, professional and social terms
  3. A cloudless relationship with a friend will remain a thing of the past. Initiative to create small business“for two” came from Tatiana. And refusing an option that suits both will most likely offend Irina

What conclusions can be drawn from our Descartes square?

During the five years of maternity leave, Tatyana completely switched to everyday life, children and family. Which, by the way, happens much more often than is commonly believed. Subconsciously, she desperately wants to “get back on track.” And do some kind of “adult thing”: .

The business of organizing children's parties is ideal on all counts.

Friend Irina will take on that part of the project in which Tatyana is not strong (the objection “I can’t do something” will disappear). Business can be combined with children and household chores (the objection “children do not allow you to work fully”) disappears. The idea of ​​a business is interesting and useful for others (the objection “it’s too complicated and boring” disappears).

It would seem that there is no reason to refuse Irina’s offer!

But blocks No. 2 and No. 4 clearly show that Tatiana is prevented from deciding to take this step by a bunch of fears and stereotypes (mostly far-fetched). And also the five-year habit of living in a cozy “comfort zone”. Where everything is clear, predictable and routine.

It is difficult for Tanya to get off the well-established and safe track. Plus, she does not want and does not know how to delegate her responsibilities to someone else. And she is afraid that she will eventually switch to business and become a “bad mother and wife.”

If you carefully analyze its square, the conclusion is obvious: the advantages of the new project clearly outweigh the disadvantages. With proper promotion, the idea may well result in something serious over time. Moreover, with minimal risks!

Agree, Descartes really allows you to abstract from emotions and soberly consider any situation from different points of view.

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Today, as promised, I’ll tell you about another wonderful deep technique that helps tremendously in situations where you need to accept difficult decision. I sometimes call it the “4 Magic Questions,” but this decision-making technique is actually called the Descartes Square (after Rene Descartes, an amazing French scientist famous for his research and discoveries in the most different areas– from philosophy to physics).

Decision making using the Cartesian square

The technique itself is extremely simple. You only have to answer four questions, after which the situation becomes much clearer.

It is very important to work with the Descartes square in writing. Once upon a time, I talked about why it is important not to keep it in your head, but to write it down. Since then, years have passed, I have gained incomparably more knowledge and experience, and keeping notes during any kind of work with myself has turned into a completely natural process, the effectiveness and importance of which has not only been confirmed in practice, but also has a scientific basis.

So, before you start using the decision-making technique, have a pen and paper ready. Think about a situation that requires a decision and answer the following questions in writing.

1. What will happen if this happens?

2. What will not happen if this happens?

3. What happens if this doesn't happen?

4. What will not happen if this does not happen?

For convenience, you can divide the sheet into 4 parts, as shown in the image, and write the answers in the corresponding squares.

As a rule, there are several answers to one question. Write them down in a column, it will be clearer and easier.

Of course, questions can be modified “to suit you”, while maintaining their meaning. For example, a question option might look like this.

1. What happens if I do this?

2. What won't happen if I do this?

3. What happens if I don't do this?

4. What won't happen if I don't do this?

Or, let's say so.

1. What benefits will I get if I make this decision?

2. What disadvantages will I get if I make this decision?

3. What benefits will I get if I don't make this decision?

4. What disadvantages will I get if I don’t make this decision?

If after answering the questions it became obvious to you the right decision, then the technique can be completed. If there is no complete clarity, then move on to the next part.

Take the list with the answers to the first question and rank them by importance: next to each answer put a number from 0 to 10, where zero is completely unimportant to you, ten is very important. Do the same operation with the other three lists.

Now look at the answers that turned out to be the most significant and analyze the results. Surely, you are already leaning towards a certain option. If everything is clear, then the technique can be considered complete.

Sometimes it happens that after analyzing the results, it becomes clear what exactly you want, but at the same time something very significant is discovered that prevents you from making a choice in favor of what you want. Think, can you do something about it? And if so, what exactly?

Let’s say a person wants to decide to change jobs, but in the new place in the first 2 months the salary may be lower than at current position, and the person has a loan that needs to be repaid monthly. Can he do something about it? Certainly. For example, he can set aside in advance the amount that will need to be paid to the bank in the next 3 months, then a small short-term drop in income will not affect his obligations to the bank in any way.

An example of working with a Descartes square

For clarity, I propose to analyze decision-making using the Descartes square using an example.

Irina turned to me. She's 32 years old. IN Lately she began to feel an urgent need for change. Perhaps it has arrived. Ira has long dreamed of living by the warm sea, but still lives in a region from where the journey to the sea takes several hours by plane. Now she needs to make a decision: leave everything as it is or make up her mind and move to live by the sea. Below are questions from Descartes' square and Irina's answers.

Question one: what will happen if I do this (move to live by the sea)?

- I will enjoy the sea climate;

- I will admire the sea, admire its variability and power;

- I will be visiting more fresh air, eating more fruits and vegetables is good for your health;

- I will lose my stable job;

- will have to look for a new job in unfamiliar city;

- here my elderly parents will be left without me.

Question two: what won’t happen if I do this?

- there will be no stable work;

— there will be no weekly meetings with parents;

- there will be no usual social circle;

— there will be nothing at all that I’m used to, including my apartment.

Question three: what will happen if I don’t do this?

- there will be stable work;

— there will be meetings with parents at any time;

- habitual communication with friends;

- a feeling of longing for the sea;

- feeling that I betrayed my dream;

- I will “bite” myself for this and regret that I didn’t even try.

Question four: what won't happen if I don't do this?

- there will be no joy from fulfilling a dream;

- there will be no opportunity to improve health;

- there will be no feeling of guilt for leaving my elderly parents alone.

These are the answers Irina got. After analyzing the results and ranking, Ira realized that the most significant factors preventing her from deciding to move were a stable job and her reluctance to leave her elderly parents. After some reflection, she came to the conclusion that job stability is self-deception, because everything here depends on the will of management. But the issue with her parents required her more careful analysis, study and some work on herself.

A little more than a year has passed since then. Now Irina lives in one of the cities Krasnodar region and is glad that she once decided to move. Thanks to the move, she found the courage to completely change her occupation, and now Ira has a wonderful creative work which brings her a lot of pleasure. Her parents came to visit her several times, and now their family is actively discussing the topic of moving closer to their daughter.

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