7 proverbs and sayings about language. Proverbs about speech and language, about Russian speech

Proverbs arose in oral conversation, and the Russian people composed especially many sayings on this topic. Proverbs reflect the high importance of speech: “A bird is visible by its feathers, and a man by its speech,” but at the same time the people warn: “The tongue will not lead to good.” But silence is also not good: “Silence will not make you right.”

The authors of the site tried to collect the maximum of proverbs and sayings on the topic “Speech and Language”, proverbs about Russian speech on this page. The sources of material were various printed publications - collections of proverbs, dictionaries, books. This article will be especially useful when doing homework for 5th grade students.

Proverbs about speech

From the collection of A. M. Zhigulev “Russian folk proverbs and sayings”:

Smart speeches are pleasant to listen to.
Smart speeches can be heard even in the dark.
A bird is visible by its feathers, and a person by its speech.
Good speech is good to listen to.
You can't listen to people's speeches again.
Speeches are like honey, but deeds are like wormwood.
The language is mine, but the words I speak are not my own.
Speeches are like snow, but deeds are like soot.
Quiet in speech, but fierce in heart.
You can't wait to hear the end of his words.
Eat your bread and salt, and listen to smart talk.
And the dress is clean, and the speech is honest.
Good speech is sweeter than honey.
To lead a speech is not to weave bast shoes.
As is the head, so is the speech.
A person is recognized by his speech.
Word by word that serves on a shovel.
It’s good to listen to a short speech, but it’s good to think while listening to a long speech.
It’s short and clear, and that’s why it’s wonderful.
A thin man has thin speech.
Speech with a proverb is beautiful.
He speaks as if it were written.
Speeches are not rivers - they do not flow.
You can say a lot in a short speech.
A stump is not a village, and stupid speech is not a proverb.
Like a harrow plows (about clumsy speech).

Talk to a smart guy about drinking honey.
Horses recognize each other by neighing, and people by talking.
A thief is not fit to be a guard, and a fool is not fit to talk.
You can't cook cabbage soup from a conversation; you need cabbage and meat.
On the stomach and food, on the mind and conversation.
What does a crow need to talk about, the crow should know its “kra”.
During a big conversation, not without a mistake.

A hunter of tales is a bad worker,
You won't get enough of talking.
Conversation is great, but not argument.

Anyone who speaks without thinking is always creating nonsense.
He who talks a lot does little.
Talking is not working, there is no need to rush.

He speaks straight, but acts crookedly.

Whose right cause speaks boldly!
He says how the river flows.
Talking too much is harmful to yourself.
You can't say it better than in print.

A bird is visible by its feathers, and a person by its speech.
Good speeches are good to listen to.
It’s short and clear, and that’s why it’s wonderful.
Smart speeches can be heard even in the dark.
Empty speeches and nothing to listen to.
A long rope is good, but a short speech.
Not a penny of money, but the speech is good.
He speaks beautifully, but it’s depressing to listen to.
The words are thick, but the head is empty.

Proverbs about language and speech

Proverbs from the “Language-Speech” section of V. I. Dahl’s collection “Proverbs of the Russian People”:

Talking everywhere (good), but nowhere doing business.
Not the housewife who speaks, but the one who cooks the cabbage soup.
Talk less to others and more to yourself!
He who speaks sows; whoever listens collects (reaps).
Keep your tongue short! Keep your tongue on a leash (on a string)!
Have bread for lunch, and the word for the answer!
Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut!
He who storms with his tongue will not fight much.
Twirl your tongue like a cow's tail (like a cow's tail)!
It is said soon, but not done quickly.
The day passes until the evening, but there is nothing to listen to.
He says he throws peas exactly at the wall.

My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, seeking trouble.
The tongue will not bring you any good.
Talking too much is harming yourself (believing the sore).
A lot of babbling leads to babbling.
Language is an anchor to the body. The tongue talks to God.

A small tongue makes a great man move.
A small tongue moves mountains. With a tongue like a stag.
The tongue is the banner, it leads the squad. Language moves kingdoms.
The tongue gives the message to the tongue.
The tongue gives the answer to the tongue, but the head realizes.
The tongue feeds the head (it also leads to beatings).
The tongue drinks and feeds, and spanks the back.
The tongue feeds bread and spoils the matter.
The language is the same, both on weekdays and on holidays.
Language will take you to Kyiv.
The tongue will lead you to the tavern.

Speech is beautiful through listening (and conversation through humility).
In verbosity, not without idle talk.
God gave two ears and one tongue.

It is better not to negotiate than to negotiate.
Talk less, hear more.
Listen more and talk less.
He who says little does more.
Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.
Don't be hasty in your language, and don't be lazy in your actions.
No one pulls their tongue.

The tongue babbles, but the head does not know.
The tongue chatters, but the head does not know.
The tongue prowls ahead of the mind.
The tongue is soft: whatever it wants, it babbles (what it doesn’t want, it babbles).

He talks day until evening, but there is nothing to listen to.
Know how to speak in time, be silent in time.
Don't be afraid of the knife, just the tongue. The razor scrapes, but the word cuts.
Without a tongue and the bell is mute.
A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.

Talking to you makes me drunk.

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
And I would give dearly for a word, but you won’t be able to redeem it.

The spoken word does not return to the Adam's apple.
If you release a word, you won’t be able to drag it in with a hook (and a shaft).

A spoken word is silver, an unspoken word is golden.

From the collection by O. D. Ushakova “Schoolchild's Dictionary. Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases":

A man without a tongue is like a cow without milk.
Without a tongue and the bell is mute.
The language will take you to Kyiv.

I stuck my tongue out and got it in my bad head.

You can't lock your tongue.

Give your tongue more porridge than freedom.
The tongue feeds the head, and it also leads to trouble.
A long tongue is not related to intelligence.
A tongue without bones works for both the host and the guests.
The tongue is boneless and tosses and turns in all directions.
The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.
Keep the dog on a chain and your tongue at seven.
Don't be hasty with your language, and don't be ridiculous with your deeds.

From a collection of proverbs by A. M. Zhigulev. “Russian folk proverbs and sayings”:

The tongue leads the squad. The tongue feeds the head.
The tongue of the needle is sharper.
Give free rein to your tongue, he will say something he doesn’t even know.
The tongue will reach everywhere.
The tongue feeds others better than the hands.
Take care of your tongue as you get older - tell the kids fairy tales.
The tongue gives the message to the tongue.
Language will take you to Kyiv.
My tongue is my enemy, it prowls before my mind.
The tongue speaks, but the head does not know.
It's better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue.
Do not give free rein to your tongue when drunk, in conversation or in anger.
What's on a fool's mind is on his tongue.
Use your tongue, but don’t wave your hands.
My tongue is tossing and turning, I want to speak.
The tongue is soft: it babbles whatever it wants.
The language is mapped, but it rocks mountains.
As you age, your teeth become duller and your tongue sharper.

Proverbs about Russian speech

Russians are patient to the very beginning.
Russian people remember good things.
The Russian soul is wide open.
The Russian is proud in words and firm in deeds.

Without the Russian language you can’t make even a boot.
Russian language is the strength of the weak!
The Russian language is great and powerful.
Without the Russian language you cannot defeat the most dangerous enemy.
Do not penetrate the enemy with a spear, penetrate with a kind Russian tongue.
The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.
The word is silver, silence is gold.
A sharp word pricks the heart.
The tongue talks to God.
The tongue is the banner, it leads the squad. Language moves kingdoms.
The tongue gives the message to the tongue.
One says red, two say motley.
He says how the river flows.
Speech is beautiful through listening (and conversation through humility).
I sit by the stove and listen to people's speeches.
Know a lot, but know little! It's not appropriate to fight too much.
Instead of lying, it’s better to scratch yourself in silence.
We all talk, but not everything comes out as said.
Everything shows up soon, but not everything is done quickly.
You can’t keep up with the wind in the field; You can't make up for every word.
To remain silent is not to let things end. I don't understand your hint.
Don't pierce with a spear, pierce with your tongue!

A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.
Good speech is good to listen to. Red speech is red and listen.
Let’s sit side by side and talk (and interpret) well.
And the conversation is short, but honest.
The field is red with millet, and the conversation is with the mind.
Talking to you makes me drunk.
I wish I could drink honey through your lips.
Whatever makes someone happy, that’s what he talks about.
Whatever hurts someone, that’s what they talk about.
There is, in a word, sweet as honey; but no, the word is bitter like wormwood.
He sits there, like a candle is burning, and says that he is giving him a ruble.
Short speeches and there’s nothing to listen to.
The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
You can hold the horse on the reins, but you can’t take the words out of your mouth.
Once you shoot, you won’t catch the bullet, and when you say a word, you won’t catch it.
By the way, to remain silent is a big word to say.
Friendly words will not dry up your tongue.
An affectionate word makes a bone ache.
There is a lot of chalk, but no grinding (that is, there is no use in speeches).
He won’t reach into his pocket for a word.
He talked like three boxes. It would babble, but would not doze.
You speak according to advice (secretly, according to advice), but it will come out all over the world.
The pig will tell the hog, and the hog will tell the whole city.
If the hen knew, the neighbor would know too.
Eloquent, like our Feklist. More babbling (more noisy) than a hen.
If one speaks, then two look and two listen (that is, two eyes, two ears and one mouth).
No matter how much you interpret, you can’t reinterpret everything.

The native language is the best, most melodic, sweetest and most “tasty” for every person. The native language is not just a means of communication. This is the spirit of the parental home, a national sign and symbol of every nation.

  • Language is an anchor to the body.
  • The tongue gives the message to the tongue.
  • The language is the same, both on weekdays and on holidays.
  • It's good to sing together, but talk separately.
  • God gave two ears and one tongue.
  • A long rope is good, but a short speech.
  • A good speech is short.
  • A good speech is pleasant to listen to.
  • Without a tongue and the bell is mute.
  • Strong words lead to deeds.
  • The tongue is soft: it babbles whatever it wants.
  • The tongue leads the squad.
  • The tongue runs ahead of the legs.
  • The tongue is small, but it rocks mountains.
  • Good speech is sweeter than honey.
  • Your tongue is the first adversary.
  • If he said it loudly, it would go viral, but if he kept silent, it would be useful for himself.
  • The bond is strong, and the word is even stronger.
  • Smart speeches are pleasant to listen to.

Proverbs and sayings about the power of good and evil words

Remember how pleased you were when your mother praised you for a good grade in your diary, and how upset you were when she quarreled for pampering. And all because the word has great power: it can calm or please, but it can also offend or upset. The following selection of proverbs and sayings is about the power of good and evil words.

  • A kind word also pleases the cat.
  • A kind word inspires.
  • A truthful word is like medicine: it is bitter, but it heals.
  • A wound inflicted by a word is more severe than a wound from an arrow.
  • He said a word - he sent an arrow, he wrote a letter - he fell into a trap.
  • With a word you can pierce something that you cannot pierce with a needle.
  • An affectionate word makes a bone ache.
  • A kind word is better than a soft pie.
  • The word is lost, but people die from it.
  • The word is not an arrow, but stings in the heart.
  • A good word will build a house, but an evil word will destroy it.
  • Say a kind word and give a stick in your hand.
  • If you release a word, you won’t be able to drag it in with a hook.
  • From the word is salvation, from the word is destruction.
  • A soft word breaks your bones.
  • Win with a living word.
  • The truthful word is power.
  • They deceive a bird with food and deceive a person with a word.
  • A word spoken without thought is like a shot without a sight.
  • The razor scrapes, but the word cuts.
  • The word is not a knife, but it leads to a knife.
  • In one word you can kill, in another you can resurrect.
  • The word moves mountains.
  • An unsolicited word - a brew without salt.
  • An extra word leads to annoyance.
  • You can't wash down a bad word with honey.
  • Once you miss a word, you can’t turn it back.
  • The word burns worse than fire.
  • The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, expect trouble.
  • The word is not a sparrow, you cannot catch it by the tail.
  • If a word slips out, you won’t grab the ring.
  • You won't kill with a word, but you will perplex.
  • A bullet will hit one, but a well-aimed word will hit a thousand.

Proverbs and sayings about talkativeness

From the previous selection of proverbs and sayings about the power of words - good and evil, you obviously understood the value they carry. The word must be treasured, protected and not thrown into the wind. And what people thought about those who talk a lot, the following selection of proverbs and sayings about talkativeness will tell you.

  • Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.
  • The word is silver, silence is gold.
  • Think first, then speak.
  • Whoever is in pain talks about it.
  • My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, looking for trouble.
  • The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.
  • Braid to the waist, tongue to the knees.
  • If you blurt out, you won't turn it back.
  • The chatterbox is talkative, but dishonest in his hands.
  • A short mind has a long tongue.
  • The smaller the heart, the longer the tongue.
  • Talking too much will only harm yourself.
  • Eat more and talk less.
  • He himself is as big as an inch, and his words are as big as a pot.
  • Keep your mouth shut with talkers.
  • A smart person is silent when a chatterbox grumbles.
  • A smart person listens more than he talks.
  • What he knows, he will say everything, and what he doesn’t know, he will also say.
  • You let it out like a sparrow, but it will grow up like a cow.
  • Grinding your tongue is not chopping wood: your back won't hurt.
  • Know how to say, know how to remain silent.
  • The chatter is red and colorful, but empty.
  • A chicken is not a bird, a slacker is not a person, a chatterbox is not a worker.
  • Like a magpie with a tail, so is a chatterbox with a tongue.
  • It’s better not to say it than to say it again.
  • Lips and teeth are two constipations, but I can’t hold back.
  • Good silence is better than bad grumbling.
  • More action, less words.
  • Not everything is good, as they say.
  • He sharpens his lasses and fools people.
  • He talked like three boxes.
  • The words are thick, but the head is empty.
  • In words he is quick, but in reality there is no argument.
  • A big talker is a bad worker.
  • A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.
  • A donkey is recognized by its ears, a bear by its claws, and a chatterbox by its speech.

Read also:

  • Proverbs with adverbs, numerals and antonyms
  • Proverbs about family, people and people

10 proverbs about language and speech


Language is an anchor to the body. The tongue talks to God. The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body. The tongue feeds the head and leads to beatings. What he knows, he will say everything; what he doesn’t know, he will say everything. Language will take you to Kyiv. Speech is beautiful through listening, and conversation through humility. It's good to sing together, but talk separately. In verbosity, not without idle talk. Much has been said, but little has been said. Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions. Don't be hasty in your language, and don't be lazy in your actions. No one pulls their tongue. Keep your mouth shut. Lying less means living a calmer life. It pours from empty to empty. What can we say about something that cannot be turned back? The fairy tale will soon be told, but it will not be done soon. You can't keep up with your tongue barefoot. The day passes until the evening, but there is nothing to listen to. Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent. In good times to speak, in bad times to remain silent. Not everything is done as it is said. The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it. Silence is golden. He won’t reach into his pocket for a word. He talked like three boxes. My tongue is my enemy. For the sake of words, he will not spare either his mother or his father. Know how to speak in time, be silent in time. In secret - to the whole world. Bite your tongue! He fell silent as he filled his mouth with water. Silent as a fish. The word is not an arrow, but it hurts the heart. Talk with your tongue, but don’t give in to your hands! You can't talk about everything. The child will not cry - the mother will not recognize. I wish I could drink honey through your lips. Whoever is in pain talks about it.

It is well known that people have accumulated a wealth of experience, information about various aspects of life, phenomena and processes. This information is passed down from generation to generation orally, reflected in proverbs and sayings, and included in written sources - medical books, collections of proverbs, etc. There are also certain folk ideas about language (the article uses proverbs and sayings from V. Dahl’s collection “Proverbs of the Russian People”).

Word language in Russian proverbs it is used primarily to designate an organ that is the source of speech and serves to pronounce sounds. This is evidenced, in particular, by the following proverbs: The tongue is tossing and turning, I want to speak; I don’t want to say anything, my tongue won’t move; It just slipped off the tongue; As it fell, it crashed; You can’t hold a horse on the reins, and you can’t take words out of your mouth. Many proverbs characterize the speaker’s speech: The tongue is soft: it babbles what it wants; A tongue without bones grinds; His tongue is long; He has a tongue like a razor; Your own language, your own speaking; The tongue is a millstone: it grinds what does not fall on it; You can’t keep up with your tongue barefoot; Apparently his tongue is itching; The tongue weaves lace; Beats with a tongue that beats wool with a vein string.

Sometimes instead of a word language other names are used, for example words-metaphors: The tongue is a balabolka; He has a rod in his mouth; Wet tile (scoop): what doesn’t splash, will gush; words lips, mouth, throat and others are used according to the principle of metonymy: Out of abundance the lips speak; You can’t put a scarf over someone else’s mouth; You can't take it with your throat; put some water in your mouth! Lips and teeth - two constipation (fence), but I can’t hold it; Mouth wide open, tongue on shoulder.

If the word language correlates with speaking, then speech correlates with listening. Word language usually used in the same proverb with speak, A speech- with the word listen: I sit by the stove and listen to people’s speeches; Red speech is red and listen; Speech is made beautiful by listening.

Speech, as you know, consists of words. Here are proverbs that characterize the words themselves and the speech of the speaker: “Is” is a word as sweet as honey, and “no” is a word as bitter as wormwood; All week he said “as”, and on Saturday he said “what”; You can’t say this without losing your tongue; He adds word to word, as if he were building cages; Word by word that serves on a shovel; Word after word goes on and on; Word after word crawls (sculpts) on cockroach legs; His word is a crutch; Word after word clings; not every word in a line; Chew the word and say it! A grazed word on the cheek; You won’t find (didn’t find) the word; Have bread for lunch, and a word for an answer; He won’t reach into his pocket for a word; The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it; Once you shoot, you won’t catch the bullet, and when you say a word, you won’t catch it; And I would give dearly for a word, but you won’t be able to redeem it.

2. What are the meanings of the word language not noted in this text?

TM: Language is not the only means of communication between people. When communicating with each other, people convey certain messages to each other not only through words, but also through special significant actions, such as standing up, bowing, shaking hands, friendly hugs or kisses. Among such non-verbal means of communication, it is customary to distinguish between gestures and facial expressions.

Gesticulation is significant body movements, mainly movements of the head or hands: an index gesture of the hand, a shrug of the shoulders as a sign of bewilderment or ignorance, a nod of the head expressing agreement, or, conversely, turning the head from side to side, meaning denial.

Facial expressions are significant movements of the facial muscles: a smile, raising the eyebrows as a sign of surprise, or frowning eyebrows indicating dissatisfaction.

Just like language, systems of gestures and facial expressions developed in society gradually and quite spontaneously. But there are also sign systems that were specially developed by people for more convenient transmission of information related to certain types of their activities. Such sign systems are usually called artificial.

Artificial sign systems include traffic lights, traffic signs, uniform insignia of military personnel (epaulettes, stripes, cockades, etc.), as well as symbolic notation systems used in music (music writing), mathematics (numbers; signs + – = : ; notation for root, logarithm, integral, etc.), formal logic, chemistry and a number of other sciences.

Thus, facial expressions or gestures in the overwhelming majority only accompany audio speech, giving it additional emotional or semantic shades. Artificial sign systems can transmit only types of messages limited in content, related to the subject area for which they were created. Language is capable of transmitting messages of any, unlimited types of content. This property of human language can be called its universality.

Task 5 . Briefly describe one of the sign systems known to you. What signs (sound, light, graphic) does it consist of? What meanings do these signs convey? Give examples.

TM: Literary language is a variant of the language used on television and radio, in periodicals, in science, in government agencies and educational institutions. By expressing himself in a literary language, a person strives to speak or write correctly, and this allows him to count on the fact that he will be well understood by any addressee.

There are non-literary variants of the Russian language: vernacular, jargon, dialect.

Task 6 . Fill in the blank cells of the table.

Task 7 . Take notes on the article “World Languages” based on the textbook “Russian Language” edited by K.K. Akhmedyarov, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova. – Almaty, 1999.- P. 5-10.

TM: Speech in the traditional sense, specific speaking that occurs both orally and in writing. Speech is defined not only as the process of speaking itself, but also as the result of this process, i.e. and speech activity and speech works recorded in memory or writing.

Speech is usually characterized through opposition to language, where language is defined as a system of signs, and speech is the implementation of a given system of signs, but together speech and language form a single phenomenon of language. If language is an instrument (means) of communication, then speech is a method (type) of communication produced by this instrument. Speech is material, perceived by the senses (hearing, vision, touch), while language (the language system) includes abstract analogues of speech units. Speech is specific and unique, directed towards a specific goal, determined by the situation of communication, unfolds in time and space, and is a type of free creative activity.


specific - quite specific, objective;

phenomenon is the same as appearance;

abstract - abstract;

analogue – something that represents a correspondence to another object.


TM: Dialogue speech is a form of speech in which there is a direct exchange of statements between two or more persons. The conditions in which dialogic speech occurs are determined by a number of its features, which include: brevity of the statement, widespread use of non-speech means of communication (facial expressions, gestures), a large role of intonation, a variety of incomplete sentences, syntactic design of the statement free from the strict norms of book speech, predominance of simple sentences.

Monologue speech is a form of speech addressed to one or a group of listeners (interlocutors), sometimes to oneself; in contrast to dialogical speech, it is characterized by its expansion, which is associated with the desire to widely cover the thematic content of the statement, the presence of common constructions, and their grammatical design.

Written speech is a form of speech associated with the expression and perception of thoughts in graphic form. It includes two types of speech activity: writing (productive), reading (receptive). Written speech can be carried out by means of mass communication (book, press, etc.) and individual communication (letter, statement, congratulations, plan, theses, abstract, etc.).

Oral speech is a form of speech consisting of the ability to understand spoken speech (listening) and the ability to produce speech in sound form (speaking).

Active speech is speech that always requires programming, proceeding from a person’s inner intention, presupposing an independent choice of the content of the statement and the selection of linguistic means.

External speech is speech voiced and formalized using natural language, with the help of which people communicate with each other.

Inner speech is various types of language use outside the process of real communication, not accompanied by vocalization; for example, “talking to oneself.”

Task 8 . Take notes on the article “oral and written speech” based on the textbook “Russian Language” edited by K.K. Akhmedyarov, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova. – Almaty, 1999.- S. .



Brief description of the book, article in the form of a list of the most important issues

    A short note about something: a note in a notebook, making notes for memory;

    brief press release: newspaper article.


Interpretation, explanation of the text.


General conclusion drawn from the study of particular phenomena

    A means of communication using graphic signs that allow you to record speech when transmitting it at a distance;

    A written text sent to someone to communicate something.

Excerpt from the text, quote; that which is extracted from a work, document


Retelling something (usually in writing) in your own words


A short written statement of the contents of something


An essay, a statement that describes something

A certain sequence, a brief program for presenting something

Summary of speech, article, brief conclusion


Critical assessment of scientific, artistic and other writings, performances, films.

A brief summary of the contents of the book, article, as well as a report with such a statement.

Small scientific, journalistic essay in a collection, magazine, newspaper

    The main idea, a position proven in any essay, in a speech;

    Theses (plural) – briefly formulated main provisions of a report or lecture.


TM: Description as a type of speech is used when it is necessary to describe a phenomenon, situation, portrait, to give a characteristic, a holistic image of an object. Texts of this type always present a static picture, consisting of indications of the object and its characteristics. The main thing is to point out the signs; the words that call them are usually placed at the end of the sentence; the development of thought is achieved due to the fact that each subsequent sentence adds to what is said new signs of the subject as a whole or its parts.

When creating descriptive texts, you should adhere to the following structural and compositional parts: 1) introduction (general impression); 2) description of details; 3) conclusion (conclusion, assessment).

There are several types of description: description of nature, description of the situation, description of the object, description of the portrait, description-characteristic. Description is used in various spheres of communication and depends on the point of view of the author or narrator, on the genre, style, and the author’s affiliation with a particular literary movement.

Narration as a type of speech used to convey information about actions and events that develop in chronological order. In scientific literature, the narrative is presented in texts of biographical references, about the history of scientific discoveries or the study of any scientific problem, and in texts characteristic of science about processes, i.e. about the sequential change of stages, stages of any phenomenon; changes or development of any object; sequence of operation of the mechanism; conducting an experiment.

Narration is characterized by chain communication as a common way of connecting sentences in parts of the text. The main composition of the extended narrative involves three interconnected parts: 1) exposition to the narrative (the beginning of the event); 2) the middle part of the story (its development); 3) conclusion (end of the event).

Narration as a type of monologue speech is used in all functional styles of speech.

Reasoning- this is a type of speech whose purpose is to clarify a concept, prove or refute a thought. From a logical point of view, reasoning is a chain of conclusions on any topic, presented in a sequential form. In this case, judgments follow one after another in such a way that the second necessarily follows from the first judgment, and as a result we receive an answer to the question posed.

Types of reasoning: 1. reasoning-explanation, 2. reasoning-proof, 3. reasoning-reflection.

1. Explanatory reasoning assumes that the main statement is true, so there is no need to prove the truth or falsity of the thesis. The main thing is to reveal the content of the thesis.

2. Proving the truth of the thesis becomes the main task of reasoning-proof.

Both types of text have the same construction scheme: exposition (leading to the question) → question → answer to the question (thesis) → proof of the thesis → conclusions . The scheme of reasoning-proof and reasoning-explanation in practice is quite often implemented in an abbreviated form: sometimes the question is omitted, often there are no conclusions, often there is no exposition. In all cases, the omission is explained by the fact that the reasoning is understandable without the missing components of “ideal reasoning,” since all these missing components are easily conjectured or implied. The obligatory elements of reasoning are the thesis and its evidence. Exposition, problematic issue, conclusions can either be present in the text or absent.

3. Reasoning-reflection includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate cause-and-effect relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc.

A reflection text is constructed according to a scheme common to all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other. : exposition (leading to a controversial issue) → system of problematic questions and answers to them → conclusions.

If it is necessary to construct a statement of the type of reflection, one must begin by comprehending the topic and selecting material for its disclosure in a system of questions. Not all questions that arise at the pre-text stage are later reflected in the text. But they can also remain in the text, serving as bonds between the individual parts of the text-reflection.

Task 9 . On the basis of what functional-semantic type (or its types) are texts constructed?

Text 1.

Computer technology has the ability to process and compare information automatically, without human intervention. These tools, by comparing information, can work with artificial, abstract and even false information that does not have an objective reflection in nature and society. But we are giving a new definition of information based on the previously demonstrated fact of the interaction of data and methods at the moment of its formation. Information is a product of the interaction of data and methods adequate to them.

Text 2.

A digital computer is a machine that can solve problems by executing commands given to it. A sequence of commands that describe solutions to a specific problem is called a program. Each computer's electronic circuitry can recognize and execute a limited set of simple commands. Before execution, all programs must be converted into a sequence of such commands, which are usually no more complex than:

    Add 2 numbers.

    Check if a number is not zero.

    Copy a piece of data from one part of the computer's memory to another.

These primitive commands together constitute the language in which humans can communicate with computers. This type of language is called machine language. A developer, when creating a new computer, must decide which commands to include in the machine language of that computer. It depends on the purpose of the computer, on what tasks it must perform. Typically, one tries to make machine instructions as simple as possible to avoid complexity in computer construction and to reduce the cost of the necessary electronics. Since most machine languages ​​are very primitive. Using these languages ​​is difficult and tedious.

Text 3.

This method of writing algorithms is quite convenient and understandable for humans, but it also has very significant disadvantages.

First, it is cumbersome and can be unnecessarily verbose.

Secondly, in fact, the same instruction in words can be formulated in many different ways, which means that there is a serious danger of ambiguity of understanding.

Thirdly, such a rather arbitrary formulation of the algorithm is practically unsuitable for automatic translation of the algorithm into machine language using a computer.

Text 4.

The first Russian woman mathematician S.V. Kovalevskaya was born in Moscow into the wealthy family of retired artillery lieutenant general Korvin-Krukovsky. The girl grew up multi-talented, but she was especially fascinated by mathematics. At the age of 15, she began systematically studying a course in higher mathematics.

Kovalevskaya left for Germany in 1869. She attends lectures by major scientists, and since 1870 she has sought the right to study under the guidance of the German scientist K. Weierstrass.

In 1874, Weierstrass presented three works of his student to the University of Göttingen for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, emphasizing that any of these works was sufficient to award the degree. The work “On the Theory of Partial Differential Equations” contained a proof of solutions to such equations. Nowadays, this most important theorem about differential equations is called the Cauchy-Kowalevskaya theorem. Another work contained a continuation of Laplace’s research on the structure of the rings of Saturn, and the third set forth the most difficult theorems of mathematical analysis. The degree was awarded to Kovalevskaya ‘with the highest praise.’

S.V. Kovalevskaya dreamed of scientific work in Russia, but her dream did not come true: in 1891 she died in Stockholm.

TM: A scientific text can be concisely presented in the form of a logical diagram:

Main thesis

1 argument 2 argument 3 argument

Illustrations Illustrations Illustrations

Conclusion (summary)

Comment on the diagram :

Main thesis is a statement that requires justification. It includes the subject of speech (what is said in the text) and the main analyzed feature (what is said about this subject).

Arguments– these are the basis of the thesis; proof.

Illustrations– examples confirming theoretical positions.

Conclusion contains an analytical assessment of the situation and outlines research prospects.

Task 10 . Read the text.

Proverbs and sayings about language

Language will take you to Kyiv.

He who thinks clearly speaks clearly.

It’s short and clear, and that’s why it’s wonderful.

The anchor of the body is the tongue.

Give your tongue some porridge.

Use whatever language you want to say,

The tongue kills like a dagger,

With his tongue he weaves lace like bobbins.

Don't be hasty in your language, and don't be lazy in your actions.

A master of language, but left-handed in deed. (Adyghe.)

You can't remove butter with your tongue.

Weaves lace with his tongue.

Do not chop cabbage with your tongue.

You can’t weave even a bast shoe with your tongue.

He'll outdo the whole world with his tongue. (Tat.)

Talk with your tongue, but don’t give free rein to your hands.

The heart of a fool is in his tongue, the tongue of a wise man is in his heart. (Arab.)

The tongue is a millstone: it grinds whatever hits it.

The tongue gives the message to the tongue.

The tongue is like an ax - it strikes to death. (Vietnamese)

A person's tongue can bring him both glory and shame. (Cargo.)

The tongue feeds bread and spoils the matter.

A gossip girl's tongue is longer than a ladder.

Your tongue is a lion: if you hold it, it will protect you, if you let it go, it will tear you to pieces. (Arab.)

Your tongue is your horse: if you protect it, it will protect you, if you let it loose, it will humiliate you. (Arab.)

Language will help you find the right path. (Vietnamese)

The tongue does not turn red from lies, it is already red.

The tongue is sharper than a sword. (Azerb., Tat., Kyrgyzstan.)

The tongue is a sheep, and the fang is a wolf. (Laksk.)

The tongue is not a spatula: it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.

The language is soft: whatever you want, it babbles, and whatever you don’t want, it babbles too.

The language is mine, but the words I speak are not my own.

My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, seeks trouble.

My tongue is my enemy:

The tongue is small, it goes up to the mountains.

The tongue babbles, but the head does not know.

The tongue destroys stones. (Ossetian.)

The tongue is like a razor.

The tongue of the needle is sharper.

The tongue will tell you what the head does not know.

The tongue leads the squad.

The tongue is long, the thoughts are short.

The tongue is long, like a baker's shovel. (Turkish.)

The tongue feeds the head, and it leads to beatings.

The tongue runs ahead of the legs.

The tongue runs ahead of the legs.

The tongue will reach everywhere.

The tongue is chattering, the head does not know.

The tongue is as lascivious as a goat.

A tongue without bones: it babbles whatever it wants.

Tongue without bones.

A tongue without bones works for both the host and the guests.

The tongue is boneless, but it breaks bones. (Arab.)

The tongue has no bones, but it breaks bones.

The tongue grinds without bones.

Language is the translator of the heart. (Arab.)

Tongue - one, ear - two; Say it once, listen twice. (Terets.)

The tongue is a millstone: it grinds whatever hits it.

The tongue is a disaster for the head. (Laksk.)

I'll sew your tongue below your heels.

Eka took off: neither the horse nor the winged one could catch up!

Skin for boots, tongue for soles.

What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk.

Whatever hurts someone, that’s what they talk about.

What you cannot do with force, you can do with words. (Azerb.)

What’s not good is not okay.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.

What's on the mind is on the tongue.

Whatever he knows, he will say, and whatever he doesn’t know, he will say.

What is said to your face has nothing to do with evil.

The more sparing your tongue is with words, the more valuable your head.

Instead of gilding your tongue, gild your business. (Mong.)

Instead of lying, it’s better to scratch yourself in silence.

The tongue brings trouble to man, and horns to cattle. (Bashk.)

It is often bitter, but it heals. (Whale.)

You can't wash down a bad word with sweet honey.

Hud Permyak, but he knows two languages.

Even if the word is not lost, people die from it.

Although the tongue has no bones, it breaks many bones. (Armenian)

A good speech is pleasant to listen to.

A good deed means a good song.

Good speech is sweeter than honey.

A good speech is short.

A good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

A good song invigorates the spirit.

A long rope is good, but a short speech.

Eat your bread and salt, and listen to smart talk.

Smart speeches are pleasant to listen to.

Smart speeches can be heard even in the dark.

Know how to say, know how to remain silent.

Know how to speak in time, be silent in time.

The brave horseman had no tongue. (Darg.)

On the mind of a sober man, on the tongue of a drunken man.

An empty-headed person always has a long tongue. (Armenian)

The right one's ears are laughing, but the guilty one's tongue is sad.

Bad people have a villainous tongue.

The knife has one blade, the tongue has hundreds of them. (Vietnamese)

His tongue is like a razor.

He has a good tongue.

He has an answer to every demand.

A wise man has a tongue in his soul, a fool has his whole soul in his tongue. (Tat.)

A liar has a short tongue. (Armenian)

He who has a bad tongue spreads anxiety. (Karakalp.)

Each head has its own quality, each tongue has its own taste. (Taj.)

His tongue has no threshold, his mouth has no shutter. (Tat.)

A fool's tongue is more dangerous than a dagger.

A fool has what is on his mind and on his tongue.

Expect the end of every word.

He is not stupid who is stingy with words.

Hurry up to listen.

The same word, but it would be wrong to say it.

I wish I could drink honey through your lips.

Simply said, listened to for a reason.

Stumble with your feet, but don't stumble with your tongue. (Tat.)

Think first, then say.

A magpie dies from its tongue.

Nightingales are not fed fables.

First he says it, then he thinks he said it.

Listen more and talk less.

With a word you can pierce something that you cannot pierce with a needle.

The word is silver, silence is gold.

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Word to word is different: with the word the Lord created the world.

A word gives birth to a word, a third one runs away.

He said a word - he sent an arrow, he wrote a letter - he fell into a trap.

The word is not an arrow, but strikes.

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

The word is silver, silence is gold.

The Word is the commander of human power.

The Word is the key that opens hearts. (Whale.)

Words are good if they are short.

There are a lot of words, but no sense.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

It will be said soon, but it will not be done soon.

Rather, the eternal snow will melt,

The tale is sweet, and the song is true

The tale is good in its structure, the song is in harmony.

It's easy to say, but difficult to do.

What has been said has not been proven, it must be done.

No sooner said than done.

What is said is worth a hundred rubles, but what is not said has no price.

A spoken word is silver, an unspoken word is golden.

The spoken word cannot be returned.

He said as he tied it in a knot.

If he said it loudly, it would go viral, but if he kept silent, it would be useful for himself.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

You say a word and they add ten.

You say it from your fingernails, but they will tell you from your elbows.

You tell the chicken, and she tells the whole street.

A secret for the whole world.

Your tongue is your first adversary.

The best is straight and simple

The magpie will tell itself where it has built its nest.

Both honey and poison drip from the tongue. (Kyrgyzstan)

Song and work go hand in hand. (proverbs about language)

With a short tongue, life is longer. (Turkm.)

The mouth is not a garden - you can’t close the gate.

Mouth wide open, tongue on shoulder.

The mouth is large and the tongue is long. (Whale.)

Speech without a proverb is like soup without salt.

Speeches are like honey, but deeds are like wormwood.

A wound inflicted by a word is more severe than a wound from an arrow.

A wound from a saber will heal, but a wound from a tongue will not. (Adyghe.)

A wound from a spear will heal, but a wound from a tongue will not heal. (Kazakh.)

Work with your teeth, but laziness with your tongue.

The mill is empty and grinds without wind.

A straight heart and a sharp tongue make others take offense. (Whale.)

Bite your tongue! Put some water in your mouth!

Before you speak, turn your tongue seven times. (Vietnamese)

Before using a proverb, you need to know what it is used with.

A truthful tongue breaks a stone, a lying tongue breaks a head. (Uzbek.)

A truthful word is like medicine: it is bitter, but it heals.

You can't get around the proverb, you can't go around it.

They don’t sell proverbs at the market, but everyone needs them.

The proverb is not a nurse, but with it is good.

The proverb is not a reproach, but even a thief scratches an itch.

The proverb does not speak into the wind.

The proverb is not in passing.

The proverb is an assistant to all matters.

The proverb will never break.

The proverb goes like a hut is tossed with a broom.

Talk less, hear more.

You sing with motivation, but it’s disgusting to listen to.

There are no bones under the tongue to prick him when he tells a lie. (Armenian)

A saying is a flower, a proverb is a berry.

A person is recognized by his speech.

It's good to sing together, but to talk separately.

The soul grows with song.

The soul rejoices with song.

Pour from empty to empty.

A stump is not an outskirts, empty speech is not a proverb.

The father of the word is the mind, the mother of the word is the language. (Karakalp.)

Even cobblestones crack from the human tongue. (Kayam.)

Friendly words will not dry up your tongue.

From one word - yes, a quarrel forever.

A sharp tongue, but the bad head got it.

A sharp tongue will lure a snake out of its nest.

A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.

A sharp tongue is a gift,

The ax is sharp - and the sound is toothy.

He has a sharp tongue, but is not used to the task.

He has teeth, he has a sharp tongue.

He won't put his words into his pocket.

One warm word will warm you up in severe frost. (Whale.)

It’s one thing to talk a lot, another thing to say things.

Once you fail to hold your tongue, you won’t be able to settle the consequences for a whole year. (Tat.)

Dressed simply, but in the language of speeches with a hundred.

Committed with your tongue, sealed it with deeds.

Think about what you say;

What they don’t ask you about, don’t talk much about it. (Ossetian.)

Feet with an approach, hands with a tray, a heart with submission, a head with a bow, a tongue with a sentence.

No one pulls their tongue.

No one would have known about you if you hadn’t blurted out.

There is no knife or ax sharper than the human tongue. (Assyrian)

There is no fairy tale without truth.

The misfortune of the head comes from the tongue. (Arab.)

The unspoken word is gold.

An unkind word burns more painfully than fire.

The unspoken word sometimes thunders like thunder.

It’s not what’s been talked about that’s tricky, but what’s left unsaid.

Not the housewife who speaks, but the one who cooks the cabbage soup.

Don't rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

It does not defile the mouth, but defiles it from the mouth. .

Don’t turn your tongue into a mill, you won’t get any flour anyway. (Tat.)

Don't be afraid of the knife, but of the tongue.

Not much thought, but well said.

They don’t like you not for your black face, but for your evil tongue. (Japanese)

Do not give free rein to your tongue when drunk, in conversation or in anger.

Don't believe every rumor.

Not every word is put on a line.

Not every proverb is appropriate.

Not every song is sung to the end. (proverbs about language)

Don't always say what you know

Not everything is good, as they say.

Don't waste your words.

You can't shut people's mouths with a boot. (Kazakh.)

The people's word is a firm word. (Mord.)

I talked a lot and felt like I was drunk.

He spoke seven miles to heaven and that was all through the forest.

There is honey on the tongue, and ice in the heart.

There is no tax on the language.

You can't put a scarf over someone else's mouth.

In words, on the harp, but in deeds, on the balalaika.

At one meeting, and not just speeches.

The face is beautiful, but the tongue is like nettles.

There is a saying for every Yegorka.

For a great deed - a great word.

Head mudra - short tongue.

He is silent as if he had filled his mouth with water.

Silence is a sign of consent.

Rumor has no wings, but flies.

My chatty tongue gave me a slap in the face. (Cargo.)

You can say a lot in a short speech.

Verbosity is not wisdom.

Many words are treasure for donkeys, but a short word is the decoration of the world.

Much has been said, but there is nothing to listen to.

Know a lot and buy a little.

Talks a lot - it gives you a headache.

The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.

Meli, Emelya, your week.

The day passes until the evening, but there is nothing to listen to.

There is a long road between “saying” and “doing”. (Spanish)

There is little truth in those who spout a lot of words.

The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.

You can't listen to people's speeches again.

The best medicine is to always tell the truth.

It's better to trip with your foot than with your tongue. (Arab.)

It's better to slip up than to make a mistake.

It is better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue.

It’s better not to finish the sentence than to retell it.

The best habit is to keep your mouth shut. (Arab.)

An extra word causes annoyance and brings shame.

Talking too much is harmful to yourself.

With a kind word you can melt a stone.

He who is quick with words is rarely argumentative in business.

Whoever bites his tongue will save his head. (Uzbek.)

He who talks a lot listens little.

He who says little does more.

Whoever says what he wants will hear for himself what he doesn’t want.

He who speaks sows; whoever listens reaps.

By the way, to remain silent is a big word to say.

He speaks eloquently, but there is nothing to listen to.

Speech is made beautiful by listening.

Speech with a proverb is beautiful.

Speech is beautiful as a proverb.

Brevity is the sister of talent.

It’s good to listen to a short speech, but it’s good to think while listening to a long speech.

Briefly and clearly.

They lure a cow with salt, a man with their tongue. (Cargo.)

When the head thinks, the tongue rests.

Move your thoughts not with your tongue, but with your mind. (Tat.)

If you want to save your head, don’t use your tongue. (Darg.)

When you speak, think carefully.

When you speak, think. (Whale.)

What is the speech, such is the attitude.

As is the mind, so is the speech.

What life, such songs

As you age, your teeth become duller and your tongue sharper.

From an empty cage - an owl and an owl, from an empty head - empty words.

It pours from empty to empty.

You can't erase a word from a song.

And he sews and spanks, and polishes and flattens, and everything with his tongue.

And there is a proverb about your arrogance.

And the argument is quick with the tongue, and with the hands. (Japanese)

And I would give dearly for a word, but you won’t be able to redeem it.

Knowing a language opens the way to the heart. (Azerb.)

Knowledge of a hundred languages ​​is like a hundred minds. (Ossetian.)

I started singing the song - finish it, at least crack it.

Shut your mouth and don't talk for a year!

I started talking, that’s how I need to finish the conversation.

For bad words even your head will fly off.

You can't keep up with your tongue even barefoot.

You can lose a good head for bad language.

For the cuckoo they hit the top of the head (bad talk)

You can't keep up with her tongue even barefoot.

Living with neighbors means being in conversations.

A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.

The sting is sharp, and the tongue is sharper than that.

Eat mushroom pies and keep your mouth shut

Eat the cabbage, but don’t waste it.

If the tongue is motionless, the back will remain unbeaten. (Tat.)

If the heart is black, even if the tongue is golden, there will be no benefit.

If you squint with your tongue, your back will not get tired.

If your tongue were made of bast, it would have worn out long ago. (Tat.)

Don't get in his way.

His tongue will drill through the frozen ground. (Tat.)

A bad tongue is an enemy to the head.

A bad word is like tar: if it sticks, you can’t get it off

Silence must be better. (Arab.)

I thought for a long time, but said it well.

A kind person says little.

A kind word to a man like rain in a drought.

A kind word inspires.

Is good silence not the answer?

There is no constipation or prohibition for the tongue.

A long tongue shortens life. (Armenian)

A long tongue is not related to intelligence.

The long hem entangles the leg, the long tongue entangles the neck. (Mong.)

Keep your tongue on a leash.

Keep your mouth shut.

Keep the dog on a chain and your tongue at seven.

Two constipations - lips and teeth, but I can’t hold my tongue.

If you give your tongue free rein, your head will feel cramped.

The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a spatula: it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.

The city gates can be closed, but people's mouths cannot. (Pashto)

A city is built not with language, but with rubles and an axe.

You can't take it with your throat.

Woe to the tongueless in a foreign land.

You can cut off your head, but you can’t stop speaking your tongue. (Whale.)

Goal like a falcon and sharp like a razor.

They talk about Thomas, and he talks about Yerema.

Talk, finish it, don’t finish it, don’t say it.

It's easy to say, hard to do.

Speak, but don't talk.

Talk less - think more.

Talk little, listen a lot

Talk only about what you know.

Stupid speeches are like dust in the wind.

A stupid speech is not a proverb.

Where words are rare, they have weight.

Where the song is sung, there is a happy life.

Where there are many words, there are few actions.

Where two people work, a song can be heard.

Every magpie dies from its tongue.

He was talking all week, but on Saturday he said that.

You can't listen to all the speeches.

All a person's troubles come from his tongue. (Azerb.)

Lie and don't lie.

He lies like a gray gelding.

Lose your tongue, but the bad head got it.

A bird is visible by its feathers, and a person by its speech.

The wind destroys mountains, the word raises nations.

The news has reached the tongue - now it will spread throughout the cities. (Kurd.)

He twirls his tongue like a cow's tail.

In the meeting, shorten your tongue, and at the table, shorten your hand. (Turkish.)

There is always bitterness hidden in sweet speeches.

We live in the cool: the tongue chatters and the breeze blows.

In verbosity, not without idle talk.

Take care of your feet on the road, and take care of your tongue in conversation. (Mong.)

In good times to speak, in bad times to remain silent.

Be according to what is said, as if it were written.

A true story is not a fairy tale: you can’t erase a word from it.

Know more, talk less.

Pain without a tongue, but it affects.

God gave two ears and one tongue.

The conversation whiles away the journey.

Take care of your tongue - it will save you, let it go - it will betray you. (Arab.)

Without a tongue and the bell is mute.

Without the Russian language you can’t put together a boot

You can’t live without a proverb, you can’t escape a proverb.

A woman's tongue is a damn broom.

They say that language is the soul of a people. How many songs and poems have been written about it: the native language is poeticized just like love, the native land... Every nation appreciates and cares about the mother’s language - that’s why so many proverbs and sayings have been written about it.

  • Language is an anchor to the body.
  • The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.
  • The tongue gives the message to the tongue.
  • The language is the same, both on weekdays and on holidays.
  • It's good to sing together, but talk separately.
  • God gave two ears and one tongue.
  • A long rope is good, but a short speech.
  • A good speech is short.
  • A good speech is pleasant to listen to.
  • The more sparing your tongue is with words, the more valuable your head.
  • Don't be hasty in your language, and don't be lazy in your actions.
  • What is said to your face has nothing to do with evil.
  • Without a tongue and the bell is mute.
  • Strong words lead to deeds.
  • The tongue is soft: it babbles whatever it wants.
  • The tongue leads the squad.
  • The tongue is a millstone: it grinds whatever hits it.
  • The tongue has no bones, but it breaks bones.
  • The tongue runs ahead of the legs.
  • The tongue will tell you what the head does not know.
  • The tongue is small, but it rocks mountains.
  • My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, seeks trouble.
  • Good speech is sweeter than honey.
  • Your tongue is the first adversary.
  • Speech without a proverb is like soup without salt.
  • If he said it loudly, it would go viral, but if he kept silent, it would be useful for himself.
  • Smart speeches can be heard even in the dark.
  • The bond is strong, and the word is even stronger.
  • Smart speeches are pleasant to listen to.
  • Eat your bread and salt, and listen to smart talk.

Proverbs and sayings about the power of good and evil words

Remember how pleased you were when your mother praised you for a good grade in your diary, and how upset you were when she quarreled for pampering. And all because the word has great power: it can calm or please, but it can also offend or upset. The following selection of proverbs and sayings is about the power of good and evil words.

  • A kind word also pleases the cat.
  • A kind word inspires.
  • A kind word to a man like rain in a drought.
  • The unspoken word sometimes thunders like thunder.
  • A truthful word is like medicine: it is bitter, but it heals.
  • A wound inflicted by a word is more severe than a wound from an arrow.
  • He said a word - he sent an arrow, he wrote a letter - he fell into a trap.
  • With a word you can pierce something that you cannot pierce with a needle.
  • An affectionate word makes a bone ache.
  • A kind word is better than a soft pie.
  • The word is lost, but people die from it.
  • From one word - yes, a quarrel forever.
  • The word is not an arrow, but stings in the heart.
  • A good word will build a house, but an evil word will destroy it.
  • Say a kind word and give a stick in your hand.
  • If you release a word, you won’t be able to drag it in with a hook.
  • From the word is salvation, from the word is destruction.
  • A soft word breaks your bones.
  • Win with a living word.
  • The truthful word is power.
  • A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.
  • They deceive a bird with food and deceive a person with a word.
  • A word spoken without thought is like a shot without a sight.
  • The razor scrapes, but the word cuts.
  • The word is not a knife, but it leads to a knife.
  • In one word you can kill, in another you can resurrect.
  • The word moves mountains.
  • An unsolicited word - a brew without salt.
  • An extra word leads to annoyance.
  • You can't wash down a bad word with honey.
  • Once you miss a word, you can’t turn it back.
  • The word burns worse than fire.
  • The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, expect trouble.
  • The word is not a sparrow, you cannot catch it by the tail.
  • If a word slips out, you won’t grab the ring.
  • You won't kill with a word, but you will perplex.
  • A bullet will hit one, but a well-aimed word will hit a thousand.

Proverbs and sayings about talkativeness

From the previous selection of proverbs and sayings about the power of words - good and evil, you obviously understood the value they carry. The word must be treasured, protected and not thrown into the wind. And what people thought about those who talk a lot, the following selection of proverbs and sayings about talkativeness will tell you.

  • Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.
  • Not the housewife who speaks, but the one who cooks the cabbage soup.
  • The word is silver, silence is gold.
  • Think first, then speak.
  • Whoever is in pain talks about it.
  • My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, looking for trouble.
  • The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.
  • The mill is empty and grinds without wind.
  • Braid to the waist, tongue to the knees.
  • If you blurt out, you won't turn it back.
  • The chatterbox is talkative, but dishonest in his hands.
  • A short mind has a long tongue.
  • The smaller the heart, the longer the tongue.
  • Talking too much will only harm yourself.
  • Eat more and talk less.
  • He himself is as big as an inch, and his words are as big as a pot.
  • Keep your mouth shut with talkers.
  • A smart person is silent when a chatterbox grumbles.
  • A smart person listens more than he talks.
  • What he knows, he will say everything, and what he doesn’t know, he will also say.
  • You let it out like a sparrow, but it will grow up like a cow.
  • Grinding your tongue is not chopping wood: your back won't hurt.
  • Know how to say, know how to remain silent.
  • The chatter is red and colorful, but empty.
  • A chicken is not a bird, a slacker is not a person, a chatterbox is not a worker.
  • Like a magpie with a tail, so is a chatterbox with a tongue.
  • It’s better not to say it than to say it again.
  • Lips and teeth are two constipations, but I can’t hold back.
  • Good silence is better than bad grumbling.
  • More action, less words.
  • Not everything is good, as they say.
  • He sharpens his lasses and fools people.
  • The day passes until the evening, but there is nothing to listen to.
  • He talked like three boxes.
  • The words are thick, but the head is empty.
  • In words he is quick, but in reality there is no argument.
  • A big talker is a bad worker.
  • A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.
  • A donkey is recognized by its ears, a bear by its claws, and a chatterbox by its speech.
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