84 unified documentation systems given. Unified documentation systems








GOST 6.10.4-84



DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

USSR State Committee for Science and Technology

Ministry of Justice of the USSR

State Planning Committee of the USSR

Central Statistical Office of the USSR

Ministry of Finance of the USSR

Chief Archive under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

Ministry of Instrumentation, Automation and Control Systems.


A.A. Sakov, V.A. Arkhipov, E.R. Iseeva, G.B. Tsybysheva, V.P. Lavrov, Yu.A. Mikheev, G.V. Khramov, Yu.N. Naused, I.N. Kuznetsov, A.B. Vengerov, I.D. Tinovitskaya, L.N. Kutsev, N.K. Golubev, V.V. Morozov, Ya.L. Tsipis, S.M. Malaev, G.P. Tikhanov, G.V. Litvinov, V.V. Semenov, S.A. Vyalsova, A.I. Chugunov, A.N. Sokova, V.M. Zhigunov, A.V. Pshenko, Yu.A. Kosulnikov, V.I. Goldstein

INTRODUCED by the Department of Planning, Coordination, Implementation and Maintenance of OK TEI

Head of Department V.S. Krivtsov

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 9, 1984 No. 3549


By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 9, 1984 No. 3549, the introduction date was established

from 01.07.87

This standard establishes requirements for the composition and content of the details that give legal force to documents on computer media and typographic data created by computer technology, as well as the procedure for making changes to these documents.

This standard is mandatory for all enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations) that carry out information exchange of documents on computer media and machine diagrams.

Based on this standard, industry standards and enterprise standards can be developed, taking into account the peculiarities of the use of documents on computer media and machine messages both between organizations and when used directly within an organization.


1.1. The document on computer media must be recorded, produced and marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12065-74, GOST 20598-80, GOST 8303-76, GOST 25752-83, GOST 25764-83, GOST 6.10.1-80, GOST 6.10. 2-83, GOST 6.10.3-83, GOST 2.003-77, GOST 2.031-77 – GOST 2.034-77, GOST 19767-74, GOST 19768-74, and the information is encoded in accordance with all-Union classifiers of technical and economic information. In the absence of the necessary information in all-Union classifiers, it is allowed to use codes of registered interindustry and industry classifiers.

1.2. The machine diagram must be created taking into account the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

1.3. A document on computer media and a typographical document should be used only if there are relevant decisions of ministries and departments.

1.4. Transportation (transfer, forwarding, etc.) of a document on computer media and a typed document must be carried out with a covering letter drawn up in accordance with GOST 6.38-72 and GOST 6.39-72. A sample cover letter is provided in the Help Appendix.

1.5. A document on computer media and a typographical document acquire legal force after meeting the requirements of this standard and signing the covering letter.

1.6. Recording a document on computer media and creating a typogram must be carried out on the basis of data recorded in the original (primary) documents received through communication channels from automatic recording devices or in the process of automated problem solving.

1.7. At the request of the user organization, for visual control of a document created on computer media, it is converted into a human-readable form using various technical means of data display (displays, printing devices, etc.).


For organizations that do not have the rights of a legal entity, the OKPO code of the organization to which they are subordinate should be indicated.

2.5. The detail “Location of the organization - the creator of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code according to the All-Union classifier “System for designating objects of the administrative-territorial division of the USSR and Union republics, as well as populated areas” (SOAT) and the name of the locality where the organization is located .

2.6. The detail “Name of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and name of the document form according to the All-Union Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD) for all-Union documents or the industry (departmental), republican classifier of management documentation - for industry (departmental), republican document forms .

2.7. The detail “Date of document production” must be recorded in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.38-72 and the time of recording the document must be indicated, allowing it to be identified with the machine protocol.

2.8. The details “Code of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on machine media or the typogram” or “Code of the person who approved the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and position, surname of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on machine media or the machine diagram, or the person who approved the document. The ownership of the code by a specific person must be registered with the organization that created the document on computer media or produced the machine diagram, and technical, software and organizational conditions must be created that exclude the possibility of using other people's codes.

2.9. Organizations subject to special provisions must indicate the details provided for in; in accordance with the rules of these provisions.

2.10. The procedure for selecting, accepting for storage and issuing documents on computer media and typographic data to consumers, their cancellation and destruction is established by ministries and departments.


3.1. Originals, duplicates and copies of documents on computer media and typograms obtained by standard software of this computer system have the same legal force if they are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

3.2. The original of a document on computer media is the first record of a document on computer media containing an indication that this document is an original.

The original of a machineogram is the first copy of a document on paper printed by means of computer technology and containing an indication that this document is an original.

3.3. Duplicates of a document on computer media are records of a document on computer media that are more recent in time, authentic in content, and contain an indication that these documents are duplicates.

Duplicates of a machineogram are increasingly recent, authentic in content printouts on paper containing an indication that they are duplicates.

3.4. Copies of a document on computer media or a mashinogram are documents copied from an original or a duplicate on a computer medium or a mashinogram to another storage medium, authentic in content and containing an indication that these documents are copies.

Duplicates and copies must preserve the mandatory details contained in the original document on computer media or a typed document.

The machineogram, which is a copy of the document on computer media, must additionally have a stamp or seal of the organization that converted the document into a human-readable form, an identification inscription and appropriate signatures.


4.1. Changes to the original document on computer media can only be made by the organization that created the document with mandatory registration of the content and basis for the changes and the person responsible for the changes made.

Registration of changes is carried out by the organization that created the document record.

4.2. If changes are made to the original machineogram, then it must indicate the reasons for the changes, the date, time of their introduction, the position and signature of the official who made the changes, and its decoding.

4.3. The organization that created the original document on computer media or a typographic document is obliged to notify the organizations that are users of the document about all changes by sending a cover letter that includes information about the changes and contains, along with an indication of the required details, the following information:

indication of the basis for the changes;

time of changes;

signature of the official.

If necessary, the covering letter may be affixed with a stamp or seal of the organization that created the original document on computer media or a typed image.

4.4. Changes to a duplicate (copy) of a document on computer media or a typographic document held by the user are made only on the basis of a notification from the organization that created the document on computer media or a typographic document.

4.5. The modified original document, as well as duplicates and copies of the modified document, retain legal force if the changes are made in compliance with the requirements of this standard.




Title to the textAddressee

In accordance with the agreement dated December 25, 1984, I am sending you documents on computer media, including the following information:

Application: magnetic tape – 3. ... 3

Document's name:
Document Number: 6.10.4-84
Document type: GOST
Receiving authority: State Standard of the USSR
Status: Active
Published: official publication
Acceptance date: 09 October 1984
Start date: 01 July 1987
Revision date: 01 April 2001

GOST 6.10.4-84 Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions

GOST 6.10.4-84

Group T54


Unified documentation systems


Basic provisions

Unified systems of documentation. Conferment of
legal force to documents on software and machinogramme
created by computers. General

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 9, 1984 N 3549, the introduction date was set from 07/01/87


This standard establishes requirements for the composition and content of the details that give legal force to documents on computer media and typographic data created by computer technology, as well as the procedure for making changes to these documents.

This standard is mandatory for all enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations) carrying out information exchange of documents on computer media and typographic messages.

Based on this standard, industry standards and enterprise standards can be developed, taking into account the peculiarities of the use of documents on computer media and machine messages both between organizations and when used directly within an organization.



1.1. The document on computer media must be recorded, produced and marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.10.1-88 *, GOST 6.10.3-83, GOST 8303-93, GOST 19768-93, GOST 20731-86, GOST 25465-95, GOST 25752-83, GOST 25764-83, OST 24.958.01-84 - OST 24.958.74-84, R 50-54-76-88, and the information is encoded in accordance with all-Union classifiers of technical and economic information. In the absence of the necessary information in all-Union classifiers, it is allowed to use codes of registered interindustry and industry classifiers.
* Lost force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The machine diagram must be created taking into account the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

1.3. A document on computer media and a typographical document should be used only if there are relevant decisions of ministries and departments.

1.4. Transportation (transfer, forwarding, etc.) of a document on computer media and a typed document must be carried out with a covering letter drawn up in accordance with GOST 6.38-90*. A sample cover letter is provided in the attachment.
GOST R 6.30-97** (hereinafter).

** GOST R 6.30-2003 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Note "CODE".

1.5. A document on computer media and a typographical document acquire legal force after meeting the requirements of this standard and signing the covering letter.

1.6. Recording a document on computer media and creating a typogram must be carried out on the basis of data recorded in the original (primary) documents received through communication channels from automatic recording devices or in the process of automated problem solving.

1.7. At the request of the user organization, for visual control of a document created on computer media, it is converted into a human-readable form using various technical means of data display (displays, printing devices, etc.).


2.1. A document on computer media or a typographical document must contain the following mandatory details:

name of the organization that created the document;

location of the organization that created the document or postal address;

Title of the document;

date of document production;

the code of the person responsible for the correct production of a document on computer media or a typed document or, as a rule, the code of the person who approved the document.

Note. By decision of ministries and departments, it is allowed to use additional details (telephone number, teletype, position and surname of the person who has the right to certify the document and typescript recorded on computer media, etc.) for individual documents on computer media and typographic data, etc.), reflecting the specifics of creation, use and transfer these documents.

2.2. Mandatory document details on computer media should be placed in a manner that allows the details to be clearly identified.

2.3. Mandatory details of the machine diagram should be printed and placed in accordance with the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

2.4. The detail “Name of the organization that created the document” must be written in the following form: identification code according to the All-Union Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO)* and the name of the organization. It is allowed to use established abbreviated names.
* This detail must be linked to the requirements of GOST 6.38-90.

For organizations that do not have the rights of a legal entity, the OKPO code of the organization to which they are subordinate should be indicated.

2.5. The detail “Location of the organization - the creator of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code according to the All-Union classifier “System for designating objects of the administrative-territorial division of the USSR and Union republics, as well as populated areas” (SOATO) and the name of the locality where the organization is located .

2.6. The detail “Name of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and name of the document form according to the All-Union Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD)* for all-Union documents or the industry (departmental), republican classifier of management documentation - for industry (departmental), republican forms documents.
* OK 011-93 is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.7. The attribute “Date of document production” must be recorded in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.38-90 and the time of recording the document must be indicated, allowing it to be identified with the machine protocol.

2.8. The details “Code of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on computer media or the typogram” or “Code of the person who approved the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and position, surname of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on computer media or the machine diagram, or the person who approved the document. The ownership of the code by a specific person must be registered with the organization that created the document on computer media or that produced the machine diagram, and technical, software tools and organizational conditions must be created that exclude the possibility of using other people's codes.

2.9. Organizations subject to special provisions must indicate the details provided for in paragraphs. 2.4; 2.5 in accordance with the rules of these provisions.

2.10. The procedure for selecting, accepting for storage and issuing documents on computer media and typographic data to consumers, their cancellation and destruction is established by ministries and departments.


3.1. Originals, duplicates and copies of documents on computer media and typograms obtained by standard software of this computer system have the same legal force if they are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

3.2. The original of a document on computer media is the first record of a document on computer media containing an indication that this document is an original.

The original of a machineogram is the first copy of a document on paper printed by means of computer technology and containing an indication that this document is an original.

3.3. Duplicates of a document on computer media are records of a document on computer media that are more recent in time, authentic in content, and contain an indication that these documents are duplicates.

Duplicates of a machineogram are increasingly recent, authentic in content printouts on paper containing an indication that they are duplicates.

3.4. Copies of a document on computer media or a mashinogram are documents copied from the original or a duplicate of a document on computer media or a mashinogram onto another storage medium, authentic in content and containing an indication that these documents are copies.

Duplicates and copies must preserve the mandatory details contained in the original document on computer media or a typed document.

The machineogram, which is a copy of the document on computer media, must additionally have a stamp or seal of the organization that converted the document into a human-readable form, an identification inscription and appropriate signatures.


4.1. Changes to the original document on computer media can only be made by the organization that created the document with mandatory registration of the content and basis for the changes and the person responsible for the changes made.

Registration of changes is carried out by the organization that created the document record.

4.2. If changes are made to the original machineogram, then it must indicate the reasons for the changes, the date, time of their introduction, the position and signature of the official who made the changes, and its decoding.

4.3. The organization - the creator of the original document on computer media or typography is obliged to notify the organizations - users of the document about all changes by sending a cover letter, including information about the changes and containing, along with an indication of the mandatory details in accordance with clause 2.1, the following information:

indication of the basis for the changes;

time of changes;

signature of the official.

If necessary, the covering letter may be affixed with a stamp or seal of the organization that created the original document on computer media or a typed image.

4.4. Changes to a duplicate (copy) of a document on computer media or a typographic document held by the user are made only on the basis of a notification from the organization that created the document on computer media or a typographic document.

4.5. The modified original document, as well as duplicates and copies of the modified document, retain legal force if the changes are made in compliance with the requirements of this standard.



Details of the organization - the creator of the document on computer media or typogram

Document access restriction stamp

Title to text

In accordance with the agreement dated December 25, 1984, I am sending you documents on computer media, including the following information:

Factory number
magnetic tape

Volume serial number




Application: magnetic tape - 3.

Note. The covering letter is drawn up on the organization's letterhead in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.38-90.

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
Unified documentation systems: Collection of GOSTs. -
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001

GOST 6.10.4-84 Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions

Document's name:
Document Number: 6.10.4-84
Document type: GOST
Receiving authority: State Standard of the USSR
Status: Active
Published: official publication

Unified documentation systems: Collection of GOSTs. - M.: IPC Publishing House of Standards, 2001

Acceptance date: 09 October 1984
Start date: 01 July 1987
Revision date: 01 April 2001

GOST 6.10.4-84 Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions








GOST 6.10.4-84



DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

USSR State Committee for Science and Technology

Ministry of Justice of the USSR

State Planning Committee of the USSR

Central Statistical Office of the USSR

Ministry of Finance of the USSR

Chief Archive under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

Ministry of Instrumentation, Automation and Control Systems.


A.A. Sakov, V.A. Arkhipov, E.R. Iseeva, G.B. Tsybysheva, V.P. Lavrov, Yu.A. Mikheev, G.V. Khramov, Yu.N. Naused, I.N. Kuznetsov, A.B. Vengerov, I.D. Tinovitskaya, L.N. Kutsev, N.K. Golubev, V.V. Morozov, Ya.L. Tsipis, S.M. Malaev, G.P. Tikhanov, G.V. Litvinov, V.V. Semenov, S.A. Vyalsova, A.I. Chugunov, A.N. Sokova, V.M. Zhigunov, A.V. Pshenko, Yu.A. Kosulnikov, V.I. Goldstein

INTRODUCED by the Department of Planning, Coordination, Implementation and Maintenance of OK TEI

Head of Department V.S. Krivtsov

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 9, 1984 No. 3549


By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 9, 1984 No. 3549, the introduction date was established

from 01.07.87

This standard establishes requirements for the composition and content of the details that give legal force to documents on computer media and typographic data created by computer technology, as well as the procedure for making changes to these documents.

This standard is mandatory for all enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations) that carry out information exchange of documents on computer media and machine diagrams.

Based on this standard, industry standards and enterprise standards can be developed, taking into account the peculiarities of the use of documents on computer media and machine messages both between organizations and when used directly within an organization.


1.1. The document on computer media must be recorded, produced and marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12065-74, GOST 20598-80, GOST 8303-76, GOST 25752-83, GOST 25764-83, GOST 6.10.1-80, GOST 6.10. 2-83, GOST 6.10.3-83, GOST 2.003-77, GOST 2.031-77 – GOST 2.034-77, GOST 19767-74, GOST 19768-74, and the information is encoded in accordance with all-Union classifiers of technical and economic information. In the absence of the necessary information in all-Union classifiers, it is allowed to use codes of registered interindustry and industry classifiers.

1.2. The machine diagram must be created taking into account the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

1.3. A document on computer media and a typographical document should be used only if there are relevant decisions of ministries and departments.

1.4. Transportation (transfer, forwarding, etc.) of a document on computer media and a typed document must be carried out with a covering letter drawn up in accordance with GOST 6.38-72 and GOST 6.39-72. A sample cover letter is provided in the Help Appendix.

1.5. A document on computer media and a typographical document acquire legal force after meeting the requirements of this standard and signing the covering letter.

1.6. Recording a document on computer media and creating a typogram must be carried out on the basis of data recorded in the original (primary) documents received through communication channels from automatic recording devices or in the process of automated problem solving.

1.7. At the request of the user organization, for visual control of a document created on computer media, it is converted into a human-readable form using various technical means of data display (displays, printing devices, etc.).


For organizations that do not have the rights of a legal entity, the OKPO code of the organization to which they are subordinate should be indicated.

2.5. The detail “Location of the organization - the creator of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code according to the All-Union classifier “System for designating objects of the administrative-territorial division of the USSR and Union republics, as well as populated areas” (SOAT) and the name of the locality where the organization is located .

2.6. The detail “Name of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and name of the document form according to the All-Union Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD) for all-Union documents or the industry (departmental), republican classifier of management documentation - for industry (departmental), republican document forms .

2.7. The detail “Date of document production” must be recorded in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.38-72 and the time of recording the document must be indicated, allowing it to be identified with the machine protocol.

2.8. The details “Code of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on machine media or the typogram” or “Code of the person who approved the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and position, surname of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on machine media or the machine diagram, or the person who approved the document. The ownership of the code by a specific person must be registered with the organization that created the document on computer media or produced the machine diagram, and technical, software and organizational conditions must be created that exclude the possibility of using other people's codes.

2.9. Organizations subject to special provisions must indicate the details provided for in; in accordance with the rules of these provisions.

2.10. The procedure for selecting, accepting for storage and issuing documents on computer media and typographic data to consumers, their cancellation and destruction is established by ministries and departments.


3.1. Originals, duplicates and copies of documents on computer media and typograms obtained by standard software of this computer system have the same legal force if they are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

3.2. The original of a document on computer media is the first record of a document on computer media containing an indication that this document is an original.

The original of a machineogram is the first copy of a document on paper printed by means of computer technology and containing an indication that this document is an original.

3.3. Duplicates of a document on computer media are records of a document on computer media that are more recent in time, authentic in content, and contain an indication that these documents are duplicates.

Duplicates of a machineogram are increasingly recent, authentic in content printouts on paper containing an indication that they are duplicates.

3.4. Copies of a document on computer media or a mashinogram are documents copied from an original or a duplicate on a computer medium or a mashinogram to another storage medium, authentic in content and containing an indication that these documents are copies.

Duplicates and copies must preserve the mandatory details contained in the original document on computer media or a typed document.

The machineogram, which is a copy of the document on computer media, must additionally have a stamp or seal of the organization that converted the document into a human-readable form, an identification inscription and appropriate signatures.


4.1. Changes to the original document on computer media can only be made by the organization that created the document with mandatory registration of the content and basis for the changes and the person responsible for the changes made.

Registration of changes is carried out by the organization that created the document record.

4.2. If changes are made to the original machineogram, then it must indicate the reasons for the changes, the date, time of their introduction, the position and signature of the official who made the changes, and its decoding.

4.3. The organization that created the original document on computer media or a typographic document is obliged to notify the organizations that are users of the document about all changes by sending a cover letter that includes information about the changes and contains, along with an indication of the required details, the following information:

indication of the basis for the changes;

time of changes;

signature of the official.

If necessary, the covering letter may be affixed with a stamp or seal of the organization that created the original document on computer media or a typed image.

4.4. Changes to a duplicate (copy) of a document on computer media or a typographic document held by the user are made only on the basis of a notification from the organization that created the document on computer media or a typographic document.

4.5. The modified original document, as well as duplicates and copies of the modified document, retain legal force if the changes are made in compliance with the requirements of this standard.




Title to the textAddressee

In accordance with the agreement dated December 25, 1984, I am sending you documents on computer media, including the following information:

Application: magnetic tape – 3. ... 3

Interstate standard GOST 6.10.4-84
"Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions"
(approved by Decree of the USSR State Standard of October 9, 1984 N 3549)

Unified systems of documentation. Conferment of legal force to documents on software and machinogramme created by computers. General

This standard establishes requirements for the composition and content of the details that give legal force to documents on computer media and typographic data created by computer technology, as well as the procedure for making changes to these documents.

This standard is mandatory for all enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations) that carry out information exchange of documents on computer media and machine diagrams.

Based on this standard, industry standards and enterprise standards can be developed, taking into account the peculiarities of the use of documents on computer media and machine messages both between organizations and when used directly within an organization.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The document on computer media must be recorded, produced and marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.10.1-88*(1), GOST 6.10.3-83, GOST 8303-93, GOST 19768-93, GOST 20731-86, GOST 25465 -95, GOST 25752-83, GOST 25764-83, OST 24.958.01-84 - OST 24.958.74-84, R 50-54-76-88, and the information is encoded in accordance with all-Union classifiers of technical and economic information. In the absence of the necessary information in all-Union classifiers, it is allowed to use codes of registered interindustry and industry classifiers.

1.2. The machine diagram must be created taking into account the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

1.3. A document on computer media and a typographical document should be used only if there are relevant decisions of ministries and departments.

1.4. Transportation (transfer, forwarding, etc.) of a document on computer media and a typed document must be carried out with a covering letter drawn up in accordance with GOST 6.38-90 *(2). A sample cover letter is provided in the attachment.

1.5. A document on computer media and a typographical document acquire legal force after meeting the requirements of this standard and signing the covering letter.

1.6. Recording a document on computer media and creating a typogram must be carried out on the basis of data recorded in the original (primary) documents received through communication channels from automatic recording devices or in the process of automated problem solving.

1.7. At the request of the user organization, for visual control of a document created on computer media, it is converted into a human-readable form using various technical means of data display (displays, printing devices, etc.).

2. Requirements for the details of documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology

2.1. A document on computer media or a typographical document must contain the following mandatory details:

name of the organization that created the document;

location of the organization that created the document or postal address; Title of the document;

date of document production;

the code of the person responsible for the correct production of a document on computer media or a typed document or, as a rule, the code of the person who approved the document.

Note. By decision of ministries and departments, it is allowed to use additional details (telephone number, teletype, position and surname of the person who has the right to certify the document and typescript recorded on computer media, etc.) for individual documents on computer media and typographic data, etc.), reflecting the specifics of creation, use and transfer these documents.

2.2. Mandatory document details on computer media should be placed in a manner that allows the details to be clearly identified.

2.3. Mandatory details of the machine diagram should be printed and placed in accordance with the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and computer technology, GOST 6.10.4-84

Standardization. GOST 6.10.4-84 - Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions. OKS: General provisions. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation, Computer Science. Publishing. GOST standards. Unified documentation systems. Giving.... class=text>

GOST 6.10.4-84

Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions

GOST 6.10.4-84
Group T54


Unified documentation systems
Basic provisions
Unified systems of documentation. Conferment of
legal force to documents on software and machinogramme
created by computers. General

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 9, 1984 N 3549, the introduction date was set from 07/01/87

This standard establishes requirements for the composition and content of the details that give legal force to documents on computer media and typographic data created by computer technology, as well as the procedure for making changes to these documents.
This standard is mandatory for all enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations) carrying out information exchange of documents on computer media and typographic messages.
Based on this standard, industry standards and enterprise standards can be developed, taking into account the peculiarities of the use of documents on computer media and machine messages both between organizations and when used directly within an organization.



1.1. The document on computer media must be recorded, produced and marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.10.1-88*, GOST 6.10.3-83, GOST 8303-93, GOST 19768-93, GOST 20731-86, GOST 25465-95, GOST 25752-83, GOST 25764-83, OST 24.958.01-84 - OST 24.958.74-84, R 50-54-76-88, and the information is encoded in accordance with all-Union classifiers of technical and economic information. In the absence of the necessary information in all-Union classifiers, it is allowed to use codes of registered interindustry and industry classifiers.
* Lost force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The machine diagram must be created taking into account the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

1.3. A document on computer media and a typographical document should be used only if there are relevant decisions of ministries and departments.

1.4. Transportation (transfer, forwarding, etc.) of a document on computer media and a typed document must be carried out with a covering letter drawn up in accordance with GOST 6.38-90*. A sample cover letter is provided in the attachment.
* GOST R 6.30-97** is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter).
** GOST R 6.30-2003 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Note.

1.5. A document on computer media and a typographical document acquire legal force after meeting the requirements of this standard and signing the covering letter.

1.6. Recording a document on computer media and creating a typogram must be carried out on the basis of data recorded in the original (primary) documents received through communication channels from automatic recording devices or in the process of automated problem solving.

1.7. At the request of the user organization, for visual control of a document created on computer media, it is converted into a human-readable form using various technical means of data display (displays, printing devices, etc.).


2.1. A document on computer media or a typographical document must contain the following mandatory details:
name of the organization that created the document;
location of the organization that created the document or postal address;
Title of the document;
date of document production;
the code of the person responsible for the correct production of a document on computer media or a typed document or, as a rule, the code of the person who approved the document.
Note. By decision of ministries and departments, it is allowed to use additional details (telephone number, teletype, position and surname of the person who has the right to certify the document and typescript recorded on computer media, etc.) for individual documents on computer media and typographic data, etc.), reflecting the specifics of creation, use and transfer these documents.

2.2. Mandatory document details on computer media should be placed in a manner that allows the details to be clearly identified.

2.3. Mandatory details of the machine diagram should be printed and placed in accordance with the requirements of state standards for unified documentation systems.

2.4. The detail “Name of the organization that created the document” must be written in the following form: identification code according to the All-Union Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO)* and the name of the organization. It is allowed to use established abbreviated names.
* This detail must be linked to the requirements of GOST 6.38-90.
For organizations that do not have the rights of a legal entity, the OKPO code of the organization to which they are subordinate should be indicated.

2.5. The detail “Location of the organization - the creator of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code according to the All-Union classifier “System for designating objects of the administrative-territorial division of the USSR and Union republics, as well as populated areas” (SOATO) and the name of the locality where the organization is located .

2.6. The detail “Name of the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and name of the document form according to the All-Union Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD)* for all-Union documents or the industry (departmental), republican classifier of management documentation - for industry (departmental), republican forms documents.
* OK 011-93 is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.7. The attribute “Date of document production” must be recorded in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.38-90 and the time of recording the document must be indicated, allowing it to be identified with the machine protocol.

2.8. The details “Code of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on computer media or the typogram” or “Code of the person who approved the document” must be written in the following form: identification code and position, surname of the person responsible for the correct production of the document on computer media or the machine diagram, or the person who approved the document. The ownership of the code by a specific person must be registered with the organization that created the document on computer media or that produced the machine diagram, and technical, software tools and organizational conditions must be created that exclude the possibility of using other people's codes.

2.9. Organizations subject to special provisions must indicate the details provided for in paragraphs. 2.4; 2.5 in accordance with the rules of these provisions.

2.10. The procedure for selecting, accepting for storage and issuing documents on computer media and typographic data to consumers, their cancellation and destruction is established by ministries and departments.


3.1. Originals, duplicates and copies of documents on computer media and typograms obtained by standard software of this computer system have the same legal force if they are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

3.2. The original of a document on computer media is the first record of a document on computer media containing an indication that this document is an original.
The original of a machineogram is the first copy of a document on paper printed by means of computer technology and containing an indication that this document is an original.

3.3. Duplicates of a document on computer media are records of a document on computer media that are more recent in time, authentic in content, and contain an indication that these documents are duplicates.
Duplicates of a machineogram are increasingly recent, authentic in content printouts on paper containing an indication that they are duplicates.

3.4. Copies of a document on computer media or a mashinogram are documents copied from the original or a duplicate of a document on computer media or a mashinogram onto another storage medium, authentic in content and containing an indication that these documents are copies.
Duplicates and copies must preserve the mandatory details contained in the original document on computer media or a typed document.
The machineogram, which is a copy of the document on computer media, must additionally have a stamp or seal of the organization that converted the document into a human-readable form, an identification inscription and appropriate signatures.


4.1. Changes to the original document on computer media can only be made by the organization that created the document with mandatory registration of the content and basis for the changes and the person responsible for the changes made.
Registration of changes is carried out by the organization that created the document record.

4.2. If changes are made to the original machineogram, then it must indicate the reasons for the changes, the date, time of their introduction, the position and signature of the official who made the changes, and its decoding.

4.3. The organization - the creator of the original document on computer media or typography is obliged to notify the organizations - users of the document about all changes by sending a cover letter, including information about the changes and containing, along with an indication of the mandatory details in accordance with clause 2.1, the following information:
content of changes;
indication of the basis for the changes;
time of changes;
signature of the official.
If necessary, the covering letter may be affixed with a stamp or seal of the organization that created the original document on computer media or a typed image.

4.4. Changes to a duplicate (copy) of a document on computer media or a typographic document held by the user are made only on the basis of a notification from the organization that created the document on computer media or a typographic document.

4.5. The modified original document, as well as duplicates and copies of the modified document, retain legal force if the changes are made in compliance with the requirements of this standard.



In accordance with the agreement dated December 25, 1984, I am sending you documents on computer media, including the following information:

Application: magnetic tape - 3.

Note. The covering letter is drawn up on the organization's letterhead in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.38-90.

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