972 which country code from a mobile phone. Israel phone code

It is carried out by several companies - Kavey Zahav 012 Smile, Hot, Bezek, and 013 NetVision. As for telephone mobile communications in Israel, mobile communications are represented by several companies Selkom, Pelephone, Amigo, Orange, Hot Mobile and others. That is, Israelis can choose from a whole list of mobile communication companies the one that will be more profitable for the implementation of tariffs for each client individually.

It must be said that all telephone numbers in Israel are seven-digit, but have prefixes corresponding to each one. So the prefix of Jerusalem and its surroundings is 02, and the telephone prefix of the center of Israel - the Gush Dan region - is 03, the center of the country is served by the Bezeq company, the north of Israel has a telephone prefix - 04, and the south - 08.

As for mobile communications, the codes for mobile numbers in Israel differ as follows: the cellular company Pelefon has a code of 05, the numbers of the cellular company Selkom begin with the numbers - 052, the cellular company Hot Mobile has a code - 053, as for the cellular company Orange, its numbers start with the prefix 054, the phone numbers of the Rami Levy mobile phone company have the prefix 055-66, and the mobile phone numbers of the Amigo company start with 057, the cellular company Golan Telecom has a code of 058, the numbers of the cellular phone company Hot start with 077.

But recently, for 4 years now in Israel it has been possible to switch from one telephone company to another telephone company, and, most importantly, with the same number. Therefore, there is no clear division and unambiguous correspondence between Israeli telephone codes and the servicing telephone company.

In Palestine, Israel has its own cellular communications company, Paltel, which provides services to citizens living in the Palestinian Authority. Paltel's telephone numbers are seven-digit, and Palestinian numbers begin with the prefix 059.

Telephone numbers for emergency services in Israel, like emergency telephone numbers in Ukraine and Russia, are short – three digits. To call the Israeli police you need to dial 100, to call an ambulance - 101, the fire department in Israel - 102, and the telephone number of the Israeli Electric Corporation - 103, to the municipality of any city in Israel you can call 106, and the emergency call Israeli Ministry of Social Services - 118.

Communications in Israel are developed at a very good level; you can reach any city in Israel, as well as outside the country, from any Israeli phone. It should be added that the code for Israel is 972. In order to call this country, you need to dial 8, then dial 10, the country code for Israel is 972, and then you should dial the city code you are trying to call and directly the number of the desired subscriber.

From Israel you can reach any city in the country, as well as outside the state - abroad, even from pay phones that stand on the streets of Israel and work using telecards. Telecards are sold at any post office in Israel. A telecard is a magnetic card. The magnetic card costs 10, 20, 30, 50, and 120 shekels. The cost of calls within Israel, as well as outside, is much cheaper from 20-00 to 08-00 in the morning.

In Israel, in various stores, there are also pay phones that operate using coins. The tariff in such pay phones is per minute, and therefore before calling, you need to familiarize yourself with the prices. The rates vary from phone company to phone company, although all companies offer a discounted rate. Reduced rate hours are from 20-00 to 08-00. You need to know that calls from hotel rooms are very expensive, much more expensive than from a pay phone. Israel city codes: Jerusalem code - 02, Tel Aviv city code in Israel and Jaffa - 03, Haifa and Acre code - 04, and in the Galilee, Golan Heights and Nazareth code - 06, on the coast of Tel Aviv, in the resort city of Eilat and in the Negev desert area the code is 08, on the northern coast of Tel Aviv the code is 09.

For travelers, it is simply necessary to know the most necessary telephone numbers in the country where the holiday is taking place. In Israel, the number for the information desk is 106, and the number for the tourist information office in Jerusalem is 625-55-44, or you can call 628-03-82. If you are interested in the city information service in Jerusalem, then the phone numbers are 106 or 531-46-004. You can get information by calling 146, and information about Israeli city codes or telephone numbers can be obtained by calling 114, and you can call from any pay phone for free.

The telephone number of the Israeli weather service in the city of Jerusalem is 966-88-55. You can call the Ben Gurion International Airport help desk by phone by first dialing the city code in Israel, in this case, Tel Aviv 03 and the phone number 972-33-44; you can get information in Russian by calling 972-33-66.

Mobile communications in Israel are very well developed, coverage is available throughout the country, and even in the Negev Desert.

How to call from a mobile or landline phone to a locality in Israel from Russia, Ukraine?

As mentioned above, the Israeli code is 972.

In order to call Israel to any locality in the country, you need to dial the Israel country code 972, then the Israeli city code or locality, and the last step is the subscriber’s number. For example, dialing numbers to Jerusalem from Moscow looks like this: 8 10+972+2+ number of the required subscriber.

To call from a mobile phone to Israel, you need to dial the same Israeli code - 972, then the area code in Israel from Russia and the number of the desired subscriber. For example, a call to the Israeli city of Petah Tikva on a mobile phone should be dialed like this: +972+3+ desired subscriber.

If calls are made within a city or region of Israel, there is no need to dial the area code before dialing the subscriber.

How to make a call from Ukraine to Israel? Everything is also quite simple. Let's say we need to call from a landline phone, to do this we dial 0 0 972, then we dial the city code of Israel from Ukraine, and the phone number of the subscriber to whom the call is being made.

If you need, say, to call from a mobile phone from Ukraine to Israel, then dial +972, then the city code and the phone number itself.

Examples of texts for free sending via SMS

I congratulate you on your birthday! And I’m sending you a text message instead of flowers. I wish you all the best, Nadechka, may there be no enemies on your path. It’s easier to open the veins in your ass than to wait for a change. We are glad that you have been together for 70 years. You are happy because you two are together. We wish that this happiness will follow you to the end. A big hello to you, Stanislav, revelry is not childish, after all, it’s no joke - it’s already 10 years old! It's time to look for the princess! Happy birthday to you! And I’m sending you a text message instead of flowers. I wish you all the best, Lada, may there be no enemies on your path. I wish you to celebrate the New Year with a glass of delicious wine, and in a conversation at the table, accidentally drink for me! Happy New Year - the year of the dog! Congratulations to the most loving guys on Agate's wedding anniversary! I wish you to be a single organism all your life, until old age. You can handle it! Nikita, be as cheerful and affectionate as before, and be happy forever. On this beautiful and joyful day, forget all your worries.

how to call Israel on a mobile phone? I dial +972054 and the number 222... doesn’t work, I dial +97254222. .. does not ring and received the best answer

Answer from Rain Wives[guru]
From a landline phone from Russia to a landline number in Israel:
8 - dial tone - 10 - 972 - area code - local telephone number of a subscriber in Israel (examples)
From a GSM cell phone to a mobile registered in Israel:
+ 972 - mobile phone number
From Russia from a landline to an Israeli cell phone:
8 - beep - 10 - 972 - cell phone number (note that the Israeli code - 972 is not included in the telephone number, it must be dialed separately)

From a mobile phone in Russia:
+972-(area code) -(subscriber number)
City codehttp://

Answer from Lyudmila Bekreneva (Belnik)[newbie]
For example, from a mobile phone in Moscow to a home phone, which starts at 077-33-5....
Dial plus (+), then 972, then 77335....+97277335....

Answer from Mr Boston[newbie]
From a mobile phone: +972-(mobile operator code) -(subscriber number); +972-(area code) -(telephone number)

Answer from Dimoone[guru]
From a mobile phone, dial +97254 and 7 more numbers. By definition, it is impossible to have any zeros after 972! ! Pay close attention to the length of the number! ! Yours is kind of short.

Answer from Dmitry Mosendz[guru]
call the operator and find out

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to call Israel on a mobile phone? I dial +972054 and the number 222... doesn’t work, I dial +97254222. .. the ringing does not go away

how to call Israel on a mobile phone? I dial +972054 and the number 222... doesn’t work, I dial +97254222. .. does not ring and received the best answer

Answer from Rain Wives[guru]
From a landline phone from Russia to a landline number in Israel:
8 - dial tone - 10 - 972 - area code - local telephone number of a subscriber in Israel (examples)
From a GSM cell phone to a mobile registered in Israel:
+ 972 - mobile phone number
From Russia from a landline to an Israeli cell phone:
8 - beep - 10 - 972 - cell phone number (note that the Israeli code - 972 is not included in the telephone number, it must be dialed separately)

From a mobile phone in Russia:
+972-(area code) -(subscriber number)
City codehttp://

Answer from Lyudmila Bekreneva (Belnik)[newbie]
For example, from a mobile phone in Moscow to a home phone, which starts at 077-33-5....
Dial plus (+), then 972, then 77335....+97277335....

Answer from Mr Boston[newbie]
From a mobile phone: +972-(mobile operator code) -(subscriber number); +972-(area code) -(telephone number)

Answer from Dimoone[guru]
From a mobile phone, dial +97254 and 7 more numbers. By definition, it is impossible to have any zeros after 972! ! Pay close attention to the length of the number! ! Yours is kind of short.

Answer from Dmitry Mosendz[guru]
call the operator and find out

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to call Israel on a mobile phone? I dial +972054 and the number 222... doesn’t work, I dial +97254222. .. the ringing does not go away

Many of us sometimes need to find out. Some are going on vacation, some have relatives living in Israel, some are negotiating treatment with the clinic. In any case, the following information should be of interest to any reader.

In international telephony, Israel is assigned the code “9”. Next comes the prefix “72”. But - code 72 is not a code for a specific mobile operator. That is, when calling to Israel, you must dial +972 at the very beginning if dialing from a cell phone, and “0-0972” if dialing from a home phone.

Emergency numbers

Israel is an international country that has long used European standards. Therefore, emergency numbers in Israel have three digits, just like in other countries. But the rooms are a little different from what we are used to.

So, if, God forbid, you have to call an ambulance, you will have to dial the number “101”, or “112” - if calling from a cell phone.

To reach the police, you need to call 100.

To call the fire department - “102”.

In addition, there are other quick numbers in Israel, such as psychological helpline (1201), emergency service at the Ministry of Social Policy (118), and municipal telephone numbers (106).

Mobile phone numbers

Just like in Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Belarus, in Israel each mobile operator has its own unique code, which usually consists of three digits. Considering that the number of Russians in Israel is very large, this information is very important, since everyone wants to pay less, and when calling the phone of a mobile operator of their network, calls are not paid. This same reason has become the main reason why people switch to service from one telephone company to another.

Since 2008 (which is much earlier than in our country), in Israel it has become possible to switch to service from another operator without losing your number. Therefore, until 2015, it became quite difficult to understand which operator a particular number belongs to. But overall the picture looks something like this:

  • code "050" - mobile operator "Pelefon";
  • codes “054” and “074” - orange operator;
  • codes “052”, “073” - belong to the mobile operator Cellcom;
  • code "055" operator Secular.

And there are about 10 companies providing cellular communication services in Israel. The number of their clients is growing not just every year, but every day.

Stationary Israel telephone codes

In addition to mobile operators, regular telephony has been developed in Israel, with home telephones. Telephone numbers of ordinary houses, or hotels, or hospitals also consist of 7 digits. But they have a prefix in front of them, which is responsible for their location in a certain area. This number does not transfer with the client in case of relocation. There are 5 such regional links in total.

The numbers differ from each other by the following prefix:

  • for the Jerusalem region the prefix “02” is used;
  • for the business district, metropolitan, Tel Aviv “03”;
  • for the northern regions, the key among which is the city of Haifa - prefix “04”;
  • for the south, phones work with the prefix “08”;
  • but the Sharon region is prefixed “09”.
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