A competent reference for an employee. Simple rules for drawing up a negative reference from a place of work for a bad employee and a sample for the court

A household characteristic is a characteristic from the place of residence. This type of document is necessary in some cases (at the request of a lawyer, court, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, etc.) in order to evaluate a person and characterize him for making a decision. Sometimes a good, positive reference from a place of residence plays a decisive role in making a decision. Household characteristics are written in free form. draws up such a description, as a rule, the person in charge of the house or entrance methodically walks around and collects signatures. It should be noted that the number of signatures affects the validity of the document when making a decision; the more neighbors sign the paper, the better.

How to correctly draw up a household description and arrange it?

According to the rules, you should first go around the neighbors and explain why you need their signature and how important it is. With us, everything happens much faster and you have to explain it while standing at the door of your neighbor’s apartment with a written social description, waiting for the coveted signature. The description from the place of residence can be written by hand or printed in a text prepared in advance and agreed upon with the neighbors, where they will only put their signatures indicating the apartment number and address of the house.

The title of the document indicates the type of document, the person’s name, patronymic and surname, residential address with all the details. Household characteristics from neighbors may contain personal data such as date and place of birth, education, acquired specialties, work experience, since what year he has lived in to this address, composition of family members and age of children. Why was he remembered by his neighbors, for what positive actions, etc.

Negative household characteristics are not uncommon, as they often deprive someone parental rights for an immoral lifestyle. Such a description should reflect all complaints from people living nearby, describe the relationships established with neighbors, the facts (if, of course, there were such things) of abuse alcoholic drinks or drugs, compliance or non-compliance with hostel norms.

Any positive information, as well as the negative one, should be described in detail in the household characteristics. Of course, one of the last steps will be collecting signatures. Check several times to ensure that everyone listed in the description has signed up. Household characteristics must be certified by employees of the housing office or homeowners' association. As a rule, this document is certified by a local inspector, whose signature and seal will prove the authenticity of the contents of the document and its correspondence to reality.

Household characteristics sample


Household characteristics

Dana Spiridonova Nina Nikolaevna born 06/05/1956 living at the address: Moscow st. Baramzina 4A, apt. 4.
Spiridonova Nina Nikolaevna has lived at this address since 04/15/1988. Until now. During her stay, she established herself as a conscientious, responsive, and efficient person. Thanks to these qualities, she is chosen as the head of the house. She performs the responsibilities of the eldest around the house competently and conscientiously, and in difficult times she will always help her neighbors.

According to neighbors:

Pupkin - apt. 7 st. Baramzina 4A
Shishkin - apt. 8 st. Baramzina 4A
Mishkin - apt. 9 st. Baramzina 4A
Koshkina - apt. 10 st. Baramzina 4A
Myshkina - apt. 11 st. Baramzina 4Ayo

Characteristics of a person - official document, which is provided at the place of request to establish personal characteristics specific person. This material discusses detailed information regarding where it is possible to draw up a sample document, how it should be written, where to get it, and by whom to sign it.

A sample reference from the place of residence may be requested by:

  • district police officer (militia), investigative officer - when considering pre-trial cases, investigation crimes committed, to transfer the case to court;
  • guardianship and trusteeship authorities - when considering issues regarding the adoption of a child, taking guardianship over him (a household reference from the place of residence about the guardian is required when the mother or father plans to adopt the child);
  • military registration and enlistment office - when registering or conscripting into the army (the military registration and enlistment office may require students to make temporary references from their place of study, and from working conscripts - from their place of work);
  • court - when considering court cases (for the defendant, in addition to a certificate from a psychiatrist, the court may require a sample reference that will allow him to mitigate the punishment or, conversely, find aggravating circumstances);
  • educational institution- for example, when entering universities, samples of characteristics are required for cadets who plan to serve in the police (the school, college or boarding school where the applicant was trained can write sample documents for a teenager (former student);
  • police, court, prosecutor's office - when hiring new employees (a positive personal reference for a person from the place of residence from neighbors may be required, which must not contain any negative aspects);
  • enterprises, institutions, organizations - when recruiting workers ( HR department requires the candidate (woman/man) to make a positive household reference from the place of residence in order to check the positive and negative qualities, any merits, for example, references for a candidate for deputy, for security, or for an accountant of an enterprise).

Incoming search terms:

  • household characteristics (278)
  • household characteristics sample (152)
  • sample household characteristics (73)
  • household characteristics per person (27)
  • household characteristics from neighbors sample (25)
  • household characteristics from neighbors for court sample (15)
  • household characteristics from neighbors to court sample (15)
  • characteristic household sample (12)
  • how to write a character reference for a person (5)
  • household characteristics for a psychiatrist for registration of disability (3)
If this information was useful to you, then share it with your friends:

Petr Ivanov is a first-grade student at school No. 1 in Lugansk. Has established itself as (diligent, disciplined, hardworking, attentive) worker (student). Has a good command of the profession (educational material). Studies (to the fullest extent of one’s strength, not to the fullest extent of one’s strength, needs constant monitoring, does not show interest in studying, studies poorly). Has an arbitrary (visual, auditory, mechanical, mixed) memory, (beautiful, good, fast, slow) works (remembers educational material). Detects(logical, figurative, concrete, creative)thinking. Has the ability to study (specify items).Always at work (classes) (attentive, active, indifferent, does homework, helps friends).Has good general development. Reads a lot.

Before performing public assignments applies (conscientiously, carefully, carelessly). Was elected(indicate public position). Actively participated (V public life enterprises (schools, classes), in the work of student government, in cultural events, in sports life).Was a participant(school, city, regional) olympiad/competition/tournament, awarded (diploma, certificate of honor, medal). (Modest, cheerful, comradely, restrained, balanced, reasonable, disciplined, independent, susceptible to the influence of others).Behavior rules (always consciously performs, does not always perform, performs at the request of the teacher, ignores, has a violation of discipline, is prone to illegal behavior).He is respected among teachers. Has authority among his comrades. Has many friends and is supportive friendly relations with many colleagues.

Parents pay proper attention to raising their son (they don’t pay attention, neglect education, have a bad influence).

Characteristics issued for presentation to (district military committee, higher education institution, vocational school, etc.).

Director of the company, (school) (Class teacher) (signature)

The text of the characteristic consists of four parts:

1. Personal details of the person for whom the profile is being written (placed in the center of the sheet or in a column on the right).

2. Information about activities or studies (from what year he has been working or studying, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery of skills, or knowledge of educational material).

3. Business and moral qualities: information about encouragement (discipline): relationships in the team.

4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

For example, below we provide sample characteristics.

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