Administrative Regulations for the issuance and replacement of driver's licenses. New administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for conducting exams and issuing driver’s licenses

10.09.2013 8017

While working or carrying out free time At the computer, we constantly handle files with different extensions. Videos, music, images, text documents. As a rule, these four types are familiar to everyone. And programs for working with them are present on any computer.

Let us explain for novice users what a file extension is. This is an individual symbolic designation used to identify the file format for opening it.

Simple example: 123.doc, 123.jpeg and 123.avi. This is simply deciphered, 123 this is the file name. The characters separated by a dot from the name indicate the file extension. Seeing these extensions, we can easily identify what is in front of us Text Document, image and video file.

But sometimes we come across files that our computer is not able to identify, which means we cannot open them. What to do if you really want or absolutely need to open it? To solve this problem, we can turn to one of two services: Open File - or Wolfram Alpha -

I use the extension - pdf, which is quite well known, but will do for the example. If you are familiar with it, then it will be easier for you to understand the example I gave.

The first service is Russian-language , let's start with it. We enter the name of the extension, which makes us look puzzled, and click the find button.

In the search results, find the option for our extension and click on it.

We get the answer to the question of how and how to open a file with our extension.

After which we go Google or shake Yasha. With their help, we find a site from which you can download the required software. We install one of the proposed applications on our hardware and open a file with an unknown extension.

With English speaking service Wolfram Alpha We perform similar manipulations.

Enter the file extension in the search bar and click on the search button.

Surely everyone has come across a file without an extension? Do you have any questions about how to open it? One way is to just guess and try to change the file extension to different file types and try to open the file. Sometimes it works, but sometimes you'll be unlucky and won't be able to guess. And the method of scientific poking can take a fair amount of time, if of course you are stubborn, and you desperately need to open this file

In this article, I'll show you a quick and more accurate way to determine which file type you can use. In order to do this, I created several test files, PDF, JPEG, MP3, EXE and DLL, and simply erased their extension. Obviously your file may be various types, but the procedure will be the same for any file type. I chose the test files completely randomly
For this procedure you need to know HEX– file code. Well, you are already scared and thinking how abstruse all this is. No, for this we need text editor , such as standard Notebook, or you can download (I even recommend doing this, it is much more functional and works faster) Notepad++ .

Opening files without extension

Now we just open files without an extension in a test editor, I use Notepad++, but the method is the same for everyone.

First in line PDF test and we see in the very first lines information about the expansion in explicit form.

And we see in JPEG at the beginning of the line, which is not clear JFIF, V DLL And EXEMZ, A MP3ID3. Next, the Internet will help us, we enter a phrase into the search engine, for example ID3 format, or JFIF extension. And we'll see what ID3- this is from English. Identify an MP3, some metadata format, but it doesn’t matter, it’s probably an mp3 file. Upon request JFIF got JPEG File Interchange Format, some specification, MZ– executable file format EXE And DLL. That is, the first lines contain all the information we need, and we can easily open any file without the extension

Overall, I think it will be much faster to figure this out than randomly trying different file extensions without any idea. If you still can't figure out what file you have, leave a comment and I'll try to help. Enjoy!

Everyone knows what PDF and DOC are. But does everyone know the CR2 or, for example, BSB formats? CHIP will show you how to recognize and open any file.

What to open with You have received an important letter, but the attached file cannot be opened: none of the programs installed on the computer can handle it. There will be a long and possibly unsuccessful search for an application designed to display such documents. But CHIP comes to the rescue: our tips and utilities included on the DVD are guaranteed to help you open any file.

Riddle: what is this?

A typical situation: a friend sent you a file, but, unfortunately, forgot to tell you what program can open it. First of all, stop playing hide and seek with Windows: with certain configurations, the operating system does not even display the file extension, which makes analysis even more difficult. Open Explorer (in the “seven” you need to activate the top menu by pressing the “Alt” key) and select “Tools | Folder Options (Folder Options) | View". Uncheck the "Hide extensions for known file types" option. Now go back to the unknown document - you will be able to see its extension in Explorer. If a file has two extensions at once (for example, picture.jpg.exe), delete it immediately: this is how dangerous viruses disguise themselves.

Enter an unfamiliar file extension on the website to find out which program can be used to open it. If the file format is unfamiliar to you, go to the web page Enter the desired extension in the search bar and click on “Find”. You will receive information about which program can be used to open this file. However, this service does not indicate the specific version of the required application, and this information is sometimes fundamentally important: it may well happen that, for example, when opening a DOC file in Office 2003, formatting and other information will be lost. In the most difficult cases You will be able to open documents in programs only of the versions in which they were created. To avoid problems with Word document, in Explorer, right-click on it and select “Properties”. On the "Details" tab you will find exact information about the version of the program in which the file was saved. There you can also find out other interesting information - for example, author, date last change and templates used during creation.

Destroying borders: open any file

Now you have enough information about the file, but you still can't open it because you either don't have the desired program, or its corresponding version. Depending on the extension, one of four types of applications that are on our DVD will help you: viewers are used to view images, analyzers provide Additional information about a file, universal programs display any document, and converters even allow you to edit these files.


For files created using the Office suite, Microsoft offers various viewers. For example, the Excel Viewer utility allows you to open tables with the XLS extension, even if you do not have the appropriate spreadsheet processor.

Free program Universal Viewer can open documents, images, videos, database records and much more. You can view other files using Universal Viewer (available for download at

This program recognizes more than 130 file types, including all common image formats, as well as PDF and video. After launching the utility, activate the “Navigation” panel in the top menu “View | Interface | Show navigation bar." Then find your problematic file and click on it in the preview area. If Universal Viewer recognizes the extension, the document or image will appear on the right. If we're talking about about system files, shortcuts or anything like that, you will see the hex code of the file. Advanced users can thus examine the header for links and check whether the document is a Trojan.

FileAlyzer, in addition to basic information, displays security settings, hexadecimal files and ADS streams Analyzers.

If Universal Viewer is unable to display the file, you may be dealing with a container format. This group includes archive files used by packagers, such as ZIP or ARC, as well as video formats (MKV).

If you have FileAlyzer installed, right-click on the unknown document and select “Analyze file with FileAlyzer” from the context menu.

As a result, you will receive a variety of information about the file, and in some cases, this utility also offers a preview function.

If this information does not help you, use the Openwith program, which is available for download at Here you can also carry out analysis online. After entering the extension (or clicking on an unknown file), you will be given a link to a free program that can open the desired document.

Station wagons. Most often, problems arise with the opening of multimedia formats and are associated with the existence of many different codecs. If you don't want to waste time searching for what you need, just use universal programs- for example, VLC media player (available on our DVD). This player is not demanding on computer resources and supports all imaginable audio and video formats.

In the case of graphic files it is almost the same universal tool is a free program IrfanView. This compact image viewer handles almost all formats - displays and converts them. On our DVD and website you will find a huge number of plugins for it. After installing IrfanView, you can convert even rare formats such as PCX, LDF and ECW to common JPEG and PNG.

Java utilities work in a similar way. They blur the boundaries between different operating systems and platforms. Often it doesn't even matter whether the program runs on cell phones, computers or game consoles. Java even runs packages from the worlds of Linux and Apple on Windows machines. The only condition- The Java Runtime Environment must be installed on your computer (it can be downloaded for free from

Then you can, also for free, use a huge amount various platform-independent programs that can often help adapt files for cell phones or smartphones and conversion to the desired format.

Free FLV Converter converts Flash Video standard videos from YouTube to more common video formats Converters.
If the file still doesn't open, simply convert it. Free Free program FLV Converter is capable of converting downloaded from YouTube video with the FLV extension into a common and more convenient format - for example, AVI. This will allow you to play the movie in popular programs, including Windows Media Player.

In the case of video formats a good helper will become free utility Super 2010, which can be downloaded from It efficiently converts almost all video and audio files, and allows you to quickly export movies to devices such as iPhone, Nintendo DS or PlayStation 3 with the required encoding settings and the desired extension.

Today there are converters for almost any format. If you couldn't find it right away suitable program, enter into Google, for example, the query “convert jpg eps” (of course, replacing the extensions with the ones you need). In our case, the search engine presented as a result an Australian site called jpeg2eps (, which offers instant conversion of such files.

Distrustful users will not even need to install the utility on their computer to convert files. This can be done on sites such as All you need to do is upload the document and determine what format it needs to be converted to.

Leave your address Email so that the service can send you the converted file. This service is absolutely free - you just have to put up with watching ads. The service is intended primarily for small documents that need to be converted quickly. In the case of heavy files, such as movies, it is better to use a program installed on your computer. Also, do not trust the online converter important documents, For example business correspondence, because no one knows who else will see this information.

Linking files to the correct applications

You can reassign the association of any file type in Windows 7 manually in the Explorer context menu When you double-click on a document, it does not always open the right application. If in Windows files are incorrectly associated with programs, it may happen that the Thunderbird email client starts playing a Flash movie, and Word will display a file with an image. In the XP version, this connection is regulated in the “Tools | Folder Properties | File types". In Vista, you will have to right-click on the desired file in Explorer and select “Properties | General | Edit" and in the dialog box indicate required application. The file is now attached to this program. Be careful: if you cancel this association without creating a new one, the file will not open.

ExtMan displays file matches and allows you to edit them Additional help The free ExtMan utility (on DVD) will provide assistance. This little assistant manages file associations, so you don't have to delve into your operating system settings.

The program works even without installation. An additional advantage of ExtMan is that you can see all the relationships at a glance and can quickly redistribute matches or remove them.

After launch, find the required extension in the list and click on “Delete extension” - the connection will be deleted. If you want to establish the connection again, go to “Edit extention | Open | Edit" and find the path to the corresponding program. Finally, click on “Save” - your new connection is ready.

A set of special programs

Excel Viewer.

Displays tables even if you don't have tabular installed Excel processor from the Microsoft Office package.

ExtMan. Shows in Windows Vista and 7 the “File Types” tab present in XP.

FileAlyzer. Provides more information about a file than Windows.

Free FLV Converter. Converts YouTube videos to common video formats for PCs and smartphones.

IrfanView. Viewer of images of various types.

Plugins for IrfanView. Practical add-ons for viewing additional formats.


Helps you understand PDF files.

Universal Viewer. Opens files of almost all formats.

VLC media player. Multimedia all-rounder.

Word Viewer.

Opens text files even without an office package.

Computers know thousands various formats files. A file extension is a short suffix that is added to the end of a file name, indicating the type of file and allowing it to be associated and opened by the appropriate program.

Sometimes you come across strange types of files with an unknown extension. Google Search or an online tool like FILExt will quickly shed light on the type of file you're dealing with. But is this the best way to open it?

Be careful: Depending on the source, the file you are trying to open may contain malware! If you are in doubt about the origin or content, check the file using a malware scanner.

Determine the file extension

The file extension may be enough to determine which program to open the file with. And if not, then you'll have to google for more. detailed information about the file type. By default, Windows hides file extensions for known file types. So if you are dealing with a Windows extension but cannot open it, make the extension visible.

If you encounter a strange file with a hidden extension, you can figure out what it is without opening it. Right-click on the questionable file and select Properties. In the tab Are common indicated full name file, including its extension. This will help you in your search.

Identify the file by opening it in a text editor

When you have no idea what file you are dealing with or what software will launch and Windows doesn't know how to open it, try opening the file using native Windows tools - Notepad or WordPad.

While you select the one you want, don't forget to uncheck the box Always use the selected program to open this file type.

Typically, haphazardly opening a strange file using WordPad will show a bunch of random characters and spaces. If you're lucky, the file format is clearly stated in the program's title or description in the first two lines. This will tell you something about the nature of the file and what software is needed to open it.

If you are unlucky and the description is missing or useless, you need to look for the file's magic number. The magic number is used to identify the contents of the file. You can compare the file signature with the list in Wikipedia or the table of file signatures.

File analysis and identification using TrID

In addition, a TrID binary signature is available to identify the file. You can download the utility command line or upload the file to TrID. The database is growing and currently contains 5267 definitions of file types/extensions.

Use a universal file opener

The file may be unfamiliar to you, but this does not mean that it is not widely distributed. Remember that Windows can only open files that the program was installed to run. Either way, you are able to open the file using a tool like Free Opener or Universal Viewer. The former recognizes more than 80 extensions, Universal Viewer allows you to view more than 100 different file formats.

Please note during installation: Opt for a custom installation if you don't want to end up with a bunch of useless toolbars or bloatware bundled with some installers.

How to open the following file types

Some types of files are more likely than others to cause problems when opening them. How can I find out their contents?


DAT files are quite tricky. This extension indicates that the file contains arbitrary data. In other words, it could be anything.

To find out what data a DAT file contains, try opening it in Notepad or analyzing it using TrID as described above. If you have an idea what it might be, try a program like Windows Media Player or VLC if you suspect the file contains media files. The DAT file may also contain compressed data, hence you could successfully open it using WinRAR or 7Zip.


This type of file is a shortcut, used to point to another file. In fact, you cannot open LNK files and thus they should not be associated with a specific program.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to run the LNK file on WinHelpOnline. Please note that this tool requires administrator rights. After the fix has been applied, restart your computer.


This file contains MS Outlook messages, so you will be able to open it using Outlook. If you need a way to open this file without Outlook, try converting it to a text document using this free converter Online Mail Converter. Since this is a text file, you can try opening it in Notepad.

Note: There are many types of files that can be viewed if you rename them to a .zip file.

If you don't have Word, rename the DOCX file to .zip. You will be able to look inside the archive and read the contents of the DOCX file.

If you rename the Android APK file to .zip, you can find out the contents of this file.

Same thing with the EPUB file: rename it to .zip and view it.

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