Promotion on traffic rules, safe new year goal. Presentation on the topic: “Promotion on traffic rules “Safe crossing” Zebra

This project can be carried out either by a YID detachment or by a group of children from any class or a national team, for example, a student council that exists in each school.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that this is an “on-site” event, held directly on large streets, where there are crossings and parking for cars, aimed at direct communication with drivers and pedestrians. It can be represented as advertising campaign among all participants traffic compliance with the Rules. Consequently, the goal of the project is to educate law-abiding pedestrians, drivers, and passengers. This is especially important for the event participants themselves. After all, by promoting compliance with the Rules on the streets of the city, they themselves become accustomed to their strict implementation. Not to mention the fact that the project is an interesting form of work for teenagers to prevent road traffic accidents. transport injuries.

The project itself may consist of several stages.

1. Social survey. Its main task is to actualize the problem of road safety, to force citizens who will take part in the survey to think that its solution depends on each road user, on their discipline. It is conducted by a group of students, for example, 6 people - 2 “sociologists” per respondent. Each sociologist must have badges indicating their data: last name, first name, school, name of the project.

Questions that can be used for the survey are:

— For whom is it especially important to comply with traffic rules: pedestrians or drivers?

— Do you often break the Rules? If you violate, which one is the most common?

— What proposal would you make to intensify the promotion of traffic rules among the population?

— Your proposals for improving traffic safety on the streets of our region (city, village). Each respondent can be given a small leaflet with rules for pedestrians, if he is a pedestrian, or a reminder for drivers, if the sociologist is a driver.

2. "Leaflet". At this stage everything is more or less clear. Leaflets for pedestrians and drivers are prepared in advance and distributed by a group of action participants in busy places in the area, for example, near a crossing or parking lot. Moreover, leaflets can be either the same type, typed and designed on a computer, or hand-made. Students can be involved in the production of such leaflets. junior classes. These could be drawings on the topic of traffic safety with calls to comply with the Rules, texts reminding of the need for discipline on the roads of all road users. In this collection you will find possible options reminders that can be placed in leaflets.

3. Patrolling busy road sections. It is conducted by members of the YID detachment. The purpose of patrolling is to identify traffic violators - pedestrians, especially children, and prevent further violation of the Rules. The violator is also given a leaflet with the basic rules for pedestrians. Of course, patrolling should only be carried out with the head of the JID detachment or even with a traffic police inspector.

4. Mobile exhibition of posters “Beware of the car!” It's easy to organize. Lightweight stands with posters are installed on sidewalks near crossings. The posters were, of course, made by students. By the way, you can hold a competition among them. Passers-by will evaluate each one and choose the best one.

You can also add your own to the listed events, interesting stages project. The main thing is that they are well thought out and prepared. And, of course, they were carried out by the children themselves. After all, by demanding that other citizens follow the rules, they themselves become law-abiding pedestrians, passengers, and later drivers.


  1. To strengthen in children the skills of safe, civil behavior on the roads.
  2. In the preschool institution, as part of the regional Safety Day, organize conversations, competitions, quizzes on fire, territorial safety, and the prevention of children's road and transport injuries with students.
  3. Conduct mass outreach to promote traffic rules among the population using technical means propaganda.
  4. Promote continuity kindergarten with school.
  5. Involve parents in the educational process.
  6. Involve representatives of municipal anti-terrorism commissions in carrying out events, territorial divisions fire service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, traffic police and law enforcement agencies;

Participants of the action:

  1. Senior teacher MBDOU d/s-o/v No. 19 Kungurova V.V.
  2. Teachers of MBDOU kindergarten No. 19 Krokhina O.A., Kovaleva G.V., Sapronova L.V.,
  3. Musical director of MBDOU kindergarten No. 19 Posashkova T.V.,
  4. Children of middle, senior, preparatory groups.
  5. Parents of the older group.
  6. Representatives of the traffic police.
  7. and about. Chapters rural settlement x. Losevo.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reviewing traffic rules with children in a group.
  2. Solving riddles according to traffic rules.
  3. Questioning of parents in traffic rules groups.
  4. Creation of booklets and memos on traffic regulations.
  5. Carrying out entertainment with fairy-tale characters on the topic: "Smart Men and Women" .


  1. Traffic light.
  2. Dunno.

Promotion progress:

After preliminary work in groups, children with teachers go out onto the street of the Losevsky settlement, where they meet the sad Dunno.

Educator: Dunno, is that you? Why are you so sad?

Dunno: I’ve been sitting for two hours now, I just can’t cross the road, but my mother sent me to the store. I don’t even know who can help me? The adults are all at work, but I just met you kids. Yes, you are still very young, how do you know how to get to the other side of the fire?

Educator: You shouldn’t think so, Dunno. Even though we are from kindergarten, we already know a lot. And we know the rules of the road especially well. Children can even recite poems on this topic.

(children recite poems)

Dunno: Oh, it’s true, you know so much. Tell us how and where to cross the road?

(children's stories)

Dunno: Maybe you have time and you can help me cross the road?

(The children agree and lead Dunno to the pedestrian crossing, but a traffic light blocks their way.)

Traffic light: Who do I see, Dunno! Do you want to cross the road again? But you still haven’t learned the rules, look, you’ll get run over again, you’ll end up in the hospital again.

Dunno: No, I’m not alone now, I’m with new friends, they told me a lot of new rules. And this time I know exactly how to cross the road.

Traffic light: I still have to remind you and the guys again.

Three multi-colored circles:

RED light - WAIT
And on YELLOW - STOP, my friend,
When the light is GREEN – GO!
The traffic light gives advice,

How to cross the road.
The pedestrian in this case
You couldn't find a better friend!

(Dunno crosses the road and hides in the doorway of the store)

Educator: What a good thing we did, we not only taught Dunno how to cross the road, but also told him a lot of new traffic rules. Now he will definitely not get hit by a car.

Traffic light: There are many such ignoramuses everywhere, sometimes they even sit in cars. We can even check this. Now I will stop the car, and you yourself can ask the driver questions about the rules of the road.

(The traffic light stops the car, the driver gets out of it. The children ask him a traffic rules riddle. After the driver answers, the children thank him and give him a traffic rules booklet and a white one as a souvenir. balloon.)

Traffic light: Here, driver, is a souvenir booklet and a white balloon, a symbol of a child’s life. Good luck on your journey, happy journey.

(The traffic light stops another car and everything repeats)

Traffic light: Guys, look, Dunno is coming back. And he crosses the road correctly and follows the rules. Let's invite him to our place and play together.

Traffic light: Dunno, let's go play!

Dunno: Is it possible to play on the road?

Traffic light: No, you can’t play on the road, we’ll go play on the playground.

Dunno: I’ll go to the playground, I really like to play.

(on the site Dunno and Svetofor conduct sports and didactic games according to traffic rules)

Dunno: Oh, I’m playing with you, my mother is tired of waiting at home, I’ll run before she scolds me.

Traffic light: Yes, guys, it’s time for me to have my way workplace, see you on the roads.

(children say goodbye to Dunno and Traffic Light and return to kindergarten)

Promotion "Road Safety"

“Everyone should know the rules of the road!” , with this slogan, on September 2, 2015, teachers and children of kindergarten No. 19 took to the streets of the Losev farm. That's where the action took place "Road Safety" . Not only children and kindergarten students, but also parents of children took part in it.

During the action, the children met Dunno, who could not cross the street. The children were happy to tell us how to cross the road correctly, without violating traffic rules, and recited poems about the road signs they encountered along the way.

Then, together with the traffic police inspector, the protesters stopped the cars. But not to check documents, but to find out whether all drivers know the rules of the road well. The guys asked riddles to the drivers. They, in turn, guessed them with great pleasure and smiles on their faces. And as a prize, the children recited a poem and gave a white balloon as a symbol of a child’s fragile life.

With this action, the teachers of preschool educational institution No. 19 wanted to remind everyone that with the beginning of the school year it is necessary to be even more careful on the roads of the village, city and region.

The safety of children on the roads is the responsibility of parents, teachers, and administrative authorities.

I have been working on this topic for many years. Extensive work has been done in this direction: reminders, recommendations, consultations, visibility for parents; joint meetings, holidays, entertainment, competitions; games and manuals for children were produced; a series of GCD notes on the topic have been developed, etc.

In that academic year New opportunities have opened up for us - interaction with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. What we gladly took advantage of: we concluded a cooperation agreement and held several joint events.

I want to tell you about one of them!



Campaign “Leaflets for drivers!”

Purpose of the action:

Promoting traffic rules among children and the population;

Prevention of road traffic injuries;

Ensuring the safety of children.


  1. To strengthen in children the skills of safe, civil behavior on the roads.
  2. Carry out mass explanatory work to promote traffic rules among the population using technical means of propaganda.
  3. Promote continuity between kindergarten and school.
  4. Involve parents in the educational process.

Participants of the action:

Head of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 145" combined type Malova T.M.

Teacher 2 speech therapy group Shabalina V.V.

Inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

Speech therapist of the 2nd speech therapy group Dmitrieva E.S.

Children of the 2nd speech therapy group

Parents of children.

Preliminary work:

Children decorating flyers “Buckle up your most valuable possessions!”

Reviewing traffic rules with children in a group;

Learning poems about traffic rules;

Reading fiction(A series of stories from the book by A. Dorokhov “Green! Yellow! Red!”, S. Volkov “About the rules of the road”, poems by S. Marshak “Policeman”, “Traffic light”; S. Mikhalkov “Walking carefully”, “traffic light” ; Y. Pishumov “At any intersection”, “Traffic officer”; V. Kozhevnikov “Traffic light”, V. Semerin “Forbidden-allowed”, etc.).

In May 2013, in our kindergarten, together with traffic police inspectors and a detachment of “Young Traffic Inspectors” from school No. 71, a traffic rules campaign was held.

At the appointed time, the guys and I got dressed, took the prepared leaflets, and went out into the street.

IN certain place we met with a detachment of “Young Children’s Inspectors” and lined up in pairs: each of my children got a young children’s inspector. We waited for the traffic police inspectors. And they set off to “do good deeds”! Our squad stopped pedestrians, schoolchildren, with the help of traffic police inspectors, read out the Traffic Rules, our children read poems.

And they handed everyone leaflets prepared by schoolchildren and our children. We were greeted very kindly.

One of the goals of our action was “Ensuring the safety of children,” so our squad was waiting for parking drivers, talking to them, and handing out leaflets! Some drivers were so surprised to see us that they themselves stopped and were interested in our action! And we, of course, with great joy handed them our leaflets and reminded them of compliance with the Traffic Rules!

While promoting Traffic Rules among the population, we unexpectedly met a correspondent of our city newspaper “Business Dzerzhinsk”. We also enlightened him and gave him our instructions. And he became so interested that he decided to go with us and then write about our action in the newspaper.

My kids really enjoyed interacting with people! Although at first they were afraid to talk a lot (I have a group of children who stutter), they were shy... But then they “got the taste” and began to independently stop passers-by and remind them to comply with traffic rules.

Traffic rules for children!

Official documents

  • Vienna Convention on Road Traffic 1968
  • Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety"
  • Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated June 15, 1998 No. 711 "On additional measures to ensure road safety" (together with the "Regulations on State Inspectorate road safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation")
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090 (as amended on January 21, 2016) “On the Rules of the Road” (together with the “Basic provisions for admission Vehicle to operation and responsibilities officials to ensure road safety")
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 2, 2003 No. 930 “On organizing the work of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to promote road safety”
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 2, 2009 No. 185 “On approval administrative regulations Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for execution state function for control and supervision of compliance by road users with road safety requirements"
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 380 “On approval of the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the execution of state functions in the implementation of federal state supervision in the field of road safety in terms of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety, rules, standards, technical standards and other requirements regulatory documents in the field of ensuring road safety during construction, reconstruction, repair and operation highways"
  • Resolution No. 1031 of October 11, 2016 On amendments to the Federal target program"Improving road safety in 2013-20120"

Methodological support

Local acts according to traffic rules in preschool educational institutions


"Highway Patrol"

Our motto

If you don't want to get in trouble, follow the traffic rules.

Our chant

Live without knowing grief

Run, swim and fly,

All traffic rules

Always and everywhere comply.

Poster of upcoming events


From 8 to 14 MAY 2017 G will pass in the world Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week. Its main topic will be compliance speed limit and those actions that are aimed at choosing a reasonable, safe speed by transport drivers. (details)

Promotion “My Friend the Bicycle”

Event reports

Event report

In MBDOU kindergarten No. 12 “Fairy Tale”, from December 15 to January 11 of the 2016-2017 academic year, a competition was held “Children’s safety - parents’ care” (preparing children for the WINTER holidays).

1. The purpose of the competition: became prevention of child road traffic injuries and dangerous situations with children on the roads in winter.

The tasks were:

Reminder and reinforcement of basic rules safe behavior on the street in winter time of the year;

To provide knowledge about the peculiarities of traffic on snow-covered roads and in icy conditions;

2. Participants became teachers, parents, children of the preparatory group “Bee”, the senior group “Firefly”, middle group"Kapitoshka".

IN municipal competition Preschool educational institution for the best social video on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries"TAKE CARE OF US!" in honor of the 85th anniversary of the formation of the traffic police propaganda service - the traffic police, which was held on the basis of the MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 "Scarlet Flower", kindergarten No. 12 "Fairy Tale" took2 PLACE !!!

Traffic light's birthday.

On August 22, 2016, teacher N.K. Garshina prepared and held a holiday for the senior and preparatory groups “Traffic Light’s Birthday.” Shown for the holiday short presentation“The history of the emergence of traffic lights” based on the regional component. The children played, danced in circles and recited poems. The celebration was attended by traffic safety promotion inspector, junior police lieutenant E.V. Kapinos.

Report on the action in MBDOU kindergarten No. 12 “Fairy Tale”

SUBJECT: “The best campaign to promote traffic rules among children and their parents with the participation of the UPID team”

1. Promotion “For road safety - all together”

Purpose of the action: to attract the attention of the public and residents of our neighborhood to the problem of child road traffic injuries, to responsible compliance with traffic rules, to the need to use seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in a car.

(Participated in the action: teachers Garshina Natalya Konstantinovna, Svidchenko Tamara Sergeevna, Abdullaeva Tatyana Alekseevna, senior teacher Shevchenko Olga Anatolyevna, children Kazantseva Anna, Sitnikova Vika, Golub Yarik and representatives of the “Fathers of Russia” movement: Golovko Yuri Petrovich, ..., propaganda inspector e road safety Kapinos Evgeniy Vladimirovich)

Report on the excursion to the crossroads. Children of the middle group.

Target Expand your knowledge about the street.

Introduce children to the features of the streets of your neighborhood, and rules of conduct on this section of the road.

Teach children to pay attention to road signs.

Guests were invited: propaganda inspector e road safety Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kapinos, representatives of the “Fathers of Russia” movement: Yuri Petrovich Golovko, Alexey Nikolaevich Dzyuba, representative cadet corps Burykina Zh.V. and the YID team of the Cossack Cadet Corps.

The children and the cadets went to the crossroads, where they met Carlson and the inspector. Carlson asked the children for help. The children answered questions, recited poems, and looked at road signs. They actively participated in the conversation with the traffic police inspector and demonstrated their knowledge of traffic rules and helped Carlson get to the workshop. And the cadets accompanied and helped overcome various obstacles : organization joint activities parents and educators on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries, improving the culture of road users.


  • Encourage parents to think that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of their children.
  • Draw their attention to psychological aspect Problems.
  • Introduce parents to methods of teaching children traffic rules.

Round table participants: group dads.

Guests were invited: traffic safety promotion inspector Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kapinos, representatives of the “Fathers of Russia” movement: Yuri Petrovich Golovko, Vitaly Vladimirovich Konovalenko, representative of the cadet corps Zhanna Valentinovna Burykina, Stella Georgievna Poleeva juvenile affairs inspector.

Report on the action.

In accordance with the letter of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Rostov region Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Rostov-on-Don No. 7/4169 “On participation in the All-Russian Internet campaign” dated March 24, 2016. our teachers, students, parents became participantsAll-Russian Internet campaign “Good Sign” . Stock symbol - road sign"Children". Participants of the action place in in social networks(Vkontakte and/or Instagram) a photo with a “good sign” and a hashtag (# Good sign) – as a symbol of responsible behavior on the road and special attention to the children. This promotion was launched a few weeks ago. Now there are already thousands of photos on social networks. And the participants were schoolchildren, kindergarten students, teachers, parents, drivers school buses, famous politicians. Report on the All-Russian action

« Safe road. Certificate for children and parents ».

As part of the Road Safety Week, which traditionally takes place in the Rostov region in early September, MBDOU kindergarten No. 12 “Fairy Tale” held events to prevent children's road traffic injuries and promote road safety.

Parents of the senior and preparatory groups took part in All-Russian campaign “Safe Road. Certificate for children and parents" (organizer - All-Russian children's public organization "School of Young Pedestrians")

All-Russian campaign “Safe Road. Certificate for children and parents" is aimed at increasing the competence of parents in teaching children road safety and preventing children from road traffic injuries.

Basic skill of safe behavior and attitude own safety The child is vaccinated in the family. It is parents who are the first teachers, their actions are an example to follow. Parents begin teaching their children long before they get to school. educational organization. Therefore, it is so important that parents not only know and follow the traffic rules themselves, but also, having knowledge of the psychophysiological characteristics of their child, are able to consistently and patiently teach him these rules.

What parents need to know about the peculiarities of children’s behavior on the road, taking into account their psychophysiological conditions of development, were told by G. Yu Dudina and N. K. Garshina.




TARGET:attracting public attention to the problem of child road traffic injuries, to the need to use seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in a car.


Reinforce road safety rules with children;

Continue to teach how to observe the rules of safe behavior on the street and when crossing the roadway;

To develop independence and responsibility in the child’s actions on the road;

To train children in the ability to navigate relative to elements of the road and vehicles;

Develop attentiveness, observation, memory;

Develop communication skills, the ability to freely conduct dialogue on a given topic;

Foster a culture of street behavior;

Promoting safe behavior of road users, preventing accidents involving child passengers.

Integration educational areas: “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition”

Preliminary work with children:

examination of plot pictures, road situations;

games on a model road with an intersection;

examination of thematic albums “Modes of Transport”, “Road Signs”;

didactic games: “Guess what sign”, “What the traffic controller is showing”, “Modes of transport”, “Find and name”;

conducting a series of targeted walks “Pedestrian crossing”, “Crossroads”, “Traffic light”;

reading fiction on traffic rules;

role-playing games “Road Traffic”;

solution logical problems according to the traffic situation.

watching videos “Mom, Dad, buy me a child seat”, “Buckle up the most expensive one”.

Productive activity “Making flowers - lilies” (origami technique).

Preliminary work with parents:

1. Design of leaflets “Buckle up your most expensive!”, “Buckle up!”, “Children’s car seat”.

2. Development of booklets “For road safety - all together!”, “Know the rules of the road!”, “More important than all toys!”, “Follow the rules - avoid trouble!”

3. Design of the poster “For road safety – all together!”

Location: start of the campaign - MBDOU kindergarten No. 45 “Rosinka”, microdistrict. Olimpiyskiy, continuation of the action - the square near the Byl cinema, microdistrict. Zhukova.

Head of the action: Abakshina O.N., instructor physical culture MBDOU kindergarten No. 45 “Rosinka”

Participants of the action: children of preparatory groups for school - young road inspectors (JID) (10 people), teachers, traffic police inspector Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Stary Oskol, parents, residents of the city of Stary Oskol.

Equipment: Balloons white, multi-colored paper flowers, booklets, leaflets, poster.

Progress of the action

1. Organizing time.

Preschoolers of preparatory groups for school - young traffic inspectors (YIT) in a uniform, with red, yellow, green ties, gather on the territory of the kindergarten with their parents and teachers.

2. Word from the leader of the action, Olga Nikolaevna Abakshina:

- Dear parents, children, guests, today we are holding a campaign “For road safety - all together!”

The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of residents of the city of Stary Oskol to responsible compliance with traffic rules, the need to use seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in the car. During the event, each of you will hold a conversation with city residents about compliance with traffic rules, offer pedestrians booklets and leaflets calling for constant compliance with traffic rules. We will also give flowers to all pedestrians, which all participants in the action will attach to your white balloons - a symbol of a child’s life, which should be bright and happy.

Guys, today the senior propaganda inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the city of Stary Oskol, Alexey Nikolaevich Pevnev, is taking part in the action with us. Together with you, he will address the residents of our city and answer their questions.

3. Introductory conversation

Traffic police inspector

Guys, we live in a beautiful city with green streets and neighborhoods. Various cars move along the roads. They are rushing to high speed. A car is a subject of high danger. The driver of any car must always, before starting to drive, first fasten his seat belt and check whether all passengers in his car are fastened. Adults are responsible for children in their vehicle.

Do you know how to safely transport children in a car? (Children's answers)

That's right, there are car seats and special restraints for children. Today, during our campaign “For road safety - all together,” we will remind residents of our city about mandatory use such restraint devices for children, we offer booklets and leaflets.

Our goal is to attract as many city residents as possible to participate in our event.

Movement along the developed route.

Preschoolers carry white balloons - a symbol of children's life and red, yellow, green flowers, booklets and leaflets.

4. A moment of safety.

No. 1 - in the park

- Guys, we are walking through the park. . There are many passers-by on the city streets. They are hurrying along various matters. What do you think you need to do to be a polite pedestrian?

Children's answers:When driving on the sidewalk, you must stay to the right to avoid bumping into oncoming pedestrians.

A moment of safety.

No. 2 - near the Oskol shopping center.

Guys, now we need to cross the road from the Oskol shopping center to the Byl cinema. How to cross the road correctly?

Children's answers:You must cross the road at a pedestrian crossing and only when the traffic light is green.

We continue along the route

A moment of safety.

No. 3 - on the square near the Byl cinema

You can cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. What pedestrian crossings do you know?

Children's answers: Crosswalk Can be above ground or underground. A pedestrian crossing can be regulated with a traffic light or unregulated without a traffic light.

5. Questions that preschoolers ask residents of Stary Oskol.

- Do you know at what traffic light you need to cross the road?

- Where can you cross the road?

- Do you have a car?

- Do you always buckle up while driving?

- Do you have children?

- Tell me, did you buy a child car seat for them?

- Do you know where a child should sit while the car is moving?

- Are you for road safety?

- In order to preserve the life and health of all children, do you want to make your child's life bright and happy? Then attach this bright flower to our balloon.

Sample dialogue between action participants:

- Good afternoon. Today, pupils of kindergarten No. 45 “Rosinka” are holding an action “For road safety - all together.”

And we invite you to become a participant in the promotion, please answer a few questions:

Do you know at what traffic light you can cross the road? - Yes, on green.

Do you always follow the traffic rules? - Trying.

Do you have a car? - Yes.

Do you always wear your seat belt? - Yes

Do you have children? - Yes.

Have you bought a child car seat for your child? - No, his wife is holding him in her arms.

But while the car is moving, the child must be fastened, just like you. Be sure to purchase a child restraint system for your child, because adults are responsible for the lives of children. - Yes, we have already thought about this.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the booklet that we have developed for you, and if you are concerned about road safety, then

attach this bright flower to a white balloon - a symbol of a child’s life, which is so light and fragile, and the task of adults is to make it bright and happy. Thank you for participating in the event!

6. Result of the action:

Head of the action:

Our event was a success!

Well done boys! You actively participated in the Road Traffic Rules campaign “For road safety – all together!” We distributed to residents of the city of Stary Oskol Flyers, booklets, called on adults to be caring towards children, follow traffic rules, and always use seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in a car.

Yes, I think this action helped you remember the law of the road, which is called....

Children:Traffic Laws!

Head of the action:

Residents of the city actively participated in the action; our white balloons were all decorated with flowers. I thank all the participants in the action. Let's release our bright colored balloons into the sky as a symbol of a happy children's life, which is protected by adults.

And may all people be alive, healthy and happy! Hooray!

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