Certificate of inspection of engineering support networks example. Certificate of inspection of sections of engineering support networks

Some often require registration intermediate acceptance certificate critical structures (inspection of critical structures) for almost everything. Immediately excuse yourself, this act is needed for the delivery and acceptance of critical (building) structures, a set of works, for example, the zero cycle (layout was done, a pit was dug, backfilling, concrete preparation, reinforced frame, formwork, concreting, mortgages, etc.), then on Based on all these formalized acts of the OSR, the entire foundation is adopted. According to SNiP 3.01.04-87: “d)…acts on intermediate acceptance of individual critical structures ( supports and spans of bridges, arches, vaults, retaining walls, load-bearing metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures )". Such a document may be required from you only for construction part(foundations, m/structures of portals, lightning rods, overhead line supports, etc.), this act is not needed for any other types of work (such as acceptance of cable structures, overpasses and premises) because basically all special installation structures (cables, brackets) ) are not responsible and not load-bearing, therefore they do not affect the stability or structural strength and safety of the building or structure (if they do affect it with their weight, this is calculated during the design), and the documents for the assembled building part must be drawn up by the builders. The main thing is not to confuse the concept " intermediate acceptance» with the act of inspection of critical structures itself, or in the old way, an act of intermediate acceptance of critical structures. In principle, this is most likely why they called it that way, removing the word “acceptance”. Interim acceptance is the acceptance of any work and it is always intermediate, and these acts mainly summarize the stages of work or cycles, and not all of them. This act is needed at the end of any stage or cycle of construction of a building. As the work progresses, inspection certificates for hidden work are drawn up and in general construction this is done for each layer of the cake, and intermediate acceptance is carried out in cycles:

  • foundation (zero cycle);
  • walls of the first floor of the building (walls with ceiling);
  • second floor, etc.;
  • roofing, etc.

Those. in production civil works for hidden work, a whole bunch of acts are drawn up with diagrams ranging from excavation development to anchor bolts or mortgages, and then a shitty cycle of these and other non-hidden works is accepted by an act of intermediate acceptance of critical structures (inspection of critical structures), where all acts of hidden work are needed list which were drawn up during the performance of these works. It happens that there was no hidden work and only an intermediate acceptance certificate is issued, for example, for a 110-220 kV overhead line support where nothing needs to be welded. But this is only issued for critical structures. In SNiP 01/12/2004 this act was also called (systems) in parentheses, i.e. they want to extend this piece of paper to engineering systems, although there this function perform completely different and more suitable acts.

There is also the so-called certificate of inspection of sections of engineering networks technical support according to Appendix 5 rd11-02-2006. As I understand it, this is like a summary act (like an analogue of the acceptance certificate for critical structures) and is done on the basis of other OSR acts. The inspectors are probably tired of digging through a pile of OSR acts in chronological order and they decided to come up with such mudistics similar to a route passport along with tests, etc. In paragraph 5.5 of rd11-02-2006 it is written: “The list of sections of engineering support networks subject to survey is determined project documentation“, just make excuses for inspectors and technical supervision - they say, we don’t know anything, the project doesn’t indicate that such a thing should be formalized.

According to Government Decree Russian Federation dated February 13, 2006 N 83: “engineering and technical support networks” - a set of property objects directly used in the process of electricity, heat, gas, water supply and sanitation. When connecting objects capital construction directly to resource production equipment or to wastewater and treatment systems Wastewater if the organization operating such equipment does not have a network infrastructure specified organization is an organization that operates engineering support networks in terms of providing technical specifications and performing other actions in accordance with these Rules.” Those. These are networks to which a capital construction project is connected - overhead lines, sewerage networks, water supply networks, gas pipelines, heating pipelines. In theory, the above act should be issued for such networks.

I generally don’t understand people who demand this act for any cable. Of course, you can get confused when, in theory, everything cable lines can be called networks: lighting networks, signaling networks, automation, power supply, electrochemical protection, etc., i.e. everything that is in the drawings is 000. And all networks can also be called providing. I understand that when it comes to a line, there needs to be a division of responsibility, where some end and where others begin, but at a station or plant, for which there is one project, each section of the project can be opened and viewed, and everything is operated by one organization. Sometimes the structure of working drawings is such that it is simply unrealistic to isolate a cable going somewhere from the networks and there is no need to, everything is located within one site. But some require this act for the entire cable. It is needed only for the linear part - heating mains, gas pipelines, water supply lines, communication and power lines between cities, throughout the city, branches from them to buildings, branches to the station (overhead line), but not for on-site networks. According to clause 7 of Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Technical conditions providing for the maximum load and timing of connecting capital construction projects to engineering support networks, the validity period of technical conditions, as well as information on connection fees is provided by organizations operating engineering support networks ..." So here it should be clear to everyone what these networks are and what they definitely are not. They made this act, as it were, because in general construction there is, but in special installation there are no such systems. It is not there for one simple reason - systems are handed over not by hidden work or intermediate acceptance, but by special delivery certificates. In electrical installation - an act technical readiness email installation work, in automation - an act of acceptance of installed automation systems, for alarm systems - an act of completion of installation work, for APT - an act of completion of installation work, ECP - an act electrical installation work during the construction of electrochemical protection devices. And there’s no point in inventing a new idea, confusing general construction with special installation.

IN new edition Shinkevich's manual for 2008 there are appendices 6...12 according to which there are no hidden works in our special installation, everything is engineering support networks, and many installation documents began to reflect the tests carried out, and for everything you need to draw up as-built drawings, in general it's fucked up, apparently it takes a long time they didn’t bother to figure out why and put everything under one name - networks, but many will still refer to this nonsense, demanding executive action from us...

Greetings, friends! In the last article, I told you about drawing up acts for hidden work. Here is the article "". Today I will continue the topic and tell you about the inspection act of engineering support networks.

I will provide an example of filling out the form of the act and explain a little on this topic.

Requirements for necessary registration of this document established in clause 5.5 of RD 11-02-2006:

I myself have never drawn up this act, I have also encountered it very rarely, but still sometimes it has to be drawn up. It is mainly drawn up by those involved in construction. linear objects. During construction, reconstruction of external utility networks They are rarely included as part of any object. That’s why I came up with the title of today’s article topic.

Just like the form of acts for hidden work, in March 2016 the form of this document underwent changes. Below I present to your attention a completed sample new form 2016 model:

First sheet

Second sheet

I advise you to use the completed options when drawing up your acts - it’s easier. But if someone just needs a form, you can download both options just below.

Well, that’s all for today, subscribe to the blog and don’t forget to share the article on in social networks. To do this, click on the special buttons at the end of the article.

Download for free:

P.s. Friends, I want to recommend you program "Executive Documentation" from the Company "ALTIUS SOFT". If you want to automate and speed up the process of maintaining executive documentation, then you cannot do without this program. Thank you!

P.p.s. Friends, I would also like to recommend to you "Generator and additional documentation - Generator-ID" from the site ispolnitelnaya.com. The program is so simple and effective that it will save a lot of time. I advise everyone to check it out!!!

The certificate of inspection of engineering support networks (ITS) is a document confirming the fact of inspection of the ITS sections, the results and details of the technical equipment of the building. We will talk about the features of these procedures and how to correctly carry out executive documentation in the article.

Inspection of building engineering systems

Instrumental examination engineering systems- the basic procedure for compiling of this act. This includes: security check different types structures and diagnostic process existing systems. This examination is carried out as follows:

  1. Visual inspection. Basic element survey, which allows you to draw attention to obvious shortcomings and shortcomings of the system. Based on the results of such an examination, specialists receive the parameters necessary for further work and create general characteristics objects.
  2. Comparison with the standard. Standards have been developed, compliance with which is mandatory for the safe and high-quality operation of the building. After inspecting the technical equipment, the engineer compares the information received with the standard and enters any deviations into the finished act to create the most complete and accurate picture of the survey.
  3. Studying the information received and comparative analysis. In order to draw up a quality report, the specialist compares the data obtained during the work at the first stage with those presented in the documentation. Next, a conclusion is drawn - how well the systems work today, their dilapidation, and forecasts for further operation are made.
  4. Taking into account the requirements and recommendations of the owner. Inspection of sites is not always the initiative of the inspection company. Sometimes it's necessary measure to ensure home safety (especially if we're talking about about apartment owners). After previously carried out measures, the specialist must pay attention to the complaints and requirements of the tenant or owner of the premises.

Inspection of utility networks can affect both integral large systems, and individual elements. It depends: on the requirements and requests individual, from problems that arise during operation.

Systems under inspection: where is inspection needed?

Thanks to a variety of modern techniques, inspection of building engineering systems is successfully implemented at different levels. The following systems are subject to it:

  1. Water supply. The examined water supply system includes elements of hot and cold water. During the analysis, the use of instrumentation, visual analytics, determination of wear, operating equipment and the level of corrosion are carried out. To assess the quality of this element of the system, a specialist needs drawings of the pipe layout, through which the results can be changed up or down.
  2. Sewerage. Its systems are checked to ensure compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. The degree of deviation of sewer pipes in degrees, cleaning speed, and wear are analyzed.
  3. Heat supply. Specialists perform hardware measurements of current temperatures, check quality and functionality heating devices. Score by separate apartment carried out taking into account the characteristics of the location of the living space, riser, heat distribution in the house, etc.
  4. Ventilation. It is checked to find out how well the air circulates in the rooms and whether the space is suitable for living.
  5. Electricity. It is subject to many examinations, since if used incorrectly, it poses a serious danger to the population. The specialist studies the wiring, its safe location, compares documentation, produces independent assessment operation of energy supply devices at the facility.
  6. Gas supply. Documentation and location drawings are studied gas pipes, is compared with standards, the quality of the gas supply and the safety of its use at the facility are checked.

The result of any inspection is a consistently drawn up inspection report, which indicates detailed information:

  • about who checked (including the organization that sent the specialist);
  • about the customer who accepted the work (the owner of the area),
  • about the results of the inspection (whether operation is safe and whether major repairs are required in the premises).


This document reflects general state premises, responsible persons and what needs to be done to safely use the facility.

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