Sample document transfer act. Using a Unified Form

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of documents- a document reflecting the transfer of a document from one person to another. It often happens that an organization changes its manager or chief accountant. The change always occurs with the transfer of the necessary documentation. If such a transfer is not recorded in any way, then employees and the company itself risk losing the necessary information and complicating the process of joining a new employee.

To record such a procedure and inventory documents, an act of acceptance and transfer of documents is used. A signed deed is a document that confirms that one party has delivered documents and the other has received them. And the conditions in this act are written in such a way as to confirm this fact.

The signature of the parties in this act indicates that there are no claims of one person against the other in the event of disputes arising in the future. Moreover, a correctly executed act will have legal force even if the dispute between the parties goes to trial.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of documents: main points

Each company has the right to draw up this act at its own discretion and form. The only important thing is that the document contains the following points:

Name, date and place of execution of this act

Name of the enterprise in which this transfer is carried out (for legal entities)

Last name First name Patronymic name of the person transferring the documents (usually this is the person who draws up this document). Also, if necessary, passport information is entered.

Last name First name Patronymic name of the person receiving the documents (if this person is an employee of another company, then the details, the name of this company).

A list of documents transferred under this act, indicating the number of copies, number of pages, number and date of documents.

If there is a large volume of material, it is quite reasonable to describe the documents in an appendix or in a special table, where each document is given its own serial number and its full characteristics. All this is necessary so that not a single document is lost.

Signatures of the parties are placed, which means agreement with the document and the absence of claims. The seal of the company in which the documents are transferred is also affixed.

Such an act may well be drawn up between individuals without specifying organizations. There are enough details and passport data of the parties here.

It should be noted that such an act can also be used when registering a service, when the customer assumes responsibility for storing important and valuable documents for the duration of the work. For example, such a service could be the preparation of foreign travel documents. In the event of loss of original and valuable documents by the contractor, the client who has this act has good reason to contact all necessary authorities in the event of a dispute.

Another useful aspect in the transfer of valuable original documents is their copying by the transferor. The act of acceptance and transfer of documents is prepared in two copies, one for each of the parties to the transfer. Below we bring to your attention samples of such acts.


acceptance and transmission of documents

G. ________________ " " _________________ 20__

_______________________________ in the face ________________________________________ , on the one hand, conveyed, and _____________________________ in the person of ______________________________ , on the other hand, adopted the following documents:


Document name


Document number






This act is drawn up in two copies, one copy for each of the parties.

Transmitted documents: Received documents:

__________________ / / _____________________ / /

Conducting office work is not complete without transferring documents. The reasons may vary, but documenting the process is imperative. What is a sample act for the acceptance and transfer of documentation?

Disposal of any documents implies a certain responsibility. And when changing the person responsible for the safety of documentation, documentation is required. What does a sample document acceptance certificate look like?

General aspects

Any document flow requires control. To do this, a certain type of document is transferred to a specific employee. He is responsible for their safety, correct use and confidentiality.

If there is any other practical need, controlled documents must be handed over or transferred to another responsible person.

The procedure for transferring important documents can be fixed in the accounting policies of the organization. At the same time, the form of the act used for the acceptance and transfer of documentation is also approved.

In some cases, the transfer of documents is regulated by regulations. In other situations, the organization chooses the most appropriate method.

What is it

An act of acceptance and transfer of documentation is a document that reflects the transfer of one or a group of documents from one to another.

The change of any employee who is in charge of any documents is accompanied by the transfer of the necessary documentation.

If the process is not recorded in any way, then there is a high risk of losing important information. In addition, if a document is lost or damaged, it is unlikely that the person responsible will be identified.

It is the act of acceptance and transfer of documents that records the transfer of documentation and it. The signed act confirms the fact that one party handed over the documents and the other accepted them.

The presence of signatures in the act indicates the absence of claims regarding improper preservation, lack of documents or any other reasons. A correctly executed act has legal force.

In case of controversial situations and legal proceedings, the act becomes significant evidence. Each organization can draw up this act according to an independently developed and approved model.

But it is important that the document contains the following aspects:

  • name, date of preparation and place of execution of the act;
  • name of the organization to which the transfer takes place;
  • passport details and full name the person transferring the documents;
  • passport details and full name the person receiving the documents;
  • a list of documents to be transferred indicating detailed characteristics (it is advisable to format this part in a table if there is a large number of documents);
  • signatures of the parties and seal of the organization.

What is the role of the document

The act of acceptance and transfer of documentation confirms the fact of receipt of specific papers by the new responsible person. At the same time, the persons responsible for the safety of documents, both in the past and in the future, are clearly identified.

Not only documents, but also deeds or other securities can be transferred. So the cashier is obliged by the act to transfer the cash available in the cash register and.

That is, the fundamental purpose of this act is to witness the movement of documents from one person to another. In the absence of an act of acceptance and transfer of documents, it is subsequently very difficult to prove that the transfer occurred.

Considering that the value of some documents can be very significant, the procedure for drawing up the act should be given maximum attention.

In any legal proceeding, priority is given to written evidence. It is worth noting that sometimes authorized representatives can act on behalf of legal entities.

If the transfer process is carried out between representatives of different legal entities, before starting the process, it is necessary to check the validity of the powers of each party.

The reason for the transfer of documentation is the dismissal, appointment of an employee or other practical need. The commission must consist of at least three people.

The presence of the person receiving the documents and the person transmitting them is mandatory. It is more convenient to format the list of documents as a table. It is filled out in free form, but its contents should make the composition of the documents as clear as possible.

The procedure for acceptance and transfer of documentation includes:

All data from the commission’s work is included in the content of the act in the form of a text part. This is especially important when there are inconsistencies in documents. Indication of this fact removes responsibility for existing errors from the receiving person.

At the same time, it is permissible to draw up an act in the form of one table without additional explanations. If there are a large number of documents, it is advisable to draw up annexes to the act.

For example, in the act itself, indicate that certain groups of documents are being transferred, and in the appendices, describe in detail the composition of these groups. Thus, the perception of the general content of the act is not impaired.

Since the appendices act as an integral part of the act, all documents listed in the appendices are included in the act. Particular attention should be paid to documents transmitted in their original form.

It is highly advisable for the person transferring the originals to first make copies of them. This will prevent problems from arising if the original documentation is lost.

The act must indicate whether the receiving party receives originals or copies. The act of acceptance and transfer of documents is drawn up in two copies, one each for the receiving and transmitting parties.

To another person

The transfer of documents from one person to another is confirmed by an act in order to record the fact of receipt of specific documents.

Since the act provides a detailed list of transferred documents, if necessary, it is easy to determine which documents were transferred, in what form and quantity.

The act of acceptance and transfer of documents to another person is drawn up according to the following model:

  1. Title of the document.
  2. Date of compilation.
  3. Place of registration.
  4. Data about the transmitting party.
  5. Information about the receiving party.
  6. Text indicating that the transfer of documents took place according to the attached list.
  7. Text certifying that the recipient has accepted the documents and verified them.
  8. Text recording the absence of claims from the parties.
  9. List of documentation (list, table, appendices). In this case, for each document the name, number, date, number of sheets, number of copies, original or copy and other important data are indicated.
  10. Signatures of the parties.

When changing the director

The director is the person responsible for the safety of the organization’s documentation and a certain part of the property assigned to him. In case of dismissal, the director is obliged to transfer the affairs.

However, there is no legally established procedure. The process of changing the general director in an organization is enshrined in a local act.

But company members do not have the right to delay dismissal due to failure to submit documents. But the documents of the resigned director may be demanded in court.

The acceptance certificate is signed by two directors, replacing and taking over. The owners of the organization also have the right to accept documents.

When changing the chief accountant

The transfer of documents when changing the chief accountant is carried out according to the following scheme:

An order from the manager is issued It indicates the reason for the acceptance and transfer of documents (change, dismissal of the chief accountant), the timing of the procedure, the responsible persons indicating the full name, the indication of other persons participating in the process, the date of completion of the transfer, the duties and powers of the previous and new accountants (if the need to work together for some time)
Completion of accounting processes On the date of commencement of the transfer of documents, the current accountant is obliged to make all necessary accounting entries, generate the necessary primary documentation, and provide all required reporting. All documents must be properly sorted and filed
Inventory The change of financially responsible persons, which includes the chief accountant, requires a mandatory inventory to ensure compliance with the actual state of affairs and accounting data. The inventory act is drawn up in triplicate, for the accounting department and participating accountants
Examination All financial statements are subject to verification of the current status and correctness of execution
Drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of documents This document differentiates the responsibilities of the receiving and transferring chief accountants

According to the assignment agreement

If an organization assigns a claim against a debtor to another creditor, then it is obliged to transfer to him all documents confirming the right of claim ().

So, if a claim to the buyer is assigned to pay for the goods received, then the minimum of documents transferred consists of and.

The accountant of the existing creditor is responsible for drawing up the document acceptance and transfer certificate. Registration follows a standard scheme, but there are some nuances of the procedure itself.

The controversial issue is whether originals or copies of documents should be transferred to the new creditor.

If we are talking about the assignment of part of the claims and the transfer of copies is indicated, then the originals remain with the existing creditor, and certified copies are transferred.

If the agreement does not directly indicate the transfer of copies, then according to clause 2 of Art. 385 of the Civil Code, the originals are transferred.

If the documents assigned under the assignment agreement are required in the originals by both creditors, then it is possible to agree on a condition for one of the parties to provide the original documents to the other if necessary.

For storage in the archive

When transferring archival documents for storage, preparation for the process is required. First of all, documents are sorted by shelf life.

In this case, documents are selected whose storage period has expired. For documents of temporary preservation, a document destruction act is drawn up.

The next step is sorting the documents to be submitted to the archive. In accordance with the current rules, documents are transferred to the archive no later than three years from the date of completion of their use in office work.

You should not submit more “recent” documents, as they may come in handy. All documents selected for submission to the archive are checked for value and correctness of format, then a delivery form is drawn up.

The archive employee accepts documents according to the delivery list. In this case, an act of acceptance and transfer of documents is drawn up.

If individual documents specified in the inventory are missing, this point is indicated in the act, indicating the reason. One copy of the act remains with the organization, the other is handed over to the archive along with the documents.

Features depending on the type of documentation

To correctly carry out the procedure for receiving and transmitting documents, first of all, you must ensure the presence or absence of specific documents. It is also important to determine which documents must be present.

Typically, this is stated in the nomenclature of affairs or in the provisions of the organization’s accounting policies. In the process of transferring documentation, it is important to take into account the specifics of certain types of documents.


Drawing up an acceptance certificate regarding project documentation requires compliance with standard rules. That is, the details of the parties, a list of documents and their characteristics are indicated.

But in addition, there are a number of details that are required when submitting project papers. In particular, the act of transfer of project documentation is drawn up in conjunction with.

In this case the following are indicated:

  • data of the customer and contractor indicating their details;
  • name of the design documentation and stage of work;
  • position and full name transmitting/receiving persons;
  • a brief description of the work performed;
  • cost of work;
  • the fact of delivery and acceptance of work;
  • signatures of the parties.

It is important that when transferring originals, copies of documents are made. This will eliminate checks related to damage or loss of original documentation.


Regarding the features of the transfer of accounting documentation, the following points should be noted:

Upon dismissal of the chief accountant at his own request The employer must terminate the contract no later than two weeks later. Documents must be submitted at the time of dismissal
If the chief accountant resigns At the initiative of management or the owner changes, the deadline for submitting documents should not exceed two weeks
Start date of the document transfer process Should be determined when taking into account the deadlines for submitting financial statements and tax returns
In small businesses It is advisable to carry out a complete inventory of property; in large organizations, you can limit yourself to a random check
Procedure for checking the accuracy of documents It is advisable to trust third parties. If this is not possible, the new accountant conducts the audit independently, paying special attention to the current year’s transactions.

The act of acceptance and transfer of accounting documents is also important in that it shows the main financial indicators of the organization’s activities and reflects the state of primary accounting documents, reporting, monetary and material accounting.

In the absence of a successor, the head of the organization can accept accounting documents.

In the case of acceptance of the transfer of documents, as a rule, a corresponding act is drawn up. A ready-made example of a document, rules for its preparation and legal nuances - about all this right now.

Purpose and legal effect

The document has full legal force, and despite the fact that its role often seems purely formal, this is not entirely true.


  1. Document the transfer of documents:

a complete list of all papers;

  • their number;
  • their type (original, copy, certified copy);
  • date of transmission (sometimes time);
  • transferor;
  • receiving party.
  1. Use it as the main evidence if necessary (most often in legal proceedings).

When you might need it

It is assumed that the transfer of papers can occur at any time, so it is drawn up in different cases, when transferring:

  1. Between 2 private citizens.
  2. Between 2 legal entities (for example, when a package of documents is sent as support for a commercial proposal).
  3. Between an individual and a legal entity.

However, the most common case involves the exchange of papers within the same company. There are quite a lot of such examples:

  1. One employee quits and is replaced by a new employee who must take over everything. In order to avoid the loss of documents, errors during their transfer and other undesirable situations, it is necessary not only to provide all the papers correctly, but also to document this fact.
  2. One employee moves to another position and transfers matters to his deputy or a new employee who comes to his place. For example, transfer of accounting, personnel, administrative documents.
  3. Bankruptcy of an organization - in these cases, there is a need to transfer all the papers at once, for which a large number of acts are drawn up, divided into groups in accordance with the types of documentation.
  4. Finally, in the event of a company reorganization (merging it with others, merging departments, etc.), there is also a need to transfer all affairs. Moreover, in such situations, many acts are drawn up at once - for each department, for each employee, etc.

In the case of private citizens, preparation may be necessary if we are talking about the provision of a service that involves the acceptance and transfer of documents. For example, if a person entrusts his interests to a representative in court, he will obviously need to give him important papers, including in their original form. Then drawing up a document is in the interests of the citizen himself.

Form and sample 2019

There is no specific form approved by law, therefore each company and/or individual has the right to draw it up according to its own model. Typically it should include the following information:

  1. Name, date of its compilation (this is the day it comes into force), place of compilation (city or other locality).
  2. The full official name of the company transferring and receiving documents (including in cases where the exchange of papers occurs within the same company).
  3. Full name, passport and contact details of individuals, if they are involved in the exchange.
  4. Full name, position and personnel number (if any) of the responsible employees who actually hand over the papers and receive them.
  5. The list of all transferred documents is usually drawn up in the form of a table. The following data is provided:
  • numbers (in chronological order);
  • full official names of documents;
  • date of their preparation/signing;
  • paper number (in accordance with the numbering system adopted by the company);
  • form (original, copy, certified copy) and number of all sheets (pages do not count).
  1. Next, the signatures of the parties, transcripts of the signatures (last name, initials) and a seal are placed, if the company uses it in its work.

A blank form that can be used in most cases is presented below:

Here is a real example of filling:

PLEASE NOTE. If necessary, it is allowed to attach other important documents to it - most often these are detailed inventories. Then the act needs to reflect references to the inventory, and not list the names of all papers (to save time).

Transfer of documentation upon change of director

This is one of the most common and at the same time one of the most difficult cases. It is always associated with particularly important papers and financial responsibility. As a rule, the following documents are transferred:

  • constituent (company registration, information about founders, Charter, etc.);
  • primary financial statements;
  • business license and other permitting documentation;
  • conclusions of tax and other audits;
  • securities, bills;
  • certificates of ownership of premises, property, production equipment, etc.;
  • lease agreements, supplies and other agreements with counterparties;
  • payment documents, etc.

A sample of such an act differs from a simple document acceptance form. The main difference is that there are not very many documents to be transferred, so they can be prepared in a regular list rather than in a table. Along with this signs the document is always in the presence of witnesses - employees of the company in which there is a change in management.

An example that can be used as a guide is presented below.

Features of the procedure are as follows:

  1. First of all, before registration and the transfer procedure itself, it is necessary to conduct a special inventory of all papers in order to understand in advance whether there is any shortage and what its possible reasons are. Based on the results of the inventory, a reporting document of any sample is drawn up.
  2. Then, to confirm that all the papers have not really been lost, other responsible persons are involved - these are the financial director, the head of the personnel department, the chief accountant, and, if necessary, their deputies.

In especially critical cases, it is necessary to call a notary to confirm the correctness of acceptance of the transfer of documents. He will attest to the purity of the transfer and certify the act with his seal and signature.

There is no need to talk about the role that document flow plays in the work of every enterprise or organization. Any organization during its activities creates a huge number of documents that are used both within it and transferred to third-party agents.

Documents are created in various forms (paper or electronic), but the fact of their transfer from one authority to another is always recorded.

Since two parties are involved in this process (the one transmitting the documentation and the one receiving it), this action is called acceptance-transfer. The transfer is carried out in the form of an act of acceptance and transfer of documents. There is no legally prescribed form or standard for a sample act of acceptance and transfer of documents. It is drawn up in any form, but certain requirements are imposed on its content.

Requirements for the document acceptance and transfer certificate

The act must contain a clear and unambiguous interpretation of what is being transferred, in what form (original, copy, electronic version), as well as a list of persons involved in the acceptance and transfer. The standard contents of the act are as follows:

  • full name of the transmitting and receiving parties;
  • positions and names of persons involved in the reception and transfer;
  • date and place of transfer (or place of drawing up the act);
  • a detailed list of transferred documentation indicating the volume (number of pages) and copies;
  • signatures of representatives of the transferring and receiving parties;
  • side seal impressions.

Below is a sample act of transfer of documents drawn up between two legal entities.

"I approve" "I approve"

Director of Sinie Zori LLC Director of Electron CJSC

Fedorov V.V. ___________ Terekhov I.I.

We, the undersigned representatives of Blue Dawns LLC, represented by the head of the advertising sector, Sergei Ivanovich Tomin and the artist Vladimir Petrovich Strakhov, hand over, and the representative of Electron CJSC, represented by commercial director Ivan Alekseevich Pavlov, accepts samples of advertising booklets made in accordance with agreement No. 32 dated January 23, 2017.

Read also: Cash debt receipt: sample

This act is drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties.

From LLC "Sinie Dawns" From JSC "Electron"

Tomin S.I. ___________ Pavlov I.A.

Strakhov V.P.

If the amount of documentation is large, then its list is compiled in the form of an inventory on separate sheets as an appendix to the act. In this case, the act itself provides a link to the inventory and indicates the number of pages (documents) in the inventory. Inventory of documents for transfer to another organization(sample):

Appendix to the transfer and acceptance certificate

Between Tekhrezerv LLC and Verila LLC

transmitted documents.

  1. Charter of Tekhrezerv LLC 14 page 1 copy. copy
  2. Annual report for 2016 24 pages 1 copy. copy
  1. Certificate from Gostekhnadzor 1 page 1 copy. original

From Tekhrezerv LLC From Verila LLC

Ivanov V.A. __________ Artemov A.I.

Often there is a need to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer between individuals within an organization. This always happens, for example, when a new director, chief accountant or financially responsible person takes office. These procedures are quite complex. The point of drawing up such acts is to differentiate the responsibilities of the new and old employee. Such documents play an important role in the event of litigation. It is impossible to give specific forms here, but it is important to consolidate the results of the transfer of cases by order for the enterprise (organization).

Often in the activities of manufacturing enterprises there is a need to receive (transmit) technical documentation. Sometimes such transfer is provided for in an agreement with a third-party organization that creates (develops) such documents. The volume of transferred documentation is usually very large and amounts to hundreds and thousands of pages and drawings, and also includes scientific and technical reports. Since such work is performed under a contract, the act of acceptance and transfer is the act of completion of the work. Below is an act of acceptance and transfer of technical documentation that was developed under the contract.

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