Analysis of statistical data. Analysis of road accidents and accident rates What is the state doing to reduce the number of accidents

Analysis of road accidents is impossible without identifying the factors and causes that cause them. In this case it is necessary to highlight:

Conditions for the occurrence of an accident, i.e. the totality of characteristics of the road, vehicles, driver and environment at the time of the accident;

The circumstances of the accident, i.e. actions (or inaction) of road users, other persons involved in the accident, as well as other events that took place before and during the accident (i.e., a description of the mechanism of the accident in time;

Causes of road accidents, i.e. a set of conditions and circumstances of the occurrence of an accident, the elimination of which would make the occurrence of this accident impossible.

In general, according to statistics, in 80-90% of cases the causes are related to a person, therefore the study of the causes of road accidents should be aimed at clarifying the question of why the person acted wrongly under these circumstances and in this situation.

In accordance with the goals and objectives of road accident analysis, the following analysis methods are distinguished:

Quantitative analysis assessing the level of accidents by location and time of occurrence;

Qualitative analysis, which serves to establish the cause-and-effect factors of road accidents;

Topographic analysis designed to identify areas where traffic accidents are concentrated in the area.

Absolute accident rates (total number of accidents, number of fatalities, total damage, etc.) give a general idea of ​​the level of accidents, allow for comparative analysis over time, and show trends in changes in this level.

Relative accident rates (number of accidents, number of deaths, etc. per 100 thousand inhabitants, or per 1 thousand vehicles, or per 1 thousand drivers, etc.) allow for a comparative analysis of the accident rate of different countries, regions, cities, roads, etc.

Among them, the most common and objective are:

1) relative accident rate (the ratio of the number of accidents for the period under review to the total mileage of vehicles for this period);

2) relative risk ratio (number of road accidents per 100 thousand inhabitants);

3) the severity of the accident (the ratio of the number of deaths to the total number of injured during the reporting period).

A general analysis of the causes of road accidents allows us to reduce them into the following groups of homogeneous nature:

Failure to comply with traffic rules by its participants;

Wrong choice of driving modes;

Decreased psychophysiological functions of traffic participants as a result of various factors;

Unsatisfactory condition of vehicles;

Incorrect placement and securing of cargo;

Unsatisfactory design and maintenance of road elements and road conditions;

Poor traffic management.

Question 95. Conducting an official investigation of an accident.

The role of official investigation in a market economy and further democratization of society has increased significantly. Such an investigation, as a rule, is carried out by qualified ATP specialists on the basis of the approved “Regulations on the procedure for carrying out ...” (Order 49 of April 26, 1990). At the same time, the commission conducting the official investigation is in constant contact with the investigative and inquiry authorities and has as its main goal an objective understanding of the essence of the case.

This is primarily due to the social protection of the driver and people involved in road accidents. Thus, in the USA, insurance for a person killed in an accident is 0.5 million dollars, but the insurance conditions are structured in such a way that the ATP, if found guilty, incurs significant losses up to complete bankruptcy.

During the official investigation, depending on the need, the complex of causes that led to the occurrence of the accident is checked. In particular, the circumstances preceding the incident will be clarified, road conditions and their possible impact on the likelihood of an accident, the condition of the driver at the time of the accident, the technical condition of the vehicle, etc. will be assessed. All these and other questions should be reflected in the official investigation report to obtain a holistic picture of the causes of a particular accident and the degree of guilt of the driver.

Question 96. Examination of road accidents. The role of engineering calculations in the study of road accidents.

An examination is a comprehensive scientific and technical study of all aspects of each individual incident, carried out by persons with special knowledge of science, technology and craft. Along with an official investigation, a forensic examination is carried out to establish the truth in a criminal or civil case. Such an examination is carried out on behalf of the court in the manner prescribed by law by persons with special knowledge.

Based on the composition of participants, examinations are divided into single, commission and complex. Single, carried out in relatively simple cases when the nature of the accident does not cause disagreement in the interpretation of its individual circumstances. Complex is prescribed when analyzing complex incidents with a large number of participants and vehicles, as well as in the presence of circumstances. which raise doubts or disagreements in their interpretation. Such a commission consists of several experts of the same specialty who study the same objects and answer the same questions. A comprehensive examination is appointed in cases where the issues that have arisen cannot be resolved by specialists of the same type, and persons of different specialties are required.

According to the order of conduct, primary, additional and repeated examinations are distinguished. Conducting an initial examination, an auto mechanic expert answers specific questions from the investigator or court order. An additional examination is prescribed if the expert’s conclusion is insufficiently clear or incomplete. Such a study is intended to clarify the conclusions given earlier, clarify the process of investigating road accidents and the meaning of the conclusions. A repeat examination may be ordered if there is doubt about the qualifications of the expert, the correctness of the examination performed, the objectivity of its conclusions or the reliability of the initial data used as the basis for the conclusion, as well as in case of violation of the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

An integral part of expert investigation of road accidents, often the most complex and responsible, are engineering calculations of vehicle movement. The basis for such calculations are the provisions of theoretical mechanics and the theory of the automobile, experimental and empirical data, as well as the results of statistical processing of mass observations.

The main goals of accident analysis are reduced to a systematic search for opportunities to prevent accidents, as well as to identify guilt and determine punishment for those involved.

The following types of accident analysis are distinguished:

Analysis of single road accidents (deterministic, cause-and-effect, legal analysis, accident examination);

Analysis of road accidents as a mass phenomenon (parametric, probabilistic, statistical analysis).

The analysis of single road accidents is based on a detailed study of the causes of a specific accident and its consequences, the analysis of road accidents as a mass phenomenon is based on the use of accident records, statistical data on drivers, vehicles, etc.

The general scheme of the cause-and-effect approach to the analysis of road accidents is the construction of a model of the mechanism of road accidents, which makes it possible to identify measures to prevent road accidents.

To analyze single road accidents in order to establish a connection between the fact of an accident and violations of the rules and regulations governing road safety (legal analysis, examination of road accidents), the possibilities of using probabilistic assessments of causal relationships are very limited, since the conclusions of the analysis, being the basis for criminal liability, must meet stringent requirements for a high degree of reliability.

When analyzing road accidents as a mass phenomenon, it becomes clear what the trends in indicators characterizing accident rates are, what factors are associated with the greatest risk of road accidents, and where efforts to prevent them should be concentrated.

Based on a comparison of different indicators, it is possible to establish which factors and conditions increase the likelihood of an accident and by how much.

The findings can also be used in relation to individual road accidents to justify measures to prevent them.

As the main method of accident analysis, the comparison method is used, for the use of which it is necessary to clearly understand which objects, processes, factors should be compared with each other, what characteristics, properties, indicators should be used for comparison, and what specific calculation procedure should be used as the basis for the comparison.

Mapping objects are:

Subjects of the Russian Federation in solving the problem of state management of regional development in the field of road safety;

Associations, enterprises, organizations, institutions carrying out the transportation of passengers and cargo, when solving the problem of preventing road accidents in the traffic transport system of the Russian Federation;

Roads of various significance and categories, service areas of road and municipal organizations, specific roads, sections of roads, road intersections and other hot spots and areas of concentration of accidents when solving the problem of improving road conditions;

Categories and brands of vehicles, characteristics of their carrying capacity, capacity, operating features, etc. when solving the problem of increasing the active and passive safety of vehicles.

To analyze accident rates, absolute, specific and relative indicators are used.

Absolute indicators are formed as a result of the accumulation of data on single road accidents. The main purpose of absolute indicators is to reflect the scale of accidents, assess damage from road accidents, and analyze the dynamics of accidents. Absolute indicators include the number of accidents, the number of deaths, the number of injured, the number of accidents due to technical malfunctions of vehicles, etc.

To analyze accident rates, it is also necessary to use absolute indicators that characterize the conditions in which traffic safety activities are carried out.

The set of indicators characterizing these conditions depends on the level of traffic safety management (federal, regional, organization carrying out transportation activities), the main ones among them are the following:

Characteristics of the socio-economic development of the region (territory, population);

Number, condition and development of the vehicle fleet; condition and development of the road network (length of roads, traffic intensity, including along road sections and at different periods of time); the presence and effectiveness of an emergency medical care system, monitoring compliance with road safety requirements; the number of organizations carrying out different types of transportation activities;

Conditions of operation of transport organizations (number and structure of the fleet; data on transportation routes, number,

Experience, age, qualifications of the driver; availability and organization of pre-trip medical examinations, etc.).

Absolute indicators are of little use for a comparative analysis of the level of traffic safety regulations. For example, in terms of the absolute number of road accidents, deaths and injuries, it is impossible to compare the level of traffic safety in different regions due to differences in the number of vehicles, length of roads and other specific features that objectively affect these indicators.

Specific indicators represent the percentage of one absolute accident rate from another.

Most often used:

The share of road accidents committed by drivers under the influence of alcohol in the total number of road accidents caused by drivers;

The share of road accidents caused by drivers of certain types of vehicles in the total number of road accidents caused by drivers;

The share of road accidents of certain types in the total number of road accidents;

The share of road accidents in cities, other populated areas, and on highways in the total number of road accidents;

The share of road accidents due to a certain type of traffic violations in the total number of road accidents;

The share of victims (dead, wounded) of different categories of road users in the total number of victims (dead, wounded), etc.

Specific indicators are used to describe the structure of accidents.

Relative indicators are formed by dividing one absolute indicator by another. The most commonly used relative indicators are the number of road accidents, deaths or injuries per 1 million km of vehicle mileage, per 10 thousand vehicles, per 10 thousand drivers, per 100 thousand population, per 100 km of roads, etc. d.

The main methods for analyzing accident dynamics include assessing changes in accident rates:

In relation to the previous period of time (point to point);

Relation to the base time period;

Relative to the average value for several previous years (point to average);

Average indicators, for example, based on the average for the last two five-year periods (average to average).

The results of the analysis of accident dynamics are presented in the form of tables, graphical dependencies, diagrams, and maps.

The study and comparison of the dynamics of changes in accident rates is carried out, as a rule, to assess the results of traffic safety activities, to identify unfavorable trends that are the basis for further analysis aimed at identifying the causes of these unfavorable changes in order to take the necessary preventive measures.

An analysis of the statistics of reported road accidents in Russia allows us to identify the most common violations of the Traffic Rules by drivers and pedestrians, which are associated with the occurrence of incidents (Table 1).

Table 1

The share of these incorrect actions by drivers and pedestrians in different regions of the country and in different cities is not the same and can fluctuate in approximately the same way as the main types of incidents, as shown in Table. 1. However, it is important to note that all of these violations can be influenced in order to eliminate them not only by strengthening supervision over traffic discipline by traffic police inspectors and the public, but also by improving the organization of traffic.

Quantitative analysis provides only digital indicators and the ability to compare the state of accidents by year and for other calendar periods and identify general trends of change. The simplest quantitative analysis is usually limited to data on the total number of road accidents, the number of dead and injured people. An important indicator in quantitative analysis is the severity of the consequences of an accident.

Accident severity coefficient K T can be defined as the ratio of the number of people killed n y to the number of wounded n p for a certain calendar period:

K T = n y / n p.

The smaller the value of this fraction, the less severe the accident. According to official reports on road accidents, in different countries the severity of road accidents varies widely from 1/5 to 1/40. However, it should be taken into account that by the amount To T The degree of completeness of coverage of road accidents with minor bodily injuries has a great influence.

The relative (specific) number of people killed in road accidents is also used as an assessment indicator of the severity of an accident. For example, the severity of various types of road accidents in RUSSIA is characterized by indicators of the relative severity of the consequences of the road accident, the number of deaths per 1000 road accidents of this type (Table 2). In many cases, an objective comparative analysis of road accidents can only be done by calculating specific (relative) indicators. This is absolutely necessary in cases where the volume of the source of road accidents is not the same, i.e., for example, when comparing road accidents for countries, cities, and motor transport enterprises that differ significantly in the scale of road traffic.

In practice, specific indicators of the number of accidents or the number of fatalities, calculated in relation to the following data, are used:

Per 10,000 inhabitants;

Per 1000 vehicles;

Per 1000 drivers;

For 1 km of the road;

Per 1 million km of vehicle mileage.

The most objective is the last of the listed indicators, since, unlike the others, it directly takes into account the most important factor that determines the likelihood of an accident - the amount of vehicle mileage. Here it is appropriate to recall that, for example, passenger cars for individual use have 3-12 times less mileage per year than cars of transport organizations. Therefore, comparison of the number of accidents per 1000 vehicles for individual use and those located in transport organizations (for example, taxis, etc.) leads to incomparable results.


Ko = n accident 10 6 /(365 N a l)

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1 . Analysisstate droad transport accident rate

1.1 GoalsAndaccident analysis problems

An indispensable condition for effective road safety management is the identification of patterns that determine the influence of various factors on the occurrence of road traffic accidents (RTA) and the severity of their consequences.

Patterns are common to groups of road accidents, but random patterns for individual road accidents are identified based on the analysis of statistical data, for which a state-wide system for collecting and processing information about road accidents is being created.

State statistical reporting carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation includes all road accidents in which dead or injured people were registered. The remaining road accidents are registered and analyzed at the local (regional) level, as well as by individual ministries and departments that own vehicles.

The main goals of the analysis of road traffic accidents come down to, firstly, a systematic search for opportunities to prevent accidents, and, secondly, to identify guilt and determine punishment for those involved in road accidents.

Among the most important tasks and analysis of data on the state of accidents and the values ​​of other indicators characterizing activities to ensure traffic safety, the following can be mentioned:

Justification of measures in all areas of activity to ensure road safety, as well as assessment of the effectiveness of measures and determination of the order of their implementation;

Development of multidimensional methods for processing information to compile the state of accidents and activities to ensure road safety. The study of the interdependence of various indicators and the compilation of the degree of this interdependence are relatively little studied areas of analytical activity;

Forecasting the state of accidents. This direction is one of the most rapidly developing ways to improve the analysis of statistical data. Many models have been developed to predict the state of accidents in road transport;

Analysis of the causes and conditions for the occurrence of specific, isolated accidents;

Creation of universal computer software systems designed for input, control, storage, retrieval and output of information.

To successfully combat accidents, it is necessary to know the cause-and-effect factors of road accidents.

The causes of road accidents and factors contributing to its occurrence are grouped as follows:

Drivers (exceeding speed, violating overtaking rules, violating signal requirements);

Pedestrians (crossing in an unspecified place, walking along the roadway);

Cyclists (failure to follow the order of travel, sudden departure, etc.);

Passengers (riding on the steps, entering and exiting while driving);

Vehicles (damage to brake hoses, breakage of steering rods, ball joints);

Road, street (slippery surface).

Three characteristic areas for studying road accident recording materials that are necessary for traffic management purposes are identified:

a) assessment of the state of accidents in a certain administrative territory in the transport system and identification of trends in its changes in connection with ongoing measures to organize road traffic.

b) identifying the causes and factors causing the occurrence of road accidents and developing measures to eliminate them.

c) identifying places and sections, roads with the highest concentration of accidents.

1.2 Accident analysis for the Russian Federation

accident rate road transport safety

Road transport accidents are a problem facing most countries in the world. In the Russian Federation, it has firmly taken one of the leading places among the most important socio-economic and demographic problems.

Since 2010, the accident rate in road transport has decreased annually in the Russian Federation (the exception was 2011). The reduction in the number of road accidents, as well as people killed and injured in them, continued against the backdrop of an increase in the country's vehicle fleet.

After a three-year period of reduction in all main accident indicators, in 2010 the number of road accidents increased, as well as the number of people killed and injured in them (Table 1.1). According to official statistics, in 2015, 203,597 road accidents were registered in Russia. Compared to 2014, the number of accidents increased by 1.9%. The victims of car accidents in 2015 were 27,991 people - 38 people more than a year earlier (+0.1%). 258,618 people were injured as a result of accidents - the number of injured over the year increased by 6,770 (+2.7%).

The ongoing decrease in accident rates is simultaneously characterized by a consistent decrease in the severity of the consequences of road accidents (the number of deaths per 100 victims in accidents) for 2007-2009; starting from 2010, the severity of road accidents begins to increase. But, despite the increase in the number of road accidents in 2015, the severity of the consequences of road accidents is decreasing (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 - Main accident rates in the Russian Federation (2004-2015)

The severity of the consequences of an accident

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

Figure 1.1 - Main accident rates in the Russian Federation (2007--2015)

The main types of road accidents remain:

Vehicle collisions.

Hitting a pedestrian.


Hitting an obstacle.

There is a positive trend in road accidents with collisions with pedestrians. Since 2008 the number of such accidents is decreasing; Thus, in the period from 2008 to 2011, the share of this type of accident in the total number of incidents decreased from 38.0% to 33.1%. The number of vehicle rollovers is gradually decreasing, but the proportion of collisions is increasing (Table 1.2). For example, in 2007, collisions accounted for 33.1% of the total number of road accidents, and in 2015 - 38.3%.

Table 1.2 - Distribution of types of road accidents as a percentage of their total number (2007-2011)

Colliding with a pedestrian

Vehicle collisions

Vehicle rollovers

Hitting an obstacle

Other incidents

The majority of road accidents occur due to violations of traffic rules (traffic rules) by vehicle drivers. 85--90% of all road accidents occur due to the fault of drivers.

But it should be noted that there are other causes of accidents:

· traffic violations by drivers;

· traffic violations by pedestrians;

· unsatisfactory condition of roads;

· technical malfunction of cars.

According to data for 2014-2015. The causes of road accidents in percentage terms were distributed as follows (the sum of the shares is more than 100%, since some road accidents involve more than one cause):

Figure 1.2 - Causes of road accidents (as a percentage) for 2014-2015.

Table 1.3 - Injured due to traffic violations by vehicle drivers

±% to APPG

Specific gravity

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

An analysis of the causes of road accidents shows that pedestrians are becoming more disciplined; the number of accidents due to technical malfunction of the vehicle is decreasing, due to the unsatisfactory condition of the roads remains unchanged, but due to violation of traffic rules by drivers, more accidents were committed in 2015 than in 2014.

According to statistics, four out of every five road accidents in Russia occur due to the fault of the driver. Every year, more than 20 thousand people die and more than 200 thousand are injured in such accidents.

The dynamics of changes in the number of accidents caused by drivers, the number of deaths and injuries in such accidents are shown in Table 1.3.

Analyzing road accidents caused by drivers, we can come to the conclusion that in recent years their number has been increasing. Likewise, the number of people injured and killed in such accidents is increasing.

The most common causes of accidents by drivers are:

· driving while intoxicated;

Wrong choice of distance;

Violation of the rules for passing a pedestrian crossing;

· exceeding the established speed;

· operation of technically faulty vehicles;

· driving through a prohibiting traffic light.

Every eighth road accident in Russia is committed by drivers while intoxicated. In 2015, the number of such road accidents increased by 4.8%, the number of deaths remained unchanged (2,103 people).

Table 1.4 - Road accidents and casualties due to traffic violations by drivers while intoxicated (2007-2011)

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

A large number of accidents occur among “novice drivers.” In 2015, 25,909 road accidents were caused by them, the number of deaths compared to the previous 2014 increased by 11.7% and amounted to 3,258 people. The main causes of accidents among drivers whose driving experience does not exceed three years are inconsistency of speed with specific conditions (32% of accidents) and failure to comply with the order of passage of intersections (18%) (Figure 1.3).

Due to violations of traffic rules by pedestrians, 28,518 accidents occurred in 2015, in which 4,998 people were killed and 24,896 were injured. It is characteristic that over the past few years there has been a reduction in the proportion of such incidents from 43,645 (2007) to 31,969 (2010). But in 2011, the number of accidents due to violations of traffic rules by pedestrians increased sharply, and there was also an increase in the mortality rate of pedestrians. And in 2015, there was a decrease in incidents again.

Figure 1.3 - Road accidents and deaths caused by drivers with less than three years of driving experience (in the Russian Federation)

1.3 Accident analysis byPEnza region

The accident rate in the Penza region is similar to the accident rate throughout Russia. Every year, about 1,700 road accidents occur in the Sursky region, in which hundreds of people die and thousands are injured.

Since 2007, the level of accidents in road transport has been decreasing annually in the Penza region, with the exception of 2011. The number of road accidents has increased, and there are more injured (Table 1.5, Figure 1.4). In addition, the number of deaths in road accidents in 2011 was only 1.14 times less than in 2004 (Table 1.5). Thus, the program “Improving road safety in 2006-2012” in the Penza region, as well as throughout Russia, has not yet produced the expected results.

According to official statistics, in 2012, 2,251 road accidents were registered in the Penza region. Compared to 2011, the number of accidents increased by 23.1%. The number of wounded also increased and amounted to 2941 (+23%) people, which is 549 people more than in the previous year. The number of people killed decreased by 3% compared to 2011.

Figure 1.4? Dynamics of accident rates in the Penza region (2007-2015).

Table 1.5? Main accident rates (2007 - 2015) for the Penza region

The severity of the consequences of an accident

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

The ongoing decrease in accident rates is simultaneously characterized by a consistent decrease in the severity of the consequences of road accidents (the number of deaths per 100 victims in accidents) for 2007-2009; in 2010, the severity of road accidents increased sharply, and in 2011-2012. decreased again. In 2012, the severity of road accidents had a minimum value over the last five years and amounted to 9.9 (Table 1.5). But it should be noted that the severity of the consequences of road accidents in the Penza region is higher than in Russia as a whole. For example, in 2012, the severity of the consequences of road accidents in the Penza region was 9.9, while in Russia it was 9.2.

Most incidents occur in the regional center. For example, in 2015, 927 (+47.1%) road accidents were registered in Penza, resulting in the death of 54 (+10.2%) and the injury of 1,143 (+48.8%) people. The severity of the consequences of road accidents was 4.5 deaths per 100 victims.

Common types of road accidents in the Penza region are:

· collisions (including at intersections and when entering the oncoming lane);

· collision with pedestrians;

· overturning;

· hitting an obstacle.

In 2015, out of 2251 road accidents in the Penza region there were: 844 collisions, 654 collisions with pedestrians, 334 rollovers, 177 collisions with an obstacle, 80 collisions with a standing vehicle, 73 with a cyclist, 48 falls of passengers and 3 collisions with horse-drawn vehicles ( Figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5? Distribution of road accidents by type in the Penza region for 2015.

The causes of accidents in the Penza region, as well as throughout Russia, are violations of traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians, unsatisfactory condition of roads and technical malfunction of cars.

The most common cause of road accidents in the Sursky region is the extremely low transport discipline of drivers. Their deliberate disregard for the rules of the Road Traffic Regulations has become widespread. Out of every ten road accidents, eight are directly related to traffic violations by drivers.

According to official statistics, over the past 5 years there has been a gradual decrease in the number of accidents due to traffic violations by drivers. But in 2015, the number of such accidents increased and amounted to 2084, which is 24.1% more than in 2011.

The dynamics of changes in the number of accidents caused by drivers, the number of deaths and injuries in such accidents are shown in Table 1.6.

Table 1.6? Road accidents and victims due to violation of traffic rules by vehicle drivers in the Penza region (2010-2015)

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

±% to APPG

On average, about 90% of all accidents occur due to violation of traffic rules by vehicle drivers. For example, in 2012 (Table 1.6), 2,084 (+24.1%) road accidents occurred due to the fault of drivers, in which 2,784 (+22.7%) people were injured and 274 (+1.1%) people died.

On average, every eighth traffic accident in the region is caused by drunk drivers. The number of such accidents is growing every year. Over the past five years, only in 2009 there was a decrease in the rates of road accidents (124 (-0.8%)) due to drivers who were intoxicated (Table 11). In 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, an increase in such road accidents was noticed compared to previous years (Table 1.6). For example, in 2010, 127 accidents were registered due to violations of traffic rules by drivers while intoxicated, which is 178 accidents less than in 2011; 17 people were killed and 171 were injured. Compared to the previous year 2011, these numbers are 115.6% and 163.7% less, respectively.

In addition to road accidents due to drivers driving while intoxicated, the following violations of traffic rules by drivers, which result in road accidents, are common in the Penza region:

· speed inconsistency with specific traffic conditions;

· failure to comply with the order of travel;

· driving into oncoming traffic;

· lack of right to drive a vehicle;

Violation of the rules for passing pedestrian crossings;

Wrong choice of distance.

Table 1.7 shows the main violations of traffic rules by drivers in the Penza region, which became the causes of the main accidents (for 2010-2015).

From table 1.7 it is clear that in 2011-2013. There was a decrease in accidents due to speed inappropriate for specific conditions and due to driving into oncoming traffic, but since 2010, an increase in such accidents began.

Road accidents due to non-compliance with the order of travel increased from 2007 to 2009; in 2010 there was a decline in such road accidents, and since 2011 there has been an increase.

Figure 1.6? Main traffic violations by drivers in the Penza region in 2015.

Table 1.7 - Road accidents due to major traffic violations by drivers in the Penza region (2010--2015)

Traffic violation

Number of accidents

Total for the region

Speed ​​mismatch for specific conditions

Failure to comply with travel order

Drifting into oncoming traffic

No right to drive the vehicle

Driving a vehicle while intoxicated

Violation of rules for passing pedestrian crossings

Wrong choice of distance

The low quality of training of vehicle driver candidates is of serious concern. Over the past 2015, in the Penza region, 13.1% of road accidents occurred due to the fault of drivers with less than two years of driving experience (compared to 2014, the number of such accidents increased by 5.2%), and the number of citizens who received a driver’s license after passing qualifying exams amounted to 20,916 people.

The majority of accidents caused by “young drivers” in the Sursky region are committed by “their” drivers (i.e., drivers living in the Penza region), they account for 93% of the total number of accidents caused by drivers with less than two years of driving experience years

In 2015, in the Penza region, 15 (out of 237) accidents occurred due to the fault of “strange” drivers with up to 2 years of driving experience. They were registered in Penza, Serdobsky, Sosnovoborsky, Nikolsky, Tamalinsky, Nizhnelomovsky, Mokshansky, M. Serdobinsky, Lopatinsky, Kamensky and Spassky districts, as well as in the city of Penza.

Compared to 2014, in 2015, the number of accidents caused by “other people’s” drivers, whose driving experience is less than 2 years, decreased. The number of dead and wounded has also decreased. But the number of accidents due to the fault of “their” drivers in 2015 increased by 5.2%, the number of injured increased (+11.2%), and the number of deaths in these accidents began to decline (-32.5%).

According to statistics, about 12% of road accidents in the Penza region are caused by pedestrians. The dead number in the dozens, the wounded in the hundreds. Until 2010, there was a decrease in road accidents and the number of victims due to traffic violations by pedestrians; in 2010 there was an increase, in 2011 there was a decrease again, and in 2015 there was an increase again (Figure 1.8).

Figure 1.8? Road accidents and casualties due to traffic violations by pedestrians in the Penza region (2010–2015)


Having analyzed the accident rate in road transport in the Penza region, we came to the conclusion: in general, the state of accident rates in the Penza region is similar to the state of accident rates in the Russian Federation as a whole. As throughout Russia, in the Penza region until 2015 there was a decrease in the accident rate in road transport. Compared to 2007, in 2010 the number of road accidents decreased by 1.04 times, the number of deaths - by 1.1, and the number of injured - by 1.04 times. But 2011 was marked by an increase in accident rates in the Penza region. The number of road accidents increased by 9.9% compared to 2010; the number of wounded increased by 17.1%, but the number of dead decreased by 10.1%.

The leading positions in the number of road accidents in 2015 are occupied by: Penza (927 road accidents), Kuznetsk City Department of Internal Affairs - 125 road accidents, Bessonovsky district - 115 road accidents, Penza region - 113 road accidents, Gorodishche district - 101 road accidents. By the number of wounded - Penza (1143 people), Penza (180 people), Bessonovsky (157 people), Kuznetsk City Department of Internal Affairs (151 people) and Gorodishchensky (145 people) districts. In terms of the number of deaths, the first places (more than 20 people) belong to the city of Penza (54 people), Nizhnelomovsky (22 people), Kuznetsky (22 people) and Penza (21 people) districts.

The main types of road accidents in the Penza region are:

collisions (including at intersections and when entering the oncoming lane);

collision with pedestrians;

vehicle rollover;

hitting an obstacle.

The most common cause of road accidents in the Sursky region is the extremely low transport discipline of drivers. Out of every ten road accidents, eight are directly related to traffic violations by drivers.

In 2015, 13.1% of road accidents were caused by drivers with less than two years of driving experience. In absolute terms, most of the accidents were committed by graduates of the autonomous non-profit driving school “Professional” - 23 accidents and by drivers who received a driver’s license as a result of self-training - 11 accidents.

According to statistics, about 12% of road accidents in the Sursky region are caused by pedestrians. The dead number in the dozens, the wounded in the hundreds.

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    thesis, added 06/17/2016

    Methods for identifying and analyzing areas of traffic accident concentration at the approach to Severodvinsk. Topographic localization based on road accident registration cards. Potentially dangerous road elements. Carrying out measures to reduce accidents.

    course work, added 06/25/2009

    Analysis of statistics and causes of road accidents and characteristics of the route network of urban public transport in Vitebsk. Development of proposals to improve traffic management and reduce the accident rate of public transport.

    thesis, added 03/17/2011

    Quantitative, qualitative, topographical and focal analysis of accident rates in the Partizansky district of Minsk. Study of traffic intensity and traffic flow. Analysis of the organization of traffic on the site and proposals for its improvement.

    thesis, added 06/17/2016

    Dynamics of accident rates in the Republic of Abkhazia using the example of the entrance to the city of Sukhumi. Characteristics of the road section. Traffic intensity and composition of traffic flow. Investigation of road accidents, conducting examinations.

    thesis, added 05/01/2015

    Improving the organization of road traffic based on the results of the analysis of road accidents on the road network of the Frunzensky district of Minsk (2010-2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of solutions. Calculation of economic, environmental and emergency losses.

    thesis, added 06/17/2016

    Functions of persons authorized to regulate traffic. Characteristics of the rights and responsibilities of the state road safety inspection. Analysis and types of road accidents. Studying the concept of steering wheel stabilization.

    test, added 03/19/2010

    Classification of road transport junctions and their characteristics. Transport interchanges at different levels. Analysis of accident rates at transport hubs of different road network layouts in Minsk. Basic parameters of traffic light regulation at typical sites.

⁠1. What information is factual and what is evaluative.

A) Alcoholic drinks were banned at graduation ceremonies in Surgut. Corresponding letters warning about the administrative responsibility of parents and organizers for involving minors in drinking alcoholic beverages were sent to educational institutions by the Department of Education and the Department of Juvenile Affairs on the eve of graduation ceremonies. As the inspector of the ODN of the Internal Affairs Directorate for Surgut said, all graduation ceremonies passed calmly.

B) Boys and girls under the age of 16 can visit night entertainment venues from 11 pm to 6 am only if accompanied by their parents. If the owner of a “public place” allows a person under 16 years of age to be present at night, he may be subject to a fine of up to 50 times the minimum wage. The fine increases in direct proportion to the number of children identified. However, many suggest that this measure will not improve the situation.

C) Show business is alarmed. In a small town in the Arkhangelsk region, a precedent occurred that threatens to overturn the ideas of the Moscow pop bohemia about their own concert activities. The posters did not indicate that the concert was being held with an instrumental soundtrack (“minus one”). For this, the organizer of the performance was given an administrative order and a fine of 10 thousand rubles.

D) Over the ten months of this year, 151 legal entities, 8 officials and 438 citizens were brought to administrative responsibility for unauthorized redevelopment of premises in Moscow. According to the head of the state housing inspection of the capital, “redevelopment of residential premises in Moscow is now commonplace. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate will do everything to ensure that not a single residential building in the capital collapses.”

A - factual, but the last sentence is evaluative;

B - factual, but the last sentence is evaluative;

B is evaluative, but the last sentence is factual;

G - the first sentence is factual, the second and third are evaluative.

2. Determine who and what administrative offenses are committed in this story. What liability is imposed for these offenses?

There was no snow this New Year. But you could go into the forest to pick a Christmas tree on a motorcycle. The speed was great, there was a whistling sound in my ears, my hair was simply torn in the wind. Still, it was in vain that Sergei did not put on his hat - he was very cold. His older brother's friends tried to persuade him to take a sip of vodka to warm up. Sergei didn’t like the vodka, and he decided to warm up in another way - skiing, because there was a ski station nearby. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to go skiing, because they required a passport as a deposit for issuing skis, and Sergei didn’t have one yet. He went back wearing a hat.

Sergei and his friends committed an administrative offense for illegal logging. For this they face a fine of 3 to 3.5 thousand rubles.

If Sergey was driving a motorcycle, then he committed an administrative offense for driving without a license. And he faces a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

Sergei committed an administrative offense for drinking alcoholic beverages by minors. For this he faces a fine of 500 to 1,500 rubles.

3. Analyze statistical information on the dynamics of accidents on the roads of the Russian Federation.

Describe the general dynamics of accidents on Russian roads. What do you think are the reasons for the worsening situation on Russian roads?

Unfortunately, judging by the diagram, in our country every year there is an increase in the number of accidents and the number of victims.

For example, in 2006 compared to 2001, the number of victims increased by as much as 1.5 times and amounted to 285 thousand people.

This tragic increase is due to many factors:

Firstly, the number of bad roads is increasing, and a quarter of all accidents are their fault.

Secondly, the number of phones people have is increasing. Many drivers start talking on the phone while driving, and some even manage to play games and watch movies - but all this leads to tragic consequences.

Thirdly, the number of old, faulty cars is increasing, because... Many people don't have enough money to buy a new car.

Analysis of road accidents is impossible without identifying the factors and causes that cause them. In this case it is necessary to highlight:

1) conditions for the occurrence of an accident, i.e. the totality of characteristics of the road, vehicles, driver and environment at the time of the accident;

2) the circumstances of the accident, i.e. actions (or inaction) of road users, other persons involved in the accident, as well as other events that took place before and during the accident (i.e., a description of the mechanism of the accident in time;

3) causes of accidents, i.e. a set of conditions and circumstances of the occurrence of an accident, the elimination of which would make the occurrence of this accident impossible.

In general, according to statistics, in 80-90% of cases the causes are related to a person, therefore the study of the causes of road accidents should be aimed at clarifying the question of why the person acted wrongly under these circumstances and in this situation.

In accordance with the goals and objectives of road accident analysis, the following analysis methods are distinguished:

Quantitative analysis assessing the level of accidents by location and time of occurrence;

Qualitative analysis, which serves to establish the cause-and-effect factors of road accidents;

Topographic analysis designed to identify areas where traffic accidents are concentrated in the area.

Absolute accident rates (total number of accidents, number of fatalities, total damage, etc.) give a general idea of ​​the level of accidents, allow for comparative analysis over time, and show trends in changes in this level.

Relative accident rates (number of accidents, number

deaths, etc., per 100 thousand inhabitants, or per 1 thousand vehicles, or per 1 thousand drivers, etc.) allow for a comparative analysis of the accident rate of different countries, regions, cities, roads, etc.

Among them, the most common and objective are:

1) relative accident rate (the ratio of the number of accidents for the period under review to the total mileage of vehicles for this period);

2) relative risk ratio (number of road accidents per 100 thousand inhabitants);

3) the severity of the accident (the ratio of the number of deaths to the total number of injured during the reporting period).

A general analysis of the causes of road accidents allows us to reduce them into the following groups of homogeneous nature:

Failure to comply with traffic rules by its participants;

Wrong choice of driving modes;

Decreased psychophysiological functions of traffic participants as a result of various factors;

Unsatisfactory condition of vehicles;

Incorrect placement and securing of cargo;

Unsatisfactory design and maintenance of road elements and road conditions;

Poor traffic management.

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