JSC firm "Agrokompleks" named after. N. Tkacheva (st.

Joint Stock Company Firm "Agrokompleks" named after. N.I. Tkacheva: BUYERS HAVE TRUSTED US FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS! AGROCOMPLEX - NATURAL PRODUCTS OF KUBAN! The Agrocomplex company was created in 1993 by combining a feed mill and a cattle fattening complex. In more than 20 years, a huge path of formation and development has been covered. From a small enterprise, the company has grown into the largest agricultural holding in the country. The company was one of the first to bring to life the concept of a full-cycle agricultural enterprise: FROM FIELD TO STORE! A unique, virtually unparalleled, closed system based exclusively on our own production. For this purpose, modern farms are built, livestock is raised on high-quality feed, production is ensured by innovative equipment and advanced technologies. Quality and naturalness are the words that buyers call when purchasing products under the Agrocomplex brand. The “full cycle” system will allow you to monitor quality at every stage of the production process. Currently, the company includes more than 60 enterprises of various profiles: crop production, meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig farming, poultry farming, processing industry, and trading activities. The number of personnel of the Agrokompleks company exceeds 24 thousand employees. The branded retail network “Agrocomplex - Natural Products of Kuban” has more than 600 convenience stores located in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, as well as the Rostov Region. The range of products produced by the Agrokompleks company includes more than 800 items. Wholesale trade in food products and raw materials, an important link in the development of the company, being a leading supplier of wheat, rice, sugar, meat, eggs, groceries to the Russian food market, the Agrokompleks company is developing its own distribution network. Since 2013, the company has been a supplier of poultry products for the international restaurant chain KFC. Sales of our own marbled beef to restaurants and retail chains are actively developing. JSC firm "Agrokompleks" named after. N. I. Tkacheva is included in the list of 199 systemically important enterprises of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on February 8, 2015. This list includes companies whose stable operation and dynamic development are of utmost importance for the Russian economy Federation. Mission of JSC firm "Agrokompleks" named after. N.I. Tkacheva: While successfully developing, we preserve traditions and work with love on the Kuban soil: we grow and produce only natural products ourselves, and sell them fresh to residents of the region and Russia.

Khvorostina Evgeniy Nikolaevich - General Director

Babenko Valentina Nikolaevna-1.10%
Tkachev Alexey Nikolaevich-1%
Firstkov Sergey Ivanovich-1%
Tkachev Nikolay Ivanovich -0.67%
Total number of shareholders: 3210

Participation in funds, holdings, non-profit partnerships and associations:
ASSOCIATION OF EMPLOYERS OF THE MUNICIPAL FORMATION VYSELKOVSKY DISTRICT, NO (Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, village of Vyselki, Lenin St., 27)
RUS, ASP (Tambov region, Michurinsk, Sovetskaya str., 286, room 6, OFFICE 4)
MEAT UNION OF KUBAN, BUT (Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Uralskaya str., 126 building 5)
COMFORT 2007, HOA (Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, Vyselki village, Lenina st., 186 litera 2)
Southern Rice Union, NP (Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Belozerny village, 3)

Participation in the authorized capital:

Name Location Share in the authorized capital, %
AGROCOMPLEX PAVLOVSKY, LLC Krasnodar region, Pavlovsky district, Atamanskaya village, st. Lenina, 1 bldg. - kv 100.00
GEOKOM, LLC Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, village Vyselki, st. Stepnaya, 1 100.00
LENDAGROGROUP, LLC Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, village Vyselki, st. Stepnaya, 1 100.00
MINGRELSKOE, LLC Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, st. Kolkhoznaya, 5 100.00
MK ZHUKOVSKY, LLC Rostov region, Peschanokopsky district, village. Letnik, st. Michurina, 43 100.00
HUNTING ECONOMY KUBAN, LLC Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, village Vyselki, st. Stepnaya, 1 100.00
SAIL AGRO GROUP, LLC Moscow, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 57 bldg. 1 100.00
CHEESE KUBANI, LLC Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, village Vyselki, lane. Polevoy, 14 100.00
TD KUBAN-2004, LLC Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, village Vyselki, st. Stepnaya, 1 100.00
TIKHORETSKAGROINVEST, LLC Krasnodar region, Tikhoretsky district, village. Malorossiysk, st. Michurina, 1 100.00
KUBAN BACON, LLC Krasnodar region, Pavlovsky district, Pavlovskaya village, st. Spartakovskaya, 1 99.99
HOLIDAY HOME KOLOS, LLC DOL Krasnodar region, Sochi, st. Sochinskoe Highway, 6A 14.96
NPO KUBANZERNO, LLC Krasnodar region, Krasnodar 2.00
BOARDING HOUSE MORSKAYA DAL, LLC Krasnodar region, Sochi, st. Central, 5 1.56
PAVLOVSKY SUGAR FACTORY, LLC Krasnodar region, Pavlovsky district, Pavlovskaya village, st. Voroshilova, 2 0.10
MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS, LLC Krasnodar region, Vyselkovsky district, village Vyselki, st. Stepnaya, 1 0.10
MTC KRASNODAR, ANO DPO Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, st. Uralskaya, 96 -

JSC Firm Agrokompleks im. N.I. Tkachev" took 323rd place in the RBC 500 ranking; its revenue in 2014, according to SPARK, increased by almost 40%, to 26.5 billion rubles, net profit - by 65%, to 4.1 billion rubles.

Already in June 2015, Agrokompleks, taking into account its latest transactions, was supposed to enter the top 5 largest holders of agricultural land in Russia: the company’s land bank at that time could be about 450 thousand hectares.

Already in 2014, Agrocomplex became the leader in milk production in Russia with a volume of almost 180 thousand tons. In 2015, the company was supposed to produce more than 200 thousand tons of milk. With this indicator, the company is guaranteed to enter the top 3 largest manufacturers at the end of 2015.

The holding continues to actively develop its dairy business. The company begins construction of its first cheese production plant. In terms of capacity, the cheese factory will become one of the largest factories in the Russian Federation and, of course, the most powerful in the south. The company will primarily produce hard cheeses - in particular, Maasdam, Emmental, as well as mozzarella and Adyghe cheese.

In total, the Agrocomplex farms contain 60,000 head of cattle.

The annual gross milk production exceeds 100 thousand tons with a productivity of more than 6000 kilograms of milk per forage cow. However, this milestone has already been overcome by livestock breeders of the dairy complex of the Kolos and Gazyrskoye enterprises - industry leaders. Created according to international standards five years ago, the largest dairy complex contains 2.3 thousand heads of cattle, including 1,600 cows, each of which produces over 8 thousand kilograms of milk per year.

In general, Agrocomplex has 10 dairy complexes equipped with the most modern equipment, housing 7,300 dairy cows. More than 90% of the milk coming from these farms to dairies is rated as premium milk!

The holding's dairies process 200 tons of milk daily. Today Agrocomplex produces 42 types of natural dairy products. These are different types of milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, butter and fermented baked milk. 2,300 tons of cheeses, 600 tons of butter, 33,000 tons of whole milk products are sold through our own distribution network.

"Agrocomplex" named after. N.I. Tkacheva plans to invest 1 billion rubles in the reconstruction of the dairy plant. The design capacity of the plant in the Vyselkovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory is over 300 tons of products per day.

Based on the results of testing samples of dairy products produced by the JSC company Agrokompleks im. N.I. Tkachev" The Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Krasnodar Territory will add this company to the "list of honest milkmen."

year 2014

The volume of milk production in 2014 amounted to almost 180 thousand tons.


The volume of milk production amounted to 203 thousand tons

In 2016:

Milk production amounted to 140,997 tons; at subsidiaries, the volume of milk production amounted to 79,919 tons. The total milk production in the holding amounted to 220,916 tons.

Among the enterprises of JSC is the company "Agrokompleks" named after. N.I. Tkachev, the leaders in milk yield are the Kolos enterprise - 24,878 tons and the Pobeda enterprise - 19,683 tons.

Among the subsidiaries, the leaders are two farms with gross milk yields of 18,803 tons and 16,142 tons.


In 2017, construction of the Zhukovsky dairy complex will begin in the Peschanokopsky district of the Rostov region, investments in the creation of which will reach 2.9 billion rubles. According to the project, the complex will contain 2.8 thousand heads of the main herd. Gross milk production will be more than 25 thousand tons per year. Thanks to the implementation of the project, 116 jobs will be created.

As of May 2017 There are more than 8 thousand heads in the beef herd.

Production of raw milk in 2017:
Gross milk yield 247,046 tons

Leaders among milk producing farms:
Enterprise "Kolos" - 26,633 tons
Enterprise "Pobeda" - 20,515 tons
Enterprise “For Peace and Labor” - 19,171 tons
Chapaev Enterprise - 15,766 tons
Enterprise "North Kuban" - 13,877 tons
Enterprise "Russia" - 13,061 tons
Enterprise named after P.Ya.Shtanko – 12,474 tons
Enterprise "Rodina" - 12,437 tons

Processing of raw milk 2017:
Enterprise "Milk" 124,001 tons
Workshop No. 2 – 100,522 tons
Workshop No. 1 – 23,275 tons
Ice cream workshop – 204 tons


249th place in the list of 600 largest companies in Russia in terms of product sales volumes of the Raex rating agency. The company's product sales volume increased over the year by 4.3% to 46,680 million rubles.

It is the largest milk producer in the Russian Federation, and is also among the top 5 milk and rice producers

He completed the construction of a cheese production plant in the village of Vyselki, Krasnodar Territory. According to the company's press service, the enterprise is now ready to launch; the first cheese is planned to be brewed in early November. The total investment in the project amounted to about 9.6 billion rubles. The plant's capacity allows it to process up to 500 tons of milk and up to 450 tons of whey per day.

Volume of raw milk production in 2018, tons: 265101

Volume of milk processing in 2018, tons: 138196

Agroholding named after. Tkacheva will begin building a farm for 2,800 animals in the Rostov region. The cost of the project will be 2.43 billion rubles, with a capacity of 25 thousand tons of milk per year. The Zhukovsky dairy complex will be located in the Peschanokopsky district.

Businesses started in the 90s, in most cases, went bankrupt or moved to other niches. Companies that manage to survive and continue to operate in the once chosen field are distinguished by great viability, often thanks to the acumen of the leader who began to pave the way to capital. The company "Agrocomplex" (Vyselkovsky district) is one of the examples of successful implementation of plans.


Agrocomplex (Vyselkovsky) has been operating in the Krasnodar region for more than 20 years. In the perestroika nineties, starting a business was risky, and to many it seemed like an adventurous idea. Skeptics and pessimists were wrong; started in 1993, the agricultural complex has grown to the largest holding, which includes more than sixty enterprises. The structure and organization of the company are combined into a single cycle of agricultural production, operating on the principle “from field to counter”, providing consumers with high quality food products.

The company began with the merger of several harvesters, processors and producers of agricultural products, forced to resort to consolidation in counterbalance to the decline in the industry. Lack of working capital, reduction in the number of animals on farms, and lack of government support led to the liquidation of many farms. Those who did not agree to give up in the era of change united into a single structure, which helped them survive at first, and then increase production capacity and become leaders.

Today, Agrocomplex (Vyselkovsky district) provides jobs to 24 thousand people, receives agricultural products from 200 thousand hectares of arable land, the company’s production complexes are located in several districts of the Krasnodar Territory, a branded network of stores with its own products is spread across many cities of Russia

Stages of development

Over twenty years of activity, a lot of work has been done, which has its main milestones:

  • 1993 - Agrocomplex CJSC was organized (Vyselkovsky district), which included the Voskhod feeding base.
  • 1994 The association was replenished with the Vyselkovsky elevator, which gave rise not only to the storage of grain, but also to the opening of production of bakery products with subsequent sale.
  • 1995 The company grew by two large farms - the Beysugsky creamery and the Grazhdanskaya poultry farm. With their arrival, a meat processing line of activity was opened.
  • 1999 Several agricultural enterprises joined the Agrokompleks company (Vyselkovsky district), which increased the number of sown areas. In connection with this, modern farming technologies and increasing productivity were introduced, and the fleet of agricultural machinery was updated.
  • 2004 The cultivation of berry crops was mastered and the logistics of their sale to the end consumer were established. The supply of fruit to the tables of Kuban residents has increased. The annual planting of young fruit trees amounts to 60 thousand hectares.
  • 2005 year. The poultry division of the company was replenished with the Krasnodar Broiler and Slavyanskaya poultry farms. The investments made in modernization were quickly justified by high performance indicators.
  • In 2008-2010, the feed mill was reconstructed, which increased capacity to 1,100 tons of product per day. A new branch of crop production has been mastered - rice cultivation on the basis of the affiliated company "Ordanskaya". The Agrocomplex enterprise (Vyselkovsky district) received the first recognition at the state level. The holding was recognized as a systemically important enterprise of the Russian Federation.
  • 2011-2012. The company included several agricultural enterprises that determined the growth of meat processing, crop production, and livestock farming. During these years, sugar beet production for the first time reached 530 thousand tons, which became the starting point for the modernization of the Kristall sugar plant.
  • year 2013. The company celebrated its twenty-year anniversary with high production indicators in all areas of activity and the title of the largest agricultural holding in the country.


The Vyselkovsky agricultural complex united about 60 enterprises located in the Kuban granary of Russia. Under the hot sun, fertile black soil produces the best crops, orchards are beautiful and berries are filled with juice. The entire huge farm is serviced by the hands of experienced employees and professionals at every key position. The company’s sphere of interests includes the following areas of activity and development:

  • Plant growing.
  • Gardening.
  • Animal husbandry.
  • Poultry farming.
  • Feed production.
  • Elevator complex.
  • Grain processing.
  • Meat processing.
  • Milk processing.
  • Industrial complexes.
  • Warehousing and logistics.
  • Wholesale and retail trade.

Closed loop

“Agrokompleks” (Vyselkovsky district) has brought together the entire complex of agricultural production under its brand and built a system in which third-party assistance is not required at any stage. All processes, from initial cultivation of the land or settlement of the farm to baking bread, bottling milk and delivering products to the final consumer, are carried out within one company. This allows the company to rely on its own resources and not depend on external factors.

In addition to using existing farms, land and production facilities, the company pays great attention to and carries out work to replenish soil fertility, the health of livestock, update factory floors, and introduce high social standards for employees.

Products of the Vyselkovsky agricultural complex

The range of products is extensive and includes:

  • Dairy products are represented by a full range (more than 40 items) of popular consumer products. Every day, 200 tons of milk are sent from the dairy to the counter. The products are manufactured in accordance with Russian State Standards and do not contain preservatives.
  • and semi-finished meat products. The meat processing plant of the agricultural complex daily produces more than 60 tons of various products, which include more than 80 types of sausages, the range of semi-finished products includes about 30 types and many other popular items. The enterprise has workshops with updated production lines, storage systems, ripening, smoking, etc.
  • Products for frying and grilling are represented by semi-finished products, chilled products, ready for heat treatment in any convenient place. The assortment includes poultry in popular marinades, sausages for frying, marinated meat for kebabs, etc.
  • Meat products are presented on the shelves of company stores in a full range, ready for freezing or processing.
  • Poultry meat is sold in whole carcasses or parts, frozen or chilled, and the buyer is also offered kits for preparing various dishes. All poultry is raised in poultry farms of the agricultural complex.
  • Groceries and canning. The cannery's assortment produces more than 50 types of canned food from fresh fruits and vegetables, and canned meat. The list includes sauces, juices, nectars, canned vegetables, fruit sodas, mineral water, condensed milk and much more. All products intended for processing in the canning shop are grown in the Pobeda, Kolos, and Agrokompleks farms (Vyselkovsky district).
  • Bakery and confectionery products. During the year, the production produces up to 2200 tons of finished products consisting of 35 items. The confectionery shop pleases those with a sweet tooth with high-quality products, the assortment of which includes 50 items, and more than 200 tons of delicious cakes, pastries, and cookies are produced per year.

In addition to the main range of products, the Agrokompleks company (Vyselkovsky district) produces sunflower oil, sugar, honey, chicken and quail eggs, vegetable pickles according to old recipes, canned food for pets, an assortment of popular cereals, etc.

For participants in the agricultural market, the company offers services for receiving and preserving grain harvests in modern elevators with the possibility of further processing, animal feed, fertilizer, etc.

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