The Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region is a deposit account of the arbitration court. Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region - deposit account of the arbitration court Depositing money to the deposit of the arbitration court

Do not transfer the state duty to the deposit account of the Arbitration Court!!!

Details for transferring the state duty are located in the section of the website "Arbitration process"/"State fee"/"Details for filling out a payment order for transfer of state duty"

Deposit account

In the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region, it was opened in order to implement the provisions of Art. 94, 106-110, 283 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 124 of the “Rules of Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation”

Deposit account details:

TIN 7451018300
Gearbox 745301001
UFK for the Chelyabinsk region (Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk region, l/sch 05691A90540)

r/s 40302810465771200001

c/s no
BIC 047501001
to Chelyabinsk Branch

KBK and OKTMO - not provided!!!

Payment Description: It is necessary to indicate what the payment is for and the case number in full, for example:
1) payment for the examination in case No. A76-0000/0000;
2) payment for counter collateral according to the application. about the acceptance of preliminary interim measures on the claim of _____ to ____ in the Arbitration Court. There are no legal encumbrances on the transferred funds.)

Admission to the bank of payments. Debited from account plat.
date Payment type
Sum__________ rubles ____ kopecks
in words
TIN Specify the payer's TIN Checkpoint Specify the payer's checkpoint


Payer's name

Account No.

Specify the payer's account
Indicate the name of the payer bank in accordance


Specify the payer's BIC
Classifier of banks of the Russian Federation and its location

Account No.

Specify the payer's account
Payer's bank

Chelyabinsk branch



Account No.

payee's bank
TIN 7451018300 Gearbox 745301001

Account No.

UFK for the Chelyabinsk region (Arbitration
court of the Chelyabinsk region, l/s 05691A90540)

Type op.

01 Term. plat.

Name pl.

Essay. plat. 6


Res. field

It is necessary to indicate what payment is being made for, and the full case number
(for example: 1) payment for the examination in case No. A76-0000/0000; 2) payment for counter collateral according to the application. about the acceptance of preliminary interim measures on the claim _____ to
_____ to the Arbitration Court. There are no legal encumbrances on the transferred funds.)

NDS is not appearing.
Purpose of payment
Signatures Bank marks
Article The official remuneration of the financial manager increased to 25,000 rubles for the bankruptcy procedure of an individual, i.e. increased by 2.5 times. What does this change for bankrupt individuals? Is the problem with finding FUs solved? We get to the point quickly and to the point.
I am finishing up the restructuring procedure and the financial institution says that most likely an implementation procedure will be introduced. Is it possible to pay for the financial institution’s services from KM.
Is it possible, instead of depositing 25 thousand for the financial institution when filing for bankruptcy and for subsequent bankruptcy expenses, to present a writ of execution to the bank as payment. The bank is one of the creditors that at one time filed a lawsuit to collect the debt on the loan, but in a counterclaim against this bank it was possible to sue it for illegally paid insurance. The amount of the writ of execution against the bank is more than 50 thousand. Simply, if you now present the writ of execution to the bank for payment, and the bank also has a writ of execution. sheet from the bailiffs, then the bank (car loan) will begin active collection efforts. At the moment I am looking for a new job, and a car is the only means of earning money under a taxi contract, and I am the only breadwinner in the family now. Or do you still need to deposit money for the financial institution? If so, will it be possible to pay for other expenses during the bankruptcy process with a writ of execution or to request your own maintenance if problems arise with the work? Thank you.
Hello. Please tell me when I should pay the remuneration to the financial manager before sending the documents to the court? Or after when there is a case number?
I collected all the documents for bankruptcy, I don’t want to waste time. 25 tr for FU payment is not available now. Only in 3 weeks they will be there. How to submit without wasting time?
The first bankruptcy meeting was on September 27, but my lawyer said that it was postponed due to the lack of a letter from the financial manager, it did not arrive, although the lawyer said that it was sent by him and the meeting was postponed to November 13, I am tormented by doubts that it was postponed for such a long period, although it was deposited I added it a long time ago, tell me, maybe this is happening or I’m being deceived
The bankruptcy procedure has been completed and the debts have been written off. The court did not have a receipt for depositing 25,000 to the manager. The court ordered the recovery of this amount from the bankrupt. But we have letters, albeit by email, where the manager asks to deposit amounts for current expenses and 25,000 for remuneration into his account. There are bank receipts confirming the transfer of these amounts to him. Is it possible, when filing an appeal, to prove that we gave him the amount to deposit with the court, but he simply did not deposit it. Maybe I should write a complaint to his SRO?
I am going through bankruptcy proceedings, two cars (mine and my wife’s) bought during marriage are being sold. The total amount is 150 thousand rubles. What is the financial manager's share and how much will my wife receive after selling the car? Thank you.
Please tell me, if during the sale of property that does not exist, the bankruptcy estate is formed at the expense of the salary of the debtor (individual), whether the financial institution has the right to receive 7% of its amount as remuneration. And if so, how is this done? Does he independently allocate this amount for himself, as well as the amount of bankruptcy expenses, transfer the remaining funds to the accounts of creditors, generate a report and submit it for approval by the court? Or are all calculations made after the report is approved by the court?
Hello! Please tell me, do I have the right to compensation and the bankruptcy estate for the amount that I deposited with the court in the amount of 25 thousand? I borrowed this money, I need to pay it back. FU is not against it, but is this stated somewhere in the law?
Good afternoon If the restructuring procedure goes into implementation, then 25,000 rubles. Should I deposit the court after the procedure is introduced and the ruling is issued? Thank you.

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plenum of the RF Armed Forces

Document Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 45 of October 13, 2015
Good evening! Please tell me whether it is legal for the courts to apply Resolution No. 51 of the RF Armed Forces in the bankruptcy of an individual. Thank you
I have 2 loans totaling 510 thousand rubles. I am currently listed on the labor exchange as unemployed. I want to file for bankruptcy but the question is I have no property, no car, no jewelry then what will be written off to pay off the debt
Hello! Please tell me, can I write an application to exclude a refrigerator from the bankruptcy estate? I need it for a normal life, I have a small child, and from my salary I only receive a subsistence minimum. I indicated it in the inventory of property when submitting the application, so .k.needed to indicate something.
Hello! The first meeting has already been scheduled. The judge's assistant said that before the hearing it is necessary to submit a written petition to introduce a procedure for the sale of a citizen's property. Will the property be sold: TV, refrigerator, washing machine, which were purchased during marriage and are indicated in the inventory? The apartment is the only housing, and even then only a share. There is no other property. Thank you!
How many messages should there be from financial institutions in the Unified Register, in my case, the current determination of bankruptcy and the beginning of implementation, when you can see a report on the work done, 2 months have passed, nothing
On May 30, a complete solution-implementation was produced. The ruling dated July 18, 2016 scheduled the consideration of the petition for the allocation of the subsistence minimum from the bankruptcy estate to September 13, 2016. Total 3.5 months without money. Question: if the application is granted on September 13, will the subsistence minimum be paid from May 31 for each month of the implementation procedure or only from September 13 onwards?
I am collecting documents for bankruptcy, there is no property, but there is a receipt for the amount covering loan debts. In this case, do I need proof that I have property sufficient to pay the expenses of the bankruptcy case and what will happen to this receipt if I myself cannot receive money from it?
Please tell me. And if the debtor has no income and no property at all that can be sold, what to do? there still such a practice?
Good afternoon! The court accepted my application for proceedings, but asks me to clarify whether I have other property that cannot be foreclosed on. documents (items of ordinary home furnishings and household items, personal items and others). Please answer, is it necessary to indicate this property or is it better not to? The court also asks to clarify where the funds received under the loan agreements were sent. Where would it be better to write I spent this money? I really hope for your answer.
Hello! I filed for bankruptcy. The Moscow Arbitration Court left the application without progress, on the grounds that I did not provide documents about my marital status: whether I was divorced, married, whether I shared property with my spouse. But the last time I got divorced was in 1992! Not married, didn’t share anything with anyone, I simply don’t have these documents. They don't exist in nature. Doesn't physically exist. And the law requires their provision only “if available.” And in the application itself, I clearly indicated all the details of my marital status. What do they want from me? Certificate of absence of certificate? If I don’t provide it, they threaten to return the application. They also said that I did not provide evidence that I had sufficient property for expenses. But I deposited 10,000 rubles into the court deposit, the warrant is attached. I need to come to court and what should I do? I don't understand sincerely. Thank you!

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inventory of property

Document Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2015 N 50, Moscow “On the application of legislation by courts when considering certain issues arising in the course of enforcement proceedings”
Document Petition (statement) to exclude property from the bankruptcy estate of a bankrupt individual
Article The plenum of the RF Armed Forces thought and said: “If there is no property, then there is no bankruptcy.” Individual debtors are in shock.
Can a single mother take away 10 acres of land received for free after the birth of her third child in case of bankruptcy?
Can a bankrupt at the stage of completing the sale of property apply for exclusion from the km of property included in the inventory at the time of filing the bankruptcy application? The thing is old, and Fu charged too much for it, it’s not worth it. Now the bankrupt has found an appraiser, but before throwing away money he wants to know whether his application with an expert’s opinion will be considered or not.
If there is no property, is it possible to carry out bankruptcy proceedings for an individual according to some simplified scheme? Thank you.
I live with my family at my wife’s place of registration; I haven’t been to my place of registration for a long time, but I indicated to banks that my residential address coincides with my registration. Where will people come to compile the bankruptcy estate? And if at my place of registration, how can I prove that the property is not mine?
I owe two banks and three microfinance organizations a sum; there is nothing else in my property; if I start bankruptcy proceedings, they can come to my place of registration and start confiscating my relatives’ belongings
My husband owes it to an individual who wants to sue my husband for bankruptcy. My husband owns a share in an apartment in which we have not lived for a long time and do not maintain relations with our relatives and co-owners. And there is a plot of land with an unfinished house. The land plot is registered as a property, the house is not. But my husband and I live in it. What will be implemented? I would like the Court to sell my share in the apartment? But what will happen in reality according to the law?
The employer has not paid wages for 3 months. From the prosecutor's office, where I sent the appeal, I received an answer so that I could figure it out myself... I don't have money, not only for a lawyer who will competently draw up a claim for me, but even for the subway! And at the same time, the bank from which I took out a loan and was late with 2 payments, unilaterally terminates the contract and sues me demanding to pay the entire amount at once. I have neither movable nor immovable property. I am registered in a house that belongs to my parents, but I don’t live with them - I wander around with friends. How can I start my bankruptcy procedure in such a situation? What property will be described and where if it all fits into a couple of bags and is clothing?
Hello! He filed for bankruptcy. 1. Since the court is in another city, the employer did not let me go and my interests in court, based on the validity of the application, were represented by a representative, which is provided for by law. The court wants to see me at the next hearing, not a representative. Does the court have the right to punish for contempt of court if there is only a representative again (I want to provide a certificate from the employer that he cannot let me go for the whole day)? 2. In addition, he asks to list in writing the property that is in the apartment. Why would he need this if household items are not included in the bankruptcy estate. Is the court right?
I know that you have experience working with financial institutions remotely. How does he conduct an inventory of the debtor’s property if the debtor lives in another city?
in 2015, I sold the room to a bank, to friends. Having sold the room, I repaid the debt to my friends. I paid off the overdue payments to the MFO from the banks. The debts remained as the rest of the money. I paid monthly loan payments, enough for six months, I started borrowing from the MFO again and at the same time applied to the bank for refinancing. They refused me. There is no property except personal belongings, it is registered with my parents and I live with them. They can describe the property of my parents if I file for bankruptcy and what are my chances.
Tver (OGRN 1035009552192), with a statement dated July 30, 2013 No. 42/3443 of the Open Joint Stock Company "Avangard", Smolensk region, Safonovo for the return of funds in the amount of 56,524 rubles. from the deposit account of the Arbitration Court of the Tver Region, the open joint-stock company "Avangard" (Safonovo, Smolensk region, hereinafter - OJSC "Avangard", applicant, creditor) applied to the arbitration court with an application for recognition of the open joint-stock company "RAZNOIMPEX" (city.

How to get money back from a court deposit

It is better to prepare 2 identical applications - then after the documents are endorsed, one copy will remain with you as confirmation of the fact and deadlines for submitting documents. Attach to this application the original payment document confirming the payment made - if you need to return the entire amount. If you want to return only part of it, a photocopy of the original payment document is sufficient. In addition to confirmation of payment, you must also attach to your application a court decision in the case or a certificate from it stating that you have circumstances that allow you to return the paid fee.

Refund of funds from the deposit account of the arbitration court

in the amount of 70,000 rubles. 00 kopecks.”What actions must the LLC take in order to receive money from the deposit account? Answer In order to receive money from the deposit account, the LLC must submit an application to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region with an application for the return of funds, indicating the details of the account where the funds should be transferred and attaching a copy of the decision indicating the return of funds from a deposit account. According to paragraph 126 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/1996 No. 7 “On approval of the Rules of Arbitration Courts,” payment of funds credited to the deposit account is made on the basis of a judicial act adopted by the arbitration court. The return procedure is not established by regulations. The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Lawyer System. “Application from the Briz company for the return of funds in the amount of 77,000 rubles from the deposit account of the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Arbitration process

What is the deadline for returning countercollateral from the deposit account of the arbitration court? There is a ruling on the cancellation of measures to secure the claim and return from deposits

The internal regulations of arbitration courts establish the procedure for returning funds from deposit accounts. If the court makes a ruling on the return of funds from the deposit account, as a general rule, the person with this determination must contact the accounting department of the arbitration court with an application for return, which indicates the account number to which the funds should be transferred.

It is better to prepare 2 identical applications - then after the documents are approved, one copy will remain with you as confirmation of the fact and deadlines for submitting documents. This application is accompanied by the original payment document confirming the payment made - if you need to return the entire amount. If you want to return only part of it, a photocopy of the original payment document is sufficient.

Law Club Conference

The debtor, wildly frightened of arrest, paid us both penalties and debt and state duty. We would like to waive the claims in full. There was not even a preliminary hearing. How can we return the money from the deposit as quickly as possible? According to the APC, interim measures are valid until the determination to terminate the proceedings enters into legal force. In the application for refusal, immediately ask for the cancellation of interim measures and the return of money?

What should the judge rule? Thank you in advance. yanka Sep 04, 2003 Ask right away, it will be returned if the judges didn’t drink (just kidding).

Refund of money from court deposit

execution of the decision of the court of first instance is suspended until the end of the proceedings in the Federal Arbitration Court [The funds deposited with the Federal Arbitration Court as counter security are subject to return to the applicant, i.e. Show a sample application for a refund of money from the deposit of the TU DSA of Ukraine, Zaporozhye region. Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Court Fees” establishes the procedure for returning the court fee and the cases in which the court fee is returned.

When depositing funds into the deposit account of the court in the cases indicated above, it is necessary to accurately indicate the purpose of the payment and the number of the case within which the funds are being deposited (“countersecurity in case No. A65-ХХХ/ХХХХ”, “for the examination in case No. A65-ХХХ /XXXX”, etc.). The return of funds from the deposit account of the arbitration court in favor of the payer, if they were not used or were used partially, in the event of cancellation of interim measures and in other cases, except for their erroneous transfer to the deposit account of the court, is made on the basis of a court ruling issued within the framework of the relevant case. In this case, a mandatory condition for the return of funds is the provision by the payer in writing of updated bank details for the transfer.

Payment for expertise in arbitration proceedings

Funds for payment of remuneration to the financial manager in an amount equal to the fixed amount of remuneration of the financial manager for one procedure applied in a bankruptcy case of a citizen are deposited by the debtor, bankruptcy creditor or authorized body into the deposit of the arbitration court (paragraph two of paragraph 4 of Article 213.4, paragraph 4 of Article 213.5 of the Bankruptcy Law) At the request of a citizen, the arbitration court has the right to grant the citizen a deferment in depositing funds to pay remuneration to the financial manager until the date of the court hearing to consider the validity of the application to declare the citizen bankrupt (paragraph three of paragraph 4 of Article 213.4 of the Bankruptcy Law).

Depositing funds with the court

If a person participating in the case has filed a petition to include in the ruling on the appointment of an examination additional questions posed to the expert (Part 3 of Article 82 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), this person, by virtue of Part 1 of Article 108 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, deposits sums of money in the amount of necessary to pay for the relevant work of the expert. If a person participating in the case fails to pay sums of money, the court has the right to reject such a petition.

Depositing funds into the deposit of the arbitration court


The arbitration court, allowing security for a claim, at the request of the defendant, may require the person who applied for security for the claim or invite him on his own initiative to provide security for compensation of possible losses for the defendant (counter security) by depositing funds into the deposit account of the court in the amount proposed by the court , or providing a bank guarantee, surety or other financial security for the same amount. The amount of countersecurity may be established within the limits of the plaintiff’s property claims specified in his application, as well as the amount of interest on these claims.

The amount of countersecurity cannot be less than half the amount of the property claims. 2.

Court deposit deposit of funds


The transfer of funds from the deposit account is carried out by the court's accounting department only on the basis of a judicial act containing an instruction in the operative part on the payment of funds to persons participating in the case at the expense of funds contributed as counter security, sums of money due to the expert, witnesses, translators in in connection with the performance of their duties in cases provided for by the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, or on the return of funds to the payer, with the exception of cases of erroneous crediting of funds. Refunds of erroneously credited funds (including erroneously credited state fees) are made on the basis of a written application from an individual or legal entity.

Transfer of funds is made only by non-cash means: - for legal entities - to a current account; - for individuals - to the personal account of an individual opened with a credit institution.
Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to ensure that a court decision is brought to immediate execution in case of possible losses in the event of subsequent cancellation of this court decision in higher authorities. Details of the deposit account of the Arbitration Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory: INN 7536103138 KPP 753601001 Recipient: UFK for the Trans-Baikal Territory (Arbitration Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory, l/s 05911A90070) Recipient's bank: Branch Chitar/s 40302810000001000022BIK 047601001 KBK 000000000000000000001 OKTMO 76701000 Purpose of payment: be sure to indicate what the funds are being transferred for and on what matter?

Court deposit deposit of funds Ukraine

Payment for the examination in the arbitration court occurs in the following order: In accordance with Art. 108 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and clause 6, clause 22 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2014 No. 23, when making a ruling on the appointment of an examination, the arbitration court must ensure that funds are deposited with the court in full for subsequent payment for the examination. To find out the cost of the examination, you need to contact the Bureau of Forensic Examinations and obtain for the court an information letter about the possibility of conducting a forensic examination, which will indicate the cost of an independent examination and which must be provided to the court along with confirmation of the transfer of funds to the deposit of the arbitration court (payment order) .

Amounts are deposited into the deposit account by persons participating in the case as counter security when arbitration courts consider applications for interim measures, as well as by persons who filed a petition to appoint an examination, call witnesses, or engage an interpreter in cases provided for by the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the payment must indicate what the payment is for and the case number in full (for example, payment for the examination in case No. A43-1111/2005-1-1). Deposits of funds transferred by legal entities are carried out according to payment orders of applicants.

Depositing funds with the court for examination

Countersecurity can also be provided by the defendant in exchange for measures to secure a claim for the recovery of a sum of money by depositing funds in the amount of the plaintiff's claims into the deposit account of the arbitration court. 2. Article 108 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, according to which sums of money to be paid to experts and witnesses are deposited into the deposit account of the arbitration court by the person who filed the corresponding petition within the period established by the arbitration court.
If the said petition is submitted by both parties, the required sums of money are deposited by the parties into the deposit account of the arbitration court in equal parts.

An individual, by court decision, collected dividends from the enterprise. The company intends to appeal the court's decision. The execution of the judicial act, pending its consideration in the cassation instance, will be suspended if the cassator provides counter-security by transferring funds to the deposit account of the arbitration court in the amount of the disputed amount. The funds have been transferred. Until there is a final court decision, the company cannot accrue dividends, since if the court rules in favor of the company, the funds will return back to the company’s account. At the same time, a court decision may be made in two to three months. In what account should the transferred funds placed in the deposit account of the arbitration court be reflected until the final decision of the court?

The amount transferred to the court account should be reflected in the debit of account 76 and in the credit of account 51.

The return of money is reflected by an entry in the debit of account 51 and in the credit of account 76.

If the plaintiff’s demands are satisfied through collateral, this is reflected by an entry in the debit of account 75 and in the credit of account 76.

The accrual of dividends is reflected in the debit of account 84 and in the credit of account 75.

The rationale for this position is contained in the materials of the recommendations of the Glavbukh System vip version

Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation

“Article 94. Countercollateral

1. The arbitration court, allowing security for a claim, at the request of the defendant, may require the person who applied for security for the claim or invite him, on his own initiative, to provide security for compensation of possible losses for the defendant (counter security) by depositing funds in the amount of money into the deposit account of the court. proposed by the court, or the provision of a bank guarantee, surety or other financial security for the same amount. The amount of countersecurity may be established within the limits of the plaintiff’s property claims specified in his application, as well as the amount of interest on these claims. The amount of countersecurity cannot be less than half the amount of property claims.*

2. Countersecurity may also be provided by the defendant in exchange for measures to secure a claim for the recovery of a sum of money by depositing funds in the amount of the plaintiff’s claims into the deposit account of the arbitration court.

3. The arbitration court shall issue a ruling on counter-security no later than the next day after the day the court receives an application to secure the claim.

The determination shall indicate the amount of countersecurity and the period for its provision, which cannot exceed fifteen days from the date of the determination.

A copy of the ruling is sent to the persons participating in the case no later than the next day after the day the ruling is issued.

The determination of countercollateral may be appealed.

4. If a ruling on countersecurity is made, the arbitration court does not consider the application for securing the claim until a document confirming the countersecurity provided is submitted to the arbitration court.

5. When a document confirming the counter-security has been submitted to the arbitration court, or after the expiration of the period for its submission specified in the court’s ruling, the arbitration court, no later than the next day after the day of receipt of such a document, considers the application for securing the claim in the manner established by Article 93 of this Code.

6. Failure of a person applying to secure a claim to comply with the arbitration court’s ruling on countersecurity within the time period specified in the ruling may be grounds for refusal to secure the claim.

7. The presentation by the defendant of a document confirming the counter-security provided by him is the basis for refusing to secure the claim or canceling the security for the claim.”

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