The lessor transfers to the lessee. What rights does the tenant have if the landlord fails to fulfill his obligations?

We refer to _____ hereinafter as the “Lessor”, represented by___________, acting on the basis of _______, on the one hand, and __________, hereinafter referred to as ____________, as the “Tenant”, represented by ____________, acting on the basis of _________, on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Lessor transfers and the Tenant accepts for rent non-residential premises at the address: ______________ with a total area of ​​_____ sq. m. m, in a condition allowing its normal operation.

1.2. The premises will be used for (specify): __________________


2.1. The Lessor undertakes:

2.1.1. Carry out major repairs at your own expense.

2.1.2. In the event of an accident that occurred through no fault of the Lessee, immediately take all necessary measures to eliminate its consequences.

2.2. The tenant undertakes:

2.2.1. Use the premises exclusively for its intended purpose in accordance with this agreement.

2.2.3. Carry out current and cosmetic repairs in a timely manner at your own expense.

2.2.4. If you find signs of emergency condition of plumbing, electrical and other equipment, immediately notify the Lessor.

2.2.5. Do not carry out reconstruction of the premises, re-equipment of plumbing and other major repairs without the consent of the Lessor. Inseparable improvements to the rented premises must be made only with the written permission of the Lessor.

2.2.6. If the rented premises, as a result of the Tenant's actions or his failure to take necessary and timely measures, fall into disrepair, the Tenant shall restore it on his own, at his own expense, or compensate for the damage caused to the Landlord in the manner prescribed by law.

2.3. The rented premises may be subleased by the Tenant only with the written consent of the Landlord.


3.1. The tenant makes timely rental payments according to the attached calculation in the total amount of ___________ rub. per year (per quarter, per month) excluding (including) value added tax.

3.2. The rent may be revised ahead of schedule at the request of one of the parties in cases of changes in actual prices, as well as other factors influencing the estimated value in the composition, characteristics and cost of the transferred premises. The party that initiated the rent revision must notify about this no later than ____________ months in advance.

3.3. Payment is made monthly (quarterly) by transferring the amount determined by the agreement from the Tenant's current account to the Lessor's current account no later than the 10th day of each month (the fifth day of the first month of each quarter), starting from the first month (quarter) of the lease.

3.4. For each day of delay in transferring rent, a penalty is charged in the amount of ___% of the amount owed, but not more than ___% of the total amount of rent.

3.5. If the Tenant leaves the premises before the expiration of the lease term or in connection with the expiration of the contract, he is obliged to pay the Lessor the amount of the cost of cosmetic or routine repairs of the premises that were not carried out by him and are his responsibility.

3.6. The cost of inseparable improvements made by the Tenant without the Landlord's permission is not subject to reimbursement.


4.1. The rental period is set from "___"__________ to "___"________ 20__.

4.1.1. Upon expiration of the contract and fulfillment of all its conditions, the Tenant has a preferential right to renew the contract.

4.1.2. One month before the expiration of the lease, the Tenant must notify the Lessor of the intention to extend the term of the contract.

4.1.3. Notify the Landlord in writing, no later than two weeks in advance, about the upcoming vacation of the premises, both in connection with the expiration of the contract term and in case of early vacation, and hand over the premises according to the act in good condition, taking into account normal wear and tear.

4.2. Changing the terms of the contract, its termination and termination are permitted by agreement of the parties.

Additions and changes made are reviewed by the parties within a month and formalized in an additional agreement.

4.3. The lease agreement is subject to early termination at the request of the Lessor, and the Tenant is subject to eviction:

4.3.1. When using the premises as a whole or part of it not in accordance with the lease agreement;

4.3.2. If the Tenant intentionally or negligently worsens the condition of the premises;

4.3.3. If the Tenant has not paid rent within three months;

4.3.4. If the Tenant does not make repairs as provided for in the lease agreement.

4.4. The lease agreement may be terminated at the request of the Tenant:

4.4.1. If the Landlord does not carry out the required major repairs of the premises.

4.4.2. If the premises, due to circumstances for which the Tenant is not responsible, find themselves in a condition unfit for use.

4.5. The contract may be terminated due to force majeure (insurmountable) circumstances.

4.6. Unilateral termination of the contract is not permitted.

4.7. Disputes arising from this agreement are resolved by the parties through negotiations.

4.8. If agreement is not reached, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this agreement by one of the parties, the agreement may be terminated in an arbitration court in the manner prescribed by law.


5.1. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.

5.2. Other conditions at the discretion of the parties _____________

5.3. The following are attached to the Agreement:



Lessor: ___________________________________________________

Tenant: _____________________________________________________

____________________ ___________________________ "___" ______________ _______

Represented by ________________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as “ Landlord", on the one hand, and ________________________________________ represented by ________________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as " Tenant", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as " Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", as follows:


1.1. The Lessor transfers, and the Tenant accepts for temporary use, non-residential premises located at ________________________________________ with a total area of ​​_______ sq. m. m and owned by the Lessor according to the certificate of state registration of rights to real estate, series _______ No.______________ dated “___”______________ _______.

1.2. The rented premises are provided to the Tenant for use as ______________ (office, warehouse) and at the time of lease are suitable for use for these purposes.

1.3. For the duration of this agreement, the tenant is granted the right to access the city telephone number ______________.


2.1. The rented premises, its equipment and property must be transferred by the Lessor and accepted by the Tenant according to the acceptance certificate. When prolonging or renewing a contract, such acts may not be drawn up, because The composition and condition of the rented premises is known to the Tenant.

2.2. From the moment the acceptance certificate is signed, the Tenant must be provided with unhindered access to the rented premises.


The Lessor undertakes:

3.1. Provide office premises specified in clause 1.1 of this agreement.

3.2. In case of accidents and malfunctions that did not occur through the fault of the Tenant, immediately take measures to eliminate them. In case of accidents and malfunctions due to the Tenant's fault, elimination is carried out at the Tenant's expense by the Lessor's forces or by agreement of the parties. The Tenant undertakes:

3.3. Use the premises transferred to him for the purpose specified in clause 1.2 of this agreement, maintain them in good condition.

3.4. Comply with sanitary, technical and fire safety rules, comply with the requirements and instructions of the supervisory authorities for compliance with these rules.

3.5. To freely admit representatives of the Lessor during working hours in order to monitor the condition and operation of the rented premises and the equipment installed in them. In the event of malfunctions of the heating and electrical networks, immediately call the Lessor's representatives, and also take immediate measures to eliminate the malfunctions and preserve inventory items.

3.6. Carry out routine repairs of rented premises at your own expense.

3.7. Ensure the safety of rented premises, heating devices and systems, electrical networks, ventilation, fire-fighting equipment and other property in the rented premises from destruction, damage and theft. In the event of damage occurring in the absence of the fault of the Tenant and the Lessor, liability for it shall be borne by guilty third parties or, if such have not been established, the costs incurred in this case shall be assigned equally to each of the parties. Have fire-fighting equipment in the rented premises and maintain it in good condition in accordance with the requirements of the fire service.

3.8. Make the payments provided for in this agreement in a timely manner.

3.9. Carry out redevelopment and re-equipment of the rented premises and the devices and systems located in them only with the written permission of the Lessor.

3.10. Notify the Lessor about the upcoming vacancy of the rented premises no later than two weeks before the expected vacation. The premises are handed over to the Lessor according to the acceptance certificate (Appendix No. 1).

3.11. Do not sublease premises without the written permission of the Landlord.

3.12. Bear financial liability for damage caused to the Lessor during accidents inside the rented premises, if the above occurred through the fault of the Lessee, in the amount of the actual expenses incurred by the Lessor.


4.1. For the premises specified in the first section of this agreement, the Tenant pays rent to the Landlord, based on the agreement of the parties, at the rate of ______________ rubles per 1 sq. m. meter of area per month. The amount of rent per month is ________________________________________ rub. incl. VAT ______________ rub.

4.2. The lessor has the right, no more than once a quarter, to increase the rent by indexing it to take into account inflation, as well as in cases of changes in centrally established prices and tariffs for work and services directly related to the maintenance and operation of the leased premises. The Lessor notifies the Tenant of changes in rent no later than _______ days.

4.3. Payments are made by the Tenant monthly in equal shares of the annual amount no later than the _______ day of the current month according to the invoice issued by the Lessor.


5.1. If the Tenant fails to pay the rent within the terms established by this agreement, the Lessor may be charged a penalty in the amount of _______% per day of the overdue amount for each day of delay.

5.2. Payment of the penalty established by this agreement does not relieve the parties from fulfilling the obligations provided for by this agreement.

5.3. The obligation to pay penalties and damages incurred arises from the guilty party after a written claim is presented to it from the other party, with a calculation of the amount of the amount to be paid, the timing of payment and the attachment of documents confirming the validity of this calculation.


6.1. The tenant, who has properly fulfilled the obligations under this agreement, has a preferential right to extend the agreement.

6.2. The lease agreement is terminated early by mutual agreement of the parties.

6.3. At the request of the Lessor, this agreement may be terminated in cases where the Lessee:

  • uses the premises (in whole or part thereof) not in accordance with the lease agreement, including in the case of uncoordinated sublease of the premises;
  • significantly worsens the condition of the premises;
  • fails to pay rent more than two times in a row after the expiration of the payment period established by the contract;
  • in case of production needs of the Lessor for the use of leased premises.

At the Lessor's request, the lease agreement is terminated in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

6.4. In case of early termination of the contract, either by mutual agreement of the parties or at the request of the Lessor or Tenant, the rent is paid by the Tenant for the actual use of the leased premises.


7.1. This agreement comes into force on “___”______________ _______ and is valid until “___”______________ _______.

7.2. All changes to the terms of the contract, including rental rates, must be agreed upon between the parties and formalized in additional agreements. If no agreement is reached between the parties, the dispute is subject to arbitration.


8.1. This agreement is drawn up in 2 original copies, one for each party.

8.2. In cases not provided for in this agreement, the parties are guided by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

We are starting a series of articles for accountants who deal with company contracts. And our first master class is devoted to a rental agreement for premises between two ordinary organizations. What should be included in the lease agreement? What should you pay attention to for tax purposes? What words can be removed from the contract, and what wording, on the contrary, should be added to the contract and for whom is this better - for the tenant or for the landlord? We will answer all these questions. We will not comment on the provisions directly following from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which are traditionally included in the lease agreement. In our article we will use the following color symbols:

It is important to check with an accountant;

Useful or convenient;

Have it checked by a lawyer.

Lease agreement for non-residential premises No. 10-1It is not necessary to indicate the name of the contract and its number, but it is convenient


February 01, 2014 From this date the validity period of the agreement specified in clause 1.3 of this agreement is counted.

Limited Liability Company "Rent-for-Rent", If your company is a tenant, obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for the landlord clause 2 art. 51 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Or quickly check the counterparty on the Federal Tax Service website through the “Check yourself and the counterparty” service. This way you can make sure that the organization’s details in the contract are indicated correctly and protect yourself from scammers; Having checked the powers and identity of the director, make sure that the lessor is who he claims to be hereinafter referred to as “Lessor”, represented by General Director Dmitry Anatolyevich Cherenkov, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the limited liability company “Nuzhen-Office”, hereinafter referred to as “Tenant”, represented by General Director Alexey Petrovich Sechenov, acting on the basis of the Charter, The director signs the agreement without a power of attorney and subp. 1 clause 3 art. 40 of the Law of 02/08/98 No. 14-FZ; clause 2 art. 69 of the Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ. To check his powers, you need a copy of the charter certified by the counterparty and an order (decision, minutes) of the general meeting of participants on the appointment of a director. If the agreement is signed not by the director of the counterparty, but by another person, take from him a power of attorney for concluding agreements signed by the director (its certified copy). Again, to check the counterparty, it is useful to take a copy of the passport of the person concluding an agreement with you in order to check it through the FMS website on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows.


1.1. Under this agreement, the Lessor undertakes to transfer and the Lessee to accept for temporary possession and use (lease) premises with a total area of ​​119 (one hundred and nineteen) square meters, located on the tenth floor of the building located at the address: Moscow, st. Lev Tolstoy, 23, building 7, This data should be as specific as possible. This is important for both parties: the landlord will have to transfer to the tenant exactly the premises that were agreed upon. And the tenant will not be able to claim premises for which he does not pay according to the attached plan (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, which is an integral part thereof), A cadastral passport of the building (premises) indicating the part of it that is rented out is also suitable.- hereinafter referred to as the “Premises”.

1.2. The rented Premises will be used by the Tenant for office space. If you are a landlord, then it is important for you that the tenant does not turn the office into a warehouse or rooming house. Therefore, stipulate in the contract the intended use of the premises pp. 1, 3 tbsp. 615 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1.3. This agreement is concluded for a period of 11 months. If the agreement specifies a period of less than a year, such an agreement does not need to be registered with Rosreestr in order to take into account the costs associated with it. clause 2 art. 609, paragraph 2 of Art. 651 Civil Code of the Russian Federation; clause 2 of the Information Letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court dated 06/01/2000 No. 53. Many people tend to avoid registration, as it is paid and takes time. But if the agreement is concluded for a period of more than a year and is not registered, the Federal Tax Service may refuse expenses for such an agreement from Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 03/05/2011 No. 03-03-06/4/18

1.4. The premises are transferred by Transfer and acceptance certificate It is important to draw up the act, since only from it it is clear whether the property has been transferred to the tenant. If there is no act, the tax authority may consider that rent was incorrectly included in expenses and VAT deductions are illegal. Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated November 16, 2011 No. 03-03-06/1/763(Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement, which is an integral part thereof).

1.5. The premises belong to the Lessor on the right of ownership in accordance with the certificate of state registration of rights issued by the Office of the Federal Registration Service for Moscow No. 77AD 320208 dated June 27, 2007. Rent can be taken into account without any problems as expenses only if the ownership of the landlord is registered Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated December 1, 2011 No. 03-03-06/1/791. If you are subleasing a premises, you need to check the rights to the premises from the entire chain - from the owner to your landlord. It is useful for the tenant to see all documents for the premises in originals, and keep copies

1.6. The cost of the premises is 5,000,000 rubles. This condition is only at first glance convenient for the tenant: there is no question at what cost the premises should be recorded in off-balance sheet account 001 “Leased fixed assets”. However, the landlord may not have reliable data on the cost of the premises. Moreover, in the event of damage caused by damage or destruction of the premises, the landlord can apply for recovery from the tenant, focusing specifically on this assessment


2.1. The Lessor undertakes:

2.1.1. Transfer to the Tenant under the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate the Premises in a condition suitable for the intended use in accordance with current sanitary and hygienic requirements and fire safety regulations.

2.1.2. Within 5 calendar days from the date of signing the agreement, provide the Tenant with access to the Premises. Access means, in particular, notifying the building security about a new tenant, issuing passes to its employees, etc.

2.1.3. Carry out major repairs of the building and utilities.

2.1.4. Within no later than 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Tenant's written notice, eliminate accidents and damage to the Premises that occurred through the Lessor's fault, or compensate the Tenant's expenses incurred in connection with the elimination of such accidents and damage, according to the estimate agreed upon by the parties. This condition is useful for the tenant. If it is not there, the deadline for eliminating the consequences of the accident will need to be agreed upon upon notification

2.1.5. Ensure that the Tenant is provided with water supply (hot and cold water), energy supply, sewerage and household waste removal services.

2.1.6. Accept the Premises by Transfer and acceptance certificate at the end of the lease term This document reflects the condition of the property and proves the absence of claims for an accident in a condition corresponding to clause 2.1.1 of this Agreement, taking into account normal wear and tear.

2.2. The tenant undertakes:

2.2.1. Accept the Premises according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate from the Lessor in a condition corresponding to clause 2.1.1 of this Agreement.

2.2.2. Pay rent, as well as other payments in the manner and within the terms specified in this Agreement.

2.2.3. Use the Premises exclusively for the intended purpose specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement.

2.2.4. Do not sublease the Premises, either in whole or in part, without the written permission of the Lessor.

2.2.5. Comply with the requirements of sanitary, hygienic and environmental legislation, fire safety requirements.

2.2.6. Do not take any actions that change the appearance of the building in which the Premises are located. This condition is useful for the landlord

2.2.7. Carry out the necessary routine repairs to the Premises at your own expense. If the contract contains such a condition (or it does not say anything at all about who carries out the current repairs), the tenant can easily take into account the costs of “cosmetics”. If the contract states that the landlord is responsible for the current repairs, the expenses are his (the tenant does not have the right to take such expenses into account) to maintain it in working condition and ensure normal working conditions.

2.2.8. Monitor the condition of communication and engineering networks in the rented areas. If you detect signs of an emergency condition of electrical and other equipment, as well as in an emergency situation, immediately inform the Lessor about this.

2.2.9. After prior notification by the Lessor, allow representatives of the Lessor (including technical personnel) into the Premises to monitor compliance with the terms of this Agreement and prevent possible emergency situations, as well as allow workers to maintain communications and eliminate accidents.

2.2.10. Immediately eliminate violations caused by the actions of the Tenant and identified by the Lessor during the inspection.

These conditions are useful for the landlord

2.2.11. Vacate the Premises no later than the end of the lease term and transfer it to the Lessor under the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.

2.3. The Tenant has the right to provide security for the Premises at his own expense and install a security alarm in the Premises. This condition will help the tenant, if there are supporting documents, to take into account the costs of security of the premises

2.4. The Lessor has the right, no earlier than 30 (Thirty) days before the expiration of the lease term, to show the Premises to third parties for the purpose of renting it out, and the Tenant is obliged not to interfere with such actions of the Lessor.

3. PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL AND RECOVERY OF COSTS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF LEASED PROPERTY If the tenant is going to improve or change something (and the landlord allows this), then in order to take expenses into account for income tax purposes, they both need to provide for a procedure for agreeing on and reimbursing expenses for improving the leased property

3.1. The tenant has the right, in writing consent The tenant will not be able to take into account the costs of inseparable improvements without such consent. Letter of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow dated March 24, 2006 No. 20-12/25161. Moreover, even if the landlord accepts these improvements, he may not reimburse the tenant for their cost. clause 3 art. 623 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The landlord also has the right to demand that everything be returned to its original condition (dismantle improvements) Art. 622 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the tenant will have to bear additional costs at his own expense The Lessor shall make inseparable improvements to the Premises.

3.2. The Tenant has the right to reimbursement of expenses for inseparable improvements within a month from the date of provision to the Lessor documents drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and confirming such expenses in the amount agreed with the Lessor. Without documents, the landlord will not be able to take into account reimbursable expenses. And the tenant can take into account exactly the agreed amount in expenses Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated December 13, 2012 No. 03-03-06/1/651. Everything that is spent with the consent of the lessor, but is not reimbursed by him, is taken into account through depreciation. Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated July 19, 2012 No. 03-03-06/1/345; clause 1 art. 258 Tax Code of the Russian Federation For the amount of the inseparable improvements to be reimbursed, the Tenant issues invoice This condition will allow the lessor to deduct input tax on inseparable improvements after taking them into account clause 2 art. 171, paragraph 1, art. 172 Tax Code of the Russian Federation within 5 calendar days from the date of signing the Certificate of Acceptance and Transfer of Inseparable Improvements (Appendix No. 3 to this Agreement, which is an integral part thereof). The calculation of the amount of compensation must be given in the Certificate of Acceptance and Transfer of Inseparable Improvements.

3.3. The cost of inseparable improvements made by the Tenant without the written consent of the Landlord is not subject to reimbursement.

3.4. The Tenant is obliged to transfer to the Lessor all improvements made in the rented Premises that are part of the Premises and are inseparable without harm to the structures of the Premises according to the Certificate of Acceptance and Transfer of Inseparable Improvements. It is more profitable for the landlord for the tenant to transfer the improvements immediately after completion of the work on their creation. After all, then the landlord will begin to include the cost of improvements in expenses earlier Such improvements are the property of the Lessor.


4.1. Redevelopment of the Premises by the Tenant is prohibited.

4.2. Redevelopment means dismantling walls, moving bathrooms, doorways and windows, as well as any intrusion into utility lines.

4.3. In the event of redevelopment, the Tenant undertakes at his own expense, within the period established by the Lessor, to carry out work to bring the premises to its original condition, as well as to compensate for the damage caused by such redevelopment to the Lessor and third parties.

These conditions will help the landlord avoid unpleasant surprises and unforeseen expenses. If redevelopment is allowed, it is necessary to determine who and in what order will approve it in all instances


5.1. The rent consists of from constant and variable parts. Under this condition, the lessor will deduct all VAT charged by utilities, and will charge VAT on the entire amount of the rent, including the variable “utility” part. In the invoice, he can make one line with the total amount or two - with a constant and a variable amount. The tenant will accept all VAT charged to him by the landlord as a deduction from Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated 02/04/2010 No. ШС-22-3/86@. And the amount of rent will be taken into account in expenses

5.2. The fixed part of the rent is 295,000 (two hundred ninety-five thousand) rubles, including VAT 45,000 rubles, per month. If the rent amount is not specified, the real estate lease agreement is considered not concluded, which means that the lessor cannot demand payment under it. clause 1 art. 654 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The price in the contract proves its compensation and justifies the tenant’s expenses. When renting for a period of up to a year, the price cannot change clause 3 art. 614 Civil Code of the Russian Federation The permanent part of the rent includes payment for heating, sewerage and household waste removal.

5.3. The variable part of the rent is determined as the cost of water supply (hot and cold water) and electricity consumed by the Tenant corresponding to the area of ​​the rented Premises. Under no circumstances write in the agreement that “in addition to the rent, the Tenant reimburses Payments to the landlord for utility services." Otherwise, problems with VAT deduction are guaranteed for both the tenant and the landlord Clause 1 Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated 02/04/2010 No. ШС-22-3/86@. By the way, paying rent without any “compensation” is easier to process in accounting. There is no need to use additional settlement accounts or draw up any additional invoices for reimbursement

5.4. The Tenant transfers the permanent part of the rent in advance on a monthly basis to the Lessor's bank account from the 7th to the 15th day of the paid month. The tenant has the right to do this ahead of schedule. If the landlord does not establish the procedure, conditions and terms for paying rent, this may become a reason for a legal dispute with the tenant

5.5. The tenant transfers the variable part of the rent within 5 working days from the date of issue invoices with calculation of the variable part, as well as transferring to him copies of documents from the electricity supplier and water supply organization (extracts from them), confirming the cost of utilities. This condition guarantees the tenant documentary support for the costs of the variable part of the rent.

5.6. Within 10 (ten) banking days after signing this Agreement, the Tenant is obliged to make an advance payment in the amount of one month's rent to the Lessor's bank account, which will be counted towards payment for the last calendar month of rent.

6. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES It is better to back up all the terms of the contract that are fundamentally important to you with responsibility for their non-compliance.

6.1. In case of delay in any of the payments under this Agreement (rent, security deposit, payment for additional services agreed upon by the parties, etc.) The Tenant is obliged, at the request of the Lessor, to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.3% of the amount owed for each day of delay. This is a better wording than “payable by the Tenant” or “Lessor shall pay.” This condition will not entail automatic additional accrual by the tax authority of income to the lessor in the form of penalties, which the lessor only had the right to collect (not recognized by the debtor and not collected by the court). By the way, for tax purposes it does not matter what type of penalty will be specified in your agreement: a fine or a penalty

6.2. For late vacancy of the rented space at the end of the lease term, the Lessor has the right to demand from the Tenant a penalty in the amount of 1% of the monthly rent for each day of delay. While the landlord has neither a court decision, nor a document signed by the tenant stating that he must and will pay a certain amount of penalties, nor actual money received to pay off the penalties, he does not have income in Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated January 10, 2014 No. GD-4-3/108@

6.3. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, the parties shall compensate each other for the damage caused. Damage is compensated in addition to the penalty (fine, penalty) provided for in this Agreement.

7. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT Before terminating the contract, the landlord must send the tenant a written warning about the need for him to fulfill his obligation within a reasonable time. Art. 619 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the contract may provide for additional grounds for early termination of the contract. clause 2 art. 450, art. 619 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

7.1. Reorganization of the Lessor, as well as a change in the owner of the leased property are not grounds for changing or terminating the Agreement.

7.2. The Lessor has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the agreement, subject to written notice to the Lessee at least 30 days in advance.
Grounds for the Lessor’s refusal to fulfill the agreement and its termination out of court:
- The Tenant uses the Premises not in accordance with clause 1.2 of this Agreement;
- The Tenant significantly degrades the Premises provided for use;
- The Tenant is performing or has performed work to redevelop the Premises;
- The Tenant maintains the Premises in a condition that threatens an accident, fire and poses a threat to the lives of service personnel and the Lessor’s employees;
- The tenant is late in paying rent.

7.3. The Tenant has the right to terminate this Agreement early unilaterally, subject to prior written notice to the Lessor 1 month in advance.

7.4. Upon expiration of the Agreement and upon fulfillment of all its conditions, the Tenant has a preferential right to conclude a new Agreement for the next term.

7.5. If one month before the end of the rental period established by clause 1.3 of this Agreement, the parties have not expressed their intention to terminate the Agreement, the Agreement is automatically extended for the same period This is convenient for both the tenant and the landlord. Moreover, the agreement, again, does not need to be registered with Rosreestr. clause 10 of the Information Letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court dated February 16, 2001 No. 59.
If the parties do not provide for such a condition, upon expiration of the lease the tenant may be forced out, and the landlord risks being left without a tenant (and rent)
on same conditions.


8.1. The Agreement is drawn up in 2 (two) copies having equal legal force, one for each party.

9. ADDRESSES AND DETAILS OF THE PARTIES The details of the parties (names of companies, full names of directors) must be checked with the details in the preamble of the agreement (they must match)

9.1 The parties are obliged to notify each other in writing about changes in details (address, tax identification number, checkpoint, bank details).

Lessor: Tenant:
LLC "Rent-for-Rent"
614000, Perm, Komsomolsky pr-t, 29a, office 320,
TIN 5902118779, checkpoint 590201001, Here the legal address of the lessor is indicated, that is, the location of the company, recorded in its constituent documents and in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The tenant needs to check this data with the data about the owner in the certificate of state registration of ownership specified in clause 1.5 of the agreement in order to verify the authority of the landlord to rent out the premises.
The same details must be in invoices, primary and payment documents

account 40702810238060118442,
Tsaritsyn branch of Sberbank of Russia No. 7978/0709, Moscow,
c/s 30101810400000000225,
BIC 04452252
LLC "Nuzhen-Office"
113452, Moscow, Balaklavsky Prospekt, 28, building B, Here the legal address of the tenant is indicated, that is, the location of the company, recorded in its constituent documents and in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
TIN 7727256801, checkpoint 772701001,
account 40702810838110104803,
Don branch of Sberbank of Russia No. 7813/1592 Moscow,
c/s 30101810400000000225,
BIC 04452522

YES. Cherenkov

A.P. Sechenov

M.P. M.P.

The Agreement is terminated from the moment the Lessee receives the Lessor's notice of termination of the agreement. The Lessor has the right to terminate the agreement early only after days have passed after sending the Lessee a written warning about the need to fulfill his obligation. 6.3. The tenant may terminate this agreement unilaterally early in cases where: 6.3.1. The Lessor does not provide the property for use by the Tenant or creates obstacles to the use of the property.6.3.2. The property transferred to the Tenant has defects that prevent its use, which were not specified by the Lessor at the conclusion of the agreement, were not known to the Tenant in advance and should not have been discovered by the Tenant during an inspection of the property or checking its condition. 6.3.3.

Real estate lease agreement


5.1.4. The Lessor has the right not to compensate for all inseparable improvements to the Premises made by the Lessee both at the end of the lease term and in the event of early termination of this Agreement. 5.2. Responsibilities of the Lessor. 5.2.1. Transfer the Premises to the Tenant according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate 5.2.2.

contracts by type

If the Tenant uses the Premises (in whole or in part) not in accordance with the Permitted Use or uses the Premises with significant violations of the terms of the Agreement or with repeated violations. 9.1.2. If the Tenant intentionally or through negligence significantly worsens the condition of the Premises and (or) engineering equipment located in the Premises 9.1.3.

If the Tenant does not comply with the essential terms of this Agreement for the use of the premises (misuse, significant deterioration of its condition, failure to carry out routine repairs, etc.) within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of written notice from the Lessor about the need to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. 9.1.4. If the Tenant more than 2 times in a row after the expiration of the period established by the contract (regardless of subsequent repayment of the debt) does not pay the rent.

Temporary possession and use


The Lessor has the right to present to the Lessee for reimbursement the amount of the fine imposed on the Lessor by state control and supervisory authorities for the Lessee's failure to comply with the current legislation, rules and regulations on health protection and compliance with sanitary standards, safety regulations, and fire safety rules in the Premises and/or adjacent territory. 7.3. The Lessor is not liable to the Tenant for the actions or inactions of third parties, as well as for the consequences of such actions or inactions.

8. FORCE MAJEURE CIRCUMSTANCES 8.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill this Agreement, which was the result of force majeure circumstances, such as natural disasters, wars, armed conflicts, mass civil unrest, epidemics, etc.

Premises rental agreement

The Lessor undertakes not to interfere with the Tenant’s legitimate business activities in the Premises. 5.2.3. In the event of accidents, fires, floods, explosions and other similar emergency events, immediately take all necessary measures to eliminate the consequences of these events.


RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE TENANT. 6.1. Tenant's rights. 6.1.1. The Tenant has the right, during the lease term, to use the premises for the purposes for which they are intended.

6.1.2. The Tenant has the right, with written agreement with the Lessor, to use the Lessor’s trade name in advertising, information brochures and marketing materials. 6.1.3.
From the moment the Deed is signed, the Tenant is responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations for health protection and compliance with sanitary standards, safety regulations, customer safety rules, fire safety, environmental regulations and general rules of public order in the Premises. 3.2. In the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Tenant is obliged to return the Premises to the Lessor according to the acceptance certificate on the day of termination (termination) of the agreement. On the termination (termination) of the contract, the parties sign an agreement in two copies, one for each of the Parties. 4. PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENT PROCEDURE UNDER THE AGREEMENT 4.1. The tenant undertakes to pay rent monthly until the 05th (fifth) day of the current month in the amount of 100% prepayment.

The Lessor may terminate this agreement unilaterally early in cases where the Lessee: 6.2.1. Uses the property with a significant violation of the terms of the contract or the purpose of the property or with repeated violations. 6.2.2. Significantly deteriorates the property. 6.2.3. Fails to pay rent more than two times in a row after the expiration of the payment period established in the contract. 6.2.4. The Agreement is terminated from the moment the Tenant receives the Lessor’s notice of termination of the agreement. The Lessor has the right to terminate the contract early only after days have passed after sending the Lessee a written warning about the need to fulfill his obligation. 6.3. The tenant may terminate this agreement unilaterally early in cases where: 6.3.1. The Lessor does not provide the property for use by the Tenant or creates obstacles to the use of the property. 6.3.2.

The lessor provides and the lessee accepts for temporary use

DETAILS OF THE PARTIES Lessor: Full name: Location: INN/KPP OGRN R/s Name of the bank C/s BIC Tenant: Full name: Location: OGRN INN/KPP R/s Bank name: K/s BIC SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES: LESSOR: TENANT: Appendix to the lease agreement No. From " " 2008 Certificate of acceptance and transfer of non-residential premises in Mytishchi "" 2008
hereinafter referred to as “

The Lessor”, in the person acting on the basis, on the one hand, and hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant” in the person acting on the basis, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have drawn up this act on the following: 1. According to clause 3.1 . of the above agreement, the Lessor transfers and the Tenant accepts the non-residential premises located. The total area of ​​the Premises is sq. m.

m. 2. The technical condition of the non-residential premises is satisfactory and allows it to be used for the purposes provided for in paragraph.

The lessor rents out and the tenant accepts for temporary use

The Lessor,” represented by, acting on the basis, on the one hand, and, hereinafter referred to as “Tenant,” represented by, acting on the basis, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows. 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. The Lessor provides, and the Tenant accepts for temporary possession and use (option: for temporary use) real estate located at the address: , with a total area of ​​square meters (hereinafter referred to as the “property”). 1.2.

The property is owned.1.3. The property is located in (for example: in a residential building, in a built-in building, in a separate building). 1.4. At the time of conclusion of the contract, there are no rights of third parties to the property.1.5.

The property transferred to the Tenant has defects that prevent its use, which were not specified by the Lessor at the conclusion of the agreement, were not known to the Tenant in advance and should not have been discovered by the Tenant during an inspection of the property or checking its condition. 6.3.3. Due to circumstances for which the Tenant is not responsible, the property will be in a condition unsuitable for use. 6.3.4. The lessor does not carry out major repairs of the property within the time limits established by this agreement. 6.3.5. The Agreement is terminated from the moment the Lessor receives the Lessee's notice of termination of the agreement. 7. RETURN OF PROPERTY TO THE LESSOR 7.1. Upon termination of this agreement, the Tenant is obliged to return the property to the Lessor in the condition in which he received it, taking into account normal wear and tear. 7.2.

In business, it is not uncommon for a commercial entity to need to rent non-residential premises, be it an office or commercial premises. Often an entrepreneur is faced withvarious problems accompanying rental relations.

Practice makes a difference many “pitfalls” that “pop up” after the conclusion of an agreement that is hidden or directly does not meet the interests of the Tenant- this and the impossibility of the latter to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract, and an unreasonable increase in rent, the impossibility of advertising without the consent of the owners, carrying out redevelopment at will, various kinds of restrictions and sanctions. There are also frequent situations when the Tenant is literally thrown out of the rented premises without warning.

This article is devoted to these and other problems.

How to insure yourself as much as possible at the stage of concluding a lease (sublease) agreement?

To avoid such situations?

When renting non-residential premises, the future tenant should pay close attention to both the signed lease agreement and the landlord himself.

Landlord check.

Before concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to carry out a set of actions aimed at verifying the counterparty. This is necessary not only for the security of the transaction, but also to prevent possible adverse tax consequences that may occur if your counterparty is included in the register of unreliable taxpayers.

We have already discussed in detail how to check a counterparty earlier (

Let me remind you that to check the counterparty you need request a number of documents confirming its actual activities and real ability to fulfill the terms of the contract. When applying this recommendation to rental legal relations, it is necessary to clarify what documents should be requested from the tenant:

    Certified copies of the Certificate of State Registration (since 2017 this certificate is not issued), Tax registration certificates;

    Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, if the lessor is an individual entrepreneur);

    A copy of the minutes of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) or the decision of the sole participant (shareholder) of the counterparty on the appointment of a director and the order on the appointment of a manager (for legal entities);

    A copy of the power of attorney for the signatory, if the agreement is signed by another person;

    Certificate from the bank about the bank details of the counterparty;

    A copy of the passport (if the lessor is an individual entrepreneur, if an individual - a copy of the passport and SNILS);

    If the counterparty does not have a seal, a letter confirming that he is conducting business without a seal;

    Documents confirming the right to transfer the premises for rent/sublease (Certificate of ownership, or primary lease agreement with the tenant’s consent to sublease the premises!)

    BTI documents (technical or cadastral passport with an explanation or floor plan on which the premises provided for rent are marked).

The first step is to check the landlord's right to own, use or dispose of the premises and find out if there are any restrictions on the premises(for example, property is pledged or under arrest). If the owner and the lessor do not agree under the agreement, it is necessary to find out on what basis the lessor disposes of the property. In this case, the landlord must have written consent to transfer the premises for rent/sublease.

It is also worth checking powers of the signatory directly. If the lessor is a legal entity, the agreement must be signed either by an executive body acting on the basis of the Charter without a power of attorney (director, general director, etc.), or by an authorized representative - a person who has the appropriate powers based on a power of attorney (in the absence of such a power of attorney, the contract may be declared invalid).

Besides, It is recommended to carry out additional verification of the counterparty by sending a request to various government agencies. Thus, it is recommended to independently request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in relation to the lessor. It would not be superfluous to “break through” the landlord on the websites of the Courts of General Jurisdiction, the website Arbitration Court, FSSP of Russia, etc. If the fact of claims against the counterparty or its property from third parties is revealed, a conclusion arises about its dishonesty in carrying out its business activities.

Checking the rental agreement.

Directly when agreeing on a lease agreement, first of all, you should pay attention to such terms of the agreement as the date and place of conclusion of the agreement, the subject of the lease, the term, the price of the agreement, and the details of the parties.If the contract does not define all the essential terms, the contract may be recognized as not concluded. In addition, inconvenient terms of the contract may later result in significant problems for the Tenant. I propose to look in order at the points that you should pay attention to when signing an agreement.

1. Lease object

Particular attention should be paid to the subject of the lease agreement, which is an essential condition of the agreement. The lease agreement must contain data that makes it possible to definitely establish the property to be transferred to the lessee as the leased object. If there is no such data in the agreement, or the subject of the agreement is not sufficiently specified, the lease agreement may be recognized as not concluded (clause 3 of Article 607 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

As a rule, a rental object can be identified by the following characteristics:
— address of the location of the rental object, floor;

— name of the leased property (non-residential premises, part of non-residential premises, etc.);

- inventory number;

— functional purpose (non-residential - production, warehouse, trade, administrative, etc.);

— area of ​​the premises (total and rentable).

In addition, paragraph 3 of Art. 26 of Law N 122-FZ indicates that in the case of leasing a building, structure, premises in them or part of the premises, cadastral passports of the building, structure and premises indicating the size of the leased property are attached to the real estate lease agreement submitted for state registration of rights area. We recommend At a minimum, any lease agreement must be accompanied by a floor plan of the premises or a floor plan of the building with the premises being leased indicated.

Particular attention should be paid to lease agreements for non-stationary objects (pavilions, kiosks, sales tents, etc.); as a rule, the subject of the agreement in such legal relations does not have proper identification - often vague wording such as “pavilion at a bus stop”, “kiosk” at the intersection of streets" and so on. With such wording, there is a risk that the contract will be invalidated.

When renting non-stationary objects, it is recommended to indicate the most detailed address possible, indicating location landmarks; The contract must be accompanied by a plan of the land plot with a mark on the location of the object and a photo reference. In addition, it is also necessary to request all available title documents for a non-stationary object, be it a purchase and sale agreement, a gift, or a primary lease; require confirmation of permission from municipal (city) authorities for the installation, commissioning of a non-stationary facility, and its inclusion in the relevant registers.

If the rental property is an unauthorized construction and installed without any permits, there is a risk of its demolition or dismantling. Therefore, it is recommended that the contract establish the extent of the landlord’s liability in this case.

In addition, in lease legal relations, where ownership of the leased object cannot be accurately determined, there is always a potential risk of fraud on the part of the counterparty.

2. Rent

Another essential condition of the lease agreement is the amount of rent (clause 1 of Article 654 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of a written agreement between the parties regarding the amount of rent, the lease agreement should be considered not concluded.

Rent can be determined as a lump sum paid periodically or as a lump sum, or as a non-monetary form of rent (for example, consideration for services).

You should also determine whether utilities are included in the rent or not. If there is no specific provision in the agreement, then the Lessor has the right to present a utility bill in excess of the agreed rent. In addition, another unexpected increase in rent may be the accrual of VAT (if the Lessor is a VAT payer), if the agreement does not directly indicate that VAT is included in the rent.

Also, additional responsibilities are assigned to the Tenant if the lessor is an individual who is not registered as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the Tenant bears the responsibility of a tax agent in accordance with Art. 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation when paying rent. The tenant is obliged to calculate, withhold from the taxpayer-lessor and pay the amount of personal income tax.

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 614 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of rent may be changed by agreement of the parties within the time limits provided for in the contract, but not more than once a year. When interpreting this norm, judicial practice proceeds from the fact that during the year the contract condition providing for a fixed amount of rent should remain unchanged (clause 11 of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 66, Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2008 N 399/08 , Resolution of the FAS Volga District dated March 6, 2008 in case No. A49-3309/2007, Resolution of the FAS Volga-Vyatka District dated October 10, 2005 in case No. A79-10625/2004-SK2-9987, Resolution of the FAS Moscow District dated November 11, 2004 in case No. KG-A40/10324-04). Thus, The lessor has no right to change the amount of rent more than once a year. It should be noted that any such conditions in the contract are unacceptable. However, for the tenant, it is of course beneficial to achieve a condition that the rent remains unchanged throughout the entire lease term.

3. Rental period

You can often come across the erroneous opinion that an essential condition of a lease agreement for non-residential premises is also the term of the lease agreement. In reality this is not the case. The term of the lease agreement for non-residential premises is one of the additional conditions and may not be determined by the parties. However, agreeing on the deadline is also important for counterparties, since the form of the contract will depend on this. If the contract is concluded for a period of more than a year, it requires mandatory state registration. Accordingly, in the absence of such registration, the contract is considered not concluded.

The procedure for state registration of lease agreements is regulated by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of July 21, 1997 "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it", Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with it, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation dated February 18, 1998 N 219 and other documents.

For a tenant, there are advantages to concluding a contract for a period of more than a year. The positive aspects are that the very fact of approval of this transaction by a government agency eliminates many potential risks associated with concluding an agreement (for example, concluding an agreement with an unauthorized person); also, a long lease period provides some guarantee of the stability of these legal relations. An inconvenience may be the fact that the obligation to register the agreement, as well as all costs associated with such registration, is usually assigned to the Tenant; Also, all additions and changes to the agreement must undergo state registration.

If the lease term is not specified in the agreement, the agreement is considered concluded for an indefinite period (Clause 2 of Article 610 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). However, state registration of such an agreement is not required. However, the disadvantage of an indefinite lease agreement is that each party has the right to cancel the agreement at any time by notifying the other party three months in advance. For a Tenant aiming for a long-term lease, these are serious risks.

4. Extension or re-conclusion of the contract?

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 621 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tenant, upon expiration of the lease agreement, has a preferential right to conclude a lease agreement for a new term (all other things being equal). However, this regulatory provision is of a dispositive nature, and according to the agreement, such a right of the Tenant may be excluded.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between concepts. Renegotiation implies the termination of the old contract and the conclusion of a new one. In this case, the Lessor has the right to demand a revision of the terms of the new agreement. At the same time, the legislator provided another tool - contract extension, in which the previous contract remains in force, but its validity period is extended.

The automatic renewal clause is beneficial to the Tenant on the grounds that when renewing the lease agreement for a new term, the Tenant does not have the right to impose the terms of the original lease agreement on the Lessor(as explained in clauses 31, 32 of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 66, a lease agreement concluded in accordance with clause 1 of Article 621 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for a new term is a new lease agreement; when concluding a lease agreement for a new term the parties are not bound by the terms of the previously valid agreement). At the same time, prolongation only implies an extension of a previously concluded contract without any change in its terms. It should be said that such an extension is provided by default. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 621 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the tenant continues to use the property after the expiration of the contract in the absence of objections from the lessor, the contract is considered renewed on the same terms for an indefinite period. Therefore, if there are no special clauses in the contract, the general rules of Art. 621 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, extending the contract for an indefinite period, as we have already discussed above, is not beneficial to the Tenant.

That's why, It is in the interests of the Tenant to enter into a lease agreement for a period of 11 months (to avoid state registration) with a subsequent automatic extension of the agreement on the same terms and for the same period.

The most optimal would be the following clause in the contract:

“If none of the parties to this Agreement declares its intention to terminate it 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expiration of this Agreement, this Agreement is automatically extended for the same period (11 months) and on the same conditions.”

When extending a lease agreement concluded for a period of less than a year for the same period, the agreement is also not subject to state registration.

5. Reception of the premises.

No less important when concluding a lease agreement is the procedure for acceptance and transfer of premises. Often the parties do not attach due importance to this, which in turn brings serious problems for the Tenant in the future. So, When drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of non-residential premises, the parties often limit themselves to simply indicating in the act the fact of the transfer of the object by the lessor and its acceptance by the tenant, which is a gross mistake.

The act must indicate the following information:

Characteristics of the object and its area;

The functional purpose of the object and the possibility of its use in business activities (for a certain type of business activity suitable for the Tenant);

Condition of the facility, the need for current or major repairs of the facility;

Possibility to place a sign or outdoor advertising (if the tenant has such a need);

Condition of utilities (heating, hot and cold water supply, gas supply, electrical equipment, etc.);

Meter readings;

The fact of transfer of accessories of the rental object (keys, passes, etc.);

Often, the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate contains a clause stating that the transferred non-residential premises fully comply with the terms of the lease agreement, and the tenant does not have any claims against the landlord. Naturally, such a clause meets the interests of the Lessor, but not the Tenant.We advise the Tenant to exclude such a clause, and if the Landlord insists on it, we advise adding the following“No visible defects found”. This will allow you to file a claim against the Lessor if hidden defects are discovered later.

Upon termination of a lease agreement for non-residential premises, the leased object must be returned to the lessor under a transfer deed in compliance with the same rules.

It should be remembered that the Tenant’s early release of the leased object (before the lease agreement is terminated) without transferring it under the transfer deed to the Lessor is not grounds for termination of the Tenant’s obligation to pay rent (see clause 13 of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 66).

6. Termination of the contract, termination or unilateral refusal of the contract.

We have already said that if the Tenant continues to use the property after the expiration of the contract, and the Lessor has no objections, the contract is considered renewed. Within the meaning of paragraph 2 of Art. 621 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a party to a lease agreement intending to terminate the lease agreement upon expiration of the established lease period (or intending to renew it on other terms) must send a corresponding notice to the other party. Otherwise, the lease agreement will be considered extended (unless the agreement directly states that such a prolongation is inadmissible). But in practice, more questions arise specifically regarding the early termination of the contract.

The tenant needs to decide what is more profitable for him: a guarantee of a long-term rental relationship, or the opportunity to move out of the office at any time and terminate the contract. The legislator proceeds from the fact that the lease agreement cannot be terminated early at the request of one of the parties. As a general rule, a lease agreement is terminated by agreement of the parties, or if such an agreement is not reached in court. However, there is a tool that allows the Tenant to achieve unilateral termination of the contract - this is a unilateral refusal to perform the contract in accordance with the procedure.

This is where a common mistake in many rental agreements lies.

It is necessary to distinguish between the right to unilaterally withdraw from a contract and the right to demand termination of a contract. If in the first case the contract is terminated out of court, at the will of one party to the obligation, then in the second case the contract will be considered terminated only if the court makes a decision on its termination and after such a decision enters into force (

Often, wanting to provide for the right to unilateral refusal to perform a contract, the parties call such a right “the right to early termination of the contract” or “the right to unilateral termination of the contract” and so on. This is caused, firstly, by mistrust of the wording “refusal to fulfill the contract”, and at the same time, by the desire to directly indicate the extrajudicial nature of the early termination of the contract. As a result, this leads to the fact that in the event of a dispute, such an agreement will only be terminated in court - this is directly indicated by the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (definition of the IC on economic disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 2015 N 310-ES15- 4004, Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2011 N 9615/11). We recommend that when agreeing on the terms of the right to refuse to fulfill the contract, use the following wording - “the right to refuse the contract”, “the right to refuse to fulfill the obligation”, etc.

It should be said that, just like a unilateral refusal of a contract, so also the termination of a contract by a court at the request of one of the parties, cannot be without motive, that is, the initiator of termination of the contract will need to prove the existence of grounds provided for by law or agreed upon in the contract.

It is also recommended to agree and procedure for compensation of improvements made to the premises in case of termination of the contract. As a general rule, the cost of such improvements should be reimbursed to the tenant, but in practice the Landlord often stipulates the opposite in the contract.

7. Sublease and what is its danger...

The same rules apply to a sublease agreement as to a lease agreement, but with some special features. The parties to such an agreement will be the tenant and the subtenant.

When concluding a sublease agreement, it is necessary to take into account that the tenant has the right to sublease the property leased to him only with the consent of the lessor. Such consent can be given directly in the text of the lease agreement, or in the form of a separate document. The scope of rights transferred by the tenant to the subtenant under a sublease agreement cannot exceed the scope of rights transferred to the tenant by the lessor under the primary lease agreement.

Thus, if the landlord allowed the tenant to carry out only a specific type of activity in the leased premises, the tenant will not allow the subtenant to carry out any other activity; if the lease agreement prohibits the tenant from carrying out redevelopment, he does not have the right to allow the subtenant to carry it out, and so on. Hence, First of all, the subtenant should ask the tenant to study the primary lease agreement carefully.

In addition, the subtenant is recommended to carry out checking not only your direct counterparty under the sublease agreement, but also all participants in the chain of sublease legal relations ( often the premises can be subleased several times).

It should be remembered that the sublease agreement is concluded on the basis of a lease agreement. If the lease agreement is terminated, the sublease is also considered terminated.

The term of the sublease agreement cannot be longer than the term of the lease agreement in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 615 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The tenant may demand to vacate the occupied premises (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District dated February 16, 2011 in case No. A23-2280/10)

That is why you should pay attention to the term of the initial lease agreement. By the same principle, the extension of a sublease agreement will be invalid if the primary lease agreement is not renewed. Thus, if the primary lease agreement does not provide for automatic renewal, and upon expiration of its validity period the parties must re-conclude (re-conclusion implies the termination of the previous contract and the conclusion of a new one) the contract for a new term, then the sublease agreement in this case cannot be extended. It also terminates and requires re-conclusion on new grounds.

Early termination of the lease agreement also entails termination of the sublease agreement (Article 618 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, such risks should be provided for at the stage of agreeing to a sublease agreement (for example, include in the agreement a condition under which the tenant is obliged to warn the subtenant in advance about the termination of the primary lease agreement).

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