Accidents at explosive and fire hazardous facilities. Emergency situations at fire and explosion hazardous facilities

The most common sources of man-made emergencies are fires and explosions that occur at explosive and fire hazardous economic facilities.

In various sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation, there are about 10 thousand fire and explosion hazardous facilities located and operated.

    Explosion and fire hazardous facilities are enterprises that produce, store, transport explosive products or products that, under certain conditions, acquire the ability to ignite or explode.

These primarily include production that uses explosive and highly flammable substances, as well as railway and pipeline transport, which bear the main load when delivering liquid, gaseous and explosive goods. (Pipeline transport is oil and gas pipelines.)

Most often, accidents with explosions and fires occur at enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, which lead to serious consequences: destruction of industrial and residential buildings, injury to production personnel and the population, and significant material losses.

At enterprises producing gunpowder, explosive rocket fuel, explosives, pyrotechnics and compositions, as well as products based on them, even larger-scale incidents with mass casualties of enterprise workers and the population of nearby settlements are possible.

Forecasts by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations show that in the event of a major accident at such facilities, accompanied by explosions and fires, there may be a need to evacuate over 20 thousand people.

    Currently, oil and gas industry enterprises and geological exploration organizations operate more than 200 thousand km of main pipelines, 350 thousand km of field pipelines, 800 compressor and oil pumping stations.

It should be noted that the main development of the system of main gas pipelines and oil pipelines occurred in the 60-70s. last century and today, all of them have largely exhausted their service life, which leads to an increase in the likelihood of accidents during their operation.

Coal mines are currently particularly dangerous due to methane explosions, coal dust and fires. Fires that occur in underground mines are the most severe in terms of consequences and frequent accidents (about 33% of the total number of accidents in this industry).

    Accidents that occur at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities are characterized by explosions and fires and pose a particular danger to the population. The damaging factors of accidents at explosive and fire hazardous facilities include an air shock wave with the formation of a large number of fragments from flying debris of buildings and structures, high temperatures from the combustion of various substances and materials, and air pollution at the source of damage by combustion products, including carbon monoxide.

In the event of an explosion at explosion- and fire-hazardous objects, people can be injured both from the direct impact of the shock wave and from flying debris, stones, glass fragments, etc. The damage caused by the shock wave to residential and industrial buildings can be in the nature of complete destruction, severe, moderate and weak depending on the power of the explosion.

In case of complete destruction, all elements of the building collapse, including the load-bearing structures of the floors. In case of severe damage, supporting structures and ceilings of the upper floors collapse, after which the buildings cannot be restored. In case of moderate and weak damage, damaged buildings can be restored.

Fires resulting from explosions lead to the destruction of structures due to combustion or deformation of their elements from high temperatures, and to the formation of various concentrations of chemically hazardous substances. The damaging factors for people under these conditions are high temperatures, leading to burns of varying degrees, and the presence of chemically hazardous substances in combustion products, leading to poisoning of varying degrees.

Accidents at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities are caused mainly by explosions of containers and pipelines with flammable and explosive liquids and gases and can lead to severe social and economic consequences.

Historical facts

To clearly characterize the consequences of such an accident, we present an analysis of the disaster of two passenger trains that occurred in Bashkiria on June 3, 1989 as a result of an explosion on a pipeline. A major train accident was the result of a tragic combination of circumstances. Two passenger trains Novosibirsk - Adler (20 cars) and Adler - Novosibirsk (17 cars), traveling in different directions, at 23:10 found themselves in the zone of a hydrocarbon-air mixture accumulated on an area of ​​250 hectares, formed as a result of the leakage of petroleum products into the environment from ruptured pipe of the Western Siberia - Ural - Volga region pipeline.

Presumably, due to sparking of the locomotive's current collectors while passing through a zone with a high concentration of hydrocarbon-air mixture (it included the following components: methane, ethane, propane, isobutane and hexane; when mixed with air, such a mixture becomes explosive), a fire broke out and a volumetric explosion occurred 1. the energy of which corresponded to the energy of a TNT explosion weighing about 300 tons. The explosion and the fire that resulted from the explosion led to the mass death and injury of people on two oncoming passenger trains who found themselves in the zone of formation of an explosive mixture of petroleum products.

The air shock wave tore off 11 cars (5 of one and 6 of another train) from the trains and threw them downhill, 7 of which were completely burned. The remaining 26 cars were burned on the outside and completely burned out on the inside. The trains allegedly carried 1,284 people, of whom more than 780 died.

The disaster was a consequence of the unsatisfactory quality of pipeline construction and the unacceptably poor state of control over its construction on the part of the customer and the failure to take timely measures to eliminate the accident (pipe rupture) that occurred before the explosion. This conclusion was reached by a commission investigating the causes of the disaster.


  1. Which economic objects are classified as fire and explosion hazards?
  2. What are the main factors that determine the occurrence of an accident at an explosion- and fire-hazardous facility?
  3. What damaging factors that arise during accidents at explosive and fire hazardous facilities pose a high degree of danger to working personnel and the public?
  4. What consequences can result from a major accident at an explosion- and fire-hazardous facility?


From various information sources (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV), select several typical examples of an emergency situation due to an accident at an explosive and fire hazardous facility in the region of your residence. Write down the reasons for its occurrence.

1 Volumetric explosion is an explosion of a cloud of explosive mixture

Fire– this is a burning, as a result of which material assets are uselessly and irrevocably destroyed and damaged, creating a danger to the life and health of people.

Fire And explosive objects(PVOO) enterprises that produce, store, transport explosive products or products that, under certain conditions, acquire the ability to ignite or explode.

According to explosion, explosion-fire and fire hazards, air defense facilities are divided into five categories; objects belonging to categories A, B, C are especially dangerous.

Characteristics of accidents at fire and explosion hazardous facilities.

Accidents at air defense facilities include:

1) fires followed by an explosion;

2) gaseous (liquefied) hydrocarbon products;

3) fuel-air mixtures and other explosive substances.

To the damaging factors of accidents on PVOO relate:

1) air shock wave with the formation of fragmentation fields;

2) thermal and light radiation and, as a consequence, air pollution in the affected area with carbon monoxide and OM.

The nature and extent of damage to people depends on the degree of their protection:

1) heavy injuries are expressed by severe contusion, loss of consciousness and numerous complex bone fractures;

2) average– dislocations of limbs, contusions of the brain, damage to the hearing organs;

3) lungs– soon passing functional disorders.

The main issues of fire safety of facilities (enterprises) are set out in Building codes and regulations.

Fire protection of objects depends on the purpose of buildings, their fire resistance and operating mode, the number of people simultaneously in the room, the amount of flammable materials and substances located in enterprises, and other factors.

For each object a specific fire mode - a set of certain fire safety measures and requirements established for a facility and subject to mandatory compliance by all employees of this facility.

It is determined by the rules, instructions, orders and instructions of the head of the enterprise.

One of the promising areas to ensure fire safety of objects is - installation of fire-fighting automatics.

To convey news of a fire, the following can be used:

1) electric (EPS);

2) automatic (APS);

3) sound fire alarm systems;

5) siren;

6) telephone;

7) radio communication.

Currently, enterprises use beam and ring electric fire alarms.

Transport accidents

Today, any type of transport poses a potential danger.

The main causes of accidents and disasters in railway transport:

1) track faults;

2) malfunctions of rolling stock;

3) malfunction of the signaling device;

4) centralization and blocking;

5) dispatcher errors;

6) inattention and negligence of drivers.

When transporting dangerous goods, such as gases, flammable, explosive, toxic and radioactive substances, explosions and fires are possible. It is very difficult to eliminate such accidents.

One of the main problems of our time has become ensuring traffic safety in road transport.

Approximately 75% of all road accidents occur due to drivers violating traffic rules. What does a third have to do with Road accident– a consequence of poor driver training. The most dangerous types of violations still remain:

1) speeding;

2) driving into oncoming traffic;

3) driving while drunk.

The peculiarity of road accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first three hours. Blood loss during the first hour can be so great and severe that even a brilliantly performed operation turns out to be useless. First aid is very important here. However, the level of medical training of traffic police officers is low, and the training of the population and drivers is also insufficient. Car first aid kits, which should be in every car, without which they cannot pass a technical inspection, are often understaffed.

This is why the mortality rate from road accidents is 10–15 times higher in our country than in other countries.

Despite the measures taken, the number of accidents and disasters in air transport does not decrease. The following lead to serious consequences:

1) destruction of individual aircraft structures;

2) engine failure;

3) disruption of control systems, power supply, communications;

4) poor piloting;

5) lack of fuel;

6) interruptions in life support for the crew and passengers.

Most major accidents and disasters on ships occur under the influence of:

1) hurricanes;

2) storms;

3) fogs;

5) due to the fault of people.

Many accidents occur due to errors in the design and construction of ships. Half of them are the result of inept operation. All crew members are involved in the work to eliminate the consequences of accidents, disasters and rescue drowning people. The captain supervises all work as the head of civil defense. Main goals:

1) saving people in distress;

2) the struggle for the buoyancy of the ship;

3) extinguishing the fire;

4) eliminating holes.

The following are involved in ship salvage work:

1) special rescue vessels;

2) tugs;

3) fire boats;

4) crews of other watercraft;

5) special units for emergency rescue, ship-lifting and lifting-technical works.

The complication of technological processes and the increase in the built-up area of ​​national economic facilities increases their fire hazard.

A fire is a combustion that results in the destruction or damage of material assets and creates a danger to the life and health of people.

The main damaging factors of a fire:

  • ? open fire;
  • ? sparks;
  • ? thermal radiation;
  • ? smoke;
  • ? reduced oxygen concentration;
  • ? toxic combustion products (hydrocyanic acid, carbon monoxide, phosgene);
  • ? falling objects and structures.

Explosion - This is a fast-flowing process of physical and chemical transformation of substances, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy in a limited volume, as a result of which a shock wave is formed and spreads in the surrounding space, which can pose a threat to the life and health of people, cause damage to the national economy and the environment and become a source of emergency. .

A distinction is made between combustion, explosion and detonation. During detonation, the flame spreads at the highest speed.

The concentration of gases and vapors in the air is important for combustion and ignition. The combustion and ignition range is characterized by lower and upper explosive limits. They are the most important characteristic of the explosiveness of flammable substances.

Fire and Explosion Hazardous Facilities (FEC) - enterprises where explosive products or products that acquire the ability to ignite or explode under certain conditions are produced, stored, transported.

These primarily include industries that use explosive and highly flammable substances, as well as railway and pipeline transport for the delivery of liquid, gaseous, fire and explosive goods.

According to explosion, explosion and fire hazard, air defenses are divided into five categories: A, B, C, D, D.

Accidents at air defense facilities include fires followed by an explosion of gaseous products, fuel-air mixtures and other explosive substances and explosions as a result of the free flow of flammable explosive liquids or gases, leading to the emergence of numerous fires.

Emergencies that occur at air defense facilities are often complicated by the fact that many explosive substances are poisonous or form chemically hazardous substances (CHS) during combustion.

The presence of hazardous substances in the air (smoke) can be determined by the specific smell, color, taste, and effects on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract. The characteristic features of such substances are presented in Appendix 4.

The damaging factors of accidents at air defense facilities include: an air shock wave with the formation of fragmentation fields, thermal and light radiation and, as a consequence, air pollution in the affected area with carbon monoxide and chemical toxicants.

In an explosion at an air defense facility, people and various degrees of damage can occur both from the direct impact of the shock wave, and indirectly from flying debris, stones, glass fragments, etc. .

In fires and explosions, people receive thermal (burns of the body, upper respiratory tract, eyes) and mechanical damage (fractures, bruises, traumatic brain injuries, shrapnel wounds, combined injuries).

The nature and extent of damage to people depends on the degree of their protection.

Fires resulting from explosions lead to burns, and the burning of plastics and synthetic materials leads to the formation of various concentrations of chemical substances.

Fires are most dangerous in administrative buildings, since the internal walls are lined with panels of flammable material, and the ceiling slabs are made of flammable wood boards.

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Natural disasters, industrial and transport accidents, environmental consequences of anthropogenic impact on the biosphere, and the use of various types of weapons by the enemy in the event of military operations create situations that are dangerous to the life and health of the population.

The occurrence of any emergency situation is caused by a combination of objective and subjective factors.

In the Law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”, an emergency situation is defined as “a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may lead or has resulted in "result in human casualties, damage to human health or the natural environment, significant material losses and disruptions to people's living conditions."

In emergency situations, society, driven by a natural desire for self-preservation, takes conscious, pre-planned measures aimed at ensuring life safety. The problem of protection in emergency situations includes many aspects that must be taken into account when developing measures to ensure the safety of the population, the sustainability of national economic facilities and the protection of the biosphere from anthropogenic impact.

The choice of measures, forces and means of protection depends on the type, specificity, course of emergency situations, the nature of the generating factors and the severity of the consequences.

Accidents at explosive and fire hazardous facilities

Explosion and fire hazardous facilities are those facilities where fire hazardous products or products that acquire the ability to ignite and (or) explode under certain conditions are produced, stored, transported.

Fire is usually called uncontrolled combustion outside a special source, which can lead and (or) leads to death and injury to people and material damage. Combustion is a chemical oxidation reaction accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat and glow.

Fires are classified according to several criteria:

1) by scale:

Individual fires (in buildings and structures);

Groups of individual fires;

Continuous fires, when separate fires merge into one common fire

(more than 50% of buildings on the construction site are on fire);

A firestorm is a special type of sustained fire, covering more than 90% of buildings in cities and characterized by the presence of an upward column of combustion products and heated air, as well as an influx of fresh air from all sides to the center of the storm at hurricane speed;

2) at the place of origin:

Fires in cities and towns;

Fires on transport arteries (pipelines) and facilities;

Landscape fires.

The most common sources of man-made emergencies are fires and explosions that occur at explosive and fire hazardous economic facilities.

In various sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation, there are about 10 thousand fire and explosion hazardous facilities located and operated.

These primarily include production where explosive and highly flammable substances are used. As well as railway and pipeline transport, which bears the main burden when delivering liquid, gaseous and explosive goods.

Most often, accidents with explosions and fires occur at enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, which lead to serious consequences: destruction of industrial and residential buildings, injury to production personnel and the population, and significant material losses.

At enterprises producing gunpowder, jet explosive fuel, explosives, pyrotechnics and compositions, as well as products based on them, even larger-scale incidents with mass casualties of enterprise workers and the population of nearby settlements are possible.

Forecasts by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations show that in the event of a major accident at such facilities, accompanied by explosions and fires, it may be necessary to evacuate over 20 thousand people.


Currently, oil and gas industry enterprises and geological exploration organizations operate more than 200 thousand km. main pipelines, 350 thousand km. field pipelines, 800 compressor and oil pumping stations.

It should be noted that the main development of the main gas pipeline system occurred in the 60-70s. last century and today, all of them have largely exhausted their service life, which leads to an increase in the likelihood of accidents during their operation.

Coal mines are currently particularly dangerous due to methane explosions, coal dust and fires. Fires that occur in underground mines are the most severe in terms of consequences and frequent accidents (about 33% of the total number of accidents in this industry).

Accidents that occur at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities are characterized by explosions and fires and pose a particular danger to the population. The damaging factors of accidents at explosive and fire hazardous facilities include an air shock wave with the formation of a large number of fragments from flying debris of buildings and structures, high temperature from the combustion of various substances, materials and air pollution at the source of damage by combustion products, including carbon monoxide.

In the event of an explosion at explosion- and fire-hazardous objects, people can be injured both from direct exposure to the shock wave and from flying debris, stones, glass fragments, etc. The damage caused by a shock wave to residential and industrial buildings can be of the nature of complete destruction, strong, medium and weak, depending on the power of the explosion.

In case of complete destruction, all elements of the building collapse, including the load-bearing structures of the floors. In case of severe damage, the supporting structures and ceilings of the upper floors collapse, after which the building cannot be restored. In case of moderate and weak damage, damaged buildings can be restored.

Fires resulting from explosions lead to the destruction of structures due to combustion or deformation of their elements from high temperatures, and to the formation of various concentrations of chemically hazardous substances. The damaging factors for people under these conditions are high temperatures, leading to burns of varying degrees, and the presence of chemically hazardous substances in combustion products, leading to poisoning of varying degrees.

Accidents at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities are caused mainly by explosions of containers and pipelines with flammable and explosive liquids and gases and can lead to severe social and economic consequences.

Historical facts

To clearly characterize the consequences of such an accident, we present an analysis of the disaster of two passenger trains that occurred in Bashkiria on June 3, 1989 as a result of an explosion on a pipeline. A major train accident was the result of a tragic combination of circumstances. Two passenger trains Novosibirsk-Adler (20 cars) and Adler-Novosibirsk (17 cars), traveling in different directions, at 23 hours 10 minutes found themselves in a zone accumulated on an area of ​​250 hectares of hydrocarbon-air mixture, formed as a result of the leakage of petroleum products into the environment from a ruptured pipe of the Western Siberia-Ural-Volga region pipeline.

Presumably due to sparking of the locomotive's current collectors while passing through a zone with a high concentration of hydrocarbon-air mixture (it included the following components: methane, ethane, propane, isobutane and hexane; mixed with air, such a mixture becomes explosive), a fire broke out and a volumetric explosion occurred, energy which corresponded to the energy of a TNT explosion weighing 300 tons. The explosion and the fire that resulted from the explosion led to the mass death and injury of people on two oncoming passenger trains, which found themselves in the zone of formation of an explosive mixture of petroleum products.

The air shock wave tore off 11 cars (5 of one and 6 of another train) from the trains and threw them downhill, 7 of which were completely burned. The remaining 26 cars were burned on the outside and completely burned out on the inside. There were supposedly 1,284 people on the trains, of whom 780 died.

The disaster was a consequence of the unsatisfactory quality of pipeline construction and the unacceptably poor state of control over its construction on the part of the customer and the rejection of timely measures to eliminate the accident (pipe rupture) that occurred before the explosion. This conclusion was reached by a commission investigating the causes of the disaster.

Another striking example of accidents at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities is the methane explosion at the Raspadskaya mine.

On the evening of May 8, 2010, a methane explosion occurred at the largest coal mine in Russia, Raspadskaya, located in Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region. About 360 miners were trapped underground; 276 people were soon brought to the surface. A few hours later, a second explosion occurred at Raspadskaya, leaving the mine without air and destroying part of the above-ground buildings. As a result, contact with three rescue teams was lost. According to official data, 73 miners were killed, the bodies of another 18 people have not yet been found, they are listed as missing. OJSC Raspadskaya estimated its damage at 8.6 billion rubles. After the accident, the director of the mine resigned and was charged with violating safety rules.


accident fire and explosion hazardous

The number of accidents in all areas of production activity is steadily growing due to the widespread use of new technologies and materials, non-traditional energy sources, and the massive use of hazardous substances in industry and agriculture.

Increasingly, accidents are becoming catastrophic, with destruction of facilities and severe environmental consequences (Bhopal, Chernobyl). Analysis of accidents shows that, regardless of production, in the vast majority of cases they are preceded by the occurrence or accumulation of defects in equipment or deviations from the normal operation of the process, which in themselves do not pose a threat, but create the preconditions for an accident.

To avoid such situations, you should be more attentive to safety precautions at such enterprises.

List of used literature

1. "Safety in emergency situations: Textbook" ed. N.K. Shishkina. - M., State University of Education, 2008.

2. V.E. Anofrikov, S.A. Bobok, M.N. Dudko, G.D. Elistratov "Life Safety: A Textbook for Universities" / State University of Education. - M.: ZAO "Finstatinform", 2005.

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State educational institution of higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"

Institute of Management and Information Technologies

(branch) of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University in Cherepovets


Department of Finance and Credit


Discipline: “Life Safety”

Topic: Accidents at fire and explosion hazardous facilities: concept and characteristics. Security measures.

Completed by a student of group z.492 Svetlana Ivanovna Farutina

Option No. 29 Gradebook No. з4090206

Head Kulichenko Alexander Georgievich

"_______" _________________________20___

__________ __________________

test mark teacher's signature


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..…31. General information about the explosion……………………………………………………………..4
2. General information about fire…………………………………………………………….7
3. Causes of fires and explosions and their consequences……….11
4. The main damaging factors of fire and explosion……………………..13
5. Rules for safe behavior in case of fires and explosions…………..…..15
6. Fires and panic………………………………………………………..18



Fire and explosive objects (PHOO)- enterprises that produce, store, transport explosive products or products that, under certain conditions, acquire the ability to ignite or explode.

Fire and explosion hazardous facilities include enterprises of the chemical, gas, oil refining, pulp and paper, food, paint and varnish industries, enterprises using gas and oil products as raw materials or energy carriers, all types of transport transporting explosive and fire hazardous substances, fuel filling stations, gas and product pipelines. In conditions of concentrated factory production, substances considered non-flammable also become dangerous. Wood, coal, peat, aluminum, flour and sugar dust, for example, explode and burn.

Types of accidents at fire and explosion hazardous facilities:

    Fires (explosions) in buildings, communications and technological equipment of industrial enterprises.

    Fires (explosions) at production, processing and storage facilities of flammable and explosive substances.

    Fires (explosions) in transport.

    Fires (explosions) in mines, underground and mining workings, and subways.

    Fires (explosions) in buildings and structures for residential, social and cultural purposes.

    Fires (explosions) at facilities with hazardous chemical substances.

    Fires (explosions) at radiation hazardous facilities.

    General information about the explosion.

Explosion is a sudden event in which a large amount of energy is released in a limited volume in a short period of time.

Explosion classification:

    underground (underwater) is an explosion produced underground (underwater) and characterized by the release of a large amount of soil (water) mixed with nuclear explosive products (fission fragments of uranium-235 or plutonium-239). The damaging and destructive effect of an underground nuclear explosion is determined mainly by seismic explosion waves (the main damaging factor), the formation of a crater in the ground and severe radioactive contamination of the area. There is no light emission or penetrating radiation.

    ground (above-water) - this is an explosion produced on the surface of the earth (water), in which the luminous area touches the surface of the earth (water), and the dust (water) column is connected to the explosion cloud from the moment of formation.

    A characteristic feature of a ground-based (above-water) nuclear explosion is severe radioactive contamination of the area (water) both in the area of ​​the explosion and in the direction of movement of the explosion cloud. The damaging factors of this explosion are the shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, radioactive contamination of the area and EMP.

airborne is an explosion produced at an altitude of up to 10 km, when the luminous area does not touch the ground (water). Air explosions are divided into low and high.

Severe radioactive contamination of the area occurs only near the epicenters of low air explosions.

Contamination of the area along the trail of the cloud does not have a significant impact on the actions of personnel. During an airborne nuclear explosion, shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation and EMR are most fully manifested.

During a ground-based nuclear explosion, about 50% of the energy goes to the formation of a shock wave and a crater in the ground, 30 - 40% to light radiation, up to 5% to penetrating radiation and electromagnetic radiation, and up to 15% to radioactive contamination of the area.

During an air explosion of a neutron munition, the energy shares are distributed in a unique way: shock wave up to 10%, light radiation 5 - 8% and approximately 85% of the energy goes into penetrating radiation (neutron and gamma radiation).

The shock wave and light radiation are similar to the damaging factors of traditional explosives, but the light radiation in the event of a nuclear explosion is much more powerful.

The shock wave destroys buildings and equipment, injures people and has a knockback effect with a rapid pressure drop and high-speed air pressure. The rarefaction (drop in air pressure) that follows the wave and the reverse movement of air masses towards the developing nuclear mushroom can also cause some damage.

Zone 2 - effect of explosion products. It involves complete destruction of buildings and structures under the influence of expanding explosion products. At the outer boundary of this zone, the resulting shock wave breaks away from the explosion products and moves independently from the center of the explosion. Having exhausted their energy, the products of the explosion, having expanded to a density corresponding to atmospheric pressure, no longer produce a destructive effect.

Zone 3 – action of an air shock wave. This zone includes three subzones: 3a - severe destruction, 3b - moderate destruction, 3c - weak destruction. At the outer boundary of the zone, the shock wave degenerates into a sound wave, audible over considerable distances.

The effect of an explosion on buildings, structures, equipment.

Large buildings and structures with light load-bearing structures that rise significantly above the ground are subject to the greatest destruction by explosion products and shock waves. Underground and buried structures with rigid structures have significant resistance to destruction.

The degree of destruction of buildings and structures can be represented as follows:

    complete - floors collapsed and all main supporting structures were destroyed;

    recovery is not possible;

    strong - there are significant deformations of the supporting structures; Most of the ceilings and walls were destroyed;

    average - mainly not load-bearing structures, but secondary structures (light walls, partitions, roofs, windows, doors) were destroyed;

    possible cracks in external walls;

the ceilings in the basement are not destroyed; in utility and energy networks there is significant damage and deformation of elements that require elimination; weak - part of the internal partitions, filling of door and window openings is destroyed;

the equipment has significant deformations; in utility and energy networks, destruction and breakdown of structural elements are insignificant.

    General information about the fire.


    is a chemical reaction of a flammable substance combining with oxygen in the air.

Fire The combustion process requires the following conditions:

presence of flammable material (paper, wood, etc.);

presence of an oxidizing agent (air oxygen);

    presence of an ignition source (fire, spark).- uncontrolled combustion causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.

    A fire can be stopped if one of the listed conditions is excluded from the combustion zone.– capable of burning under the influence of an ignition source, but not capable of burning independently after its removal;

    flammable– capable of burning after removal of the ignition source.

According to external signs of combustion, fires are divided into external, internal, simultaneously external and internal, open and hidden.

TO external include fires in which signs of combustion (flame, smoke) can be identified visually. Such fires occur when buildings and their structures, stacks of lumber, coal, peat and other material assets located in open storage areas burn; when burning petroleum products in tanks, on open technological installations and overpasses; forests, peat fields, grain crops, etc. External fires are always open.

TO internal include fires that start and develop inside buildings. They can be open or hidden.

In open fires, signs of combustion can be determined by inspection of the premises (for example, when property burns in buildings for various purposes; equipment and materials in production workshops, partitions, floors, coatings, etc.).

U hidden fires, combustion occurs in the voids of building structures, ventilation shafts and channels, and inside peat deposits. In this case, signs of combustion include smoke escaping through cracks, changes in the color of the plaster, and heating of the structures. Fire can be visible when opening or developing stacks and structures.

As the situation changes, the type of fire also changes. Thus, when a fire develops in a building, latent internal combustion can turn into open internal combustion, and internal combustion into external combustion, and vice versa.

By place of origin fires occur in buildings, structures, open areas of warehouses and natural areas (forest, steppe, peat and grain fields).

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The post is long, and I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make something so lean as a dessert without it being applesauce. AND...

Today I cook about half of the cakes in a slow cooker. This is very convenient for me, and gradually many cakes that used to...

Before you start cooking according to the recipe that you like best, you need to choose and prepare the carcass correctly: First,...

Salads with cod liver always turn out very tasty and interesting, because this product goes well with many ingredients...
The popularity of canned squash for the winter is growing every day. Cute, elastic and juicy vegetables, reminiscent in appearance...
Not everyone likes milk in its pure form, although it is difficult to overestimate its nutritional value and usefulness. But a milkshake with...
In this lunar calendar for December 2016 you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When favorable...
Supporters of proper nutrition, strictly calorie counting, very often have to deny themselves small gastronomic joys in the form of...
Crispy puff pastry made from ready-made puff pastry is quick, inexpensive and very tasty! The only thing you need is time to...