Emergency telephone message oati. The procedure for issuing permits for excavation work during emergency response

12.1. Carrying out emergency restoration work (including digging) on ​​utility lines and structures in order to eliminate accidents that occurred during their operation or during construction work is allowed to be carried out on the basis of emergency telephone messages transmitted by the balance holder of the facility to the district administrative and technical inspections for the territorial affiliation of the facility .

The prefecture of the administrative district and the district government, the balance holders of the territories, operating organizations that have underground communications in the accident area, and in the event of an accident on the roadway - the traffic police and the traffic service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" (if there are public transport routes) are also notified about the accident.

If an accident occurred on main streets, highways and squares or on underground structures of citywide importance, the telephone message is also transmitted to the operational duty officers of the Moscow Government and the departments of housing and communal services and improvement of the city of Moscow or the fuel and energy sector of the city of Moscow (as appropriate). Operational management of emergency restoration work in this case is carried out by a specially created headquarters and an organization on whose balance sheet the damaged structure is located.

12.2. If it is necessary to cut down green spaces during emergency restoration work, a representative of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow is called to draw up an inspection report of the felling site, which is signed by a commission consisting of emergency response representatives. The department issues a logging ticket within 72 hours from the start of work if there is a certificate of inspection of the logging site, issued in the prescribed manner.

12.3. Elimination of accidents on utility networks and structures can be carried out both by the balance holder of the facility (if these works are the main activity of the organization) and by specialized operating organizations servicing the networks where the accident occurred (subject to the existence of appropriate contractual relations with the balance holder and a license to carry out the work) .

12.4. Upon receiving a signal about an accident, the operating organization immediately sends an emergency team to the site, which, under the leadership of a responsible person who has an official ID and a work permit to eliminate the accident (a copy of the telephone message), begins to eliminate the accident and eliminate its consequences. At the same time, the safety of people and traffic, as well as the safety of nearby underground and above-ground structures must be ensured.

Emergency restoration work on underground utilities is carried out in accordance with regulations and standard work projects (including technological maps), providing for the necessary measures to prevent pollution of urban areas (mobile washing stations, compressors, flooring, shields, plastic films, brushes, etc. .) depending on the types, conditions and timing of the work.

12.5. If the gas pipeline is damaged, the person responsible for the work must immediately call the emergency service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgaz" by phone "04" and, before its arrival, organize security and fencing of the damage site, prevent unauthorized persons and sources of open fire from entering it.

12.6. Organizations that have underground communications in the accident zone, upon receiving a telephone message, are obliged to immediately send a representative with as-built drawings to the accident site to clarify the location of subordinate communications (structures) on the ground and agree on the method of work.

The procedure for carrying out emergency work on the roadway must also be agreed upon with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Traffic Service of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans.

If the work to eliminate the accident requires the complete or partial closure of the passage, the traffic police authorities, together with the Traffic Service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", make a prompt decision on the temporary closure of the passage, the detour route for transport and the establishment (together with interested operating organizations) of the shortest period for eliminating the damage.

12.7. The responsible person in charge of the work to eliminate an accident of citywide significance, if necessary, has the right to demand from officials of organizations and enterprises, regardless of their affiliation and form of ownership, assistance to ensure the safety of people's lives, traffic, safety of buildings, structures and other valuables .

The officials to whom the appeal is made are obliged to provide assistance with technical personnel, materials, mechanisms, vehicles and other resources within their capabilities.

Issues of compensation for costs during the provision of assistance must be resolved after the liquidation of the accident in the manner prescribed by law.

12.8. Organizations storing materials, equipment or other valuables near the accident site are obliged to immediately vacate the site upon the first request of the emergency operations manager.

12.9. Accidents, regardless of the type of communication (structure), must be eliminated within up to 5 days, and restoration of amenities in emergency areas must be carried out within 3 days after completion of work to eliminate the accident. If it is impossible to eliminate the accident and restore amenities within the specified period, it is necessary to issue a warrant for emergency restoration work.

The organization performing the work is responsible for untimely elimination of the accident and restoration of amenities.

12.10. The place where emergency work is carried out is fenced with shields or screens of the established type.

On the roadways of streets (highways), in addition to fencing, red marker lights, road signs, traffic and pedestrian passage indicators, etc. are installed.

If during the liquidation of an accident the position of existing communications changes, the organization carrying out the liquidation of the accident is obliged to ensure that changes are made to the as-built drawings of all transferred communications and submit them in the manner prescribed by these Rules to the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest".

Work areas in pedestrian traffic areas in the absence of external lighting are equipped with lamps.

Officials under whose leadership the work to eliminate the accident is carried out are responsible for the presence and condition of the fence, the operation of lighting and side lights, the safety of road signs and indicators until the work is completed.

12.11. After eliminating the accident, backfilling the trench (pit) and removing debris, the organization that carried out the work transfers the object to the organization with which the improvement contract was concluded to carry out the specified work.

12.12. Work to restore landscaping and landscaping should be carried out by specialized organizations.

Restoration of landscaping and landscaping is carried out to the extent and in accordance with the original state of the territory (before the start of emergency restoration work).

At the same time, work to restore the surface of the roadway and sidewalks must be completed within 48 hours, regardless of the time of year (to ensure accident-free movement of vehicles and mechanized cleaning).

12.13. When carrying out work in the winter (from October 15 to April 15), the impossibility of restoring small architectural forms, green spaces and the need to remake the asphalt surface, the organization submits a letter of guarantee to the OATI of the city of Moscow for the completion of landscaping work before May 1 after the end of the winter period .

12.14. The object of emergency restoration work is removed from control after checking the actual implementation of landscaping and road repair work and their quality, about which a report is drawn up with the participation of representatives of the organization that carried out the work, the balance holder of the territory, OATI, as well as the traffic police (if the work was carried out on the roadway ) and the Traffic Service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans".

12.15. Carrying out scheduled work under the guise of emergency work (via telephone message) is strictly prohibited. Organizations guilty of such actions bear responsibility in accordance with the established procedure.

All earthworks related to the laying and reconstruction of underground structures, construction and repair of buildings and roads; carrying out landscaping and landscaping, drilling wells, etc., can only be carried out with a written permit (order) issued by the “Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the Moscow Government.”

Construction organizations, in accordance with the “Rules for excavation and construction work, laying and reconstruction of engineering networks and communications in Moscow,” are required to submit working drawings of projects to the electrical network district, as well as a work execution plan (WPP), which is agreed upon by Art. site masters. When agreeing on the PPR Art. the master issues a notice to the construction organization of the right to obtain a warrant. One copy of the notice is kept in the district.

Technological sequence of work to protect cable lines when opening earthen covers along the route

According to the degree of danger of mechanical damage to cable lines, excavation sites are divided into two zones:
- first zone - work on highways or at a distance of up to 1 m from the outermost cable line (security zone);
- second zone - work on cable lines at a distance of more than 1 m from the outermost cable line.
Work on routes where the location of the cable lines on tracing paper is in doubt should be classified as work in zone 1.
Excavation of cable routes or excavation work near them should be carried out only after obtaining permission from the relevant electrical network district. At the same time, supervision over the safety of cable cables must be ensured for the entire period of work.
Before opening cables, a representative of electrical networks must:
- require the construction of pits across the cable line route along the entire length of the route with distances between pits of no more than 10 m before opening all cables to the width of a shovel and a length of at least 0.5 m from the outermost cable.
- use the holes made to clarify the location and depth of the cables and verify the correct application of cable lines on the working drawings of the project, verify the cable connections on the “Permit” form and indicate the actual depth of the cables.
Exposed cables must be sewn into a wooden box and reinforced to prevent sagging. A warning poster must be posted on the box. (Mosinzhproekt sample album 3105-98).
If gross violations of the “Rules for organizing excavation work in Moscow” are detected (excavations carried out without a warrant, without calling a representative of the electrical networks, expansion of the scope of work, etc.), the personnel of the electrical networks who discovered the violation must stop the work and hand over to the representative digging organization "Prohibition".
The “Prohibition” is filled out in 2 copies, a copy remains with the representative of the electrical networks. At the same time, the district reports any violations detected to the administrative inspectorate and a higher organization.
For each case of mechanical damage to cables, the district must send a letter to the organization requesting punishment and recovery of material damage from those responsible.
Data about the opening of the cable line is entered into the cable line passport.

Requirements of the city of Moscow for the organization of emergency repair work on cable lines.

All types of excavation work: laying, reconstruction (repair) of underground utility networks and communications, including in underground sewers, are permitted only if there is a warrant issued by the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections (OATI).
Without a previously issued warrant (via an emergency telephone message), emergency restoration work begins on underground structures and communications.
An emergency telephone message is transmitted before the start of work to all owners of underground utilities.
Particular attention should be paid to calling the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate when working near traffic light objects. The cables supplying traffic light objects are not marked on tracing paper of electrical networks, are partially absent from the geofund of the city and are laid at a depth of 0.1 to 0.5 m.
During emergency restoration work, the safety of people and traffic, as well as the safety of nearby underground and above-ground structures, must be ensured.
Emergency restoration work must be completed within 5 days, and restoration of amenities in emergency areas must be carried out within 3 days after completion of the work. If it is impossible to complete the work and restore the amenities within the specified time frame, it is necessary to issue a warrant to continue emergency restoration work.
The organization performing the work is responsible for untimely completion of work and restoration of amenities.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended for informational purposes only. Electronic copies of these documents can be distributed without any restrictions. You can post information from this site on any other site.

On introducing amendments and additions to the resolution of the Moscow Government of December 7, 2004 N 857-PP

In order to streamline and reduce emergency excavations on the territory of the city of Moscow, to exclude the carrying out of planned work under the guise of emergency, to clarify the procedure for carrying out work on the roadways of streets and highways, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Introduce changes and additions to the resolution of the Moscow Government dated December 7, 2004 N 857-PP “On approval of the Rules for the preparation and production of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow” (as amended by the resolutions of the Moscow Government dated April 12, 2005 . N 215-PP, dated June 14, 2005 N 418-PP, dated October 11, 2005 N 780-PP, dated December 6, 2005 N 980-PP, dated January 17, 2006 N 19-PP, dated March 21, 2006 N 199-PP, dated August 22, 2006 N 596-PP, dated September 12, 2006 N 687-PP, dated November 7, 2006 N 866-PP, dated March 13, 2007 N 173-PP, dated June 19, 2007 N 482-PP, dated July 31, 2007 N 650-PP, dated December 25, 2007 N 1113-PP, dated March 4, 2008 N 157-PP, dated April 29, 2008 N 357-PP):

1.1. The second paragraph of paragraph 2.1.25 of the appendix should be stated as follows:

"2.1.25. The validity period of engineering topographic plans is 3 years with the possibility of using up to 4 years upon the conclusion of the department of underground structures of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" (OPS State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest") for the development and submission of design documentation to city organizations."

1.2. Add clause 4.8.6 of the appendix with the following paragraph:

" Note: for construction and reconstruction projects of roads, transport interchanges and other transport structures, a construction organization project (POS) for the facility as a whole, approved by the state customer, is submitted, indicating the stages of construction.".

1.3. Add clause 6.11 of the appendix with the following paragraph:

"For the construction and reconstruction of metro facilities, the use of reinforced concrete fences from sections of serial production is allowed."

1.4. The title of section 12 of the appendix should be stated as follows:

"12. Carrying out emergency and pre-emergency work."

1.5. Clause 12.1 of the appendix should be amended as follows:

"12.1. The list of emergency and pre-emergency work is approved by the head of the Moscow Municipal Services Complex.

Carrying out emergency work (including digging) on ​​utility lines and structures in order to eliminate accidents on utility networks and structures is allowed to be carried out on the basis of telephone messages transmitted by the balance holder of the facility to the Technical Inspectorate of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow.

The relevant departments, the prefecture of the administrative district and the district government, the balance holders of the territories, operating organizations that have underground utilities and structures in the accident area are notified about the accident, and in the event of an accident on the roadway - the traffic police and the traffic service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" (if there are public routes). transport).

If an accident occurred on the main streets, highways and squares of the city or on underground communications of citywide importance, the telephone message is also transmitted to the operational duty officers in the Moscow Government.

If necessary, a headquarters is created with the participation of interested organizations to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

The head of the resource supplying organization, within 24 hours after sending a telephone message about the start of emergency work, sends confirmation to OATI about the nature of the work being carried out.

If there is no confirmation, the issue is considered at a meeting of the departmental commission for monitoring emergency excavations on the territory of the city of Moscow (under the relevant department).

Carrying out pre-emergency work (including digging) in order to prevent accidents on utility networks and structures is permitted after transmitting the corresponding telephone message to the Technical Inspectorate of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow if the organization performing the work has an approved pre-emergency repair report for utilities ( Appendix 6 to the Rules), work flow diagram (indicating the exact location of the facility) and work schedule.

The organizations specified in the act are required to review the submitted documents on pre-accident work within a period of no more than two days and determine the conditions for the work. Otherwise, the act is considered agreed upon by the relevant organization.

Before the start of work, one copy of the act (with a diagram and schedule) is transferred to the territorial unit of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow for control.


1. Emergency work includes:

Elimination of damage to utilities and equipment that pose a threat to human life and the vital functioning of the city, termination or limitation of the supply of energy or communication services to consumers, spills on the surface of the ground and roads, elimination of failures and subsidence on the road network;

Elimination of emergency damage to outdoor lighting poles and transport networks that caused loss of their load-bearing capacity.

2. Pre-emergency work includes:

Work to eliminate technological violations on utility networks and equipment that did not cause disconnection and limitation of consumers, the failure of which may lead to the creation of an emergency;

Restoring the functionality of backup utility networks, as well as technical means of organizing traffic.".

1.6. In clauses 12.2, 12.9, 12.12 and 12.14 of the appendix, replace the words “emergency and recovery” with the words “emergency and pre-emergency” in the appropriate cases.

1.7. In clause 14.1 of the appendix, note 3 should be stated as follows:

"3. The display of the constructed underground communication, including the trenchless method, on the as-built drawings must be verified by control geodetic survey at the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" and have a stamp of compliance with the planned and altitude position in nature and in the design.

In the case of passage of sections of the route of underground engineering communications in transit through basements, bridge spaces, etc. the display of these sections is presented to the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" schematically indicating the length, diameters and materials of the pipes."

1.8. Supplement the appendix to the resolution with appendix 6 to the Rules for the preparation and production of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow, as amended in accordance with this resolution.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, V.I. Resin.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

to the resolution of the Moscow Government
dated October 14, 2008 No. 929-PP

Appendix 6
to the Rules for Preparation and Production
earthworks, arrangement and maintenance
construction sites in Moscow

Certificate of pre-emergency repair of utilities

Moscow "___" _____________ 200_

We, the undersigned:

Representative of the communications balance holder organization (full name, position) ____

Representative of the work manufacturer's organization (full name, position) _______________


Representative of the territory balance holder organization (full name, position) ________

Representative of the Department (full name, position) ________________________________

Representative of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs (full name, position) _______________________

Representative of the traffic service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" (full name, position) ___________

Representative of ATI for JSC (full name, position) __________________________________

We have drawn up this act as follows:

The commission inspected the site of repair work


(name of communications)

By the address:) ________________________________________________________________

(administrative district, street, house number)

Justification for the work: ______________________________________________

Work is permitted: _____________________________________________

(address, name of contractor)

With subsequent restoration of landscaping

within the period from “___” _____________ to “___” _____________ 200_g.

Registration number ___ dated ___ 200_

The work must be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the preparation and execution of excavation work, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 7, 2004 No. 857-PP.

The object has been removed from control

Act No. dated “___” _____________ 200_

Representative of the Technical Inspectorate of OATI (full name, position)

_______________________________________________ “___” _____________ 200_



About making changes and additions
according to the resolution of the Moscow Government
dated December 7, 2004 N 857-PP

Lost force on August 1, 2015 on the basis
Decree of the Moscow Government of May 19, 2015 N 299-PP

In order to streamline and reduce emergency excavations on the territory of the city of Moscow, to exclude the carrying out of planned work under the guise of emergency, to clarify the procedure for carrying out work on the roadways of streets and highways, the Moscow Government


1. Introduce changes and additions to the resolution of the Moscow Government dated December 7, 2004 N 857-PP “On approval of the Rules for the preparation and production of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow” (as amended by the resolutions of the Moscow Government dated April 12, 2005 N 215-PP, dated June 14, 2005 N 418-PP, dated October 11, 2005 N 780-PP, dated December 6, 2005 N 980-PP, dated January 17, 2006 N 19-PP, dated March 21, 2006 N 199-PP, dated August 22, 2006 N 596-PP, dated September 12, 2006 N 687-PP, dated November 7, 2006 N 866-PP, dated March 13, 2007 N 173-PP, dated June 19, 2007 N 482-PP, dated July 31, 2007 N 650-PP, dated December 25, 2007 N 1113-PP, dated March 4, 2008 N 157-PP, dated April 29, 2008 N 357-PP):

1.1. Second paragraph of paragraph 2.1.25 of the application

"2.1.25. The validity period of engineering topographic plans is 3 years with the possibility of using up to 4 years upon the conclusion of the department of underground structures of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" (OPS State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest") for the development and submission of design documentation to city organizations."

1.2. Add clause 4.8.6 of the appendix

"Note: for construction and reconstruction projects of roads, transport interchanges and other transport structures, a construction organization project (POS) for the facility as a whole, approved by the state customer, is submitted, indicating the stages of construction."

1.3. Add clause 6.11 of the appendix with the following paragraph:

"For the construction and reconstruction of metro facilities, the use of reinforced concrete fences from sections of serial production is allowed."

1.4. The title of section 12 of the appendix should be stated as follows:

"12. Carrying out emergency and pre-emergency work."

1.5. Clause 12.1 of the appendix should be amended as follows:

"12.1. The list of emergency and pre-emergency work is approved by the head of the Moscow Municipal Services Complex.

Carrying out emergency work (including digging) on ​​utility lines and structures in order to eliminate accidents on utility networks and structures is allowed to be carried out on the basis of telephone messages transmitted by the balance holder of the facility to the Technical Inspectorate of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow.

The relevant departments, the prefecture of the administrative district and the district government, the balance holders of the territories, operating organizations that have underground utilities and structures in the accident area are notified about the accident, and in the event of an accident on the roadway - the traffic police and the traffic service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" (if there are public routes). transport).

If an accident occurred on the main streets, highways and squares of the city or on underground communications of citywide importance, the telephone message is also transmitted to the operational duty officers in the Moscow Government.

If necessary, a headquarters is created with the participation of interested organizations to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

The head of the resource supplying organization, within 24 hours after sending a telephone message about the start of emergency work, sends confirmation to OATI about the nature of the work being carried out.

If there is no confirmation, the issue is considered at a meeting of the departmental commission for monitoring emergency excavations on the territory of the city of Moscow (under the relevant department).

Carrying out pre-emergency work (including digging) in order to prevent accidents on utility networks and structures is permitted after transmitting the corresponding telephone message to the Technical Inspectorate of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow if the organization performing the work has an approved pre-emergency repair report for utilities ( Appendix 6 to the Rules), work flow diagram (indicating the exact location of the facility) and work schedule.

The organizations specified in the act are required to review the submitted documents on pre-accident work within a period of no more than two days and determine the conditions for the work. Otherwise, the act is considered agreed upon by the relevant organization.

Before the start of work, one copy of the act (with a diagram and schedule) is transferred to the territorial unit of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow for control.

Note: 1. Emergency work includes:

Elimination of damage to utilities and equipment that pose a threat to human life and the vital functioning of the city, termination or limitation of the supply of energy or communication services to consumers, spills on the surface of the ground and roads, elimination of failures and subsidence on the road network;

Elimination of emergency damage to outdoor lighting poles and transport networks that caused loss of their load-bearing capacity.

2. Pre-emergency work includes:

Work to eliminate technological violations on utility networks and equipment that did not cause disconnection and limitation of consumers, the failure of which may lead to the creation of an emergency;

Restoring the functionality of backup utility networks, as well as technical means of organizing traffic."

1.6. In clauses 12.2, 12.9, 12.12 and 12.14 of the appendix, replace the words “emergency and recovery” with the words “emergency and pre-emergency” in the appropriate cases.

1.7. In clause 14.1 of the appendix, note 3 should be stated as follows:

"3. The display of the constructed underground communication, including the trenchless method, on the as-built drawings must be verified by control geodetic survey at the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" and have a stamp of compliance with the planned and altitude position in nature and in the design.

In the case of passage of sections of the route of underground engineering communications in transit through basements, bridge spaces, etc. the display of these sections is presented to the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" schematically indicating the length, diameters and materials of the pipes."

1.8. Supplement the appendix to the resolution with appendix 6 to the Rules for the preparation and production of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow, as amended in accordance with the appendix to this resolution.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, V.I. Resin.

Mayor of Moscow
Yu.M. Luzhkov

Application. Appendix 6 to the Rules for the preparation and execution of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow. Certificate of pre-emergency repair of utilities

Appendix 6
to the Rules for Preparation and Production
earthworks, arrangement and maintenance
construction sites in Moscow

pre-emergency repair of utilities

"___"_______________ 200___ g.

We, the undersigned:

Representative of the communications balance holder organization (full name, position)

Representative of the work manufacturer's organization (full name, position)

Representative of the territory balance holder organization (full name, position)

Representative of the Department (full name, position)

Representative of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs (full name, position)

Representative of the traffic service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" (full name, position)

ATI representative for ___________ JSC (full name, position)

We have drawn up this act as follows:

The commission inspected the site of repair work

(name of communications)

By the address:

(administrative district, street, house N)

Justification for the work:

The following works are permitted:

(address, name of contractor)

With subsequent restoration of landscaping

within the period from "____"_________ to "____"__________ 200___

Registration number _______ dated _______________ 200___

The work must be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the preparation and execution of excavation work, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 7, 2004 N 857-PP.

The object has been removed from control

Act No. _______ dated "____"_____ 200___

Representative of the Technical Inspectorate of OATI (full name, position)

"____"_____________ 200___ g.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against.

PRODUCTION OF EMERGENCY AND RESTORATION WORK 6.59. Explosions in utilities and structures in order to eliminate accidents that occurred during their operation or construction work are permitted to be carried out on the basis of emergency telephone messages transmitted to the district administrative and technical inspections for the territorial affiliation of the facility. The procedure for carrying out emergency work on the roadway must also be agreed upon with the State Traffic Inspectorate and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. 6.68. After eliminating the accident, backfilling the trench (pit) and removing the debris, the organization that carried out the work transfers the object according to the act of the organization with which the contract for improvement was concluded, DEZ or UKH of the corresponding district, or MLTPO "Moslesopark" about the completion of the work and the readiness of the territory for the restoration of the road base and asphalt concrete covering of the roadway, sidewalks, green spaces and other landscaping works, and also notifies OATI (by telephone message, teletype, by fax) about the transfer of the object.
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