Aviation English for flight attendants and pilots - textbooks, phrases and vocabulary for flight attendants! Interview: flight attendant about English for work. English words needed for flight attendants.

Having impeccable knowledge of the English language, you have a much greater chance of achieving success in any field of activity, including aviation. If you are well versed in English, then you can become a flight attendant, since compulsory testing is carried out on your knowledge of English.

English for flight attendants. What knowledge is tested?

  • Listening. It involves recognizing the speech of a foreigner with choosing the correct answer options in the test.
  • Grammar. The future flight attendant will again have to choose the correct answer.
  • Conversation on general topics. You need to skillfully talk about yourself and your profession in a foreign language. Moreover, the verification does not end there.
  • Retelling the text in English.

How quickly can flight attendants learn English?

It's no secret that all this knowledge cannot be stored in your brain in one day. To master English speech (and therefore pass all listening tasks), you will have to constantly train. Moreover, a foreign language is difficult to master on your own. It would be good if the training took place under the strict supervision of an experienced teacher.

Grammar will be much more difficult. Therefore, if you decide to become a flight attendant, you will have to take courses for at least several months. In addition, today English for flight attendants can be mastered even online via Skype.

What should a flight attendant be able to speak in English?

  • Greet passengers, identify their needs and problems, offer assistance, reassure in unexpected situations, apologize for the delay
  • Describe the passenger’s health problems that have arisen
  • Describe different types of drinks and food, and talk about dietary requirements
  • Describe the locations of airports, aircraft, tourist attractions
  • Communicate the responsibilities of flight attendants, check-in agencies, and ground handlers

As a rule, most English courses for flight attendants contain a similar program, which in one way or another includes the following topics:

  • Greeting passengers
  • Preparing for departure
  • Communication with passengers during the flight
  • On-board services (medical problems, passenger requests and complaints, emergencies)
  • Preparing to land the plane
  • Passenger disembarkation

In conclusion, it is worth saying something about the flight attendant profession itself. No matter how tempting the opportunity to dress in a beautiful uniform, constantly be in the spotlight, and see a large number of countries may seem, there are other sides to this profession.

A flight attendant must always be ready for the next flight, that is, she can be called to work at any time. Therefore, your loved ones and families need to be patient and persevering. This type of work is more suitable for free-spirited people who are not burdened with obligations.

At the same time, passengers are quite picky, and not everyone behaves adequately. You will have to learn to maintain composure and composure in any situation, because this is an integral part of the job. Extreme tolerance and a subtle sense of humor towards all types of people are precisely those qualities that no flight attendant can do without. If you quickly get tired of communication, are easily offended or irritated, then knowledge of English alone will not be enough.

Being a flight attendant is a huge job that requires a lot of physical and emotional effort. The job isn't just about handing out mints on landing and takeoff. You will be on your feet most of the time and perform your duties in difficult conditions. Despite being tired and stressed, you must behave politely even with those who do not respect you at all.

But if you have been dreaming of mastering this profession for a very long time, then no difficulties will force you to retreat, including learning English.

So, today Natalia Makarshina will tell us about what level of knowledge of English should be to work in an airline. Video.

High level of knowledge English language- one of the main requirements when applying for a job flight attendant, because such work involves constant communication with citizens from different countries. Everyone knows that English is a means of international communication, and without knowledge of it, international flights are closed to you. If you open any vacancy flight attendant , you will see that in any airline the recruitment department places almost the same requirements on candidates. One of the mandatory requirements is a high level of knowledge English language .
So, what basic knowledge and skills does a candidate need? flight attendants?

    • High level of English proficiency
    • Passenger service skills on board an aircraft
    • High level of culture and understanding of communicative situations
    • Ability to resolve conflict situations
    • Confidence in your knowledge when communicating with foreigners

    You may be wondering: Won't the airline train me in English if I pass the interview?

    Don't expect the airline to teach you English. Yes, the airline will have an English language course, but they will teach colloquial speech (fluentspeech), and no one will teach you the basics.

    Therefore, during the interview, close attention is paid to the level of the candidate’s knowledge of English. Around the world, passengers and flight crews recognize that flight attendants necessary high level possessions English. You will have to work on improving your level of English - fortunately, there are plenty of online services and tutorials on English today.

    It is quite natural to assume that during an interview preference will be given to candidates having mastered it in advance English language. And you have to admit, you won’t feel entirely comfortable when, while working on board an aircraft, a foreigner comes to you with some important question, and you won’t be able to understand him or respond correctly. The airline's reputation will suffer.

    Of course, a lot depends on which airline you are trying to “get into”. It happens that the requirements for the level of proficiency English airlines are different. It’s one thing if you decide to get a job at a small airline, where they may make concessions to you and hire you with an entry-level language level, since the geography of flights of such a company is limited only to domestic flights within the country. It's another matter if you decide to choose flight attendant job at a major airline, such as Aeroflot, Siberia (S7 Airlines) and Transaero, etc.

    The world's leading airlines pay great attention to the flight attendant competition, as they know that flight attendants are the face of the airline. Throughout the flight, the flight attendant is under the close attention of passengers. And in many ways, the overall impression of the airline will depend on how flight attendants interact with passengers.
    If you decide to become a flight attendant, then pay attention to what exactly a flight attendant should know and be able to do in English:

    In English, a flight attendant must be able to:

    • Greet passengers, identify problems and needs of passengers, offer assistance, apologize for delays, reassure in unexpected situations
    • Describe the passenger's health problems and provide first aid
    • Describe different types of food and drink and talk about special dietary requirements
    • Describe types of aircraft, airport locations, tourist attractions and suggest directions
    • Communicate the responsibilities of flight attendants, ground handlers and check-in agents.

    The best way to prepare for interview in English– is to find and learn answers to possible questions during the interview. Of course, you won’t be able to know what questions will be asked at the interview - everything is individual. However, with a certain degree of probability, we can assume that the questions will be the following:

      Tell us about yourself - Tell us about yourself.

      What are your strengths? — Name your strengths.

      What are your weaknesses? — What are your weaknesses?

      Why are you the best person for this job? Why should we hire you? — Why are you the best suited for this position?

      What are the functions of flight-attendant? What are the responsibilities of flight-attendant? — What are the functions and responsibilities of a flight attendant?

    • What motivates you? What guides you when choosing this profession?
    • Why do you want to be a flight-attendant? — Why do you want to become a flight attendant?
    • Why do you want to change your job? — Why do you want to change your current job?
    • Tell us about your last job? — Tell us about your last place of work.
    • Have you ever been abroad? — Have you been abroad?
    • What country do you want to visit? — Which country would you like to visit?
    • How do you spend your spare time? Tell us about your hobby? — How do you spend your free time? Tell us about your hobby?
    • How well do you work with people? — Do you prefer working alone or in team? How do you like working with people? Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
    • How do you work under pressure? — Are you stress-resistant?
    • How well do you adapt to new situations? — How quickly do you adapt to new situations?
    • Describe the most rewarding experience of your career thus far - Describe the most valuable experience you have had in your job?
  1. Useful phrases for flight attendants



    We are glad to see you on the board

    We are glad to welcome you on board our aircraft

    Your seat is 32A by the window

    Your place is 32 A near the window

    Don't worry. You aren't late in your connecting flight

    Don't worry, you won't miss your connecting flight

    Can I see your ticket, please?

    May I have a look at your ticket?

    Make sure your seat belt is fastened

    Check if your seat belt is fastened?

    Do you feel cold? I'll get you an extra blanket

    Are you cold? I'll bring you a blanket

    You should turn off mobile for the duration of the flight

    You must turn off your mobile phone during the flight

    You can put your belongings in the overhead compartment

    You can put things in the overhead bin

    Make sure your bags are stored in the overhead compartment

    Make sure your items are securely locked in the luggage rack.

    If you start to feel nauseous, there are air-sickness bags in the seat pocket in front of you.

    If you feel nauseous, the bags are located opposite you in the chair

    We'll be landing in 20 minutes

    We will land in 20 minutes

    Since this a short flight, we’ll only be serving light snack.

    Since the flight will not take long, we will only have a light snack

    Passengers should fold up their meal trays before landing.

    Passengers must clear their food tables before boarding.

    Our flight is expected to take off on time.

    Our plane will take off on schedule.

    Our flight has been delayed by one hour.

    Our flight is delayed by one hour.

    Your flight is on time and boarding starts at 11.30 at gate 12

    Your plane departs on time, boarding will begin at 11:30, gate No. 12

    Thank you for flying…..Airlines!
    we hope to see you again

    Thank you for flying with the airline...! We hope to see you again on board our aircraft!

    In conclusion, I would like to talk a little more about work as a flight attendant. No matter how charming the opportunity to wear a nice uniform, be the center of attention of passengers throughout the flight, and see many countries with your own eyes may seem, this profession also has its downsides.

    Firstly, stewardess must always be ready for the next flight: this means that they can call and be summoned to work at any time of the day. Therefore, warn your loved ones in advance. You will have to be away from home for a month, since you have constant flights, so your family members and loved ones will need endurance and patience. Be mentally prepared for the fact that your personal life will fade into the background. The work of a flight attendant is an occupation for free-spirited people who are not burdened with obligations.

    Secondly, passengers are very different and they do not always behave appropriately. You must learn to always maintain composure and composure, because this is your job. A subtle sense of humor and extreme tolerance towards all types of people are qualities that everyone needs. stewardess. If you are easily offended, quickly get tired of communicating with people, or get irritated easily, then this job is probably not for you.

    Take a break from the pleasant side of this profession and take a look at flight attendant job on the other side. Being a flight attendant is hard work that requires a lot of emotional and physical effort. The job isn't just about giving directions to the emergency exit and handing out mints during takeoff and landing. The flight attendant is on her feet most of the time during the flight and performs her duties in unnatural conditions. Despite stress and fatigue, a flight attendant must behave politely with all passengers, even those who behave demonstratively, rudely or impudently.

    The opportunity to see different countries is one of the common reasons why most girls dream become flight attendants. Long flights, new countries, new meetings. However, this is precisely what can cause disappointment, since it often happens that upon arriving in another country, the crew does not have the opportunity to leave the airport.

English for flight attendants via Skype - EnglishDoma Online English school EnglishDoma / Blog / English for flight attendants via Skype

English for flight attendants via Skype

English is the “second native” language for flight attendants, and this is not surprising, because a high level of proficiency is one of the key requirements when applying for a job. It is used almost every day to communicate with passengers on domestic and international flights, and airlines conduct regular knowledge testing of their flight attendants.

As a rule, in the profession of a flight attendant, knowledge of basic words and phrases is not enough; in-depth knowledge of English is required, which can be obtained through systematic classes, on-site or remote courses.

English for flight attendants online. Features of training.

The modern market offers truly unique opportunities for quality education that is not inferior to traditional stationary courses with direct interaction between teacher and student. Thanks to learning English via Skype, you will not need a phrasebook - you will not only remember popular phrases, but will also be able to freely communicate with passengers sitting in seats and other areas of the aircraft cabin.

A key feature of learning English online is the opportunity to obtain high-quality knowledge from highly qualified teachers anywhere in the world, without being tied to a stationary location. The student can study even during business trips, staying in hotels in different countries. The only mandatory conditions are: the presence of a gadget that supports video communication and stable Internet access.

How are flight attendants trained in the EnglishDoma online courses?

In our courses, increased attention is paid to the student’s specialization, namely, his work on board the aircraft during the reception of passengers, the flight and disembarkation of passengers at the arrival point. Our teachers practice only an individual approach, so classes are suitable for both beginners who want to get a job at an airline, and for experienced flight attendants who need to improve or maintain a good level of language proficiency.

In order to sign up for classes at EnglishDoma, you just need to register on the website, choose the appropriate form of training, for example, 30,60 or 90 minutes, meet the teacher and start the lessons.

Which form of online training is most suitable for flight attendants?

Pay attention! The greatest learning effectiveness can be achieved in 60-90 minute lessons. During this time, the teacher manages to present the material in a high-quality manner, and the student learns it. Short 30-minute lessons are more intended for children and teenagers, as well as for people who need targeted training, for example, aimed at “playing out” normal situations on board an aircraft and in passenger seats.

Do you have any questions, do you want to sign up for online classes and improve your knowledge? Contact the EnglishDoma managers, they will conduct a detailed consultation and recommend the optimal form of training, taking into account your personal characteristics!

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Tatiana S.

I’m studying to become a flight attendant and will work at Aeroflot, so English is, of course, very important for me. Considering that it was taught so-so at school, and even less so at the university, my level of proficiency is appropriate. In order to somehow correct this situation, I decided to sign up to try classes with a teacher on Skype. This is quite convenient for me, since I can study in the evening, after the main training. I tried both private tutors and several schools, and chose Lingua Airlines. First of all, of course, because of the professionalism of Irina (the teacher with whom I study), but interaction with the company’s managers was also an important factor in the choice. They work very clearly, quickly resolve any issues and always try to make the client happy. We agree on the class schedule 2 weeks in advance so that there are no overlaps. I am delighted with Irina, because she understands what I need – from general gaps in knowledge to the intricacies of the aviation industry. We devote a lot of time to practice, since I have problems with this, and passengers, even on domestic flights, sometimes do not speak Russian. After a few lessons, I realized that I can communicate more freely, and now I won’t be so scared to take exams. I will continue to study, because I understand that I need it. Thank you Lingua Airlines!

Igor T.

I have been working as a flight attendant for 7 years. All this time I only had flights within the country and for work I only had minimal knowledge of English. Not long ago, the opportunity arose to switch to international flights, but with the condition that I improve my English as soon as possible. I immediately began looking for courses to learn English, so that I could be taught quickly and, most importantly, well. I came across the Lingua Airlines school by accident; I was especially attracted by the fact that there is a separate course for flight attendants with the possibility of a flexible work schedule. Although, as I now understand, you can study English on Skype anywhere, except perhaps for time in the sky J. The classes are interesting, I like Svetlana’s approach, and most importantly, my goal has been achieved, I now work on international flights and don’t worry about your English! Not to mention a nice salary increase!

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