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Registration N 12309

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2008 N 122
"On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2007 N 160"

In accordance with the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 257-FZ “On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, Art. 5553), I order:

Introduce changes to the Classification of work on major repairs, repair and maintenance of public roads and artificial structures on them, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2007 N 160 “On approval of the Classification of work on major repairs, repair and maintenance of highways public use and artificial structures on them" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 21, 2007, registration N 10796) (appendix to this order).

Minister I.E. Levitin

to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
dated August 6, 2008 N 122

Changes to the Classification of work on major repairs, repair and maintenance of public roads and artificial structures on them:

1. Paragraphs “a” and “h” of subclause 3 of clause 9 should be stated as follows:

"a) replacement of beams (more than 25%) in spans;";

"h) replacement of supports while maintaining the existing longitudinal layout of the bridge;".

2. Subclause 4 of clause 9 shall be supplemented with paragraph “e” in the following wording:

"e) replacement of elements of weight and dimensional control points for vehicles;.".

3. Paragraph “a” of subclause 5 of clause 9 should be stated as follows:

"a) exploration and development of soil reserves and deposits of stone materials in the volumes necessary for carrying out work at major repair sites of roads and artificial structures, installation and elimination of temporary bypasses and artificial structures at major repair areas;".

4. Clause 10 should be stated as follows:

"10. The complex of capital repair works to bring the parameters of the repaired sections of the highway to values ​​corresponding to its actual technical category, without changing the boundaries of the right of way, includes the following work:".

5. Paragraphs “a”, “g” and “h” of subclause 3 of clause 10 should be stated as follows:

"a) replacement of bridge deck elements with strengthening of slabs and replacement of longitudinal and transverse seams of monolithic steel-reinforced concrete spans;";

"g) strengthening of spans and supports;";

"h) replacement, arrangement of missing safety fences, requiring changes in the structural units of the beams of the spans;".

6. From paragraph “c” of subclause 3 of clause 10, the words “more than 25%” should be deleted.

7. Paragraphs “b” and “d” of subclause 4 of clause 10 should be stated as follows:

"b) arrangement of repaired sections of highways with missing road signs, signal posts, fences and electric lighting;";

"d) arrangement (installation) of missing means of organizing and regulating traffic, including traffic light facilities, at intersections of highways with roads and railways, as well as at pedestrian crossings on the same level;".

8. Subclause 4 of clause 10 shall be supplemented with paragraph “g” in the following wording:

"g) arrangement of points for weight and dimensional control of vehicles;".

9. Subclause 5 of clause 10 is added with paragraph “e” in the following wording:

"f) construction of missing pedestrian and bicycle paths without additional land acquisition;".

10. Subclause 2 of clause 11 shall be supplemented with paragraphs “and” in the following wording:

"i) applying temporary markings for the period of repair, removing temporary markings and applying permanent markings after completion of the repair;".

11. Paragraph “g” of subclause 3 of clause 11 should be stated as follows:

"g) arrangement and liquidation of temporary bypasses and artificial structures during the liquidation of emergency situations;".

12. Paragraph “c” of subclause 3 of clause 11 shall be deleted.

13. Paragraph “c” of subclause 3 of clause 11 should be stated as follows:

"c) restoration of retaining walls, avalanche galleries, canopies, bank protection and anti-erosion structures, restoration of fortification and regulatory structures, structures for protection against ice, landslides, etc.;".

14. Paragraph “b” of subclause 4 of clause 11 should be stated as follows:

"b) restoration of existing express lanes, stops, landing areas and car pavilions at bus stops, toilets, stopping and parking areas;".

15. Subclause 4 of clause 11 is added with paragraph “e” in the following wording:

"f) restoration of elements of weight and dimensional control points for vehicles;".

16. The word “gulley” in paragraph “h” of subclause 3 of clause 12 should be deleted.

17. Subclause 4 of clause 12 is added with paragraph “m” in the following wording:

"l) maintaining cleanliness and order, replacing and eliminating damage to elements of weight and dimensional control of vehicles, conducting metrological verification, maintenance of weighing equipment and office equipment;".

18. Subclause 8 of clause 13 should be stated as follows:

"8) regular cleaning of snow and ice from building elements, including bus stops, pavilions, recreation areas, berms of road signs, fences, sidewalks, pedestrian paths and other objects;".

Providing food for crews of river vessels (Appendix No. 2);






Judicial practice and legislation - Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2002 N 122 (as amended on November 3, 2009) On the procedure for providing meals to the crews of sea and river vessels, with the exception of fishing fleet vessels, and aircraft

Moreover, according to Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2002 N 122, the crews of sea vessels, regardless of the type of fleet, are provided with a free food ration by the shipowner. Food rations are provided to crew members on board ships during their operation, including sailing time and while staying in port, as well as during repair work carried out by ship crew members.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2001 N 861 (as amended on September 4, 2012) “On food rations for crews of sea, river vessels, with the exception of fishing fleet vessels, and aircraft” Ministry of Transport of Russia N 122 dated September 30, 2002 “On the procedure for providing food crews of sea, river and aircraft."

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 5, 2002 N 3902 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
dated September 30, 2002 N 122
In pursuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2001 N 861 “On diets for crews of sea, river and aircraft” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 51, Art. 4899) I order:
1. Approve:
The procedure for providing food to the crews of sea vessels (Appendix No. 1);
The procedure for providing food to the crews of river vessels (Appendix No. 2);
The procedure for providing food to civil aviation crews (Appendix No. 3).
2. The heads of sectoral services of the Ministry (A.V. Neradko, V.V. Ruksha, N.G. Smirnov) bring the Order to the attention of interested organizations of the transport complex.

Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
dated September 30, 2002 N 122
1. The crews of sea vessels, regardless of the type of fleet, as well as the crews of floating reloaders, floating cranes, floating sea lighthouses are provided with a free food ration by the shipowner.
2. Food rations are provided to crew members who are on ships during the period of their operation, including sailing time and time spent in port, as well as during repair work carried out by ship crew members.
Meals are also provided to crew members during periods of illness on board the ship.
3. Taking into account the working hours of ship crews, meals for crew members can be established:
three times a day - when crew members are on the ship during the day;
twice a day - when crew members are on the ship within 12 hours;
disposable - when crew members are on the ship within the normal working hours (up to 8 hours).
4. The shipowner, in accordance with the established norm and the name of the products and their actual prices, sets the daily cost of food rations per crew member.
5. It is allowed to replace products with similar canned food products.
6. The cost of food rations for the crew is not compensated with money.
7. The shipowner ensures the organization of meals for ship crew members, the supply of water, fuel, kitchen and dining equipment and supplies, containers for receiving and storing food.
8. It is allowed to organize collective meals for crew members of ships (floating objects) through onshore catering organizations in accordance with contracts.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
dated September 30, 2002 N 122
1. The crews of river vessels, regardless of the type of fleet, are provided with free food rations by the shipowner (including the lessee in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement).
2. Food rations are provided to crew members on board ships during their operation, including the time of preparation for and departure from it, based on the norm of food ration per person per day.
Food rations are also provided to crew members during periods of illness on board the ship.
Taking into account the time spent on the ship for crew members, the following is established:
three meals a day - when on board the ship for 24 hours;
two meals a day - when on board the ship for 12 hours;
one meal - when on board the ship within the normal working hours (up to 8 hours).
3. The shipowner (lessee), in accordance with the established norm and the name of the products, sets the daily cost of food rations per crew member based on market prices prevailing in the region at the location of the shipowner (lessee).
When ships operate in regions outside the location of the shipowner (lessee), the average cost of food rations per crew member per day is determined depending on the time the ship is in these regions according to the operational work plan.
For ships operating in areas from which crew members return daily to their place of permanent work, the cost of the food ration per person per day is determined taking into account the time the crew members spend on the ship per day (operating mode).
For shipowner organizations financed from the federal budget, the cost of the standard food ration per person per day is determined within the limits of funds allocated from the federal budget and income from paid work and services.
The shipowner (tenant) has the right to revise the cost of the food ration per person per day depending on the increase in market prices in the region for the products specified in the food ration.
4. The shipowner (lessee) determines the amount of money allocated to the crew to provide food rations per month based on the cost of the standard food ration per person per day, the number of crew members on board the ship during its operation, and the time they spent on the ship in within a month.
5. In the case of providing food for ship crew members through public catering organizations, the expenses of these organizations are reimbursed by the shipowner (lessee) in accordance with the agreements concluded with them.
6. Cash (advance) for the purchase of products to provide the crew with food rations is issued to the captain (commander) of the ship by the shipowner (tenant). The captain provides meals for the ship's crew.
It is not allowed to give food to ship crew members in lieu of the established diet, or to replace it with monetary compensation.
7. The shipowner (lessee) provides adequate premises, water, fuel, kitchen and dining equipment and supplies, and containers for receiving and storing food to organize meals for crew members of river vessels.
8. During the operation of inland water transport vessels at sea and abroad of the Russian Federation, the provision of food rations to the crews of these vessels can be carried out by the shipowner (tenant) in accordance with the Procedure for providing food to the crews of sea vessels (Appendix No. 1 to this Order).

Appendix No. 3
to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
dated September 30, 2002 N 122
1. Aircraft crews are provided with free food rations by the operator on days of flight and duty.
If it is impossible to provide the crew with free meals at off-base airports (airfields, landing sites) due to the lack of specialized catering organizations, reimbursement of food costs to crew members is allowed.
2. When organizing meals in specialized catering organizations at base airports, the operator provides food rations, drawing up menu layouts, recording nutritional value and calculating dishes. The calorie content of the daily diet on flight and duty days, taking into account the norms of protein, fat and carbohydrates consumed per crew member, should not be less than 3500 kcal.
3. The food ration is provided to the aircraft crew depending on the length of working hours when performing a flight mission:
up to 3 hours - one meal;
from 3 to 6 hours - two meals a day;
over 6 hours - three meals a day.
4. When aircraft crews are in reserve or on duty (search and rescue operations, sanitary tasks, forest protection), food is provided depending on the duration of working hours:
up to 4 hours - one meal;
from 4 to 8 hours - two meals a day;
over 8 hours - three meals a day.
The organization of catering for the crews of aircraft performing aviation work is stipulated by the operator in the relevant agreements with customers.
5. The time and order of meals for crew members are established by the aircraft commander depending on the flight conditions.
6. When waiting for departure at off-base airports (airfields, landing sites) in order to continue the flight mission, performing unscheduled landings and delays in departure at off-base airports (airfields, landing sites) not provided for by the flight mission, aircraft crew members are provided with meals in the manner established in paragraph 4 of this appendix.

“On food rations for crews of sea and river vessels, with the exception of fishing fleet vessels and aircraft” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, No. 51, Art. 4899) I order: (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2009 N 197)

1. Approve:

The procedure for providing food to the crews of sea vessels (Appendix No. 1);

The procedure for providing food to the crews of river vessels (Appendix No. 2);

The procedure for providing food to civil aviation crews (Appendix No. 3).

2. The heads of sectoral services of the Ministry (A.V. Neradko, V.V. Ruksha, N.G. Smirnov) bring the Order to the attention of interested organizations of the transport complex.



(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2009 N 197)

1. The crews of sea vessels, with the exception of fishing fleet vessels, as well as the crews of floating reloaders, floating cranes, floating sea lighthouses, are provided with a free ration of food by the shipowner. (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2009 N 197)

2. Food rations are provided to crew members who are on ships during the period of their operation, including sailing time and time spent in port, as well as during repair work carried out by ship crew members.

Meals are also provided to crew members during periods of illness on board the ship.

3. Taking into account the working hours of ship crews, meals for crew members can be established:

three times a day - when crew members are on the ship during the day;

twice a day - when crew members are on the ship within 12 hours;

disposable - when crew members are on the ship within the normal working hours (up to 8 hours).

4. The shipowner, in accordance with the established norm and the name of the products and their actual prices, sets the daily cost of food rations per crew member.

5. It is allowed to replace products with similar canned food products.

6. The cost of food rations for the crew is not compensated with money.

7. The shipowner ensures the organization of meals for ship crew members, the supply of water, fuel, kitchen and dining equipment and supplies, containers for receiving and storing food.

8. It is allowed to organize collective meals for crew members of ships (floating objects) through onshore catering organizations in accordance with contracts.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
dated September 30, 2002 N 122


(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2009 N 197)

1. The crews of river vessels, with the exception of fishing fleet vessels, are provided with free food rations by the shipowner (including the lessee in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement). (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2009 N 197)

2. Food rations are provided to crew members who are on ships during their operation, including the time of preparation for and departure from it, based on the norm of food ration per person per day.

Food rations are also provided to crew members during periods of illness on board the ship.

Taking into account the time spent on the ship for crew members, the following is established:

three meals a day - when on board the ship for 24 hours;

two meals a day - when on board the ship for 12 hours;

one meal - when on board the ship within the normal working hours (up to 8 hours).

3. The shipowner (lessee), in accordance with the established norm and the name of the products, sets the daily cost of food rations per crew member, based on market prices prevailing in the region at the location of the shipowner (lessee).

When ships operate in regions outside the location of the shipowner (lessee), the average cost of food rations per crew member per day is determined depending on the time the ship is in these regions according to the operational work plan.

For ships operating in areas from which crew members return daily to their place of permanent work, the cost of the food ration per person per day is determined taking into account the time the crew members spend on the ship per day (operating mode).

For shipowner organizations financed from the federal budget, the cost of the standard food ration per person per day is determined within the limits of funds allocated from the federal budget and income from paid work and services.

The shipowner (tenant) has the right to revise the cost of the food ration per person per day depending on the increase in market prices in the region for the products specified in the food ration.

4. The shipowner (lessee) determines the amount of money allocated to the crew to provide food rations per month, based on the cost of the standard food ration per person per day, the number of crew members on board the ship during its operation, and the time they spent on the ship within a month.

5. In the case of providing food to ship crew members through public catering organizations, the expenses of these organizations are reimbursed by the shipowner (lessee) in accordance with the agreements concluded with them.

6. Cash (advance) for the purchase of products to provide the crew with food rations is issued to the captain (commander) of the ship by the shipowner (tenant). The captain provides meals for the ship's crew.

It is not allowed to give food to ship crew members in lieu of the established diet, or to replace it with monetary compensation.

7. The shipowner (lessee) provides adequate premises, water, fuel, kitchen and dining equipment and supplies, and containers for receiving and storing food to organize meals for crew members of river vessels.

8. During the operation of inland water transport vessels at sea and abroad of the Russian Federation, the provision of food rations to the crews of these vessels can be carried out by the shipowner (tenant) in accordance with the Procedure for providing food to the crews of sea vessels (Appendix No. 1 to this Order).

Appendix No. 3
to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
dated September 30, 2002 N 122


1. Aircraft crews are provided with free food rations by the operator on days of flight and duty.

If it is impossible to provide the crew with free meals at off-base airports (airfields, landing sites) due to the lack of specialized catering organizations, reimbursement of food costs to crew members is allowed.

2. When organizing meals in specialized catering organizations at base airports, the operator provides food rations, drawing up menu layouts, recording nutritional value and calculating dishes. The calorie content of the daily diet on flight and duty days, taking into account the norms of protein, fat and carbohydrates consumed per crew member, should not be less than 3500 kcal.

3. The food ration is provided to the aircraft crew depending on the length of working hours when performing a flight mission:

up to 3 hours - one meal;

from 3 to 6 hours - two meals a day;

over 6 hours - three meals a day.

4. When aircraft crews are in reserve or on duty (search and rescue operations, sanitary tasks, forest protection), food is provided depending on the duration of working hours:

up to 4 hours - one meal;

from 4 to 8 hours - two meals a day;

over 8 hours - three meals a day.

The organization of catering for the crews of aircraft performing aviation work is stipulated by the operator in the relevant agreements with customers.

5. The time and order of meals for crew members are established by the aircraft commander depending on the flight conditions.

6. When waiting for departure at off-base airports (airfields, landing sites) in order to continue the flight mission, performing unscheduled landings and delays in departure at off-base airports (airfields, landing sites) not provided for by the flight mission, aircraft crew members are provided with meals in the manner established in paragraph 4 of this appendix.

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