Free government legal advice. Free legal assistance supported by the government Legal advice to government agencies

At the moment, many people are in a not very pleasant situation with the law. It is enough just to look at the price tags for the services of competent and certified lawyers in order to understand that many cannot afford them. But you should not immediately think that you will be completely left without the support of specialists. How is it all done? You can get more detailed information from this article. Today, free legal state assistance in Moscow is guaranteed to every citizen of the country.

Basic information

But it should be said right away that you do not need to rely on comprehensive support. Assistance is provided by federal executive agencies, as well as departments that are subordinate to them. As already noted, support will be extremely limited. It is carried out within the framework of legal advice. You can receive answers to your questions both orally and in writing. It is highly desirable to use the second form of reporting information. This is due to the fact that you can not always get the right answer. So it will be possible, in which case, to present a written confirmation of an incorrect consultation. Today in the Moscow region, support is provided by a large number of instances, so you can always contact a more suitable one.

In Russia, the free legal aid program is carried out within the framework of two systems: state and non-state. The article will deal with the first option.

What can be said about modern legislation?

What about law firms?

These are special organizations that receive cash subsidies from the state. Their activities are based on the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 324-FZ. The bureau itself is created by the state authorities in each specific region. Their number varies depending on the needs of citizens. It is important that lawyers are not overloaded and can quickly give advice. Always free legal advice in Moscow is offered in two forms: oral and written. In addition, documentation is being prepared in order to provide them to the courts or other organizations. The fact that help is provided free of charge does not at all mean that employees will treat your task mediocrely. No, they operate in accordance with existing standards, which are raised almost every year.

About individual lawyers

You can also get free advice from Moscow lawyers. Outside lawyers provide public assistance to people on a voluntary basis. Financing is also made through state authorities in the subjects of the federation. If legal services are required for non-transportable persons, the specialist will be able to leave at the agreed time. Often disabled children, orphans, children left without guardianship turn to such lawyers. As for the forms of assistance, they are no different from those in the case of the bureau. These are all the same oral and written consultations, preparation of papers for judicial and other instances. Although their duties are not wide, they perform them with dignity. Naturally, all of them have diplomas of graduation from higher educational institutions, certificates.

Free legal advice in Moscow at the addresses

In this section, you can find out exactly who you can turn to for help in the capital.

  1. "Protection", st. Krasnaya Presnya, 30, building 3, tel. 8-499-252-65-22.
  2. KA Association of Moscow Lawyers, Dubininskaya st., 94, tel. 495-956-21-52
  3. "Moscow City Bar Association", Strastnoy Boulevard, 6, building 2, tel. 8-495-692-73-84.
  4. "Interregional corporation of lawyers", Profsoyuznaya st., 60, 8-903-280-92-92.

And this is not a complete list of organizations in the capital that can help you. In total, almost 1000 bureaus operate in the capital, which are ready to come to your aid. It is advisable to contact them in advance in order to tell you exactly what legal problems you have. An advanced social sphere implies the fact that every citizen should have the opportunity to turn to a competent specialist for full support. It is from the motives of protecting the population that the number of such instances is constantly increasing. They are not only in Moscow, but also in the region, in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Rationale for the functioning of such bureaus and lawyers

Naturally, the state acts as a guarantor that all services will be provided in full, and no material assistance will be taken for them. You will be able to operate with articles 16-18 of the mentioned Federal Law. In addition, there is order 433 of the Ministry of Education and Science “on legal clinics” (legal consultations), which refers to the training of such personnel on the basis of law universities. That is why you will not feel any shortage of personnel, always look for a specialist who will be ready to take on your support.

The Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association is the largest in the Association. We unite more than one and a half thousand accomplished and young lawyers living and working in Moscow, and our number is constantly growing.

The department was established in 2007. The management bodies include well-known Moscow lawyers representing government structures, the legal community, legal science, etc.

The concept of the Department's work assumes the full consolidation of efforts. The Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association is you, its members. Almost all the activities of the Department are built on a voluntary basis and are implemented by the efforts of its members, who propose and implement the projects of the Department.

The principal feature of the Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association is the maximum involvement of young lawyers in its activities. We do not separate the youth from the older generations, and we consider this the basis for the transfer of experience and knowledge and the renewal of law.

Every year the Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association improves its work. We believe that the Branch deserves to be the flagship of the regional development of the Russian Bar Association, to be highly recognizable both in Russia and in the world. Therefore, your opinion about the work of the Department, your feedback is important to us.

We are always glad to each new member of the Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association, we appreciate any suggestions and wishes of our colleagues, and we sincerely look forward to your ambitions, your active life position and your participation in the work of the Branch.

We hope you enjoy our site.

We often see offers on the Internet for free legal aid, with the support of the Moscow government, Ministry of Justice and other government agencies. Let's see where and to whom can be provided with a full-fledged state free legal aid.

You can apply for free legal assistance pensioners, disabled people, poor whose income is below the subsistence level. A complete list of those who are entitled to it is indicated in Law No. 324-FZ "On Free Legal Aid in the Russian Federation", see the text of the law. You can also download the full list of Moscow lawyers participating in the activities of the state system of free legal aid: list of free lawyers. Similar to government agencies, free legal assistance is provided by the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the conditions are approximately the same as those of lawyers.

Free legal advice in Zhulebino

Types of free legal advice provided by our lawyers:

1. Preliminary legal consultation (You briefly state the essence of the problem, and the lawyer offers you options for solving it)

2. Free legal advice on the issue, to which our lawyer will answer you immediately, using only personal experience, or indicate the types and cost of legal services you need.

3. The first legal consultation on a case that you entrust to our lawyer completely is also free of charge.

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