Labor safety concept control methods. Occupational safety concepts


Creating safe working conditions in production of all forms of ownership has been and remains one of the main priorities. The greatest value of the State is the person - this means that safe working conditions must be created for each individual employee.

Improving working conditions is an independent and important task of social policy implemented by the state. To solve the theoretical and practical problems that define this problem, the state has developed and implemented numerous legal, technical, economic and organizational measures.

"Occupational safety and health" as a discipline arose at the intersection of many sciences. The main objects of her research are people in the labor process, the production environment and setting, the relationship of a person with industrial equipment, technological processes, the organization of labor and production.

The methodological basis of "Occupational Safety and Health" is the scientific analysis of working conditions, technological process, equipment design, used and obtained products from the point of view of the occurrence of hazards and hazards during production operation. Based on this analysis, hazardous areas of production are identified, possible dangerous situations are identified and measures for their prevention and elimination are developed.

The purpose of this test is to study the concept and essence of occupational safety, as well as measures to prevent occupational injuries.

The concept and essence of occupational safety

Labor safety is a set of requirements established by legislative acts, regulatory, technical and design documents, rules and instructions, the implementation of which ensures safe working conditions and regulates the behavior of the worker. Hwang T.A., Hwang P.A. Fundamentals of life safety. - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2002. - p. 295

Safe working conditions are a state of working conditions in which the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors on a worker is excluded or the impact of harmful production factors does not exceed the maximum permissible values.

Organization of occupational health and safety at the enterprise includes:

1. Organization of personnel and appointment of persons responsible for organizing occupational health and safety, as well as for supervising the enterprise;

2. Drawing up a program of activities for managing occupational safety at the enterprise;

3. Development of an internal control strategy;

4. Planning of internal control;

5. Implementation of internal control;

6. Conducting risk analysis;

7. Organization of supervision and control (risk management);

8. Documentation, preparation of reports and familiarization of employees with them.

The rational organization of the workplace takes into account its optimal layout, the degree of mechanization and automation, the choice of a person’s working posture and the location of controls, tools, and materials.

Optimal layout ensures convenience when performing work, saving labor and time, proper use of production space, and ensuring safe working conditions.

For normal operation of workshops, it is necessary to ensure comfortable climatic conditions in the workplace for production personnel, acceptable levels of noise and vibration, and high-quality natural and artificial lighting. Violation of the requirements of the rules and regulations imposed on the workplace negatively affects labor productivity and can cause occupational diseases and occupational injuries.

To ensure the safety of a particular activity, such tasks must be solved as: establishing the negative impact of the living environment; protection from dangers and prevention of human exposure to negative factors; elimination of negative consequences of exposure to dangerous and harmful factors; creating a comfortable living environment.

The main direction in the field of creating safe working conditions is the prevention of causes and conditions for the occurrence of dangerous situations.

The responsibility for creating a safe working environment rests with the manager of the enterprise. The organization of labor safety at the enterprise is aimed at preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases, maintaining efficiency and ensuring employee satisfaction.

At the enterprise level, proper organization of occupational safety means reducing costs associated with releasing workers from work duties due to illness and increasing production efficiency.

Fairly organized human labor has its positive aspects in economic aspects for the enterprise, and errors in the organization of labor can have negative consequences.

Occupational protection and safety- these are all activities that help protect the life and health of working people, preserve their workforce and organize fair human labor.

Labor safety at an enterprise reflects the state in which a person is protected from accidents and occupational diseases in the work process. Occupational safety is the goal of labor protection. We are talking about the direct protection of the life and health of an employee throughout his professional activity. This requires technical, organizational and ergonomic measures, for which a number of laws and other legal norms are issued.

In the employment contract, the employer, for his part, undertakes to take care of the employee. To fulfill this obligation, appropriate laws and regulations have been created.

Consequences of an accident - failure to comply with labor safety

Accident- is a time-limited and externally influenced, undesirable event that causes harm to a person if proper occupational safety is not observed. Regardless of physical injuries, property damage can also occur. It is necessary to distinguish between: accidents involving harm to a person, accidents involving harm to a person and property damage, and accidents involving material damage. Property damage accidents are not covered by legal accident insurance; For this purpose, special types of insurance must be used.

Examples of consequences of an accident prove the need for occupational safety in the enterprise. Due to an accident, damage is caused not only to the individual employee, but also to the entire enterprise and society. In addition to physical injuries and damages, where material payments are provided, it is necessary to establish that almost every accident entails material damage and negative consequences for the enterprise (fines, civil claims). For economic reasons, all reasons must also be eliminated that result in a decrease in performance, increasing the possibility of illness, physical injury, and material damage. Material losses occur ten times more often than physical harm. It becomes clear that preventing accidents and property damage from an economic point of view is of equal importance as any other task, be it increasing productivity and profits or reducing costs. The quantity, quality and costs of products are closely related to occupational safety in the workplace. Advances in accident prevention are a significant contribution to lean production management.

Work accidents and occupational diseases are the subject of insurance.

The distinction between an accident at work and an occupational illness is enshrined in the paragraphs of the state insurance regulations. An accident at work is when the insured person suffers an accident while performing an insured activity. In practice, a distinction is made between work accidents in the narrow sense (“work accidents”), which are closely related to professional activities, and “road accidents,” which happen on the way from home to work.

Occupational diseases- these are diseases that arise as a result of specific occupational exposures of a repeated and long-term type. An occupational disease exists when an insured employee, while performing an insured activity, acquires a disease that is specified in the regulations on occupational diseases. The prerequisite for designating a disease as an occupational disease is that, according to scientific medical data, due to a special impact, it causes certain groups of people, while performing their work, to be at a higher risk of disease than the general population.

Due to accidents and occupational diseases, the national economy suffers large losses every year (direct and due to consequences).

If we arrange the ratio of the number of accidents at work to the number of employed workers, we get accident frequency. Typically this ratio is per 1000 employees.

The cost factor of a “poorly organized workplace”

Not only accidents and occupational diseases lead to a financial burden on the enterprise. But also poorly, from an ergonomic point of view, organized workplaces (workplaces whose organization does not take into account the qualities and abilities of a person) can have a negative impact directly on the employed workers and, due to a decrease in productivity, efficiency or increased costs, on the work of the entire enterprise (see. Also - how to improve your workplace). Such organizational errors may include, for example, insufficient lighting for the task, disturbing and harmful noise in the work area, inconvenient placement of work equipment, or failure to comply with the requirements of working with heavy loads. Examples of possible consequences include: poor results in terms of quantity and quality, long periods of downtime of production equipment or absence of workers, and training time for replacement workers.

Cause - Effect - The relationship between a poorly organized workplace (eg, poor lighting or harmful noise), reduced output (eg, fewer pieces per hour), or poor quality (eg, more defective parts) are generally not considered in practice. Model calculations, which are the basis of statistical relationships between working conditions, productivity indicators, quality, downtime, absence, training, production costs, provide an assessment of the negative and positive side of the costs of poor and good organization of work, respectively. Also, if the accuracy of these calculations is limited, such estimates can be justified by the need for an organized workplace, from an ergonomic point of view.

Below is a basic means of improving occupational safety in an enterprise.


Creating safe working conditions in production of all forms of ownership has been and remains one of the main priorities. The greatest value of the State is the person - this means that safe working conditions must be created for each individual employee. Improving working conditions is an independent and important task of social policy implemented by the state. To solve the theoretical and practical problems that define this problem, the state has developed and implemented numerous legal, technical, economic and organizational measures. “Labor safety” as a discipline arose at the junction of many sciences. The main objects of its research are people in the labor process, the production environment and setting, the relationship of a person with industrial equipment, technological processes, the organization of labor and production. The methodological basis of "Labor Safety" is the scientific analysis of working conditions, technological process, hardware design, applied and received products from the point of view of the occurrence of hazards and hazards during production operation. Based on this analysis, hazardous areas of production are identified, possible hazardous situations are identified and measures for their prevention and elimination are developed. The purpose of this test is to study the concept and essence of occupational safety, as well as measures to prevent industrial injuries.

The concept and essence of occupational safety

Labor safety is a set of requirements established by legislative acts, regulatory, technical and design documents, rules and instructions, the implementation of which ensures safe working conditions and regulates the behavior of the worker.

Safe working conditions are a state of working conditions in which the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors on a worker is excluded or the impact of harmful production factors does not exceed the maximum permissible values.

Organization of occupational health and safety at the enterprise includes:

1. Organization of personnel and appointment of persons responsible for organizing occupational health and safety, as well as for supervising the enterprise;

2. Drawing up a program of activities for managing occupational safety at the enterprise;

3. Development of an internal control strategy;

4. Planning of internal control;

5. Implementation of internal control;

6. Conducting risk analysis;

7. Organization of supervision and control (risk management);

8. Documentation, preparation of reports and familiarization of employees with them. The rational organization of the workplace takes into account its optimal layout, the degree of mechanization and automation, the choice of a person’s working posture and the location of controls, tools, and materials. The optimal layout ensures convenience when performing work, saving the worker’s effort and time, proper use of production space, and ensuring safe working conditions .

For normal operation of workshops, it is necessary to ensure comfortable climatic conditions in the workplace for production personnel, acceptable levels of noise and vibration, and high-quality natural and artificial lighting. Violation of the requirements of the rules and regulations imposed on the workplace negatively affects labor productivity and can cause occupational diseases and occupational injuries.

To ensure the safety of a particular activity, such tasks must be solved as: establishing the negative impact of the living environment; protection from dangers and prevention of human exposure to negative factors; elimination of negative consequences of exposure to dangerous and harmful factors; creating a comfortable living environment.

The main direction in the field of creating safe working conditions is the prevention of causes and conditions for the occurrence of dangerous situations. The responsibility for creating a safe working environment rests with the manager of the enterprise. The organization of labor safety at an enterprise is aimed at preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases, maintaining working capacity and ensuring employee satisfaction. At the enterprise level, proper organization of labor safety means reducing costs associated with releasing workers from work duties due to illness and increasing production efficiency.

Ways to prevent occupational injuries

An industrial injury is a sudden damage to the human body and loss of ability to work caused by an accident at work. The repetition of accidents associated with production is called industrial injuries. Accidents can be classified as follows: - by the number of victims: single (1 person was injured) and group (2 or more people were injured at the same time); - by severity: mild (injections, scratches, abrasions), severe (bone fractures, concussions), fatal (the victim dies). - depending on the circumstances: related to production, not related to production, but related to work, and accidents at home. Accident is recognized as work-related if it occurred while performing any actions in the interests of the enterprise outside its boundaries. The administration is responsible only for accidents related to production. If an injury or other damage to an employee’s health was the result of not only the failure of the enterprise to provide safe working conditions, but also the gross negligence of the employee himself, or his violation of internal regulations, then mixed liability is established. In case of violation of industrial sanitation standards and exposure to industrial hazards, the worker may be exposed occupational poisoning or disease. Occupational poisoning can occur when harmful substances are inhaled, absorbed through the skin and ingested through the digestive tract. Each accident, occupational poisoning or disease is investigated and recorded in strict accordance with the procedure established in the Russian Federation. The existing system for investigating and recording accidents, occupational poisonings and diseases, unified for all enterprises, allows us to compare and analyze the causes of their occurrence and prevent them in a timely manner. One of the most important conditions for the fight against industrial injuries is a systematic analysis of the causes of their occurrence, which are divided into: technical and organizational .Technical reasons in most cases manifest themselves as a result of design flaws in equipment, insufficient lighting, malfunction of protective equipment, fencing devices, etc. Organizational reasons - non-compliance with safety regulations due to untrained workers, low labor and production discipline, improper organization of work, lack of proper control over production, etc.

A storm is a wind whose speed is equal to

In 1998, it is planned to form the PSS in

Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Lipetsk and Novosibirsk regions

It is planned to form the PSS in 1999

in Volgograd, Kaluga, Kursk, Tambov and Magadan regions

It is planned to form the PSS in 2000

In 90% of cases, tsunamis are caused by

underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions

Depending on the causes of occurrence, floods are divided into

four groups

Depending on the properties of the snow, avalanches can be

Currently, 4 states of regional PSS have been installed

№ 51, 52, 53, 54

Currently, the Central Airmobile Rescue Squad (TsAMO) of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has about

Mudflows may occur as a result of human economic activity

anthropogenic manifestation

In Russia, in mudflow hazardous zones there are up to

20% of the territory

On average, forests burn in Russia every year

from 30 to 50 thousand hectares

In Russia, volcanic activity is observed in areas

Kamchatka and Kuril Islands

In case of approaching tornadoes, residents of populated areas for more reliable protection

occupy basements

In case of evacuation of the population due to flooding, it is necessary to


During the cold season, the norms of physiological needs for nutrients and energy for all groups of the population should be increased

TsAMO has organized round-the-clock duty of rescuers with a regime

two days - duty in the detachment, one day - duty at home, four days - rest

What is the main difference between emergency situations and extreme ones?

in the scale and severity of the consequences

What is the “layoff syndrome”?

at a loss

Types of life support for the population

services grouped by functional purpose and similar properties and corresponding material and technical means to satisfy physiological, material and spiritual needs

How many times do the walls of a brick house attenuate ionizing radiation?

All human infectious diseases are classified according to

All measures for priority life support of the population must be linked

with other activities carried out to save, preserve the life and health of the affected population

Major earthquakes include earthquakes with a force of

Natural emergencies include

geological, meteorological, hydrological, natural fires, mass diseases

Man-made emergencies include accidents

at chemically hazardous facilities

As soon as the shaking stops and you are in the building

go outside immediately

What infectious diseases are vector-borne?

typhus, plague, malaria

What carcinogens are contained in tobacco smoke?


Which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are carcinogens?


What instruments are used to detect ionizing radiation and measure its energy?

dosimeters, radiometers

What situations are considered extreme?

situations that go beyond the usual

What heavy metals are necessary in small quantities for human life?

copper, manganese, molybdenum

What are the causes of infectious diseases?

at Elnikovo station on the South Road

Lava flows are molten rocks with temperatures

Massive spread of infectious diseases


Many carcinogens

are also mutagens

Can AIDS be classified as a blood infection?

in general, yes, although the main route of infection with AIDS is sexual

Thick layers of ash on the slopes of the volcano, which are in an unstable state, are

mud flows

How far does current flow from a current-carrying wire?

from 2 to 30 meters

Who is responsible for the state of labor conditions and safety at enterprises?

to the employer

On the territory of the Russian Federation in 424 cities and towns it operates

3401 chemically hazardous objects

Flooding, characteristic of rivers with maximum flow caused by melting snow on the plains, is called


Flooding, characteristic of rivers with maximum flow due to intense rainfall, is called


Name the main regulatory document on civil defense

Federal Law “On Civil Defense”

An unusually large spread of morbidity, both in level and magnitude, is called


Standard water supply per person per day for cooking and washing in emergencies

7.5 l/person per day

Hazardous phenomena or processes of geophysical, geological, hydrological, atmospheric and other origins of such a scale that cause catastrophic situations characterized by sudden disruption of the life of the population, destruction and destruction of material assets, damage and death of people are

natural disasters

Optimal timing of first aid from the moment a person is injured in an emergency

Optimal timing of first aid from the moment a person is injured in an emergency

The organizational basis for solving problems of priority life support is

action plans for emergency prevention and response

The main component of a tornado, which is a spiral vortex, is

The main object of priority life support in an emergency is

an individual with his right to safe living conditions

From the moment when the first shocks appeared, to the vibrations that are dangerous for buildings, you have

What determines the favorable outcome of a person’s autonomous existence?

on the psychophysical qualities of the individual

Panphytotia is

mass plant diseases covering several countries or continents

MPC is calculated

milligrams per cubic meter

Priority life support is subject to

all citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons residing or temporarily staying in the territory where the emergency occurred

Priority needs of the population in emergencies

materials and services

Pesticides - chemicals

used to combat plant pathogens

The area that can be inundated by flood waters in Russia annually is about

500 thousand sq. km

The area covered by fire in a large fire is

According to UNESCO, over the past 500 years the number of victims from volcanic eruptions has been over

200 thousand people

According to the mechanism of mudflow generation, there are: 1) erosion; 2) breakthrough; 3) zonal; 4) landslides

Based on the area covered by fire, forest fires are divided into

six classes

According to the epizootological classification, all infectious diseases of animals are divided into

five groups

Damage to a machine, machine tool, equipment, structure is

The absorbed radiation dose is the quantity

radiation energy absorbed by a body or substance

The rise in water level caused by the influence of wind on the water surface is

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

are carcinogenic

You can only use electricity, gas, water supply and sewerage after the water has receded.

after permission from specialists.

Remember that a person freed from the wreckage may die due to

compartment syndrome

Consequences of the toxic effects of dioxin on humans

liver disease

Affected population

part of the population who found themselves in an emergency zone, having suffered the impact of damaging factors from the source of the emergency, which led to death, injury, trauma, etc. and caused material and moral damage

If decompression occurs on an airplane during a flight, you must

put on an oxygen mask immediately

When choosing measures for priority life support of the population, one should proceed

from minimizing the costs of their implementation

When pathogens are introduced into a territory where such an infectious form has not previously been observed, it is noted

exotic morbidity

The percentage of all road accidents due to violations of traffic rules by drivers in Russia is

Psychophysiological qualities of a person on which his survival depends

decisiveness, composure


has carcinogenic properties

A radiation hazardous facility (RHO) is an enterprise where

During accidents, massive radiation injuries can occur

Radiation accidents are divided into

turn out to be free

The following basic hygienic standards (permissible dose limits) are established for radiation exposure on the territory of Russia as a result of the use of sources of ionizing radiation for the population; the effective average annual dose is equal to

0.001 sievert (1 mSv)

The deterioration of soil properties under the influence of natural causes or human economic activity is called



the science of victim behavior

What are herbicides?

chemicals used to kill vegetation

What are insecticides?

pest control products

What is radioactivity?

process of spontaneous transformations of atomic nuclei

What is stress?

a special state of human emotional stress

What are risk factors?

dangers that accompany our lives

What increases the social instability of a family?

financial irresponsibility of the owner

What is the main way to protect against fire?

neatness and everyday culture of residents

What is the most effective defense against infectious diseases?


What is one of the biggest fire hazards?

poisonous smoke

What is the main legislative act that currently establishes guarantees for ensuring the environmental safety of citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation?

Law of the Russian Federation on environmental protection

What causes the emission of ionizing radiation?

instability of the atomic nucleus

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