Biologically active substances necessary for weight loss. Lipotropic products: our helpers that break down fats Lipotropic substances in which products

Eating deliciously and losing weight is real. Worth putting on the menu lipotropic products that break down fats in the body. This diet brings many benefits. Nutritionist-endocrinologist Natalia Samoilenko (Capital Clinic) told me what foods break down fat.

The concept of “lipotropic substances” comes from the words “lipo” (fat) and “tropic” (sensitive). These little helpers should be given a medal for making our lazy fatty tissues work. The fact is that during our seal weight gain, the fat layer is, as it were, at a resort - lipids are inactive.

But as soon as lipotropic components appear on their horizon, these parasites start working - and the fat layer begins to intensively participate in metabolic reactions.

What kind of products are these that break down fats?

Fish, especially fatty sea fish. An irreplaceable source of the main lipotropic substances - polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.

Cottage cheese and other dairy products of normal physiological fat content. Also contains "constellation omega-3". Attention! Low-fat dairy products, as I already wrote, do not have such components - and, on the contrary, worsen metabolism.

Normal fat content of cottage cheese- 4-9 percent,

Kefir, yogurt, etc.. - 2.5 percent.

Unrefined vegetable oil, first cold pressed. All types of vegetable oils - sunflower, olive and so on. But nutritionists most often recommend milk thistle oil. It can be combined with pumpkin (in the case of liver problems). Sesame oil is often recommended (especially if you have skin problems).

Nuts. It is also a storehouse of healthy omega-3 acids. Moreover, nuts come first, although the “highlights of the Zavalinki program” are also good. All nuts work great, pseudo-nuts - peanuts and cashews - are worse. The former are actually legumes, the latter are seeds. Nut noma - 30 - 40 grams per day (that is, a handful), better in the afternoon.

Speaking about foods that break down fats, it makes sense to remember carbohydrate blockers. These include representatives of the cruciferous family.

These are absolutely all types of cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, etc.), as well as lettuce, mustard, horseradish, radishes. Remember the fairy tale: “Grandfather planted a turnip?” And it was not for nothing that everyone fought for her - from her granddaughter to Zhuchka. After all, turnip is also a representative of the cruciferous family, and therefore a carbohydrate blocker.

It is recommended to eat such products for dinner. We desperately need carbohydrates - but in the first half of the day. And before bed, they can slow down the production of the important hormone somatotropin, which is produced exclusively during sleep and exclusively between approximately 23:00 and 1:00. This hormone also promotes slimness because it has a positive effect on fat metabolism in the body.

Lipotropics - choline, methionine, inositol, betaine and others are amino acids, without which it is impossible to normalize cholesterol metabolism in the body. They increase production in the liver lecithin, which, in turn, stimulates the release of fat from it.

Lipotropics and, more broadly, substances with lipotropic action are tailored by Mother Nature for a very specific task: to protect the liver from fatty degeneration, reduce the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, and reduce the risk of cholesterol stones in the gall bladder. In short, these are essential amino acids.

Lipotropic substances are necessary to prevent fatty liver infiltration and atherosclerosis.

For whom are lipotropics especially important?

Products with lipotropic effects are included in diets for liver diseases and metabolic disorders (obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension). But healthy people cannot do without lipotropics; they must be in the diet of any person who wants to live a long and high-quality life!

Fortunately, a well-balanced diet can meet your body's needs for these important amino acids.

Lipotropic substances in products

Lipotropics choline, lecithin, methionine, inositol, betaine and others are contained in the following protein products:

  • beef,
  • chicken eggs,
  • lean fish and seafood,
  • low-fat cottage cheese,
  • soy, especially soy flour.

It is also important to know that in addition to lipotropics, there are essential substances with lipotropic effects.

Lipotropics and lipotropic action

Lipotropic action have polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, organic iodine compounds, fiber, and the already mentioned lecithin.

Organic iodine compounds. To prevent and treat metabolic diseases and atherosclerosis, it is useful to add seaweed salads and seafood (mussels, scallops, squid, shrimp) to your food. Also add a little dry seaweed powder to flour products.

Ready-made diet buns with lecithin and seaweed are very good (you can find them in the bakery departments of grocery stores).

Important! Be careful with pickled seaweed, as its iodine content is very uneven.

Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids- arachidonic acid, linoleic acid (Omega-3, Omega-6), linolenic acid are not synthesized in the human body and must be supplied with food. These acids are found in large quantities in vegetable oils (linseed, corn, sunflower, etc.) and in fatty fish.

Another type of substance is phytosterols- Contained in unrefined vegetable oils.

Fiber has a lipotropic effect, enhancing intestinal motility and promoting the removal of cholesterol from the body. Wheat bran and vegetables that contain a lot of pectin (, etc.) are useful. , moreover, contains betaine, which turns it into a product of high dietary value.

And if somewhere in the article you read that a dish (for example) contains a large amount of lipotropic substances, know that it has a beneficial effect on the liver, blood vessels and is effective for metabolism and weight loss.

Lecithin found in large quantities in unrefined vegetable oils. Egg yolks, soybeans, buckwheat, as well as whey and buttermilk are very rich in lecithin (We read on Wikipedia: “Buttermilk, buttermilk - low-fat cream obtained as a by-product when churning butter.”)

Activators of metabolism and lipolysis

Lipotropic substances. These are substances actively involved in fat metabolism. With their deficiency, the metabolism of fats received from food slows down. As a result, “excess” fat is deposited, which leads to weight gain. Therefore it is extremely important inclusion in diets for obese patients, substances with a lipotropic effect, such as: omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), lecithin, choline, inositol, lipoic acid, amino acids methionine, glycine, betaine.

In this regard, it is advisable to additionally take these substances in the form of dietary supplements (biologically active food additives or food additives).

Methionine it is an essential amino acid. It is important in the synthesis of choline and lecithin. Prevents fatty liver degeneration. Its source is all complete sources of protein, both animal and plant.

Kholin is formed in the body from methionine, but in insufficient quantities, so it must be supplied with food. It is found in large quantities in unrefined vegetable oils and soybeans. It participates in basic metabolic processes and promotes the formation of phospholipids in the liver. Good sources are liver, kidneys, cottage cheese, cheese, unrefined vegetable oils, legumes, and some vegetables (cabbage, spinach).

Inositol- vitamin of youth. Like choline, it helps maintain a healthy liver and lowers cholesterol in the blood. The lipotropic effect of inositol is especially active when there is insufficient fat in the diet, as well as in the presence of vitamin E. Sesame seed oil is considered the best food source. Also found in beef heart, whole grains, soybeans, beans, grapefruit, eggs, caviar and fish milk. Very high content in wheat bran and wheat germ.

Lecithin. Rich in egg yolks, caviar, liver. Sources of lecithin are also unrefined vegetable oils, including sea buckthorn, as well as milk fats. There is more of it in the fats of cream and sour cream than in butter. Soybeans, peas, nuts, and sunflower seeds can also be sources of lecithin.

Betaine its chemical composition is close to choline and lecithin, actively binds to fatty acids, participating in the formation of phospholipids, which are necessary for the construction of cell membranes. It is found in beets, spinach, cereals, seafood, wine, and solyanka.

Omega-3 PUFAs also reduce the activity of fat synthesis processes. An intake of omega-3 PUFAs, obtained from fish oil, flaxseed or camelina oil, is necessary. Almost everyone knows about fish oil and flaxseed oil, but few are familiar with camelina oil. Camelina belongs to the cruciferous family, like cabbage, radish, turnips, etc. This plant is also known as false flax or German sesame. Camelina was widespread in Europe until the 1950s. An oil of excellent quality was obtained from the seeds, which was used for food and more. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it, especially linolenic acid, are destroyed when heated, forming harmful substances. Therefore, it is better not to expose camelina oil to heat and use it in salads or cereals, as they did in the old days. Daily intake of oil (or fish oil) in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons is useful.

Biologically active substances that prevent new fat formation

Chromium. Chromium, in combination with other compounds, is part of the so-called “glucose tolerance factor”. Its most important function is the ability to enhance the action of insulin in all metabolic processes that it regulates.

The richest source of chromium is brewer's yeast. Quite a lot of it is found in fish, bran, liver, and legumes.

Zinc. Increases the effectiveness of insulin. Food sources of zinc include oysters, pumpkin seeds, and blueberries. Vegetable sources can also include oatmeal, wholemeal bread, mushrooms, garlic and sprouted wheat grains. Zinc is found more in fish, meat, eggs, and offal. Good sources of zinc are herring and mackerel, even canned fish.

B vitamins

In the body of obese people, there is a significant deficiency of B vitamins. Proper carbohydrate metabolism directly depends on the content of vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP in the body, so it is very important to ensure that they enter the body with food in sufficient quantities. You won’t eat the same product - you’ll get bored, but you can create a varied menu of healthy products. There are not so few of them. Everything is good in moderation.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). The richest in thiamine is bread made from wholemeal flour, as well as cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), legumes (peas, beans, soybeans), nuts, liver and other offal.

Vitamin B2. Its most important source is milk and dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, liver, buckwheat and oatmeal.

Vitamin B6. With obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis, the need for it increases. Whole grains, especially buckwheat, meat, offal (liver, kidneys), fish, yeast, nuts and seeds, legumes, and potatoes are rich in this vitamin. Vitamin B6 is concentrated in bran. In addition, it is produced by normal intestinal microflora, if there is no dysbacteriosis.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). Sources: yeast, liver, kidneys, heart, beef, lamb, cereals (buckwheat, barley).

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Most of all in animal liver, egg yolks, meat, legumes, cauliflower.

Substances that reduce the absorption of fats in the intestines

This group includes alimentary fiber. Among their properties decreased absorption of fats in the intestines - is far from the main thing. Moreover, their ability to prevent fat absorption does not exceed 5%. More important, perhaps, is their property slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, preventing a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.

The second important property of dietary fiber increase in the volume of intestinal contents , which causes mechanical stimulation of intestinal peristalsis.

Thirdly, an increase in the volume of the food bolus due to significant swelling of dietary fiber leads to the activation of gastric baroreceptors, the impulses of which contribute to suppressing the feeling of hunger.

Fourthly - it's good food substrate for intestinal microflora.

Dietary fiber must be additionally introduced in the form bran, better than soy, especially for those who suffer from constipation. 30 g of bran is a good addition to the daily diet, if there is no reaction to bloating or serious intestinal diseases. If they are poorly tolerated, then more delicate dietary fiber is needed, for example, in the form of pectin. For better absorption, bran is pre-steamed and added to soups, side dishes, casseroles, salads, etc.


Obesity is accompanied by the accumulation of increased amounts of free radicals as a result of disruption of metabolic oxidation processes. Therefore, for its prevention and treatment it is so important antioxidants. It is advisable to obtain them from food, but if this is not possible, it is necessary to take them in the form of dietary supplements.

Vitamin E. This one of the most powerful antioxidants has long been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes, as well as excess weight. The main source is vegetable oils. Of all vegetable oils, sea buckthorn and camelina oils are rich sources. One tablespoon of the latter more than covers the daily need for this vitamin. Rye and wheat bran, raw nuts and seeds, as well as plant ovaries are also rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin C. It most directly affects carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, under conditions of high blood sugar, the absorption of vitamin C by body tissues is significantly reduced. The daily human requirement is 70-100 mg. It is practically absent in dietary fats, meat, grains and is found mainly in vegetables and fruits. The highest content of vitamin C is in rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, sweet peppers, kiwi, and citrus fruits.

Other necessary biologically active substances

Obesity is often accompanied by severe intestinal dysbiosis. Why does this happen? It’s just that eating habits, which most often lead to obesity, are such that the diet contains a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates, as a result of which fermentation processes occur in the intestines and the replacement of normal microflora with pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic ones, which suppress the vital activity of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Therefore, in the treatment of obesity, it is justified to prescribe pro- and prebiotics.

Probiotics- consist of living microorganisms. Prebiotics- non-microbial origin, help improve health by selectively stimulating the growth and metabolic processes of bacteria living in the large intestine.

These include: calcium pantothenate, para-aminobenzoic acid, lysozyme, bacteriophages, activated carbon, enterosorbents, herbal preparations with immunomodulatory properties (ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Echinacea), enzyme preparations, etc.

Among products with prebiotic properties, we recommend paying attention to Jerusalem artichoke, which should become an important component of the diet of obese patients. Also useful chicory, which has recently become very popular as a drink, as technologies have emerged that make it possible to make its soluble forms with various herbal additives (raspberries, blueberries, ginseng, etc.). Although it is still healthier to drink ground.

Enzymes.“Fat burners” based on bromelain and some other enzymes. Bromelain- an enzyme isolated from pineapple is a catalyst for the processes of protein and carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fat into water and glycerol. It is common to include other enzymes in bromelain supplements; papayin, trypsin and other substances that normalize fat metabolism.

And its oxidation, which leads to a decrease in the severity of fatty infiltration of the liver. According to the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification they belong to the group A05- drugs for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, so they can be considered hepatoprotectors. Currently, the modern pharmaceutical industry is synthesizing drugs that have a lipotropic effect.

Lipotropic effects are exerted by:

They are rich in beef, chicken eggs, low-fat fish (cod, pike perch), marine invertebrates, low-fat cottage cheese, soy flour.

see also



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Many people are interested in the question: what are lipotropic factors? Let's look at this in this article. Strong lipotropic factors are methionine and choline. If choline is present in the body in insufficient quantities, a situation arises in which phospholipids are not formed. This delays the assimilation of fat and provokes its accumulation in tissues.

Thus, choline is a kind of tissue protector from fat deposits. This process is also called lipotropic influence, which typically manifests itself in the liver. Phospholipids are synthesized and broken down here. Choline bitartrate was first found in bile, so choline metabolism with the liver is closely related. Then choline was discovered in other tissues of the body; it is now considered a constituent part of cells.

The synthesis of phospholipids occurs thanks to choline. If there is fatty liver, which occurred due to the supply of large amounts of fat and cholesterol, then it can be prevented by the introduction of lecithin and choline contained in it.

Protein plays an important role in choline metabolism. For example, with a protein-free diet, fatty infiltration of the liver occurs in rats. And thanks to choline, infiltration weakens. Most often, choline is supplied through food. V.S. Gulevich also proved the endogenous formation of choline in 1896.

Methionine, like choline, has lipotropic properties. It is mainly synthesized by the liver. Choline and methionine reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis. After all, these are all lipotropic factors.

Egg yolk;



Cabbage leaves;

Methionine contains:

In cottage cheese;


Egg white.

If you eat large amounts of protein and foods rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid, the body's need for choline and methionine will decrease.

But not everyone manages to eat well so that the body will have enough of these nutrients. Therefore, doctors prescribe the supplement “Solgar.” Lipotropic factor."

Description of food supplement from SOLGAR

The supplement helps remove fat from the body, cleanse toxins and fight excess weight.

This food supplement consists of components that complement each other. The product contains specified amounts of the following ingredients:

  • L-Methionine - 333.3 mg.
  • Inositol - 333.3 mg.
  • Choline bitartrate - 333.3 mg.
  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Silicon dioxide.
  • Sodium.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Plant cellulose.
  • Glycerin.

The product is made by an American manufacturer. The drug is absolutely safe for health, since it does not contain harmful or controversial substances, and there are no products of animal origin. No gluten, sugar, starch.

Choline, inositol, methionine are the main components of the drug that determine its effect. The remaining substances are present in small quantities and are auxiliary.

One package can contain 50 and 100 tablets. This is what determines the cost. Approximate price - 900-1000 rubles.

Lipotropic factors: pharmacokinetics

Three main components are responsible for the breakdown and elimination of fats and toxins. As a result, the liver begins to cope with its functions better.

When burning fat, a large number of toxins are released, which can be poisoning for the body, but thanks to methionine they are painlessly removed from the body.

Inositol is responsible for fat metabolism, increasing lecithin levels. As a result, cholesterol levels return to normal. There are only positive reviews about the supplement “Lipotropic Factor” (“Solgar”).

Choline works more effectively in tandem with inositol. Fats in the liver stop accumulating and are not deposited on the walls of blood vessels. They normalize the functioning of the kidneys and heart, brain and bone marrow.

Visual function is improved due to the action of the active substances in the supplement. The intestines begin to work like clockwork, the hair becomes smooth and shiny.

How to use the drug?

Instructions for use indicate that “Solgar. Lipotropic factor" is used three times a day, 1 capsule. Better during meals.

Before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is required. To get maximum results, physical activity is needed during therapy.


Interaction with other additives

Reviews about the supplement “Lipotropic Factor” (“Solgar”) confirm that it can be combined with others:

  • Tonalin 1300 MG CLA (contains tonalin).
  • Psyllium husks fiber 500mg (contains psyllium fiber).
  • Chromium Picolinate 500 MCG (contains chromium picolinate).

Plantain fiber has unique properties - it prevents fat from being absorbed in the intestines. Volumes go away thanks to tonalin, as it breaks down fat cells into molecules.

Chromium picolinate affects appetite - you don’t want sweets and fatty foods. Cholesterol levels return to normal.

All this information is contained in the instructions for use about the supplement “Lipotropic factor” (“Solgar”).

Side effects

No side effects have been recorded when using the supplement. Only possible intolerance to the components of the drug.

Allergic reactions of the body are possible. If any negative manifestations occur, you should consult a doctor.

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