Archival certificate form. Rules for issuing archival certificates, copies and extracts

An archival certificate is a special document that includes the name, information about the subject of the request, case number or code, number of sheets of case documents, signature of the head of the archive or subsection of the enterprise of which it is part. All information is presented in strict chronology. Personal conclusions or comments of the performer on the content are not allowed.

When is an archival certificate needed?

An archival certificate may be needed if there is a need to confirm a certain status or change it.

This is a document that has legal force and is drawn up in accordance with the law, namely: on the letterhead of a specific organization (state or commercial) and in the prescribed manner. Commercial enterprises can issue such certificates only if they have their own archival section that operates legally. Otherwise they are not valid.

The most frequently requested types of archival information

You can apply for help for the following reasons:

  • Upon retirement or recalculation. In this case, an archival certificate is required, which will indicate information about wages and length of service. Documentary evidence is provided for each year of the entire service life. If such information is missing, you should apply for a certificate of the company’s staffing table, as well as orders regarding additional payments.
  • If necessary, proof of work experience. The amount of information regarding the tenure of an individual in a certain position (the exact name is indicated) within the enterprise for a specific period of time is checked. Not all documents are proof. An archival certificate has legal force only when it includes personal accounts, membership cards, paybooks, etc.
  • For various real estate transactions, when registration information is required. This certificate indicates all individuals who have ever been registered in the living space. The information informs you in what year the registration occurred, for what reason it terminated (discharge or death), etc. Most often, such a certificate is taken to confirm the absence of a copyright holder for the property being sold.
  • When employed by a foreign company. When applying for a job, foreign companies require an archival certificate of higher education. This is necessary to confirm the authenticity of the diploma. The document contains information about the university, specialty, courses taken, date of enrollment and graduation, as well as the series and number of the diploma.

Archival certificate for signature

Regardless of the purpose of coming to the archive, any citizen is required to present his passport or other document confirming his identity. An archival certificate is issued only against personal signature. If it is not possible to come in person, you can send a proxy who will have a notarized power of attorney.

In this article we will talk in detail about the procedure for preparing responses to requests that are carried out in the form of archived help.

You should pay special attention to one rule that is very important. All information that interests the applicant can be provided only if there is documentary evidence for it in archival originals. The archival information should not contain any conjectures or assumptions, even if they seem logical in the context of the documents available in the company's archives. Thus, you should firmly remember that your own comments and conclusions in archival references are strictly prohibited.

Archival certificate, and it has its own established form. The text of the certificate must include information about the subject of the request, as well as indicate archival codes (case number in accordance with the inventory), sheet numbers in the case documents that served as the basis for drawing up the certificate; all this information is usually placed at the end of the text. It is necessary to understand that a certificate loses its legal meaning if it does not contain a link to archival documents and search data.

Basic rules for compiling an archival certificate

The archival certificate must contain only that information that is relevant to the person mentioned in the request. If the basis document contains information about other persons (not mentioned in the request), then in no case should the certificate contain any indications of these persons.

The text of the certificate must comply with the chronological principle of the sequence of events, precisely in the order in which they are presented in archival documents. There should be no corrections in the text.

If the structural divisions of the enterprise, the enterprise itself, as well as certain positions have ever been renamed, then their modern names should not be indicated in the archival certificate. Thus, when creating an archival certificate about the work of a person in a certain organization, all names must be transferred from original archival documents in exact accordance with how they are indicated there during the period of time necessary for the generation of the certificate. If during the time specified in the request, any renamings occurred, then all of them must be reflected in the certificate. This can be done in any form; you can see an example in the sample archived help.

When preparing an archival certificate, certain discrepancies with the information specified in the request may be discovered. This could be, for example, different spellings of names, provided that the last name and other data match. There may also be some corrections, illegible original text or some abbreviations. In such cases, appropriate notes must be made in the certificate. For example, at the desired point in the text, brackets are placed in which a mark of this type is indicated: “So in the original document” or a similar option (you can also see an example in the second sample of the archival reference).

If the request is about wages, then you should separately indicate the amount that was accrued each month. Information is transferred from archive documents in the same way as it was reflected in the originals, the price scale is also taken from the requested time period. If there are no accruals in certain months, this should also be noted in the certificate.

When generating a certificate, there is no need to calculate the total amount for the year, as well as the average monthly or average annual income, make adjustments for inflation and similar calculations. In fact, the compiler of the certificate is only required to transfer data from the original to a modern document.

If salary documents are not available, then a certificate can be drawn up based on the staffing table. Using such data, it is possible to determine the official salary for a specific period. By studying, it is also possible to determine the availability of other payments for the time period that interests the applicant.

If it is necessary to prepare a certificate of awarding a specific person, you should make sure that it contains the following information: the name of the document that served as the basis for the award (resolution, order, decision, etc.), the name of the award, the full name of the awarded person.

The certificate must be signed by the manager or authorized person in accordance with the established order or job description. This document must also be certified by the seal of the organization.

Archival certificate of work experience - first sample


25.09.2014 № 02-14/002136

To No. b/n dated 10/01/2014

Stepanova Evgenia Alekseevna was hired on 05/21/2001 by the Department of Technology and Repair of Harvesting Equipment (from 01/12/2005 - the name is the Department of Panicle Production Technology) to the position of processing plant operator (director’s order dated 05/21/2001 No. 201-k), transferred on 07/31/2004 for the position of foreman of the 3rd category of the control department (director's order dated July 31, 2004 No. 268-k); on March 22, 2007, she was dismissed at her own request (director's order dated March 20, 2007 No. 302-k).


F. 45, op. 6, d. 125, l. 96.

F. 45, op. 6, d. 138, l. 16.

F. 45, op. 6, d. 197, l. 202.

Merkulova S.I.

Archival payroll certificate - second sample


24.10.2014 № 06-14/0298

To No. b/n dated 10/19/2014

In accordance with the personal accounts of wages of employees of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Irkutsk Institute of Arts” for May - September 2012, Vladimir Yaroslavovich Pavlov was accrued:

May 2012 - RUB 37,214.07;

June 2012 - RUB 36,819.98;

July 2012 - 42514.25 rubles;

August 2012 -

September 2012 - RUB 37,880.54

There is no information about accruals for August 2012 in personal accounts.

Pavlov Vladimir Yaroslavovich for 2013 had accruals:

January 2013 - RUB 38,215.35;

(list similarly)

December 2013 - 1027.61 rub.

The amounts are indicated both in the documents and on the scale of prices in effect during the requested period.


F. 366, op. 4, d. 26, l. 234-237.

F. 366, op. 4, d. 39, l. 199-211.

Krivenko S.I.

In this article we provide only two examples of archival certificate samples, one of them concerns work experience, and the other concerns salary. Using the forms we provide, you can prepare certificates regarding any topic that interests you. To complete the request, information can also be prepared in the form. We will talk about this topic in the following articles.

The legislation establishes different periods for storing documents in organizations. Thus, employers are required to keep employment contracts with employees for 75 years, and personnel documents for 50 years. During this time, employees can apply for confirmation of work experience, performance of certain functions, and assignments on business trips. In this article we will analyze a sample of an archival certificate that HR officers can use as a basis when providing information upon employee requests.

Where to get an archived certificate

Depending on what information is needed and how old it is, citizens can contact:

  • directly to archives that operate in the region, or directly to the Federal Archive;
  • to organizations that have the necessary information, if the deadline for transferring it to the archives has not yet arrived;
  • in the MFC authorized to provide such services.

For example, when registering inheritance rights or privatization, you may need an archival certificate of Form 9 - as it is also called, about registration or registration. You can get it either from the MFC or from local authorities. And if you need confirmation of length of service, for example, to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor” or upon retirement, then you should contact your employer directly - the current one and, if necessary, the previous one. If for some reason the organization no longer exists, then information should be requested either from its successor or from the city archive.

Regardless of where you apply, you must submit a written application for information. We'll have to clarify:

  • name of the organization to which the request is sent;
  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • reasons for contacting and the essence of the request;
  • Contact details.

The written request is personally signed by the applicant and dated to the current date.

What data is considered mandatory?

Most often, the HR department is asked to confirm work experience, so let’s take a sample of an archival certificate of work experience and use its example to look at the structure of such documents and the required information in them.

A sample of an archival certificate confirming work experience (one of the options) looks like this:

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that there is no mandatory form in this case. A HR specialist can use any convenient template. At the same time, in the “Basic Rules for the Operation of Organizational Archives” dated 02/06/2002 there is Appendix 42 with an example of a certificate. But since the Rules are methodological and informative in nature, this example does not need to be used. The main thing that is required from the personnel officer is to comply with the basic requirements for the issued document:

  • it is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead;
  • indicate the date of compilation and number;
  • specify in whose name the information was issued;
  • in case of confirmation of length of service, indicate the period of work with reference to orders on hiring and dismissal indicating their details, in other cases - with reference to other official orders issued by the employer;
  • indicate the purpose of issuing information based on the request. In our case - for submission to the Pension Fund;
  • Be sure to sign with the manager and affix a stamp, if available, for additional confirmation of authenticity.

It is important to understand that issuing certificates in archives and from employers is free. Regarding the timing, we can say that according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, upon a written request from an employee (current or former, it doesn’t matter), documents relating to his work activity must be provided within three days from the date of application.

An archive is a government institution that ensures the safety of documents, favorable conditions for their use, provides information to state authorities and local governments, and also satisfies the information needs of the population. And obtaining the information necessary to protect the personal interests of citizens is our inalienable right. Let's consider the stages that a person goes through when applying to the archive.

What kind of requests are there?

There are three types of requests:

  • thematic- requests for information on a specific problem, topic, event or fact. For example, a biographical request, which establishes the information necessary to study the life of a particular person, and clarifies the facts of his biography;
  • genealogical- requests expressing the need for documentary information establishing kinship, family ties of two or more persons, family history, clan;
  • socio-legal- requests of a specific person or organization related to ensuring their rights and legitimate interests. They are divided into three groups:
    • of an official nature from legislative and executive authorities;
    • from individuals and legal entities;
    • requests from Russian and foreign citizens and stateless persons living abroad, the so-called consular ones.

For us, the most interesting will be social and legal requests from individuals and legal entities. According to the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, social and legal requests include requests for confirmation:

  • length of service and salary,
  • service in military units and formations,
  • about health status,
  • rewarding, conferring titles,
  • getting an education,
  • the use of repression,
  • on acts of civil status, etc.

Example 1

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For example, after analyzing the work record of an employee hired for a managerial and responsible position, the company will want to make sure that the employee actually had experience working in a large company. If the company was liquidated in accordance with the procedure established by law (including as a result of bankruptcy proceedings) or was transformed in a way that implied the transfer of documents on personnel to the archive, the employer can contact the archive with a corresponding request.

It is not uncommon to have troubles with preparing documents related to the assignment of pensions to employees.

Free and paid services

The archive fulfills all social and legal requests free of charge. But there are exceptions:

  • if you need to fulfill your request urgently (within 1-5 days from the date of application);
  • issue a duplicate or reissue an archival certificate to replace the one lost or damaged due to the applicant’s fault (except for accidents documented);
  • produce several copies of the archival certificate at the request of the applicant;
  • make a request about work experience and wages for a period of more than 5 years (60 consecutive months);
  • make an inquiry about property rights.

There is no charge for services in the archive reading room (except for services not provided for by the Rules for the work of users in the reading rooms of the state archives of the Russian Federation).

The range of paid work and services performed by archives is established by the Federal Archive Service of Russia. On this basis, the archive can develop a more detailed list, which is approved by the director. In addition, the archive can independently determine categories of legal entities and individuals (pensioners, disabled people, orphanages, etc.) for whom work and services are provided on preferential terms.

Request deadlines

According to the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations (approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002) the deadline for fulfilling requests of a socio-legal nature based on archive documents should not exceed 30 days from the date of registration of the request. With the permission of the archive management, this period may be extended if necessary, but not more than 30 days with mandatory notification of the applicant. If, after the expiration of the established deadlines, no response is received, it is necessary to contact the archival management body of the given region with a request for the reason why the sent appeal was not executed.

Fulfillment of requests is carried out in accordance with the procedure for using documents from the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, established by Federal Law dated October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law dated February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ “On Information, Informatization and information protection."

If your request is considered non-core, then its forwarding according to its affiliation to other archives or organizations must be carried out within 5 days from the moment the request is received by the archive, and you must be informed about this.

Where to contact?

Firstly, which archive you should contact depends on the scale of the organization you are interested in: if you need information about a person who works (has worked) in a federal institution, you should contact the federal archives; republican, regional, regional subordination - to the state archives of the corresponding region; city ​​and district subordination - to municipal archives.

Example 2

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If you need to request information about a person who worked at a liquidated state enterprise in Moscow, then you need to contact the Central State Archive of Documents on Personnel of Liquidated State Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations in Moscow.

If a person worked at a municipal enterprise or in a non-governmental organization, then the search for documents should begin with the archives of the city or district. There are difficulties with commercial organizations due to the lack of legal mechanisms for requesting the transfer of documents to state storage.

To find out which archive to contact, you can use the website There is also an online guide to Russian archives, which allows you to search through 31 federal and 49 regional archives and includes about 140 thousand archival funds containing socio-political, historical, military, economic and others documentation.

How to make a request?

There are no strict requirements for the request; the application is drawn up in free form, but addressed to the director of the archive. The following information must be provided, regardless of the type of request:

  • surname, first name, patronymic of the person of interest at the present time and necessarily the surname during the requested period (indicate the year of the surname change, if this took place);
  • the address to which the archive's response should be sent;
  • your contact phone number;
  • what information is requested and for what purpose.

Here are the most common queries and explain what needs to be specified in each of them in order to make it possible to execute such a query:

In general, some archives accept not only social and legal requests drawn up on paper, but also sent by e-mail, and some even by telephone.

Example 3

sample application for obtaining an archived salary certificate

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Example 4

Sample letter of request from a legal entity (sample form)

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Archive transcript

Most often, the applicant receives a response to the request in the form of an archival certificate, less often - an archival extract or a copy of a document.

According to GOST R 51141-98 “Office management and archiving. Terms and Definitions" archive transcript - this is an official archive document containing information from archival documents related to the subject of the request, indicating the addresses of the documents.

Let's look at several certificates that are issued for the most popular requests.

The archival certificate confirming work experience includes data for the time for which information is available in the archive documents: the exact name of the position held by the citizen and the period of his work are given (see Example 5). Personnel registration sheets, questionnaires, autobiographies, personally compiled by a citizen, on which there are no marks on the verification of the information contained in them on the basis of the submitted original documents or certificates, cannot serve as the basis for issuing archival certificates of work experience (if necessary, this information is provided in writing) . As documents confirming work experience, only orders for the main activity, personal accounts, paybooks, and trade union membership cards are used.

The certificate for assigning or recalculating a pension includes information in the manner determined by the body providing pensions to citizens. Information about earnings is included in the certificate as they are set out in the archive documents. Data are presented separately for each year without summation within the year. The archive does not calculate average monthly and average annual earnings. In the absence of documents on wages, the official salary can be established on the basis of the organization’s staffing table for the corresponding period, other payments - on the basis of orders on personnel matters or on the main activity.

In the certificate of education, if there is no information in the documents about the citizen’s graduation from an educational institution, it is indicated in which course or class he studied.

When executing repeated requests or drawing up, at the request of a citizen (organization), a certificate similar to a previously issued one, the archive checks the compliance of the information included in this certificate with those available in the documents, and if additional information is found, includes it in the re-issued archival certificate.

Example 5

Sample archival certificate

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If there are no documents in the archive necessary to fulfill the request, a response is drawn up on the archive form outlining the reasons for the absence of documents containing the requested information, and the necessary recommendations are given. When preparing “negative” answers, archivists try to avoid formulations like “no documents were received for storage in the archive”; usually the applicant is given recommendations on how to find the necessary information or the reason for the absence of archival documents on the topic of the request is explained. In case of documented facts of loss of archival documents containing the requested information, the archive may (but is not obligated) to issue a certificate about the reasons for their loss, if necessary, certified by the seal of the archive.

It should be noted that the text in the archival reference is given in the chronological sequence of events; in some cases, it reproduces quotations from archival documents. After the text of the certificate, the search data of the documents that served as the basis for its compilation are indicated (numbers of funds, inventories, files, sheets of the document). It should be noted that the text in the archival certificate is given in the chronological sequence of events, in some cases it reproduces quotations from archival documents. After the text of the certificate, the search data of the documents that served as the basis for its preparation are indicated (numbers of funds, inventories, files, sheets of the document).

In general, it is quite difficult to unify the form of an archival certificate, as well as the form of writing a request. However, there are Recommendations for the preparation of archival references and responses to standard requests of a socio-legal nature issued by archival institutions of the Russian Federation (Rosarchive letter No. 6/486-K dated March 14, 2005). The Recommendations provide 12 samples of archival information on several different situations.

Copies of the archival certificate (without a stamp or seal) are certified by the head of the archive and remain in the archive's records management.

Note that archival certificates differ in the name of the document type “ARCHIVED REFERENCE” from other certificates, which are simply called “HELP”.

Commercial companies also have the right to issue archival certificates and archival extracts, but on the condition that they have an archive in the form of a separate division. Otherwise, they will be limited to ordinary certificates, extracts and copies.

According to the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations, approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002 and mandatory for all non-governmental organizations, the archive is created as an independent structural unit of the organization or a unit within the documentation support service of management (office work), which receives and stores archival documents with purpose of use. Certificates, archival copies and extracts identical to the original are certified by the signature of the head of the organization or a person authorized by him (the head of the unit that includes the archive) and the official seal of the organization.

Archival extract and archival copy

On the archival extract and archival copy, the corresponding designations are made - “ARCHIVED EXTRACT” or “ARCHIVED COPY”. They are compiled on archive form, but when making xero- and photocopies of archival documents, the archive form is not used.

When preparing an extract, the name of the original document, its number and date are reproduced in full (see Example 6). The content of the archived extract of the document must meet the request. The coherence of the content and the exact meaning of each document extracted from the text should not be violated. An ellipsis is placed at the beginning and end of each extract from the document, as well as in places where individual words are missing. One archival extract can contain extracts from only one document.

Attention! Individual words and expressions of an original document that raise doubts about their authenticity must be qualified with the words: “so in the document.”

Archival copies and extracts are certified by the signature of the head of the archive and the official seal of the organization.

Example 6

Sample archival extract

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After the text of the archival extract, the archival code and sheet numbers of the storage unit of the archival document that served as the basis for issuing this extract are indicated (see Example 6).

The archival copy completely duplicates the requested document. On the back are the archival codes and sheet numbers of the storage units of the archival document.

All sheets of the archival copy or extract must be stapled, numbered and certified at the places of the staples by the head of the archive.

Information documents, archival copies and extracts prepared by the archive are sent to the applicant by regular mail.

If you have transferred documents for storage to a third party

Let's say your company has transferred its documents for safekeeping to a third-party organization that professionally provides such services. Such services are provided not only by commercial archives, but also by state/municipal archives. The owner of the documents continues to be the company on whose territory the documents are no longer located. In this case, who has the right to issue archival certificates: the custodian or the owner?

According to Article 892 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ, the custodian does not have the right, without the consent of the bailor, to use the thing transferred for storage, as well as provide the opportunity to use it to third parties, except in cases where the use of the stored thing is necessary to ensure its safety and does not contradict storage agreement. Therefore, if you want to transfer to the custodian the authority to issue certificates on social and legal requests and save your time, then stipulate this condition in the outsourcing agreement. Otherwise, the owning company will deal with the documents itself: if necessary, it will have to request previously exported documents to the office, deal with them and draw up an archival certificate, since the issue of confidentiality of information is still a priority.


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A certificate of registration at the place of residence is necessary in many situations. It can rightfully be called the most popular security in transactions of various kinds. Why is it needed, how to get it and how does it differ from similar documents. The fact is that the certificate in Form 9 is “famous” for its popular names, which do not always exactly correspond to its functions. Nevertheless, the names have stuck and there is no point in retraining anyone.

We will proceed from the official name.

What is certificate form 9

Officially, this paper is called a certificate in form 9. This means nothing to many people. And all because among the people such a document received its own names:

  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Certificate of registration.
  • Certificate of registration.
  • Certificate of residence.

Despite the different names, we are talking about the same paper. Over the past decades, very little changes have occurred with the certificate of registration at the place of residence, so the names of the Soviet era are still in use.

The issuance of this document is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713.

A regular certificate, Form 9, reflects information about who lives and owns residential property. Specifically, it contains the following information:

  • Data on the type of property, its total and living area, number of rooms.
  • List of persons registered in a private house or apartment.
  • The dates of registration of these persons at the address.
  • Information about homeowners.
  • Information about the degree of relationship between the owners of the property and the people registered in it.
  • The person to whom the certificate is issued is also indicated.

Note: Thus, the certificate of registration at the place of residence reflects the situation at the time of issue of this certificate: that is, who lives and owns the property right now.

Differences from archived information

But the Form 9 paper has a second option - an archival certificate. Essentially, this is the same paper, but in addition to the above information, it also indicates all the persons who have ever been registered in the residential premises from the moment of its delivery to the present. With dates of registration and deregistration.

Important: An archived version of the Form 9 certificate helps trace the history of an apartment or house. That's why it's called that.

It is the ability to track the dynamics of residents that makes the practical use of these two papers different. An archival certificate is usually required in cases when we are talking about some kind of property disputes.

Here are a few situations when it will be required in a package of documents:

  • When registering an inheritance. Often the heir does not contact the notary who certified the will. And he actually takes possession of the deceased’s apartment - that is, he does not document it, but simply continues to use the housing. To prove his rights to housing, he will need to provide confirmation that at the time of the testator’s death he lived with him. This is where issuing a certificate will help.
  • In case of property conflicts, when it is required to prove that a person who has returned from prison previously lived in the apartment or house that is the subject of the dispute.
  • During privatization. In this case, an archival certificate is needed to prove that the applicant for housing privatization has not previously used this right. Document in Form 9 is requested from all previous places of residence of the applicant.

Buying a home: do you need an archived one or a regular one will do?

Experts in the field of housing law are often asked the question: is an archival certificate needed for purchase and sale transactions of residential premises?

Opinions are divided here. According to the law, there is no need for it; the usual version, reflecting the current state of the residents, will do. However, experts urge you to be more careful. There are too many scammers in the residential real estate market right now. And an additional check of the apartment being purchased will never be superfluous.

By asking the owner to order an archival certificate, you will find out for sure whether there are any people who have temporarily left the premises. These may be persons sentenced to serve their sentences in places not so remote. Or students who have temporary registration at their place of study.

Note: in accordance with Russian legislation, Form 9 has no validity period. But usually during transactions it is indicated that it must be taken no later than a month ago. Therefore, during protracted processes related to real estate registration or property disputes, you may need to order a certificate several times.

Both those and other persons are quite capable of challenging the purchase and sale after some time. Therefore, issuing an archival certificate will help verify the purity of the transaction.

How to get

The paper is issued after contacting the passport office or MFC. But first
Let's figure out who can order the “nine”.

  • The actual owner of the apartment (even if he is not registered in it). He can receive an archived version of the certificate for the entire period while he owns the property. For an earlier version, you will have to find the previous owners.
  • A person registered at this address (the certificate contains information only for the period of registration).
  • A parent, guardian or custodian of a child who is the owner of the residential premises or lives in it.
  • A citizen's attorney who falls into any of the three categories above.

Important: All persons legally entitled to receive Form 9 have one thing in common: they can receive a certificate only for the period when they lived or owned a house or apartment.

That is, realtors, potential buyers and other third parties have no right to order such a certificate. The severity here is due to the fact that information about residents is protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.

As already mentioned, the certificate is issued at the passport office at the location of the housing or at the MFC. At the government agency, the applicant must present a document proving the right to claim the “nine”.

It could be:

  • A passport with a note indicating registration at the address about which you are asked to provide information.
  • Certificate of registration of ownership of housing.
  • A power of attorney certified by a notary (if an attorney prepares the paperwork).

In most regions, it is enough to simply ask the passport officer to issue a certificate. But in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation it is required to fill out an application of the established form. After an employee of the institution checks your data, all you have to do is wait.

Important: The issuance of a certificate in Form 9 is absolutely free. The regular version is usually provided to the applicant on the day of application. But preparing the archival “nine” will take several days. The exact timing is regulated by the regulations of each specific region. But usually the waiting period does not exceed ten days.

With the growing availability of the Internet in most regions and republics of Russia, the document can be ordered on a single portal of public services.

In fact, a certificate can be refused for only two reasons:

  • You do not have the right to receive this document (that is, you do not live in the apartment about which you are requesting information, do not own it and do not represent the interests of the tenant/owner).
  • You have not provided a document confirming your rights to receive Form 9.

Often, passport offices are located in management companies that provide public utilities to the population. And passport officers refuse to issue “nine” to people who have debts for water, gas or electricity. This refusal is unlawful and is an illegal method of pressure to pay the debt. The fact is that issuing a certificate is a government service. And has nothing to do with the contract concluded with the utility service provider.

Note: Dealing with such incidents is not difficult. Usually one written refusal requirement is enough. You can try to contact the management of the management company. If the initial complaints did not help, send an appeal to the regional Federal Migration Service and write a statement to the prosecutor’s office - the actions of passport officers in this case are interpreted as “arbitrariness.”

Forms 9 and 8: what is the difference

“Nine” is sometimes confused with another document - Form 8 certificate. This permanent registration document, in turn, is issued exclusively for children under 14 years of age.

“Eight” is an attachment to a birth certificate and is considered invalid without it. Form 8 states:

  • Full name of the minor.
  • His residence address.
  • Birth certificate details.
  • When and by whom the document was issued.

The main difference between the “eight” is that it is issued to a child. And Form 9 is issued for residential premises.

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The post is long, and I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make something so lean as a dessert without it being applesauce. AND...

Today I cook about half of the cakes in a slow cooker. This is very convenient for me, and gradually many cakes that used to...

Before you start cooking according to the recipe that you like best, you need to choose and prepare the carcass correctly: First,...

Salads with cod liver always turn out very tasty and interesting, because this product goes well with many ingredients...
The popularity of canned squash for the winter is growing every day. Cute, elastic and juicy vegetables, reminiscent in appearance...
Not everyone likes milk in its pure form, although it is difficult to overestimate its nutritional value and usefulness. But a milkshake with...
In this lunar calendar for December 2016 you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When favorable...
Supporters of proper nutrition, strictly calorie counting, very often have to deny themselves small gastronomic joys in the form of...
Crispy puff pastry made from ready-made puff pastry is quick, inexpensive and very tasty! The only thing you need is time to...