Sample power of attorney form to receive goods. Features of the annual power of attorney for obtaining goods and materials and a sample document for downloading

Carrying out business activities in the Russian Federation, and in any other country, involves the implementation of many functions.

In cases of alienation of goods, within the framework of signed agreements, businessmen, as well as ordinary citizens, have the right to entrust the performance of certain actions to other persons.

As a rule, heads of organizations entrust the receipt or transfer of goods (inventory) to employees of their organizations, or other persons whom they trust.

Ways to delegate authority

Within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, legal entities have the right to authorize attorneys (persons to whom a power of attorney is issued) by issuing a power of attorney to the latter to receive goods. This document can be certified by a notary or issued by the principal (the person who issued the power of attorney) in simple written form. Please note that certification of a document by a notary is not mandatory and is voluntary.

The power of attorney can be issued for any period, but no more than three years from the date of issue. The scope of powers, at his own discretion, is determined by the principal. If a power of attorney to receive goods is issued by way of sub-authorization, then this document must be certified by a notary. The terms and powers within the framework of a document issued by way of subrogation cannot exceed the scope and terms of the original document.

In accordance with civil law, a power of attorney is issued only to an individual; if it is necessary to authorize, for example, the head of an organization, then all the same, his passport details are written, and his position and details of the organization are also indicated.

Documentation of receipt of goods by proxy

It is also necessary to indicate the place where the power of attorney was issued, the period for which it is issued, the date of issue, as well as the details of the principal organization; in some cases, it is advisable to indicate bank details. This document is signed by an authorized person and certified by the seal of a legal entity.

It is important to pay attention to the validity of the powers of the person who signed the power of attorney. His powers can be confirmed by an extract from the register of legal entities, constituent documents, orders of appointment, and an employment contract. If it is subsequently established that the person who signed the power of attorney to receive the goods was not authorized to do so, then such a document will be declared invalid. Its invalidity will cast doubt on all subsequent actions taken (within the framework of the power of attorney).

Below is one of the options for issuing a power of attorney, the details of the parties have been changed, any coincidences are an accident.

Power of attorney to receive goods

Principal: limited liability company "Druzhok and K", OGRN 1045964484, INN 03584755, KPP 32372910, legal and postal address: Moscow, st. Red October 2, building 16, represented by the head of the organization, General Director Maltsev A.A., acting on the basis of the Charter of the principal,

This document authorizes the attorney: Russian citizen Nadezhny V.K., passport 88 09, 546783, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs No. 33 of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnopresnensky District of Moscow on December 12, 1993, subdivision code 111-573, to represent the interests of the Principal on issues of receipt, in within the framework of the previously approved purchase and sale agreement No. 345 dated March 16, 2013, of the Goods, in accordance with the Bill of Lading, (or other document agreed upon by the parties to the agreement) from Paradise Islands LLC.

There are two intersectoral forms of powers of attorney.

M-2 consist of two parts: a tear-off coupon (spine) and the main part. The counterfoil is filled out, filed and stored by the accountant for the period of time established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal regulations of the organization.

The validity period of this one-time act usually does not exceed two weeks, but is sometimes extended to one month in cases of delayed receipt or receipt of the same goods from the same supplier.

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M-2a does not have a tear-off coupon, so it must be registered in the journal of issued powers of attorney. This is usually done by a clerk, secretary or employee responsible for recording documents in the organization.

This act is applied when the receipt of inventory items is of a massive nature, that is, it occurs on an ongoing contractual basis.

Its validity period, according to the law, can reach three years, but in practice such cases are rare. Typically, employers issue it for a short period of time and then extend it or replace it with a new one.

The tear-off coupon contains all the data necessary for issuance:

  • number;
  • Date of preparation;
  • duration of action;
  • position and full name of the employee receiving the goods;
  • Supplier name;
  • data from the document on the basis of which the supplier issues values;
  • number and date of the act confirming the execution of the order.

The form indicates:

  1. name of the organization that issued the document, its OKPO code;
  2. number and date of document preparation;
  3. period of validity of the document;
  4. name of the consumer and payer, their address; if this is the same organization, in the line “Payer” they write “same”;
  5. bank details of the payer (account account and bank name);
  6. position, full name, passport details of the authorized person;
  7. from whom and on what basis does the authorized person receive the goods;

The tabular part indicates inventory items, their quantity and unit of measurement. Below is the signature of the authorized representative, which must be certified by the signatures of the director of the enterprise, the chief accountant, and the seal of the organization.

The remaining empty columns of the form are crossed out.

If for some reason the act was not used, the employee must return it to the accounting department the next day after termination.

The document is marked with the inscription “not used” and is stored with the person responsible for registering powers of attorney, most often in the safe of the chief accountant.

Features of issuing a power of attorney to receive inventory items in form M-2, M-2a in 2019

The document is issued only to a specific employee of a given enterprise. It is not permissible to issue and use this act to third parties who do not work for the granting company.

All forms and sample documents for 2019>>>

The form must indicate its validity period; Typically, the payment terms for the documents on the basis of which inventory items are issued provide for a validity period of 15 days or a month if the shipments of this supplier are regular (scheduled).

The power of attorney in one copy is drawn up by the accounting employee and issues it to the authorized person against receipt. This act is presented along with your passport to confirm your identity. The data (number, full name of the authorized person, etc.) is entered into the corresponding columns of the documents accompanying the goods (consignment note TORG-12, TTN 1-T)

This type of act can be filled out manually or automatically. The second option allows you to avoid making mistakes, speeds up and simplifies the process, and overall has many advantages.

Power of attorney to receive goods and material assets (materials and materials)- this is a document that is issued by an organization to its employee and contains the right to receive goods and materials under an order or contract from a supplier.

Power of attorney form for receiving material assets

The power of attorney to receive material assets has 2 standard forms: M-2 and M-2a, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a. Form M-2 is used in the case of a one-time receipt of inventory materials; for regular receipt of inventory materials, form M-2a is used.

How to fill out a power of attorney form to receive material assets

Front side of the form:

  • In the upper right corner you must indicate the OKPO code of the organization in accordance with the statutory documents.
  • Below is the date of issue of the power of attorney, its number and expiration date.
    According to the law, the validity period of a power of attorney is up to 3 years. But in practice, it is usually issued for a period of one month when goods and materials are regularly received, then, if necessary, a new one is issued, and when goods and materials are received once, for a limited short period.
  • Information about the recipient and payer of the goods and materials: TIN, name of the organization, postal address. If the consumer and the payer are the same person, then the name of the payer is written “aka” in the line.
  • Then the bank details of the payer are indicated.
  • Information about the employee to whom the power of attorney is issued: his position, full name, passport details.
  • Next comes the name of the supplier and documents - the basis for issuing inventory materials.

Reverse side of the form:

  • The table indicates all the data on the received goods and materials; No., list of material assets, unit of measurement and quantity in words. The remaining empty space in the table must be crossed out after filling.

Below the table is a sample signature of the person to whom the power of attorney to receive inventory items has been issued.

The spine of the form indicates the number of the power of attorney, its validity period, the signature of the person to whom it was issued, what documents were used to obtain the goods and materials, the date and number of the document confirming receipt of the goods and materials. The counterfoil is filled out by the accountant and stored in the accounting department.

The power of attorney to receive goods and material assets is certified by the signature of the chief accountant, manager and the organization’s seal is affixed.

A power of attorney to receive goods between individuals is a document that is seen by the principal to another person and confirms the granting of the right to receive inventory items under a supply agreement, contract, etc.

Filling rules

To avoid any difficulties after receiving the goods, you must correctly fill out the power of attorney form for receiving goods and materials:

  1. First, indicate the name of the document, city and date of preparation.
  2. Provide information about the principal and authorized person (full name, passport details, address).
  3. You must enter information about the product and at what address it should be received.
  4. Duration of the power of attorney. By law, its validity period cannot exceed 3 years. However, in practice, the validity period of a power of attorney to receive goods does not exceed one month. If you need to receive the goods only once, you can specify a short limited period.
  5. At the end of the document, the principal puts his signature and the date of drawing up the power of attorney.

This document is submitted to the representative who will transfer the goods. In addition, the principal's representative must sign the invoice for receipt of the goods. In order for the principal to be identified, he must, along with the power of attorney, show his passport or other document confirming his identity.

It is worth noting that if a power of attorney is drawn up on behalf of a legal entity for an employee of the company, then the form of the power of attorney and its content will differ from the power of attorney drawn up between individuals.

Some collisions

If the goods will be received personally by an individual who is an entrepreneur, then there is no need to issue a power of attorney. At the same time, some counterparties sometimes require that the entrepreneur issue a power of attorney for himself. Such actions are contrary to the law. To receive inventory items, an entrepreneur only needs to present a passport and a certificate of state registration.

A power of attorney to receive goods is an official document by means of which one individual authorizes a second person to receive goods on his behalf. The concept of "power of attorney" was introduced.

Features of document preparation

Power of attorney form to receive goods

This document is drawn up in writing and is unified. That is, the compilation procedure is standard, established by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, but the information specified in it is unique. It is possible to fill out a standard form, as well as draw up a document in any form manually.

Important! A power of attorney on behalf of minors or incapacitated persons is issued by their legal representatives.

Notarization of a document if it is drawn up by an individual is not mandatory, but it is still advisable to do this, since this requirement can be put forward by the person to whom the power of attorney will be presented.

When drawing up a document, you must ensure that the information provided is correct. In case of the slightest discrepancy between the text of the document and, for example, the passport details of the authorized person, the paper will be declared invalid. Cross-outs and corrections are also not allowed.

When drawing up a document, the principal determines the terms of reference personally. If a document is drawn up on the basis of the right of delegation, it must be subject to notarization

  • name of the document, place of its preparation and signature of the principal;
  • information about the principal indicating passport details;
  • information about the authorized person indicating passport details;
  • information about the product to be received by an authorized person;
  • the address where the goods are located;
  • a complete list of powers granted;
  • right of subrogation;
  • the validity period of the document indicating its deadline;
  • date and signature.

The principal personally decides whether to grant the right of subrogation to the authorized person or not. In essence, reassignment () is the authorization of a third party to receive the specified goods. Here, first of all, you should be aware of the risk that the trustee, due to unforeseen circumstances, may not have time to fulfill the obligations assigned to them.

Document validity period

The validity period of the power of attorney and the procedure for its termination are specified.

Important! If the document does not indicate the date of its preparation, it is automatically invalidated.

Grounds for termination of a power of attorney to receive goods from an individual to an individual:

  • the fact of receipt of the goods has been completed;
  • the term of the power of attorney specified in its text has expired;
  • death of one of the parties, recognition of her as incompetent or missing.

In addition to these grounds, there is also the possibility of the trustee refusing to carry out the assignment, as well as the possibility of the document being revoked by the trustee. In any of these cases, the trustee/principal must notify the other party (). The authorized person must necessarily return the document issued to him to the principal.

After the termination of this document, the authority (if any) loses its validity.

Why is he entrusted to conduct business on my behalf, receive all the necessary documents, sign, pay and perform all actions related to the implementation of this order.

The powers under this power of attorney cannot be transferred to other persons.

The power of attorney is valid until “___” _____________ 20___.

Date ______________ Signature___________________________

The activities of a number of enterprises require fill. As a rule, it is used to obtain various material values, including money. A power of attorney must be issued to the person to whom they will be issued. In this case, a power of attorney to receive goods is issued exclusively to an employee of the organization.

Power of attorney to receive goods: form M-2

This type of document has two official forms. Form No. M-2 is intended to be obtained from the supplier of inventory materials once. In the case when inventory materials will be issued regularly, form No. M-2a is taken.

The forms differ in that the latter does not have a detachable spine, on the basis of which the form is used to record the issuance of powers of attorney. In this case, records are kept using a special journal. In any case, the document must be completed in only one copy.

Filling out a power of attorney to receive goods

Since a document is considered valid only if all its columns are filled out correctly, filling out a power of attorney to receive goods must be carried out with special care.

In the upper right corner, based on the classifier, the organization codes are indicated, as well as the date of filling out the power of attorney to receive the goods. Mandatory information includes its number and expiration date. The latter can be no more than three years, but most often the power of attorney to receive goods is issued for a month, and then a new one is issued each time. In the case of a one-time receipt, the document is usually issued for two weeks.

In the next column you need to write the details of the payer’s bank account, as well as information about the employee receiving the valuables: passport details, position. Power of attorney to receive goods provided along with the recipient's passport.

At the very bottom of the power of attorney form to receive goods, the documents on the basis of which the valuables are issued must be indicated.

On the back side power of attorney form to receive goods has a special table that contains the most accurate data about the valuables issued: serial number, name, quantity and unit of measurement. All columns are filled in completely, and if there is space left, a dash is added.

Sample of filling out a power of attorney to receive goods (form M-2):

At the bottom of the table, the power of attorney form for receiving goods must contain a sample signature of the person who will receive the valuables.

Completed power of attorney to receive goods must be certified by the manager, chief accountant and seal. Upon receipt of the document, the employee puts his signature on the spine or in the journal.

The spine contains information about the number and validity period of the power of attorney, who received it and on the basis of what documents, and the date of receipt. If the document is not used, it must be submitted to the accounting department, a note is made on the spine or in the journal that it was not used, and the completed power of attorney form to receive goods stored for a year.

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