Form route map GOST 3.1105. Examples of sketch map design

The standard establishes the forms and rules for the design of general-purpose technological documents: title page (TL), technological instructions (TI) and sketch maps (SC), developed using various design methods.

Designation: GOST 3.1105-84*
Russian name: ESTD. Forms and rules for preparing general documents
Status: active
Replaces: GOST 3.1110-75 “ESTD. Rules for the preparation of documents used in automated design of technological processes. General purpose documents" (except for sections 4 and 5) GOST 3.1105-74 (except for sections 5 and 6) GOST 3.1117-81 "ESTD. Front page. Design rules"
Date of text update: 01.10.2008
Date added to the database: 01.02.2009
Effective date: 01.01.1986
Designed by: State Standard of the USSR
Approved: State Standard of the USSR (11/30/1984)
Published: Publishing house of standards No. 1984
IPC Standards Publishing House No. 2001
IPC Standards Publishing House No. 2003

GOST 3.1105-84







Date of introduction 01.01.86

This standard establishes the forms and rules for the design of general-purpose technological documents: title page (TL), technological instructions (TI) and sketch maps (SC), developed using various design methods.


1.1. TL is used for registration:

A set of technological documents (hereinafter referred to as a set of documents) for individual technological processes (operations), specialized in manufacturing or repair methods;

A set of technological documentation (hereinafter referred to as a set of documentation) for technological processes of manufacturing or repairing products and (or) their components;

Separate technological documents (hereinafter referred to as documents), if they have independent application, for example, a bill of materials (BM), a bill of equipment (BO), etc.

It is allowed to draw up a TL for a set of documents (documentation) arranged in an album. When preparing a set of documents (documentation) in several albums, a TL is drawn up for each album, while fields 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the TL for the second and subsequent albums may not be filled out. The specific procedure for issuing TL for subsequent albums is established at the level of the industry of the enterprise (organization).

1.2. The TL is the first sheet of a set of technological documents (documentation). The mandatory use of TL is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level.

1.1, 1.2.

1.3. TL should be drawn up on forms - :

The form is used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A4 format with a vertical position of the filing field (or with a predominance of documents made in this format);

The form is used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A4 format with a horizontal filing field (or the predominance of documents made in this format);

The form is used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A3 format (or with a predominance of documents made in this format);

The form is used for a set of documents (documentation) made by computer-aided design (or with a predominance of such documents in the set) on alphanumeric printing devices (ADP), having a maximum number of printing steps per line equal tot max = 128.

Note: When developing a set of documents (documentation) using an automated design method for documents that have t max = 70 or t max = 110, appropriate registration of the TL in the form or is allowed. Design of documents should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.004.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4. Data recording in the TL should be performed in accordance with the requirements GOST 3.1129And GOST 3.1130.

It is allowed to record data in the TL in mixed ways: typographical, typewritten, handwritten and using rubber stamps.

1.5. The TTL should be indicated:

In field 1 - the name of the ministry or department, the system of which includes the organization (enterprise) that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:


It is allowed to write:

Below the name of the ministry or department is the name of the industrial association (head office, trust, etc.), which includes the organization (enterprise) that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:



The name of the developer organization if it is impossible to enter this name in column 1 of the main inscription, for example:


In this case, column 1 of the title block is not filled in.

Mandatory completion of field 1 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level;

In field 2 - on the left side of the field - the position and signature of the person who approved the set(s) of documents (documentation) from the customer, indicating, if necessary, the name (designation) of the relevant organization, on the right side of the field - the position and signature of the person who approved the set(s) ) documents (documentation). The location of the approval and approval marks in field 2 is determined by the document developer in preparation for the reproduction of forms. Registration of approval and approval stamps - in accordance with GOST 6.38*.

*GOSTR 6.30-97 is in force in the Russian Federation.

The mandatory and completeness of filling out field 2 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level;

In field 3 - the name of the set of documents (documentation) or the name of the type of document.

Recording data in field 3 should be done in the following order:

On the first line in capital letters - the name of a set of documents (documentation) or a separate type of document, for example:







On the second and subsequent lines in lowercase letters - for a set of technological documentation - an indication of the general concept of manufacturing or repair of a product (parts, assembly units) without indicating the method used, for example:


product manufacturing

For a set of documents for a technological process (operation) - the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process (operation) for organizing production, for example, a single technological process (UTP), a standard (group) technological process TTP (GTP), a standard (group) technological operation TO (GO) and the name of the main technological method used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components, for example:


for a group technological process of electrolytic coating



on GTP electrolytic coating.


Write on the second and subsequent lines in capital letters;

Do not indicate the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process according to its organization for individual technological processes;

Indicate in parentheses the design option of products and (or) their components, for example:


for the assembly process

(tropical version)

Indicate for sets of documents (documentation) bound in an album (albums), after the name of the technological process, on a new line, the name and designation of several products (parts, assembly units) included in this album (albums);

In field 4 - on the left side of the field - positions and signatures of persons who confirmed the approval of a set of documents (documentation), a separate type of document with the divisions of the enterprise (organization) responsible for individual technological methods used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components , for example, chief metallurgist, chief welder, etc.; on the right side of the field - the positions and signatures of persons responsible for the development of a set (sets) of documents (documentation) or a separate type of document. To the right of each signature are the initials and surname of the person who signed the document, and below the signature is the date of signing.


1. In order to avoid duplication of information, signatures of responsible persons that are not included in the main inscription of the main document are placed in field 4, for example, if there is a signature of the head of the technological bureau in the route map, this signature should not be included on the TL.

The nomenclature of officials involved in the coordination and development of documents (documentation) is established at the level of the industry or enterprise (organization).

Additional visas of officials, if necessary, may be indicated in the field of the TL filing.

2.Writing data in field 4 can be done in one or two lines;

In field 5 - the number of the act and the date of implementation of the technological process (operation), indicating the implementation of a set of documents (documentation) into production, for example:

ACT No. 14-82 dated 04/16/83

Mandatory completion of field 5 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level;

In field 6 - a mark on the compliance of the set (sets) of documents (documentation) on technological processes (operations) with individual “Regulations” or “Guidelines” in force in industries.

Mandatory completion of field 6 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level.

1.6. If it is necessary to indicate information about the order (contract) number, the corresponding information should be entered in column 23 of block B5 of the main inscription in accordance with the requirements at the industry or enterprise (organization) level.

1.5, 1.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.7. To indicate the total number of sheets in a set of documents, album (folder), you should follow the requirements GOST 3.1119. The total number of albums (folders) and the serial number of the album (folder) should be indicated respectively in columns 26 and 27 of block B5 of the main inscription.

1.8. For TL published by typographic method, variable data is not indicated in fields 2 - 4.

1.9. Examples of TL registration are given in the appendix.


2.1. To develop TI, forms and should be used.

2.2. TI is used to describe:

Technological processes that are continuous in nature, for example technological processes of metallurgical production, chemical production, etc.;

Technological processes specialized in individual methods used for the manufacture or repair of products and (or) their components, the document forms of which are not established by ESTD standards;

Work of a general and repetitive nature, regardless of the composition of the products being manufactured or repaired and (or) their components, for example, the preparation of electrolytic solutions, adhesives, resins, compounds, mixtures of materials, etc.;

Rules for the operation of technological equipment;

Physical and chemical phenomena arising during the performance of individual technological operations;

Setting up and adjustment work, etc.

2.3. Reflection of occupational safety requirements in technical regulations - according to GOST 3.1120.

2.4. The rules for registering a TI are determined by its purpose.

2.4.1. The description in technical specifications should be carried out in the technological sequence of actions and in accordance with the requirements GOST 3.1129And GOST 3.1130.

2.4.2. When developing TI, an introductory part should be provided, which should reflect the scope and purpose of this document.

2.4.3. Depending on the content, the text of the TI can be divided into sections and subsections. In this case, paragraphs should be numbered in accordance with the requirements GOST 2.105.

2.4.4. For the convenience of making changes and processing information contained in the TI, it is allowed to enter a column to indicate the numbering of lines similar to the MK forms for GOST 3.1118.

2.6. To reduce the composition of documents used in the development of technical specifications, it is allowed:

Instead of the TL, use the TI form, with information specific to the TL placed throughout the entire field of the document or only in the upper part of the document field with the introduction, if necessary, of the data contained in fields 4 - 6, leaving the lower part for recording the main content of the TI;

Create graphic illustrations and tables directly on TI forms.

2.7. An example of TI design is given in the appendix.


3.1. FE is used to develop graphic illustrations, tables for text documents, performed in formats according to GOST 2.301.

3.2. To develop FE, the following forms should be used:

6 and 6a - for A4 format with a vertical arrangement of the filing field;

7 and 7a - for A4 format with a horizontal arrangement of the filing field;

8 and 8a - for A3 format.

The indicated forms of FE are shown in Fig. .

It is allowed to use other formats for CE in accordance with GOST 2.301, affixing the next sequential form number on it.

When developing FEs made in the following formats:

Smaller than A4 - the dimensions and location of the main inscription blocks should be similar to the FE form made on A4 format with a vertical position of the filing field;

Larger A3 - the dimensions and location of blocks B1, B2, B3 and B5 of the main inscription must be similar to the corresponding blocks of the FE form made in A3 format.

3.3. The design of FE does not depend on the design methods used. Requirements for registration of CE - according to GOST 3.1129And GOST 3.1130.

3.4. When developing FE, column 3 of the title block is not filled in.

(approved by Decree of the USSR State Standard dated November 30, 1984 N 4070)

Revision dated 07/01/1990 - The document is not valid



GOST 3.1105-84

Unified system of technological documentation. Forms and rules of making general - purpose documents

(as amended by Changes No. 1)

Date of introduction 01/01/86


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


V.F. Kurochkin, Ph.D. those. sciences; Yu.Ya. Vengerovsky, Ph.D. those. sciences; B.S. Mendrikov (topic leader); E.A. Loboda; A.Yu. Voronova

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR of November 30, 1984 N 4070

3. THE STANDARD IS UNIFIED with the national standards of the GDR TGL 42327 and TGL 42327 - 02 in terms of the composition of types of general-purpose technological documents, forms of machine-oriented technological documents of general purpose, intended for computer-aided design and processing of the information contained in them; rules for preparing technological document forms

4. INSTEAD GOST 3.1105-74 except sections 5 and 6, GOST 3110-75 except sections 4 and 5, GOST 3117-81.


Designation of the referenced technical documentationItem number
GOST 6.38-901.5
GOST 2.004-881.3
GOST 2.105-792.4.3
GOST 2.301-683.1,3.2
GOST 3.1103-821.3
GOST 3.1104-811.4, 2.4.1, 3.3
GOST 3.1118-822.4.4
GOST 3.1119-831.7
GOST 3.1120-832.3

6. REISSUE (December 1991) with Amendment No. 1, approved in July 1990 (IUS 11 - 90)

This standard establishes the forms and rules for the design of general-purpose technological documents: title page (TL), technological instructions (TI) and sketch maps (SC), developed using various design methods. (as amended by Changes No. 1)


1.1.TL is used when registering:

It is allowed to issue a TL for a set of documents (documentation) drawn up in an album. When preparing a set of documents (documentation) in several albums, the TL is drawn up for each album, while fields 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the TL for the second and subsequent albums may not be filled out. The specific procedure for issuing TL for subsequent albums is established at the level of the industry of the enterprise (organization). (as amended by Changes No. 1)

1.2. The TL is the first sheet of a set of technological documents (documentation).

The mandatory use of TL is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

1.3. TL should be drawn up on forms 1 - 4:

Form 1 should be used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A4 format with a vertical position of the filing margin (or with a predominance of documents made in this format);

Form 2 should be used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A4 format with a horizontal filing field (or with a predominance of documents made in this format);

Form 3 should be used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A3 format (or with a predominance of documents made in this format);

Form 4 should be used for a set of documents (documentation) made by computer-aided design (or with a predominance of such documents in the set) on alphanumeric printing devices (ADP) having a maximum number of printing steps per line equal to t_max = 128.

Note. When developing a set of documents (documentation) using an automated design method for documents with t_max = 70 or t_max = 110, the corresponding design of the TL in form 1 or form 2 is allowed. Design of documents should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.004-88. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

1.4. Data recording in the TL should be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1104-81. It is allowed to record data in the TL in mixed ways: typographical, typewritten, handwritten and using rubber stamps.

1.5. The TL should indicate:

in field 1 - the name of the ministry or department, the system of which includes the organization (enterprise) that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:


It is allowed to write:

Below the name of the ministry or department is the name of the industrial association (head office, trust, etc.), which includes the organization (enterprise) that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:


the name of the developer organization if it is impossible to enter this name in column 1 of the main inscription, for example:


In this case, column 1 of the main inscription is not filled out.

Mandatory field completion Stops at the industry or enterprise (organization) level;

in field 2 - on the left side of the field - the position and signature of the person who approved the set (sets) of documents (documentation) from the customer, indicating, if necessary, the name (designation) of the relevant organization, on the right side of the field - the position and signature of the person who approved the set (sets) of documents (documentation). The location of the approval and approval marks in field 2 is determined by the document developer in preparation for the reproduction of forms. Registration of approval and approval stamps - in accordance with GOST 6.38-90.

The mandatory and completeness of filling out field 2 is established at the level of the industry or enterprise (organization)

in field 3 - the name of the set of documents (documentation) or the name of the type of document

Recording data in field 3 should be done in the following order: on the first line in capital letters - the name of a set of documents (documentation) or a separate type of document, for example:




on the second and subsequent lines in lowercase letters - for a set of technological documentation - an indication of the general concept of manufacturing or repair of a product (parts, assembly units) without indicating the method used, for example:

product manufacturing

for a set of documents for a technological process (operation) - the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process (operation) for organizing production, for example, unit technological process (UTP), standard (group) technological process TTPP (GTP), standard (group) technological process maintenance (TO) operation and the name of the main technological method used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components, for example:

for the group technological process of electrolytic coating


on GTP electrolytic coating.


write on the second and subsequent lines in capital letters;

do not indicate the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process according to its organization for individual technological processes;

indicate in brackets the design option of products and (or) their components, for example:

for the assembly process
(tropical version);

indicate for sets of documents (documentation) bound in an album (albums), after the name of the technological process, on a new line, the name and designation of several products (parts, assembly units) included in this album (albums);

in field 4 - on the left side of the field - positions and signatures of persons who confirmed the approval of a set of documents (documentation), a separate type of document with the divisions of the enterprise (organization) responsible for individual technological methods used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components, for example, chief metallurgist, chief welder, etc.; on the right side of the field - positions and signatures of persons responsible for the development of a set (sets) of documents (documentation) or a separate type of document. To the right of each signature are the initials and surname of the person who signed the document, and below the signature is the date of signing. (as amended by Changes No. 1)


1. In order to avoid duplication of information, signatures of responsible persons that are not included in the main inscription of the main document are placed in field 4, for example, if there is a signature of the head of the technological bureau in the route map, this signature should not be included on the TL.

The nomenclature of officials involved in the coordination and development of documents (documentation) is established at the level of the industry or enterprise (organization).

Additional visas of officials, if necessary, may be indicated in the field of the TL filing.

2. Data can be written to field 4 in one or two lines;

in field 5 - the act number and date of implementation of the technological process (operation), indicating the introduction of a set of documents (documentation) into production, for example:

ACT N 14 - 82 from 04/16/83

Mandatory completion of field 5 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level;

in field 6 - a mark on the compliance of the set (sets) of documents (documentation) for technological processes (operations) with individual “Regulations” or “Guidelines” in force in industries.

Mandatory completion of field 6 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

1.6. If it is necessary to indicate information about the order (contract) number, the corresponding information should be entered in column 23 of block B5 of the main inscription in accordance with the requirements at the industry or enterprise (organization) level. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

1.7. To indicate the total number of sheets in a set of documents, album (folder), you should follow the requirements of GOST 3.1119-83. The total number of albums (folders) and the serial number of the album (folder) should be indicated respectively in columns 26 and 27 of block B5 of the main inscription.

1.8. For TL published by printing, variable data is not indicated in fields 2 - 4.

1.9. Examples of TL registration are given in Appendix 1.


2.1. To develop technical specifications, forms 5 and 5a should be used.

2.2.TI is used to describe:

technological processes that are continuous in nature, for example technological processes of metallurgical production, chemical production, etc.;

technological processes specialized in individual methods used for the manufacture or repair of products and (or) their components, the document forms of which are not established by ESTD standards;

work of a general and repetitive nature, regardless of the composition of the products being manufactured or repaired and (or) their components, for example, the preparation of electrolytic solutions, adhesives, resins, compounds, mixtures of materials, etc.

rules for operating technological equipment;

physical and chemical phenomena that arise during the performance of individual technological operations;

tuning and adjustment work, etc.

2.3. Reflection of occupational safety requirements in technical regulations - in accordance with GOST 3.1120-83.

2.4. The rules for registering a technical license are determined by its purpose.

2.4.1. The description in the technical specifications should be carried out in the technological sequence of actions and in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1104-81.

2.4.2. When developing technical specifications, an introductory part should be provided, which should reflect the scope and purpose of this document.

2.4.3. Depending on the content, the text of the TI can be divided into sections and subsections. In this case, the numbering of points should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.105-79.

2.4.4. For the convenience of making changes and processing information contained in the TI, it is allowed to enter a column to indicate the numbering of lines similar to the MK forms according to GOST 3.1118-82.

2.5. When drawing up a TI with a TL, form 5a should be used to describe the content of the TI, indicating the composition of the performers in field 4 of the TL.

2.6. To reduce the composition of documents used in the development of TI, it is allowed: instead of the TL, use Form 5 of the TI, with information specific to the TL placed throughout the entire field of the document or only at the top of the zero of the document with the introduction, if necessary, of the data contained in the margins 4, 5 and 6, leaving the lower part for recording the main content of TI;

perform graphic illustrations and tables directly on TI forms.

2.7. An example of TI registration is given in Appendix 2.


3.1.FE is used to develop graphic illustrations, tables for text documents and is performed in formats in accordance with GOST 2.301-68.

3.2. To develop FE, the following forms should be used:

6 and 6a - for A4 format with a vertical position of the filing margin;

7 and 7a - for A4 format with a horizontal filing field;

8 and 8a - for A3 format.

The indicated forms of FE are shown in Fig. 1.

It is allowed to use other formats for FE in accordance with GOST 2.301-68, affixing the next sequential form number on it.

When developing FEs made in the following formats:

smaller than A4 - the dimensions and arrangement of the blocks of the main inscription should be similar to the FE form made on A4 format with a vertical position of the filing field;

larger than A3 - the dimensions and location of blocks B1, B2, B3 and B5 of the main inscription must be similar to the corresponding blocks of the FE form made in A3 format.

3.3. The design of FE does not depend on the design methods used. Requirements for registration of CE are in accordance with GOST 3.1104-81.

3.4. When developing FE, column 3 of the title block is not filled in.

When developing one CE for several operations, columns 8 - 11 of the main inscription are filled in, and the operation numbers in this case are entered:

with one general sketch for several operations - under the main inscription;

with several sketches - above each sketch.

3.5. To shorten the registration procedure, it is allowed to use subsequent sheets instead of the first or title sheet of the CE, if the CE and the main technological document are developed by the same contractor. In this case, on the CE in column 4 of the main inscription, the designation of the document to which the CE relates should be indicated using continuous numbering of sheets within this document. For example, when describing a cutting operation on two sheets OK, the sketch is made on form 7a, while the FE is assigned the designation OK and the serial number of the document sheet is 3.



  • Additional information about the features of the technique.
  • Historical information about the methodology of vocational training as a science
  • GOST 3.1105-2011 ESTD. Forms and rules for preparing general documents

    GOST 3.1105-2011

    Group T53


    Unified system of technological documentation


    Unified system of technological documentation. Forms and rules of making general-purpose documents

    ISS 01.110
    OKSTU 0003

    Date of introduction 2012-01-01


    The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

    Standard information

    1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (FSUE "VNIINMASH"), the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" )

    2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

    3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 39 of May 12, 2011)

    Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97 Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97 Abbreviated name of the national standardization body
    Azerbaijan AZ Azstandard
    Armenia A.M. Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
    Belarus BY State Standard of the Republic of Belarus
    Kazakhstan KZ Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Kyrgyzstan KG Kyrgyzstandard
    Moldova M.D. Moldova-Standard
    Russian Federation RU Rosstandart
    Tajikistan T.J. Tajikstandard
    Uzbekistan UZ Uzstandard
    Ukraine U.A. Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

    4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated August 3, 2011 N 212-st, the interstate standard GOST 3.1105-2011 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2012.

    5 INSTEAD GOST 3.1105-84

    Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

    Information about changes to this standard is published in the “National Standards” index, and the text of the changes is published in the “National Standards” information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

    Amendment made by database manufacturer

    1 Application area

    This standard establishes forms and rules for the design of general-purpose technological documents: title page, technological instructions and sketch maps developed using various design methods.

    Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards taking into account the specifics of the application and circulation of these documents in the organization (enterprise).

    This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

    GOST 2.004-88 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices

    GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

    GOST 2.052-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic model of the product. General provisions

    GOST 2.105-95 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements for text documents

    GOST 2.301-68 Unified system of design documentation. Formats

    GOST 3.1103-2011 Unified system of technological documentation. Basic inscriptions. General provisions

    GOST 3.1118-82 Unified system of technological documentation. Forms and rules for issuing route maps

    GOST 3.1119-83 Unified system of technological documentation. General requirements for the completeness and execution of sets of documents for individual technological processes

    GOST 3.1120-83 Unified system of technological documentation. General rules for reflecting and recording occupational safety requirements in technological documentation

    GOST 3.1128-93 Unified system of technological documentation. General rules for the execution of graphic technological documents

    GOST 3.1129-93 Unified system of technological documentation. General rules for recording technological information in technological documents for technological processes and operations

    GOST 3.1130-93 Unified system of technological documentation. General requirements for forms and forms of documents

    Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

    3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

    1 | |



    The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

    Standard information

    1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (FSUE "VNIINMASH"), the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" )

    2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

    3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 39 dated May 12, 2011)

    Short name of the country by MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

    Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

    Abbreviated name of the national standardization body




    Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


    State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


    Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan





    Russian Federation







    Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

    4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated August 3, 2011 No. 212-st, the interstate standard GOST 3.1105-2011 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2012.

    6 REPUBLICATION. January 2012

    Information O introduction V action (termination actions) present standard published V index "National standards".

    Information about changes To present standard published V index "National standards", A text changes - V information signs "National standards". IN case revision or cancellations present standard appropriate information will published V informational index "National standards"


    Unified system of technological documentation


    Unified system of technological documentation.
    Forms and rules of making general-purpose documents

    Date of introduction- 2012-01-01

    1 Application area

    This standard establishes forms and rules for the design of general-purpose technological documents: title page, technological instructions and sketch maps developed using various design methods.

    Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards taking into account the specifics of the application and circulation of these documents in the organization (enterprise).

    2 Normative references

    This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

    Note - When using the typographic method of creating a document form, it is allowed to indicate the form designation (standard designation and form number) in the upper right corner above the frame.

    4.2 Requirements for electronic technological documents - according to GOST 2.051 and GOST 2.052.

    4.3 Electronic technological documents must have all the necessary data to display the document on information display media and on paper in accordance with the instructions of this standard.

    4.4 The values ​​of details (attributes) in the blocks of the title block are indicated in accordance with the requirements of this standard and GOST 3.1103.

    Note - For documents received on paper using alphanumeric printing devices, you must additionally follow the instructions of GOST 2.004.

    5 Rules for the design of the title page

    5.1 TL is used when registering:

    A set of technological documents (hereinafter referred to as a set of documents) for individual technological processes (operations), specialized in manufacturing or repair methods;

    A set of technological documentation (hereinafter referred to as a set of documentation) for technological processes of manufacturing or repairing products and (or) their components;

    Separate technological documents (hereinafter referred to as documents), if they have independent application, for example VM, VO, etc.

    It is allowed to issue a TL for a set of documents (documentation) in paper form, arranged in an album. When preparing a set of documents (documentation) in paper form in several albums, the TL is drawn up for each album, while fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the TL for the second and subsequent albums may not be filled out. The specific procedure for preparing the TL for subsequent albums is established by the organization developing the set of documents.

    5.2 The TL is the first sheet of a set of documents (documentation).

    The mandatory use of TL is established by the organization developing the set of documents.

    5.3 For registration of TL you should use the following forms:

    5.4 Data recording in the TL should be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1129 and GOST 3.1130.

    For paper documents, it is allowed to record data in the TL in mixed ways: typographical, typewritten, handwritten and using rubber stamps.

    5.5 The TL should indicate:

    In field 1 - the name of the higher-level organization, the system of which includes the organization that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:


    It is allowed to write:

    Below the name of the superior organization is the name of the industrial association, which includes the organization that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:


    The name of the developer organization if it is impossible to enter this name in column 1 of the main inscription, for example:


    In this case, column 1 of the main inscription is not filled in;

    In field 2 - on the left side of the field - the position and signature of the person who approved the set(s) of documents (documentation) from the customer, indicating, if necessary, the name (designation) of the relevant organization, on the right side of the field- position and signature of the person who approved the set(s) of documents (documentation).

    The location of the approval and approval marks in field 2 is determined by the document developer.

    In field 3 - the name of the set of documents (documentation) or the name of the type of document.

    Recording data in field 3 should be done in the following order:

    On the first line in capital letters - the name of a set of documents (documentation) or a separate type of document, for example:


    On the second and subsequent lines in lowercase letters - for a set of technological documentation - an indication of the general concept of manufacturing or repairing a product (parts, assembly units) without indicating the method used, for example:

    product manufacturing

    For a set of documents for a technological process (operation) - the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process (operation) for organizing production, for example, a unit technological process (UTP), a standard (group) technological process TTP (GTP), a standard (group) technological operation Maintenance (TO) and the name of the main technological method used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components, for example:

    for the group technological process of electrolytic coating
    on GTP electrolytic coating


    Write on the second and subsequent lines in capital letters;

    Do not indicate the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process according to its organization for individual technological processes;

    Indicate in parentheses the design option of products and (or) their components, for example:

    for the assembly process
    (tropical version)

    For sets of documents (documentation) bound into an album (albums), after the name of the technological process, indicate on a new line the name and designation of several products (parts, assembly units) included in this album (albums);

    Indicate in field 4 - on the left side of the field - the positions and signatures of the persons who confirmed the approval of a set of documents (documentation), a separate type of document with the divisions of the enterprise responsible for individual technological methods used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components , for example, chief metallurgist, chief welder, etc.; on the right side of the field - positions and signatures of persons responsible for the development of the document set(s)com (documentation) or a separate type of document. To the right of each signature are the initials and surname of the person who signed the document, and below the signature is the date of signing.


    1 In order to avoid duplication of information, signatures of responsible persons that are not included in the main inscription of the main document are placed in field 4, for example, if there is a signature of the head of the technological bureau in the route map, this signature should not be included on the TL.

    The list of officials involved in the approval and development of documents (documentation) is established by the organization.

    Additional visas of officials on a paper document, if necessary, may be indicated in the field of the TL binder.

    2 Data entry in field 4 can be done in one or two lines;

    Indicate in field 5 the number of the act and the date of implementation of the technological process (operation), indicating the introduction of a set of documents (documentation) into production, for example:

    ACT No. 14-82 dated 04/23/09

    Make a note in field 6 about the compliance of the set(s) of documents (documentation) for technological processes with the individual “Regulations” or “Guidelines” in force in the organization (enterprise).

    Note - The obligatory and completeness of filling out fields 1, 2, 5 and 6 is established by the organization (enterprise).

    5.6 If it is necessary to indicate information about the order (contract) number, the corresponding information should be entered in column 28 of block B5 (GOST 3.1103) of the main inscription in accordance with the requirements at the industry or enterprise level.

    5.7 To indicate the total number of sheets in a set of documents, album (folder), you should be guided by the requirements of GOST 3.1119. The total number of albums (folders) and the serial number of the album (folder) should be indicated respectively in columns 31 and 32 of block B5 of the main inscription.

    5.8 For TL published by printing, variable data is not indicated in fields 2 - 4.

    5.9 Examples of registration of TL are given in the appendix.

    GOST 3.1105-84







    Date of introduction 01.01.86

    This standard establishes the forms and rules for the design of general-purpose technological documents: title page (TL), technological instructions (TI) and sketch maps (SC), developed using various design methods.


    1.1. TL is used when preparing: - a set of technological documents (hereinafter referred to as a set of documents) for individual technological processes (operations), specialized in manufacturing or repair methods; - a set of technological documentation (hereinafter referred to as a set of documentation) for technological processes of manufacturing or repairing products and (or) their components; - individual technological documents (hereinafter referred to as documents), if they have independent application, for example, a bill of materials (BM), a bill of equipment (BO), etc. It is allowed to issue a TL for a set of documents (documentation) drawn up in an album. When preparing a set of documents (documentation) in several albums, the TL is drawn up for each album, while fields 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the TL for the second and subsequent albums may not be filled out. The specific procedure for issuing TL for subsequent albums is established at the level of the industry of the enterprise (organization). 1.2. The TL is the first sheet of a set of technological documents (documentation). The mandatory use of TL is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level. 1.1, 1.2. 1.3. TL should be drawn up on forms 1 - 4: - form 1 is used for a set of documents (documentation) made on A4 format with a vertical position of the filing field (or with a predominance of documents made on this format); - form 2 is used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A4 format with a horizontal filing field (or with a predominance of documents made in this format); - form 3 is used for a set of documents (documentation) made in A3 format (or with a predominance of documents made in this format); - form 4 is used for a set of documents (documentation) made by computer-aided design (or with a predominance of such documents in the set) on alphanumeric printing devices (ADP), having a maximum number of printing steps per line equal to t max = 128. Note. When developing a set of documents (documentation) using an automated design method for documents that have t max = 70 or t max = 110, appropriate registration of TL in form 1 or 2 is allowed. Documents should be designed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.004. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 1.4. Recording data in the TL should be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1129 and GOST 3.1130. It is allowed to record data in the TL in mixed ways: typographical, typewritten, handwritten and using rubber stamps. 1.5. The TL should indicate: - in field 1 - the name of the ministry or department, the system of which includes the organization (enterprise) that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:


    It is allowed to write: - below the name of the ministry or department, the name of the industrial association (head office, trust, etc.), which includes the organization (enterprise) that developed this set (sets) of documents (documentation), for example:



    The name of the developer organization if it is impossible to enter this name in column 1 of the main inscription, for example:


    In this case, column 1 of the main inscription is not filled out. Mandatory completion of field 1 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level; - in field 2 - on the left side of the field - the position and signature of the person who approved the set(s) of documents (documentation) from the customer, indicating, if necessary, the name (designation) of the relevant organization, on the right side of the field - the position and signature of the person who approved set(s) of documents (documentation). The location of the approval and approval marks in field 2 is determined by the document developer in preparation for the reproduction of forms. Registration of approval and approval marks - in accordance with GOST 6.38*.* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 6.30-97 is in force. The mandatory and completeness of filling out field 2 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level; - in field 3 - the name of the set of documents (documentation) or the name of the type of document. Recording data in field 3 should be done in the following order: - on the first line in capital letters - the name of a set of documents (documentation) or a separate type of document, for example:




    On the second and subsequent lines in lowercase letters - for a set of technological documentation - an indication of the general concept of manufacturing or repairing a product (parts, assembly units) without indicating the method used, for example:


    product manufacturing

    For a set of documents for a technological process (operation) - the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process (operation) for organizing production, for example, a unit technological process (UTP), a standard (group) technological process TTP (GTP), a standard (group) technological operation Maintenance (TO) and the name of the main technological method used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components, for example:


    for the group technological process of electrolytic coating


    on GTP electrolytic coating.

    It is allowed: - write on the second and subsequent lines in capital letters; - do not indicate the name (or abbreviation) of the type of technological process according to its organization for individual technological processes; - indicate in brackets the design option of products and (or) their components, for example:


    for the assembly process

    (tropical version)

    Indicate for sets of documents (documentation) bound in an album (albums), after the name of the technological process, on a new line, the name and designation of several products (parts, assembly units) included in this album (albums); - in field 4 - on the left side of the field - positions and signatures of persons who confirmed the approval of a set of documents (documentation), a separate type of document with the divisions of the enterprise (organization) responsible for individual technological methods used in the manufacture (repair) of products and (or) their components, for example, chief metallurgist, chief welder, etc.; on the right side of the field - positions and signatures of persons responsible for the development of a set (sets) of documents (documentation) or a separate type of document. To the right of each signature are the initials and surname of the person who signed the document, and below the signature is the date of signing. Notes: 1. In order to avoid duplication of information, signatures of responsible persons that are not included in the main inscription of the main document are placed in field 4, for example, if there is a signature of the head of the technological bureau in the route map, this signature should not be included on the TL. The nomenclature of officials involved in the coordination and development of documents (documentation) is established at the level of the industry or enterprise (organization). Additional visas of officials, if necessary, may be indicated in the field of the TL filing. 2. Data can be written to field 4 in one or two lines; - in field 5 - the act number and date of implementation of the technological process (operation), indicating the introduction of a set of documents (documentation) into production, for example:

    ACT No. 14-82 dated 04/16/83

    Mandatory completion of field 5 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level; - in field 6 - a mark on the compliance of the set (sets) of documents (documentation) for technological processes (operations) with individual “Regulations” or “Guidelines” in force in industries. Mandatory completion of field 6 is established at the industry or enterprise (organization) level. 1.6. If it is necessary to indicate information about the order (contract) number, the corresponding information should be entered in column 23 of block B5 of the main inscription in accordance with the requirements at the industry or enterprise (organization) level. 1.5, 1.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 1.7. To indicate the total number of sheets in a set of documents, album (folder), you should follow the requirements of GOST 3.1119. The total number of albums (folders) and the serial number of the album (folder) should be indicated respectively in columns 26 and 27 of block B5 of the main inscription. 1.8. For TL published by printing, variable data is not indicated in fields 2 - 4. 1.9. Examples of TL registration are given in Appendix 1.


    2.1. To develop technical specifications, forms 5 and 5a should be used. 2.2. TI is used to describe: - technological processes that are continuous in nature, for example technological processes of metallurgical production, chemical production, etc.; - technological processes specialized in individual methods used for the manufacture or repair of products and (or) their components, the document forms of which are not established by ESTD standards; - work of a general and repetitive nature, regardless of the composition of the products being manufactured or repaired and (or) their components, for example the preparation of electrolytic solutions, adhesives, resins, compounds, mixtures of materials, etc.; - rules for operating technological equipment; - physical and chemical phenomena that arise during the performance of individual technological operations; - tuning and adjustment work, etc. 2.3. Reflection of occupational safety requirements in TI - in accordance with GOST 3.1120. 2.4. The rules for registering a TI are determined by its purpose. 2.4.1. The description in the TI should be carried out in the technological sequence of actions and in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1129 and GOST 3.1130. 2.4.2. When developing technical specifications, an introductory part should be provided, which should reflect the scope and purpose of this document. 2.4.3. Depending on the content, the text of the TI can be divided into sections and subsections. In this case, the numbering of points should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.105. 2.4.4. For the convenience of making changes and processing information contained in the TI, it is allowed to enter a column to indicate the numbering of lines similar to the MK forms according to GOST 3.1118. 2.5. When drawing up a TI with a TL, form 5a should be used to describe the content of the TI, indicating the composition of the performers in field 4 of the TL. 2.6. To reduce the composition of documents used in the development of TI, it is allowed: - instead of a TL, use Form 5 of TI, with information specific to the TL placed throughout the entire field of the document or only in the upper part of the document field, with the introduction, if necessary, of the data contained on fields 4 - 6, leaving the lower part for recording the main content of the TI; - create graphic illustrations and tables directly on TI forms. 2.7. An example of TI registration is given in Appendix 2.


    3.1. FE is used to develop graphic illustrations, tables for text documents and is performed in formats in accordance with GOST 2.301. 3.2. To develop FE, the following forms should be used: - 6 and 6a - for A4 format with a vertical position of the filing field; - 7 and 7a - for A4 format with a horizontal filing field; - 8 and 8a - for A3 format. The indicated forms of FE are shown in Fig. 1. It is allowed to use other formats for FE in accordance with GOST 2.301, affixing the next sequential form number on it. When developing FEs made on formats: - smaller than A4 - the dimensions and location of the main inscription blocks should be similar to the form of FEs made on A4 format with a vertical position of the filing field; - larger than A3 - the dimensions and location of blocks B1, B2, B3 and B5 of the main inscription must be similar to the corresponding blocks of the FE form made in A3 format. 3.3. The design of FE does not depend on the design methods used. Requirements for registration of CE are in accordance with GOST 3.1129 and GOST 3.1130. 3.4. When developing FE, column 3 of the title block is not filled in. When developing one FE for several operations, columns 8 - 11 of the main inscription are not filled in, and the operation numbers in this case are indicated: - with one general sketch for several operations - under the main inscription; - with several sketches - above each sketch. 3.5. To shorten the registration procedure, it is allowed to use subsequent sheets instead of the first or title sheet of the CE, if the CE and the main technological document are developed by the same contractor. In this case, on the CE in column 4 of the main inscription, the designation of the document to which the CE relates should be indicated using continuous numbering of sheets within this document. For example, when describing a cutting operation on two sheets OK, the sketch is made on form 7a, while the CE is assigned the designation KO and the serial number of the document sheet is indicated - 3. 3.6. An example of CE design is given in Appendix 3.







    Crap. 1








    1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 30, 1984 No. 4070 3. THE STANDARD IS UNIFIED with the TGL 42327 and TGL 42327-02 standards in terms of the composition of types of general-purpose technological documents, forms of machine-oriented general-purpose technological documents intended for computer-aided design and processing of the information contained in them; rules for preparing technological document forms 4. INSTEAD GOST 3.1105-74, except for section. 5 and 6, GOST 3.1110-75, except section. 4 and 5, GOST 3.1117-815. REFERENCE REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS

    Item number

    GOST 2.004-88
    GOST 2.105-95
    GOST 2.301-68
    GOST 3.1103-82
    GOST 3.1118-82
    GOST 3.1119-83
    GOST 3.1120-83
    GOST 3.1129-93

    1.4 , 2.4.1, 3.3

    GOST 3.1130-93

    1.4 , 2.4.1, 3.3

    GOST 6.38-90
    6. EDITION (April 2001) with Change No. 1, approved in July 1990 (IUS 11-90)
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