Form for certificate of income for subsidy. Certificate of income for subsidy

The issue of receiving subsidies is regulated 159th articles of the Housing Code Russian Federation. The government decree of December 14, 2005 determines the procedure for providing assistance, including receiving funds and providing certificates. The legislative document indicates not only the persons entitled to subsidies, but also provides an exact list of citizens who do not have the right to claim. It also describes the papers sent to social media. services for help.

Download the request form of the 1st department of housing subsidies - sample filling

Filling out request form No. 1 does not cause any particular difficulties, since it is simple and intuitive. The upper part - a cut-off coupon - is filled out by the person making the request. The requested organization, full name of the employee, what data are of interest, details of the requesting organization and contact telephone number are indicated. The lower part is the actual income certificate.

How to correctly draw up a certificate for a salary subsidy

The possibility of receiving subsidies is provided for in Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for providing subsidies, including issues relating to the receipt and provision of salary certificates, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 761 of December 14, 2005. The regulatory document indicates not only who and when is entitled to receive a subsidy, but also provides a complete a list of citizens who cannot apply for a subsidy. Among other things, the resolution contains a list of documents that are provided to social services to receive subsidies along with a salary certificate.

Request to the housing subsidies department in form No. 1: sample filling, content and submission procedure

Form No. 1 is a requirement for the release of information. The appearance of such a document is due to the optimization of the system for processing and movement of data between public and private organizations, as well as reducing the time required for their provision. In addition, Request Form 1 allows the Housing Grants Department to verify the accuracy of the information. The template for filling it out was developed taking into account this possibility.

Sample certificate for subsidy for 6 months

  1. Those who use residential premises owned by a state fund or municipal one.
  2. Citizens of Russia who rent premises.
  3. Persons who own housing construction and housing facilities built on a cooperative basis.
  4. Owners of residential properties, such as apartments, private houses, individual parts of apartments or houses.

Form for certificate of wages and other accruals for subsidies

This list of documentation is exhaustive. A citizen applying for a subsidy brings to the social security authority a document confirming his income regarding himself and the residents living in the same apartment with him. It is on the basis of this information that the total family income is calculated.

Sample certificate of salary and other accruals

The salary certificate submitted to the social security authorities is drawn up and executed in accordance with the rules set out above. Including there is no approved special form for such a certificate, therefore the necessary information can be submitted both in form 2-NDFL, and in any form indicating all significant details.

Certificate of wages and other accruals for subsidies - sample

The certificate submitted to the social protection authorities for the purpose of calculating subsidies for low-income citizens indicates the total salary for three months. Withheld income tax and one-time payments are not indicated on the form. It is necessary to indicate the position of the employee and the date of his employment in the company.

How to correctly draw up a certificate of wages and other accruals for a subsidy using the sample

The level of income of an applicant for subsidies can be confirmed by his employer or another person paying the citizen a salary or pension benefit. For employed citizens, you will need to contact your employer with an application for a certificate. The employer has no rights or grounds to refuse such a request.

Online magazine for accountants

Please note: each employment center can enter its own form of such a certificate, since there is no universal form. However, in any case, you can use the form that was adopted for these purposes by the Ministry of Labor in letter No. 16-5/B-421 dated August 15, 2016. It is shown below.

A subsidy is a benefit that the state provides to people in need from the budget. The authorities provide support to those citizens whose income is below the minimum level.

To receive a subsidy, you need to prepare a list of documents, which includes a certificate of salary and other accruals. To complete the paper, you need to go through the standard procedure and also know the main points.

All income of a citizen is taken into account upon receipt of a subsidy: scholarship, salary, unemployment and disability benefits, pension, money received by inheritance or through contributions. Information about all profits is provided in the form of certificates.

To receive support from the state, a person must prove that family income does not exceed the subsistence level.

To confirm your status as a person in need and receive assistance, you will need to collect a whole package of documents, including a salary certificate for the subsidy.

By the way, it can be requested not only by government agencies, but also by private organizations. For example, if a citizen wants to take out a loan, then based on this document, bank employees will see the client’s solvency.

Where to get it?

Salary certificate receive from a source of income.

For example, if a citizen works for a government organization or for an entrepreneur, then you need to contact the personnel department.

The company cannot refuse to provide this official document.

If a person works immediately in two organizations, then in all places you need to take a certificate.

The manager must issue the document free of charge within three days.

Pre-cost submit an application requesting an income certificate. You need to write an application addressed to your superiors in free form.

After this, all you have to do is wait to receive the finished document from the manager, and then you can apply for a subsidy.

Documents required for the subsidy:

  • a copy of the passports of those who live with the person in need;
  • certificates of registration;
  • salary documents for all family members;
  • checks or photocopies thereof for utility bills;
  • certificate of no debt;
  • documents on kinship.

Government authorities may require information about the ownership of real estate, data on the payment of pensions and benefits.

The application is reviewed within 10 days. If government employees give a positive answer, the subsidy will be credited this or next month.

The person who will receive financial assistance must open a bank account or provide government authorities with existing details. If a refusal occurs, it can be challenged in court.

Who has the right to request?

You can receive a salary certificate for the subsidy any person who is employed. All he needs to do is contact his superiors and put his request on paper.

Certificate for subsidy is needed:

A more complete list of grounds for receiving subsidies can be found in the legislation , for example, in Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

All listed citizens, if necessary, have the right to issue a certificate of income, which is needed to receive government assistance.

What form should I use for registration?

The income certificate is a mandatory document, so it must be prepared in advance. This should be taken care of about a month or two weeks before contacting the government agency.

A certificate is used for registration according to form 2-NDFL, it is issued at the place of work.

What information is present in the official paper:

  • name of the enterprise;
  • employee information;
  • average monthly earnings;
  • the actual amount received in hand over a certain amount of time.

This data is included in the income certificate; it must be correct; errors and corrections are prohibited. If incorrect information is intentionally given, a large fine may be imposed on the deceiver.

The document can be drawn up on regular A4 paper, as well as on company letterhead. Both printed and handwritten formats are acceptable. The certificate is signed by both the chief accountant and the director.

How long does it take to fill?

Before applying for an income certificate, you need to find out for what period the information must be provided. Salaries or other accruals may change, so a report for the past month will not be enough.

In the interests of the state to track the level of all accruals over the last time, a person must provide reliable information, they will be carefully checked.

By law, government employees have the right to demand data on earnings and other accruals for the last 3 years. Therefore, you need to make sure that there is data for all 6 months.

As a rule, government authorities are not interested in a longer period.

How to draw up a document on salary and other accruals in Form 1?

Form 1 applies to receive subsidies for housing and utilities, its form can be downloaded below.

To receive a certificate of income and other charges for a utility subsidy, you need to fill out the form in Form 1 correctly.

The filling requirements are met: indicate the person’s entire income without deductions, blots and corrections are not allowed, the signature and seal of the director is required.

Sample document on wages and other accruals:

  • Name;
  • date when the document was issued;
  • registration number;
  • information about the employee;
  • salary data for at least six months;
  • signature of the boss, chief accountant;
  • The company seal must be present.

A certificate of average income is issued for a subsidy, taking into account the above requirements. There must be a stamp, both for paper and electronic documents.

There is no need to complete the registration yourself; authorized employees fill out the form at the place of work.

Download the form and sample filling

Form 1:

Electronic services

Full name of the service

Providing citizens with subsidies to pay for housing and utilities

Registration of services on the website

  • Who can apply for the service

    Applicants may be citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens, if provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation, who are:
    - users of residential premises in the state or municipal housing stock in the city of Moscow;
    - tenants of residential premises under a rental agreement in a private housing stock in the city of Moscow;
    - members of a housing or housing construction cooperative in the city of Moscow;
    - owners of residential premises (apartment, residential building, part of an apartment or residential building) in the city of Moscow.
    If the applicants are undergoing conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or are sentenced to imprisonment, or are declared missing, or have died or are declared dead, or are for compulsory treatment by court decision, subsidies are provided to members of their families, provided that these family members continue to permanently reside in the residential premises previously occupied jointly with these citizens.
    Reception of requests and other documents necessary for the provision of public services from authorized representatives of individuals is not provided.
    The public service is provided to users with a confirmed account received in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 02/07/2012 No. 23-PP “On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services “Providing access to citizens to the “Personal Account” subsystem” of the state information system “Portal of State and Municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow".

  • Service cost

    For free

    • Required
    • Available without return
    • Required
    • Required
    • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
    • Required
    • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
    When applying from a person authorized by the applicant in the prescribed manner - a power of attorney in simple written form or a notarized power of attorney or a power of attorney equivalent to a notarized one in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation
    • Required
    • Available without return

    It is not required to submit documents on income confirming: the amount of pension paid by the Russian Federation OPF in Moscow and the Moscow region; the amount of unemployment benefits, compensation and other social payments paid by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow.

    • Required
    • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
    • Required
    • Available without return
    • Required
    • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
    • Required
    • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
    • Required
    • Available without return

    The list of documents that the applicant has the right to submit at his own request can be found in the administrative regulations section "Regulatory acts"
  • Terms of service provision

    10 working days
    The term for the provision of public services is calculated from the date of submission of original documents confirming the information specified in the application to the State Public Institution "GZhS".

  • Result of service provision

    • Notice of granting a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities (original, 1 pc.)
    • Happens:
    • Providing subsidies to pay for housing and utilities (New entry in registers, cadastres, registries)
      Information about the result of the provision of public services is entered into the Basic Register of Information and into the Unified Database AIS ZhSL-M.
  • Receipt forms

    • Personally
    • By mail
    • Through a legal representative
    • On the WEB site
    • Through MFC
  • Conditions for receiving services at OIV

    • Who can apply for the service:


      Applicants may be citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens, if provided for in international treaties of the Russian Federation, who are: users of residential premises in a state or municipal housing stock, tenants of residential premises under a lease agreement in a private housing stock, members of a housing or housing building cooperative, owners of residential premises (apartment, residential building, part of an apartment or residential building). If the applicants are undergoing conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or are sentenced to imprisonment, or are declared missing, or have died or are declared dead, or are for compulsory treatment by court decision, subsidies are provided to members of their families, provided that these family members continue to permanently reside in residential premises previously occupied together with these citizens. The interests of applicants may be represented by other persons authorized by the applicant in the prescribed manner.

    • Cost of the service and payment procedure:

      For free

    • List of required information:

      Application for a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities (original, 1 piece)

      • Required
      • Available without return

      Identity documents of the applicant and his family members (copy, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

      Documents confirming the income of the applicant and his family members, taken into account when deciding whether to provide a subsidy (original, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Available without return

      It is not required to submit documents on income confirming: the amount of pension paid by the Russian Federation OPF in Moscow and the Moscow region; the amount of unemployment benefits, compensation and other social payments paid by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow.

      A document confirming the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and utilities (original, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Available without return
      If the Applicant indicated in the Application as members of his family not all citizens registered together with him at his place of permanent residence

      Documents confirming the legal basis for residence in this residential premises of citizens not specified in the Application (certified copy, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
      If the Applicant indicated in the Application as members of his family not all citizens registered with him at his place of permanent residence. Not required if documents can be obtained through interdepartmental cooperation.

      Document confirming the reason for the departure of citizens (original, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Available without return
      If the applicants are undergoing conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or are sentenced to imprisonment, or are declared missing, or have died or been declared dead, or are on compulsory treatment by court decision, subsidies are provided to members of their families, provided that these family members continue to permanently reside in the residential premises previously occupied jointly with these citizens

      Identity document of the applicant's representative in accordance with the Uniform Requirements, in the event of an application by the applicant's representative (original, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

      A document confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative, in the event of an application from the applicant’s representative (original, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
      When applying from a person authorized by the applicant in the prescribed manner, a power of attorney is provided in simple written form or a notarized power of attorney in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

      In the first case, when we are talking about a simple form of power of attorney drawn up in writing, it should be noted that it is issued on behalf of an individual or organization and it is sufficient to certify it with the personal signature of the citizen who issued this power of attorney (or the head of the organization). In the latter case, if the power of attorney is issued by a legal entity, then it must also be certified by the seal of the organization.

      • Required
      • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service
      A power of attorney certified by a notary is required when making transactions on behalf of the principal that require state registration, information about which requires recording in state registers.

      Documents containing information on payments for residential premises and utilities (original, 1 pc.)

      • Required
      • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

      Documents are provided containing information about payments for living quarters and utilities accrued for the last month before submitting the application, and about the presence (absence) of arrears in payment for living quarters and utilities.

      • Bank account details or demand deposit (original, 1 pc.)
      • Available without return
    • Terms of service provision

      10 working days

      The list of documents that the applicant has the right to submit at his own request can be found in the administrative regulations in the section “Regulatory acts” (copy, 1 pc.)

    • Result of service provision

      Can be received during the provision of the service

      • Notice of granting a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities (original, 1 pc.)


      • Providing subsidies to pay for housing and utilities (New entry in registers, cadastres, registries)

        Information about the result of the provision of public services is entered into the Basic Register of Information and into the Unified Database AIS ZhSL-M.

    • Receipt forms

      Through a legal representative

      On the WEB site

      through MFC

    • Registration at the Central State University

      If you want to apply for a government service in person at the “My Documents” center, you can use the form

      You can go to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow as part of a pre-trial appeal.

      1. The applicant has the right to file a pre-trial (out-of-court) complaint against decisions and (or) actions (inactions) taken (performed) in the provision of public services by the State Budgetary Institution of the MFC of the city of Moscow, the State Public Institution "GZhS", their employees.

      2. The filing and consideration of complaints is carried out in the manner established by Chapter 2.1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", the Regulations on the specifics of filing and consideration of complaints about violations of the procedure for the provision of public services in the city of Moscow , approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of November 15, 2011 N 546-PP "On the provision of state and municipal services in the city of Moscow", the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services "Providing subsidies to citizens for the payment of housing and utilities."

      3. Applicants may file complaints in the following cases:

      3.1. Violations of the deadline for registering a request (application) and other documents necessary for the provision of public services, as well as the procedure for processing and issuing a receipt for receiving a request and other documents (information) from the applicant.

      3.2. Requirements from the applicant:

      3.2.1. Documents, the submission of which by the applicant for the provision of public services is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, including documents obtained using interdepartmental information interaction.

      3.2.2. Applications for the provision of services not included in the list of services approved by the Moscow Government that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services.

      3.2.3. Payment of fees for the provision of public services not provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

      3.3. Violations of the deadline for the provision of public services.

      3.4. Refusal to the applicant:

      3.4.1. In accepting documents, the submission of which is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow for the provision of public services, on grounds not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

      3.4.2. In the provision of public services on grounds not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

      3.4.3. In the correction of typographical errors and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, or in case of violation of the established deadline for such corrections.

      3.5. Other violations of the procedure for providing public services established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

      4. Complaints about decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of employees of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services are considered by the director (authorized deputy director) of the State Budgetary Institution MFC of the city of Moscow.

      Complaints against decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of the director (authorized deputy director) of the State Budgetary Institution MFC of the city of Moscow, accepted on complaints received in a pre-trial (extrajudicial) manner, are considered by the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

      5. Complaints about decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of employees of the State Public Institution "GZhS" are considered by the head (authorized deputy head) of the specified organization.

      Complaints about the decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of the head of the State Public Institution "GKZhS", including decisions made by him or his deputy on complaints received in a pre-trial (extrajudicial) manner, are considered by the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the city of Moscow.

      6. Complaints can be filed with the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations subordinate to them authorized to consider complaints in accordance with the Administrative Regulations for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the bodies and organizations authorized to consider complaints), in writing on paper, in electronic form form in one of the following ways:

      6.1. Upon personal application by the applicant (applicant’s representative).

      6.2. By post.

      6.3. Using the official websites of bodies and organizations authorized to consider complaints on the Internet.

      7. The complaint must contain:

      7.1. The name of the body (organization) authorized to consider the complaint or the position and (or) last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the relevant official to whom the complaint is sent.

      7.2. The name of the executive authority of the city of Moscow, an organization subordinate to the executive authority, a multifunctional center for the provision of public services, or the position and (or) surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the official, civil servant, employee, decisions and (or) actions (inaction) ) which are being appealed.

      7.3. Last name, first name, patronymic (if available), information about the applicant’s place of residence, as well as contact telephone number(s), email address(es) (if available) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant.

      7.4. The date of submission and registration number of the request (application) for the provision of a public service (except for cases of appealing the refusal to accept the request and its registration).

      7.5. Information about decisions and (or) actions (inactions) that are the subject of appeal.

      7.6. Arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the appealed decisions and (or) actions (inactions). The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant’s arguments, or copies thereof.

      7.7. Applicant's requirements.

      7.8. List of documents attached to the complaint (if any).

      7.9. Date of filing the complaint.

      8. The complaint must be signed by the applicant (his representative). If a complaint is filed in person, the applicant (applicant's representative) must provide an identification document.

      The authority of the representative to sign the complaint must be confirmed by a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

      The powers of a person acting on behalf of an organization without a power of attorney on the basis of the law, other regulatory legal acts and constituent documents are confirmed by documents certifying his official position, as well as the constituent documents of the organization.

      The status and powers of legal representatives of an individual are confirmed by documents provided for by federal laws.

      9. A received complaint must be registered no later than the working day following the day of receipt.

      10. The maximum period for consideration of a complaint is 15 working days from the date of its registration. The period for consideration of the complaint is 5 working days from the date of its registration in cases of appeal by the applicant:

      10.1. Refusal to accept documents.

      10.2. Refusal to correct typos and errors made in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services.

      10.3. Violations of the deadline for correcting typos and errors.

      11. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, a decision is made to satisfy the complaint (in whole or in part) or to refuse to satisfy the complaint.

      12. The decision must contain:

      12.1. The name of the body or organization that considered the complaint, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the official who made the decision on the complaint.

      12.2. Details of the decision (number, date, place of adoption).

      12.3. Last name, first name, patronymic (if available), information about the applicant’s place of residence.

      12.4. Last name, first name, patronymic (if any), information about the place of residence of the applicant’s representative who filed the complaint on behalf of the applicant.

      12.5. Method of filing and date of registration of the complaint, its registration number.

      12.6. Subject of the complaint (information about the decisions, actions, or inactions being appealed).

      12.7. The circumstances established during the consideration of the complaint and the evidence confirming them.

      12.8. Legal grounds for making a decision on a complaint with reference to the applicable regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

      12.9. The decision taken on the complaint (conclusion on the satisfaction of the complaint or refusal to satisfy it).

      12.10. Measures to eliminate identified violations and deadlines for their implementation (if the complaint is satisfied).

      12.11. Procedure for appealing a decision.

      12.12. Signature of the authorized official.

      13. The decision is made in writing using official forms.

      14. The measures to eliminate the identified violations specified in the decision include:

      14.1. Cancellation of previously made decisions (in whole or in part).

      14.2. Ensuring the acceptance and registration of the request, execution and issuance of a receipt to the applicant (in case of evasion or unreasonable refusal to accept documents and their registration).

      14.3. Ensuring registration and delivery to the applicant of the result of the provision of a public service (in case of evasion or unreasonable refusal to provide a public service).

      14.4. Correction of typos and errors made in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services.

      14.5. Refund to the applicant of funds, the collection of which is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

      15. The body or organization authorized to consider the complaint refuses to satisfy it in the following cases:

      15.1. Recognition of the appealed decisions and (or) actions (inactions) as legal and not violating the rights and freedoms of the applicant.

      15.2. Filing a complaint by a person whose powers have not been confirmed in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

      15.3. The applicant does not have the right to receive public services.

      15.4. Availability:

      15.4.1. A court decision on the applicant’s complaint with identical subject matter and grounds that has entered into legal force.

      15.4.2. Decisions on a complaint made earlier in a pre-trial (out-of-court) manner in relation to the same applicant and on the same subject of the complaint (except for cases of appealing previously made decisions to a higher authority).

      16. The complaint must be left unanswered on its merits in the following cases:

      16.1. The presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of officials, as well as members of their families.

      16.2. If the text of the complaint (part of it), last name, postal address and email address are not readable.

      16.3. If the complaint does not indicate the name of the applicant (the applicant's representative) or the postal address and email address to which the response should be sent.

      16.4. If the body or organization authorized to consider the complaint received a request from the applicant (the applicant’s representative) to withdraw the complaint before a decision on the complaint is made.

      17. The decision to satisfy the complaint or to refuse to satisfy the complaint is sent to the applicant (the applicant’s representative) no later than the working day following the day of its adoption, to the postal address specified in the complaint. At the request of the applicant, the decision is also sent to the email address specified in the complaint (in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of an authorized official). In the same manner, the applicant (the applicant’s representative) is sent a decision on the complaint, in which only an email address is indicated for the response, and the postal address is missing or cannot be read.

      18. If the complaint is left unanswered on the merits, the applicant (his representative) is sent, no later than the working day following the day of registration of the complaint, a written motivated notification indicating the grounds (except for cases where the complaint does not indicate a postal address and email address email for a response or they are unreadable). The notice is sent in the manner established for sending a decision on a complaint.

      19. A complaint filed in violation of the rules on competence established by clauses 5.4, 5.5 of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of services is sent no later than the working day following the day of its registration to the body authorized to consider the complaint, with simultaneous written notification to the applicant (his representative) to forward the complaint (except for cases where the complaint does not indicate the postal address and email address for a response or they are not legible). The notice is sent in the manner established for sending a decision on a complaint.

      20. Filing a complaint in a pre-trial (out-of-court) manner does not exclude the right of the applicant (applicant’s representative) to simultaneously or subsequently file a complaint with the court.

      21. Informing applicants about the judicial and pre-trial (extrajudicial) procedure for appealing decisions and (or) actions (inactions) committed in the provision of public services should be carried out by:

      21.1. Placing relevant information on the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow and stands in places where public services are provided.

      21.2. Consulting applicants, including by telephone, email, and in person.

      22. If, during or as a result of consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or crime are established, the official empowered to consider the complaint immediately forwards the available materials to the prosecutor’s office.

      If violations of the procedure for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow are identified, the responsibility for which is established by the Code of the City of Moscow on Administrative Offences, the official empowered to consider the complaint must also send copies of the available materials to the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow (contact phone: 495-633 -63-99) within two working days following the day the decision on the complaint was made (but no later than the working day following the day of expiration of the period established by federal legislation for consideration of complaints about violations of the procedure for the provision of public services).

To help low-income citizens, the Russian government assumed the costs of paying for housing and communal services. To receive this support, it is necessary to collect a number of documents and follow certain procedures, which vulnerable categories of the population know little about.

The first step is to prepare an extensive list of information, including salary information. It is provided by the employer upon a special request from the authorized body.

This article is devoted to request form 1 to the housing subsidies department, a sample of how to fill it out, and much more.

What is this document and where to get it

As already mentioned, budget support requires information about a citizen’s income. To obtain this information, a request is sent to his place of work using Form No. 1. Based on this, the management of the enterprise provides a certificate of income to the housing subsidies department, the form of which can be downloaded on the Internet.

Form No. 1 is a requirement for the release of information. The appearance of such a document is due to the optimization of the system for processing and movement of data between public and private organizations, as well as reducing the time required for their provision. In addition, Request Form 1 allows the Housing Grants Department to verify the accuracy of the information. The template for filling it out was developed taking into account this possibility.

Where can I get it?

The form for a certificate of income to the housing subsidies department, the request form itself can be found on the Internet and on the website of the Center for Housing Subsidies.

A salary certificate for receiving a housing subsidy, as well as a request form, are not issued to anyone. These documents are operated by authorized bodies within the framework of the system of interdepartmental interaction. Therefore, the citizen is exempt from searching and providing them.

What you need to know about filling out

To obtain a certificate of income from the housing subsidies department, the request form must be filled out in compliance with certain requirements:

  • the employee’s full salary is indicated without any deductions;
  • if there were deductions under a writ of execution, then a copy of its form is attached to the certificate for a housing subsidy;
  • corrections and blots are not allowed.
  • The seal and signature of the first manager are required.

Sample of filling out form 1

Form No. 1 is filled out by employees of the Housing Benefits Department. This work is not difficult, since its rules are as simple as possible.

Download sample form No. 1 for receiving a housing subsidy.

In the upper, tear-off part the following is indicated:

  • Full name, position and passport details of the requested person;
  • name, address and other details of the authorized organization.

The lower area of ​​the document is the work certificate itself for a subsidy for utilities, a sample of which can be used for reference. It is filled out by the employer. The main condition is the completeness and reliability of the information contained in it:

  • Full name, position, SNILS and monthly amount for the last 180 days;
  • name and details of the employing company;
  • TIN, address and full name, if the employer is an individual entrepreneur.

Features of design and presentation

Request for a certificate for a housing subsidy, a sample of which has a detachable part indicating the contact details, name and seal of the authorized organization. As for submitting the document, it is carried out by mail or by courier delivery.

It is important to emphasize that the issues of transferring the employer’s certificate to the department for receiving housing benefits are not relevant to the recipient of the subsidy, since the document is intended exclusively for internal interdepartmental use.

Deadlines and fees

The employer considers a request to receive a salary certificate form for the applicant to receive housing subsidies within 3 working days.

As for the answer, it must be provided within a reasonable time, preferably it takes as little time as possible.

A certificate of employment for a utility subsidy, a sample of which is not required by the applicant, is not subject to any fees and is provided free of charge.

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How to obtain a salary certificate for a subsidy - forms and samples for filling out wages and other charges

> Labor law > Salary > Documents > How to obtain a salary certificate for a subsidy - forms and samples for filling out salary and other charges

A subsidy is a benefit that the state provides to people in need from the budget. The authorities provide support to those citizens whose income is below the minimum level.

To receive a subsidy, you need to prepare a list of documents, which includes a certificate of salary and other accruals. To complete the paper, you need to go through the standard procedure and also know the main points.

All income of a citizen is taken into account upon receipt of a subsidy: scholarship, salary, unemployment and disability benefits, pension, money received by inheritance or through contributions. Information about all profits is provided in the form of certificates.

To receive support from the state, a person must prove that family income does not exceed the subsistence level.


To confirm your status as a person in need and receive assistance, you will need to collect a whole package of documents, including a salary certificate for the subsidy.

By the way, it can be requested not only by government agencies, but also by private organizations. For example, if a citizen wants to take out a loan, then based on this document, bank employees will see the client’s solvency.

  • for the employment center;
  • for social protection;
  • for the Pension Fund;
  • for the visa center.

Salary certificate receive from a source of income.

For example, if a citizen works for a government organization or for an entrepreneur, then you need to contact the personnel department.

The company cannot refuse to provide this official document.

If a person works immediately in two organizations, then in all places you need to take a certificate.

The manager must issue the document free of charge within three days.

Pre-cost submit an application requesting an income certificate. You need to write an application addressed to your superiors in free form.

After this, all you have to do is wait to receive the finished document from the manager, and then you can apply for a subsidy.

Documents required for the subsidy:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the passports of those who live with the person in need;
  • certificates of registration;
  • salary documents for all family members;
  • checks or photocopies thereof for utility bills;
  • certificate of no debt;
  • documents on kinship.

Government authorities may require information about the ownership of real estate, data on the payment of pensions and benefits.

If government employees give a positive answer, the subsidy will be credited this or next month.

The person who will receive financial assistance must open a bank account or provide government authorities with existing details. If a refusal occurs, it can be challenged in court.

Who has the right to request?

You can receive a salary certificate for the subsidy any person who is employed. All he needs to do is contact his superiors and put his request on paper.

Certificate for subsidy is needed:

  • a large family with three or more children under 18 years of age or 23 years of age (while undergoing training in government institutions or being conscripted in the army);
  • people who work in government agencies;
  • young families in which both people are under 30 years of age;
  • military personnel and people in reserve;
  • orphans;
  • low-income families;
  • veterans and participants of the Second World War;
  • disabled people.

A more complete list of grounds for receiving subsidies can be found in the legislation , for example, in Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

All listed citizens, if necessary, have the right to issue a certificate of income, which is needed to receive government assistance.

What form should I use for registration?

The income certificate is a mandatory document, so it must be prepared in advance. This should be taken care of about a month or two weeks before contacting the government agency.

A certificate is used for registration according to form 2-NDFL, it is issued at the place of work.

What information is present in the official paper:

  • name of the enterprise;
  • employee information;
  • average monthly earnings;
  • the actual amount received in hand over a certain amount of time.

This data is included in the income certificate; it must be correct; errors and corrections are prohibited. If incorrect information is intentionally given, a large fine may be imposed on the deceiver.

The document can be drawn up on regular A4 paper, as well as on company letterhead. Both printed and handwritten formats are acceptable. The certificate is signed by both the chief accountant and the director.

How long does it take to fill?

Before applying for an income certificate, you need to find out for what period the information must be provided. Salaries or other accruals may change, so a report for the past month will not be enough.

In the interests of the state to track the level of all accruals over the last time, a person must provide reliable information, they will be carefully checked.

As a rule, government authorities are not interested in a longer period.

How to draw up a document on salary and other accruals in Form 1?

Form 1 applies to receive subsidies for housing and utilities, its form can be downloaded below.

To receive a certificate of income and other charges for a utility subsidy, you need to fill out the form in Form 1 correctly.

The filling requirements are met: indicate the person’s entire income without deductions, blots and corrections are not allowed, the signature and seal of the director is required.

Sample document on wages and other accruals:

  • Name;
  • date when the document was issued;
  • registration number;
  • information about the employee;
  • salary data for at least six months;
  • signature of the boss, chief accountant;
  • The company seal must be present.

A certificate of average income is issued for a subsidy, taking into account the above requirements. There must be a stamp, both for paper and electronic documents.

There is no need to complete the registration yourself; authorized employees fill out the form at the place of work.

Download the form and sample filling

Form 1:

For subsidy for 6 months:


Many certificates have a certain validity period, after which the document is considered invalid.

Therefore, it is important to know how long you can use official paper.

According to the law, an income certificate is considered valid exactly 30 days from receipt.

This is due to the fact that a person’s earnings may change, which is why the citizen will no longer be considered in need.

There is no point in contacting your superiors earlier than a month before applying for a subsidy. Also, you shouldn’t do everything on the last day, because the process may drag on.

In general, it is not difficult to obtain a salary certificate; the main thing is to comply with the established conditions.

What documents are required to receive a subsidy, described in detail in this video:

Purpose and rules for issuing a salary certificate for 6 months for a subsidy

Company employees often contact the human resources department or accounting department to obtain a certificate of income for a certain period.

As a rule, the authorities that requested the document independently determine the amount of information displayed in it.

Housing subsidies

A huge part of the family budget is taken up by the costs of maintaining property and paying for housing and communal services. This share is growing every day. The state is trying to make it easier for low-income citizens to pay for housing services.

The law provides relief for citizens whose housing costs exceed 22% of their total income. A low-income person has the right to submit an application for subsidies, which must be accompanied by a salary certificate.

Who is eligible for subsidies?

The law clearly states a closed list of people eligible for subsidies.

  1. Owners of residential property, regardless of the type of premises, be it a private house or an apartment, shared owners (part of the housing);
  2. Persons renting premises in residential buildings owned by the municipality or the state;
  3. Persons renting private residential property;
  4. Citizens, family members who permanently reside with the owner or tenant of the residential premises.

The list is of a closed type. This means that it cannot be expanded by the verdict of any bodies, for example the regional authorities.

The law also specifies categories of citizens who have no rights for housing subsidy:

  1. Landlords;
  2. Borrowers;
  3. Persons living under a sublease agreement, etc.

Subsidies are provided for both independently living citizens and entire families. When an application for relief is submitted by a family representative, all members must provide a certificate of income. Total income will be calculated based on salary information for the six months preceding the date of application.

The issue of receiving subsidies is regulated 159th articles of the Housing Code Russian Federation.

The government decree of December 14, 2005 determines the procedure for providing assistance, including receiving funds and providing certificates.

The legislative document indicates not only the persons entitled to subsidies, but also provides an exact list of citizens who do not have the right to claim. It also describes the papers sent to social media. services for help.

Where to get this certificate

The salary certificate is issued by the source of income.

As a rule, the role of the source is played by some company or enterprise acting as an employer. A citizen does not have the right to refuse to provide a certificate. If a person is employed simultaneously in several places, a certificate is requested from each employer.

It is important to remember that income can also include pension payments, disability benefits, unemployment benefits, and scholarships. Certificates of such profits are obtained from the social service at the place of study.

How to compose this document

The certificate for housing subsidies can be filled out both in free form and according to the 2-NDFL regulations.

Regardless of the method, the document must contain the following information:

  1. The full name of the document is Help;
  2. Date of completion;
  3. Information about the citizen in whose name the certificate is issued;
  4. Outgoing number;
  5. Information on monthly income six months before the certificate is prepared;
  6. Signature of management or individual entrepreneur;
  7. Signature of an accounting employee;
  8. Seal of a company, enterprise.

The certificate, filled out in a free format, must be drawn up on the letterhead of the company or enterprise.

It should mention the general telephone number of the organization, the institution that issued the certificate, the accounting department, or another department responsible for the execution of the document.

This is necessary if the social workers have any questions related to the content so that they can quickly contact the placeholder to resolve the issue.

This type of certificate can be used for various purposes, for example, to apply for a loan (it is important for the bank to verify the client’s solvency) or to obtain a visa.

A citizen will have to apply for an income certificate to receive subsidies 2 times a year. You should not hope that the certificate will last for a long time, or try to obtain a document for a longer period. The law requires you to confirm your salary once every six months.

Documents for applying for a subsidy

IN list of documents include:

  1. An application in which you must indicate:
    • State name the body responsible for issuing housing subsidies;
    • Full name of the applicant, passport details and contact details;
    • A complete list of family members living in the apartment (including passport details, birth certificate);
    • Place of residence;
    • Bank account details.
  2. Copies of passports of the applicant and each family member.
  3. Certificate of belonging of a citizen of another country to a state with which the Russian Federation has signed an international agreement on the payment of subsidies.
  4. Court documents confirming the marital status of people living with the applicant.
  5. Copies of the birth certificate of a relative under 18 years of age.
  6. Home ownership document.
  7. Certificate of family composition.
  8. Certificates of salary for each family member.
  9. Receipts for payment of utility bills.
  10. Documents indicating the right to receive subsidies.

Controversial issues

When receiving an application from a person to issue a certificate of income, it is recommended to ask him for consent to disclose personal information, which specifies what data is allowed to be disclosed and to which people.

It often happens that it is not the employee who comes for the document, but his representatives and his family. It is important to ensure that the petition is submitted personally by him, and that his relatives have a correctly certified power of attorney to receive the document.

Also, in case of dismissal the employer undertakes to issue a certificate approved in accordance with the regulations of the first appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Labor. It is needed to reliably calculate sick pay for a person’s new place of employment. The document can be supplemented with third-party information, the font can vary so that all the necessary data fits in the certificate.

The rules for preparing a salary certificate in form 2-NDFL in 1C are described in the following video tutorial:

Certificate of salary for 6 months for a subsidy in 2018 - what is it, form, sample

Confirmation of a citizen’s income may be needed in different situations. This document plays a big role because it is proof of the citizen’s solvency.

And the rules for issuing a salary certificate for 6 months for a subsidy in 2018 must be followed. These points will allow you to quickly prepare all documents in an up-to-date form.

What it is

A salary certificate is a document that includes information about income from work for a certain period. This document is necessary for various transactions, since it is the main confirmation of a person’s availability of funds and their amount.

All members of the enterprise can receive it. In terms of processing subsidies, this certificate acts as a paper that shows the citizen’s income.


In this case, payments are calculated in the absence of a stable and average income. If a person does not have enough funds to pay for a number of housing and communal services, then the state will pay part of them for the person.

You can get a certificate not only at the place of work. There are other options for document execution, since the company is not always operating at the time it is necessary to receive paper.

Important Concepts

To analyze this topic based on documents, one should rely on a terminological basis. In this case, the list includes the following:

Concept Designation
Reference A document that contains a certain set of information and acts as a legal paper to confirm information
Wage The type of monetary payment that a citizen receives for working for hire
Sample An example of drawing up a document on which paperwork is filled out for quick processing in large quantities
Subsidy Government assistance to reduce any costs. Issued in cashless form - as a discount on subsequent payments
Individual entrepreneur A citizen who carries out entrepreneurial activities without registering a legal entity

Space requirement

This type of certificate is of particular importance for several organizations and you can see it in the lists of required documents in different cases.

The main places where this document can be requested:

For a subsidy, such a certificate must be issued in order to receive a discount on payment for housing and communal services. Such payments have their own characteristics, but only those who do not have enough funds to repay the entire amount for utility services can claim them.

Subsidies are provided to all citizens on a general basis. You need to submit documents for a subsidy along with a certificate of income to the social protection authorities of the country.

This institution is solely responsible for providing subsidies in this area. And the certificate must be submitted to this authority - at the applicant’s place of residence.

Where can I get this document?

The salary certificate is generated by the employer. Owners are the main persons who are responsible for providing this type of documentation upon the employee's request.

Information can be obtained not only at the current place of work, but also at those enterprises where the person was previously employed, but terminated the employment relationship.

You can get a certificate from your employer, current or former. But this is not an exhaustive list of those who can issue this document. Based on the fact that the company may be liquidated, it will not be possible to obtain a document from it.

In this case, it is expected to issue an extract from the archives of the locality in which the company’s main office was located. The information is stored there for five years.

You can also get information about your income from the Job Center. If a person does not have a job, then he has the right to receive a housing subsidy. In this case, the income is small and the person is in a state of need.

The employment center compiles indicators for its payments and on the basis of this document you can receive compensation from the state.

Legal basis

Documents are subject to mandatory subordination to state regulations. According to Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 182n “On approval of the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of wages... if insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation were not accrued for the retained wages for this period.”

The document includes both the order itself and annexes that state:

  • about the salary amount itself, a certificate and what payments should be included in the document;
  • how the document is drawn up - rules and features.

The legislation also establishes possibilities for verifying the authenticity of a document. This is stated in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 20n “On approval of the form and procedure for sending the policyholder’s request.” The registration of such a document is carried out through the Social Insurance Fund.

How to compose it

The preparation of this document requires compliance with several standards that relate to:

  • structural design;
  • information content.

These factors influence how quickly the document will be accepted by the appropriate authority.

The following are required to be included in the document:

  • payment amount - full;
  • payment periods;
  • what insurance and tax payments were deducted from the salary.

The calculation of amounts also includes such indicators as:

  • days with receipt of temporary disability benefits;
  • vacation periods - both in terms of child care and pregnancy and childbirth;
  • release from work - full or partial, but with mandatory retention of wages.

paper should include:

  1. The name and registration number of the document are at the very beginning.
  2. Information about whose name the certificate is issued - full name and personal data of the employee.
  3. Information regarding monthly income for the specified period.
  4. Information about the date of preparation of the document, signatures of management and accountant. The presence of the company seal is also required.

To compile, you can use various types of forms, but this is mandatory information, without which the document will not be complete.

What is a 6-month salary certificate for a subsidy (form)

This kind of document is provided for a clearly established period - six months. What is taken into account here is the period of employment at the official level. For this period, wage indicators are described. A 6-month salary certificate form for the subsidy can be downloaded here.

The document form itself is not established at the legislative level. It can be issued in any form - it all depends on what sample document the employer uses in his document circulation.

Most often, free-form paper is used and basic information with any additions is placed there. To establish wage indicators, you should create a table - through such an organization it is possible to organize the data by month and by the amount of monthly payments.

Since three months of information will not be enough for loans and mortgages, one of the requirements is the presence of a job and a stable long-term income.

The same thing, but in reverse, applies to subsidies. Here, the salary must be low for several months so that the appointment is relevant and manipulation and fraud do not occur.

The certificate form most often looks like this:

Free form principle (sample)

Any certificate of this nature will be drawn up in the form of a free document. Any wording can be used. It is only important to take into account the information content of the paper.

For example, if an employee has worked for a given organization for no more than three months, he will receive the following document:

It is drawn up in free form and has equal legal significance with other documents. This document contains the following important points for the recipient:

  • information about the employee, period of work;
  • monthly and total income;
  • seal, date and signature.

It is worth remembering these features and checking the paper in advance for the presence of all components.

Controversial issues

Since the issuance of this document is associated with the disclosure of the employee’s personal information, you should take a statement from him in advance agreeing to draw up such a document. This will protect the employer in case of any claims from the employee.

If the certificate is received not by the employee himself, but by his representatives, they must have a power of attorney document in their hands. It is drawn up in accordance with all legal norms and registered with a notary. Without this point, issuing a certificate to third parties is impossible and unlawful.

It will be mandatory to prepare a salary certificate for six months in case of dismissal of an employee. He will use this paper at his new place of work - to calculate indicators for social payments (sick leave, vacation).

Drawing up documents on the amount of a citizen’s income is a complex and responsible matter. It is necessary to take into account both personal income tax indicators and the total amount of payments.

It also plays a role what form of document a particular employer or individual entrepreneur uses and what organization the employee submits information to - the subsidy requires income for a period of six months.

: how to apply for a subsidy

One of the most popular documents requested by the accounting department is a salary certificate. The 2019 sample must meet all legal requirements. After all, it is needed for applying to various government agencies, issuing loans, other loans, etc. We will tell you how to apply for it in 2019.

What is

The employer’s responsibilities include issuing a salary certificate in 2019 upon written request within 3 days after applying for it.

In practice, accountants are often content with oral requests and can issue a certificate on the day of the request. Provided that the company is not large, and the manager and chief accountant can sign it in a timely manner.

As a general rule, a salary certificate of the 2019 sample must include the following mandatory details:

  1. information about the organization;
  2. position, full name of the employee.

In many ways, each company has its own approach to drawing up certificates, some even write them out by hand, and in most cases, except for those where the samples approved in orders or resolutions are strictly required, a handwritten document will be accepted without problems.

Free form principle

For those to whom the document in question is addressed, the main thing is that the sample salary certificate in free form provides complete information about the employee’s income. In this case, the employee himself must inform the accounting department of the required period. It should also include:

  • details of the employer (name, tax identification number, checkpoint, legal and actual address);
  • seal (if available) and signatures of responsible persons (manager, chief accountant or personnel officer).

Sometimes, after receiving signatures, they forget about the seal, which can also be practically the main requisite. After all, it duplicates the details of the organization. And if one of them was not printed in the certificate, it will be read from the seal impression.

Usually the secretary or personnel officer keeps the seal for such certificates.

To receive benefits and upon dismissal

In case of illness, maternity leave and other similar cases of receiving required payments, a salary certificate is requested to calculate benefits. Its form was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n.

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If the employee is officially employed in one or more other places, then he should obtain certificates from these employers. Otherwise, benefits may be denied. This certificate will indicate:

  • all periods for 2 years in which wages were accrued;
  • partially excluded periods (for example, sick leave of the employee himself, his leave to care for a child).

The same form of certificate is used for:

  1. dismissal of an employee;
  2. an appeal from a long-retired employee.

The obligation to issue such a certificate is prescribed by the Labor Code. So the accountant has no right to dismiss such a request. The main thing is to register a corresponding written request.

In the event that a certificate is needed many years after leaving the enterprise, and the organization itself no longer exists (for example, it went bankrupt), request it from the legal successor. If it is not there, then the data can be found in local archives.

As a last resort, a salary certificate upon dismissal can be drawn up in any form. The period covered in it is usually from 3 months to 2 years.

You can also take a salary certificate form, sample 2019, from the employment center, if after dismissal a person registers there, and bring it to the former office to fill out.

Please note: each employment center can enter its own form of such a certificate, since there is no universal form. However, in any case, you can use the form that was adopted for these purposes by the Ministry of Labor in letter No. 16-5/B-421 dated August 15, 2016. It is shown below.

For a subsidy for utilities

In our difficult times, many receive salaries on the verge of the subsistence level, so they spend most of their money on food and utilities. For such categories, various subsidies are provided, in particular utility subsidies.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 159), the subsidy is provided to citizens whose housing costs exceed 22% of income. And for family ones, the total income of all employed members is taken into account.

The following may apply for a subsidy:

  • home owners;
  • tenants;
  • family members of owners and tenants who live with them on a permanent basis.

If you fall into the above categories and utility costs are more than 22%, then you will need the following documents:

  1. the most important thing is a salary certificate for 6 months;
  2. certificate of family composition;
  3. photocopies of family members’ passports;
  4. certificates confirming the degree of relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate of a child, etc.);
  5. documents indicating the living space and the right to it (extract from the Unified State Register, lease agreement, etc.);
  6. certificate of no debt to utility services.

At the same time, the composition of the package of documents provided will be different for pensioners, students and the unemployed. Each officially employed family member must provide a sample salary certificate. Otherwise, the subsidy will be denied.

Naturally, the salary certificate form for a subsidy must contain elements typical for such documents:

  • name of the legal entity/individual entrepreneur;
  • his details;
  • date and number of the outgoing document;
  • FULL NAME. employee, his position;
  • salary data for the 6 months preceding the month in which he contacted the accounting department.

Below is a sample salary certificate for 2019, which can be issued on the employer’s letterhead.

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