Request form to the cadastral chamber. How much will it cost

Russian citizens can check the status of a request to Rosreestr without leaving home. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the state registration service and indicate the application number. The details and instructions for performing this operation will be described below. The status of an application to Rosreestr online is clarified exclusively on the official website of this service; verification on third-party resources, including State Services, is not available. However, access to your personal account is still provided through the Public Services portal. At the same time, to receive information you do not have to register on the site, just select the desired menu item and enter the data.

Checking the execution of the request

Checking the fulfillment of the request is relevant for persons who submitted applications to Rosreestr to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the main characteristics and rights to the property, obtain an extract of the cadastral value, state registration of rights to real estate, and so on.

The service is convenient in that you do not have to go to the state registration service office to check the readiness of the request. All you need to do is go to the website and see the results using a special service. To check the status of your request online with Rosreestr, follow the instructions below.

Online verification of document readiness in Rosreestr is available for citizens on the official website of the state registration service at:

Instructions for using the “Request Execution Check” service

  • In the field located on the right at the top of the screen, indicate the region in which you live and where the request was sent.

  • Go to the bottom of the page, there you will see several menu items, click on the inscription “Electronic Services”. If you don't find this link on the page, use the search bar.

  • After clicking on the link, a new page will open in front of you with a menu of online services of the public services portal. An online check of the status of the Rosreestr request is available in the “Checking the execution of a request (application)” tab. Follow the link and you will be taken to the request status check page.

Important! Online checking of the status of the request is available only 3-5 days after submitting an application for the provision of state registration service services. The usual processing time for an application is 10 business days, so in the first days after submitting a request, the status is not displayed in the online service.

  • After going to the “Checking the execution of the request (application)” section, the citizen will find himself on a page containing two fields to fill out. In the first one, he must enter the application number, and the second field is intended for entering text from the image for the purpose of security verification.

  • Enter the application number in the first cell; you will find the number on the document received when completing the request. It consists of a series of numbers; you need to indicate through a slash (“/”) the document book number and the record number assigned to your request. The application number that you enter in the field will look like this: 34/141/2017-439 .

  • Don't forget to enter the numbers in the second cell.

As a result, a window will open with a description of your application and its status. The status may contain information such as “in progress”, “for signature”, “documents are ready”. The mark “in progress” means that the application is still being considered and, most likely, the results will not be ready soon. The status “for signature” implies the immediate completion of work on your request; you will receive a response within a few days. The mark “documents are ready” speaks for itself.

Details to pay attention to when checking online

Checking the status of the application in Rosreestr online , Please pay attention to the following detail. Your application may be assigned the status “Verification Failed,” but this does not always mean that your request has been rejected and will not be processed.

If your request, which you submitted on the official website, sent by mail, or handed over in person at the state registration service office, immediately received the status “Verification failed,” your application will not be considered and will not proceed to the next stage of processing. Most likely, you made a mistake when filling out or your request was presented in an incorrect form, its meaning is not clear or is beyond the competence of Rosreestr. In this case, reissue the application and resubmit it, or forward it to the competent authority.

If the “Verification Failed” status is assigned to an application after it has received the “In Progress” mark, then you should not worry, this means that the application has been processed and you will receive a response soon. In this case, resending the request is not required.

Viewing the status of the application through “Personal Account”

Also, a citizen of the Russian Federation can check the status of a request to Rosreestr online through his personal account on the official website of this service. This method is more convenient and reliable than the standard one, but requires an account with State Services.

If you do not have an account on the website, then create one as soon as possible. To register on the government services portal, follow the link: Having gained access to your personal account, you will be able to check the status of applications in a simplified mode; only your requests will be automatically filtered for you. In addition, you will have access to additional functions, such as making an appointment online, requesting the results of cadastral work, “my objects”, etc. In addition, in the Personal Account on the official website of Rosreestr, the account owner can create his own wallet and pay for government services with its help.

Instructions for checking the status of an application through your personal account

Online checking of the request status in Rosreestr is carried out in several steps:

  • Register and log in to the government services portal.
  • Go to the official website of Rosreestr.
  • On the main page, find the “Personal Account” link, it is highlighted in green and located in the page header.

  • Click on “Personal Account”, enter your login and password.
  • You will find yourself on your home page, from which you can submit requests and otherwise interact with the government service. Checking the readiness of Rosreestr documents in Moscow and other regions is carried out in the same way .

  • To check, follow the “My applications” link located at the top of the main menu of your Personal Account.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 06/06/2016 N 357 approved the procedure for providing Rosreestrom information from the Unified State Register. Who can submit a request, what documents need to be collected to obtain restricted access information, how long to wait for an extract and how much it will cost - this is what today’s article is about.

We recently wrote that from July 15, 2016 in Rosreestr it turns out extract from the Unified State Register instead of a certificate about the right to housing. An extract from the Unified State Register is an important document that confirms the rights of persons to real estate. The extract is the only evidence of the registered right. You can get it at the department of Rosreestr and the cadastral chamber and at the MFC. You can also place your order by mail, field service, or electronically.

Rosreestr and information from the Unified State Register

Order issuance of information from the Unified State Register determined by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 06.06.2016 N 357. It came into force on September 12.

Information from the Unified State Register can be obtained by citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens, stateless persons, Russian and international legal entities, and international organizations. To do this, they need to submit a request to Rosreestr.

The order defines:

  • deadline for providing data;
  • list of documents that need to be collected;
  • grounds for refusal to provide data;
  • the amount of state duty;
  • liability of officials for poor quality of service;
  • procedure for appealing the decision of Rosreestr.

The applicant may request to be provided with information contained in the Unified State Register in paper or electronic form. A paper statement is issued in one of the following ways:

  • with personal receipt;
  • by post;
  • compiled by the MFC.

Extract issued electronically:

  • is posted on the Rosreestr website, and a link to the document is sent to the applicant;
  • certified with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, posted on the official website, and a link sent to the applicant;
  • sent to the applicant in the form of an XML document.

Deadline for providing information from the Unified State Register

Term providing information from the Unified State Register- no more than 5 working days from the date of receipt by Rosreestr of the application.

If in Unified State Register no requested information, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application, Rosreestr sends the applicant a reasoned refusal to issue an extract.

If an extract is requested through a multifunctional center, the period for providing the service is extended. Because it begins to be calculated from the day when the MFC submitted the request to Rosreestr, and it must do this within two working days.

Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application, Rosreestr transfers to the MFC the information requested by the applicant or a reasoned refusal to provide this information.

Cost of extract from the Unified State Register

Providing information from the Unified State Register is not a free service; a state fee is charged for it. ABOUT cost of extract from the Unified State Register we have already written, it depends on the form in which the information will be provided to you.

An extract from the Unified State Register, made in paper form, costs 200 rubles for individuals, 600 rubles for legal entities. An electronic statement will cost less: for individuals 150 rubles, for legal entities - 300 rubles.

Documents for restricted information

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 06.06.2016 N 357 establishes an exhaustive list of documents that must be collected for obtaining information from the Unified State Register.

It is not necessary to make the request personally; you can entrust this to a trusted person. For individuals, such a representative is:

  • person acting under a power of attorney;
  • for children under 14 years of age - parents, adoptive parents or guardians;
  • for incapacitated citizens - guardians;
  • Children between 14 and 18 years of age may submit a request without the consent of representatives.

A request on behalf of a legal entity and international organizations can be submitted by:

  • persons acting in accordance with legal acts without a power of attorney;
  • representatives with powers arising by virtue of a power of attorney.

If restricted access information is requested, the following must be attached to the request for information:

  • a copy of the document on the authority of the person who signed the request to act on behalf of the legal entity;
  • a certified copy of the ruling of the arbitration court on the approval of the arbitration manager that has entered into legal force;
  • a copy of the document on the powers of the legal representative of the copyright holder;
  • original or copy of power of attorney to receive information;
  • the original document issued by a notary and confirming the right of a person to inherit the property of the copyright holder by will or by law;
  • a copy of the document on the basis of which the mortgage arose (for the applicant-mortgage holder);
  • a copy of one of the documents specified in paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of July 16, 1998 N 102-FZ (for the applicant-holder of the pledge).

If request for information from the Unified State Register is submitted electronically, then a power of attorney is attached to it in the form of an electronic image of a document with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person who issued the power of attorney.

To obtain the necessary information, you need to send a request. This can be done through the online portal. This method does not take much time.

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You can also contact the official authorities -. You just have to wait in line for a long time and come back several times to remind them of your request.

But when a document with legal force is required, personal presence is indispensable.

Providing information

It should be noted that the information is not provided to everyone.

There are 2 types of information:

  • public;
  • hidden.

In the first case, the information is for informational purposes only. This contains only part of the data on the property. But absolutely any individual or legal entity can receive it.

Hidden information is provided only to those who have an electronic digital signature or to the owner of the property.

Such an extract is called complete and it contains all the information about real estate and transactions with it.

Via the Internet (online)

To apply, you just need to go to the official one. A menu will open there where you need to select the item about the Unified State Register. Then fill in the required fields.

The document is provided within several days - usually no more than 5.

However, if a request for an extract is made using an Internet portal, this does not mean that there is no need to pay a state fee.

Moreover, issuing an extract from the Unified State Register in this way costs a little more.


If you submit a request through the official website of Rosreestr, you can save a lot of time.

The only, but very significant, drawback is that the document is provided in electronic form.

It cannot be printed correctly and has no legal effect.

, received in electronic format - this is just an introductory paper:

  • it is not suitable for making transactions;
  • Stamps and signatures are not placed on it.

Therefore, if you need a document to carry out transactions, it is better to obtain it by other methods.

other methods

There are several options, including a personal visit to a branch of Rosreestr.

To do this you need:

  1. Come to a government agency.
  2. Fill out an application.
  3. Pay the amount of state duty.

You cannot throw away the check; it must be attached to the application.

With this method, receiving the document takes longer - up to 10 days, but it will have legal force. It is this extract that is called complete and is used when making transactions.

Request to the Unified State Register

A request to Rosreestr is made to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register.

It comes in 2 types:

  • to a plot of land;
  • on buildings, structures (houses and apartments).

In the first case, the document is provided to any individual or legal entity. There is no confidential information. All information is in public use.

To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register for a building or structure, including an apartment, you must provide an electronic digital signature or ownership in the case where the document must be in full.

For real estate

Real estate via the Internet involves filling out an application through an online resource. This is much easier to do than visiting Rosreestr in person.

In this case, some information will not be received.

If you need complete data, it is better to write an application at the Multifunctional Center or the authorized bodies.

Public ones are available to anyone who submits a request.

For a plot of land

To view data from the Unified State Register, you need to go to the official website of the state organization.

It is worth noting that any information on a land plot does not predetermine any secrecy. All data is publicly viewable.

Today, many have become interested in land for individual housing construction. Even information about the purpose and type of land is provided to absolutely everyone.


To make a Unified State Register request, you need to fill out the appropriate application form. This can be done via the Internet or by visiting a Rosreestr branch in person.

Whatever method is chosen, in any case you will need to pay a state fee. Then provide a receipt for payment. The specialist will tell you when it is necessary to come.

If registration is carried out via an online resource, then you need to:

  • fill out an application;
  • pay the fee;
  • upload a scanned copy of the receipt to the portal website.


The only documents required are a passport and ownership of real estate - if registration is carried out during a personal visit to Rosreestr.

It is necessary to attach a receipt for the state fee, otherwise the information may not be provided in full.


The sample application for an extract is simple. But there is a special form. This is what needs to be filled out.

You don't need to add anything of your own there.


The application is drawn up on a form issued by an employee of Rosreestr. Or, if the procedure is carried out via the Internet, fill out an online form.

A request for information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on real estate is a standard form; it can be obtained from a specialist at the registration chamber.

Who can apply for information?

Information can be requested by any legal entity or individual. It is worth noting that data via the Internet is provided for informational purposes only.

Firms and organizations that have an electronic digital signature can receive an extended extract from the Unified State Register.

The owner or his authorized representative can also apply for the document.

Receiving an extract

Obtaining a document is a simple procedure if everything is done correctly.

That is, to issue an extract you only need 2 components:

  • payment of state duty;
  • to write an application.

An extract is always provided. If employees refuse to issue a document, then this is illegal.

Delivery deadlines

The statement must be issued no later than 5 working days. But in reality, receiving your document requires spending much more time.


The State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) is a specialized information resource containing information about all registered real estate properties in the country.

It allows you to obtain information for purchase and sale transactions and other purposes. Information is provided in a specific order.

There are no difficulties in obtaining information; the citizen is required to prepare documents and clarify the type of information.

Rosreestr services

Rosreestr is a state organization dealing with issues and providing services for cadastral registration of land plots and real estate. The main task is to ensure the implementation of the accounting system.

The functions of Rosreestr include:

Previously, to obtain information it was necessary to contact the Cadastral Chamber. Now information about registered objects is in the unified Rosreestr system.

This simplifies the procedure for requesting data and reduces the time spent communicating with government organizations.

A cadastral map was created based on information from the state cadastre system. It is located on the official website of Rosreestr and allows you to obtain general data about any real estate property in the country online.

The function cannot be called ideal; it works with some interruptions, but thanks to it you can make requests for certificates without queues and at any time of the day.

Information from the state real estate cadastre

Information in the state cadastre is stored forever. Information is entered upon registration of the property and cannot be deleted even after the property ceases to exist.

In special archives, information may be subject to adjustments when changes are made, for example, a change of owner or major redevelopment with the demolition or construction of load-bearing walls.

Each subject of the Russian Federation has a territorial Rosreestr, which contains information about objects in certain areas.

There are several organizations located in large cities, each storing information about real estate in a dedicated area.

And to obtain information, you will need to find out which department of Rosreestr you need to contact.

Video: the procedure for obtaining information from the Unified State Register has changed

Submission rules

According to the rules for providing information from the State Property Committee, you can obtain information about the object of interest in three ways:

  1. Personal appeal to Rosreestr.
  2. On the official website of Rosreestr.
  3. Through the territorial MFC.

In both cases, the applicant will be required to present identification documents confirming ownership of the property. Also, a citizen or legal entity must pay a state fee.

When contacting Rosreestr in person, you must make copies of documents and write an application.

The certificate is prepared within 5 days, in some cases the period increases to 2-3 weeks.

A cadastre map has been created on the official website of Rosreestr for the benefit of property owners.

Additionally, you can order a certificate containing detailed information about the property. The document is sent electronically or by registered mail.

Issuing information

The procedure for providing information to the State Tax Committee at the request of interested parties involves issuing information in two forms:

Types of individual documents

Information from the cadastral passport is used for various purposes, most often related to legal transactions with real estate.

For this purpose, separate documents containing certain information are used. In rare cases, the owner requires a complete package of documents and a complete description of the property.

Depending on the requested information, a specific document is issued, differing in content, volume and privacy.

Property passport

The cadastral passport is the main document for real estate. It reflects basic information about the object.

Without a cadastral passport, it is impossible to carry out legal transactions with real estate, which indicates the great importance of this document.

It is available for all objects registered in the cadastre. A passport is used primarily when transferring ownership of property.

The cadastral passport contains the following information:

Cadastral number This is the value that is assigned to each property. The cadastral number is always unique and cannot be repeated. It contains basic information about real estate. These include region, city and district
Square the dimensions of the property are unchanged information (with the exception of redevelopment, when the information in the cadastral passport changes)
Construction Materials the service life of an object depends on the type of building materials used for the construction of load-bearing structures. The cadastral passport indicates only the main material (for example, wood). Information about facing and finishing materials is not entered
Year of construction indicates the year of completion of construction of the house
Cadastral value this information changes every five years, the indicator is adjusted depending on the indicated value of the property

A cadastral passport is issued only for objects registered in the Rosreestr system.

If the property is not registered, then it is impossible to obtain a document for it and carry out legal transactions with it.

To issue a cadastral passport, you will need to go through the state registration procedure and only after that you can obtain the requested information.

Extract and territory plan

The cadastral extract is generated based on the data contained in the Rosreestr system.

In essence, this document is a copy of the cadastral passport, but consists of more information. The applicant independently compiles a list of data that he needs to obtain.

A cadastral extract is necessary primarily for land surveying and clarifying the location of plot boundaries in the event of disputes with neighbors.

You can obtain a document for any objects, even those not registered in the Rosreestr system.

True, the extract in this case will be less informative and will consist of information about the location, boundaries and an indication of the fact of lack of registration.

The cadastral plan consists of information about the land plot and construction projects located on the given territory.

It is used by engineers for land surveying and cadastral work. It is not particularly significant for other categories of persons.

From the legal side, without a cadastral plan, it is impossible to buy, donate, etc. Any real estate transactions are prohibited in the absence of this document.

A cadastral plan looks like an image of a land area with delineated boundaries. It must clearly indicate the construction projects located on the site.

Certificate of cost

The certificate contains basic information about the object, as well as the state value. The document is issued for each type of real estate separately.

If there is a house on the land plot, you will need to obtain two certificates of cadastral value.

The cadastral value is used when calculating property taxes, as well as for conducting legal transactions.

The seller will need to order a certificate before selling the property. The buyer must ensure that the price is not greatly reduced. If the cadastral price is significantly lower than the market price, you should look for a catch.

The reason for the drop in value may be the deterioration of soil quality and the existing risks of natural disasters.

The formation of cadastral value is influenced by many factors. It is almost always below the market indicator.

And the certificate allows you to verify the seller’s honesty, as well as calculate the amount of property tax.

It is worth noting that the cadastral value is reviewed and adjusted every 5 years. However, for legal transactions, the statute of limitations for information should not exceed 1 year.

Procedure for receiving

To obtain information from the state cadastre, you will need to prepare the following documents:

You can obtain information in several ways:

  • apply with documents in person to the territorial department of Rosreestr;
  • leave a request through the territorial MFC;
  • send a request by mail;
  • leave a request on the official website of Rosreestr.

Having chosen the most convenient way to contact government agencies, you can begin filling out the application.

First, you need to determine which document is required. The further procedure for providing information contained in the State Tax Code looks something like this:

  1. Contact the MFC or Rosreestr.
  2. Submission of documents.
  3. Receiving an act of acceptance and transfer of documents and determining the deadline for the certificate to be ready.
  4. Receive a completed certificate within the established time frame.

If the application is submitted on the Rosreestr website, you will need to find the desired area on the map, register in the system and then proceed to order the certificate. The state fee is paid online.

Thanks to this method, the procedure for obtaining information from the State Tax Committee is simplified as much as possible, allowing you to order the required documents without queues and without leaving your home.

Making a request

When contacting Rosreestr, you must submit your request in writing. It should reflect the following information:

Copies of documents identifying the applicant and indicating ownership are attached to the application.

If there is no data

Data on real estate is missing in cases where the property is not registered in the state cadastre. This makes it impossible to obtain documents for the object and conduct legal transactions.

Providing information from Rosreestr is possible only for registered real estate.

To do this you will need:

After registration, the owner can receive the necessary documents for the property.

When receiving information on the Rosreestr website, there may be a lack of information due to imperfections in the system.

If the owner previously registered the property, then one can judge about errors in the information service.

To rectify the situation, you must personally contact Rosreestr to obtain information and notify about the absence of data on the cadastre map.

It is worth repeating that information in the state cadastre is subject to eternal storage.

Removal and deletion of data is impossible, so information can be obtained even for construction projects that were demolished long ago.

To make changes

Information about real estate contained in the state cadastre can be adjusted by the owner depending on changes that have occurred.

For example, a building was built on a plot of land. Or a house of individual construction is subject to redevelopment with an increase or decrease in the size of the area.

Any changes regarding the information contained in the cadastral passport must be included in the registration documents.

To make adjustments, the owner or his representative must contact Rosreestr with documents and write an application.

It reflects the essence of the changes made and must indicate the list of attached documents.

The owner will need to prepare:

The prepared documents are submitted to the state cadastre. After making changes, the applicant is given an extract with the adjustments already made.

The service is provided free of charge; the applicant will not have to pay a state fee.

How much will it cost

The cost of services for providing information from the State Tax Committee depends on the type of document requested.

In 2019 the prices are set:

The applicant pays the state fee in the established amount to the organization’s account. You can get the details on the information board or from Rosreestr specialists.

If information is requested through the online system, payment is made from a bank card or electronic payment system.

Document production times vary from 5 days to several weeks, depending on the complexity. For example, the cadastral passport can be picked up 5 days after the application.

The period increases to 2-4 weeks in the absence of information about the property, when the object is not registered in the State Property Committee. This time is allotted for entering information into the cadastre.

If the applicant applies for technically complex documents, the production time varies from 10 to 20 days. Only working days are taken into account.

The list of information provided by the state real estate cadastre is extensive.

Owners can obtain almost any information about their property. The type of document requested depends on the purpose of its use.

For example, if the property is planned to be sold, then a cadastral passport is required. If you need complete information about the property, then an extract is ordered.

Information about each registered property is stored in the State Property Committee - the state real estate cadastre. If necessary, from there you can obtain certain data about the property or its owner. To do this, you will need to make a request for information included in the state real estate cadastre. Let's take a closer look at how to do this and what you need to remember.

What is the State Real Estate Cadastre

The State Real Estate Cadastre is a collection of data on registered real estate. It contains information about the passage of the state border of the Russian Federation, about the boundaries between the subjects of the Federation, about the boundaries of settlements and municipalities, as well as about territorial zones.

From this we can conclude that the cadastre is a register of real estate and it contains cadastral files and maps. It includes buildings, structures, premises, land plots, unfinished structures and underground structures.

The object is entered into the cadastral register after the owner or his authorized representative submits a corresponding application to Rosreestr. This happens when new real estate appears, old property ceases to exist, or the current one changes (for example, after redevelopment).

Each person is required to attach certain official documents to the application:

  1. Documents proving property rights.
  2. Boundary plan, if the characteristics of the building have been changed.
  3. Technical plan made by a specialist.
  4. Receipt for payment of the state fee.
  5. Papers that confirm that the site belongs to a certain category.
  6. An inspection report proving that upon deregistration the premises ceased to exist.

This is only an approximate list of documents, and additional ones may be requested if necessary. You will need to provide them in order to successfully complete the procedure.

The person who completed the registration of the property must be provided with a cadastral passport or an extract. These papers contain information about the property and the owner. These documents are often required when, for example, you need to sell a building, bequeath it, or rent it out.

Information contained in the cadastral register is considered publicly available. Therefore, not only the owner, but also any other person can request them. For example, they may be needed by a real estate buyer or tenant. The provision of any information included in the state real estate cadastre is carried out after submitting a request. A person can choose any convenient method for sending an application.

How to make a request?

In order to provide information included in the state real estate cadastre, you need to submit a request. You can decide for yourself exactly how to do this. There are several options, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

You can personally contact the government agency and issue a paper document. After that, give it to the employee, and then wait until the answer comes. You can also send a paper request by mail. In this case, you will not have to come to the government agency in person.

If you have Internet access, you can go to the website of the Federal State Registration Service on your computer and fill out an electronic form there. After that, all you have to do is wait for the answer, it will also come in electronic form.

The form in which the document will be issued depends on how exactly the person submitted the application. If you apply in person or via mail, you will receive a paper version. If you use the Internet, you will receive an electronic archive with the required files. But if you wish, you can specify which option is needed.

What data can you get?

Having figured out how to make a request to provide information included in the state real estate cadastre, you should consider another issue. It is necessary to know exactly what data can be obtained in this way. The owners themselves can be assured that an outsider can only gain access to information that is not confidential. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about someone finding out too personal information.

There are two documents in total that can be obtained. This is a cadastral passport and an extract. Each of them has its own purpose. A passport is usually required if there is a transaction involving real estate. This can be a purchase and sale, inheritance, insurance, donation, pledge, etc. And an extract is usually necessary for carrying out boundary work. By the way, it contains more information than a passport.

It has already been said that the provision of information included in the state real estate cadastre occurs upon request. If you wish, you can specify in the application itself what specific parameters you are interested in. If a person decides to get an extract, he should understand that it costs twice as much as a passport.

What information is present:

  1. Full address of the property.
  2. Cadastral number of the building.
  3. Information about registration of rights.
  4. Purpose.
  5. Total area.
  6. Establishment of encumbrances.

It is worth knowing the procedure for providing information in order to do everything correctly. First you need to decide what type of document is required. A property passport is enough to complete the transaction. Next, you need to decide how to make the request. As already mentioned, you can either visit Rosreestr in person or use the Internet.

It is necessary to pay a state fee for providing the required information from the state real estate cadastre. You must keep the receipt, as it will need to be provided later. Otherwise, you will have to pay the state fee again, and this time keep the receipt.

Now you need to send your request, indicating all the nuances. If it is accepted, you will need to wait for the result, and that’s all. This is the procedure for providing information that any person who wants to receive a passport or extract needs to go through.

How to fill out an application?

To obtain information from the state real estate cadastre, you must fill out an application. There is a special form that can either be taken during a personal visit to the Russian Register, or downloaded from the federal service website. In the second case, you will be able to fill out an application at home and then bring it ready to the government agency. As for the electronic version, you only need to fill out the form provided.

In the request itself, you need to write the cadastral number of the object or its exact address, the type of document (you want to receive), the method of response and the form of the official paper (electronic or paper version), information about the applicant.

If you fill out everything correctly and follow the procedure for providing information, your request will be accepted. By the way, you need to have an identification document with you. After this, you will need to wait until the desired official paper is issued.

If there is no data in the State Property Committee, this indicates that the object was not registered in the cadastral register. Or the applicant indicated the wrong address/number. If the owner is faced with such a problem, then he should make an appointment in person with the state registrar and submit all the required documents for the property.

By the way, if a person tried to obtain data via the Internet and failed, then this may also indicate an imperfection of the system. In this case, it makes sense to contact Rosreestr personally. Perhaps in this way it will be possible to obtain the information of interest.

Can changes be made?

In various situations, it becomes necessary to make changes to existing data. Owners who have the necessary documents have this right. First of all, you need to have a Russian passport, which belongs to the applicant. Or you should acquire a power of attorney if the process goes through a representative.

If changes need to be made, the following documents may be required:

  1. Documents proving the owner's rights to real estate.
  2. A boundary or technical plan made by a cadastral engineer.
  3. A document confirming the approval of the boundaries of the land plot (if there were problems with this).
  4. Additional information.

All documents will be reviewed by a service employee. If everything is in order, then changes will be made to the state real estate cadastre. The procedure itself is free. After this, the person will receive a statement containing updated information.

If a person is not the owner, then he cannot make changes. He only has the opportunity to receive a document with old data.

What is the price?

People who decide to turn to GKN often have questions about the cost of services. When you need to receive a certain document in your hands, you will have to pay for it. You must keep the receipt for payment of the state duty. You will need it in order to issue the desired document.

You can pay in any convenient way from among those available. For example, you can deposit money through a special terminal or visit a bank branch. After payment you will receive a receipt.

Currently, the following prices for services for individuals:

  1. Registration of a cadastral passport – 200 rubles.
  2. Registration of a cadastral extract – 400 rubles.
  3. Registration of a cadastral plan – 800 rub.

If you want the document to be in electronic form, you need to pay:

  1. For a cadastral passport – 150 rubles.
  2. For extract – 150 rub.
  3. For a territory plan - 150 rubles.

For legal entities, prices are two to three times higher. Therefore, requesting official papers is much more profitable for ordinary people. The received document is valid indefinitely. The only thing is that it may become outdated if the object’s parameters change for some reason. Then the owner will need to edit the data.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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