Thank you very much! How to enjoy the little things? Thank life for everything. How to get rid of depression

A person's life is not so long that it should be wasted on a bad mood. You must be able to enjoy every little thing in life, only then will everything around you sparkle with colors and stop being monotonous and gray. Joy is a great charge of positive energy and positivity that charges our vital energy, and also gives us the strength to overcome difficulties and move on, despite obstacles.

Most people have ceased to truly rejoice the way children do. This is because we have turned all value priorities upside down.

The vast majority are in a state of chasing money. And no matter how many there are, they are still few. In this crazy rush of life, we have stopped valuing attention. loved one, the support of a friend, the smile of a passerby, meetings with relatives, a beautiful view from the window of the house.

The most interesting thing is that there are no less joys in life, we just stopped appreciating what we have. A classic of the genre: we have, we don’t appreciate it, but when we lose, we regret the loss.

We must be able to enjoy any simply good moments that life gives us, because they are all unique and will never happen again. Then we will have an inexhaustible supply of positive things and a reason for a good mood. A person who knows how to notice beauty in the most ordinary things is truly rich - the whole world belongs to him.

Such a person does not need to invent and look for something to please him with - every new day in his life is already a reason for joy. Being able to enjoy life is necessary not only to feel good, it has a positive effect on your personal life, work, business, creativity and other activities.

The ability to enjoy life

By being in a bad mood, we only harm ourselves and deprive ourselves of the right to live. happy life and implement normal activities, we become irritable or, on the contrary, indifferent to everything that happens around us.

The chronic pessimist, as always, just throws up his hands and lowers his head even more. A good mood is a catalyst for progress, while a bad mood, on the contrary, acts as ballast.

People are used to complicating everything, if suddenly something goes wrong, then everything is depression, breakdown. But you need to be simpler, be able to enjoy every minute of your life, and not hang your head at every failure.

Learn to enjoy life. A person who knows how to rejoice is always more resourceful than someone who is pessimistic. He will always find original solution and laugh at challenging task, will play out the trouble that happened with humor.

It’s easy to find reasons for joy, there are many of them around, you just need the desire to discover them. Then life will change, work will improve, business will go uphill, and people around will become more friendly and responsive.

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The ability to enjoy life is not given to everyone by nature. Often, many of us fall into a pessimistic mood, at times when we should pay closer attention to situations that could well be rejoiced at. How can we not focus on the negative and learn to notice the joys that life gives us? It is important to learn to live here and now Often, we are upset by thoughts about what happened a long time ago or about what has not yet happened (and we are not sure what will happen). We are thinking possible options developments of certain events, we fantasize about what we could do to prevent any unpleasant consequences etc. Thus, we are not present in the present moment, wandering through the outskirts of the past and a ghostly future. Thus, we deprive ourselves of our present. That is why it is very important to drive such thoughts away. Of course, sometimes it’s nice to plan a vacation, or think about what interesting gifts you can give to your loved ones, for example, New Year. Such thoughts will not harm your today, however, do not allow negativity to occupy your thoughts. Don't be discouraged, no matter what In order to live happily, it is important to learn to be an optimist. Surely, you have noticed that there is a category of people who try not to lose heart, no matter what. And they do it wonderfully! At first, many of us are perplexed when looking at such people, but over time we understand that it is much easier to live this way. Sometimes it can be very difficult to find positive sides in some situations, but it's always worth trying. If this task seems overwhelming to you, set yourself up to the fact that even if everything is not very rosy now, one day it will pass. Unfortunately, life cannot be filled only with joyful events, but they certainly follow sorrows. Maybe that's why we learn to truly appreciate them over time.

Enjoy life to the fullest Don't put life off until last. If possible, enjoy your present to the fullest. Perhaps you have a dream that is quite realistic to realize in a short period of time, but you leave its implementation “until better times”? You can zoom in on these right now" better times"if you do what you really want! Psychologist's advice: how to find joy in life Your life will be joyful if the people closest to you have reasons for joy. It would seem that there is no connection, but this is obvious! It is very difficult to live happily when your loved ones are not doing well, but if you find a way to improve the lives of others with pleasant surprises, support, help, then your life will become easier - at least from the knowledge that you bring positive emotions to your family, second significant other or friends. Undoubtedly, close people will try to answer you in the same way. It's important to live your life Often we become depressed because we take on other people's burdens or live as we are told, and not as we ourselves want. It is not surprising that under such circumstances it is quite difficult to truly enjoy life. Meanwhile, if you learn to distinguish between what you want yourself and what you are being pushed towards, then you will undoubtedly be able to find inner harmony. There is nothing wrong with helping another person, but you truly owe it to yourself! When a person takes on a burden beyond his reach, he often “breaks” under its weight. Don't condemn yourself to this! Remember that only by filling your life can you help someone else, but if this is not possible, then you yourself need help. Assess your capabilities soberly. Learn to smile every day In every day you can find a reason to smile if you really want it. A person who has decided to become an optimist is undoubtedly able to enjoy the warm weather outside, well-prepared coffee, delicious pie, a purring cat, flowering trees, soft snow-white snow, and so on. Learn to notice the beauty around you, and you will have many reasons to smile. Learn to forget about everything bad and let go of the past Unfortunately, many of us are trapped in the past. Even if everything is fine now, we remember the moments that once hurt us, and we cannot fully enjoy the joys that life gives us today. Subsequently, most often, they realized how stupid they were, not appreciating true happiness, messing around in events long ago days gone by. Don't let this insight come years later! Right now, let go of the burdens of the past, and start paying attention to what is happening in your life in currently. What methods can be used for this? Thank you for the lesson No matter how difficult your past may be, if you still cannot part with it, then most likely it has taught you some kind of lesson. Realize that this was his purpose - to give you wisdom that one day in the future you can use. Nothing happens by chance, so the only thing you can do when letting go of a situation is to thank it for teaching you something, which it certainly did. Learn to be happy for other people When we begin to sincerely rejoice for other people, luck comes to us too. It is unknown how this “boomerang” works, but it really is! A person living in envy and disapproval becomes so immersed in these emotions that he simply misses those moments of joy that fate is trying to give him.

It is very important to learn to notice and appreciate what we have today, and not to concentrate on something completely extraneous - alien or past. So, how can we learn to notice all the pleasant things that life surrounds us with? Many people have heard more than once about how useful it is, at times, to “disconnect” from problems and direct your consciousness in a completely different direction. Often we just smile when we hear such advice, retorting that there is simply no time to implement all these techniques. Of course, this is our main mistake– there is always time, we just set our priorities wrong. Learn to "switch" Each person, if desired, will be able to “switch” one event to another. As has already been emphasized, this will only happen when there is really a desire! To facilitate own life, first of all, you should think about how you build your " internal dialogue" Do not allow pessimism in your thoughts, consciously set yourself up in an optimistic mood, encourage when necessary and calm down. Don't beat yourself up if things don't work out! Learn to be grateful Often we truly begin to appreciate what we had only when we are deprived of it. Don't let this happen to you! Sometimes we ignore loved ones, not thinking that one day they will stop communicating with us and they simply won’t be around. However, if this does happen, we reconsider our attitude towards them and begin to regret some of our actions. You have the power to avoid these regrets. Learn to give thanks dear people in word and deed for being present in your life.

Develop, don't stand still

If it seems to you that life does not please you with truly pleasant and happy moments, then take this task upon yourself! Be the master of your destiny, and do not wait for gifts from outside - achieve what you want. When you begin to develop in one direction or another, changes will undoubtedly be made in your life, and it is in your power to make sure that these changes are positive. So, in what directions can you develop so that it will ultimately result in positive results for you? Sport Find time to exercise. Even if some of its types are contraindicated for you, this does not mean that absolutely everything is prohibited. Surely, there are disciplines in which you could develop. What will you get in the end? If you take building your body really seriously, then pretty soon you will at least see an improvement in your appearance. Agree that this cannot but be a reason to lift your spirits. You will also be able to make new acquaintances or simply increase your level of knowledge in an area in which you were not previously strong. Also, do not forget that not only external transformations await you, but also “internal” ones. Simply put, if you do everything correctly, as experts advise, then, for sure, this will add to your health, which is never superfluous. Hobby Of course, a hobby can be not only sports - you can find many other activities that will have a positive effect on your development, and therefore bring you new ways to enjoy. Think about what you would really like to do, and don’t put these plans off until last. If now you show interest in what you like, then it is possible that in a year, in parallel with your main occupation, you will be a skilled photographer, a talented programmer, an extraordinary artist, an active snowboarder, an experienced traveler or anyone else! Many people think that the question: “Who do I want to be?” important to ask yourself school years, and in youth bring these ideas to life. Often this is not the case at all! Ask yourself this question right now, and make a determined attempt to get closer to your goal. Don't deprive yourself of the chance to live the way you want.

Sometimes it happens that we don't notice the simple and pleasant little things in life and enjoy it?

A scientific approach can help you learn to enjoy the little things

The human body is a very complex mechanism. If a failure occurs somewhere, then the entire system suffers. The functioning of the thyroid gland greatly affects a person’s health and well-being. This is a kind of indicator of our mood, well-being and sexual desire. We depend on her very much and if she's not okay, learn to enjoy the little things It’s not going to work out for us. But if you look from the other side, then it depends entirely on ourselves, if we do not know how to enjoy little things, we are mentally depressed, we constantly worry conflict situations and we look at things pessimistically, then in this case our iron is under threat.

The ability to enjoy little things and enjoying life largely depends on the presence of hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and endorphin. The pattern is that the more the body produces these hormones, the happier the person is. But the level of these beneficial hormones depends on your attitude to life, your way of thinking and your vision of the world.

The habit of enjoying every little thing can literally double these hormones. You must develop the habit of finding something good and positive in every situation, even if this situation is very unpleasant. Positive thinking It will help you enjoy the little things and keep your body in great shape.

If you manage to develop these traits in yourself, then you will feel one hundred percent, you will be successful and complete. vital energy.

Learn to enjoy the little things

Scientists conducted an experiment on a group of people and derived an appropriate formula that determines how many times a day a person should experience good and positive emotions in order to feel good. This number is no less than fourteen and then we will feel good throughout the working day. But if you plan to exceed given number, then you will not suffer from this, but on the contrary, you will only benefit.

Look back right now at what you have achieved, what you have. Sometimes we are so absorbed in work and the race for new achievements that we do not notice what we already have. We, like robots, continue to move forward and do not show any emotions. This is a deliberately losing act; you can achieve much more only when you know how to enjoy every little thing. This will undoubtedly spur us on to new achievements. But you can rejoice not only in some material achievements, but also simple, for example, the smile of your child, the good mood of your significant other, the vacation that you will get soon and go to a resort, a trip to a picnic with friends, and so on.

A lot depends on the environment. The kind of people you surround yourself with affects your mental and physical state. Imagine that you are going to spend time in a company in the evening and there are solid pessimists in a bad mood who spend the whole evening talking about how bad their lives are, what they were sick with and how they do not see any good future in this world. It's a gloomy picture, isn't it? Of course, we are exaggerating, but the essence is clear. You simply must communicate with positive, kind and bright people who will pull you along with them to success, and not to the bottom. In such company the ability to enjoy every little thing comes, of course.

Humor is the best friend, always remember this. Whatever the situation, you can get out of it with the help of humor. The ability to laugh at yourself will lift your spirits and fill you with positive energy. Don’t be too self-critical of yourself, sometimes it’s better to look at the situation with different eyes and add a little humor to a seemingly serious situation. This will help you avoid a lot of stress, because the situation has already happened and you can’t change anything, but you can change your mood. Try not to dwell on problems and defeats; instead, draw useful conclusions for yourself for the future and set goals for yourself.

All the tips we have given above will help you understand how to learn to enjoy the little things.

How to learn to enjoy life? This is a question that has discovered its relevance right now, when there seems to be every chance of positive life, but something is stopping me. Someone discovered in themselves the inability to rejoice, the habit of noticing shortcomings, others even believe that life consists of a series of unpleasant moments and a lot of negative emotions, and in general they are surrounded by nothing but negativity. For example, let’s take an older woman, lonely, with little money, living a boring life. How does she spend her life? He gets up, goes out into the street, sees dirt or young people behaving indecently and gets angry, cursing everything around him. It's raining - she swears again. He comes home, turns on the news, hears negativity and gets irritated again. This is how her life goes. But she will be able to change it and diversify it, with some effort, find a life partner, earn a little more money and spend them even on small, but joys. However, more often than not, even if they have the opportunity to enjoy life, people are often dissatisfied with it, they lack resources under any conditions, and it seems that they are surrounded only by problems.

Even without radically changing your life, under any conditions, you can learn to live much happier. Maybe this woman can concentrate on the positive, find a reason for joy, communicate with interesting people.

But how can you learn to enjoy life and see the positive? This requires some effort on oneself, changing the habits of grumbling, criticizing, and being in a depressed state of mind. It is worth noting that we live in a unique time - never before have people had such high level life as it is now. In ancient times, kings lived worse than a common person Today. Constant wars and diseases, lack of a wide range of food, medicine, and entertainment. However, even in this period of prosperity and tranquility, people often find a few positive things out of everything negative points and concentrate only on them, forgetting to see positive realities - the shining sun, the world, arms and legs, water and food, clothes, friends, their own potential and the many opportunities and entertainment in the modern world.

How to learn to live here and now and enjoy life?

Learn to overcome your weaknesses. To achieve what you want, you need to make efforts to form the right habits, overcome obstacles, and remove by force of will the negativity from yourself to which you are accustomed, replacing it with positivity. In other words, you should overcome yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Until a person makes these efforts, he is forced to exist in the cramped room of his automatisms. If you learn to do all this, you will inevitably become a successful person who knows how to enjoy not only the positive moments in life, but also share other people’s happiness without envy, which will multiply your joy by the number of your friends and acquaintances.

How to learn to enjoy life and see the positive? To do this, all psychologists advise developing a state of being here and right now, enjoying it. When you walk in the park, don’t be in the clouds thinking about the past or future, but enjoy it right now surrounding nature, take a deep breath Fresh air, look at the sun, smile at the sky. When you communicate with a good man– feel the pleasure of this communication, start a conversation about what is important and pleasant for you, take the topic in a positive direction. When you eat, feel the taste, enjoy the food. Even when you go to bed - feel how you are lying in warm apartment, cover yourself with a soft blanket.

Develop the habit of always seeing the good and thinking about the bright. This means moving away from scenes, not watching how someone wastes money and words, wasting their life, not even entering companies where you receive a negative charge. Strive to enjoy the nature around you, harmonious music, bright people, after communication with whom you remain in a good mood. Learn to choose creative material for your attention and thoughts, set up your filters correctly for this.

How we think is how we feel. In difficult times, it helps to reconsider the good things you have. Also reconsider what bad things you have, learn to get rid of unnecessary things, both outdated attitudes and experiences, and things. Activate pleasant ones, make sure that your attention is occupied by joyful moments, for which you can hang up your favorite photos from your vacation, throw out old furniture associated with a difficult past, and buy something simple that will give you comfort. When a person reconsiders what has fallen into disrepair, he realizes that half of everything can be taken out - the territory will be freed up, and changes will come to this place. Most often, we ourselves prevent change from coming to us. Create a positive environment and joy can settle within you.

In order to feel good in a relationship, give your partner something good to think about, set him up for positive points. For example, write what good things you thought about, what pleasant things you are experiencing right now - then he will start thinking about your positivity. Charge it with your lungs - it will return them to you, multiplying them.

Think in images as much as possible. When we use our head all the time, it only gets in the way. Even more clever man, who quotes great truths, but does not let them pass through his life, turns out to be an armchair philosopher, and his reasoning easily turns into criticism of what is happening. It’s easy to talk about the bad things around you, whereas getting up and starting to live life personally in all its fullness is the implementation of the program that you have chosen for yourself.

One could argue that the universe decides everything, but God has no other arms or legs than human ones; it depends on you what kind of life you will create. This does not mean that you have to force yourself to smile, even when it’s bad. Give your sincere reaction. However, try to program good things with your own efforts. We program it when we plant flowers, give birth to children, invest in a better future - we program everything good when we increase it.

Allow yourself pleasant moments, whether it be buying exotic fruits, a glass of wine with friends or an unplanned weekend trip. Set aside a small amount of money for when things get difficult, “lay out straws” so that in a moment of crisis you don’t get upset, but be sure that everything is fine with you.

Pay attention to truly happy and relaxed people, observe what they do and how they behave. If it’s difficult for you to rejoice like them, you should most often look for roots in childhood. Common reason the fact that the child was praised little and a lot was demanded of him. As a result, now, having become an adult, he does not praise himself or others at all, demanding the maximum from the program.

For example, a child rejoices, jumps in a puddle, even enjoying the fact that he is smearing mud all over himself. Mom comes up, scolds and spanks him. At the bodily level and at the level of consciousness, he develops an attitude - he will have to pay for joy. Or, in childhood, the child did not know exactly how his parents would behave in the next minute, whether they would shout or rejoice, scold or praise, so in his adult life he seems to put on a shell, is in constant protection, and can never relax. Naturally, it is difficult for him to experience joy.

Parents also convey their beliefs to the child, for example, that if you laugh for a long time, then you will definitely cry. Parental messages are reinforced, and the child waits for the consequences all his life. How to fix these programs, are there any specific recommendations?

One of interesting tips psychologists - to find your joy in the body. Where she lives? Maybe she's like a ball of sunshine in her chest or warm waves in her stomach. Focus on how you feel. After you have found your joy in the body, you need to give it Special attention– enlarge it, perhaps it will transform in size, change color, become brighter. Mark the time - you need 5 minutes to shift your attention to your joy. You need to do this exercise for 21 days. But start by doing it for 5 days, then take a break and when you feel the need again, continue.

The next way is to trigger a feeling of joy at the bodily level, so that it is later remembered in consciousness. This exercise will be easy to do for adults who already have children. But if there are no children, there are still memories of your own childhood. Remember how, as a child, you admired some little thing, for example, when your mother bought you ice cream or your favorite candy - what could you buy for yourself now and be happy? Having bought this thing for yourself, stay alone, activate the sensations as if you were having fun now as a child, and be sure to rejoice in your body just as you did in childhood - you can shake your arms, jump, scream with joy. Launch your body to feel a sense of euphoria and joy through it. Give it to yourself, and then yours inner child will be saturated with impressions, and it will be easier to enjoy more complex, adult things.

And the third, simplest and at the same time difficult way is to stop looking down. When we look down we run negative emotions. When it goes up, we experience an emotional rise, a surge of hormones, joy is triggered even at the physiological level. Looking at the clouds, we see some perspective, remember pleasant moments, and hope for the best and brightest.

Let's talk about the everyday life of a woman and her daily joys. Yes, yes, there is always a reason to smile!

Once in college, a friend told me about one of his observations, which he called “lost wallet syndrome.” He explained: “When you lose your wallet, then, no matter what happens in life, you only think about one thing: “Oh, how happy I would be if I found it!” I would be happy forever!” But when the wallet is found, for some reason you are happy for only a couple of minutes, and then you just forget about it.”

Appreciate what you have

I am trying to acquire the ability to appreciate what I have (here and now) and be grateful for it. For quite a long time I was haunted by the words of the French writer Colette: “What kind of life did I have? wonderful Life! It’s just a pity that I didn’t realize this earlier.” It is because of (or maybe because of) this quote that I strive to find happiness in small things - even in everyday things - and to cherish those little surprises.

Numerous studies show that the key to happiness is the ability to be grateful: people who cultivate gratitude are more likely to be happy. good mood, feel stronger connections with other people, have more friends, and are more likely to help others. They even sleep better and have fewer headaches! While counting personal reasons for gratitude and joy, I suddenly discovered that

good emotions... displace irritation and resentment.

Solid advantages

I have so many reasons to be grateful! And it's strangely absurd that I have to remind myself of this, but that's just how it is... When life goes on as usual, a lot of what happens in it is taken for granted. I wanted an atmosphere of gratitude to reign in our family, and I started with myself. It was hard not to miss everything I have to be grateful for: from familiar objects (such as the air conditioning system, coffee machine, or diet soda) to special, highly personal items, such as the well-being of my family or the fact that my children for real

happy at school. It's easy to overlook simple but extremely important things, like the sunny morning or the fact that my husband cleaned the kitchen. Research shows that married couples are much less nice to each other than to strangers.

Alas, this is true. Alas, this is about me too. Therefore, I decided to monitor my behavior and tell my husband thank you every time he makes me happy, and not grumble if he suddenly does something annoying.

Not an easy job

...Keeping your thoughts in this vein is not easy. Moreover, I regularly forget to buy toothpaste (and, whatever one may say, I need it every day!), let alone express gratitude to my own husband. Yes, igniting and maintaining a sense of gratitude every day is not easy. Therefore, I developed several simple rituals to help myself. I'll tell you about some.

For example, every time I sit down at the computer, I say to myself: “What a joy it is to return to my computer and do the work I love.” Or: “What a blessing to be here and do the work I love on my computer, which, by the way, works great.” I recently added another one good habit . She helps me to be happy, I called it the “corridor ritual.” To get into our apartment, I need to turn off the alarm and open two doors in turn - this takes some time. Now in these moments I remind myself: “I am happy to walk through these doors to return to my family, to our cozy home!”

Good habit

Using the same principle, I created a “gratitude ritual” related to my health. Last year I suffered from back pain for several months in a row; it was not terrible, but it was constant, and any movement could cause discomfort. Now, every time I go for a walk or to the gym, I think: “How grateful I am that I am healthy and nothing hurts!” The body can be an incredible source of dissatisfaction, but that pain made me less critical of my body's imperfections.

Official holidays (such as New Year or March 8) are a time for compliments and words of gratitude. They also give us the opportunity to reboot, become better, kinder... Why not make an extra effort and try to be grateful every day?!

Thank you!

Let's say, why not say thank you for a delicious dinner? (By the way, this is one of the most universal methods“incorporate” a feeling of gratitude into your daily life.) Or not be glad that there are no traffic jams on the road? Or not thank your husband for his help in the kitchen? Surely he doesn’t help you wash the dishes every evening?! Or... Start making your list.

And yes, I am very grateful to you, the readers, for reading my column. Thank you very much!

Happy thought:
“Enjoy the little joys of life! One day you will look back and realize that these were great joys ... "
Robert Brault

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