Marriage business and “related products”. Documents for a fiancee visa

How to get married in Italy.

In Italy there are two types of marriage: church and civil, both types have equal rights, church marriage is recognized by the state. After marriage in the municipality, at the request of the spouses (who are not spouses for the church), the ceremony can be held in the church (and the desire may arise after 10 years). After marriage in the church, a civil ceremony is no longer held in the municipality.

Civil ceremonyis held in the municipality, there are no wedding palaces here, and there is no need for this: all municipalities are located in historical buildings of past centuries and are themselves richly decorated. At the request of the couple (and for additional payment) the wedding can be held in a hotel, in historical buildings, outdoors, etc.

Information from the site

After submitting documents for marriage, a notice about the desire of such and such to get married is posted on the notice board of the municipality, where it must hang for at least 10 days, including 2 Sundays. This is done so that those who have something against the marriage can present their claims and disagreements, because during the civil ceremony no one asks those present: “If anyone knows about the reasons for the impossibility of this marriage, let him speak now or never! After these 10 days, the marriage must be completed within 180 days.The wedding hall is usually one of the halls of the municipality, mainly the one used for meetings, there are no flowers there, and each couple must think about decorating it themselves. Usually an agreement is concluded with the nearest flower shop, where there are always several photo albums, you can choose what you liked or create your own flower arrangements. IN right day, 2 hours before the ceremony, florists bring flower arrangements, vases, trees in tubs, grass paths, rose petals, ribbons, etc. and decorate the hall with them.

Theoretically, the mayor of the city himself can lead the ceremony, but he does this only in special cases, usually the ceremony is led by one of his deputies - no long dress or special hairstyle, maybe something more dressy compared to normal work clothes, but nothing more. Since the receptionist's clothing may be ordinary, in order to stand out from the crowd, the official always wears a tri-color (colors Italian flag) tape. In his work, he is assisted by an assistant, whose responsibilities include monitoring correctly signed documents, opening and closing them, because the documents to be signed are sheets in a huge book of marriage registration acts (approximately 80 x 60 cm).

During the ceremony, not only the guests sit, but also the couple themselves. They stand up only to sign documents, which is placed on the table in front of them, and to exchange rings.

The ceremony itself is not characterized by sincerity, it can rather be defined as businesslike, after the questions: “Is your name so-and-so?”, the registrar immediately begins... reading the chapters of the civil code about family relationships. Then follows the question: “Do you agree.....?”, the exchange of rings and the signing of documents. That's it, the ceremony is over. No heartfelt speeches about the complexity of marriage and the long, long journey together, about the need to understand and support each other...

Then some confusion sets in, because everyone understands that they need to approach the newlyweds and congratulate them, but no one here gives the signal: “And now, dear parents, congratulate the young!” Therefore, at first everyone hesitates, and then the crowd approaches the newlyweds.

Italians consider the civil ceremony to be of secondary importance, so the bride does not wear a wedding dress, but a regular/dressy dress/suit according to the weather. If you are planning only a civil ceremony, do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of wearing a real wedding dress, so what if usually no one does this, but you will have one. (By the way, Wedding Dresses in Italy they are very expensive, starting from 1500 euros, so bring the dress from Russia).

Church wedding- the most common form of marriage. Preparations for the ceremony begin long before the appointed date. It is absolutely normal to schedule a wedding a year in advance. At the of all churches there are preparatory courses for those wishing to get married, and they are required to attend. Typically, future newlyweds take a preparation course for marriage in the church parish at the place of residence of one of the future spouses. The course lasts 4-5 weeks, during which you must attend 10 lecture lessons. The Church advises starting to attend the course at least 3 months before the wedding. It is held in the evening or daytime- so that everyone working or not working has time to visit him. The course covers ethical, psychological and educational problems and, of course, issues of religion. Among the topics is sex education (!) (this topic remains from past centuries, when people entered into marriage as virgins, and the church took upon itself sexual education; now the church “promotes” its ideas that sex exists for reproduction, but not for pleasures, that abortions should not be performed, etc.), an explanation of the importance of marital fidelity and issues of raising children. According to priests, true believers should marry in church, but most Italians do this because the ceremony in church is more emotional, uplifting, beautiful and memorable.

Some churches have special training courses for your witnesses. A separate course is conducted for them, something like “How to become and be a worthy witness,” which explains the role of witnesses in the life of a new family.

The church ceremony lasts about an hour, half of which is devoted to a story about the religious meaning of marriage and prayers. As in the municipality, the newlyweds sit on a banquette for the main part of the ceremony.

After the religious ceremony, the church sends a notice of the marriage to the municipality at the place of residence of one of the spouses, on the basis of which a marriage certificate is issued. The marriage certificate is an ordinary A4 sheet of paper with the city coat of arms and a small seal. No cover, watermarks, etc. No. They will print you as many of these marriage certificates as you want - what a problem: put the sheet into the printer, and print at least 100 pieces. It is not surprising that here very often they require not a copy, but the original certificate, which is valid for only 3 months, then you need to print a new one - with new date extradition (during this period a person can file for divorce and be no longer married, but in a state of “separato”).
After marriage, the wife cannot take her husband's surname and remains with her own. Children born in marriage always bear the husband's surname.

Documents for marriage for foreigners:

1. International passport

2. Birth certificate with apostille(placed in the main office of the registry office of your city), translated into Italian. language and legalized or in Russia at the consulate or embassy of Italy, or in Italy at the consulate or embassy of Russia. I categorically do not recommend the second option: you can’t get through to the consulates; if you come in person, they say that you need to sign up for legalization in advance, but it’s not clear how to do this if no one answers the phone. A birth certificate is needed in order to be able to record the city in which you were born (in Russian foreign passports country is spelled with Latin letters, and the city is Russian).

3. Nulla osta per matrimonio - a document confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage. Issued only by consulates Russian Federation in Italy (do not waste your time and do not go to your OVIR so that they put a stamp in your foreign passport stating that there are no marriage registration marks in your internal passport: no one needs this stamp). To receive this document at the consulate you must provide internal passport, birth certificate, if there is a divorce certificate and a certificate of change of surname). Registration for the issuance of Nulla osta is required at least 2 months in advance. If it doesn’t work out, then you’ll have to go by luck; for example, I managed to get Nulla osta on the same day (but only because not many people were signed up that day, and someone didn’t show up). The main thing is to go to the consulate: in Milan it is surrounded high fence and the guard allows 5-7 people into the small gate, say that you came specifically to sign up, and then you will beg the employee of the legalization department to issue you a document on the same day.Nulla osta must be legalized (apostilled) in the prefecture of your city (to confirm the signature of the consul). Another important point: each Italian city is “serviced” by a certain consulate, that is, if you are going to register a marriage in Genoa, you cannot get a Nulla osta in Rome, or rather, you can get it, but they won’t legalize it for you, because certain cities have original signatures only of those consuls within whose competence they fall.
Permesso di soggiorno - a document confirming that you are legally in Italy is not required. If you are going to get married in church, then mandatory document for presentation is a certificate of your baptism, issued in the Russian church, translated into Italian language and, apparently, legalized at the Italian consulate in Russia (it is better to clarify this question in the church where the marriage will take place).

After registering a marriage, neither the church nor the municipality sends any notifications to the Russian consulate, much less to Russia, that lady so-and-so has gotten married, so for Russia you remain unmarried.

A Russian citizen/citizen who entered into a marriage with an Italian citizen/citizen in the Italian registry office and wishes to legalize his/her civil status within the framework of Russian legislation, must provide in Passport Office at the place of registration in the Russian Federation, a marriage certificate issued by the mayor's office of the Italian city where the marriage was registered. This certificate must be legalized by means of an Apostille stamp in the competent Prefecture and provided with an official translation into Russian.

Italy is one of the five most visited countries in the world. In this southern European state you can see a lot of attractions (there are more of them here than anywhere else) and get an unforgettable vacation in the center of the Mediterranean.

However, to get to the beautiful country of Italy, Russian traveler you need to get a visa. This task is not easy, especially for a beginner. But there is a way out: to entrust the paperwork for obtaining a Schengen visa to Italy to a reputable visa company, which is our agency.

Schengen visa to Italy in 2019, for Russians in Moscow: features and varieties

Depending on the purpose and duration of the trip, you can order any type of visa from us:

  • educational;
  • business visa;
  • tourist (for up to 3 months);
  • guest (at the invitation of friends or relatives);
  • transit (for those crossing Italy on any vehicle);
  • multiple visa (designed for multiple visits to the country for two or more years).

The advantage of all these visas is that their holders can travel not only around Italy, but also visit any state included in the Schengen zone. Let's say, if you want to open a visa to Italy for a year (valid for one year), then you have the opportunity to freely travel to 26 European countries for up to 90 days.

To obtain a visa to Italy for Russians in Moscow, you need to take into account a lot of formalities. At the same time, like all EU countries faced with the problem of uncontrolled migration, Italy imposes strict requirements on applicants for visa permit. Independent attempts to apply for Schengen may result in a fiasco.

There is also a risk of not meeting the required deadlines travel, as the consulate often requests additional information and documents. To avoid such incidents, provide the opportunity to apply for a visa to travel to Italy to experienced and professionally savvy specialists.

Our visa center has been working in the visa services market for several years. We have thoroughly studied the nuances of collecting and preparing the package of documents necessary to obtain a visa to Italy in Moscow. Extensive practice has allowed us to gain experience in fulfilling all consular requirements. With our help, more than 3 thousand Russians have already crossed the Italian border safely.

We treat every visa applicant as a VIP client. A personal approach to applicants allows us to realize the wishes of any of them in the optimal time frame. If necessary, we undertake registration urgent visa. This takes us from 24 to 48 hours.

Cost of a visa to Italy in 2019

The price of a visa to Italy in Russia depends on its type and the urgency of processing.

We are also capable of solving such problems as a visa in a “clean” passport and permission to enter Italy with an unhappy “visa history” with repeated refusals. You can get more information about agency services and prices from our managers.

Girls from the CIS countries who enter Italy to marry a citizen must apply for a fiancée visa to Italy. It is long-term, therefore there are quite a lot of requirements for its design. serious demands. First of all, you will need certificates from authorities confirming the possibility of marriage (for example, there are no records of an already registered marriage). After obtaining such a visa, you usually receive an Italian residence permit.

What is a fiance visa?

A fiancé visa is a type of visa that allows you to visit a country for the purpose of marriage.

The main difference between a fiancé visa and a guest or tourist visa is the duration and official permission for marriage. After marriage, you will need a wife's (husband) visa to travel to your husband or wife.

Difficulties in registration

Obtaining a fiancée visa to Italy presents a number of difficulties, if only because young unmarried girls are included in the category of people who are often denied a Schengen visa. In addition, EU countries do not approve of marriages of their citizens with brides from countries outside the Schengen area. Sometimes marriage with an Italian becomes the only way out on the path to legal migration to these countries. Therefore, the bride and groom are required to provide evidence that the marriage is not fictitious.

How not to get rejected

Refusals for a fiancé visa to Italy are not uncommon today. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to get. The main thing is to carefully prepare the documents of the bride and groom, and also carefully work out all the details that will be discussed at the visa interview. Then the decision in most cases will be positive.

Documents for a visa are submitted to the embassy by pre-registration. The applicant, in most cases, must return to their home country to apply for a long-stay visa.

Documents for a fiancee visa

The bride will need to submit the following documents:

  • visa application form in Italian and English;
  • photos;
  • certificate from the place of work.

Individual entrepreneurs are required to provide a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs and a declaration from the tax service. Pensioners must have a certificate from pension fund and a pension certificate.

  • “foreign” and copies of all its pages;
  • internal passport with copies of all pages;
  • health insurance.

The list includes basic documents; in fact, additional ones may be required.

The application form must contain two signatures; one signature will not be accepted for consideration.

Why was the refusal received?

Among the main reasons for refusal to obtain a fiance visa to Italy are the following:

  • Strange behavior during an interview: nervousness, fussiness, anxiety, lack of answers to the most simple questions embassy about your relationship with your fiancé.
  • Inaccurate documentation or lack of all necessary documents.
  • The acquaintance took place through a marriage agency. Many countries view this fact with suspicion.
  • “Gap” at the age of newlyweds. The embassy will be suspicious of the marriage of a young girl with a 70-year-old man.
  • There wasn't a single date. At the interview, it is advisable to present your meetings in any of the territories.
  • Having a criminal record, including a sealed one.
  • Prostitution.
  • Being under investigation.
  • You have previously violated the visa regime.
  • You are sick with a dangerous disease.
Visa processing

Publication date:


Those wishing to get married in Italy need to know some of the nuances of applying for the so-called fiancee visa. He knows how to do it right

There is no official fiancee visa. Those wishing to marry an Italian citizen, or someone with a residence permit or permanent residence status, must choose one of several ways to realize their plans:

  • Formalize, submit documents in Italy, get married. Next, go to Ukraine and apply for family reunification. You need to get married within the period for which the Schengen visa was issued
  • Get married in Ukraine and enter Italy as the legal spouse of an Italian citizen.

Getting married in Italy

The difficulties in registering this type of marriage are as follows:

  • Unmarried girls are most often denied Schengen
  • To carry out plans to get married in Italy, you need to receive the treasured document allowing you to get married in Italy (nulla osta).

Documents for Schengen visa:

  • A completed application form, which can be downloaded from the Visa Application Center website when making an appointment to submit documents.
  • Confirmation of accommodation reservation the new kind invitations from the Italian side (husband)
  • Certificate from place of work
  • Bank statement about the possibility of self-sufficiency in Italy for 90 days, or an application for sponsorship from the Ukrainian or Italian side
  • Tickets
  • Passports

What must be done to obtain Nulla osta al matrimonio?

Apply together with your Italian groom to the Italian service that registers newlyweds, and have with you:

  1. Interior Ukrainian passport
  2. international passport
  3. Birth certificate
  4. Application for marriage with a notary visa
  5. Certificate of divorce, marriage
  6. Certificate of change of personal data (name, surname)

Points 1-4 are valid for people getting married for the first time, 5 for people who were already married, 6 for those who changed their metric after birth.

This is just a basic list of the package of documents; it is supplemented if the area where you are registering requires it.

Moving to family (husband, wife) in Italy

When half the job is done:

  • Schengen visa issued
  • Future wife, husband crossed the borders of Italy
  • Registration documents have been submitted
  • The marriage is concluded

you need to go back to your homeland, submit an application to the Italian Embassy in Ukraine for the possibility of moving to Italy to join your husband or wife.

What papers do you need to prepare for this:

  • The validity of the submitted passport must be at least another year and a half from current date
  • Document authorizing marriage, issued by the police department (questura)
  • status of residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship of the spouse (Italian side)
  • Marriage certificates (original only) from and to

For these documents you need to go through the following procedures:

  • Apostille must be on documents that are issued government agencies Ukraine
  • After this, you need to translate them into Italian, but only from a special translator accredited by the Italian Embassy in Ukraine
  • Conduct the process of legalization of received documents

Apostilization of documents issued by the Ukrainian side takes 14 days. The cost of the first (one) document in this case is 70 euros (for the registry office) and 80 euros in other cases. If there are several registry office papers, then for subsequent ones you pay 37 euros (and 45 euros in other cases).

Marriage registration in Ukraine

The desire to unite oneself in marriage with an Italian on the territory of Ukraine can have tangible financial expenses for the legalization of documents at the Italian Embassy in Ukraine. They will also have to have an apostille, be translated into Italian, and then legalized.

Eat important nuance: an apostille on documents must have the seal of the judicial authority in the region in which the document was issued.

When crossing the borders of Italy on a visa for the spouse of an Italian citizen (long-term, national), you immediately apply for a residence permit and residence permit. In this case, the residence permit status is issued for a year with the right to extension.

Costs of obtaining a visa to Italy

The issuance of visas at the Embassy and Visa Application Center is strictly by appointment. A Schengen visa can be issued at or at the Italian Embassy. An appointment for a family reunification visa can only be made in person at the Italian Embassy, ​​while an appointment for a Schengen visa can be made through a call center.

When applying for a Schengen visa, you need to prepare 35 euros plus 20 euros if you submit documents through Visa Center. For registration long term visa you need to pay 50 euros.

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