Prenuptial agreement after marriage: pros and cons. How to draw up a marriage contract - sample

The increase in interest in the contract is mainly due to the increase in marriages between Russian brides and “foreign” grooms. And yet this mark is significantly lower than the European one. But the trend has been outlined, it’s time to discard prejudices and get acquainted with the content of the marriage contract, since throughout the world this form of contract is recognized as civilized. After all, this is more likely to indicate a sound approach than impropriety.

Drawing up a marriage contract is possible thanks to the norm of the Family Code: Article 40 of Chapter 8 states that spouses have the right to agree on what property belongs to which of them, will belong to the marriage and in the event of its dissolution. Thus, a husband and wife can go beyond the rules established by law regarding the joint procedure for owning property, as well as dividing it in equal shares. The agreement allows you to clearly state who will own what (jewelry, fur coats, cars, real estate, furniture).

This legal document will allow you to avoid many troubles and, if necessary, separate without unnecessary and protracted claims against each other. It also makes it possible to demonstrate the seriousness of their relationship, for example, if spouses combine all their existing property before the wedding in order to consider it common in the marriage.

In order for the contract to come into force, it must be certified by a notary, and for this you will need to pay a state fee.

The preparation of a marriage contract can be entrusted to a qualified lawyer or the same notary. The specialist will also take into account the norms of the Family Code (Article 42 on the contents of the contract), and will draw up a competent text with clear wording and without ambiguous meanings. This is how spouses will be able to avoid different interpretations of the contents of the contract and protect themselves from each other’s claims in the event of a breakdown in the relationship.

You can compose it yourself. An example of its compilation is available in the legal literature, on the Internet, and in periodicals. Although not every sample that comes across the Internet meets the “letter of the law.” There are some subtleties. For example, all numbers in the contract should be written in letters, and abbreviations are prohibited in data about spouses.

And most importantly, drawing up a marriage contract is a measure aimed at distributing only property rights. Spouses' demands on each other that limit their freedom of action are unacceptable in a legal document. However, it is possible to establish norms in the contract under which certain behavior of one of the spouses entails the onset of property rights for the other. For example, an “undeserving” spouse is obliged to compensate his behavior (one can and should clarify which one) financially to his wife (or vice versa).

However, this rule does not apply to obligations to raise children, but only to the costs of their maintenance.

Drawing up a marriage contract is not such a difficult task, especially if the future spouses are ready to discuss all the points. You just need to adhere to the main points, although you can add your own. A common example of a marriage contract, drawn up on the basis of the article of the Family Code on the contents of the contract, reflects the system of joint use of property and has the following sections:

Property regime,

Rights and obligations,

Incurring expenses

Responsibility for failure to fulfill undertaken obligations.

The option of shared ownership (in parts) is also possible. There are also contracts based on the regime of separate ownership. Although this option is rare even in the United States, where prenuptial agreements have long become commonplace. In the case of shared and separate ownership of property, the agreement will contain an additional clause: features of the regime.

And the last important point: drawing up a marriage contract is allowed by Russian law even after (as long as not after a divorce).

Today, few people can be surprised by a prenuptial agreement. Many young couples draw up this document before the wedding in order to be on the safe side and not lose their property in the event of a divorce. Some will say that the main reason for such an act is mistrust, others will note prudence. But how do things work in practice?

What is a marriage contract

It is important to understand what kind of document a marriage agreement is and what benefits it provides to the spouses. A prenuptial agreement is the voluntary agreement of the parties to certain conditions for the division of property during the divorce process. This document, certified by a notary, allows the couple to legally defend the right to real estate in court, and also helps resolve disagreements between spouses. What a marriage contract is is clearly written in the legislation (Chapter 8, Article 40-46 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).

Marriage contract - pros and cons

Living together means a lot of responsibility and certain obligations. Many partners agree to formalize their relationship without signing a contract, but recently young people have turned to specialists to legally establish property rights in case the family ship sinks. Before looking for the required sample document, weigh your decision. After all, there are pros and cons of a prenuptial agreement.

  1. The contract helps to correctly understand what each person will be left with after the divorce procedure, so that a clear material order arises in the relationship.
  2. Spouses have the right to keep certain assets acquired before marriage, be it a car, their own business, real estate or money.
  3. Each spouse can determine certain aspects in which the property will be transferred to the other. As an example, if there is a common child, the apartment remains with the person with whom the minor lives.
  4. If one of the parties to the agreement has any debts (alimony, loan, etc.), you can add a clause on the sole payment of the encumbrance.
  1. For many Russians, the very idea of ​​defining and discussing the material component of civil or family relations is shameful. This looks like malicious intent, selfish motives and greed, although in fact the agreement is a sign of the honesty of the spouses.
  2. Young married couples simply do not have the means to enter into such agreements, since this procedure is somewhat expensive.
  3. Wedding expenses are usually not taken into account, so they are more difficult to divide than income.
  4. The procedure for filling out forms, application procedures, and other bureaucratic nuances can require a lot of time and effort.
  5. All terms of the contract must be concise, simple and understandable. Otherwise, the contract may be declared unlawful. Therefore, it is important that the document is drawn up by a good lawyer who has real-life examples, and this is not cheap.

When can it be concluded?

The idea of ​​filling out the necessary papers and forms comes to mind before the wedding, but, in fact, a prenuptial agreement can be concluded after the wedding. In the first case, the contract comes into force from the date of official registration, in the second - from the moment it is certified by a notary. Each spouse is given a copy of the document, but the original remains with the legal representative.

Any couple must decide for themselves whether to enter into such an agreement or not. Before you go for consultation with a specialist, you should first discuss all the conditions with your significant other and come to an agreement. This will help to avoid further disagreements and litigation, which entail a lot of financial costs and nerves.

How to draw up a marriage contract

Before drawing up a marriage contract, weigh everything, think about whether it will be of real benefit. If you are determined to enter into such an agreement, go to a competent lawyer to clarify all the nuances and familiarize yourself with document templates. It is better to entrust the preparation of a marriage contract to a specialist, so as not to bite your elbows due to mistakes during divorce.

Independent preparation of documents will consist of filling out forms and drawing up a draft contract, an example of which can be found on the Internet. If you are legally savvy and know statistics well, then you can deal with the document personally, but do not forget to discuss important aspects with your significant other. You don't want to end up ending the relationship without any rights to the property.

Being married

To draw up a prenuptial agreement in a marriage, you need to contact a lawyer. It may include not only jointly acquired property, but also expenses. To draw up the document, you will need passports of both parties, a marriage certificate, documents confirming ownership of property, which must be taken into account in the contract. With all these papers, go to a reliable specialist. He will draw up a contract and explain all the details to you.

When one of the spouses has debt obligations (loan, mortgage, etc.), the agreement, at the request of both parties, takes this point into account, even if you are already married. It is important to correctly formulate the terms of debt repayment; a competent lawyer will help you with this. There are often cases when one of the spouses undertakes to pay the mortgage, but at the same time the property remains with him in the event of a divorce.

Marriage contract - sample

Have you decided to compile the papers yourself? Then you will need a sample marriage contract, which you can get from lawyers or find on the Internet. Remember that this document should establish not only your rights to the property, but also the rights of your partner. Be sure to discuss all wishes and questions so that in the future you do not have to resort to litigation and termination of the contract.


Changing and terminating a marriage contract is a common occurrence in legal practice. It happens that spouses, for whatever reason, decide to add or remove certain clauses from the contract. To do this, you will again have to contact your lawyer, who should have the original document. To terminate or amend a contract, a written statement from each party must be provided.

There are several types of termination:

  • by consent of the spouses;
  • By the tribunal's decision;
  • termination of the contract in the event of the death of one of the spouses.

Each case is considered individually and has its own nuances. So, with mutual consent, it is necessary for both spouses to appear at a meeting with the notary and write applications for voluntary termination. If everything is done correctly, the procedure will take a minimum of time and effort. True, the financial side remains, because the services of a specialist cost a lot of money.

If the contract is terminated in court, it will be necessary to prove that it is invalid, or that one of the parties was placed in obviously intolerable conditions. This is usually a lengthy procedure that requires costs for lawyers and time to collect evidence. It is worth noting that it is not always possible to recognize such an agreement as invalid.

When a contract is made with a specific duration, it automatically becomes void upon expiration of that time. There is no need for any special procedures here, but in the event of the death of one of the spouses, you will have to prepare supporting documents in order to cancel the contract and relieve yourself of responsibilities. For this you will need a medical report and a death certificate.


An acute issue in divorces and conflicts in the family is the division of property. It can be carried out peacefully by agreement between husband and wife or in court. The second option is implemented by filing a claim for division of property, and its outcome directly depends on many factors, including the presence of a marriage contract.

Why do you need a prenuptial agreement?

It is not necessary to draw up a marriage contract, since there are norms of the Family Code of the Russian Federation that regulate the procedure for dividing property if necessary. The law does not provide for the obligation of a husband and wife to enter into any agreements regarding the fate of common property. However, in this case, everything acquired during marriage will be considered the joint property of the spouses and will be divided in equal shares. Part of each of them can be increased and decreased in certain cases:

  • in favor of the one with whom the minor children remain;
  • by reducing the share of those who shied away from work, were wasteful with the family budget, etc.

The personal property of each spouse remains with him, for example, which was acquired before marriage, received through a gratuitous transaction, etc. An example would be receiving an inheritance or a piece of real estate as a gift.

If there is a marriage contract, everything acquired during the marriage will be divided according to its provisions. It is allowed to include certain conditions or events, the occurrence of which will decide the fate of a particular object. For example, if a husband’s infidelity occurs, the property will become the property of the wife. However, in this case, the divorce application must indicate the reason for the divorce as “treason” and provide the court with any evidence.

Such a marital contract should be drawn up and signed by a notary, having it certified. In addition, spouses can draw up an agreement not only before marriage, but also at any time after its registration.

So, why do you need a prenuptial agreement? It allows you to regulate issues between spouses regarding property and its division. The agreement must be reached mutually, as evidenced by the signatures of the husband and wife under the agreement. The forced conclusion of a contract under the influence of one spouse on the other is not allowed.

Sample and filling rules

Essentially, marriage contracts are divided into several types depending on the property regime of the spouses proclaimed in them:

  • property is divided in certain shares between husband and wife. The parts may be equal or different;
  • everything passes in the event of division in favor of the wife or husband.

Not only objects can be divided between spouses, but also debt obligations, for example, a mortgage. To do this, it is necessary to include the appropriate clauses in the text of the agreement.

It is imperative to draw up a marriage contract correctly and accurately. It is not allowed to contain corrections, errors, etc. That is why all data of the parties and property should be entered strictly in accordance with the documents.

Rules for drafting and including certain terms in the agreement include:

  • mandatory consent of the husband and wife to sign the agreement;
  • a written form certified by a notary;
  • impossibility of unilateral refusal or revision of the contract;
  • the ability to include rules for the distribution of not only existing property, but also that which is planned to be acquired.

To avoid mistakes in the essence of the agreement, you should download the sample marriage contract below. This will help you refine it by including points that are important in a particular case and avoid problems.

The sample is usually a blank contract form that contains all the main terms.

Example of a completed contract from 2017

To better understand the rules for drawing up a marriage contract, it is necessary to study an example of a completed contract. It is necessary to understand exactly how to enter data into the agreement form, and what information is needed.

To fill out the main clauses of the contract, you should prepare a certain set of documents, which will necessarily include:

  • passports of husband and wife for correct indication of personal data;
  • documents for each property that is subject to division under the terms of the contract. Since you should enter all the exact location coordinates, dimensions, cost and other characteristics, technical, cadastral documents, etc. may be needed;
  • other papers that can confirm that the property of one of the spouses belongs to him personally or other circumstances important to the case.

The preparation of a marriage contract must be carried out in accordance with the law. If the parties cannot fill it out correctly on their own, they should seek the help of a notary or lawyer.

The presence of an agreement greatly simplifies the already complex process of divorce and eliminates many conflict situations between spouses.

Today, the preparation of documents of this kind in Russia is rather rare. However, the popularity of this solution to the property issue is increasing every year.

Thus, in order to understand how to correctly draw up a marriage contract, you need to familiarize yourself with its sample. In addition, you can fill in all the relevant data and correct them in accordance with the property documents. A draft contract can be proposed by a notary or lawyer, but this will require additional payment for services. However, the advantage in this case will be the accuracy and correctness of the document.

In the modern world, a marriage contract is no longer an attribute of only famous and rich people. Today, ordinary people are increasingly resorting to concluding this document, trying to protect themselves from problems in the future.

Despite the fact that they could make life much easier for people who decide to get a divorce, they have not yet gained sufficient popularity in our country. So far, the initiators of signing, as a rule, are those people who have the bitter experience of losing property during a divorce, as well as those who have something to lose.

If you decide to draw up a marriage contract, it is best to entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer who will draw up a contract, taking into account your interests, in full compliance with current legislation.

Those who draw up a marriage contract need to know its features. Of course, there are quite a lot of them, and only an experienced lawyer can understand all the nuances, but approaching the issue with at least basic knowledge is already a good start.

What is a prenuptial agreement and why is it needed?

A marriage contract is a transaction between current or future spouses, stipulating the property aspects of their family life. This document is drawn up exclusively in writing and affects only property relations. must be notarized. It is drawn up in three copies, where one is required for the notary, and the other two for the spouses.

The terms of the contract can be supplemented or changed over time. All changes must be certified by the same notary. If the agreement is concluded before the parties enter into marriage, then it comes into force after the marriage is registered. Spouses can also enter into a marriage contract after marriage, and in this case it comes into force immediately after it is notarized.

Of course, people who get married do not think about divorce, and often perceive a prenuptial agreement as a sign of mistrust. However, this opinion is wrong. A marriage contract is the protection of both parties, the confidence of each spouse that in the event of unforeseen situations, his rights will be protected. This is how those who . . . should view their decision. Moreover, this document is also capable of saving a family. Knowing the material consequences, neither spouse will recklessly destroy family relationships.

What can be discussed in a prenuptial agreement?

Spouses have the opportunity to accurately determine the procedure for mutual maintenance, the procedure for bearing family expenses, options for one spouse to participate in the income of the other, and also consider the property that will become the property of each spouse after the divorce.

At the same time, the law also defines issues that cannot be the subject of a marriage contract. An example of this is the rights and obligations towards minor children.

Spouses can do it on their own, using a standard sample provided by a notary. For those who do not want to do it themselves, it is better to contact a lawyer.

Drawing up a marriage contract by an experienced lawyer is a guarantee of his legal literacy, thanks to which you can avoid a variety of troubles in the future.

The contract can be concluded for a specific period or for an indefinite period. If the marriage is dissolved, the contract also loses its validity. Only those provisions that affect property relations after a divorce remain in force.

Is it worth entering into a prenuptial agreement at all?

A similar question often arises among those who learn that the law does not allow the deterioration of the position of one of the parties, which is based on the terms of the contract. That is, if a marriage contract involves the deprivation of property of one of the spouses for violation of this contract, then this entails a deterioration in the financial situation of the culprit, and therefore can be refuted in court.

When asked about the appropriateness of a marriage contract, most lawyers answer in the affirmative. The thing is that for those involved, this document makes it possible to avoid a situation where, after a divorce, one of the parties is deprived of all property.

What documents may be required?

When contacting a notary, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • Spouses' passports;
  • If the marriage is registered, then it is necessary to provide a marriage registration certificate;
  • Documents that would confirm ownership of property (movable and immovable).

Some notaries may require additional documentation regarding the activities or property of the spouses.

It is advisable to ask the notary in advance what documents are needed to certify the marriage contract.

If the required documents are not provided, the notary may refuse to certify the agreement or exclude from it the conditions relating to certain property.

In this article, we will tell you in detail, step by step, how to draw up a marriage contract: who to contact, what documents are needed for this, what conditions can be included (and which cannot) and how much it will all cost. In addition, you can download a ready-made, completed sample document and use it as an example for drawing up your own unique contract.

Briefly about the marriage contract

The Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes that a marriage contract can only concern relations of a property nature. Spouses can indicate the procedure for using certain things, determine the ownership of this or that property (who owns the property and in what amount). Rules are established for the distribution of the family budget, the procedure, amounts and terms of maintaining a spouse at any time (within and outside of marriage).

It is worth noting that Art. 256 of the Civil Code, all property of the spouses that they acquired during the marriage relationship is considered jointly acquired. A marriage contract allows for the establishment of exclusively personal rights to the property and income of each spouse.

The main function of a marriage contract is to regulate family relations. By establishing a procedure for the use and disposal of property and income, conflicts can be avoided between spouses, which often lead to divorce.

A prenuptial agreement is closely related to marriage. So, if a marriage can exist without a concluded contract, then the contract, in turn, cannot exist without marriage bonds.

Procedure for compilation

A prenuptial agreement can be drawn up between spouses, both during marriage and immediately before the wedding. Since marriage, according to the RF IC, is a union between a man and a woman, officially registered with the civil registry office, persons living together and in a romantic relationship (civil marriage) do not have the right to draw up such a contract.

The age is not specified, but it is worth remembering that marriage in the Russian Federation is allowed from the age of majority, and only in exceptional cases from the age of 16 (emancipation of a minor, and the consent of guardians is required for marriage). When drawing up a contract before marriage, the effective date of the document is considered to be the date on which the marriage relationship is registered. In another case, the start date of the marriage contract is the day it was drawn up.

In the document, to avoid possible misunderstandings, the surname, first name and patronymic of the parties must be indicated in full. Subscriptions, additions or corrections are not allowed in the agreement. All conditions must be formulated clearly and clearly.

The document must be drawn up in writing, and, according to Article 41 of the RF IC, it is required that it be certified by a notary. As a rule, notary offices contain forms that include standard phrases that spouses can exclude or supplement.

The notary must check the marriage contract for absence of contradictions with modern legislation, and all the terms of the contract must be explained to the spouses. The notary will draw up three copies of the agreement. The first two will be issued to each of the spouses, the third will remain with the notary. To certify a document, the presence of both parties is required.

Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the agreement being invalidated.

The contract can be drawn up independently by the parties and submitted to a notary. However, in such a matter it is best to turn to specialists to draw up the document. This will avoid further disputes regarding the terms that should be included in the document.

What documents need to be prepared

To register a marriage contract, you must provide a package of documents. Depending on the date of compilation, the list of documents will vary. If the contract is concluded before marriage, then future spouses are required to provide only copies of passports.

If the marriage has already been concluded, the list of documents is wider and includes:

  • copies of spouses' passports;
  • marriage registration certificate;
  • documents for all property owned by the spouses (which is owned);
  • in the case of marriage between persons under the age of majority, it is required to provide written consent of the parents or guardianship authorities for the marriage.

In any case, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, before drawing up a marriage agreement, it is worth checking the package of necessary documents with the notary who will certify the contract.

The property owned by the spouses will be described in a contract indicating who and to what extent it belongs (or will belong), as well as the procedure for using this property.

Validity of the marriage contract

A prenuptial agreement comes into effect in two ways:

  • when drawing it up before registering a marriage - on the day of actual registration;
  • when drawing it up during the existence of a marriage relationship - from the day of its notarization.

A marriage contract is valid throughout the entire marriage, and in some cases, if provided for in the contract, even after the end of the marriage relationship. Unless otherwise stipulated by the concluded agreement, the marriage contract terminates upon registration of the dissolution of the marriage relationship (Article 43 of the RF IC). If the marriage is declared invalid by the court, then the contract is automatically invalidated (clause 2 of article 30 of the RF IC).

But, nevertheless, the document can be edited, so new circumstances that arise during the marriage can be included in the contract at any time and also notarized. In addition, the contract can be canceled if the spouses wish.

Document structure

As already mentioned, the agreement can only apply to the property relations of the spouses. But we must remember that not a single document can go against modern legislation. Therefore, it is impossible to include clauses that contradict civil legislation (and it is the Civil Code in Russia that regulates all property relations).

What may be included in the contract

The following points may be stipulated in a marriage agreement:

  • the procedure for distributing monetary income of each spouse. Income refers to the spouse’s earnings and all bonuses transferred to him, income received from the disposal of property (renting, selling, etc.). The spouses may indicate that all income belongs to the party who is their recipient, or a shared or joint distribution of funds may be established;
  • procedure for bearing expenses. This refers to spending money on family needs, for example, purchasing food, clothing or household items, paying utility bills, educational and medical services, keeping pets, etc.;
  • procedure for disposing or using property acquired or obtained by other means;
  • procedure for disposing and using existing property;
  • possibility of mutual content. The norms of the RF IC provide for additional assistance to a disabled or partially able-bodied spouse, in addition to the financial assistance already due to him. Such a condition can be established for both current and former spouses.

The procedure for the use and disposal of property can also be established in the event of a divorce or death of one of the spouses. In the event of death, civil law rules regarding the procedure for inheriting the property of a deceased person will also be involved.

The terms of the agreement in such a case must not contradict the inheritance regime, otherwise the rights of the remaining heirs may be infringed.

An agreement may be concluded under suspensive or disqualifying conditions.

A suspensive condition provides for postponing the fulfillment of the terms of the concluded agreement until a certain date. For example, the contract may indicate that a car, which was purchased during marriage and is joint property, will become the property of the wife upon the birth of a child.

A cancellation condition means the cancellation of any of the clauses of the contract upon the occurrence of a certain situation or date. For example, joint property (for example, an apartment), acquired over the years of marriage, during a divorce will go to the party that did not contribute to the occurrence of the circumstances that led to the divorce.

The contract may also establish the type of ownership of the property:

  • share;
  • joint;
  • personal.

When establishing a shared type of ownership of property which belongs or will belong to the spouses, the parties indicate to whom, what and in what shares the property will belong. For example, the parties agreed that when purchasing a country house, shares would be established in proportion to the amounts contributed by the parties to purchase the house.

The emergence of joint ownership for a married couple, it is provided for by the Family Code, however, in the marriage contract it can be discussed which property will be joint. For example, when further purchasing a house, car and garage, the spouses agreed that only the house would be transferred into joint ownership, while the garage and car belonged entirely to one of the spouses.

Personal property– establishing full ownership of property acquired before or during marriage. For example, purchased household appliances (plasma TV), in the event of a divorce, will not be the subject of a dispute, since the document states that this TV belongs only to the spouse and the wife does not lay claim to it.

As for the premarital property of the spouses, the type of ownership can also be established for it. Initially, all this property was the personal property of each party, however, upon concluding a marriage and agreement, it can be indicated that the wife’s property, which belonged to her before marriage, becomes joint property, or shared property, indicating the desired shares of each spouse.

But premarital property owned by one of the parties cannot be completely transferred to the ownership of the other party after marriage. In this case, we are talking about a gift agreement, and this is not included in the marriage agreement.

What cannot be included in the contract

The terms of the marriage contract cannot conflict with modern legislation:

  • conditions that could lead to a severe disadvantage for one of the parties to the contract. Since the contract deals with property relations, the inclusion of certain conditions due to great attachment and personal dependence may subsequently lead to the emergence of a situation that violates and significantly infringes on the rights of one party;
  • conditions affecting the legal capacity or performance of any party. Thus, an agreement cannot establish rules regarding the choice of one of the parties to the agreement regarding the sphere of activity, religion, freedom of movement (Article 26, Article 27, Article 28, Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), the possibility of obtaining professional education, conditions that limited civil, political and other rights of the spouse provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The legal capacity and legal capacity of a person can only be limited by the court;
  • conditions limiting a party's right to judicial protection. Restriction of this right is a special case of limitation of legal capacity;
  • conditions governing relationships related to raising children. Since a marriage contract can only regulate relations of a property nature, with regard to children, the contract can only take into account the procedure and amount of payment for educational institutions, sections and other material needs. As for the moral side, the contract cannot establish to whom, after the divorce is concluded, the child will go to be raised, since in this situation, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of the child himself. This issue is resolved between the spouses without drawing up an agreement, taking into account the interests of the child, his attachment to one of the parents, his age and other qualities;
  • clauses regarding personal non-property relations of the parties. The prohibition on introducing such provisions lies, firstly, in the impossibility of leading to their enforcement;
  • requirements for limiting the disability of one of the parties and receiving maintenance for them. Since we are talking about the vital maintenance of a person, the inclusion of restrictions will lead to the invalidity of such an agreement.

The inclusion of a term that, according to the law, cannot be included will lead to full or partial invalidation of the agreement.

The rules regarding the completion of a bilateral transaction, provided for by civil law, apply to a marriage contract, therefore all terms of the contract must be of a volitional nature and be included independently and without coercion.

By the claim of one of the parties, a marriage contract that was concluded under the threat of violence, or concluded fraudulently, abusing the trust of the party, will be declared invalid by the court.

Step-by-step algorithm of action

First of all, it is worth discussing the conditions that will be included in the document. It is very difficult to foresee all situations, so it is recommended to seek help from a law firm that provides services for drawing up a marriage contract. Missing any point may lead to a further need for constant changes.

Having decided on the content, you can begin preparing documents. It is extremely important to provide documents that confirm ownership of all property acquired before marriage and in relation to which certain conditions will be included in the agreement.

With a fully collected package of documents, the parties need to contact a company that provides notarial services to the public. Payment for notary services will be based on the cost of the state fee and the cost of drawing up the contract form.

Standard sample marriage contract

This is what a sample of a typical marriage contract looks like:

Download the full document in Word format. You can download it, correct it to suit your needs, fill it out and use it as an example during a visit to the notary.

Cost of compilation

Prices for concluding a contract vary depending on the chosen notary and the place where the contract is concluded. Drawing up, making changes, as well as notarization of the agreement are paid at different prices.

Assistance in drawing up a draft contract costs on average from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Drawing up an additional agreement, including changing the terms of a previously drawn up agreement, costs around 5,000 rubles.

Self-certification of a document by a notary, without the help of lawyers, costs about 500 rubles (the amount of the state fee), but if you need to use the help of a specialist, the cost of the service can reach 5,000 rubles.

In addition, if individuals also require assistance in collecting a package of documents, the cost of the service may increase according to the tariff of the law firm that will provide such service.

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