Will they be punished for working illegally? How to punish an employer for unofficial employment? What fine does he get? What should an employee do?

Failure to formally register employees may result in a fine being imposed. From the article you will find out who can be fined and how much.

The lack of official registration when applying for a job has become a common occurrence. Usually the initiator is the employer. For an unregistered employee, taxes, contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund are not paid. If there is no employment contract, the employee will not receive anything for sick leave; he can be fired at any time without reason or reason. This state of affairs is beneficial for the employee because the “black” salary is higher. You can evade payments under writs of execution and receive unemployment benefits.

However, this state of affairs is fraught with problems.

Thus, an agreement on financial liability with an illegal immigrant has no legal force. It is not possible to sue the seller or storekeeper for shortages. A citizen with whom an employment relationship has not been formalized will receive a small pension in old age. In this situation, the state does not receive taxes and other mandatory contributions.
Therefore, large fines are provided for detected violations of this kind.

When applying for employment, a written agreement must be concluded that one party will provide paid work and guarantee normal working conditions, and the other undertakes to work conscientiously and comply with the employer’s requirements.

The step-by-step registration of a new employee looks like this:

  1. The candidate writes an application for employment.
  2. Upon signature, he is introduced to the internal labor regulations, collective agreement, and other local documents.
  3. An employment contract is drawn up in 2 copies, one for each party. Signatures are added.
  4. A hiring order is issued.
  5. A personal card is filled out.
  6. An entry is made into the work book.

Only after this the employment relationship is recognized as properly concluded.

Employers, as well as officials of enterprises and organizations, will have to be responsible for hiring people without completing legal documents. At the same time, both the enterprise itself and the responsible person are fined for the same violation.

As stated, employers have the right to be individuals and legal entities.

Individuals are:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers and other citizens who are required to undergo registration or licensing. A person who has not issued a registration certificate, as required, but uses hired labor, is also considered an employer.
  2. People who are not self-employed people who use the services of domestic helpers and personal servants.

If a written contract is not drawn up, but the employer himself or an authorized employee (for example, the head of a branch) actually allows the person to work, the employment agreement is considered concluded. The employer is obliged to formalize the employment relationship within the next 3 days. Violation of the three-day period entails administrative liability.

Sometimes, in order to reduce the amount of payments to the budget, labor relations are formalized by a civil law agreement. For example, a contract, rental or service agreement is concluded with a driver working on a permanent basis. There is also a monetary penalty for such actions.

Lack of a contract is a continuing offense, so a fine can be imposed for the entire period that the informal relationship with the employee exists. And even after the end of such a relationship. The main thing is that no more than two months have passed since the dismissal.

Punishment is applied for detected violations for each employee with whom an employment agreement has not been drawn up.

Administrative fines for improper hiring of employees are prescribed in Article 27 of the Code of Administrative Violations of Russia.

It groups several types of violations in this area:

  1. Not drawing up an employment contract.
  2. Its design is flawed.
  3. Disguising labor relations as other types of legal relations.

Amount of fine for individual entrepreneurs

If the employment contract is not executed, or is concluded in violation of the requirements of the law, a citizen conducting private business activities may pay from 1000 to 10,000 rubles.

An individual will pay the same fine if he tries to replace an employment contract with a civil contract.

Amount of fine for LLC

By unofficially hiring a person, or concluding a civil contract with an employee, the manager risks losing 10-20 thousand rubles from his personal wallet. The company will give away the amount of 50-100 thousand.

In addition to administrative liability, problems with tax authorities are possible. The penalties for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are the same.

So, since Form 2-NDFL is not submitted, you will have to pay 200 rubles for each (Article 126 of the Tax Code). If there are, for example, 30 workers, the damage will be 6 thousand. And according to Article 23 of the same code, failure to transfer income tax to the budget will cost 20% of the hidden amount.

Amount of fine for illegal use of migrant labor

Concluding an employment contract with foreigners is mandatory, just like with Russians. But there are some peculiarities. As a general rule, an employer needs permission to hire foreign staff. An employment contract cannot be concluded if the foreign guest does not have a complete set of documents. Thus, citizens arriving on a visa-free basis need a patent. Persons who arrived in the Russian Federation on a visa receive a work permit instead of a patent. Everyone is required to confirm the right to live in Russia (for example, present a residence permit).

If it is discovered that foreign citizens are working illegally, they will have to pay not only for an unregistered labor contract, but also for other violations.

According to Article 18.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia, you can be subject to penalties for hiring:

  1. no patents or permissions;
  2. when the documents indicate another profession;
  3. not in the region or republic that allowed a foreigner to work in Russia;
  4. if the owner has not received permission to use migrants.

Deviation from the rules will cost citizens from 2 to 5, the director – from 25 to 50, and the enterprise – from 250 to 800 thousand. Or the operation of the LLC will be stopped for a period of time from 2 weeks to 90 days.

If a citizen does not notify government agencies about the hiring and dismissal of foreigners, he will pay the same 2-5 thousand. But officials – no less than 35 and no more than 50 thousand.

Legal entities – 400 and 800 thousand, respectively. They may be left without work for 14-90 days.

For entities operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad regions, the punishment is even higher.

You should know that a fine is issued for each illegal alien. If, say, 10 people do not have patents, the director will pay at least 250 thousand.

The foreigner will be sent home, having previously been fined 5,000 rubles.

What will happen for a repeat violation?

The second time the punishment is more severe.

An individual entrepreneur will pay from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles, a legal entity will pay from 100,000 to 200,000, and an official will be deprived of the right to work from one to three years. Ordinary people who hire servants are not responsible for a single violation in this area. But, if the facts are repeated, they will pay 5 thousand rubles.

So the miser pays twice.

The labor relationship between employer and employee must be formalized in accordance with legal regulations.

To hire a person for a position, the employer is obliged to conclude an employment contract with him, according to which both parties to the employment relationship have certain responsibilities.

The employment contract is drawn up in two copies and signed by both parties. The date of hire must be indicated. If the contract is fixed-term, then the end date of the contract must be indicated. One copy of the contract remains with the employer, and the second is given to the employee.

The date of admission is very important information, which indicates that the person is officially registered and started working from a certain moment.

Information that must be indicated in the employment contract about the employee:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the employee;
  2. Identity document details;
  3. INN and SNILS number;
  4. Residence address

The employee must also provide a document confirming his qualifications for the position held.

The contract also must indicate the type of activity, the nature of the work, work and rest hours, and terms of remuneration. All these conditions are integral components of the contract that cannot be violated.

The employee is obliged to fulfill all his job duties, as well as to comply with the daily routine at the enterprise.

And the employer, in turn, guarantees constant wages that correspond to the staffing schedule, pays taxes, and provides the employee with all benefits and social guarantees.

Important!!! A person can work without registration for only three days, after which an employment contract must be drawn up.

Reasons for imposing fines

  • Late conclusion of an employment contract with an employee or absence of one. This means that the employee does not have official earnings and therefore does not pay personal income tax to the state;
  • If the employee is not registered, then his length of service is not considered, and therefore there are no contributions to the pension fund. This will negatively affect the employee’s pension in the future.
  • Medical institutions may refuse to provide medical services to an employee because he does not pay contributions to the health insurance fund.

Important!!! If a person is not officially registered at the enterprise, then he loses a number of guarantees and benefits, namely the accrual of vacation pay, sick leave pay, and settlement payments. And when bringing this issue to court, he cannot prove the occurrence of such moments.

Then how to avoid fines for unregistered employees at an enterprise, as well as administrative and criminal liability

Responsibility of individual entrepreneurs for unregistered workers

An individual entrepreneur is required by law to register all of his employees. In addition, since 2016, the responsibility of individual entrepreneurs for unregistered workers has become stricter. By neglecting to draw up an employment contract, the individual entrepreneur exposes not only the employee, but also himself. What does a fictitious staff threaten an entrepreneur with?

An individual entrepreneur must understand that each employer bears the responsibility of individual entrepreneurs for unregistered workers. Otherwise, he will face the punishment established by Art. 5.27 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Type of responsibility What a violation Amount of fine
administrative the violation occurs for the first time or is minor (for example, an employee worked for a couple of weeks without a contract). From 1000 rubles to 5000 rubles or suspension of activities for 90 days
criminal entails a large number of unregistered workers or work without a contract for one employee, but for a long period, as well as non-payment of taxes in connection with illegal hiring on a large and especially large scale. From 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles, but first you need to cover the tax debt, and then only pay the fine.

Or imprisonment for a period of 2 years real, not conditional, as well as a ban on activities in the area in which there was a violation.

Important!!! Any type of liability obliges the violator to first compensate the treasury for losses caused in the form of unpaid taxes and fees, and then be punished by a fine.

Responsibility of a legal entity for unregistered workers

At enterprises of any form of ownership, the responsible persons for the employment and registration of employees are the director and employees of the personnel department.

If such a situation occurs, fines may be imposed directly on the director or HR inspector.

Also, the enterprise and responsible persons may incur the following types of liability: administrative and criminal.

Administrative responsibility

Criminal liability

Direct criminal liability of the employer for failure to draw up an employment contract is not provided for as such, but it may arise due to related offenses. Yes, Art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (non-payment of taxes) provides for punishment in the form of a fine from 100 to 300 rubles, or imprisonment for up to 2 years. For similar acts committed on an especially large scale, the fine will be increased to 500 thousand rubles, and the prison term may increase to six years.

Responsibility for migrants

Incorrect registration of migrants, that is, foreign citizens, entails even greater liability for the employer.

In the following cases, the director will receive a fine for working with illegal immigrants:

  • If the foreigner does not have permission for any type of activity;
  • If a special permit has not been issued to attract a foreigner to work;
  • If a contract has been concluded with a migrant under which he was not notified of the terms of work;
  • When a foreign citizen works in a profession other than that specified in his work permit.

A fine is imposed for such labor violations:

Important!!! When hiring a foreigner, you need to monitor his registration. If it is overdue, the FMS may impose penalties on the employer.

  • When hiring a foreigner, it is mandatory to check:
  • Availability of an identity document;
  • Initial registration of a foreigner;
  • Availability of a patent or work permit;
  • documents confirming the qualifications of the position held;
  • Availability of pension fund and TIN certificates.
Grounds for imposing a fine Amount of fine
Performing work that is not specified in the permit The size is determined by the FMS
The foreigner does not have a work permit

For a legal entity - up to 800 thousand rubles for each employee

The employer did not inform the FMS about hiring a foreigner for director - from 25 thousand. up to 50 thousand rubles

per enterprise – from 400 thousand. up to 800 thousand rubles

the employer does not fulfill the obligation to register an illegal worker For an enterprise – up to 500 thousand. rubles
the employee carries out his activities in unauthorized territory For an official – up to 50 thousand. rubles

For a legal entity - up to 800 thousand rubles for each illegal employee

No matter what kind of violation occurred, when attracting foreign labor, the fine for unofficial employment is very high.

Therefore, in order to avoid such financial losses for the organization, you should carefully study the legislative framework when registering illegal immigrants.

All organizations and individual entrepreneurs must follow the laws. They establish the rules for hiring. Employment is accompanied by the execution of a contract: it is drawn up in 2 copies - one for the employer and the other for the employee. The law provides for a fine for an unregistered employee.

Reasons for the fine

If an employer hires employees unofficially, then administrative or criminal liability is provided. It all depends on the damage caused to the state. Unofficial registration is punished for several reasons:

  1. The absence of an employment contract does not oblige you to pay personal income tax - 13%. Deductions are made only from official employment. This is done by the employer.
  2. The employee’s length of service is not counted, and the employer does not transfer money to the Pension Fund. As a result, the state does not receive funds to support pensioners, and the employee loses his pension in the future.
  3. There will be no contributions to the insurance fund, which allows you to use free medical care.
  4. An employee without registration does not have rights to many things. It will be difficult for him to receive settlement payments, salary, and vacation compensation.
  5. If disputes arise in court, you will not be able to prove your case.

Thus, informal employment harms the state and the employee himself. The task of regulatory institutions is to identify violations and respect the rights of employees. What fines employers are required to pay for an unregistered employee will be discussed further.

When can you not register an employee?

There is only one case when it is possible to do without official registration. This applies to work that is performed by an employee for a short period, but it should not be more than 3 days. Then it is not necessary to register an employee, and this will not be a violation of the law. If the work continues for a longer period of time, then it is necessary to conclude an agreement.

Responsibility of the individual entrepreneur

Administrative liability is provided for entrepreneurs. How much is the fine for an unregistered worker? If a violation is detected, the amount will be 1-5 thousand rubles. In this case, the entrepreneur’s work may be suspended for 90 days, which leads to losses and closure of the organization.

Registration costs will be less than fines. But if the employee continues to work like this for more than 1 year, and taxes were not paid during this period, then a possible criminal case may be opened for In case of major damage, the fine for an individual entrepreneur for an unregistered employee will be up to 300 thousand rubles or imprisonment for 2 years.

In case of criminal liability, deprivation of activity for a long period is possible. Usually, when unofficial employment is discovered, government agencies do not close the organization, but seek payment of taxes and compensation. The entrepreneur may suffer serious damage, so you should not take risks. It is best to fill out the necessary documentation immediately.

LLC liability

The LLC also pays the fine for an unregistered employee. According to Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a large amount is assigned. It is issued to the manager or responsible person who is involved in the personnel area. In case of repeated violations that caused great damage to the state, large fines are called. Sometimes provision is made for the release of responsible persons from work.

There is a possibility of criminal liability. Then the punishment will be correctional labor or imprisonment for up to 2 years. Upon detection of the first violation, a legal entity must pay a fine for an unregistered employee in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

Work is suspended for 90 days. The manager must also pay a fine for an unregistered employee. In 2017, its size is 5 thousand rubles. Responsibility is also provided for incorrect execution of contracts and work books. Documentation must be drawn up according to standards, and any shortcomings lead to problems for both the employer and the employee.

Employment of migrants

A fine for an unregistered worker is also provided for in the case of illegal registration of refugees. The heads of the institution must be attentive to the employment of foreign citizens. Then it will be controlled by government agencies.

Popular violations include:

  1. The employee works illegally, that is, he does not have a patent or other permits. Then he will be deported from the country, and the employer must pay a large fine.
  2. The employer did not notify the migration service about the employment of a foreigner or did so, but not in a timely manner. Information must also be sent to the FMS after termination of the contract with a foreign employee.
  3. The foreigner was accepted for a specialty other than that indicated on his patent. Then he is fired, and the employer must pay a fine.
  4. The organization employs foreigners without obtaining permission.

What fines are provided for an unregistered employee in 2017? For officials the amount is 35-70 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - up to 1 million rubles. With the illegal hiring of foreigners, the work of the institution stops for 14-90 days, which causes losses. Due to strict government control, many organizations refuse to hire foreigners.

Frequent violations

There is also a penalty for inappropriate registration. Violations may concern infringement of rights and compliance with norms. The manager must ensure labor protection:

  1. Provide personal protective equipment, which is recorded in a special log.
  2. PPE is issued based on certification results. If the procedure is not completed within the required time frame, the company will be required to pay large sums.
  3. Before being allowed to work, employees are familiarized with safety and sign for familiarization with the information.

This is only part of the violations for which there is responsibility. To avoid penalties, you need to comply with all standards for maintaining documents and hiring people. Then there will be no extra costs.

How are “illegal” employees identified?

Monitoring organizations work to establish violations. There are many of them, most often inspections are carried out by tax and labor inspectorates. In this case, Federal Law No. 294 is taken into account, and the tax office carries out work under Chapter. 14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Violations are determined by a desk or field inspection. Tax officers have the right to familiarize themselves with documentation for the current year and the previous 3. It is allowed to interview witnesses, inspect premises, and confiscate documents. Tax authorities must have permission to check. Based on the results of the event, a certificate is created, on the basis of which a report is drawn up with violations and recommendations for their elimination, for which 2 weeks are allocated.

Occupational Safety and Health

The labor inspectorate can arrive at any institution for inspection. An unscheduled event occurs due to complaints from offended employees or competitors. Sometimes a raid is carried out with other regulatory authorities.

A protocol is drawn up that contains the following information:

  1. Full name of the inspector.
  2. Violations.
  3. Rules for elimination.

The protocol is considered the basis for imposing a fine or going to court for criminal prosecution. Regulatory agencies have many methods to enforce compliance with the law.

What do you need to get a job?

The full list of documents required is indicated in the employer. The employer should not require anything additional. Documents required for work:

  1. Passport.
  2. Employment history. According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, every employee working for more than 5 days must have this document. With the first receipt it is issued by the employer.
  3. TIN, pension certificate. A person who is not an individual entrepreneur may not have a TIN. But you can get it from the tax office.
  4. Military registration document. It is required for men aged 18-27 who may be called up for military service.
  5. Certificates and diplomas confirming education.
  6. Medical book. Required for employees in the fields of trade, education, medicine, and catering.
  7. Certificate of no criminal record from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer must not unreasonably refuse employment to a citizen, even if he does not have local registration. But in practice, organizations rarely hire workers without local registration. In case of any violation of rights, employees have the right to protect their interests in court.

Official registration allows you to get a legal job, for which you will not have to pay a fine to the employer. After all, inspections are carried out by regulatory authorities regularly. It’s better to register everything right away so that any checks go without problems.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the system of penalties for entrepreneurs and directors of organizations in case of improper registration of their employees.

Today you will learn:

  1. For what reasons is the director of the company imposed if the employees are not officially registered;
  2. What is the responsibility of the legal entity in this case;
  3. What is the employer’s responsibility in case of incorrect registration of migrants;
  4. What you need to consider when hiring foreign illegal immigrants;
  5. The amount of fines that are imposed on individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for inappropriate employment of employees.

Reasons for imposing fines on company management

Labor relations between employer and employee must be formalized in accordance with legal regulations.

To register a person for a position, the employer is obliged to enter into a contract with him, according to which both parties to the labor relationship have certain responsibilities.
Such an agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies, indicating the date of employment. , then you must indicate the end date of the employment relationship. One copy of the agreement is kept by the employer, the other is given to the employee.

The date of admission is very important information, which indicates that the person is officially registered and started working from a certain moment.

The contract must include the following: last name, first name, patronymic of the person being accepted, his personal data (passport number and series, INN and SNILS numbers), residential address. The employee must provide documents confirming education and qualifications for the position held. The contract must indicate the type and nature of the work and the work week schedule. These are integral components of an employment contract that cannot be violated.

An employee is obliged to properly perform his job functions and comply with the daily routine at the enterprise. And the employer, in turn, guarantees constant and appropriate wages, pays taxes, and provides the employee with all benefits and social guarantees.

A person can work without registration for only three days, after which an employment contract must be drawn up.

Reasons for imposing fines:

  1. Late conclusion of an employment contract with an employee or absence of one. This leads to the fact that the employee does not have official earnings, and therefore there is no payment to the state;
  2. If the contract is not concluded, the employee’s length of service is not counted and payments are not made to the Pension Fund, which will negatively affect the registration of an old-age pension;
  3. Medical institutions may refuse to provide free assistance to an employee of any organization due to the fact that contributions to the health insurance fund are not paid;

When a person is not officially registered at an enterprise, he loses his rights. He cannot achieve a number of payments, for example, vacation pay, final settlement. And when addressing these issues to the courts, he will not be able to prove the occurrence of such moments.

The question arises of how to avoid a fine for an unregistered employee, as well as administrative and criminal liability. The main thing is to legitimize the relationship between the employer and the employee in a timely and correct manner.

Responsibility for failure to register individual entrepreneurs

Typically, in practice, entrepreneurs do not enter into employment contracts with their employees. So, they are trying to save their money, thereby not paying taxes to government funds. This is a violation that entails a fine on the individual entrepreneur of up to five thousand rubles, and the entrepreneur’s activities are suspended for 90 days. Often such situations end in the closure of the individual entrepreneur’s activities; in the best cases, they will lead to losses.

If the audit reveals that the employee has not been registered for several years, and taxes have not been paid for this period, then a criminal case will be opened against the individual entrepreneur, and a demand may be made for payment of insurance premiums for the lost period in full.

The fine for such a violation for an individual entrepreneur is up to 300,000 rubles, and an arrest may also be imposed for up to two years.

A fine for an individual entrepreneur will significantly affect its financial results, so in order to protect yourself from huge losses in the future, you should draw up employment contracts in accordance with all the rules with your employees.

Responsibility for failure to register employees as legal entities. persons

Legal entities must also be held accountable before the law for failure to formally hire their employees and for violations in the preparation of employment documents.

If such a situation occurs, fines may be imposed directly on the director or HR inspector.

  • Removal of officials from work;
  • Imposition of large fines on legal entities. person in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles;
  • Imposition of fines on the head of an organization in the amount of up to 5,000 rubles;
  • Suspension of activities for a period of 90 days;
  • Criminal prosecution;
  • Correctional work;
  • Arrest for up to three years.

Such measures can also be determined in the event of incorrect execution of work books and employment contracts.

Responsibility for migrants

Incorrect registration of migrants, that is, foreign citizens, entails even greater liability for the employer.

In the following cases, the director will receive a fine for working with illegal immigrants:

  • If the foreigner does not have permission for any type of activity;
  • If a special permit has not been issued to attract a foreigner to work;
  • If a contract has been concluded with a migrant under which he was not notified of the terms of work;
  • When a foreign citizen works in a profession other than that specified in his work permit.

For such labor violations, a fine is imposed on the director in the amount of 35,000-70,000 rubles. The organization will be fined in the amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles, and the operation of the enterprise will be stopped for 90 days.

When hiring foreigners, you should ensure that they are registered. In case of delay, the Federal Migration Service may impose penalties on the employer.

When hiring a foreigner, you should pay attention to a number of points:

  • Check the presence of an identity document (passport, refugee card or residence permit);
  • Check the initial registration of an illegal immigrant;
  • Check the availability of a patent or work permit in a particular area of ​​the Russian Federation;
  • Check documents confirming the qualifications of the position held;
  • Availability of pension fund and TIN certificates.
Grounds for imposing a fine

Amount of fine

When a foreigner performs work that is not specified in the permit

The size is determined by the FMS

If a foreigner does not have a work permit

If the employer has not notified the FMS about hiring a foreigner

From 25,000 to 50,000 rubles. for the director personally, from 400,000 to 800,000 rubles. to the organization.

If the employer does not fulfill the obligation to register an illegal worker

Up to 500,000 rub. in legal face

If the employee carries out his activities in a territory other than the one for which the permit was issued

Up to 50,000 rub. per official, up to 800,000 rubles. in legal person for each illegal worker

No matter what violation occurred, when attracting foreign labor, the fine for unofficial employment is very high.

Therefore, in order to avoid such financial losses for the organization, you should carefully study the legislative framework when registering illegal immigrants.

When auditor organizations detect violations of labor legislation, they draw up an inspection protocol, on the basis of which the amount of penalties is determined.


If you are an employer, no matter an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, you are obliged to officially employ your employees, pay them their due salaries and pay taxes. Otherwise, you will be subject to criminal liability.

If you decide to save on your employees, then you will have to spend several times more money.

The employee, for his part, must demand official employment in order to provide himself with all social benefits and not receive wages “in an envelope.”

Violations of workers' rights occur all the time; now many enterprises can be held accountable under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. How to defend your rights? Let's find out.

List of main offenses

Most often, an employer violates the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the following situations:

    The employee was not given an employment contract. This is a direct violation of Art. 67 of the Labor Code, which states that after being allowed to work, an employment contract should be concluded with an employee within three days. Two copies are made, one of them remains with the employer, one goes into your hands. The fine for an unregistered employee for an LLC in 2018 ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles (clause 4 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The fine for individual entrepreneurs for failure to register an employee is from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

    The employment contract does not contain any essential terms. A complete list of them is contained in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but in short, the specifics of the work and rest regime, the conditions for paying wages, guarantees and compensation provided by law, as well as the right to vacation are most often not prescribed.

    Hiring a foreigner who does not have a special patent. The fine for an illegal worker in 2018 is from 250 to 800 thousand rubles for legal entities.

    The employer did not issue a hiring order. Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer must draw up the appropriate document, and you must be familiarized with it against signature. The order is issued within 3 days from the moment you are allowed to work.

    The employment contract was replaced by a fixed-term contract, and the circumstances did not coincide with Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (you did not intend to work only during the season, undergo an internship, perform work limited in time, etc.). A similar violation is the conclusion of a civil contract.

    If the terms of the contract were changed, you were not notified within two months, although in such situations a mutual agreement is required (Article 72.74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    When you were hired, you were not familiar with the labor regulations and acts directly related to your work functions.

    Salaries are paid less than once every two weeks (Article 36 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); upon dismissal, payments due are not paid (Article 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The rules for keeping records in the work book were violated. It must contain information about all transfers, dismissals, awards, etc. Upon dismissal, it is issued on the same day; delays are unacceptable (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The employee was subject to a probationary period that violated established standards. This can be either the assignment of such a period to persons to whom it does not apply (those who have passed a competition, pregnant women, minors, those selected for a position, those who came as part of a transfer, or those entering into a fixed-term contract), or exceeding the terms, or unlawfully engaging them in work in an environment harmful to health. The rules on the probationary period are regulated in detail in Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Types of liability

The legislator has provided for several types of liability for violated rights in the field of labor relations, depending on the severity of the violations:

    Material. This is compensation for violations such as delay in payment of wages, work records, dismissal without reason, or harm to the employee’s health.

    Disciplinary. This applies to a greater extent to the employee himself, both full-time and freelance, who is subject to punishment in the form of a reprimand or reprimand for an offense committed. In other matters, persons in managerial positions and managers are also subject to this punishment, although less frequently.

    Administrative. Expressed in the form of a fine or suspension of activities for 90 days. Regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Criminal. The most severe form is applied for violations of labor safety rules (Article 143 of the Criminal Code), non-payment of wages, pensions or benefits (Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code), and gross violation of established safety rules. Only the court can order preventive measures.

Table of fines for administrative offenses

To systematize the information received, we decided to describe the most common offenses in table format. To begin with, let's look at those that are punishable under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Amount of fine in thousands of rubles


Official, individual entrepreneur

Violation of the requirements of any article of the Labor Code (except for those listed below)

Allowing a person to work without the consent of the director

Violations when concluding an employment contract.

Violation of labor protection

Violation of deadlines for workplace certification

Allowing an employee to work who has not undergone safety training or provided a medical certificate, if required.

Violation of the deadline or procedure for issuing protective equipment (masks, respirators, overalls, etc.)

Violation of the work and rest schedule of drivers

Evasion from concluding or changing the terms of a collective agreement (including violation of deadlines)

Dismissal of strikers (or for labor disputes)

The terms of fines are set out in more detail in Articles 5.27-5.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Table of penalties for criminal offenses


Duration of imprisonment (forced labor)

Violation of labor protection, due to which serious harm was caused to the employee’s health (Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Up to 400 thousand

Violation of labor protection, due to which the employee died (Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Violation of labor protection, due to which several workers died (Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Illegal dismissal or refusal to employ a pregnant or young mother (if the child is under 3 years old) (Article 145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Up to 200 thousand

Partial payment of wages (less than half) for longer than 3 months (Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Up to 120 thousand

Up to one year

Delay in payment of wages for more than 2 months (or payment below the minimum wage) (Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

100-500 thousand

Delay of wages, partial non-payment, if serious consequences have occurred (Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

200-500 thousand

The table mentioned the minimum wage. You need to know that the minimum wage for fines is 7,500 rubles (Federal Law No. 164-FZ “On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Minimum Wage”).

How to defend your rights

You can file a complaint about your employer’s actions with four authorities:

    State Labor Inspectorate (SIT);

    Trade Union;

    Prosecutor's Office;

It's best to start with the first one. There is a State Labor Inspectorate (SIT) in every region; all you need is to draw up an application in which you must indicate all the facts confirming violations of rights, refer to the necessary articles and ask for a response in writing. If the inspection reveals shortcomings at the employer, it will demand that they be eliminated. Failure to comply with their instructions is punishable by a fine.

Another option is to contact the prosecutor's office. She will also order certain inspections and issue orders.

The trial is the last stage. The most effective and most troublesome. You will need to draw up an application and attach a number of documents and evidence of violations. A lawyer who you should contact will help you with this, since it is much more difficult to protect your rights in court alone.

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