Maternity capital will be paid per year. Will maternity capital be cancelled? Legislative initiatives on maternity capital

Many parents and couples who plan to become parents are interested in whether maternity capital will be abolished in 2018. Disputes around this issue have been going on for several years, but with the next statement from the government about the possible termination of the program, they have become more actively discussed. What should young families expect and should they count on government support?

We invite you to find out:

The Maternity Capital program began operating in 2007 to support young families. According to the terms of the program, financial assistance allocated by the state can be spent on certain purposes:

  1. For the education or maintenance of a child in an educational or educational institution.
  2. For the funded part of a pension for one of the parents, usually the mother. Rarely in demand, so it may be replaced in the future for other purposes.
  3. To improve living conditions - buying a new house, expanding the area by completing construction, and so on.
  4. On the social adaptation of disabled children. It was introduced only in 2016.

Initially, the program was designed for 10 years and ended at the end of 2016, but the Russian Government decided to extend it for 2 years. According to the adopted federal law, families who gave birth to or adopted a child before 2018 can count on financial assistance.

Many are wondering whether maternity capital will be canceled in 2018 after the program ends or whether there will be another extension. Rumors have appeared in the media that cancellation, or rather replacement, could happen as early as next year. The impetus for such a decision may be the insufficient effectiveness of the program and the search for ways to reduce costs for the state.

Expert opinions on the issue of abolishing maternity capital

In the matter of maintaining or canceling financial assistance to families at the birth of the second, third or subsequent children, the state will be guided by statistical data, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. Let us also evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the program.

Pros of the program

Vladimir Putin and other officials from his circle have repeatedly noted that the decision to provide financial assistance to young families has significantly improved the demographic situation in the country.

Before the launch of the program, the mortality rate in many regions exceeded the birth rate, but now the situation has changed for the better. In the last two years, there has been a slight decline in the birth rate, which is associated with a decrease in the number of women of childbearing age. According to officials, without family support from the state, many families will not decide to have a second or third child, which will negatively affect the demographic situation.

Disadvantages of the program

Experts have differing opinions about the effectiveness of the program.

Sergey Vostretsov and Irina Volynets believe that at this stage problems very often arise, such as:

  1. Lack of real opportunity to take advantage of maternal capital, which many families face.
  2. Frauds resorted to for the purpose of illegally obtaining funds.
  3. Illegal loopholes for cashing out maternity capital.

To eliminate the problems, some politicians and experts are calling for the abolition of the mat capital program and its replacement with monthly cash payments.

Possible alternatives

In the spring, Irina Volynets and Sergei Vostretsov developed a bill offering an alternative to the maternity capital program. They propose introducing monthly payments in the following amount:

  1. At the birth of the first child – 3 thousand rubles.
  2. After the birth of the second baby – 8 thousand rubles.
  3. Families with three or more children – 15 thousand rubles.

The size of payments should be the same for all families, regardless of income and region of residence.

The authors of the project clarified that if there are more than three children in a family, payments will be calculated only for three. Large families will also be provided with other incentives. If there are five children in a family, the state undertakes to allocate a plot of land for building a house. Only this should not be a piece of land in a bare field, but an area to which all communications are connected: electricity, water supply, sewerage, gas, and so on. Otherwise, low-income families will not be able to build a house, because sometimes they need to pay several million rubles just for the supply of electricity. If there are seven or more children in a family, vehicles must be provided at the expense of state funds. It could be a domestically produced Gazelle.

Maternity capital after 2018

At the beginning of December 2017, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said that one of the priorities for 2018 would be supporting young families. An order extending the Maternity Capital program until 2020 inclusive was signed. The information is officially published, as required by law, on the pages of the legal information portal.

In many ways, the program to support young families with 2 or more children repeats last year’s. But there are also important innovations. So, now parents will be able to spend funds provided by the state before the child reaches 3 years of age. But exclusively for the care and education of the baby. The President also assured that families who are in a particularly difficult financial situation will be able to receive funds from Maternity Capital in the form of monthly payments.

Due to the unstable economic situation in the world, many families have begun to seriously think about whether to have or adopt a child. But the Russian state is trying with all its might to positively influence the demographic situation in the country, so back in 2007 a law was passed according to which families could receive financial assistance from the authorities in connection with this.

Will the maternity capital program be canceled in 2017?

No, the maternity capital program was officially extended by the State Duma until December 31, 2018, so all the talk that it will not be possible to receive maternity capital in 2017 is groundless. According to estimates by the Russian Government, next year, 2017, approximately 830 thousand families will receive maternity capital, which in turn will require funds in the amount of 324 billion rubles from the federal budget. For example, in 2016 this amount will be slightly more than 304 billion rubles.

What will be the amount (size) of maternity capital starting in 2017?

As you know, the indexation of maternity capital was canceled in 2016, so the size of the certificate in 2016 is 453 thousand. rubles In turn, for 2017, it is planned to index maternity capital, as a result of which the size will be - 480,000 rubles, and in 2018 the amount will increase to 505 thousand rubles. Thus, over the next two years, the amount of maternity capital will increase slightly by 11.5% compared to 2016.

Important! Despite the planned indexation in 2017, unfortunately, the amount of maternity capital for 2017 will remain at the 2016 level, i.e. - 453,000 rubles (Federal Law No. 415-FZ, Art. 8).

What changes will happen to maternity capital?

With the onset of 2017, some adjustments and changes will be made to the law on receiving state financial assistance for families with children - in other words, material capital.

1. The amount of material capital will increase slightly. According to forecasts, the amount of maternity capital in 2017 will increase to 480 thousand rubles. This figure will depend on the level of inflation in the country and will be more accurately announced by the end of 2016.

2. The program for obtaining maternity capital will be extended until the end of 2018, and in the future it is planned to extend it until 2025-2027.

3. Maternity capital will be paid to those families with at least two children. Such families can count on receiving maternity capital under the old program, which is valid until December 31, 2018. That is, if a child was born at the end of 2018, and the parents did not have time to submit documents for a certificate, then they can do this throughout the next year.

4. Another innovation awaiting us in 2017: maternity capital can be spent not only on improving housing conditions, educating children and increasing the mother’s pension, but also on purchasing services and goods for social services. adaptation of disabled children.

Program results. Statistics

Thus, during the entire period of the maternity capital program, the number of newborns in our country from 2006 to 2014 increased by 31.2%, from 1.48 million to 1.94 million people. At the same time, the number of Russian families raising 2 or more children has almost doubled during this time, which means that this program really works and thanks to it the demographic situation in the Russian Federation is significantly improving.

Also see: doctors and examinations.

Many families with two or more children are interested in the question: until what year can you register and receive maternity capital? Potential recipients of financial assistance from the state want to clarify numerous questions regarding mat capital, since in a few years the social program should cease to operate. Let's figure out whether maternity capital will be abolished in 2017?

As you know, since 2007, a social program has been launched in Russia aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country by providing financial assistance to large families in the form of maternity capital. This measure of state financial incentives is valid not only after the birth, but also after the adoption of children, the basic rules of which were fixed by Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ On additional measures of state support for families with children.

Until what year will maternity capital be paid?

The basic law establishing the rights of citizens to receive appropriate maternity certificates, as well as the procedure for providing appropriate financial assistance, is the Federal Law on Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children N 256-FZ. The initial amount of financial payments for mat capital in accordance with this law was 250,000 rubles, but annually the size of this amount was constantly indexed and increased.

As of mid-2015, it was possible to use the social program only until the end of 2016. Registration of maternity capital according to the law should have been stopped from the beginning of 2017, this was stated in paragraph 1 of Article 13 of Law No. 256-FZ:

This Federal Law comes into force on January 1, 2007 and applies to legal relations arising in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child (children) in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016.

Today, the country's leadership is aimed at extending the social program of assistance to Russian families, because it is the state that is responsible for allocating social monetary assistance to citizens from budgetary funds. So families can hope that in the future new regulations will be adopted that will allow parents of 2 or more children (as well as adoptive parents) to count on receiving financial assistance from the state.

Families in which the birth or adoption of a child occurred during the period of validity of the law on additional measures of state support for families with children can issue a certificate for maternity/family capital within the framework of current legislation. Thus, Russian citizens who have had a second child (or have been adopted) have the right to submit an appropriate application to the local authorities of the Russian Pension Fund in order to obtain a maternal certificate even after the expiration of the state support program, if the second (third, etc.) child was born or adopted before the end of 2016.

Citizens who have the right to register maternity capital should know that the procedure for obtaining a certificate and the mechanism for disposing of financial resources under it have no restrictions related to the period of validity of the law on maternity capital. For this reason, parents can apply for the disposal of monetary social assistance in the form of mat capital in any time period that has passed since the birth of the second and next children, as stated in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006.

Extension of maternity capital after 2017

Today, at the government level, deputies propose to consider the issue of extending the social program for providing certificates for maternity capital, the purpose of which is to improve the material well-being of families with several children.

Russian parliamentarians are making proposals to extend the validity of the relevant law until 2025. They argue that maternal capital is an effective incentive to increase the birth rate and reduce orphans in the Russian Federation and has already proven its worth. Legislative authorities, giving comments on the issue of abolition of maternity capital, which is of interest to many, indicate that social norms related to financial assistance will be edited and supplemented in the future. This will be done in order to provide an optimal mechanism for providing such public services to citizens.

However, initiatives to extend maternity capital after 2017 also have opponents, for example, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation do not support the proposal to extend the law, which is designed to protect and improve the interests of large families. Officials of the relevant ministries refer their lack of support for extending the validity period of mat capital to the fact that the operation of maternal certificates is ineffective and come up with proposals not to further support such a social program when its validity period comes to an end.

Nevertheless, in December last year, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted Federal Law N 433-FZ dated December 30, 2015 On amending Article 13 of the Federal Law On additional measures of state support for families with children, which extended the validity of the state maternity capital program until December 31 2018!

This is something we can congratulate Russian families planning to give birth to or adopt children in the next three years!

When will maternity capital be cancelled?

Citizens of the Russian Federation whose second and subsequent children were born (adopted) after December 31, 2018, will not have the opportunity to receive financial resources from the state under the maternity capital program. However, the issuance of certificates for families in which an addition occurred before the end of 2018 will be able to receive maternal capital in 2019, for which they will have to submit the appropriate package of documents to the Pension Fund.

Reasons for canceling maternity capital may include:

Among political scientists, lawyers and economists, there are different opinions regarding the prerequisites that shaped the issue of canceling the maternity capital payment program in Russia.

Such reasons for the abolition of maternity capital and the abolition of the right of citizens to dispose of this type of financial assistance from the state to large families can be called:

  • Today, a budget deficit has formed for the Pension Fund of Russia, which allocates a significant portion of funds for maternity capital every year. A shortage of funds may contribute to the development of a situation where the Pension Fund will be unable to further provide financial support to large families. For this reason, many analysts are inclined to believe that it would be advisable to suspend the issuance of maternal certificates in order to restore the solvency of the pension fund.
  • In recent years of the program, all sorts of fraud mechanisms have become widespread, contributing to the weakening of the financial stability and reserves of the pension system. Dishonest citizens come up with new fraudulent schemes for receiving social financial assistance from the state and illegally receive a certificate for receiving maternity capital. Today, the state’s task is to develop a reliable scheme that will guarantee the timely and effective detection of illegal ways to receive financial assistance within the framework of maternity capital.
  • There are also dissatisfaction on the part of citizens who receive the certificate. First of all, they are associated with the limited ways of spending maternity capital. In addition to the main ways of using cash social assistance, parents would like to spend money on purchasing medical equipment for children with disabilities, expensive medications, and pay for expensive treatment for children with a history of serious illnesses. But to the chagrin of parents and adoptive parents, the current legislation does not provide for this intended purpose of spending financial assistance.
  • There are difficulties in the process of implementing current legislative norms, which serves as an important reason for repealing existing laws on maternity capital. Today, there are all the prerequisites for finalizing regulatory documents in order to create a simplified and more understandable mechanism for ordinary citizens to receive assistance from the state.

What results can the abolition of maternity capital bring?

Experts from government agencies voice the main results of the abolition of maternity capital:

  • Possibility to significantly increase existing child benefits;
  • An additional incentive to begin introducing new mechanisms to stimulate the growth of the birth rate in Russia;
  • Significant savings from the federal budget (according to forecasts, this amount is more than 100 billion rubles);
  • Increasing financial compensation to ensure attendance at preschool institutions;
  • Expanding the list of social assistance provided to large and needy families;

According to some economists, after the abolition of maternity capital, there may be a slight drop in real estate prices, in particular for houses and apartments, since this is the intended destination of maternity capital funds in most cases chosen by citizens. Among adoptive parents and parents, no less popular is the use of maternal certificates for partial repayment of a mortgage loan that was issued for the purchase of housing. Some experts have assumptions that when maternity capital is not provided to citizens, the demand for housing will decrease and real estate prices may fall. But real estate experts and ordinary people who claim maternity capital absolutely disagree with this point, the amount of which increased annually from 250,000 (2007) to 453,026 rubles (2016). If we take into account real estate prices in cities with a population of 300,000 or more people, then the amount of maternal capital is an insignificant share, which in no way can influence the pricing of housing. For example, buying a two-room apartment in large regional centers will cost a large family 3,800,000 – 5,000,000 rubles. And if there are more than two children in a family, and also of different sexes, then you will have to buy a three-room apartment, the cost of which ranges from 5,000,000 to 8,000,000 rubles. That is, maternity capital on average is 1/10 of the total purchase price of a home, and cannot in any way influence the fall in prices.

So, there are three years left until the end of the program for issuing certificates for receiving maternity capital, and families who plan to adopt or have children before the end of 2018 are included in it. From January 1, 2019, families where a second and subsequent child will be born or adopted will no longer be able to apply for this social assistance.

However, the state, for its part, provides a guarantee for the adoption of new laws designed to stimulate the growth of the birth rate and provide financial support to families. There is also an option to extend the program and then the mat capital will be paid until 2025.

The continuation of the maternity capital program is again in question: on March 23, at a round table meeting in the State Duma, they discussed a proposal to replace it with increased child benefits and the issuance of land plots to large families. Experts suggest taking a closer look at foreign experience - in developed countries a wide range of measures are used, from tax cuts to subsidies for rent and nanny services.

The experience of France could serve as an example for our country, says Melanya Aidinyan, PR manager at In this country, she notes, the state reimburses up to 85% of the costs of a nanny, and deducts another part from taxes. “In the end, the family pays only 7.5% of the total amount. To receive such compensation, a woman must work before giving birth, and the nanny must come for at least 16 hours a month,” Aydinyan clarifies.

State compensation for nanny costs in France depends on family income, number and age of children. The maximum compensation (85%) is received by low-income families with a child under three years of age. For wealthier families and families with children from 3 to 6 years old, compensation will be 2-3 times lower.

In addition, in France, as in Germany, the state helps large families with a reduced tax rate.

“And the more children there are in a family, the lower the taxes for the household,” says Vasily Sharapov, a lawyer at the development company City - XXI Century. If maternity capital is abolished in Russia, he recommends introducing significant tax benefits for families with more than one child.

“If you calculate how much the state takes from Russian households in the form of taxes, it becomes obvious that the one-time payment in the amount of maternity capital is offset over time due to the lack of significant tax benefits for such households,” the expert sums up.

Domestic reformers so far offer the simplest and most direct way of support: distributing benefits and gifts.

The authors of the latest proposals, State Duma deputy Sergei Vostretsov and head of the National Parental Committee Irina Volynets, propose paying benefits until children reach adulthood: 3 thousand rubles. for one child, 8 thousand rubles. for two and 15 thousand rubles. for three persons.

Families with more than four children are given land plots, and those with more than six children are given a Gazelle car in addition. It is not specified from what sources the funds will be obtained for this. In a conversation with Gazeta.Ru last week, Volynets noted that they need to be found and considered as an investment in the future.

Moreover, if last week Volynets and Vostretsov were talking about replacing maternity capital with benefits, calling it “pseudo-support,” then this week they have already softened the rhetoric. “We do not criticize maternity capital in any way, and certainly do not plan to abolish it,” Volynets said in the State Duma, as quoted by TASS.

The Ministry of Labor leaves the poor on the conscience of the regions

The Ministry of Labor proposes to extend maternity capital until 2023, despite the fact that the state no longer has enough funds for indexation - it is frozen for the three-year period 2017-2019. The government continues to gradually improve the practice of providing and spending maternity capital funds.

Thus, in early March, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reduced the period for its transfer from one month to 10 days. In 2015, it became possible to spend maternity capital on a home loan payment without waiting for the child’s third birthday, the Ministry of Labor reminds. In 2016, families with disabled children received the right to spend it on goods for social adaptation.

“It is important to understand that maternity capital is a demographic measure that stimulates an increase in the number of births, and not a measure of social support, when funds go to the current expenses of families in difficult situations,” the Ministry of Labor noted.

Social support for the population is the responsibility of the regions, the department’s press service added. Each region has the right to independently introduce such measures.

In other countries, there are practically no analogues to maternity capital, experts say. In the USA, for example, the state does not encourage births, notes Sharapov from City - XXI Century. Social support for families is mainly provided privately through charity, as well as by religious organizations.

Social policies in the United States vary from state to state. “In the real estate industry, the US government supports low-income families who are recognized as in need of social assistance. For such families, regardless of the number of children in them, multi-storey so-called social rental houses are built. More than half of the costs for the construction of such buildings are financed from regional budgets under special government programs,” the lawyer gives an example.

The benefit is not as important as its size

“Our country has a sufficiently developed system of supporting families with children. However, the size of social payments does not meet the needs of the population,” notes lawyer Andrei Komissarov. In this regard, the government might need to consider the experience of other countries with non-monetary support or social support measures with certain conditions.

In the Czech Republic, for example, every new child born reduces the mother’s retirement age, the Commissioners give an example. Sweden provides rent subsidies, and the amount of the benefit depends on the number of children and the parents' earnings: the family receives a larger benefit if the parents earn less than the subsistence level.

In Finland, support measures have been established in the form of providing the child with the necessary supplies, organizing the child’s recreation and providing additional educational services.

In France, there are also monthly benefits that begin to be paid at the birth of the second child.

In Estonia, a mother receives a full salary for a certain period of time after the birth of a child, and then receives cash payments for the child. For single mothers, additional benefits are provided for housing, medical care, and others. In Japan, large families are given discounts in stores.

“Thus, depending on the social security model chosen by the country, support is provided either to all families with children or to certain categories (poor, large families).

Benefits can be expressed in cash benefits, in reducing the tax base, in receiving subsidies, in reducing the retirement age,” the lawyer sums up.

The situation with benefits does not look rosy in all countries, notes Pyotr Pushkarev, chief analyst at TeleTrade Group. So, in Spain there is a one-time benefit of 1,500 thousand euros, but after 4 months the mother must return to work. In Poland, a one-time payment is only 120 euros, and monthly benefits up to 3 years are 10 times less. In the UK, there are only monthly benefits of just over 100 euros for the first child, and 70 euros for the second and subsequent ones, with a minimum wage of 1,200 euros. True, these benefits are paid for up to 10 years. In Israel, the monthly allowance for children is also less than the subsistence minimum, and the mother has the right to only 3 months of maternity leave, including the time before and after childbirth.

The pear is hanging, you can’t eat it

All experts almost unanimously emphasize that Russian maternal capital is a unique phenomenon in the world, but they draw directly opposite conclusions from this. Some suggest preserving it at all costs as a great achievement, others note that if such a tool were useful, it would be used not only in our country.

“Analysts in the (US) Congress most likely know that population growth is almost impossible to influence with the help of cash payments and other benefits: all countries have experienced this, but still continue to believe that subsidies will help increase the population. According to my estimates, maternity capital is a rather unique phenomenon in the world, not found in almost any other country, as it has restrictions on the purposes of spending,” says Alor Group analyst Kirill Yakovenko.

There is a similar system in the UK, he notes, but it is connected not with the purchase of housing, but with savings: “When a child is born, an account is opened for him, and both the state and the parents transfer money there, that is, the subsidy is created jointly. This is probably one of the most honest and motivating ways to get parents to save for their child.”

And yet, benefits to support families remain a popular measure, and in many countries they are higher than ours, even in the countries of the former socialist bloc.

In Belarus, for example, the benefit for the first child aged 0 to 3 years is about 8 thousand rubles when translated into Russian rubles. monthly. For a second child in Belarus they give about 9 thousand Russian rubles. “Such payments are comparable to what is paid in Sweden: for the first child - about 7,200 rubles. per month, for the second - the equivalent of 15 thousand rubles,” says Yakovenko.

Maternity capital, due to strict restrictions on the purposes of use, is more focused on supporting families with incomes slightly below average than on the poor - and the latter need state help more, Tatiana, director of the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of RANEPA, emphasized in an interview with Gazeta.Ru Maleva. Therefore, it is time to “convert it” into an increase in child benefits, which today are pitifully low, she believes.

In Russia, 40% of the mother’s average earnings for the previous two years are provided monthly for child care until one and a half years, then a child care allowance is provided only in the amount of 50 rubles. per month, at the same time in our country there is a shortage of nursery groups in kindergartens, and the majority of the population cannot hire a nanny for a one and a half year old child.

Life is almost like in the Emirates

Opinions on replacing maternity capital vary, including due to the fact that not every family can use the certificate received, notes Lyudmila Rubanik, head of the independent expert center for combating corruption. As a result, some families who are below the poverty line become involved with scammers and are sometimes left completely without money. And in other cases, everything ends in criminal cases, the expert notes.

“Everything must be thought out. Maybe we need to give a choice (between benefits and maternity capital) and simplify the implementation of certificates,” she suggests. For now, this requires collecting a huge number of documents, “and it all comes down to not helping mothers, but creating difficulties for them.”

But if we replace maternity capital with benefits, “we can end up in a situation like with the monetization of benefits, when we lose what was good, and the new one will not take root,” argues the first deputy chairman of the Public Chamber commission on social policy, Georgy Fedorov.

Maternity capital is “strategic financing” for a family, and monthly payments will “go nowhere” in a year, he said at a press conference this week.

“It is very important to preserve maternity capital in the form of a solid and large one-time benefit, which the family can spend as a contribution to improve living conditions, education or treatment of the child. And any options for an evenly “spread out” monthly benefit cannot be compared at all,” agrees Pyotr Pushkarev.

This program is unique, and its remote analogue exists only in the United Arab Emirates, the expert emphasizes, where on the occasion of the birth of a child, a family receives an amount from 50 thousand to 200 thousand dollars, a house or a villa. “However, the population of the Emirates is small, and it is almost impossible to come there and become a citizen of this country, which is why the state has the opportunity to provide for its citizens from birth using oil revenues,” he explains.

What awaited Russian families in 2017? How has the legislation regarding maternity capital changed? Will it be possible to receive maternity capital in 2017 for a second child? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

On January 1, 2017, the federal program providing for the issuance of a state certificate for receiving maternity capital turned exactly 10 years old. This program was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation in relation to families where a second or any subsequent child was born or adopted and was first established by Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006. During the 10 years of the program, the size of the certificate has almost doubled and today is 453,026 rubles, which is possible thanks to a special indexation mechanism provided for by current legislation. However, in 2017, the Government decided to abandon the indexation of maternity capital; this amount is already fixed in the draft law on the federal budget for 2017. The whole point is that the fulfillment of the conditions initially established by the law on maternity capital during the economic crisis became difficult, and the government was forced to take unpopular measures - not to index the amount of maternity capital. At the same time, it was decided to extend the program for at least two more years - until December 31, 2018 (currently the program is valid until December 31, 2021).

Important! According to statistics as of October 2016, the Office of the Pension Fund of Russia has issued more than 7,300,000 maternity capital certificates, of which 4,200,000 have already been used by their holders in the main areas - the majority (almost 93%) was used for the purchase or construction of housing.

Maternity capital 2017 for the second child

Since Federal Law No. 433-FZ of December 30, 2015 extended the maternity capital program under the same conditions for another two years, in 2017 and 2018:

  • the certificate will be issued to the family where the second or subsequent child was born or adopted;
  • if the certificate has already been received earlier, at the birth of the third child the family will not be able to receive maternity capital again;
  • the funds in the certificate can be spent strictly in compliance with the terms of the current legislation;
  • as in 2016, the maternity capital certificate will be issued:
    • a woman who gave birth to or adopted a second or subsequent child who is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • a man who is the sole adoptive parent of a child;
    • the father of such a child, in the event of the death of the mother or deprivation of her parental rights;
    • to the child himself or to the children in equal shares.

For previously issued certificates, payments are made as usual. To do this, you should contact the Pension Fund authorities at your place of residence with an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds. The right to spend funds of the certificate holder is terminated only in the event of complete depletion of funds.

Where can you use maternity capital?

A new direction for using maternity capital funds was opened in 2016; the subsidy was allowed to be used for the social adaptation of disabled children. In fact, changes in legislation took effect only in mid-2016, and the first application from citizens to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was received only in the fall. The new legislation does not provide for changes in the list of areas for using the federal maternity capital certificate; as before, the funds can be used:

  • without waiting 3 years:
    • to repay obligations on housing loans, including secured mortgages;
    • for compensation for the purchase of goods and services for disabled children, a list of such goods and services is provided by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • after 3 years from the date of receipt of maternity capital:
    • for all types of improvement of housing conditions that are not related to the repayment of housing loans or mortgages - home reconstruction, direct purchase of housing, equity participation in construction, etc.;
    • for the education of children, including payment for the child’s maintenance in kindergarten, his accommodation in a dormitory, or direct education of older children at a university or college;
    • for the funded part of the child’s mother’s pension.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2017-2018. was not provided. Let us remember that in 2009 and 2010 such payment was made twice for 12,000 rubles, in 2015 and 2016. - 20,000 and 25,000 rubles, respectively.

Maternity capital for the 3rd child in 2017

Recently, RuNet users have been actively discussing the possibility of obtaining a second certificate for maternity capital for a third child. The size of the certificate under discussion is 1,500,000 rubles, which is three times the size of the certificate issued for the 2nd child. It is worth noting that this version of the program was indeed considered by the State Duma in 2014-2015, but it was rejected by deputies already in the first reading, since it had many objective shortcomings, for example:

  1. the adoption of this law would put in an unequal position the participants of the program who entered it before and after 2017;
  2. such a significant increase in the certificate would require increased costs from the federal budget, which would be impossible due to the economic crisis;
  3. the draft law significantly limited the list of options for using the certificate - in fact, the funds could be used exclusively for improving living conditions.
Important! In 2017 - 2018 The mother certificate will not provide any additional features! A certificate can be issued to a family for a third child, and only if it was not received for a second child.
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All about religion and faith - “prayer to the Chernigov Mother of God” with a detailed description and photographs. Ilyinsko - Chernigov Icon of God...