Accounting info. Accounting info I

And again we turn to the topic of closing the month in 1C Accounting 8.3. This time let's look at one helper function called "control of the sequence of documents". The figure below shows a month-end closing processing form, on which you can see a red link “controlling the sequence of document posting.”

What is document sequence control in 1C?

It just so happens that red inscriptions attract the user’s attention. Moreover, such inscriptions often indicate the presence of some errors. However, as I discussed earlier with the example of red numbers at the end of the month, this is not always the case. In the case of controlling the sequence of documents, the situation is similar.


Before showing this form, 1C Accounting may “think” for a while. At this time, the program checks whether the sequence of transactions in the document chains has been violated. Before you click on anything here and “restore”, you should think about what this “sequence of document processing” actually is.

In the process of entering documents into 1C Enterprise, often (but not always), some documents may depend on others. For example, you can enter one or more others based on one document. So, in this case, these “subsequent” documents will depend on the previous ones, that is, for example, on the basis document. If you change the base document, then Maybe, you will need to change the following documents.

As you can see, a chain of documents related to each other can be formed. It is worth keeping this in mind when making retroactive changes to documents.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

1C Accounting 8 thinks like this: If you repost a document “retroactively,” you may need to repost the documents that follow it. It was from this approach that the auxiliary function of monitoring the sequence of documents arose. This function is available in the “Month Closing” processing via that same red link.

However, the link is not always red. If you have not forwarded the documents retroactively, the link will be green. If not, then in the above control form you can click the “Repost documents” button. In this case, all documents will be re-posted from the date on which 1C detected changes to documents “retrospectively”. The result of document re-posting control is shown below.


When we exit processing back to the end of the month, we get the following picture.


As you can see, now from the point of view of 1C Accounting, “everything is in order.” However, do not forget that this is just a program. The ultimate answer to the question “is everything okay?” is given only by the user, so you shouldn’t transfer everything 100% to 1C - one day this approach may backfire.

Let's sum it up

If 1C Accounting, when closing the month, suggests correcting the sequence of document processing, then usually everyone clicks on the red link shown in the pictures above. However, is it always advisable to do what the program recommends?

I discuss the answers to all the questions “why” and “what is best” with my students in the 1C Accounting 8 courses via Skype. Practice shows that those who work best in 1C are those who have not just “read the textbook”, but have understood how the program works, how records are kept in it and Why you need to do it one way and not another.

Without understanding, working in 1C is just clicking buttons!

Posting documents, reposting documents and restoring the sequence of document posting in 1C 8.3 is a very important part of working with 1C programs, which every user should be familiar with. What is it and what is it for?

When changing documents from past periods, or creating documents in the wrong calendar sequence, various types of violations and errors can occur. We sold the day before yesterday what we bought tomorrow. We paid the advance three weeks ago, although it was only issued to us today. There are many similar examples that can be given, but the main thing that unites them is inconsistent processing of documents.

To correct these situations, 1C contains several different mechanisms that allow you to sequentially transfer documents in batch mode. Let's look at the most basic ones that allow us to solve this problem in most cases.

To access processing for document posting, you must enable the “All functions” menu item. To do this, open the menu and click Tools – Options.

In the window that opens, check the box “Display the All functions command”:

Close the options window and open the main menu again. “All functions...” should appear in it as a separate item. Click on it:

In the window that opens, find a list of standard mechanisms, and among them is Document Posting. It will be next to the Log Book, the operation of which we discussed in a recent article. Open Document Posting:

In the presented window, the functionality for posting documents is available. The left half displays all types of documents available for reprocessing. Next to the Post button, a filter by period is also available, in which you can specify for what period to post documents. Select the necessary documents and transfer them to the right half of the window by double-clicking the mouse or using the Add > button in the middle. After that, click Conduct:

This window will inform us about the progress of ongoing operations:

After completion, the program will display a window with a short report:

Another option for processing documents is using built-in processing. As in step 3, open the All functions menu. Select “Group reposting of documents” from the list of processing options:

In the window that opens, specify the period, select the organization and click Run:

A similar window will report to us about the execution progress:

After completing the re-posting of documents, a similar transaction report will be shown:

We considered two options for group posting of documents in 1C 8.3. Their capabilities are sufficient to correct the broken sequence of document processing.

We remind you that within the framework of the Month Closing mechanism, the sequence of document posting is always monitored, and if it is violated, the document re-posting operation is automatically launched.

If you still have questions about conducting documents in 1C 8.3, we will be happy to answer them as part of a free consultation.

How to repost a group of documents in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

When correcting documents retroactively, 1C 8.3 almost always requires reposting documents that have a date and time greater than that of the document that was corrected. Let's look at how to fix this and how to transfer documents to 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Retransfer of documents in 1C 8.3 Accounting with special processing

Group transfer processing is located in the “All functions” menu:

Usually by default, even if the user has full rights, this menu item is not visible. In this case, you need to go to the “Service” menu, then “Options”:

And check the corresponding box:

If “Service” is unavailable, contact the specialist who set up access rights.

And so, select the “All functions” command. In the window that opens, select the line “Post documents” in the “Standard” section:

The processing processing window will open:

On the “Document Posting” tab, you select the types of documents that need to be posted or re-posted (depending on the settings of the checkboxes).

Attention! If you only plan to re-post documents that have already been posted, but do not want to post documents that have not been posted, be sure to uncheck the “Post Posted” flag:

It is very important to correctly set the period for which documents will be selected, especially if the database is large. The procedure is lengthy and places a heavy load on the server. It is advisable to run the rerun when no one else is working in the program.

In addition, it is advisable to know what types of documents are associated.

For example, if you need to re-post documents related to the distribution of goods, you should not add salary-related documents to the list of documents for re-posting.

For convenience, the program itself can track changes in the document sequence boundary (when posting/reposting, it is automatically set to this document). Moreover, they can be configured severally, depending on the types of documents. You can restore the sequence boundary on the “Restore Sequences” tab:

Re-posting at the end of the month

When performing the routine operation “Month Closing”, the program checks the relevance of the transaction sequence boundary. It should be on the last document of the month for which the closing is taking place. If this is not the case, you will be asked to re-post the documents and thus restore the sequence:

Sometimes there are cases when the document was not changed, but was accidentally re-posted. The border is set on this document. Unfortunately, in 1C: Accounting 3.0 there is no standard option to manually return the border to the desired place, although it was available in the previous version. But on the Internet you can find external processing that allows you to do this.

Based on materials from:

Sequence in 1C 8.3 is a metadata object that allows you to solve specific problems of monitoring the chronological sequence of necessary . Typically used in or control of settlements.

Let's look at the settings and properties of sequences in 1C 8.2.

To configure a sequence, you must specify the documents that the sequence is associated with and which registers affect the sequence. This is indicated on the Usage tab:

Also on this tab you must specify the mode of moving the sequence boundary when posting a document - Move or Do not move. This setting indicates whether the system will automatically move the sequence boundary, or whether this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the developer.

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On the Data tab, you can specify additional dimensions for consistency control. For example, sequences can be controlled across an organization.

An example of using a sequence in 1C

An example of setting a sequence boundary programmatically:

Sequences. Party Accounting. SetBoundary(Instant());

An example of obtaining the current boundary for a sequence in 1C:

BoundaryMomentTime = Sequences. Party Accounting. GetBorder() ;

Consistency and performance of 1C Enterprise

Sequence is a very dangerous metadata object from a system performance perspective. This is due to the fact that when a new sequence boundary is set, the platform blocks attempts to change the boundary by other users. Typically, if a system uses a sequence, it is used in many documents in the system. Therefore, the database becomes "sequential" rather than "parallel" for users (read more about performance in the section).

To solve this problem, it is enough to add movements in the required registers and move the sequence boundary during non-working hours using a routine task.

Restoring the boundary of the document processing sequence in 1s 8.3

October 1st, 2012

Instructions for “1C: Enterprise 7.7. Trade and Warehouse"

ATTENTION!!! Restoring the sequence of documents is mandatory before uploading data from “Trade and Warehouse” to “Accounting”. If the sequence of documents is violated, the report data may be!!! OUT OF CURRENT!!!

I. Making an archive copy of the database

1. We launch the program in the “Configurator” mode. In this case, all user sessions working with the program must be closed.

2. Select the menu item ADMINISTRATION | SAVE DATA. A window will appear:

3. In the “Save in:” field, specify the name of the backup file. In the name we indicate the date of the copy.

5. Upon successful completion, the following window will appear:

6. At the bottom of the message window, the message “The data saving procedure is completed!” will be displayed.

If an error occurs while saving the archive, which will be reported, contact your system administrator (if you are not one yourself :)).

7. Close the Configurator.

II. Restoring the sequence.

1. We open the program in “Enterprise” mode exclusively.

2. In the menu OPERATIONS | CONSTANTS change the “Editing prohibition date” constant to a date earlier than the violated sequence boundary (SE).

3. For example, if the GP is on a document with the date 12/12/08, and the Editing Prohibition Date is set to 12/31/08, then you should change the Editing Prohibition Date to 12/11/08 or even earlier.

4. Select the menu item OPERATIONS | CARRYING OUT DOCUMENTS. A window will appear in which you need to select the second tab “Sequences”:

5. Select the date to which you want to restore the sequence. This is usually the current date.

6. We mark all three sequences with daws.

7. Check the box “Show messages about recalculated documents”

8. Click the “Run” button.

9. We monitor the progress of processing. The processed documents are displayed in the message window. The “Comment on Performed Actions” window displays the results of document processing.

Upon successful completion, the program will display the message “Recovery of the document sequence is completed.”

If an error occurs, the recovery process stops. This can be judged by the state of the message window. The sequence stops at the erroneous document if its re-run is unsuccessful.

In this case, close the “Post Documents” window.

In the “Comment on Performed Actions” window we find the last message about the document being processed. Let's look at what kind of document and what kind of error. We inform the accounting department about the error (the document on which the sequence stopped). After fixing the error, we start the recovery process again.

If we can’t fix the error quickly (!!! DON’T FORGET THAT WE ARE WORKING IN EXCLUSIVE MODE, AND THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO WANT TO GET INTO THE DATABASE!!!), then we stop the recovery process and move the point of relevance (TA) to the last document in the system, otherwise work will not be possible in the program.

It is possible to restore sequences in a non-exclusive mode, but it will be slower. To do this, we take processing

Transfer of totals relevance point (TA)

1. Opening the general document journal

2. We find the most recent document in the system (in this case, Quick selection must be disabled (set to “absent”), otherwise the TA will be transferred incorrectly)

3. Right-click on the last document and select “Install TA on document”

To the question “Change the point of relevance of the results?” We answer “YES”.

A window will be displayed:

4. We do not mark anything and click “Run”.

5. As a result, the message “TA change completed” will be displayed.

6. We exit the exclusive mode of the program if it is necessary to allow other users into the program. We log in as usual and work on the errors. After the adjustments we try again to restore the sequence.

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