Quick processing and obtaining a UAE visa. What does first entry rule mean?

Zones need not only visas, but also knowledge of a number of rules that must be observed. Every tourist needs to know what the rules of the first entry and the main country are, which are sometimes revised, so it is simply necessary to follow changes in legislation so as not to get into an unpleasant situation and not spoil the rest for yourself and your family members.

So, let's find out the essence of these concepts in order.

Changes in the code in 2013 for the first entry into the Schengen

Let's take a look at recent history and see what changes this document has undergone 3 years ago.

According to the new rules, the basic principle has changed, according to which the days of a tourist's stay in the state were counted. If previously a traveler could stay in a Schengen country for 90 days within 6 months, then since 2013 everything has changed.

From this period, the number of days began to count for a whole year. In other words, the state allows a tourist to stay in the country for 90 days for no longer 6 months, but 12. Let's say the period of validity of a citizen's visa is 1 year - from January 2016 to January 2017. He plans to go on vacation 4 times during this time. He will have to plan trips and go to the chosen country in such a way that the total number of days spent abroad does not exceed 90 per year. If this rule is violated, the consulate will expel a foreign citizen from the state, despite the fact that he has a valid, not expired visa.

Attention: The calculation of the number of days is carried out on a visa that has expired if it belongs to this year.

By the way, the document changes discussed above apply not only to avid travelers, but also to those who are a rare guest abroad. Both the first and second have to follow all the rules and stand in long queues at passport control if they want to enter another country by purchasing the long-awaited Schengen visa.

Airlines from visa innovations in 2013 are also not enthusiastic. Now they are forced to send tourists who have expired visas or have other problems with documents to their homeland at their own expense. In addition to material losses, this is also unnecessary paperwork for checking documents. Such new rules were introduced for those who want to enter the Schengen zone back in 2013.

New rules 2016 and 2019 for the first entry into the Schengen

Since 2016, for everyone who plans to visit the European countries of the Schengen zone, a mandatory fingerprinting procedure has been introduced. This requirement will remain in effect in 2019. Moreover, after 5 years, the tourist will need to go through this procedure again - this is exactly the period of validity of the results.

You also need a biometric passport in order to apply for a visa, but for it you need to do fingerprints a second time. To fill out an application for a passport, a citizen must come to the consulate in person, and subsequently all communication can be carried out online.

Among the positive changes that took place in 2016 and which will have an impact on the situation in 2019, it should be noted:

  • Visas will be issued for a short period (15 days);
  • The purpose of short trips can be cultural and sporting events.

Of course, such visas will be introduced in different countries gradually. And a tourist who wants to go to another country, for example, to attend a concert, will have to prove his goal by coming to the consulate to apply for a visa.

Classic Schengen Rules: First Entry Rule and Main Country Rule

In addition to the changes that were detailed earlier in this article, there is a standard set of Schengen rules that are in effect at all times. Chief among them are the so-called home country and first entry rules. What is their essence, we will find out further.

As for the first entry, everything is simple. If a tourist plans to visit only one country of the Schengen zone, this rule applies to him by itself. He draws up a visa, and goes where he planned.

If the traveler has not decided on the country of stay in Europe and does not yet know which one he wants to visit, he is obliged to issue a document at the embassy of the country through the border of which he will enter the Schengen. This is the essence of the first rule - the first entry rule.

Violation of this rule will necessarily entail unpleasant consequences at the Schengen border, and can significantly spoil a citizen's visa history. By the way, pleasant exceptions are possible, which, perhaps, it is better not to hope for, but to draw up documents correctly. If a traveler has a multiple-entry visa, as a rule, customs can turn a blind eye.

The rule of the main country says that if a tourist draws up a document at the embassy of a particular state, he must stay in it for most of the time of his trip.

Rules for the first entry into the Schengen

As you can see, as in the first case, the essence of the rule is clear and understandable. It's just as easy to follow. To do this, before the trip, decide which Schengen country is closer to you and where you would like to spend more days.

Attention: this rule is valid in 2019 only for short-term visas!

Interestingly, if a tourist plans to stay in several countries for an equal number of days, he will need to obtain a visa at the embassy of the one through which he will enter Schengen.

Visa holders should be especially careful when counting the number of days: the largest number should be in the Schengen country that issued the document.

The main purpose of the second rule considered is to prevent some tourists from abusing the hospitality of certain embassies, through which they can freely enter other countries.

According to the experience of many tourists, the easiest way to get visas is in:

  • Finland;
  • Latvia;
  • Czech Republic.

More problems arise with such states of the Schengen area as:

  • Germany;
  • Denmark;
  • Holland.

But do not despair if you have not received a visa, for example, to Germany, which you have long dreamed of visiting. It is easier and faster to issue a document to France, and from there to go to the desired state for a few days.

Note that both rules, both the first entry and the main country, must be taken into account when traveling by car to the Schengen zone. Otherwise, the tourist may incorrectly calculate the number of days spent in the transit state, and incorrectly determine the main country. These are things to think about before you travel. Most likely, the transit state will be considered the first.

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Traveling is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Russian writer Ivan Bunin, knowing a lot about this, wrote: “Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel.”


Two years ago, Italy announced that if a Russian already has one short-term "Schengen" (not necessarily Italian) in his passport, she is ready to issue a one-year visa, and if two or more - then a two-year one. Since then, the Italian consulate has not changed its word.

A huge plus is that Italy issues visas for booking tickets. Therefore, tourists can cheat and get a "Schengen" without even intending to visit the country of pizza and pasta.

  • Visa center in Moscow (available in many other Russian cities)


Greece is one of those states that almost always issue visas to Russians. In the summer, the country's Ministry of Tourism announced that it would now distribute three-year Schengen visas to tourists from our country, and if a person has never violated the visa regime, then five-year ones.

Tourists have recently been praising the Greek Consulate for its excellent work: they review documents quickly and in an organized manner and make a decision within two days after applying. In addition, 2016 has been declared the Year of Russia in Greece, and Russians are welcome here with open arms, juicy moussaka and cold ouzo.


In 2012, Slovakia promised to issue five-year visas to Russians who already have one Schengen visa. In fact, the visa officers turned out to be not so generous: at the first application, they usually issue six-month or annual visas, and at the second application - two-year ones. Nevertheless, this is a good option, since Russians are rarely denied.


Generous for multiple "Schengen" for the Russians and Finland. The St. Petersburg visa centers are especially loyal: they easily issue monthly visas to residents of the North-Western region at the first application and annual visas at the second. In Moscow, you can also get long-term visas the first time, but a little less often.

There is a Finnish consulate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Petrozavodsk, and visa centers operate in Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and other Russian cities.

How much will you have to pay for the "Schengen"

The amount of the visa fee for a regular tourist visa category C, regardless of the country, is 35 euro and if you need to get it urgently - then 70 euro. But if you do not apply directly to the consulate, but to the visa center (the most likely option for those who do not live in the capital), you will also have to pay a service fee. Its size changes periodically, as it depends on fluctuations in exchange rates. Information about the fee can always be found on the websites of visa centers.

Service fees for popular countries (as of October 2016):

  • Spain- 1433 rubles
  • Italy- 2100 rubles
  • Czech- 25 euros in ruble equivalent
  • Poland- 19.5 euros in ruble equivalent
  • Germany- 20.35 euros in ruble equivalent
  • Greece- 1440 rubles
  • Sweden- 21 euros in ruble equivalent
  • Finland- 26.75 euros in ruble equivalent (the visa fee in this country is higher than in others - 60 euros)
  • France- 29.5 euros in ruble equivalent

What documents are needed

To obtain a visa, you must personally submit documents to the consulate or visa center and go through the procedure for collecting biometric data. It includes fingerprint scanning and digital photography.

The following documents are required:

  • Passport valid for at least 3 months after the end of the visa
  • a completed application form (it can be found on the official website of the visa center or the embassy of the country)
  • photograph 3×4 or 3.5×4.5, taken no earlier than six months before submission
  • invitation or hotel reservation
  • round-trip tickets (for some countries, such as Italy, a reservation is enough). If you are traveling by car, you need to provide documents for it, an international insurance policy, a driver's license and show the route of the trip.
  • international health insurance with a minimum insurance coverage of 30 thousand euros
  • certificate from the place of work, study or a copy of the pension certificate
  • financial guarantee (account statement, passbook or a copy of a bank card with a check from an ATM). Its size depends on the duration of the trip. For example, for a trip to Italy for 15 days, you need to confirm the presence of 602 euros, and for a month's holiday - 1050 euros.

The chances of obtaining a long-term visa will increase:

  • several visits to this country
  • impressive bank statement
  • an indication in the application form that you want a long-term visa
  • an explanation of the reason why you will often travel to the country (for example, you have relatives living there or you are going to take part in scientific conferences).

Documents for children:

  • passport of the child or parent where the child is entered
  • birth certificate or internal passport (upon reaching the age of 14), as well as their copies (some countries require a notarized copy)
  • certificate from the place of study of the child
  • 2 color photographs 3.5×4.5 cm
  • insurance
  • a notarized power of attorney for the export of a child from a parent who is not accompanying him
  • A completed application form

Many years of "Schengen" to you and pleasant travels!

After the signing of the Schengen Convention in Luxembourg in 1990 between 22 EU member states and 4 EFTA member countries, the concept of free movement began to materialize after 5 years, allowing the population of some member countries to move freely and start living in any of these countries.

Currently, the Schengen area covers most European countries with the exception of the UK and countries that will soon sign this agreement - Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Ireland. Although countries such as Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not EU members, they are all part of the Schengen area and have the right to free movement.

For any individual threats, regardless of nationality, the competent authorities may conduct a police check at any international border or border area, but this is not a check at the border checkpoint. In other cases, anyone regardless of nationality (must be a citizen of a Schengen Member State) can cross international borders without any border checks.

However, for some non-Schengen countries, there are mandatory visa requirements to enter the Schengen area. The countries whose citizens must obtain a Schengen visa to enter one of the member countries are listed in the next section.

However, there are always exceptions to any rule. There are countries outside the Schengen agreement whose citizens do not need a visa to enter. These countries are listed below.
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Bermuda
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Costa Rica
  • Colombia
  • Salvador
  • Greece
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Macau
  • Macedonia
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Moldova (visa-free regime applies only to holders of biometric passports)
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • New Zealand (including Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau)
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Romania
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • United States of America (including the United States Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico)
  • Uruguay
  • Vatican
  • Venezuela

Citizens of countries in the Schengen area, as well as citizens of countries that do not require an entry visa to the Schengen area, are prohibited from living in the country of destination for the necessary time without legal permission. The number of days allowed to stay in any country of the Schengen area should not exceed 90 days / three months for every six months, regardless of the reasons for the trip. It is also necessary to keep in mind that the possibility of obtaining a Schengen visa for entry and stay for a certain period of time in the Schengen area does not apply to work or study in this country.

Currently, there are countries whose citizens must also have an airport transit visa in order to board a plane at the airport of a Schengen country. The list of countries whose citizens are required to have a transit airport visa in the Schengen area is listed below:

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Congo (DRC)
  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Somalia
  • Sri Lanka

However, for some persons there are exceptions regarding the need to obtain an airport transit visa. In the following cases, citizens of the above countries do not need to obtain an airport transit visa:

  • If the person has a residence permit of a Schengen member state, a valid Schengen visa for a short or long stay.
  • If a person has a residence permit of countries such as Andorra, Canada, Japan, San Marino or the United States, which guarantees the location of persons.
  • If a person has a valid Schengen visa or a valid visa to enter one of the EFTA countries, as well as Canada, Japan or the United States, even if they return from these countries after using this visa.
  • If the person is a family member of an EU citizen (close relatives only).
  • If the person has a diplomatic passport.
If you are a family member of an EU/EEA citizen, this does not mean that you do not need a visa to enter the Schengen area. It only means that visa procedures will be facilitated or accelerated. However, to do this, you must meet the following standards:
  • You must be a first-degree family member of an EU/EEA citizen (husband or child under 21).
  • You must join an EU/EEA citizen at a destination or country of residence inside the Schengen area and have proof of this.

If a person has more than one nationality, visa requirements depend on the passport they are traveling with. If you are traveling with a passport from a country that requires a visa, you must obtain one even if you have a passport from a Schengen country but do not use it for any reason.

If you have a D visa that allows you to enter and live in the Schengen area for a certain period of time, then with a residence permit in a certain country, you can visit any Schengen country for 90 days every 6 months. As noted in the next section, you must have a legal basis in order to obtain a D visa.

Last Updated on December 18th, 2018

As time shows, the crisis for the Russians did not become a reason for refusing to take vacations in the near and far abroad. But sometimes obtaining a visa turns into an expensive adventure for Russian citizens with unpredictable results.

Where to go in the near abroad

There are many countries where visa-free entry is open to Russians, they will be enough to have a rest and travel there in the coming years. In the post-Soviet space, on a Russian passport for 90 days, our compatriots are accepted:

  • Republic of Abkhazia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Belarus;
  • South Ossetia.

The main thing is that the document should not be overdue. Without a visa, you can stay in Georgia for 360 days plus 5 days, but only if you cross the Russian-Georgian border.

An attempt to enter the country from South Ossetia or Abkhazia is regarded as an unauthorized border crossing, which is punishable by law.

According to the international passport, Russians are allowed to visit some of the former Soviet republics. Countries where a visa is not required, but the period of stay is limited, except for Georgia, include:

Unfortunately, visa-free entry is no longer possible in Turkmenistan And Baltic republics.

To Europe without a visa

You can get to some European countries without issuing a visa or having a visa to other EU countries. States where Russians do not need a visa:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Macedonia;
  • Türkiye;
  • Serbia;
  • Montenegro.

In 2017, Russians need a visa to Albania, Bulgaria and Croatia. An exception is made for those who already have "Schengen". Holders of a Cypriot or Romanian visa can also travel to Bulgaria and Croatia. A visa is required for the island of Cyprus, but you can apply for it via the Internet. To enter Northern Cyprus, our compatriots need only international passports.

When entering European countries, our tourist must present:

  • tourist voucher;
  • a document confirming his solvency;
  • return tickets;
  • hotel reservation.

Some states require an invitation from the host if the trip is not tourist, but private. You may also need medical insurance.

Countries that provide the possibility of visa-free transit:

  • United Kingdom - for a day;
  • Romania - for a day;
  • Bulgaria - for 36 hours.

Transit through London has its own characteristics. Travelers flying through England have the opportunity to go to the city in between flights. At the same time, they must have a ticket for a flight to another country and its visa in their hands. Visa-free transit is allowed only for air passengers.

Visa-free beach and active holidays

For beach and outdoor activities, Russian tourists have the widest choice. These are popular now Vietnam And Thailand, some African countries and island states.

Where to go in Asia

List of Asian countries where you can sunbathe and get acquainted with local attractions:

A country Length of stay (in days) Special conditions or additional documents
Vietnam 15 Without the right to travel to another country
Philippines 14
Hong Kong Solvency confirmation
Israel 90 Medical policy
Indonesia 30
UAE 30
Hainan Island (China) 15 1 color passport photo
Laos 15
Malaysia 30 Availability for each tourist at least $ 500
Mongolia 30
Thailand 30
Sri Lanka 30 electronic authorization obtained from the website of the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka
South Korea 60

Everywhere you need a passport with a validity period of 6 months from the end of the trip. For some states, it is enough that it be valid for the duration of the trip or for another 3 months. Just like in European countries, at the border you will need a hotel reservation, a ticket and return tickets.

To enter Vietnam for more than 15 days, a visa is required, but for Russians it is completely free and is issued at the airport upon arrival.

Visa-free travel allows China through the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Chongqing. Time of stay - no more than 3 days. IN Singapore transit can be no longer than 96 hours. This is quite enough to see all the sights of the city-state.

Africa travel

Want to go on an African safari or see the diamond mines of South Africa? Most of the countries of the "black" continent are open to Russians:

  • Republic of South Africa;
  • Swaziland;
  • Ethiopia (requires proof of solvency);
  • Uganda;
  • Tunisia;
  • Tanzania;
  • Namibia;
  • Mozambique;
  • Gambia;
  • Morocco.

The minimum stay is 30 days. Entry documents are the same as for other states.

Holidays on the islands

Most island states provide Russian citizens with free entry. On Barbados You can stay 28 days without a visa Northern Mariana Islands- 45, on Mauritius- 2 months.

On the beaches of the Bahamas, Haiti, Grenada and Fiji, tourists can bask for up to 3 months. It is possible to stay in Dominica on a foreign passport for 3 weeks, and in the Dominican Republic, the Seychelles, Maldives, Jamaica and Cuba - a month.

Visit to the countries of Central and South America

You can also visit the famous Brazilian carnivals, get acquainted with the culture of ancient Indian civilizations, feel the temperament and hospitality of Latin Americans without a visa. This list includes almost all the states of South and Central America. The term of stay in them is up to 90 days.

IN Mexico you can safely go for six months, but you need to issue an electronic permit from National Institute of Migration.

The conditions for visa-free visits to foreign countries by Russian citizens are valid for 2018.

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