Emergency. Emergency situation (ES) is a situation that has arisen as a result of an accident, catastrophe, natural or other disaster that has caused or may cause

Emergency situation (ES)- this is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions.

Extreme Event- this is a deviation from the norm of processes or phenomena.

Accident- this is an extreme event of a man-made nature that occurred for structural, production, technological or operational reasons, or due to random external influences, and consists of damage, failure, or destruction of technical devices or structures.

Industrial or transport disaster is a major accident resulting in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences.

Dangerous natural phenomenon is a natural event that, due to its intensity, scale of distribution and duration, can cause negative consequences for human life, the economy and the natural environment.

Disaster is a catastrophic natural phenomenon (or process) that can cause numerous casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences.

Ecological disaster (ecological disaster)- an emergency event of particularly large scale, caused by a change (under the influence of anthropogenic factors) in the state of the land, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, accompanied by mass death of living organisms and economic damage.

Classification of emergency situations by scale of distribution

When classifying emergency situations by scale of distribution, one should take into account not only the size of the territory affected by the emergency, but also its POSSIBLE indirect consequences. These include severe violations of organizational, economic, social and other significant connections operating over considerable distances. In addition, the severity of the consequences is taken into account, which even with a small area of ​​emergency can be enormous and tragic.

Local (private) emergency situations do not extend territorially and organizationally beyond the boundaries of the workplace or site, a small section of road, estate or apartment. Local emergency situations include emergencies that result in no more than 10 people being injured, or the living conditions of no more than 100 people being disrupted, or material damage amounting to no more than 1 thousand minimum wages.

If the consequences of an emergency situation are limited to the territory of a production or other facility (i.e., do not go beyond the sanitary protection zone) and can be eliminated by its forces and resources, then these emergencies are called object.

Emergency situations, the spread of the consequences of which is limited to the boundaries of a settlement, city (district), region, territory, republic and are eliminated by their forces and means, are called local. Local include emergency situations that resulted in more than 10, but not more than 50, people being injured, or the living conditions of more than 100, but not more than 300 people, being disrupted, or material damage amounting to more than 1 thousand, but not more than 5 thousand minimum wages labor.

Regional emergency situations are those emergencies that extend to the territory of several regions (territories, republics) or an economic region. To eliminate the consequences of such emergencies, the combined efforts of these territories, as well as the participation of federal forces, are necessary. Regional emergencies include emergencies in which from 50 to 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of 500 to 1000 people were disrupted, or material damage amounted to from 0.5 to 5 million minimum wages.

National(federal) emergencies cover large areas of the country, but do not extend beyond its borders. The forces, means and resources of the entire state are involved here. They often resort to foreign assistance. National emergencies include emergencies in which more than 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 1,000 people were disrupted, or material damage amounted to more than 5 million minimum wages.

Global(trans-border) emergencies extend beyond the borders of the country and spread to other states. Their consequences are eliminated through the efforts and means of both the affected states and the international community.

Classification of emergency situations by rate of development

Each type of emergency situation has its own speed of danger spread, which is an important component of the intensity of the emergency event and characterizes the degree of suddenness of the impact of damaging factors. From this point of view, such events can be divided into:

*sudden (explosions, transport accidents, earthquakes, etc.);

*rapid (fires, release of gaseous highly toxic substances, hydrodynamic accidents with the formation of breakthrough waves, mudflows, etc.),

*moderate (release of radioactive substances, accidents on utility systems, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc.);

*smooth (accidents at wastewater treatment plants, droughts, epidemics, environmental deviations, etc.). Smooth (slow) emergency situations can last many months and years, for example, the consequences of anthropogenic activities in the Aral Sea area.

Classification of emergency situations by origin

In Russia, a basic classification of emergencies is used, built according to the types and types of emergency events that initiate emergency situations. The following numbering and terminology is used.




Emergency- this is a situation in a certain territory (water area) that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of conditions life activities of people.

Emergency warning– this is a set of measures carried out in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of an emergency as much as possible, as well as preserving people’s health, reducing damage to the environment and material losses in the event of their occurrence.

Emergency response– these are rescue and other urgent work carried out in the event of an emergency and aimed at saving lives and preserving the health of people, reducing damage to the environment and material losses, as well as localizing emergency zones and stopping the action of their characteristic hazardous factors.

Emergency zone- This is the territory in which an emergency situation has developed.

2. Classification of natural and man-made emergencies

Man-made emergency:

Transport accidents (disasters);

Fires, explosions, threat of explosions;

Accidents involving the release (threat of release) of radioactive substances;

Accidents involving the release (threat of release) of hazardous chemicals;

Accidents involving the release (threat of release) of biological hazardous substances;

Sudden collapse of buildings and structures;

Accidents on energy systems;

Accidents in communal life support systems;

Accidents at wastewater treatment plants;

Hydrodynamic accidents.

Natural emergencies:

Geophysical hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions);

Geological hazards (landslides, mudflows, landslides, screes, avalanches);

Meteorological and agrometeorological hazardous phenomena (hurricanes, storms, tornadoes,

large hail, heavy snow, ice);

Natural fires (forest, peat, fossil fuels);

Hydrological hazards (floods, including floods, floods, congestion,

gluttons, low water level);

Infectious diseases of people (epidemics, pandemics);

Infectious diseases of animals (epizootics, enzootics);

Plant damage (epiphytoty, panphytoty, mass spread of pests).

3. Radiation, the essence of the phenomenon, the nature of the impact on the human body.

Methods of protection against radiation:

Ionizing radiation (radiation)- These are radiations invisible to the eye, emitted by some chemical elements as a result of their radioactive decay, i.e. spontaneous transformation of the nuclei of atoms of one radioactive element into the nuclei of another. Nothing can stop it.

Radiations, having high energy, realize their biological effect through the effects of ionization and the subsequent development of chemical reactions in the biological structures of the cell, which can lead to its death and the development of radiation sickness.

The basic unit characterizing the degree of exposure to radiation (exposure) on the human body is the Sievert (Sv). In the old system, this unit is the rem. 1 Sv = 100 rem.

Radiation safety standards(NRB-96) provides for protective measures to limit exposure of the population in the conditions of a radiation accident, develops new approaches in the event of emergency situations, and defines criteria for intervention in contaminated areas.

In areas where the annual effective dose does not exceed 1 mSv, routine radiation monitoring is carried out. For doses greater than 1 mSv, territories are divided into four zones:

Radiation control zone – from 1 to 5 mSv;

Zone of limited population residence - from 5 to 20 mSv;

Voluntary resettlement zone – from 20 to 50 mSv;

The resettlement zone is more than 50 mSv.

Dosimetric and radiobiological studies have shown that the harmful effects of radiation did not appear at doses less than 1 Sv “acute”, i.e. short-term exposure.

Radiation sickness the first degree occurs when exposure to more than 1 to 2 sieverts. When exposed to more than 6 Sv, there is a 100% mortality rate.

Methods of protection against radiation are: protection by time, protection by distance, protection by barriers, organizational measures, medical protection.

4. Emergency chemical hazardous substances (HAS). Characteristics of hazardous chemicals, methods of protection against them:

Emergency chemical hazardous substances– these are chemical compounds that, in certain quantities exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations, have a harmful effect on people, animals, plants and cause them damage of varying degrees.

Dangerous chemicals can be elements of the technological process (chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, sulfuric and nitric acids, hydrogen fluoride, etc.) and can be formed during fires at the facility (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, etc.).

The ability of hazardous substances to have a harmful effect on the body is called toxicity .

The toxicity of each hazardous chemical appears only upon direct contact with the human body. The damage they cause can be both local and general.

A quantitative characteristic of the toxicity of toxic chemicals corresponding to a specific damage effect is called toxidosis .

The most common hazardous substances: chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide.

At waterworks, cotton mills, and wastewater treatment plants they use chlorine . It is a greenish-yellow gas with a strong, irritating odor. It is 2.5 times heavier than air, so it spreads along the ground and accumulates in low-lying areas, basements, and wells.

If a refrigeration or meat processing plant, an oil refinery, an enterprise for the production of nitric acid, urea soda, fertilizers is located nearby, there may be ammonia . A colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor of “ammonia”, it is lighter than air, so it evaporates quite quickly. In certain proportions with air it forms explosive mixtures.

Timely and correctly provided first aid in case of damage to hazardous chemicals is the main factor in the salvation of victims, a favorable outcome of treatment without severe complications and residual effects.

Lecture No. 9

1. Characteristics of natural disasters.

2. Classification of emergencies by scale.

Keys to the tasks of the Life Safety Olympiad for grades 7 - 8

(maximum score – 125 points)

Task 1. Find a match.

1. Dangerous natural phenomenon

2. Emergency

3. Natural disaster

4. Ecological catastrophe (ecological disaster)

A. The situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in: human casualties; damage to human health or the environment; significant material losses; disruption of people's living conditions.

B. This is a catastrophic natural phenomenon (or process) that can cause numerous casualties, cause significant material damage and other serious consequences.

B. This is a spontaneous event of natural origin, which, due to its intensity, scale of distribution and duration, can cause negative consequences for the life of people, the economy (of a country, region and any territory) and the natural environment.

D. An emergency event of particularly large scale, caused by a change (under the influence of anthropogenic factors - as a result of unreasonable and irrational human activity) in the state of the land, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, accompanied by mass death of animal organisms and environmental damage.









10 points, if only one correct answer is indicated, a score will be awarded 1 point, if two answers are correct – 4 points, no correct answers indicated - 0 points.

Task 2. Give a definition.

1.An emergency is an unfavorable situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, catastrophe or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health, the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people's livelihoods.

2. An industrial accident is a dangerous man-made incident that has created a threat to human health at an object (a certain territory or water area), resulting in partial destruction of buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production or transport process, as well as causing damage to the natural environment.

3. A disaster is a large-scale accident resulting in human casualties, significant material damage, complete destruction of facilities and other serious consequences.
Assessment of the task. 15 points, for each fully disclosed definition is awarded 5 points, for the definitions disclosed with minor omissions - 3 points, for incorrect definitions – 0 points.
Task 3.

What 10 types do experts divide accidents and disasters that occur in our territory and in other countries into:
Right answers

  • transport accidents and disasters;

  • fires, explosions;

  • accidents with the release of chemically hazardous substances;

  • accidents with the release of radioactive substances;

  • accidents involving the release of biologically hazardous substances;

  • sudden collapse of buildings and structures;

  • accidents in electrical power systems;

  • accidents in communal life support systems;

  • accidents at wastewater treatment plants;

  • hydrodynamic accidents (breaks of dams, dikes, locks).
Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 20 points In this case, 2 points are awarded for each correct answer.

Task 4.

Name the special international code signs laid out for rescuers in airplanes or helicopters in the event of an autonomous existence, for example on an island in the middle of a flood zone.

Need a doctor, serious bodily injury


Need medicine

Unable to move


Need food and water

Requires map and compass


Everything is fine


Requires fuel and oil


Specify the direction of travel


Yes or positive


No or negative

Assessment of the task. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 20 points In this case, 2 points are awarded for each correct answer. For incorrect – 0 points

Task 5. Choose one correct answer and mark it.
Choose the answer that you think is correct from the options provided. Mark it by circling the letter indicating the answer option (separated by a parenthesis). For each correct answer to a test question, the participant receives 2 (two) points. If there are two or more correct answers to a question, then the points are summed up. If a question is answered incorrectly, it is scored 0 (zero) points. To determine the participant's overall score, all the points he scored are summed up. The winner is the participant who scores the most points. The maximum amount is 60 points.

Matrix of answers to test task 5

Test number

Correct answer

Test number

Correct answer

Test number

Correct answer






























































Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish

Based on your request, these examples may contain crude language.

Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial language.

Translation of "or other disaster" in Chinese

a disaster
(11 examples containing translation)

" lang="en"> a disaster

View examples with translation or other disaster
(3 examples containing translation)

" lang="en"> or other disaster

Other translations

Immediately after or other disaster The effectiveness of the response will depend on the adaptive response of citizens, frontline workers and line managers.

In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, an effective response will depend on the adaptive behavior of citizens, front-line workers and middle managers.

A disaster, an effective response will depend on the adaptive behavior of citizens, front-line workers and middle managers.">

It has also created civilian commercial satellites that can provide near real-time information about the scale of or other disaster in any area of ​​the world.

Many people who are not currently living in poverty face a greater risk of falling into poverty if they lose a job, an economic shock, or climate change or other disaster.

Many people not currently living in poverty confront high risk of becoming poor if faced with job loss, economic shock, climate change or other disaster .

Or other disaster.">

Supplies and materials request an amount of $871,600 primarily for the purchase of medical supplies and other miscellaneous equipment or food and water supplies for use by key personnel during the pandemic or other disaster.

An amount of $871,600 is requested for supplies and materials, which is mostly related to the acquisition of medical supplies, as well as other miscellaneous supplies or stocks of food and water proposed for use by critical staff during a pandemic or other disaster scenario

Or other disaster scenario.">

By increasing the knowledge and capacity of local actors to respond effectively to emergencies, countries can reduce the long-term costs and impacts of or other disaster.

By increasing the knowledge and capacity of local actors to respond effectively to emergency situations, countries can reduce the long-term cost and consequences of a disaster .

Space communications have come to play a vital role in the event of failure of terrestrial communication systems or their complete destruction as a result of or other disaster.

Space technology-enabled communications had assumed a vital role when terrestrial communications systems were destroyed or not functioning as a result of a disaster .

Efforts in disaster risk reduction, peacebuilding and conflict prevention are therefore equally important at all stages - before, during and after or other disaster.

Z. At a very early stage or other disaster- a stage that plays a critical role in minimizing loss of life - information about the location, nature and severity of the disaster must be communicated immediately.

At the earliest stage of a disaster- the most critical phase for minimizing loss of life among survivors - information on the location, nature and severity of the disaster must be communicated immediately.

A disaster - the most critical phase for minimizing loss of life among survivors - information on the location, nature and severity of the disaster must be communicated immediately.">

The consequences of that or other disaster may be particularly difficult for developing countries and countries with economies in transition, as governments must provide emergency relief and recovery efforts, efforts that can place a significant burden on their national economies and public infrastructure.

The consequences of a disaster can be particularly difficult for developing countries and countries in transition as Governments to cope with providing relief and rehabilitation - efforts that can seriously strain their national economy and government infrastructure.

A disaster can be particularly difficult for developing countries and countries in transition as Governments to cope with providing relief and rehabilitation - efforts that can seriously strain their national economy and government infrastructure.">

Although post-disaster reviews are often too late to save the lives and property of many disaster victims, rethinking coordination and rapid response mechanisms after the or other disaster may provide an opportunity to mobilize support for targeted investment in disaster preparedness.

While post-disaster reviews often come too late to save the lives and assets of many disaster victims, rethinking coordination and rapid response mechanisms in the wake of a disaster may provide an opportunity to mobilize support for dedicated investment in disaster preparedness.

A disaster may provide an opportunity to mobilize support for dedicated investment in disaster preparedness.">

He also noted that the critical importance in providing donor assistance in the context of or other disaster has efficiency, and emphasized that it is extremely important that the procedure for providing assistance speeds up this process.

He also noted that time was critical in delivering donor assistance in the context of a disaster and stressed that it was essential for delivery procedures to expedite that process.

A disaster and stressed that it was essential for delivery procedures to expedite that process.">

One of the emergency measures taken by the Department of Humanitarian Affairs in the event of or other disaster, is the release of an operational report with a call for assistance to international circles involved in eliminating the consequences of disasters.

One immediate action taken by the Department of Humanitarian Affairs in the event of a disaster is the issue of a situation report/appeal for assistance to the international disaster management community.

A disaster is the issue of a situation report/appeal for assistance to the international disaster management community.">

The Department's strategy for responding to unforeseen disasters is based on a more proactive, systemic and operational approach, with system-wide responsibility for coordinating emergency assistance in the event of a disaster. or other disaster.

The Department's strategy in responding to sudden-onset disasters is based on introducing a more active, systematic and operational approach, assuming immediate system-wide relief coordination responsibility when a disaster strikes .

A disaster strikes.">

Any such process will ultimately lead to more effective and reliable humanitarian responses where it matters most: in the field and where people are affected. or other disaster or conflict.

Disaster or conflict.">

In the event of a natural disaster or other disaster or when such a disaster is imminent, employees are required to perform work during non-working or inconsistent hours at their workplaces or other work related to eliminating or preventing the consequences of the disaster.

the situation in a certain territory resulting from an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions.

    Question: List several global problems of humanity that arose as a result of the development of civilization.

the threat of thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all nations, preventing the world community from unauthorized proliferation of nuclear technologies and radioactive pollution of the environment;

catastrophic environmental pollution

decline in biodiversity;

providing humanity with resources, depletion of oil, natural gas, coal, fresh water, wood, non-ferrous metals;

global warming;

ozone holes;

the problem of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and AIDS.

demographic development (population explosion in developing countries and demographic crisis in developed countries), possible famine.


asteroid hazard;

underestimation of global threats to the existence of humanity, such as the development of unfriendly artificial intelligence and global disasters.

( North-South problem - development gap between rich and poor countries, poverty , hunger And illiteracy )

    Question:What is the source of an emergency.

a dangerous natural phenomenon, an accident or a dangerous man-made incident, a widespread infectious disease of people, farm animals and plants, as well as the use of modern means of destruction, as a result of which an emergency situation has occurred or may arise.

    Question:What is a hazardous production facility?

facilities where hazardous substances are produced, processed, stored, transported and destroyed. O.p.o. classified according to the accumulated hazard potential, the mechanism of causing damage, the type of hazard, the nature of possible emergency situations

    Question: Name several types of emergency.




    environmental disaster



    use of weapons of mass destruction

    Question: List the types of emergency situations (ES), which are divided by scale.


  • territorial,




Question: List the types of emergency situations (ES), which are divided by the nature of the source.

  • Natural



    Question: What is called a local emergency (ES). Methods of liquidation.

refers to an emergency situation in which no more than 10 people were injured, or the living conditions of no more than 100 people were disrupted, or material damage was no more than 1 thousand minimum wages on the day the emergency occurred and the emergency zone does not extend beyond the territory of the industrial or social facility appointments.

    Question:What is called a local emergency (ES). Methods of liquidation.

refers to an emergency situation, as a result of which more than 10 people were injured, but not more than 50 people, or the living conditions of more than 100 people, but not more than 300 people were disrupted, or material damage amounted to more than 1 thousand, but not more than 5 thousand minimum wages on the day of the emergency and the emergency zone does not extend beyond the boundaries of the locality, city, district

    Question: What is called a territorial emergency situation (ES). Methods of liquidation.

refers to an emergency situation, as a result of which more than 50 people were injured, but not more than 500 people, or the living conditions of more than 300 people, but not more than 500 people, were disrupted, or material damage amounted to more than 5 thousand, but not more than 0.5 million. minimum wages on the day of the emergency and the emergency zone does not extend beyond the boundaries of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

    Question: What is called a regional emergency (ES). Methods of liquidation.

refers to an emergency situation, as a result of which more than 50 people were injured, but not more than 500 people, or the living conditions of more than 500 people, but not more than 1000 people were disrupted, or material damage was more than 0.5 million, but not more than 5 million. minimum wages on the day of the emergency and the emergency zone covers the territory of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Question: What is called a federal emergency (emergency). Methods of liquidation.

refers to an emergency situation in which more than 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 1000 people were disrupted, or material damage amounted to more than 5 million. minimum wages on the day of the emergency and the emergency zone extends beyond two constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Question: What is called a transboundary emergency (emergency situation). Methods of liquidation.

refers to an emergency situation, the damaging factors of which extend beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, or an emergency situation that occurred abroad and affects the territory of the Russian Federation

    Question: Name three criteria by which emergency situations can be divided.

Scope of occurrence, departmental affiliation, scale of consequences.

    Question:What is a dangerous hydrometeorological phenomenon?

a meteorological, agrometeorological, hydrometeorological phenomenon or a complex of hydrometeorological quantities that, by their significance, intensity or duration, pose a threat to human safety, and can also cause significant damage to economic facilities and the population.

    Question: List the types of natural emergencies (ES).

    Geophysical hazards: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. 2. Geological hazards: landslides, landslides, screes, avalanches, mudflows, prone washouts, subsidence of loess rocks and the earth's surface as a result of karst, abrasion, erosion, dust storms. 3. Meteorological and agrometeorological hazards: storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, squalls, whirlwinds, large hail, heavy rain, snowfall, blizzard, fog; drought, dry wind, frost. 4. Marine hydrological hazards: tropical cyclones (typhoons), tsunamis, strong sea fluctuations, strong draft in ports, early ice cover or fast ice, ice pressure, intense ice drift. 5. Hydrological hazards: high water levels (floods, rain floods, congestion, ice jams, wind surges), low water levels, early freeze-up and the appearance of ice on navigable reservoirs and rivers, rising groundwater levels (flooding). 6. Natural (landscape) fires: forest fires, fires of steppe and grain massifs, peat fires. 7. Infectious diseases of people: single and group cases of exotic and especially dangerous infectious diseases, epidemic outbreak of dangerous infectious diseases, epidemic, pandemic, infectious diseases of people of unknown etiology. 8. Infectious morbidity of farm animals: isolated cases of exotic and especially dangerous infectious diseases, exoty, epizootic, panzootic, infectious diseases of farm animals of unknown etiology. 9. Damage to agricultural plants by diseases and pests: progressive epiphytopia, panphytotia, plant diseases of unknown etiology, mass spread of plant pests.

    Question: What is called a man-made emergency (emergency situation).

these are industrial accidents with the release of dangerous toxic chemicals (CHS); fires and explosions, accidents in transport: railway, road, sea and river, as well as in the subway.

    Question: List the types of man-made emergency situations (ES).

    Transport accidents and disasters, including: crashes and accidents of freight and passenger trains, subway trains; accidents of cargo and passenger ships; aviation accidents outside airports and populated areas; major car accidents; transport accidents on bridges, railway crossings and tunnels; 10. Hydrodynamic accidents with the breakthrough of dams (dams, sluices, dams, etc.), the formation of breakthrough waves and zones of catastrophic flooding and flooding, with the formation of breakthrough floods and the washout of fertile soils or the formation of sediments over vast areas.

    Question: What is called a biological-social emergency (ES).

a situation in a certain territory or water area that has developed as a result of the emergence of a widespread infectious disease of people, farm animals or plants, in which a threat to the life and health of people and animals may arise or has arisen, natural and agricultural lands may be destroyed or damaged, and significant economic damage may be caused .

    Question: Name ways to prevent biological and social emergencies (ES).

Compliance with legal standards, implementation of sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological rules, technological and organizational-technical requirements, as well as carrying out an appropriate set of legal, sanitary-hygienic, sanitary-epidemiological, organizational and technical measures aimed at preventing, mitigating and eliminating infection of people , farm animals and plants infectious diseases.

    Question: What is called Risk.

the probability of undesirable consequences occurring under a certain influence is understood. Risk serves as a quantitative assessment of danger.

    Question:What types of risks do you know?






    Question: What is called absolute Risk?

the risk can be determined by the amount of possible losses in material (physical) or cost (monetary) terms in rubles, if only the damage can be measured in such a way. With this approach they say: “There is a risk of going hungry” or “We are facing the risk of losing all our contribution.”

    Question: What is called relative risk.

risk is defined as the amount of possible losses related to a certain base, in the form of which it is most convenient to take either the property status of the entrepreneur, or the total cost of resources for a given type of business activity, or the expected income (profit) from business. With this approach they say: “There is a risk of losing half of the profit.”

    Question: By what criteria are Risks classified?

1. by object type

2. due to damage

3. by risk exposure characteristics

a. according to the characteristics of the available information

b. by risk value

c. by the nature of the costs associated with the risk

    Question: What is called technogenic risk?

It is due to the internal properties of technosphere objects, namely their ability to “grow old” over time and fail. Each technosphere object has a very definite finite life span.

    Question: What is called natural risk?

associated with the manifestation of natural disasters and disasters

    Question: List the risks by type of source.

    natural (nature, including space); technogenic (technosphere); social (society, biosphere); political (state, world community);

    Question: List the risks by the nature of the damage caused.






    Question: List the risks according to the amount of damage.




    Question: List the risks by level of danger.




    Question: List the risks by exposure time.

short– the dangerous impact does not exceed 1 hour in time, for example, an explosion or a small fire;

medium and long term– are associated with the appearance of radiation, the destruction of flora and fauna, and others, the consequences of which can affect for a long time.

    Question: List the risks by frequency of exposure.

    constant– risk, the impact of which exists constantly;

    periodic– a risk that arises from time to time (for example, when starting or stopping equipment);

    one-time– a risk that arises when an unusual situation is created.

    Question: List the risks by level of impact.



    Question: List the risks as perceived by people.



    Question: List the types of damage according to the nature of the impact on various objects.

social damage– impact on humans;

economic damage– loss of material assets;

environmental damage– negative impact on the environment.

    Question: What types of damage does the full damage assessment include?

    direct environmental damage This is pollution of water sources and air pollution.

    Indirect environmental damage is associated with the need to assess long-term environmental consequences, such as disruption of the climate balance, deterioration in the quality characteristics of natural resources.

    Direct social damage – human losses (injuries, mutilations, toxicosis, fatal injuries) as a result of accidents at industrial facilities.

    Question: What is acceptable risk?

this is a risk that does not exceed the maximum permissible level on the territory of a high-risk facility or outside it

    Question: List the important categories of the concept of risk.

    by sources of risk,

    according to the nature of the damage caused,

    by the amount of damage,

    by level of danger

    Question: List four principles of risk management in society.

Identifying and identifying hazards (situations) that may lead to undesirable results

Hazard risk analysis and assessment (the probability and level of risk is determined)

Monitoring and forecasting the development of hazards

Assessing the possible consequences of hazards

    Question: List the three main areas of risk analysis.

Safety of technological systems, including emergency situations.

The impact of toxic pollution on human health and the environment, including the medical and environmental consequences of accidents and disasters.

Risk perception by people (experimenters and ordinary citizens, the public).

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