What will happen if you do not pay traffic fines on time? This is how they can deprive me of my rights for unpaid fines I was detained for non-payment of traffic police fines and taken to court: what to do.

It is important to know what the fine is for living without registration. The fact is that despite the fact that the institution of registration in our state was softened towards the fact that it does not give any right to real estate, fines for late registration remained.

This is due to some security measures. Therefore, you need to know that for late registration, fines can be imposed both on the person who has expired it, and on those with whom such citizens live.

These legal relationships are governed by the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to current regulations, any citizen must be registered at his place of residence or location within 90 days.

If this does not happen, then a special administrative protocol may be drawn up against it, which will indicate the detected violation.

Thus, a fine is issued for living without registration.

Any citizen must be registered at the place of residence

Will there be a fine without registration for 60 days? It is clear that the law establishes a period of 90 days, but you need to carefully figure out when it starts to flow, and when it ends.

According to the general rules, the moment of expiry of time limits in administrative proceedings starts from 00 o'clock at night, after the action has been committed.

For example, a person sold his apartment, in which he was registered on the 25th, and signed out on the 26th. From this it follows that 90 days will be calculated only from 00 hours on the 27th.

Now you need to understand the issue when it passes. There is also nothing difficult here. If 90 days ends on the 10th, then the protocol can be drawn up only on the 11th, since the deadline falls on 00 hours on the 11th of the month.

Having figured out the deadlines, you can give some tips on how to extend them.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that in our state a special registration service deals with registration and discharge.

Previously, it was the passport office, or housing office. But the housing office could not register in any way without the permission of the state body.

Therefore, so that the regulatory authorities do not have any questions, and the drawn up protocol was canceled in court, it is better to submit the documents before the end of the above period. In case of claims, present a letter to an official stating that the documents are being registered.

The second thing to pay attention to is that only a police officer can draw up such protocols, usually this is done by the district inspector who is in charge of the administrative department.

If he does not find the intruder at home, he will not be able to draw up a protocol on the latter. But this advice is best applied when documents are submitted for registration.

It is important to know that if the deadline is overdue for valid reasons, then no fine will be imposed on the person.

A little more information about the rules for registering citizens at the place of residence:

Penalty for living without registration - possible amount

In order to understand what the fine is for living without registration, you need to clearly understand who they are imposed on, and whether there is a difference in their amount.

The first thing to pay attention to is the circle of persons who may be subject to fines:

  • persons who did not register on time at their place of residence;
  • persons who have not registered at the place of temporary stay;
  • citizens from whom people rent living space, but on the basis of a lease agreement;
  • legal entities in which residents can live in specially equipped residential premises on the basis of rental rights.

The next criterion that determines is the locality.

According to the current legislation, increased fines for the above violations are imposed in cities that have Federal status. These are Moscow and St. Petersburg. In them, the amount of monetary penalties increases significantly.

Now you can go to the amounts of monetary penalties imposed for registration - a fine if there is no registration.

If this violator is a citizen who checked out from one place and failed in another, then the amount of the penalty can be from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.

This amount also applies to those who had a temporary residence permit, and overdue it, did not renew it.

A separate amount of fines for such persons in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It will be, respectively, from 3000 rubles to five thousand.

Now with regard to citizens who rent out their housing. If they refuse to temporarily register citizens with them, then they face a penalty in the amount of 3 thousand rubles to 5 thousand in any region of our state.

And in Moscow and St. Petersburg, it will be 5 to 7 thousand rubles, respectively.

As you can see, the amounts are quite serious.

Especially you need to pay attention to this, legal entities that are engaged in the professional rental of housing.

For them, the amount of fines has its own size. In cities and other regions, the collection will be from 50 to 750 thousand rubles.

If such an enterprise comes across in cities of federal significance, then the monetary collection will start from 750 to 900 thousand rubles.

As you can see from this, the biggest responsibility lies with legal entities.

It is important to know that many people who rent out their apartments or houses to others are in no hurry to put them a temporary registration, fearing that in this way the latter will be able to take away their housing.

This is not correct, and you need to clearly understand that a temporary registration does not give the right to an apartment or house.

Is a fine imposed if the child does not have a residence permit

The next question is what to do if the regulatory authorities have identified living without a child, then is there a fine provided for by position 113.

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to return to the administrative code. It clearly sets out the rules for imposing financial sanctions, as well as cases in which there is no violation.

These include the fact of living with the owner or tenant of housing, who has in the prescribed manner registration, close relatives, where the law refers children, those who are under guardianship, and also adopted.

Therefore, parents should clearly understand that in order to avoid significant financial sanctions, they should get a residence permit themselves, and then write a statement that the child lives with them, in which to indicate his personal data and age.

Such actions will save them not only from communicating with the regulatory authorities, but also enable the child to avoid problems with the placement in children's, as well as medical institutions.

But it is worth remembering that when a child turns 14 or 16 years old, then he will need to be registered, since from that moment he becomes partially capable, and he has rights.

This issue can become especially acute if it claims part of the real estate, or the parents want to sell the latter.

Full legal capacity begins at the age of 18, so registration must be mandatory at this age.

This rule applies more to those citizens who, for whatever reason, do not have their own housing, and rent it.

The owners of such real estate always need to be explained that they will have nothing for a child who lives with their parents, but the latter must, without fail, obtain at least a temporary registration.

This is especially monitored by the bodies that are called upon to protect the rights of children.

Although there are no fines imposed on children, parents should do everything possible to ensure that the child is registered.

He also has full right to real estate, and his absence of registration will not give an opportunity to sell a house or apartment without a decision of the board of trustees.

What is the responsibility of foreign citizens for the lack of registration

Registration and the fine for absence also apply to foreign citizens. And also persons who do not have citizenship at all. The law is the same for everyone.

Penalties for persons from other states, or who do not have citizenship at all, are no different from those imposed on citizens of the Russian Federation.

It's just that the registration process is a little more complicated for foreigners. First of all, they must apply to the migration services in order to obtain a visa, as well as a permit for official stay on the territory of our state.

After receiving all the necessary documents, they can start the registration process.

The period of 90 days for such a category begins to be calculated from the moment they register with the migration service and receive all the necessary documents.

It follows from this that they are subject to the same penalties as indicated above.

But for citizens of the Russian Federation and legal entities, in addition, there is also criminal liability if it is established that they made fictitious registration to foreigners, or registered them with significant violations.

For living without registration, the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for an extensive system of fines.

According to the current legislation, a citizen is obliged to get up on time and renew his registration at the place of stay. If the deadlines are violated, an administrative penalty will be applied against the citizen. A person will be fined for an overdue registration.

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In order to prevent the application of sanctions, as well as to know the approximate amount of the penalty that will have to be paid for violating the existing rules, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with all the features of the procedure in advance.

The legislative framework

To determine what amount of the penalty will be applied in each specific situation, it is worth contacting the current one. Only it regulates all the nuances of the procedure.

The main list of sanctions is fixed in Art. The normative legal act provides for the application of punishment for persons who untimely applied to a state body for obtaining a residence permit.

It would be useful to study the provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which also contains the rules governing the implementation of registration. Citizenship issues are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Registration of citizens

The registration of citizens is carried out by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. It is in her department that you need to contact in order to obtain a temporary or permanent registration. There will also be a fine for failure to comply with the deadlines.

If a citizen does not agree with the punishment for a violation, he can go to court and try to correct the situation.

Penalty for overdue registration

Understanding what fine a citizen faces for an overdue residence permit in 2020, a person will find out that today there are quite a few different types of penalties. Their size can vary significantly.

To understand what kind of sanctions will be applied in a particular situation, you should familiarize yourself with the list of classic cases and features of the application of punishments.

At the place of residence

The penalty for the absence of an up-to-date stamp in the passport is applied if the citizen has not re-registered within 7 days from the date of deregistration at the previous place of residence. The amount of the penalty can vary significantly depending on who the penalty is applied to.

The person himself who has applied for registration late, will have to pay a fine of 2000-3000 rubles.

If a violation was revealed in a city of federal significance (Moscow or St. Petersburg), the amount of the penalty increases. Violators identified in these cities will have to pay 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Sanctions are also applied to persons who let a citizen into their property without. If the violation was committed by an individual, the amount of the fine will be 3000-5000 rubles. For a similar incident that occurred in a city of federal significance, the culprit is obliged to pay 5000-7000 rubles.

For legal entities, the amount of the collection is much higher. If the violation occurred in the regions, the company needs to contribute from 50,000 to 750,000 rubles to the state treasury. In the event that a situation has arisen in a city of federal significance, the amount of the recovery increases to 300,000-800,000 rubles.

At the place of stay

According to the rules, a citizen who arrives in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation is obliged to stand up if he plans to stay in the village for more than 90 days. For foreigners, this parameter has been significantly reduced.

A foreign citizen is obliged to apply to the registration authority within 3 days from the date of stay. If a person has arrived in a city of federal significance, this period is increased to 10 days.

If the terms of registration in the apartment are violated, punishment will be applied to the person who has ignored the requirements of the current legislation.

The amount of the monetary penalty in this case corresponds to the fines that are levied in case of violation of the terms of permanent registration.

Newborn baby

You even need to register. According to the rules, obtaining the first registration must be carried out within 1 month from the moment the child is born.

If the deadlines are violated, fines are applied to his parents. You can find out the amount of the penalty by contacting the appropriate state body. Usually the value of the indicator is 2000-2500 rubles.

What is the amount?

Directly depends on who the punishment is applied to. On the person himself, who has neglected the requirements of the current legislation, a penalty in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles will be imposed. A citizen who let such a person into his property will also have to contribute money to the state treasury as a punishment.

The amount of the fine in this situation can be up to 7,000 rubles. For legal entities, the value of the indicator is much higher. It ranges from 50,000 to 8,000,000 rubles.

How to pay?

When the fact of delay is revealed, officials with the appropriate powers draw up a protocol on an administrative offense, and then choose a punishment depending on the committed act. Copies of procedural documents must be delivered to the person who violated the law. It has to put a painting on them.

The decision comes into force after 10 days have passed after the delivery of a copy of the paper. From this time on, the citizen has 60 days to pay the fine.

A unique indicator of accrual is provided to carry out the action You can transfer funds to it. Today there are several ways to pay off debt to the state.

A citizen can perform an action:

  • by visiting a bank branch and using the possibilities of its cash desk;
  • resorting to the help of Internet banking;
  • deposit funds through the self-service terminal.

When the payment is made, the check and other payment documents must be kept. They will be able to prove the correctness of the citizen if the system fails and the funds do not reach the recipient.

Is there a criminal liability?

The law does not provide for criminal liability for violation of the terms of registration. However, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains Article 322.2, which allows a citizen to be held accountable for having a fictitious registration.

The penalty will be applied in the following situations:

  • the citizen is registered, but is not going to live at the place of registration;
  • false information or papers were sent to the FMS of the Russian Federation, and the citizen himself was aware of this;
  • the owner or tenant of the premises has registered a person in his real estate, but he is not going to let him in.

If this is the case, a monetary penalty in the amount of 100,000 to 500,000 rubles will be applied. Additionally, a person can be brought to forced labor for up to 3 years or imprisoned for 3 years.

Is it possible to do without paying?

In a number of situations, a person can be relieved of responsibility. This is possible in the following situations:

  • a citizen who has lived in a building without registration is a close relative of its owner;
  • a person has a residence permit in another residential building in the same settlement;
  • the person is not registered in Moscow, but is registered in the Moscow region;
  • the person did not receive a residence permit in St. Petersburg, but was registered in the Leningrad region.

The law provides for the need for temporary registration only if a citizen has been continuously living in the territory of a settlement for more than 90 days. At the end of the term, a number of citizens return to their permanent place of residence, and then come back to their place of temporary residence. This avoids the need to contact the relevant government agencies.

By neglecting the registration of a temporary residence permit, a person deprives himself of the rights to use services that are provided only to residents of a specific region.

How to appeal?

You can appeal against the imposed fine by going to court. To take action, you will need to prepare a package of documentation that will act as an evidence base, and then draw up a statement of claim.

Experts advise to get preliminary legal advice before going to court. This will help you get an idea in advance of what the likelihood of a successful trial is. You should not start the process if the plaintiff is not sure that he is right.

On video about fines


Then the term of attraction under the article for late payment and after that - the term of "burning" of the fine. Looking ahead, we answer: yes, traffic fines burn out... This happens after 2 years, but there are conditions and fines do not burn out in all cases.

How long does it take for traffic fines to expire?

So, if you do not pay traffic fines, then they burn out - the data is relevant for February 18, 2020. This happens 2 years after the date of entry into force of the decision on such a fine. This is what Article 31.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses tells us:

Article 31.9. The limitation period for the execution of the decision on the appointment of an administrative penalty.

1. The decision on the appointment of an administrative penalty is not subject to execution if this decision was not enforced within two years from the date of its entry into force.

As you can see, everything is simple! Execution of punishment is the payment of a fine, and if the fine has not been executed within two years from the date of entry into force, it expires.

But what is the effective date? According to the same Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 31.1), this is the date of the expiry of the period for appealing against the order on the fine. That is, first, the inspector issues a resolution (namely, a resolution, not a protocol), then there is a period during which this resolution can be appealed, and after this period, the resolution comes into force, and it is no longer possible to appeal it. In almost all cases of traffic fines, the appeal period is 10 days. But this term is interrupted if you appeal against the decision.

If the decision was made not by an inspector, but by means of automatic recording, then the appeal period begins after the driver is properly notified of the punishment. Such a notification is a certified letter with a copy of the decree received by the driver at the place of his registration in case he did not evade receiving it.

Example: citizen Ivanov committed a violation on June 3, 2016 - he was driving at an overspeed, which was recorded by an auto-fixing camera. As a result, a resolution was drawn up against him, issued on June 5 of the same year, and a copy of the resolution was sent to Ivanov by mail. Ivanov received this copy on June 14, 2016, and did not appeal against this fine.

As a result, we get the following terms:

  • The date of entry into force of the resolution is June 24, 2016 (date of receipt of a copy + 10 days to appeal).
  • Date when the fine expires - June 24, 2018.

It seems to be nothing complicated, isn't it ?! But in reality, fines are burned out in this way very rarely. The fact is that the state takes good care of replenishing the budget, so it will not allow not paying a fine just like that - this will be discussed below.

In what cases do the fines not expire?

So, we already know that the execution of the order is the payment of a fine. But there is also such a term in the legislation as "enforcement". It's simple - this is the transfer of a fine for execution to bailiffs. This happens after the deadline for paying the fine. Remember, above we talked about the date of entry into force of the fine? So, from this moment, the term for paying the fine also begins, which is 60 days (not 2 months, but 60 days). After this period of payment, the fine is considered overdue, and it is then that the traffic police have the opportunity to transfer this fine to the bailiffs, which (the opportunity) they use perfectly.

That is, in the end we get that the fine, which was transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service, has been enforced, so the period of 2 years does not apply to it.

The bailiffs, however, have no statute of limitations at all. This means that if the penalty is being executed by the bailiffs, it will never burn out.

By the way, there is another important point about the term of the fine - from the moment it is considered overdue (after 10 days for appeal plus 60 days for payment), the term for attracting under a rather clever article of the Administrative Code begins - 20.25. This article provides for the punishment for late payment of the fine in the form of a new fine in double the amount of the delayed one or arrest up to 15 days.

Another case when the traffic police fine does not burn out is the second part of Article 31.9 of the Administrative Code, which says that if the driver evades paying the fine, then the period of 2 years for him is interrupted. Here the complexity is already for legislators. The fact is that the fact of evasion is an active action, and therefore it still needs to be proved. A couple of the simplest such proofs is the admission of the evader himself or his actual residence outside the place of registration (and, as a consequence, the inability to notify him), and the latter is also not so easy for the authorities to prove.

In fact, perhaps 99% of all fines cannot be burned just because they were transferred to bailiffs for execution, and this is exactly the reason why most fines never burn out. You can check up-to-date information about such industries on the official website of the FSSP. That is why it is much more profitable than relying on the fact that they will burn out in 2 years.

What to do to make the fines burn out?

Unfortunately, there are no active actions for the traffic police to burn out for 2020. It makes no sense to do something to give the fine the status of "burned out", since the fine still remains with the driver, the obligation to pay it simply disappears.

It is also impossible to speed up the period after which the fines are burned out.

Why, if the fine is burned, then it does not disappear from the traffic police database?

When checking traffic fines, burnt fines will almost always be displayed as unpaid, because, as mentioned above, "burning" of fines is a conventional name; in fact, the fines do not expire, it is just that the obligation to pay them disappears, therefore, in the databases, when checking the fines, they remain relevant unpaid.

Is it possible to return the rights if they were deprived of them along with the fine, but the fine has burned out?

In cases where a resolution is issued (for example, under articles for driving in a state of intoxication, for refusing to undergo a medical examination, etc.), 2 years may pass, and the fine will not be paid. In this case, the fine also expires, and there is no obligation to pay it. However, you will not be able to return a driver's license without paying a fine, since such a condition is directly indicated in the article on the conditions for returning the right to drive after deprivation (article 32.6, part 4.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

What traffic fines are burned out?

Summing up, we conclude that the fines expire in 2 years, regardless of the article of the Administrative Code, according to which we were fined. But there are exceptions in which fines do not expire, what are they?

  1. The fine does not expire if the decision on it was transferred to the bailiffs.
  2. The fine does not expire if the fined person avoided paying it.
  3. The fine does not expire if it was issued to the person deprived of the right to drive (in this case, it will be impossible to return the rights without paying the current fines).

How long does it take to register?

In accordance with current legislation, any citizen has the right to move around the country without restrictions. But no later than 3 months (90 days) from the moment of arrival at the new place of residence, the citizen must register at the address of temporary stay.

In the case of permanent residence in the region, you must be registered at the place of residence, and if you do not have your own home, then you must issue a temporary registration in the living quarters in which you actually live.

In practice, it is often not so easy to fulfill the will of the legislator, if only because of the fears of homeowners who are in no hurry to register unauthorized persons in their apartments. In order to somehow resolve this situation, the law provides for liability for non-registration not only for citizens living in other regions, but also for owners / employers under social agreements. hiring, which allow citizens to live in residential premises belonging to them without registration.

Amounts of fines imposed in the absence of registration

Art. 19.15.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation establishes several types of fines for lack of registration.

Citizens who have not completed registration at the place of residence / stay in the manner prescribed by law may be subject to an administrative fine in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. For similar offenses committed in cities of federal significance (Moscow and St. Petersburg), the fines are 3000-5000 rubles.

Don't know your rights?

This article also provides for the responsibility of the owners and tenants of residential premises under a social contract. hiring for allowing citizens to live in their own housing without registration / registration. In this case, such persons may be fined by the authorized state body in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. If such a violation was committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then the amount of the fine increases and ranges from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles.

If the owner of the dwelling is a legal entity that was allowed to live without registration, then a fine of 250 to 750 thousand rubles may be imposed on it. If this offense was committed in cities of federal significance, the amount of the fine can range from 300 to 800 thousand rubles.

Penalty for late registration

The legislator does not distinguish a separate corpus delicti / crime for overdue registration at the place of temporary stay. The violator will be liable under Art. 19.15.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

The fine is calculated not for every day / month of delay, but upon the fact of drawing up a protocol by an authorized person. For example, the day before yesterday the registration deadline expired, but today a district police officer came to you and, having familiarized you with the provisions of the law, drew up a protocol on living in the living space without legal grounds. If you do not follow his recommendations on temporary registration, and in a week he comes back to check the situation, then another protocol will be drawn up, and you will have to pay 2 fines.

Cases of non-application of penalties for lack of registration

Notes to Art. 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses also provide for situations when a penalty in the form of a fine is not applied.

  1. Stay / residence of unregistered persons with the owner / tenant of residential premises, provided that they are closely related: they are children (including adopted children), spouses, grandchildren, parents (including adoptive parents and their spouses), grandmothers, grandfathers ...
  2. If there is registration at the place of residence / stay in the territory of a given settlement, then when you temporarily change the address within it, there is no need to register at your place of stay. This provision also applies to federal cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  3. Citizens have the right not to register at the place of stay even in the case when they already have registration within the given subject of the Federation. The provisions of this rule of law also apply to cities of federal significance: if a citizen has a registration in the Moscow region, he has the right not to register at the place of stay in the city of Moscow, and if he is registered in the Leningrad region, he can live without registration in the city of St. Petersburg , the same applies to Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea.

Do you always pay traffic fines on time? Not? Did you know that you can lose your driver's license for late payment of fines? Are you surprised? But it really is. Although in fact this is not exactly the same deprivation of rights as, for example, for violation of traffic rules (for example, for drunkenness). But nevertheless, in our legislation there really is a rule that allows bailiffs to limit the validity of a driver's license from a debtor driver. Our publication site invites you to find out how you can be left without rights in case of debts on traffic fines.

We know that all administrative fines must be paid within a strictly legal period. In case of non-payment of the fine within a strictly established period (60 days from the date of entry into force of the resolution), the person who has not paid the administrative fine may be brought to administrative responsibility under Article 20.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 20.25. Evasion of the execution of an administrative penalty

1. Failure to pay an administrative fine within the period provided for by this Code shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine , but not less than 1000 rubles, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days, or compulsory work for up to 50 hours.

That is, if you did not pay the fine for violation of traffic rules on time, then you can be brought to administrative responsibility by the court under Article 20.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, if initially a fine that you did not pay within the time limit established by law was issued for a traffic violation recorded by a complex of photo and video recording, then, as a rule, the court makes a decision to impose a new fine on you, the amount of which will be twice the amount the amount of the unpaid fine. That is, if, for example, you did not pay a fine of 1,000 rubles on time, then for late payment of the fine you may be fined another 2,000 rubles. If the fine was issued by the traffic police, then in case of late payment you may face not only a double fine, but even arrest up to 15 days.

So, as you can see, the now fashionable tendency not to pay fines on time is fraught with even greater losses. Including in the case of non-payment of traffic fines issued for traffic violations.

But, despite the presence in Russian legislation of strict measures for late payment of fines, in our country the number of debts for administrative offenses is growing. So, according to statistics from the Federal Bailiff Service, this year (as in the past) there is an increase in debts for unpaid fines. Including the growing debt and fines for traffic violations.

That is, people are not afraid of Article 25.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. But why? Indeed, in case of non-payment of the fine within the statutory period (60 days from the date of entry into force of the resolution), people can actually spend more money.

The thing is that the traffic police do not have time to send administrative cases to the judicial authorities for all debts. Also, the judicial authorities do not have time to consider each administrative case on late payment of fines within the time period established by law. As a result, a large proportion of such administrative cases are closed due to the expired statute of limitations.

As a result, the overwhelming majority of drivers who do not pay their fines on time go unpunished. Naturally, impunity creates an even greater avalanche of non-payment of fines. Many drivers even teach each other how it is possible not to pay fines for traffic violations at all. Moreover, you should not be afraid of an administrative arrest of up to 15 days in case of a fine from the traffic police cameras, since in this case the courts can only impose a double fine.

But, despite this, the bailiffs do not give up and try in every possible way to knock unpaid fines out of the debtor drivers. And this is taking into account the fact that as of the end of the first quarter of 2018, the number of enforcement proceedings for unpaid fines at the request of the traffic police is 15.4 million pieces. Can you imagine how many unpaid fines this is on a national scale?

This is a huge amount of money that had to go to local budgets.

How long does it take for the driver or car owner to pay the traffic police fine?

According to the current legislation, a period of 60 days is given to pay the fine from the date of entry into force of the administrative protocol. Recall that you can safely add another 10 days to 60 days, since from the moment the order on bringing to administrative responsibility is issued, you have 10 days to appeal it in court.

That is, if you received a "letter of happiness", then the first 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the order on bringing to administrative responsibility are given to you for the possibility of appealing the order in court. Further, if you have not appealed against the decision, it comes into force after 10 days. After that, you have 60 days to pay the fine. If you have not paid the fine within 70 days, it will go to the traffic police database as expired.

As a result, the traffic police can send documents on your case to the bailiff service, who will collect the resulting debt from you. Also, the traffic police have the right to draw up a protocol under article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in connection with late payment of the fine and send it to the court, which can impose a fine on you twice the amount of the fine not paid on time (but not less than 1000 rubles) or, in case of non-payment a fine issued by traffic police officers, arrest you for up to 15 days.

How do bailiffs collect fines debts?

So, let's say you haven't paid the traffic police fine within 70 days. As a result, the traffic police can send materials on your administrative case to the Federal Bailiff Service, which will initiate enforcement proceedings against you.

At the moment, bailiffs-executors have quite wide powers and opportunities to collect various debts. So, for example, bailiffs can send your employer an order to recover part of the debt for unpaid fines from your wages (if the amount of debt is large) or completely write off the entire amount of debt for fines from your wages (if the amount is small). In this case, your employer must withhold the required amount from your salary.

Including bailiffs have the right to request information from various banks about your open bank accounts, as well as information about the amounts in these accounts. If you have the necessary amounts in your bank accounts to pay off the debt on fines, the bailiff service has the right to unilaterally write off money from your bank accounts.

In addition, bailiffs have the right to impose restrictions on registration actions in the traffic police on your car. That is, in fact, in this case, you cannot sell the car by changing the owner. Also, bailiffs-executors, as interim measures to collect debts, can seize your property, prohibit travel outside the Russian Federation and even deprive you of your driver's license. True, the latter measures are applied only if the amount of debts exceeds 10,000 rubles.

How can you lose your rights for debt fines?

And now we come to the most important thing - deprivation of rights for unpaid traffic fines. So, as you can see, the bailiffs-executors have many opportunities to collect any debts from you. Including debts on unpaid fines for violation of traffic rules.

But it often happens that debtor drivers have no bank accounts, no official job, or property. In this case, bailiffs can go to extreme measures, limiting the debtor's travel outside the country or, even worse, imposing a restriction on the validity of the driver's license, effectively depriving the debtor of the driver's license.

Yes, this, of course, is not quite a deprivation of a driver's license, which is applied to drivers who have grossly violated the Traffic Rules (driving into an oncoming lane, repeated gross violations of traffic rules, driving while intoxicated, etc.). But nevertheless, such a measure will actually leave debtors without rights, since bailiffs can, according to the current legislation, impose restrictions on the validity of various documents (for example, a driver's license) as interim measures to collect debts.

In this case, the bailiffs-executors, depending on the circumstances of the administrative case, either apply to the court with a request to impose a restriction on the validity of the debtor's driver's license, or independently make this decision.

By the way, after the decision to restrict the validity of the driver's license is issued, the driver is obliged to hand over the driver's license for storage to the bailiff service, who, in turn, must send a copy of the decision to the traffic police to enter information on the restriction of the driver's license in a single traffic police database.

By the way, if the driver does not hand over the driver's license for storage to the bailiff service, then he can be brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Article 17.14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (a fine from 1000 to 2500 rubles).

In what cases the rights will not be deprived for debts?

We have already raised this topic in the article "", where we spoke in detail about all the nuances of the new legislation, which freed the bailiffs' hands to collect debts.

According to the current legislation, bailiffs with debts of more than 10,000 rubles may not deprive the debtor of a driver's license in all cases. Here are the cases in which you cannot be deprived of your driver's license for debt:

  • - If the establishment of such a restriction deprives the owner of the main, legal source of livelihood
  • - If the use of a vehicle and / or ship is for the debtor and his family members living with him the only means to ensure their livelihood, taking into account the limited transport accessibility of the permanent place of residence
  • - If the debtor is a person who uses a vehicle due to his disability, or if he is dependent on a person recognized by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the established manner as a disabled person of I or II group, a disabled child
  • - If the debtor is granted a deferral or installment plan for the execution of the requirements of the court order

Do I need to retake the theory if the driver was disqualified by the bailiff for debts?

Not. If you have paid all the debt, the bailiff is obliged to remove the restrictions from your driving license and return them.

He must also notify the traffic police about the removal of restrictive measures from the rights. In this case, the bailiff sends a copy of the order to lift the restrictive measures to the traffic police. In this case, the rights will simply be returned to you, and that's it.

The thing is that for debts, in fact, you are not deprived of your rights, but only a temporary restriction is imposed on their action until you pay the debt (or at least partially pay off the debt).

And since this is not a deprivation of rights, but only a restriction of their action, then the retaking of the theory in the traffic police, of course, is not needed.

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