What does the course completion certificate provide? What certificates are documents confirming advanced training?

In the process of professional activity, it is necessary to periodically increase the level of personnel training. Time passes - technologies, standards and requirements for the work of specialists are constantly changing. A certificate of advanced training is a guarantee of high professionalism of an employee. Here you can find a sample of the certificate and also familiarize yourself with the rules for filling it out.

Personnel training

Professional retraining is an employee’s educational activity aimed at obtaining appropriate qualifications to work in a new professional field or for professional development purposes. It is available to employees who already have a secondary or highest level education. And since 2013, this opportunity has become available to students of universities and colleges.

Professional retraining is an alternative to obtaining a second and subsequent higher education. Its advantages:

  • Convenience. Training can be combined with your main job.
  • Low cost. Advanced training courses are much cheaper than obtaining a second higher education.
  • Save time. Advanced training courses include the study of only professional disciplines.

When choosing professional courses An employee has the right to choose one of three forms of training: full-time, evening or distance, correspondence.

Description of the document

A certificate of advanced training is a document protected from counterfeiting and produced to order from specialized educational institutions. It has a hard cover, which is not a requirement, and a title. As a rule, on the cover there is the inscription “Certificate of Advanced Training” in gold color, applied using hot stamping. It is also allowed to place the logo or emblem of the institution that issued this document on the cover.

Certificate of advanced training established sample The title must contain information about the educational institution. There should also be registration number, name of the city in which the document was received, date, signatures officials etc. The paper from which the certificate of advanced training is made must not have a visible glow, and it must also be made using at least three security fibers.

Prospects for obtaining a certificate

In order to ensure the need to obtain of this document, you need to find out about the benefits it can bring to its owner. The advantages of this document include the following:

  1. If you change jobs, it will be a good addition to your resume. The employer will undoubtedly take into account this certificate as your advantage over other candidates for the available vacancy.
  2. A company whose employees regularly take advanced training courses will operate most successfully among its competitors.
  3. Having a certificate can qualify for promotion career ladder or, at a minimum, a significant increase in wages.

Having considered everything undeniable advantages of this document, it categorically cannot be qualified as a waste of time and effort.

Types of qualification certificates

Depending on the educational courses intended to train employees, there are two main types into which the advanced training certificate is divided. The sample of these documents will also differ from each other.

Employees who have passed educational courses total complexity over 100 hours, a certificate of advanced training is issued. And those who have completed similar courses, but with a total duration of up to 100 hours, will receive a certificate of advanced training.

The form of such a document is drawn up in such a way that it can be easily filled out with text written in a beautiful and neat handwriting. Assessments besides numerical values must also be entered in words, without abbreviations or abbreviations. Do not forget that all forms must be completed with the appropriate level of protection.

Types of documents:

  1. The short-term training certificate must be produced using stamp paper. It is a folded sheet of thick paper without a hard cover.
  2. The certificate of advanced training must contain a leatherette cover, inside of which, as a rule, there is a foam layer.

The dimensions of both documents are 21x15 cm. All forms confirming the level of training of a specialist must be completed in accordance with standard forms, prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science.


The certificate and certificate of advanced training are drawn up on special forms, which, in turn, are protected from counterfeiting printing products. The acquisition and issuance of these documents is carried out by educational institutions, which have the right to independently choose the organization that will print these forms.

The advanced training certificate is valid for no more than five years. The validity period is usually specified in the certificate and is counted from the moment of issue. An employee has the right to take qualification courses every year, upon completion of which he will also be issued relevant documents. Moreover, the old certificate or certificate of advanced training is not confiscated from the employee, and its validity does not stop.


In conditions modern world, where technologies are constantly being improved, all sorts of standards and operating principles are changing, it is necessary to constantly hone and improve your skills. Before being hired, candidates undergo a strict selection process, and the requirements become more and more demanding each time. By engaging in self-development and education, an employee will always be in demand among employers and will not lose his workplace. And a certificate of advanced training will be irrefutable proof of this.

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Quite often in my practice, there are cases when people sign up for classes just to receive a diploma or certificate of completion of courses. At the same time, they may pay almost no attention to the classes themselves (of course, not always) and go “for show.”

In my opinion, enrolling in “diploma courses” only to receive a certificate of completion is, at a minimum, a waste of time and money. In general, in my opinion, this is just stupid. However, let's take a look at this approach to learning and see if it achieves anything.

Why do you need a certificate of completion of courses?

Why do people generally strive to obtain all kinds of documents? Main motivation to apply this approach, the following - the received document on completion of advanced training courses (diploma, certificate, certificate, etc.) can be present upon employment on new job

When trying to add an extra item to their resume, many evaluate availability based on the principle "if there is, then it's good anyway". In fact, this is not always the case. The fact is that educational documents are different and have different values ​​in the eyes of your potential employer. I will examine this question a little later.

Another reason, according to which the majority is trying by hook or by crook to get another diploma, maybe diffidence. I specifically highlighted it in bold to emphasize the importance of the moment. The fact is that for people who are unsure of themselves, the presence of a document confirming that they have some knowledge or skills compensates for the real inability (or insufficient ability) to use this knowledge/skills.

Do you have any doubts? But in vain. This is where the student’s psychology and influence come into play. public opinion. That is, we often think that “If a person has a diploma, then he also has knowledge in his head.” Well, since the majority thinks so, then over time a trend arises in society in which a person strives, first of all, to obtain a document on education, and not this education itself. Having received the coveted diploma, he calms down, believing that now his "knowledge/skills" confirmed.


Please note:

You either seek to gain knowledge and experience, or you want to receive confirmation from third parties that you have this knowledge and experience.

If the second is more important to you than the first, then why go to class at all?

And thirdly, perhaps, all kinds of certificates of completion of courses (and not only courses) are received as the equivalent of a check or goods. Unclear? Very simple. When you undergo training, you usually pay for it. And since you pay, you want to get something in return, just like when you buy a product.

What about knowledge? Oh knowledge... Well, this is something that you can’t even touch. Most people definitely You need confirmation that your money was not wasted. That is, in in this case the course certificate acts as a kind of cash receipt, confirming not only the fact of the costs, but also, as it were, their result. Oh well...

As an example, let's imagine another situation where you DO NOT have to pay tuition. For example, your friend taught you something, showed you how to do something, and so on. Of course, he didn’t take any money from you. Question: Why don't you need a diploma/certificate in this situation? Didn't you spend enough time? Well, there are courses of one or two lessons...

The point here, as I already said, is simply the price of the issue. If the price is zero (in money), then confirmation provision of services It seems like it’s not necessary. Think about this when you pay for your next “diploma course.”

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What do they generally give out at the end of the training courses?

It depends on what kind of courses. You can look again at the picture at the beginning of the article.

On the one hand, all certificates, diplomas and other certificates can be divided into two groups: documents of the so-called state standard and all the rest. Trust in documents of the first group is naturally higher, since they are issued educational institutions who have passed state certification and received an educational license.

However, as always, information about the license indicated on the education document does not in itself mean anything. There are cases when an organization has all the licenses and at the same time is an office meter by meter, and the training conditions leave much to be desired. But it is precisely the presence of a license that gives the right to issue “state-issued” documents. Nevertheless The fact that the company has a license is still some advantage.

Here is a sample certificate of completion of the course. The degree of presentability varies, but the meaning is the same (I’ve seen a lot of them).


On the other hand, documents confirming completion of courses can also be divided into those same “diplomas/certificates/certificates”. It seems that “diploma” sounds more solid and even seems to imply passing exams. However, all this can only be implied in the head of you or the owner of an educational company. In reality, everything may be completely different.

In my opinion, if we talk about differences in name certificate of completion of prof. courses, then there is not much difference.

By the way, when I taught 1C in training center, then during classes they sometimes asked me if we would have exam at the end of training. In fact, exams are actually more interesting, and this somehow encourages students to study. But exams were not implied, as in the vast majority of training centers.

However, there was an interesting effect. I liked the answer to the question “will there be exams?” make a slightly surprised face and ask: “Do you want exams? We can organize it!” The effect is simply amazing. Namely: everyone ALWAYS immediately said “NO, no need!!!”

This, in my opinion, says only one thing: by enrolling in “courses with a diploma upon completion,” people, in essence, they don’t want to confirm this diploma with their real knowledge and experience; there is only a desire to pay money and get a piece of paper. What follows from this and what the owners of such “documents” are worth, read on.

What do “diploma courses” really cost?

Now let's see how much it helps to get similar document(diploma, certificate) upon employment. If we are talking about something serious, then, of course, the corresponding document is required. Well, for example, no one will hire a doctor without a diploma. It is obvious. But in the case additional education It is not at all necessary to confirm your knowledge with documents. It's enough just to say What You know how to do it. And if anyone doubts, then show with an example - in the overwhelming majority of cases this is enough.

In addition, when hiring, few people pay attention to documents issued by unknown organizations. Therefore, if someone thinks that collecting various pieces of paper of this kind will greatly help, then in most cases in practice this is not the case. If you just receive documents, but nothing remains in your head, then this is completely bad.

Although for some reason many people, consciously or subconsciously, believe that it is enough to pay a certain amount of money and the knowledge will be put into their heads. Well, sitting smart in class won’t hurt either. But practice shows that all this is a big mistake, leading to disappointment in learning when you try to one day put into practice your “knowledge” indicated in the certificate of prof. preparation or other document.

We discussed above about obtaining “state-issued” documents. The value of other “certificates”, “diplomas” and other things issued by someone unknown, tends to zero. Not to mention the fact that such “documents” can be printed by anyone by contacting the nearest printing house (and you can even come up with a more beautiful design of your own). About “non-paper”, that is electronic documents I’m generally silent, because this is an ordinary picture, like the one drawn at the beginning of the article.

Interesting fact:

I already mentioned above that most companies that issue all sorts of certificates at the end of their courses do not require passing any exams to obtain one. That is, the one who signed up and paid for training will receive a document in any case, even if he does not attend classes at all.

And the potential employer is well aware of this!

That's why you shouldn't rely too much on the magic of pieces of paper. By the way, you should be careful when adding such “educational” documents to your resume.

if you are not confident in your skills and there are fears that the employer may want to make sure of your knowledge (taking into account the previous paragraph, such a desire is quite justified), then it is better not to write at all or choose a more trusting company for employment.

If you are confident in yourself, then everything is OK, we write and enjoy the effect “I am a certified specialist.”

What about getting a 1C certificate?

However, among the “fake” diplomas, the presence of which means practically nothing, there are also good exceptions. For example, certificates issued by the CSO of 1C are highly valued when hiring. It may not be a decisive factor, but it will certainly be a plus. Although in practice 1C certificates are usually received by programmers, not ordinary users.

Moreover, unlike conventional training courses, to obtain a certificate in CSO 1C you need pass the exam. Moreover, you need to take it according to the principle "failed - free". Considering the attitude of most course visitors to passing exams (as I wrote above), as well as the attitude towards education as the purchase of a product, not everyone wants to take these very exams.

Well, if anyone has passed, then here is your 1C certificate. There are many different ones, but the meaning is approximately the same for all of them. If interested, see the lists of existing certificates on the 1C company website.

And finally, one more small discussion on this topic. For example, a person enrolled in the Computer User course and received the appropriate certificate. If you think about it, the profession “PC user” does not exist at all. Worth thinking about?

So, everyone must decide for themselves whether to receive documents or not. In any case, you can hang it on the wall in a frame and show it off to your friends.


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What certificates are documents confirming advanced training?

This year, the company is conducting advanced training for specialists in training organizations and questions have arisen about the significance of Certificates (training or consulting services less than 72 hours):

1. What certificates are a document confirming advanced training, what should be written in them - “listened”, “passed”, “took part”?

2. What certificates are not a document confirming advanced training?

3. Are certificates of participation in conferences and forums considered advanced training and how can this be justified?

Lawyers' answers

Morozov Igor Vladimirovich(03/18/2014 at 10:03:40)

1. Mastered the program - this is indicated. The qualification document confirms: 1) improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional vocational education(confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining); 2) assignment of rank or class, category based on results vocational training(confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, position of an employee).

2. A certificate issued outside the license for educational activities, is a piece of paper.

3. No advanced training at conferences, etc. - no training program.

Iskenderov Emil Eldarovich(03/18/2014 at 10:23:17)

For any entries you mentioned this certificate- this is just a document about training, confirming only that you have attended a certain course. A document confirming advanced training in accordance with the law can be a diploma of professional retraining or a certificate of advanced training.

From December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation"

Article 60. Documents on education and (or) qualifications. Training documents

10. The qualification document confirms:

1) improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education (confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining);

15. Organizations carrying out educational activities have the right to issue to persons who have mastered educational programs, for which final certification is not provided, training documents according to the model and in the manner established by these organizations independently.

Rubleva Maria Nikolaevna(03/18/2014 at 10:36:45)

Only two documents confirm advanced training - this is a certificate of advanced training and a diploma of professional retraining. They must indicate that the employee was trained and successfully passed the final certification.

All other documents do not confirm advanced training. Oleg Eduardovich

1. Advanced training is confirmed by a state-issued document, which is issued to students who have successfully completed training at a state educational institution for advanced training or at an accredited non-state educational institution for advanced training.

Moreover, after completing short-term training or participating in thematic or problem-based seminars on the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours, students are issued a Certificate of short-term advanced training, and training under the program in the amount of over 100 hours is confirmed by a Certificate of advanced training. Forms specified documents approved by Decree of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated December 27, 1995 No. 13 “On approval of document forms

state standard on advanced training and professional retraining of specialists and document requirements.”

2. They are not a document confirming advanced training, for example, documents educational institution, not having state license present upon employment this type activities.

3. Participation in the forum does not constitute advanced training.

Nikolai Nikolaevich(03/18/2014 at 12:51:40)

Hello, dear Anonymous!

According to paragraph 27 Model provision mastering educational advanced training programs of more than 72 hours ends with a mandatory final certification. Provided the following types certification tests:
- final exam in a particular discipline;
- final interdisciplinary exam according to the training program;
- abstract on a separate discipline or a number of disciplines;
- preparation and protection certification work(high school graduation, thesis or graduation project).
This follows from paragraph 6 of the Recommendations on the final state certification, approved by Appendix 1 to the Instruction Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 21, 2000 N 35-52-172in/35-29.
Depending on the number of training hours, an employee who has undergone advanced training is issued following documents state standard:
- certificate of short-term advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours;
- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training in the program for more than 100 hours;
- diploma of professional retraining - for persons who have completed training under the program in excess of 500 hours;
- diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training in the program for more than 1000 hours.
This is provided for in paragraphs 1 - 3 of the Requirements for state documents on advanced training and professional retraining, approved by Appendix No. 1 to the Resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated December 27, 1995 No. 13 and paragraph 28 of the Model Regulations.
The original document on advanced training is kept by the employee, and a copy should be filed in the employee’s personal file.
But it is not always possible for an employee to receive a state-issued education document upon completion of training. Such documents are not issued by organizations that conduct educational activities that are not subject to licensing - in the form of one-time lectures, internships and seminars, as well as teachers engaged in individual work. pedagogical activity. Volume curriculum in this case, it is less than 72 hours, and upon completion, students can be issued a certificate indicating the topic and volume of training hours - YOUR CASE. Each institution develops sample certificates independently.

Advanced training is required for every employee of any company, as it allows them to acquire new knowledge and skills for career advancement. The initiator for the this process may be the employee himself or the employer.

Advanced training is carried out by specialized organizations, and after this process the citizen is issued a certificate of advanced training.

It is issued only after completion of appropriate training. The document is prepared only by employees of the educational institution.

To confirm that it is original, some requirements are taken into account:

  • no abbreviations;
  • all grades must be listed in numbers and words;
  • To generate documentation, special stamped paper is used, protected different ways from creating a fake;
  • The certificate must be filled out in calligraphic handwriting only;
  • no cover is used.

How to use VRIO in documents? You will find out.

Based on these requirements, managers different companies can verify whether the documentation received from the employee is original.

What is it for?

The certificate confirms that a particular citizen has completed the course. It is important document for any employee who wants to gain new skills and knowledge, as well as get a higher paid position.

Most often, this document is required in the following situations:

  • change of place of work;
  • is compiled by a portfolio employee or, since with the help of such a certificate it is possible to confirm that citizens have the necessary skills, abilities or knowledge for a certain job;
  • the company sends employees for training to improve their skills, which allows them to stand out among competitors due to the high professionalism of their employees;
  • a citizen wants to get a promotion at work, increase his salary or receive a bonus, for which he independently attends courses.

How to get a certificate of advanced training online? Watch the video:

When finding a new job, the certificate is attached to other educational documents.

How to obtain a certificate of advanced training

A certificate is issued to a citizen only after completing the appropriate training. It is needed to increase knowledge in a certain area.

The purpose of training is to improve existing skills and obtain unique information. Only at the end of this training can a company employee receive a certificate.

Due to the presence of this document, unique prospects open up for the employee, which include:

  • the document is valid even when changing jobs, so presenting the ID to a potential employer can have a positive impact on making a decision regarding;
  • a company employee applies for a transfer to a higher paid and more prestigious position;
  • If a company independently improves the qualifications of its employees, this will increase its competitiveness in the market.

Therefore, the need for this certificate is often determined not only by the desire of citizens, but may also be an initiative of the direct company.


The document can be presented in several forms.

The specific type depends on the duration of the course:

  • the certificate is transferred only when short courses, for which no more than 100 hours are spent;
  • the certificate is transferred if the process takes more than 100 hours, and this document is made in hard cover.

When is the advanced training certificate issued?

The document has a format of 21x15 cm.

Legislative regulation

The professional development procedure must be carried out on the basis of legal requirements.

For this purpose, the provisions of the following regulations are taken into account:

  • Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education No. 499.

Additionally, other orders are periodically issued, on the basis of which it is established exactly when workers of different specialties need to improve their qualifications, where this procedure, as well as what requirements are imposed on it.

How to properly archive documents? Read on.

For example, people holding the position of prosecutor must carry out the process every three years. If a person works as an auditor, then he is obliged to improve his qualifications annually, otherwise he loses the right to work in his specialty.

How to get

Employee training can be done in two ways.

These include:

What does a certificate of advanced training look like?

With each method, the employee at the end of training can count on receiving official document, confirming that he has indeed improved his qualifications.

For this purpose, a final certification is carried out at the end. It is usually presented as a test, exam or test.

Nuances of personnel training

This process is usually carried out on the initiative of the company's management.

The most common situations where employees are sent for advanced training are:

  • after or long-term sick leave;
  • new equipment or unique technologies are being introduced into the company;
  • it is necessary to promote the employee;
  • Injuries occur at the enterprise due to lack of professionalism of workers.

For some organizations, the need to carry out this process at legislative level, so an appropriate plan is drawn up in advance.

What information is included in the certificate?

When filling out this document, the following rules are taken into account:

  • information is entered on one side of the sheet;
  • in the middle is the number and date of the license of the organization that issued the document;
  • the start and end date of training is indicated;
  • the full name of the citizen who has improved his qualifications is written down;
  • provides data on educational organization where the citizen was trained;
  • the completed program is indicated;
  • the number of hours spent on training is recorded;
  • There must be a line intended for the signature of the director of the organization, as well as the seal of the institution.

An additional sheet is attached to one sheet containing the above information.

  • name of the completed program;
  • the number of all completed disciplines or modules, as well as their names;
  • marks received by the citizen;
  • number of hours spent on training;
  • signatures of the organization's leaders and other officials.

What does an official certificate of advanced training look like? More details in the video:

Only if these two sheets are present does the certificate have legal force.


Certificates are printed only on stamp paper, which has different security marks and fibres. Each educational organization can independently choose a company that prints sheets.

The validity of this document is five years. After this, you need to take a new course. If a person takes a new course a year later, he will have two documents that have legal force.


To develop professionally and move up the career ladder, every employee should think about advanced training. To do this, you will have to take certain courses, upon completion of which you will be issued a corresponding certificate.

It must contain official and important information about training, and is also created only on special stamped paper.

2) documents on training, which include a certificate of training, a certificate of completion of additional pre-professional programs in the field of arts, other documents issued in accordance with this article by organizations carrying out educational activities.

2. Documents on education and (or) qualifications are issued on state language Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided herein Federal law, Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 N 1807-1 “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, and are certified by the seals of organizations carrying out educational activities. Documents on education and (or) qualifications can also be issued on foreign language in order, established by organizations carrying out educational activities.

3. Persons who successfully pass the final certification are issued documents on education and (or) qualifications, samples of which are independently established by organizations carrying out educational activities.

4. Persons who have successfully passed the state final certification are issued, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law, documents on education and documents on education and qualifications. Samples of such documents on education, documents on education and qualifications (with the exception of samples of diplomas on completion of residency or assistantship-internship) and appendices to them, a description of these documents and appendices, the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing these documents and their duplicates are established federal body executive power, performing the functions of producing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education. Sample diploma of completion of residency, description the said diploma, the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing the specified diploma and its duplicates is established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare. A sample diploma of completion of an assistantship-internship, a description of the said diploma, the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing the said diploma and its duplicates are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of culture.

5. By decision collegial body management of an educational organization, as well as in cases provided for by the Federal Law of November 10, 2009 N 259-FZ “On Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University", persons who successfully pass the state final certification are issued documents on education and qualifications, samples of which are independently established by educational organizations.

6. The education document issued to persons who have successfully passed the state final certification confirms receipt general education next level:

1) basic general education (confirmed by a certificate of basic general education);

2) secondary general education (confirmed by a certificate of secondary general education).

7. A document on education and qualifications issued to persons who successfully pass the final state certification confirms receipt of professional education next level and qualifications by profession, specialty or area of ​​training related to the corresponding level of professional education:

1) secondary vocational education (confirmed by a diploma of secondary vocational education);

2) higher education- Bachelor's degree (confirmed by a bachelor's degree);

3) higher education - specialty (confirmed by a specialist diploma);

4) higher education - master's degree (confirmed by a master's diploma);

5) higher education - personnel training highly qualified, carried out based on the results of mastering training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct), residency programs, assistantship-internship (confirmed by a diploma of completion of graduate school (adjunct), residency, assistantship-internship, respectively).

8. The level of professional education and qualifications indicated in documents on education and qualifications issued to persons who have successfully passed the state final certification give their holders the right to engage in a certain professional activity, including holding positions for which established by law Russian Federation order determined mandatory requirements to the level of professional education and (or) qualifications, unless otherwise established by federal laws.

9. Persons who have completed training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies) and have defended a scientific qualification work (dissertation) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences are awarded academic degree candidate of sciences in the relevant specialty scientific workers and a PhD diploma is issued.

10. The qualification document confirms:

1) improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education (confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining);

2) assignment of a rank or class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, position of an employee).

11. The qualification indicated in the qualification document gives its holder the right to engage in certain professional activities or perform specific labor functions, for which, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, mandatory qualification requirements are determined based on the results of additional professional education or vocational training, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. Persons who have not passed the final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the final certification, as well as persons who have mastered part of the educational program and (or) were expelled from the organization carrying out educational activities, are issued a certificate of training or the period of training according to a sample independently established by the organization carrying out educational activities.

13. Persons with disabilities health (with various forms mental retardation), who do not have basic general and secondary general education and studied according to adapted basic general education programs, a certificate of training is issued according to the model and in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

14. Persons who have mastered additional pre-professional programs in the field of arts and successfully passed the final certification are issued a certificate of mastery of these programs according to the model and in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of culture .

15. Organizations carrying out educational activities have the right to issue training documents to persons who have completed educational programs for which final certification is not provided, according to the model and in the manner established by these organizations independently.

16. There is no fee for issuing documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training and duplicates of these documents.

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