What does refugee status provide? Refugee status in Russia: what it gives, how to apply for it and receive it.

If the situation in their home country escalates to the limit, people seek salvation in other countries. Refugee status or temporary asylum is mainly sought by citizens of the CIS. So far, Russian authorities have granted this status to approximately 400,000 people.

Status differences

Sometimes refugees are called forced migrants. However, there is a significant difference between these categories of citizens. A refugee can only be recognized as a citizen/subject of another country, while a forced migrant is usually a citizen of a country, in this case Russia.

Typically, a person is forced to relocate due to persecution based on race, nationality, religion, or other grounds. They may be subject to:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad or in Russia;
  • foreigners and stateless persons living in the Russian Federation.

Guarantees the right to social and material assistance within the framework of government programs.

How does refugee status differ from temporary asylum? A citizen of another state who:

  • is afraid of being persecuted for the above reasons and is forced to flee outside his country;
  • cannot / does not want to turn to his country for protection;
  • being outside their country, cannot/does not want to return due to these fears.

This status is provided for an unlimited period. Every year and a half, a refugee’s personal file is reviewed and his status is either maintained or lost. A negative decision can be appealed to the Main Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS) or in court: at this time the applicant cannot be expelled from Russia.

Alternative and choice of status

Temporary asylum is the right of a foreigner to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation if he has grounds for recognition as a refugee, but it is limited only to a request for permission to temporarily stay in Russia. If there are no such grounds, for reasons of humanity he will still not be deported from the Russian Federation. The validity period of the asylum is 1 year.

What is more often granted: temporary asylum or refugee status? According to information provided by experts from the Committee of Civil Initiatives, only 317 Ukrainians requested refugee status. About 420,000 certificates of temporary asylum or participation in the resettlement program for compatriots were issued. What is the reason for this difference in number?

Understanding what refugee status in Russia entails helps you make your choice.

By law, refugees have the right to:

  1. Getting medical care.
  2. Assistance in delivering property to your place of residence.
  3. Free accommodation in a temporary stay center and food.
  4. Social protection.
  5. Carrying out labor activities without special permission.

Representatives of this category of immigrants are not paid any regular benefits other than pensions. To receive it, you must present a refugee certificate at the local department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

While a person maintains refugee status, his passport is kept in the migration service department. Consequently, he cannot cross the state border until he has completed the exit documents. Let's consider how to apply for refugee status if a foreigner has made his choice in its favor?

Stages of applying for refugee status

The status of persons recognized as refugees is regulated by the following regulations:

  • Geneva Convention (adopted July 28, 1951);
  • New York Protocol dated January 31, 1967;
  • Federal Law “On Refugees”;
  • Federal Law “On Forced Migrants”.

Where can I obtain refugee status? Documents must be submitted to one of the authorized bodies:

  • Local branch of the Main Directorate for Migration.
  • Diplomatic mission or consulate of the Russian Federation, if the foreigner is outside Russia.
  • Border control authority at the border of the Russian Federation.

Now about how to obtain refugee status in Russia.

The authorities of the Russian Federation make an appropriate decision if the applicant has taken the following steps:

  1. When filling out the migration card, I mentioned my intention to apply for this status as the purpose of entry.
  2. Submitted an application to one of the listed services. The employee will issue this document while interviewing the applicant. Each adult applicant must file a separate petition, but children must be listed as parents or guardians. A complete list of required documents with explanations on the provision of services has been published on the State Services website:
    • identification;
    • fingerprint card;
    • documents to support the application;
    • statement;
    • questionnaire.

  3. Submitted fingerprints.
  4. I took a photo.
  5. In order for a person to have an official document legalizing his stay, he will receive a certificate of acceptance of the application, which is valid for 5 working days. Then, since the processing of the application lasts 3 months, the arrival will be given a corresponding certificate valid for this period.

    Further actions

    While the application is being considered, the guest receives free social housing, food and a one-time allowance in the amount of 100-150 rubles per person. To do this, you need to submit an application to the local migration service office. If necessary, you can seek medical help at temporary accommodation centers.

    Having received a certificate of consideration of the application, the entire family of the applicant must contact the migration authority to register at the place of stay and undergo a free medical examination.

    After the specified period, you can receive a document confirming refugee status or refusal.

    A negative decision is not a reason to give up. Any foreigner has the right to appeal this response. If a refusal is received from a territorial body, you should contact the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs; if they also give a negative answer, then go to court.


Who would have thought that the time would come when the most relevant information would be on how to obtain refugee status in Russia? However, it turned out that ordinary people were not able to influence the situation. They have one way: take their belongings and go towards the border of the only country that agrees to help them save their lives. Let's leave aside the moral side of the issue. Let's consider the entire officialdom of the process, which creates many difficulties for those who simply have no choice but to follow all the “rules” so as not to be subjected to forced eviction to an unkind homeland (the word is written in small letters due to the events taking place).

Who is a refugee

Let's start with the most important thing - definition. To understand how to obtain refugee status in Russia, you first need to understand what it actually is. You see, the essence of staying on the territory of another state can be characterized in different ways. The period of free stay, the time of mandatory border crossing, the benefits provided, and so on depend on this. That is, guests of Russia are allowed to explore the sights and enjoy the company of relatives for up to ninety days (visa-free regime). Another thing is refugees. They have nowhere to go. Therefore, their duration of stay is not so strictly limited. According to the law, a refugee is a person who does not have Russian citizenship, who is on its territory due to a clear threat to his life. At the same time, the types of dangers are specified. These include: persecution on racial, national, political, social grounds, and religion. If civil rights in the country of residence are not respected, then a person has the right to seek protection from the Russian Federation. Only by proving the validity of their applications will a person be able to obtain refugee status in Russia. But how to do that? The procedure involves a specific algorithm. Let's look at its step-by-step execution.

Step 1. Recognition

If you need an answer to the question of how to obtain refugee status in Russia, then know: it all starts with contacting a special authority. It must be said that several services can accept such a statement. If you are in your own (or another) country, you will have to find a diplomatic authority (consulate or representative office). When the matter is urgent, you can simply proceed to the border. There you will have to go through security. It is precisely these employees (FSB border control agency) who need to submit an application. It's easy to do. In any case, when officially crossing the border, you will have to fill out a document indicating the purpose of entry. There is a column for refugees. Feel free to indicate what is really happening to you. Obtaining refugee status is not such a simple procedure. Therefore, you need to act thoughtfully. If at the border you say that you are just traveling, how will you justify it later when they tell you that it’s time to go home?

Step 1-A. If you missed

It happens that people come to their senses after the fact. That is, they had already lived in the Russian Federation for some time, only then they came to their senses that they needed to somehow formally fix their position. Where to run, how to get refugee status in Russia without running into problems? Here the legislation is quite loyal. Contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Federal Migration Service where you are currently. It is important to submit a written application. Especially for those who, for certain reasons, crossed the border illegally. Yes, this is prohibited by law. But cases are different. Perhaps you had force majeure reasons for such an act. Keep in mind: they will have to be listed.

Step 1-B. Who can apply

Only an adult can write a statement to the official authorities. That is, the person who applies for recognition as a refugee must be over eighteen years old. Children are included in the questionnaire of their parents (other adults accompanying them). Each person petitions separately. This means that the head of the family cannot sign the application for everyone. No. Everyone addresses the state personally! Only children can “join” their parents. The official petition must also be accompanied by all available documents that, in the applicant’s opinion, confirm the validity of its filing. If these papers were originally written in a foreign language, then they must be accompanied by an official translation into Russian. It is advisable to collect as much such evidence as possible back at home. This significantly affects the course of the case. The legal status of refugees gives real advantages to foreigners over ordinary tourists. The state assumes certain obligations towards them. Therefore, in order to obtain it, you need evidence of threats, the impossibility of living in the state from which you fled.

Step 1-B. What to be prepared for

We must understand that the state does not simply hand out official statuses. He has someone to take care of. Therefore, prepare for checks and other procedures. The first thing applicants encounter is a survey. The FMS employee is required to ask many questions, the answers to which are recorded on a standard form. In addition, to obtain refugee status, you will have to undergo an “personal identification procedure.” It includes fingerprinting and photographing (just like during an arrest). We'll have to be patient. When the official part is completed, do not leave until you receive a special certificate. It will indicate that you have received temporary refugee status for approximately five working days (they say it is better to apply on Friday, then the validity of the certificate will be longer). Now you can wait calmly.

Step 2. Result

Not everyone gets the desired status. FMS employees review your documents, determine the validity of the application, and then make a decision. If it is negative, then the applicant receives written notification not only of the refusal, but also of the reasons for it. In addition, the person's current status must be explained. This is necessary to know and demand from officials. Sometimes the fate and life of a person depends on the decision of the Federal Migration Service! The refusal must be communicated to the applicant within a certain time frame. For everything about all three days. When the application has received a satisfactory response, the refugee receives a special document - a certificate (temporary for now). Thus, many applications from people who want to obtain refugee status from Ukraine are now being considered. Due to the events of the spring-summer of this year, most likely, all applications will be satisfied.

Step 3. Temporary stay

When the desired document is in your hands, you should ask for help. The state provides refugees with a one-time benefit. It may not be too big, but for those who have no one to rely on in a foreign country, this is already a help. In addition, the refugee may request to be accommodated in a temporary accommodation center. It's not forever. Your application will still be considered on its merits. While the bureaucratic machine is slowly spinning, you will have a shelter (you can’t sleep on the street, right?).

Step 4. Accounting and medicine

You will be registered (registered) with the authorities and sent to a medical facility for examination. Don't forget to take your kids with you. A doctor wouldn't hurt them either.

Step 5: Final Solution

The FMS reviews documents for three months. If necessary, the authority can extend this period. Therefore, there is no need to rush. When a decision has been made, it will be communicated to you in writing. Those who are disappointed by the refusal to be recognized as a refugee can be advised to apply to the court of the Russian Federation. The rest receive certificates in exchange for a passport. That is, a document certifying the citizenship of the country from which a person fled is confiscated and stored in the Federal Migration Service for the duration of his stay in the Russian Federation. Those who applied to the embassy, ​​in addition to the certificate, are also given a ticket to travel to the country that gave asylum. That is, a refugee has the right not only to enter the Russian Federation, but also to ensure such travel.

Retreat. Refugee status for Ukrainians

Due to the huge flow of people who cannot come to terms with the current government and fear for their lives, the question of granting them official status is becoming more acute. The fact is that the border territories of Russia will soon be filled with people who do not have money, housing or basic food. Lawmakers are predicting a humanitarian catastrophe and have already begun to think about simplifying the procedure for officially registering them as refugees. At the end of May, the draft document was proposed to the Duma by deputy E. Fedorov. The press says that the issue will be resolved positively in mid-June. Ukrainians will be able to receive assistance from the Russian Federation under a simplified procedure.

According to the latest UN report, the number of refugees from Ukraine totaled more than 900 thousand people. The bulk of refugees from the eastern regions of Ukraine are sent to Russia and Belarus, for this reason a detailed description of obtaining refugee status for Ukrainians in Russia will be very relevant.

According to the latest data provided by the UN in 2015, the following number of Ukrainian citizens applied for refugee status in various countries:

  • Russia – 746,500 Ukrainians
  • Belarus - 81,200 Ukrainians
  • Germany – 4603 Ukrainians
  • Poland - 3600 Ukrainians
  • Italy – 2956 Ukrainians
  • Sweden - 1962 Ukrainians
  • France - 1763 Ukrainians
  • Moldova - 200 Ukrainians

Who can be called a refugee?

Refugees are people who have arrived in a foreign country and have applied to the relevant authorities in that country to obtain refugee status and asylum due to fear of being subjected to political, religious or national persecution and are unable or unwilling to take advantage of the protection of their country. Such citizens are outside their country and cannot or do not want to return to it. Refugee status cannot be obtained by persons who have committed serious crimes or been involved in acts of terrorism. Refugees who seek asylum in another country cannot be sent back to their country of origin.

The process of obtaining refugee status is determined by the following documents:

  • Geneva Convention of July 28, 1951
  • New York Protocol to the Geneva Convention of January 31, 1967

What needs to be done to obtain refugee status?

  1. Submit an application for recognition as a refugee. The application must explain in detail why you left your country and want to obtain refugee status in the Russian Federation. The application can be submitted: at the border of the Russian Federation at the checkpoint; on the territory of the Russian Federation at the FMS office; outside the territory of the Russian Federation in the foreign mission of Russia.
  2. Submit your fingerprints or, more correctly, undergo fingerprint registration.
  3. Pass a medical examination.
  4. Submit your national documents (documents of the country of origin) for storage at the Federal Migration Service of Russia.
  5. Fill out a 53-point questionnaire.
  6. Fill out a questionnaire consisting of 2 points.
  7. Pass an interview. If a person applying for refugee status does not know Russian, he is provided with an interpreter.
  8. Receive a certificate stating that the application for refugee status in the Russian Federation has been accepted. The application is considered within 5 days. During the consideration of the application, the FMS sends requests to the federal authorities. If the decision to issue refugee status is positive, then a corresponding certificate is issued; if the decision is negative, then an order is issued with the requirement to leave the Russian Federation within 3 working days.
  9. Obtaining a certificate.
  10. Filling out a questionnaire and interview. Next, the application is considered on its merits and if the decision is positive, a certificate is issued stating that you have received refugee status. If the decision is negative, then you receive an order requiring you to leave Russia within 3 working days.

A visual diagram of the process of obtaining refugee status in Russia.

Legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons

A person who has received refugee status has the right to free movement and the state that issued this status to him is obliged to provide travel documents in the form of a passport and, in addition, is obliged to recognize the same travel documents issued by other countries party to the Geneva Convention.

Refugees have the right to assistance from various humanitarian organizations and humanitarian organizations.

Refugee status for Ukrainians

Ukrainians, like citizens of any other country, can apply for refugee status, but the disadvantage of obtaining such status is that Ukrainian citizens who have received it for at least a year, and maybe more, will not be able to go back to their homeland. Also in Russia, quotas are established for each region on the number of people who can receive refugee status in this region.

Refugee status has its pros and cons. Along with certain inherent freedoms, there are some disadvantages and restrictions.

However, if we compare the status of a refugee with the status of a foreigner who has received the right to temporary residence in the country, then the advantages of the former are obvious.

Financial and labor opportunities

A foreigner with temporary registration in Russia can count on receiving health insurance and official employment. In 2014, Ukrainians who came to Russia are also not subject to state duty for temporary registration and can count on receiving a special allowance. Today, jobs are being provided for citizens of Ukraine, and in the near future it is possible that taxes will be abolished for a certain period of time.

Refugees can open both foreign currency and ruble deposits in Russian banks without any problems; there are no restrictions here. They also have the right to unemployment benefits if circumstances warrant it.

If it is necessary to change a profession, restore qualifications or select an appropriate profession, a person can be sent for vocational training through employment services. If you cannot find a job, they cannot deny you unemployed status and monthly benefits due to lack of registration, and if you are refused, you can submit documents to the court.

Also, a refugee, unlike a foreigner who has only temporary registration, can open his own business, provided that it does not involve the sale of goods prohibited in the country, such as drugs.

But a refugee does not have any special advantages in obtaining a position, no one gives a guarantee of getting a job, and no work benefits are provided either.

General rights and obligations

Among the rights that refugee status gives a person is the possibility of independently choosing a territory for residence - a person can personally choose a city or another subject of the Russian Federation where he will live. You can also live with relatives or other persons who have given their consent. If a person cannot decide where to live, then the Federal Migration Service can obtain accommodation in a temporary refugee accommodation center. Relocation to your new place of residence will also be provided. Low-income people, however, can count on this move being carried out free of charge.

There is also the right to social assistance from humanitarian organizations and social protection bodies included in the Geneva Convention.

As for responsibilities, a refugee is expected to comply with the Constitution and all laws of the Russian Federation, comply with the rules of residence in a new place, register for a new place when changing place of residence, and undergo an annual re-registration. When a displaced person purchases or otherwise receives new housing, he loses the right to the housing that was originally provided to him in the territory of the temporary refugee settlement. The same thing happens if he was absent for six months without any valid reason.

As a result of the events taking place in the former USSR, tens of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes. In order to obtain refugee status in Russia not only de facto, but also de jure, and at the same time comply with all the requirements of Russian laws, immigrants must contact the Russian authorities with a corresponding petition.

The situation with refugees in the Russian Federation

In recent years, the problem of refugees has become relevant not only for Russia, but also for most countries of the Old World. Thousands of asylum seekers from North Africa and the Middle East have literally flooded European cities, causing confusion in the orderly life of their residents. If tolerant Europeans for the most part tolerate immigrants, then Russians are not so complacent towards them.

Over the past 25 years, the country has experienced several waves of internal migration; in addition, it has sheltered hundreds of thousands of compatriots from the CIS countries. What is happening has led to Russia developing a rather specific migration policy, the true essence of which boils down to limiting migration flows and tightening the rules for obtaining Russian citizenship.

Meanwhile, in the states neighboring the Russian Federation, difficult political processes are taking place, the result of which is a mass exodus of local residents. More than 75% of refugees arrive in Russia from CIS countries.

Refugees from Ukraine in 2018 make up slightly less than half of the migrants who arrived in the country

Refugees from Ukraine make up about half of the migrants who arrived in the country

...my family and I came from Donbass, but how you treat people is how they will treat you. Yes, it was hard to find a job, but former visitors also helped - already Russians - one person who helped us refugees: they brought juices, sweets, powder, soap, cigarettes for the children. With my friend, when we were living with 140 people in a temporary accommodation center, he took me to work with him, as they say, at a construction site, I worked, earned money, rented an apartment, I went to work at a factory. Since the construction season is over, the wife earns 600 rubles for things to go to the store. per day, works from 8.30 to 20.00, one day off a week, I earn 20 thousand rubles at the factory, she works for an apartment, I for food. The Russians also helped with registration: one family gave us registration for a year free of charge, and the same family paid for our apartment for two months, so that we could at least get back on our feet...



The main “migration blow” was taken by residents of the Rostov region, Krasnodar region and Stavropol region. They almost immediately felt all the consequences of the massive arrival of refugees: prices for essential products rose, the situation on the labor market worsened, and there was a surge in crime.

It was no easier for the refugees. Due to a lack of funding, they faced a shortage of free housing, as well as all sorts of obstacles in obtaining the necessary documents. In this regard, some refugees lived under the constant threat of expulsion from the country and experienced difficulties in obtaining social and medical assistance and finding employment. Perhaps that is why in 2018 the process of returning Ukrainian refugees to their homeland became noticeable.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that as of March 21, 2017, 234,301 Ukrainian citizens with temporary asylum status live in Russia. 15,314 people applied to extend the period of temporary asylum, 149 were refused, 1,244 applications are being considered.

In 2017, 33 citizens of Ukraine applied to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding refugee status, one of whom received status. 1,801 people wrote applications for temporary asylum, and 1,529 were issued certificates.

Maria Litvinova


The main donor countries of refugees for the Russian Federation:

  • Ukraine;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Georgia;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Tajikistan.

In addition, residents of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have applied for refugee status in recent years.

How to apply for refugee status or obtain temporary asylum in the Russian Federation in 2018

From a legal point of view, a refugee can be considered a person who left the country of his usual residence due to significant fears of persecution for political or social reasons, as well as because of a real danger to life and health (of himself and his loved ones). It is not surprising that in such a situation it is very difficult to talk about the presence of any status advantages. However, they still exist.

Advantages and disadvantages of obtaining refugee status

Persons who have received the desired certificate and officially become refugees have a number of preferences, including:

  • free information about your rights;
  • the opportunity to use the services of a free translator;
  • unconditional assistance in moving to the place of stay and transporting luggage;
  • free accommodation in a temporary stay center;
  • issuance of a one-time benefit;
  • receiving material assistance in non-monetary form;
  • assistance in employment.

One of the benefits of refugee status is assistance in moving to a place of temporary stay

Disadvantages of status include lack of freedom in action. Any refugee is obliged, for example, to go to the place of residence that is chosen for him (if he cannot solve the housing problem on his own), to go to work offered by the employment service, and so on.

If you have something to live on, where to live and work - ok. And if not, illegal residence in another country is even worse than the disadvantages of refugee status, isn’t it? When you are alone, there are few problems, but if you are with the whole family... there is almost no choice.



Table: difference between refugee and forced migrant status

Refugees Internally displaced persons
Definition Persons who do not have citizenship of the country in which they arrived Citizens of the country and permanently legally residing foreigners
Rights The right to asylum, physical protection, provision of minimal social benefits, while there are no civil rights Full civil rights
Responsibilities Compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and other legal acts, mandatory control measures (re-registration at the place of temporary registration, regular medical examinations, etc.) A complete list of responsibilities in accordance with the Constitution of the country
Duration of status For 3 years with subsequent annual renewal For 5 years with the possibility of a one-time extension

It is necessary to take into account that the procedures for obtaining refugee and forced migrant status are almost identical. The main difference lies in the list of documents required to acquire status, the standard deadline for making a decision and the procedure for extending statuses.

Video: learning to distinguish between refugee status and temporary asylum

Step-by-step procedure for obtaining a refugee certificate

In the Russian Federation, the process of obtaining status is quite labor-intensive. It can last from several days (for refugees) to six months (for internally displaced persons).

Full list of reasons for obtaining

Persons who are persecuted or persecuted in the country of their nationality can reasonably apply for refugee status in the Russian Federation. Grounds for registration of status - persecution due to:

  • race or nationality;
  • religion;
  • belonging to a particular social group;
  • citizenship;
  • having political beliefs that diverge from the official point of view of one’s own country.

Necessary documents and basic requirements for granting status

In Russia, a person wishing to obtain refugee status must submit documents according to the following list:

  • application for refugee status;
  • national passport;
  • a document confirming family ties (when entering the Russian Federation with family).

To obtain temporary asylum, applicants must present:

  • asylum application;
  • national passport or document confirming Russian citizenship;
  • a document confirming family ties (when entering the Russian Federation with family);
  • papers indicating the persecution of a citizen for the above reasons.

The package of documents is submitted in person, only originals are considered. Presentation of copies is permissible only in cases where the person claiming the corresponding status has not yet left the territory of his state.

Who will not be able to request status?

A person cannot become a refugee (forced migrant):

  • arriving from a country with which there is an agreement on visa-free border crossing, without prejudice to the person’s right to asylum in accordance with the Law “On Refugees”;
  • brought in as a defendant in a criminal case or in relation to him there is a guilty verdict of a court in the territory of the Russian Federation that has entered into legal force and is subject to execution;
  • having citizenship of a third country where he is not persecuted;
  • who does not wish to return to the country of his citizenship or usual residence for economic reasons or as a result of famine, epidemic or emergency situations of a natural or man-made nature.

Where should the application be sent?

A person actively seeking to obtain refugee status must submit a corresponding written petition addressed to the President of the Russian Federation.

Table: methods of filing an application

Registration of status takes place in several stages.

  1. Submitting a preliminary application for refugee recognition.
  2. Review of available supporting documents.
  3. The authorities decide to further consider the application or refuse due to the lack of grounds for granting refugee status.
  4. Consideration of the application on its merits.
  5. Making a reasoned decision on recognition as a refugee or refusal due to the lack of grounds for granting status.
  6. Issuance of supporting documents (certificate of refugee recognition or refusal letter).

After submitting the application, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will conduct a conversation with the applicant. During the dialogue, he will invite the immigrant to fill out a questionnaire and questionnaire. If the applicant does not speak Russian well, a translator will be invited for this purpose.

It should be taken into account that filling out the questionnaire and questionnaire must be approached responsibly. First of all, it is recommended to answer questions clearly, briefly, and, most importantly, sincerely. Any deception can be exposed over time. In addition, you must follow the standard rules for preparing business papers: write legibly, avoid blots, use only black or blue ink.

The refugee questionnaire allows the state to identify the arriving immigrant

Then a mandatory identification procedure is carried out. During this process, fingerprinting and photography are carried out. The received photographs, in the amount of 2 pieces, are then attached to the application for asylum.

Table: where the immigrant stays during the consideration of the application

During the period of consideration of the application, applicants are issued a certificate confirming the legality of their stay on Russian territory. During this period, it will become a temporary identity document for the immigrant.

Table: deadlines for consideration of the application

Who makes the decision on the request

Whether or not to grant refugee status is determined by the President of the Russian Federation. It should be borne in mind that the decision to recognize a displaced person as a refugee is made individually in relation to each adult family member. Children under 18 years of age always receive status at the same time as their parents or guardians.


Registration of refugee status and provision of temporary asylum in the Russian Federation are free of charge.

Video: current information on obtaining temporary asylum in Russia for Ukrainians

What to do after your application is approved

A migrant who has received a temporary asylum permit is issued a corresponding certificate. Temporary asylum is valid for 3 years; in the future, it can be extended annually as long as there are factors in the refugee’s country of residence that prevent his return. For example, if the basis for granting asylum was a civil war, then the status will be granted until the end of the conflict.

Please note that after registration of temporary asylum, the foreigner’s national passport will be transferred for storage to the territorial (municipal) executive authority. For some applicants, this is unacceptable, since without a passport you cannot leave the territory of the Russian Federation. However, in this case there are no exceptions for anyone.

The received forced migrant certificate helps him establish life in a new place

Extension of refugee status

After a year has passed from the date of receipt of the appropriate status, a refugee may decide to return to his homeland, begin the procedure for acquiring citizenship of the country that has sheltered him, or apply for an extension of status if there are grounds for doing so.

The applicant will have to provide:

  • application for extension of time;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • forced migrant (refugee) certificate;
  • copy of passport;
  • a certificate confirming that the applicant and his family members do not have residential premises on the right of ownership at the place of registration;
  • contract for rental (lease) or sublease (sublease) of housing (for internally displaced persons who are registered in residential premises);
  • other documents confirming the presence of circumstances that impede the establishment of a new place of residence.

The application is considered within 3 weeks from the date of its submission. The immigrant is notified of the decision in writing.

Refusal to assign status

There are factors that prevent a person from being recognized as a refugee or granted temporary asylum. In each case, the decision is made individually. Sometimes the status in question cannot be granted a priori. Among the reasons for this decision:

  • filing false or forged documents;
  • refutation of the grounds specified in the application;
  • commission of a criminal offense on the territory of Russia;
  • Missing the deadline for applying for refugee status (12 months from the date of arrival in the Russian Federation) or its extension (1 month from the date of loss of status);
  • other reasons.

If the required status is not assigned, the applicant may appeal the decision. To do this, you must submit a corresponding request within 30 days after receiving the denial notice.

It is interesting that most of the “refusal” cases occur in situations where the applicant provided false information about his status or committed an illegal act on the territory of the country that received him. Such cases account for approximately 3/4 of refusals. Immigrants almost never miss deadlines for submitting applications, and their documents, for the most part, are completed correctly. Therefore, reviews periodically found on the Internet that Russian officials are unreasonably refusing to satisfy refugees’ requests have no basis.

Video: what to do if you are denied asylum

Loss of refugee (forced migrant) status

There are circumstances under which a person ceases to be considered a refugee. In particular:

  • in case of return to the country of his nationality or usual place of residence, which he left;
  • leaving for residence in a third country;
  • voluntary renunciation of the status in question;
  • acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation or another country.

In addition, a person will lose the asylum already granted to him if his presence on the territory of the Russian Federation runs counter to national security considerations. Anyone who decides to engage in illegal activities will also lose the right to asylum. Another reason for the loss of the right to asylum is the discovery of the commission of a crime, provided that there is a court verdict against this person that has entered into legal force.

The decision on loss of status is made by the authorities of the RF MFD if one of the above grounds is detected. A person deprived of refugee (forced migrant) status is obliged to leave Russian territory within 30 days.

Refugees are people just like us; most of them left their country of permanent residence not because of a good life. The main goal of these people today is to gain the opportunity to live again in human conditions, and their secret dream is to return to their homeland. It is necessary to remember this, show tolerance towards visitors and do everything possible to help them integrate into Russian society in the shortest possible time.

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Poryadina Olga Veniaminovna, teacher-speech therapist Location of the structural unit (speech center): Russian Federation, 184209,...

Topic: Sounds M - M. Letter M Program tasks: * Consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sounds M and Мь in syllables, words and sentences...

Exercise 1 . a) Select the initial sounds from the words: sleigh, hat.

What is the difference...
As one might expect, most liberals believe that the subject of purchase and sale in prostitution is sex itself. That's why...
To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download the file and open it in PowerPoint on your...
A kisser is the strangest and most mysterious profession that has ever existed in Rus'. This name can make anyone...
Hiroshi Ishiguro is the twenty-eighth genius from the list of “One Hundred Geniuses of Our Time,” the creator of android robots, one of which is his exact...
石黒浩 Career In 1991 he defended his dissertation. Since 2003, professor at Osaka University. Heads a laboratory in which...