What to do if the brakes fail at speed: possible causes and ways to solve the problem. What to do if the brakes fail

Driving a car requires composure, attentiveness, and, of course, quickly making the right decisions in emergency situations. A car, as a vehicle of increased danger, carries certain threats to others and the driver himself.

The worst thing that can happen to a car is when the brakes fail. Only then does the driver understand his helplessness in this situation. The car is rushing at all speeds and cannot be stopped. The most terrible fatal accidents occur, including due to faulty brakes.

Maintaining the car in good working order is the driver’s sacred duty. Operating a faulty machine is a time bomb that can detonate at the most inopportune moment.

The following are the most common causes of brake system failure:

1.Mechanical damage

Damage to the integrity of the brake system hoses can result in brake fluid leakage.

2. Late replacement

Failure to comply will result in the loss of its operational and quality characteristics.

3. Poor quality brake fluid

The purchase of counterfeit products is often accompanied by failure of the car's brakes. Low quality brake fluid is very aggressive and begins to literally corrode all rubber elements of the system.

The situation when the brakes fail is a complete surprise for most drivers and literally paralyzes their actions. At the same time, precious seconds continue to inevitably pass, bringing disaster closer.

Calmness, composure and clear actions will help prevent a tragedy when your car brakes fail. Panic and rash actions will only worsen an already difficult situation. You must remember that it will take seconds to make the right decision.

If the brakes fail, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Take your foot off the gas pedal
  2. Press the brake pedal all the way several times
  3. Switch to low baud rate
  4. Apply the handbrake (parking brake)
  5. Turn off the engine and engage first gear.

All manipulations must be performed as quickly as possible. Do not forget that all actions will lead to damage to individual components of the car and may require expensive repairs. In any case, all these are trifles if you take into account the human lives saved.

You need to tighten it smoothly, as a sudden movement can lead to the machine skidding and overturning. If all of the above actions do not bring the desired result, then you can use emergency braking tactics.

It is necessary to slow down the car as much as possible and try to go into the ditch at an oblique angle.

There is no need to select steep ditches to avoid tipping. This is an ideal option in winter when snowdrifts can significantly soften the consequences of an impact.

Thank you for your attention, good luck on your journey.

Or were additional services imposed upon registration? Have you set a date for submitting a package of documents and issuing a policy a month or two after the expiration of your current insurance policy? These actions of the insurer are illegal, and it is possible and necessary to call him to order.

Why don't insurers sell MTPL policies?

Insurance companies have created an artificial shortage of motor vehicle forms for exactly one reason. OSAGO insurance has become unprofitable, or even simply unprofitable. Thus, in the first quarter of 2014 in three regions of Russia: Amur, Ulyanovsk and Murmansk regions, payments reached 90% of collections, and in the Kamchatka Territory the amount of payments exceeded the amount of collected insurance premiums and amounted to 107%.

At the beginning of the year, insurers everywhere began to close their offices in anticipation of an increase in tariffs due to summer changes in legislation.

The law on compulsory motor liability insurance has been updated, the schedule for changing tariffs for the year has been approved, the procedure for establishing basic tariffs and adjustment factors has been given to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, the situation remains critical in many respects.

What does the legislation of the Russian Federation say?

During the first half of 2014, the Federal Antimonopoly Service registered 1,500 complaints from car owners against insurers in 66 regions of Russia. Insurance organizations universally refuse to issue an MTPL policy and impose additional services. 47 insurers received warnings, cases were initiated against 34, and the court has already made decisions on 27 violations. And the verdict is always the same: the insurer is wrong.

The list of unscrupulous companies included: Ingosstrakh, VTB Insurance, Yugoria, ASKO, Renaissance Insurance, Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie, VSK, ZHASO, SOGAZ, Alliance, BASK, Guta -insurance", MAX, SG MSK, "RESO-guarantee", "Soglasie", "Zurich", "UralSib". The Ministry of Finance on its website published an unambiguous position on this issue and offered the car owner a sequence of actions in the event of an unlawful refusal.

So, let's look at the laws:

  • Federal Law No. 40-F3 “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” dated April 25, 2002 states that The owner of the vehicle is required to have an MTPL policy.
  • In Art. 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 1 of Law No. 40-F3 emphasizes that the MTPL agreement is public. That is the insurer is obliged to enter into an agreement with everyone who contacts him. Refusal is not allowed.
  • In paragraph 2 of Art. 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (dated 02/07/1992) states that conditionality of the acquisition of some goods by the mandatory purchase of others(in other words, the imposition of additional goods and services) prohibited.
  • Clause 14 of the OSAGO Rules states that the car owner has the right to freely choose an insurance company. The latter, upon receipt of a package of documents and a written application, has no right to refuse to provide this service.

According to Federal Law No. 223-FZ dated July 21, 2014, unjustified refusal of the insurer to conclude public contracts and imposition of additional services not stipulated by federal law, entails administrative liability. Corresponding amendments have been made to Art. 15.34.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations.

Punishment: a fine of 50,000 rubles imposed on the official who committed the offense.

The competent authority is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the mega-regulator of the insurance market. Heads of territorial divisions are authorized to resolve issues of control and supervision in the field of financial markets, incl. insurance

Let's sum it up.

  1. The car owner can contact any insurance company.
  2. The insurer has no right to refuse to sell a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  3. It is also unlawful to force someone to buy additional options (for example, a life insurance policy for the policyholder or drivers included in the policy).

If this happens, then, according to paragraph 4 of Art. 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the insurance organization is forced to conclude a contract in court and compensate for losses caused to the car owner by its refusal.

Remark by RSA

At the end of September 2014, RSA published the “Procedure for notification by insurance organizations of the refusal to conclude an MTPL agreement to owners of RSA vehicles.” It is based on clause 7 of Art. 15 of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, which states the insurer’s obligation to issue a written refusal and notify higher authorities - the Central Bank and the RSA. From the entire document, we are interested in the list of acceptable grounds for refusal to issue a motor vehicle license. Among them:

  • lack of connection with AIS SAR;
  • failure to present the vehicle for inspection (can be carried out both at the location of the insurer and at the place of residence of the policyholder);
  • failure to provide a full set of documents required by law;
  • lack of a power of attorney to conclude an insurance contract on behalf of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

However, the lack of connection with the base will still need to be proven, and after it is restored, the client will need to be invited (in writing!) to conclude an agreement. The issue of failure to present a car for inspection is also controversial, since there is a diagnostic card that serves as the basis for selling the policy. In general, it can be debated whether the grounds for refusal given by the RSA do not contradict the Law of the Russian Federation. And there is no doubt that the courts, when considering cases, will appeal only to officially approved norms.

Procedure for purchasing an MTPL policy

Since the MTPL agreement is recognized as public, the desire of one of the parties is sufficient to conclude it. There are several options for purchasing a policy.

  1. When contacting the insurance company in person, request a written refusal. You won’t be able to present the oral one anywhere.
  2. When a proposal is sent by Russian Post (an application in the appropriate form approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2009) with a package of necessary documents attached, a delivery notice is given. In case of refusal, it will serve as evidence that the insurer received the offer.

It takes 14 working days to review it, as well as prepare and send a response to the insurer. The response may be:

  • about acceptance (acceptance),
  • about refusal,
  • about acceptance on other terms.

What to do if refused?

If you do not agree with the insurer's response, you have the right to appeal its actions. To do this, you need to apply in writing, attaching correspondence with the insurance company or a written refusal. The package of documents must be sent to one of the authorities:

  • territorial division of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • court at the place of residence;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • RSA department;
  • Federal Antimonopoly Service, address: 123995, Moscow, D-242, GSP-5, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 11.

Usually, by personally contacting the insurer and threatening to submit a written refusal to one of the above-mentioned organizations, the insurance company finds the opportunity to conclude an MTPL agreement. And the desire appears, and the forms are found, and the issue is resolved pre-trial.

What documents are needed to challenge a refusal?

  1. Firstly, written statement from the policyholder(proposal-offer) to conclude an MTPL agreement. The copy that remains with the car owner is stamped, dated and signed by the person who accepted the application.
  2. Secondly, written refusal from the insurer. Needed to contact the competent authorities.

What to do if there is no time to argue?

The Russian judicial system is quite clumsy. It takes several months, or even six months, to consider even the simplest case. It is clear that not everyone is ready to endure lengthy legal debates, and certainly no one has the opportunity to live without insurance, waiting for the insurer to be forced to enter into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement. If you are required to buy an MTPL policy along with an additional insurance product, the procedure is quite simple.

  • Invite a witness and, in his presence, ask a representative of the insurance company to draw up a written disagreement with the registration of a “car title” without a load.
  • Based on this paper, write a claim to the insurer demanding termination of the imposed additional insurance contract and the return of the full premium paid.
  • If refused, file a claim in court.

If they don’t sell you a policy, then there is a very dubious path. The desperate can follow it.

  • Since, by law, the MTPL insurance contract is public, the very fact of a written request from a potential policyholder can be considered as the fact of concluding a contract. To do this, the offer application should be sent to the insurer by mail.
  • If the car gets into an accident, then based on this statement and notification of delivery, damages should be recovered from the insurance company.

There are obvious disadvantages of such “amateur activity”.

  1. According to the Insurance Rules, the contract comes into force after the policyholder pays the premiums (the full amount or a certain part thereof). So the insurer remains able to legally avoid paying insurance compensation unless the Supreme Court rules otherwise.
  2. The traffic police inspector, having stopped the car, will not be satisfied with a copy of the offer application and confirmation of its receipt by the insurer. Firstly, this, whatever one may say, is not a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Secondly, a natural question arises about the serviceability of the vehicle and the possibility of its operation.
  3. Even if the homemade “policy” states that it is a duplicate, valid until the original is issued, it will take a lot of time and nerves to communicate with the inspector. Possible development options: fine, removal of license plates, ban on participation in road traffic.

Perhaps several dozen precedents will create a reliable basis for quickly resolving such issues, but so far the development of events in this scenario has not been recorded.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Have you ever wondered: "What to do if the brakes fail?". If you are interested in my view on this problem, then I suggest you read this article.

I decided to write it after I read about another road accident in the news this morning. Recently, a lot has been written about road accidents, which is good news. Perhaps someone, after reading the news, will go to work today more slowly and calmly.

I read the following:

A bus and 16 cars collided in the center of Perm

Moscow. October 19. INTERFAX.RU - A bus with faulty brakes caused a collision with 16 cars on the central street of Perm on Monday.

As the Interfax-Povolzhye agency was informed by the traffic police in the Perm region, the brakes of the bus on route 67 failed, it drove along Komsomolsky Prospekt for about five blocks and reached the gallery, where it stopped at the site. Along the way, the bus collided with driving cars.

According to preliminary data, four bus passengers were taken to the hospital, the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Perm Territory clarified.

I don’t know all the details of the accident, but I think that its consequences could have been downplayed. And at times. I must say that everything depended only on the bus driver. If he had been able to stop the bus competently, he would not have killed so many cars. I think that he just wanted to stop, but, unfortunately, he did not know how to do this. Or he knew, but was unable to navigate a difficult situation, i.e. was not ready.

And you should always be prepared for the fact that your car the service brake system will fail, because anything can happen. In such a situation, the main thing is not to get confused, because there is a way out of it. Which one you ask? You need to use an alternative method of braking, of which there are plenty (braking with a handbrake does not apply here, and in general you should not brake this way).

Gear braking.

This braking method is based on sequential gear shifting from higher to lower. Those. If your brakes fail in 4th gear, then you need to sequentially shift to 3rd, then to 2nd and then to 1st.

When changing gears in this case, I recommend the following subsequence(for smooth braking):

1. Press the clutch.
2. Shift gear from 4th to 3rd.
3. Press the gas pedal (this way you will increase the engine speed and switching will occur without a jerk).
4. Release the clutch.
5. Repeat for 2nd and 1st gears.

In an emergency, you should not press the gas. The main thing there is not smoothness, but speed, because you need to slow down quickly. You can even change through one gear. It's better to ruin your car than to kill a pedestrian and go to jail for it ( Art. 246 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation by a person driving a car, tram or other mechanical vehicle of the rules of the road or the operation of vehicles, which through negligence resulted in the death of a person, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a term of up to three years. ").

Gas braking.

Surely you had no idea that such a method existed. It consists of the following: you need to engage reverse gear and press the gas. Due to the reverse rotation of the drive wheels, the car will stop very quickly (and even go in reverse). In this case, braking efficiency depends on the power of your engine.

The above braking methods will always help you out in case of failure of the working brake system. I recommend that you learn to brake, at least with gears, and you will protect yourself from many problems on the roads. After all, if the bus described at the beginning of the article had slowed down, albeit slowly, many of the consequences of the accident could have been avoided. I repeat that the exact circumstances of the accident are not known, so the driver cannot be blamed for anything. Perhaps he did everything right. Do the right thing too! Good luck on the roads.

Publishers have the experience, the sales data, and they know what they can sell to wholesalers and what they can't. Sometimes there are hiccups, but if a publishing house makes mistakes in its calculations too often, it will face bankruptcy. Since it has been staying afloat for several years, it means that its staff includes people who understand what they are doing.

Reasons for refusal

If you are rejected by one publishing house, you should knock on another. But if you are submitting a proposal, and your manuscript is rejected for the tenth time, perhaps it’s worth thinking about the reasons. And there can only be three reasons:

  • non-format (this publishing house does not publish literature of this kind),
  • non-professional editor or reader (a publishing house employee who selects manuscripts at the first stage),
  • low quality of the manuscript.

You might bump into an unprofessional editor once, twice, three times, but not ten. Most manuscripts that come to publishing houses are frankly poorly written. The ideas can be wonderful, the plot can be fascinating, but if the author does not know how to write, this can be seen from the first lines of the application:

This is how the mission of the novel is revealed, shedding on the reader the rainbow light of the spirit of people living on Russian soil.

My novel is my angry rebuke to glamor, just like that!

The author of a weak manuscript creates two versions of the book: one in his head and the other on paper. He may re-read his text and wonder: “How do they not understand? It’s wonderfully written!” The problem is that the author does not see his work, but a story that has been pre-formed in his mind - with ready-made emotions and images. The text does not coincide with this mental picture and therefore only causes boredom in the reader.

Typical complaints from rejected authors

How can you judge my book if you haven't even read it? I just sent you the manuscript yesterday, and today you write: “It’s not suitable.”

Editors read a novel the same way most bookstore shoppers do—from the beginning. If the first page is not of interest, the book is not taken. You shouldn’t expect anyone to pore over a weak 400-page text hoping for a miracle. High-quality literature is visible immediately, from the first line.

You say that I have mistakes: I am ready to correct them - just tell me which ones and where. Your website states that you are open to working with first-time authors, so why do you immediately reject my book? Let's work on it!

Why do you take it upon yourself to judge what is good and what is bad in literature?

Editors take it upon themselves to choose which books they want to work with and which ones they don't. If they like the book and they believe in its commercial potential, then there will be a deal. If not, sorry.

It will be easier for you to cope with rejection if you remember that:

  • Any failure is a reason to learn something.
  • You could be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes the editor gets married, divorced, gets sick, etc. He has no time for applications, and he refuses everyone in order to quickly get rid of the work.
  • You might get rejected because you wrote something unique and the editor didn't dare take the risk.
  • Office squabbles also affect the publication of a book. The manuscript may be rejected because the editor-in-chief is angry with your editor. Or a harmful colleague may speak out against your application at the editorial board: he hasn’t seen it in person - he just wants to annoy your editor.
  • You were rejected because at the moment you do not fit into the publishing house’s budget. If there is no money for publication, then nothing can be done about it.
  • You were rejected because you accidentally stepped on a sore spot. For example, they sent a book about fighting dogs to an editor who had just been bitten by a bull terrier.
  • A banal discrepancy in tastes also matters.
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