What should I do if I have Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi Internet stopped working through the router

Wireless Internet is very convenient and modern, but it is not always problem-free. Some glitches that cause a lot of trouble for users appear on their own over and over again. Today we’ll talk about why the Wi-Fi network disappears. As a rule, such incidents are relevant for laptops, which, it would seem, are simply designed to work specifically with wireless networks, supporting the idea of ​​​​creating an ideal mobile solution.

Diagnosis of causes

Since there may be several reasons for the problem, below we will look at each separately. In general, first you will need to do some diagnostics and check if there are any problems with the router’s power supply and the device itself. In the case of the first, everything is determined quite simply; to check the second, you need to try connecting other devices to the network - tablets, phones.

If everything works fine, perhaps the problem is only with the computer, and you need to check the operation and settings of its adapter one by one.

Energy saving

The next thing we should do if the Wi-Fi network has disappeared is to carry out diagnostics using the system. Click on the wireless network signal icon and find the “Problem Diagnosis” item, then follow the instructions. Perhaps this option will help you.

Open “Start” and find the “Control Panel” we need. Now we need the settings that are hidden under the “Power Options” icon.

There will be several options here and, if you do not want to set high performance, then you need to select at least “Balanced mode”.

If this option is also unacceptable, you can only configure separate consumption for the adapter. Click “Configure power supply scheme” next to the required option.

Now “Change advanced settings”.

Here we scroll down and find the item “Adapter parameters” - you need to expand the parameter tree, then once again expand the sub-item “Energy Saving” and there in the parameters “from battery” and “from network” set “Maximum performance”.

You have done everything that could be done here - now click “OK”, “Save changes” and close the window.

The second option also, in a sense, depends on the power settings - it happens that when the user puts the computer into sleep mode, after turning on the adapter still remains in this mode.

Click “Start” again and click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”.

There will be a lot of equipment inside, but we are interested in network adapters. Having opened the tree with them, we look for the one with the Wi-Fi annotation and double-click with the left mouse button.

Here we look for “Power management” and uncheck the “Allow the device to turn off to save energy” checkbox. Next, click “OK” and test how everything works. To be more sure, the best option would be to reboot your device after all these operations.

Sometimes the problem may be due to oxidation of the adapter contacts, failure to connect it after cleaning or repair, or to the device drivers. In the first two cases, only mechanical intervention will help. To update drivers, you need to find the name of your model and go to the manufacturer's official website to download the necessary programs.

This is all that could be done on the computer side if the Wi-Fi network disappeared, and now we will look at solving the problem on the distribution point side.

If the reason is in the router

If after all the checks you come to the conclusion that the problem is with the distribution device, then there is not much you can do: when the router is turned on and working normally, even without special settings and a plugged-in provider cable, the network will be detected and should not disappear.

One of the most common problems among owners of mobile computers is when the laptop does not connect to wifi and the wireless Internet has stopped working. Usually, the wireless network does not work after updating the software of a laptop or router, and often a fresh operating system that was recently installed on a PC does not see the Wi-Fi network.

The main thing in such a situation is to determine the reason why the laptop stopped functioning normally. And there are many reasons that sometimes even a highly qualified specialist does not immediately manage to correct the problem. Below are step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting this problem.

Stage 1 – determining the cause

If there is no Wi-Fi network, then the reason does not always lie in the computer, but the most likely problem is with the Wi-Fi translator device. In connection with this statistical fact, at the first stage it is recommended to clarify whether the router itself has stopped working.

To do this, you just need to turn on Wi-Fi on another device. If you can successfully catch the necessary networks and the gadget works normally on the Internet, then the reason is in the laptop. If the device does not see the required Wi-Fi, then the reason is in the router. Below are specific recommendations on what to do in each of these situations.

Stage 2 - turn on the Wi-Fi adapter in the computer

When identifying the cause in the PC, it is advisable to start solving the problem by analyzing the current position of the laptop’s wireless network adapter, and if it is turned off, then you just need to turn it on and try to connect to the Wi-Fi network again.

Laptops are equipped with special lights that indicate the status of the wireless network and various methods to turn on WiFi. In the vast majority of cases, LEDs indicating the WiFi status are mounted on laptops on the front or side of the PC panel, but it happens that they are installed on the peripheral part of the display or inside the WiFi power key (in any case, manufacturers try to place the adapter indicator on the visible part of the laptop).

The adapter is turned on in the following ways:

Method 1 involves simultaneously pressing “Fn” and the button with the Wi-Fi icon. In method 2 there is only one key, and in method 3 you need to turn it on by moving the switch slider.

If Wi-Fi does not work after completing the second step of the instructions, then you must continue to follow the instructions below and proceed to the next step.

Stage 3 – enable WiFi using OS tools

In addition to methods for activating the adapter using physical keys and switches, there are ways to enable WiFi through the OS on the computer.

For this purpose, the following algorithm of actions is required:

If for some reason the laptop cannot access the Internet, you need to start working with the instructions of the next step.

Stage 4 – debugging the wireless module software

It is necessary to analyze the performance of the Wi-Fi module drivers.

To do this, follow these steps:

Note: If the user’s device is not listed in the “Network Adapters” window, you will need to install drivers. The software usually comes on a CD with your computer. They can also be downloaded from the official resource of the equipment manufacturer.

Stage 5 - if the reason is in the router

At the very initial stage of the instructions, it was analyzed why Wi-Fi in the PC stopped working and the most likely course of action to troubleshoot the network. But, since there are brands of routers today great amount and no less number of firmware for routers, so at this stage we will have to limit ourselves to only generalized wishes for debugging the device.

So, when, in addition to the laptop, another gadget also does not see the network, then the cause of the problem is probably in the router. Below is a list of actions that the user should take in such a situation:

  1. Reducing the distance between the laptop and the router may help. It is recommended that you experiment with the placement of your devices and enable your wireless network. Often, a positive result can appear after eliminating interference, such as large furniture and household appliances, microwave ovens, and interior ceilings. When there is no signal even with line of sight, then proceed to the next step;
  2. Determine whether the Wi-Fi light on the router is lit;
  3. Enter the router settings, where you analyze the following points:

A) is the Wi-Fi module turned on;

B) is the SSID enabled;

C) whether the MAC of the laptop is included in the list of ignored ones.

This is the entire list of problems when Wi-Fi does not work and there is no way to turn it on on the computer. Each individual case has its own nuances, for example, perhaps the Internet has stopped working and the laptop does not see the required router due to the banal reason of a device cable break, etc., but this is a topic for a separate publication.

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without access to the World Wide Web. The times when a family had only one computer are long gone. Now people use tablets, smartphones, and laptops that are equipped with a WiFi module. A wired router without wireless network support has already become obsolete. It is not able to provide Internet access to all available gadgets. How to be? Of course, replace it with a device operating in WiFi mode.

Previously, routers were quite expensive. Setting them up required special knowledge. Now everything has changed dramatically. Router manufacturers have tried to make their devices not only accessible to every customer, but also as simple as possible. Buyers who have purchased devices from brands such as ZyXel, Asus, D-Link and others will be able to verify this. Their range includes both budget models and expensive ones.

However, even though the configuration of routers is as simplified as possible, sometimes users encounter problems. For example, lack of WiFi signal. There are many reasons for this malfunction. Therefore, let's figure out together how to set up a WiFi router from TP-Link and other brands, as well as fix problems with the wireless network yourself.

Wireless network: signs of trouble

As soon as the user encounters malfunctions in the router for the first time, he begins to look for reasons in the device itself. However, in rare cases it is precisely this that fails. Typically, the problem lies in the settings. Moreover, it is important to note that they need to be checked not only on the router, but also on the gadget that cannot connect to the access point. Most of all, users are concerned about why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi.

What signs may indicate a malfunction?

  • No signal.
  • Long connection time.
  • Low speed of the Internet distributed by the router.
  • Frequent network failures and reconnections to WiFi.

If such signs are detected, you will need to check that the devices are connected and configured correctly.

Search for the culprits

When you cannot figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi, but still connects to the network, you need to find out what or who is to blame for this. To do this, a number of specific actions are carried out:

  • Provider cable. Its functionality is checked in the following way: connect it directly to the computer and make all the necessary settings. If there are no problems with the Internet, then you should look for the reason in the router.
  • Wireless network settings. After checking the cable and connection, we can conclude that the device itself is functioning correctly. The problem may be with the wireless network configuration. There are devices that are equipped with a function to turn WiFi on/off.
  • Checking devices. There are cases when the malfunction lies directly in the device that connects to the network. In order to make sure that it is working, you just need to connect from another gadget.

Why doesn't the router distribute Internet via WiFi? Causes

If, while the connection is active, the user cannot access the global network, then the reason for this is errors made when setting up the router.

  • Incorrect IP address entry/definition.
  • The transmission channel is not configured correctly.
  • Invalid DNS value.

The first two mistakes are made by users themselves when creating a wireless network. And this is the reason that the TP-Link WiFi router does not distribute the Internet. The same problems apply to routers from other brands. As for the last error, the value can be influenced by several factors, such as a virus on the device.

To fix such a problem, it is not necessary to contact qualified programmers. All the user needs is a cable that allows you to directly connect to the Internet, a PC or laptop, and, of course, the router itself.

How to set up a TP-Link WiFi router?

Devices from this manufacturer are in high demand among domestic buyers. Therefore, it would be fair to start with him. Entering the settings is standard - entering the address in the browser line. After authorization, you need to find the WAN item in the Network tab. It will ask you to select a connection type. You can find it out from your provider. The computer has the current gateway and subnet mask values, provided that the Internet cable is directly connected to the device. In some models, it is possible to activate automatic detection. After this, you can start setting up the WiFi network. To do this, you need to find the Wireless tab. In it, the user selects the Wireless Settings item. On the page that opens you will need to enter the network name. Be sure to select a region for correct operation. It is recommended to set Auto in the line with the transmission channel. After that, click Save.

Now you can start protecting your network. How to change the password on a TP-Link WiFi router? All settings are located in the Wireless Security item. Having entered it, the user is asked to select the type of encryption. Most programmers recommend using WPA/WPA2. Once activated, you can enter a user key. Afterwards, be sure to save and reboot the router. If necessary, change the network access key (password) in the same way.

Asus routers: setting up a wireless network

In addition to the two models described above, Asus routers are popular in Russia. They are easily and quickly configured using a special program. Ideal for novice users. In modern models, the firmware has an intuitive interface. All tabs are presented in Russian.

How to change the password on an Asus WiFi router if you don’t remember it? Very easy. It is enough to connect the device directly to the PC via cable. Then do a complete reset. The router will reboot and the user will be able to enter all the data.

Setting up a network on a D-Link router

Why doesn't the router distribute Internet via WiFi? In order to answer this question, you need to go to the “Network” tab. In the WAN item, check that the selected connection type is correct. It is important to note that there are some providers that work based on MAC addresses.

Most devices with new firmware have the function of automatically setting up a wireless network. To do this, go to the “Quick Setup” item and activate the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard”. At the end, save the results. There may also be a WiFi tab. All you have to do is select “Enable”.

Setting up a WiFi network on ZyXel routers

In the product range of this brand it is easy to choose an excellent WiFi router for your apartment. According to many users, these devices are characterized by reliability and high signal quality. However, sometimes problems with the wireless network may occur. The reasons and solutions have already been described above. But in order for the user to know exactly where to correct the error in the settings, you should follow the instructions below step by step.

  1. Enter settings -
  2. In the interface that opens, select the “Internet” tab and check the connection type.
  3. Go to "WiFi Network". There, check the parameters of the network standard and channels.

It is important to pay attention to the selected signal strength.

A Wi-Fi router is needed to distribute the Internet from the provider between several devices. If you have a lot of equipment in your home, a router is a must. But from time to time, for no apparent reason, the router stops distributing Wi-Fi, while the Internet works over the cable.

You can often fix errors in the operation of the router on your own.

Instead of hanging up the support line and throwing money away to call a technician, let’s try to figure out on our own what the reason is. The solution is actually simple, just do a few simple operations.

So, why doesn’t the router distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi? In this case, you cannot connect to the wireless network at all, or while the connection is active, you cannot open any page.

No wireless network

If you turned on the router, but the devices simply do not see the network, what could be causing this and what should you do?

  1. Wi-Fi module is turned off. This can be determined by the fact that the wireless network light is not on. Near the antenna icon, the light should either be continuously lit or blink rapidly. Some models have a special button to turn Wi-Fi on/off. Check if it is pressed. Perhaps one of the family members accidentally touched her. If there is no such button, you can check the status of the module through the browser. Enter the wireless network settings section, activate the “Enable Wi-Fi” option, reboot.
  2. Wrong choice of communication channel. All equipment operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, so signal interference may occur from time to time. Usually the router is configured to automatically assign a channel. But sometimes it makes more sense to select it manually. You can use special utilities to check the congestion of communication channels, for example, Free Wi-Fi Scanner for Windows or WiFi Analyzer for Android, and select the freest one.
  3. Incorrect password entered. If you can’t remember, go to the router settings - Network security - Password. Replace it with a purely digital one. Then it will be more difficult to make mistakes.

If the error persists after this, try the following:

  • Connect to the Internet directly to check for a signal from your ISP. Perhaps the Internet does not work due to technical reasons or due to debt.
  • Reboot your router, which will clear up many software errors.
  • Connect to the hotspot from other devices. If this succeeds, then the problem is not with her.
  • Inspect the device for damage. Maybe the cable is pinched or the antenna contact has come loose. Try moving the antenna, turn it in the other direction. Maybe it is the weak signal that is causing the connection to fail.

Internet does not work when there is a network

There may also be several reasons why the router does not distribute the network correctly: the Internet cable is incorrectly connected or damaged, the router or receiving device is not configured correctly.

The cable is damaged or incorrectly connected

First of all, make sure that the Internet cable is not damaged. It must be laid in such a place that no one will trample on it, nothing will press it down, and it will not bend. In addition, it must be connected to the correct connector. It is usually painted blue and labeled WAN.

Router settings

  1. Check that the entered provider data is correct. Check with your service provider for the correct details and connection type, then check them in the settings. Sometimes, for the purpose of modernization, a provider may change network parameters and forget to notify its customers.
  2. In the router settings, check whether the DHCP server is enabled. Its purpose is to assign an IP address to each connected device. Go to Wireless Network Settings - DHCP. Its status should read “Enable” or “Running”. Otherwise, the router will not be able to assign an IP address.
  3. DNS server error. It is responsible for moving the PC to the required Internet addresses. Usually it is provided by the communication provider, if it does not work correctly, enter DNS from Google - or Yandex - in the network connection parameters.
  4. Filtering by IP and mac address. In order to limit access to the home network, a MAC filter is activated, and then the new device will not connect. Add yours to the list of allowed devices. Read more in the article How to restrict access to Wi-Fi. We recommend that you do not make bindings unless absolutely necessary if you are not confident in your knowledge.
  5. Hidden network. You may have accidentally unchecked the “Broadcast SSID” checkbox. Connecting new devices will be impossible; they simply will not be able to detect the network. If you use this restriction for security purposes, enable the ability to broadcast the SSID.

Receiving Device Settings

The default settings assume that the IP address and DNS server are obtained automatically. The appropriate settings must be activated on the laptop.

In the Windows system tray, right-click on the Internet connection icon - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings - Wireless network - Properties - IP version 4 - Properties - Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain a DNS server automatically. Android and iOS tablets receive this data automatically by default; you don’t need to do anything additional.

It's another matter if you are establishing the use of a static IP.

Instead of receiving it automatically, enter the required parameters manually. Save the entered data and try to reconnect.

Settings - Wireless networks - Wi-Fi - hold down the connection name - Change network - Advanced - IPv4 settings - Custom. Verify and correct the data, click “Save”.

Settings - Wi-Fi - “i” button next to the connection name - Static. Enter your details and save.


Now you know why the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi and what to do about it. Why call a professional if simple problems can be resolved on your own? We believe in your success and look forward to comments with experience using our recommendations.

We have prepared detailed instructions for those users whose Wi-Fi does not work on their router. We will also look at questions such as why the Internet does not work through the router, and what to do if the router does not work. Below is a list of solutions to the most common problems with your home router.

Make sure Wi-Fi is turned on

If you are using a laptop, make sure Wi-Fi is turned on. Most laptops have a function key to turn Wi-Fi on/off on the computer. For example, on an Asus laptop this is the F2 key.

Make sure your wireless connection is turned on

If you have turned on Wi-Fi on your computer, but the Internet is still not working, then you should check your wireless connection. To do this, click “Start” and start typing the following text “View network connections” on your keyboard. Next you will see the corresponding section, go to it.

The Network Connections window will display the wireless connection on your laptop. Right-click on the wireless connection and select Enable. If you see "Disable", then the network connection is already enabled.

Make sure the SSID and security key are correct

If your computer or laptop shows multiple available wireless networks, make sure you are connecting to the correct SSID (the name of your router) and that you have entered the correct security key (password). If you connect to your neighbor's router and enter the wrong security key, of course the internet won't work.

Make sure the Internet is working

If you connect to the correct router, but Wi-Fi still does not work, make sure that the Internet is working at all. It is possible that the problem is not with your computer, but that the Internet simply does not work.

Try connecting to the router through another device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. If Wi-Fi works on another device, then it is safe to assume that the problem is with the computer.

Reboot your router

If the router does not work and does not provide Wi-Fi, the first thing you should do is reboot it. Quite often, popular routers experience errors that prevent one or more devices from connecting to the network.

You need to disconnect the power from your router and wait for 10-15 seconds and then connect the power again. Wait a few minutes for the router to connect to the Internet again, then check the Wi-Fi on your device. If the problem is still present, try restarting your computer.

Disable firewalls

If you have multiple firewalls installed on your computer, this may be the reason why the Internet does not work through the router.

To make sure that the firewall is not causing problems with your Wi-Fi connection, we suggest that you temporarily disable the firewall. If Wi-Fi works, then you should permanently disable the firewall or even remove it.

Restore Windows to an earlier copy

If at one point your Wi-Fi on your router stops working, try restoring Windows to an earlier copy. In some cases, bad software or incorrect settings can cause problems with the Wi-Fi adapter or problems accessing the Internet.

Reinstall your wireless device and drivers

Damaged drivers or other problems with the wireless device may be the reason why the Wi-Fi router does not work. Make sure you don't have any driver issues by following these steps.

  1. Open Windows Device Manager (right-click Start and select Device Manager).
  2. In Device Manager, expand the Network Adapters section to view all network devices.
  3. Highlight the Wi-Fi or wireless network adapter and press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the device.
  4. Once the device is removed, close all windows and restart your computer.

After the computer boots, the Windows operating system will automatically install the necessary drivers on the network card.

Move the router to another location

It is possible that your Internet does not work through your router because the computer does not receive sufficient signal strength. Make sure that the router is located close to the computer and its antennas are pointed towards your device.

If the router's location is an issue, then you might want to consider purchasing a Wi-Fi extender (also called an extender or repeater). Install it between the router and the problem area to increase Wi-Fi coverage and eliminate interference.

Update your router firmware

If you have tried all the methods above and nothing helps, then you can try updating your router firmware to fix the problem. Search the Internet for instructions on how to reflash your particular router model.

Operating system malfunction

Wi-Fi still not working on your router? Another reason may be damaged files in the operating system. We suggest completely reinstalling the Windows operating system.

Faulty equipment

If you have tried all of the above suggestions and Wi-Fi on your router still does not work, it is likely that the router itself is broken, or the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer is broken. In any case, you should check the wireless connection on your computer with another router, or connect your smartphone or tablet to your router, to be sure what the problem is.

If the problem is with your computer (laptop), then you need to take it to a service center to replace the motherboard or network card.

If the router is faulty, you'll probably have to buy a new one because routers are virtually impossible to repair.

That's all! We looked at the most common reasons why the router does not work, as well as what to do to get Wi-Fi and wireless Internet.

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