What does iq measure? How to check your IQ? IQ test results for famous people

It has been statistically proven that IQ changes with age. It reaches its peak by age 25. It is generally accepted throughout the world that an IQ of 100 is average. The IQ of a five-year-old reaches 50-75 points, at 10 years old it ranges from 70 to 80 points, at 15-20 years old it can reach the average value for an adult of 100 points. In many countries of the world (for example, the USA and Japan), gifted people are selected based on IQ tests, and they are then trained according to an enhanced and accelerated system. This is due to the fact that children with high IQs for their age tend to learn much better and faster than their peers.

Learn to analyze. It may not be skillful and at times stupid, but this is the only way your brain will learn to analyze. For example, imagine two completely different things: a cat and a brick. Funny, but! Try to find as much in common between them as possible. Try to imagine all sorts of situations, developing imaginative thinking.

Doctors recommend eating in small portions, but 4-5 times a day. This will help maintain blood flow to the brain. If you eat large portions 1-2 times a day, then the body will have little energy to digest this food, but little will be left for the brain.

It’s not for nothing that they say that excessive smoking is harmful to health. If you are planning to increase level IQ - give up or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. Tobacco smoke reduces oxygen consumption by the brain, and, consequently, deteriorates brain activity.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

During mental activity, try to breathe deeply through your nose. This way your brain will be saturated with oxygen, and new unexpected solutions to problems will immediately appear!


  • increase iq

There are no specific age limits for development intellectual abilities person. Modern publishing houses produce a lot of books necessary for the development of IQ level.

Books for the development of thinking

L. Hubbard in his book “Learning Theory” says that an individual’s ability to acquire knowledge depends on his willingness to independently highlight the main points in the text. Learn to learn - the main task pedagogical process. If a person knows how to seek knowledge, then he will be able to update it throughout his life.

Analytical thinking will be developed by works written by eminent philosophers such as I. Kant, Plato, Socrates, F. Nietzsche, Hegel, etc. Their works will help to understand the basic laws of the development of human thinking, types and forms of consciousness.

No less important is reading fiction. Considering the behavior of characters in certain situations, a person develops new forms of behavior for himself. Works based on psychology, philosophy, history help expand consciousness and develop imagination. Classic works that require mandatory reading include the books of F. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, L. Tolstoy “Confession”, A. Camus “The Rebel Man”, Sartre “Nausea”, M. Prishvin “Forget-me-nots”.

Books for memory development

In the book by O.A. Andreeva “Techniques for memory development. Self-instruction manual" presents exercises for training all types of memory. The author invites the reader to distribute the tasks of certain techniques in such a way as to achieve maximum effect. Challenging exercises will help improve the functions of your brain that remember and store information.

The book “Memory Maps. Preparing for exams” by T. Buzan is a set of specific methods for memorizing information. The author gives practical recommendations, which help cope with stress while performing complex tasks.

Zach Belmore, in his book Basics of Rote Memorization, presents the reader with exercises that will help develop the ability to memorize large texts in short periods of time. The work talks about how to increase brain activity and make the memorization process voluntary. The book consists of several chapters, each of which is devoted to a specific age period.

In the book by E. Bongo “Self-instruction manual for the development of thinking,” the reader will be provided with a five-step methodology. Consistent completion of each step will lead to a high level of memory development.


  • What books should you read to increase your intelligence?

Many of us have heard about the IQ test, which shows the level of intelligence of a person. However, most people know virtually nothing about it. Before you start taking the test, you must find out what the IQ of a normal person should be.

general information

The abbreviation IQ stands for what can be translated as “amount of intelligence.” In the Russian-speaking language environment, the established expression “intelligence quotient” is more often used. However, it is believed that in order for the results to be as truthful as possible and really be trusted, it is worth taking into account not only the results of the test itself. Other factors such as age and gender need to be taken into account.

Many also believe that the results of this test are more likely to indicate a person's aptitude for a particular type of task, rather than actual intellectual ability. Therefore, you can prepare for it by solving problems that resemble those presented in the tasks.


Attempts to study the IQ of a normal person began in the 30s of the last century. Researchers have made a number of attempts to determine IQ through various experiments. Scientists tried to find a pattern that would connect the processes of the central nervous system, reaction characteristics and mental capacity, even the size and weight of the brain were taken into account. In addition, they studied the relationship between the IQ of parents and children, its relationship to social origin, age, and so on.

IQ test today

It is now generally accepted that IQ depends on many factors, mostly heredity. However, the IQ level of a normal person can be increased by deciding various tasks and tests. Besides, in modern world It is not so much intelligence that is the source of success as it is motivation and perseverance. Important role Individuality, determination and ambition also play a role. However, it is high level intelligence can help in solving difficult life circumstances and contribute to more advantageous conditions.

Despite the fact that the first tests were created exclusively with vocabulary exercises, today they use a wide variety of tasks. These include counting exercises, logical series, the ability to find a missing geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, remember facts, technical drawings and identify the missing letter.

How much IQ does a normal person have?

The average level of human intelligence ranges from 100 to 120 units, which is about half of correctly solved problems. The person who completes all the tasks receives 200 points. In addition to the level of intelligence, the test also determines other indicators; it helps to identify the way of thinking of the person who is taking it. By identifying the category in which the subject has the lowest level of ability, you can help him identify gaps in his abilities, practice with different types tasks and raise your IQ.

First tests

For the first time, V. Stern spoke about the IQ, who considered the determination of the level of skills on the Binet scale to be incorrect, since it had a serious disadvantage related to age. The scientist proposed to determine by dividing mental age by chronological age. An IQ test of a normal person demonstrates quantification abilities of an individual in relation to the average representative of the same age.


It is rightfully believed that an IQ test does not show a person’s level of erudition, but only an assessment general indicators. They are designed specifically to produce a distribution of results with an average score. The IQ of a normal person can vary, but there are common indicators. So, about half of the people who passed the test show a result between 90 and 100 points, a quarter - below 90, and the other quarter - above 110 units. Average among graduates of American universities is 115 points, excellent students - from 135 to 140. An IQ level that is less than 70 points is usually considered a sign of mental retardation.


IQ tests show a person, but they should not be assumed to in any way indicate the level of erudition. They only help to understand in what area and in what direction a person needs to develop.

The IQ level of a normal person is believed to range from 90 to 120 conventional units. The Eysenck test is most often used to determine IQ. However, do not forget that the most accurate results will be those obtained the very first time you take the test, and all subsequent attempts will only distort them.

However, it didn’t occur to you that you need to make some kind of gradation, so to speak, to separate the wheat from the chaff, Einstein from Beavis and Butthead. Therefore, a smart Pindos named Lewis Theremin back in 1916 (not to be confused with 2016...yyy), came up with the name of a test to measure intelligence. Today we will talk about the word that means this procedure is IQ, which means you can read a little lower. Our website tries to explain complex concepts in simple language, so don't forget to add us to your bookmarks. After all, in the future we will have a lot more useful and interesting information.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend that you look at a couple of my other new articles on science and education. For example, what does Paradigm mean, what is the Overton Window, what does Oxymoron mean, how to understand the word Taboo, etc.
So let's continue What does IQ mean?? This term was borrowed from in English "IQ", which can be deciphered as "intelligence quotation"(intelligence quotient).

IQ- this is the name of the intelligence test developed at the beginning of the century in France by psychologist Alfred Binet

This test turned out to be extremely successful, and it began to be used in many countries around the world. And its name " IQ", he received in the USA, which we already mentioned above. In addition, it was the Pindos who first began to use these tests to classify soldiers in 1917. This exam Over the entire period, about 2 million people passed through. Then Universities became interested in this innovation and tested future applicants with it.

Australian has the highest intelligence Terence Tao, who came up with the Green-Tao theorem. His result is 200 points, while most people are unlikely to be able to score over 100 points. I will not list people with high intelligence, because there are no Russians on this list.
In my opinion, similar artificial tests quite far from reality, because the Russians create the world's best submarines, combat aircraft, spaceships and much more. And among the Nobel laureates there are always either Jews or Anglo-Saxons. In short, this is clear, information war and all that, Pindos are good at this like no one else.
It should be added that people with high IQ have mental disorders, because nature does not give something in excess. If it arrived somewhere, then it departed somewhere else. The law of conservation of energy also applies here.

Also, I wouldn't trust the test results from Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking ( both have about 140 points). A person with billions can bribe anything and everything without any problems, but Stephen is a common element of American propaganda, a crippled genius, a hyped-up person. If he were normal and healthy, without this flair of mystery that surrounded him thanks to the media, who the fuck would be interested in him?

what does IQ test mean?

Throughout the research, scientists have made several conclusions:

0.5% of people have an IQ over 140 points;

3% - over 130 - 140 points;

7% - about 120 - 130 points;

14.5% - have an IQ of more than 110 - 120 points;

50% have an IQ of 90 - 110 points.

It is worth adding that 25% of people have an IQ above 110 points, while the other 25% have an IQ below 90 points. The most common result is 100 points.
If the IQ is below 70 points, then such a result indicates mental retardation.

Actually the level iQ only shows the speed of thinking, because all tasks are completed in a strictly limited time. However, there are many people who are able to decide the most difficult tasks, for enough long term, especially when time is not so critical. Therefore, in our time, this test has lost its former popularity, although Pindos actively use it.

To successfully pass IQ tests, you must have the following characteristics:

mastery of logical operations;

Imagination and ability to quickly manipulate objects in space;

Practical knowledge of the native language;


Good memory;

The ability to concentrate and isolate the main thing, separating it from the unimportant.

As you probably noticed, in in this case there is nothing that connects IQ with the definition of intelligence. Therefore, we can conclude that IQ is not actually determined by intelligence as such. Today, many people use a special term - “psychometric intelligence”, which refers to test results.

Although " IQ", will not determine your mind, but you can use it to draw conclusions about your own children. After all, there are several levels of difficulty with one technique.
Although the IQ test consists of huge amount all kinds of tests in order to get 100 - 120 points, it is not necessary to complete them all.

Russian psychologists argue that the IQ test developed for the West is not entirely correct for Russia. After all, the intelligence of people from different countries is radically different. Most Russians have a predominant figurative style of thinking, which better side distinguishes them from Western ones" biorobots"By the West, I mean Pindostan, because in the EU, things are much better, they have not yet completely turned into consumers, although they are actively striving for this.

After reading this article, you learned What does IQ mean?, and now you will generally understand what these tests are and why they are needed or not needed.

Knowing your IQ (IQ) is considered important for modern man. Dozens of tests and techniques enable us to lift the veil of our own abilities. Let's talk in our article about what IQ is, what are the ways of research this indicator human thinking, who helped us learn more about our brain. We’ll also talk a little about well-known IQ tests and what data can really be gleaned from them.

What is IQ (IQ): definition

A person's intelligence, expressed in IQ, is the ability to cognition, as well as the totality of all his cognitive abilities.

Intelligence determines the success of a person’s activities, his ability to solve problems quickly, relying only on his knowledge.

Studying IQ with Science

Since the thirties of the twentieth century, scientists have attempted to scientifically determine the level of intelligence. The problem of studying and measuring the level of intelligence throughout the twentieth century was addressed by such scientists as V. Stern, R. Stenberg, A. Binet, J. Piaget, C. Spearman, G. Eysenck, J. Guilford, D. Wexler and others . Determining what a person’s IQ is, what indicators need to be taken into account - all this was the object of study.

Practicing psychologists put forward various hypotheses and conducted experiments to study intelligence:

  • determining the relationship between the processes occurring in the human brain and its responses to them;
  • dependence on the size and weight of the brain;
  • comparison of the level of intelligence of parents and their children;
  • interdependence of the level of intelligence and social status person;
  • dependence of the level of intelligence on the age of the individual.

Scientists also developed test methods to determine the level of intelligence. Since that time, the question of what an IQ number is has become relevant - quantitative indicator, giving an idea of ​​thinking abilities.

Methods for measuring intelligence

Initially, the tests contained only vocabulary exercises. Today, such techniques include the following exercises: non-arithmetic counting, logical series, addition of geometry figures, recognizing parts of an object, memorizing facts and drawings, operations with letters and words.

IN scientific world the term "intelligencequotient" was adopted and adapted. This concept was first introduced by V. Stern (1912), proposing to designate the number that is obtained by dividing the age of the subject’s mind by his. In the Stanford-Binet scale (1916), the term “IQ” was first mentioned.

The abbreviation "IQ" is widely used in Russian literature, but domestic scientists do not translate this concept literally (translated from English as “amount of intelligence”), but as “intelligence quotient.”

IQ is an indicator that is determined after an IQ test. Coefficient is a value expressing percentage mental age of an individual to biological. To determine what an IQ level is means to find out how much a person can use certain capabilities of his brain.

Moreover, indicators of the proper level of intelligence at a certain age are calculated based on the average statistical indicators of people of the same age as the subject.

Meaning of test results

The average IQ corresponds to 100 units. This is an average figure between 90 and 110 units, which is usually received by 50% of people tested. 100 units corresponds to half of the problems solved in the test, respectively, the maximum indicator is 200 units. Values ​​below 70 units are often classified as mental deficiency, and above 140 as genius.

IQ- relative indicator, reflecting the level of performance of a specific intelligence test. Such a test cannot serve as a comprehensive measure of intellectual ability.

Intelligence tests cannot show the level of erudition of a person, but only his ability to think, and mainly in a certain way. A more developed type of thinking is determined this person: logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal. By which type of thinking is less developed, one can determine the desired abilities.

Of course, a high IQ level is by no means a guarantee of success in life. Purposefulness, determination, hard work, clear goals and motivation to achieve success are of great importance in a person’s life. We should not forget about heredity, genetic data, innate inclinations and talent, as well as the significant influence of the social environment and family.


In our article we looked at one of most interesting questions psychology, which worries modern people - what is IQ, what are the methods for measuring intelligence and what information can really be gleaned from them.

The conclusion that should be drawn from the existing knowledge about a person’s IQ is that the digital data provided by the tests is not at all the final authority in assessing you as an individual. Thought processes so complex that no test can provide material to fully evaluate their capabilities. Let’s be ourselves and never stop developing!

Intelligence level is a sensitive parameter. People tend to consider themselves smarter than others, and yet they want to test their level of intelligence to make sure and be rightfully proud. On the other hand, there is always a risk that the IQ test will show a less than pleasant result. How to be? How to check your IQ without harming your self-esteem? Try to do this anonymously so you don't have to tell anyone your IQ test result. The Internet allows you to check your iq online without registration. But be careful and do not agree to pay for verification: look for free tests on IQ, of which there are also enough.

Modern technologies have made the work of psychologists, teachers, and workers much easier personnel services who use intelligence tests in their professional activity. Experts use methods to check the IQ of children and adults, taking into account the level of education and other social features. To an ordinary person there is no need to go into such detail. Popular intelligence tests allow you to both test your IQ and compare it with average values ​​and indicators of other people to get an idea of ​​your level of intelligence.

What is IQ? How is intelligence measured?
To assess the level of intelligence, it is customary to use the so-called IQ. IQ, or, in Russian transcription, aikyu, is its abbreviation, introduced into use for convenience. The popularization of the concept of IQ has reached the point that many people misunderstand this characteristic and believe that they can simply check their IQ once and for all. In fact, intelligence tests are designed differently. To use them and interpret the results, you need to take into account certain features:

  • The IQ test was originally developed in medical purposes. It was used to check the IQ of children to determine the delay mental development. Today, more than a century later, a low intelligence level is considered to be below 70 points.
  • An IQ below 70 is considered an indicator of mental retardation, but test results should not be taken as a definitive assessment of intellectual ability. The results of an IQ test are affected by fatigue, health status and other temporary factors.
  • Objectively, the level of intelligence is influenced by health status, heredity, the environment (political situation in the country, standard of living, etc.), as well as the presence of some specific genes, race and even gender.
The IQ indicator is relative, not absolute. It is necessary to perceive the level of intelligence in conjunction with the age of the person being tested, otherwise the results will be inadequate. For example, checking the IQ of a child and an adult may ultimately give the same number of points. This does not mean that a 5-year-old and a 25-year-old are at the same level of development and/or have the same knowledge. IQ does not show erudition, but intellectual potential and compliance normal level development in its age category. This means that in order to check your IQ and your child’s IQ, you will have to go through different tests.

Tall and low level intelligence. Types of IQ tests
There is no single universal test for iq. But there are several test options that allow you to test your IQ. They contain quite standard tasks to test the level of intelligence. Tests are aimed at logical thinking and contain simple questions from different areas knowledge: arithmetic examples alternate with letter puzzles and combinations geometric shapes. Today in open access There are different tests to test intelligence:

  • Eysenck tests are the most popular. They include 8 verification options at once. All 8 Eysenck tests are designed for adults (18-50 years old) who have received at least secondary education. Eysenck tests can be considered universal because they create equal conditions for people with a mathematical and humanitarian mindset. Despite the fact that Eysenck intelligence tests are often criticized for their simplicity and bias, IQ testing usually means these tests.
  • Intelligence tests developed by D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer are newer, more accurate and more complex. For example, the Wechsler test contains 11 specialized subsections. They examine the general stock of knowledge, the ability for analytical thinking, concentration and abstraction, memorization, synthesis and other characteristics of mental activity. The Wechsler test is known worldwide by the acronyms WAIS and WISC.
  • Child intelligence tests are designed in the form of fascinating puzzles and bright pictures. Child psychologists use them as a professional tool, but every parent can find children's test on IQ online or in the media to entertain the baby. Testing your child's intelligence at home should not be taken seriously. Just let your child have fun solving riddles and encourage his interest in such mental simulators.
It doesn't matter what grade you got in math or grammar on your school report card. Each test is designed in such a way that all skills are balanced. But for greater objectivity, it is advisable to take not one, but several IQ tests. Then their average result can be considered more or less reliable.

How to test your intelligence level? How to pass the IQ test?
It is better to check your IQ alone, in a calm environment and in a good mood. There is no need to prepare specially for the IQ test; on the contrary, try to relax and not give too much attention to what is happening. of great importance. Select free time, when no one will distract you, sit comfortably at your computer and start checking. Using the Eysenck test as an example, we will show you how to effectively pass the IQ test:

  1. Start your iq test rested and healthy. At the end of the day, after hard work or early in the morning, while awake, the test results will be lower than actual ones.
  2. The Eysenck test consists of 40 questions, the complexity of which gradually increases. You cannot skip questions; you will have to answer each one. If you are not sure of the correct answer, choose the most likely option in your opinion.
  3. You have exactly half an hour to complete the Eysenck test. You have the right to complete the test faster, but you cannot spend more than 30 minutes on an intelligence test using the Eysenck method.
Despite the apparent simplicity, some questions can cause difficulties. If you are taking the test online, then the temptation to find ready-made answers to the IQ test will be very great. Of course, no one will catch your hand and prevent you from using the tips. But in this case, the test results will only show your level of cunning, but not intelligence.

How to find out your intelligence level using a test? IQ test results
Intelligence test results will be shown as two or three-digit number. Most likely, an explanatory comment will appear next to them. And if not, be guided by this interpretation:

  • The normal IQ value is about 100 points. On average, most people (about half of all test takers) score between 90 and 110.
  • An IQ score of less than 90 points occurs in approximately 25% of test takers. If we consider the sample representative, then we can say that a quarter of people have a level of intelligence below average. However, do not forget about possible errors and interference that distort the results of iq tests.
  • High level of intelligence – iq110 and above. Few outstanding personalities could boast of such a result. In particular, Stephen Hawking's IQ is 160, Einstein's IQ is 175, Garry Kasparov's IQ is 180. Try it, maybe you can surpass their results?
Be aware that many available online intelligence tests inflate scores slightly to flatter users. In addition, Eysenck tests and similar questionnaires for self-testing IQ are often criticized by scientists: they say that not all questions are formulated correctly, and some tasks do not have a correct answer at all. Well, maybe that's the point of testing. When passing the test, you find yourself in non-standard conditions where you have to use intuition, ingenuity and the deductive method, which best characterizes not erudition, but just logical thinking. Good luck to you, extraordinary decisions and high test results!
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