What is better to sell before the New Year. What and how to make money for the New Year: interesting ideas, earning opportunities and recommendations

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 13 minutes


On the eve of the New Year, people part with money more easily, because this long-awaited holiday happens once a year. Money is spent without regret in return for positive emotions, the expectation of a miracle, the opportunity to give joy to your family and friends. Some spend a lot on New Year's, others make good money from it. For those who have decided to take advantage of the holiday rush and grow their business, we offer 15 ways to make money on New Year's Eve.

Set of sweet New Year's gifts

Not only children, but also adults love sweet New Year's gifts.

On the eve of the New Year, their sales miraculously increase.

Children's New Year's sets are very popular due to their affordable price.

Most parents can afford to buy them.

If we consider the sale of sweet New Year's gifts as a business, then you can have good income.

What you need to make sweet sets:

  • Package . You should think about this in advance. In summer, prices for packaging are quite reasonable, and its shelf life is unlimited. What to buy? Colorful cardboard and tin boxes, textile bags, ribbons, animal-shaped backpacks and much more.
  • Confectionery . Towards the end of autumn you can start purchasing sweets. What is usually included in the kits? Chocolates, gingerbread, halva, lollipops, cookies, soufflé and so on.

After completing a sufficient number of sets, you can begin to sell them: deliver them in bulk to a store or distribute them to businesses yourself.

Design of New Year cards, calendars

An interesting idea for designing postcards and calendars with customer photographs. Grandparents will love a calendar with images of their favorite grandchildren.

Friends and colleagues will love these cool New Year cards. On the eve of the New Year, postcards are also in good demand. self made. Made with high quality and originality, they are much more expensive than factory ones. On postcards for children you can write congratulations from Santa Claus, as well as any fairy-tale character at the request of the customer.

With the onset of winter, the sale of calendars and New Year cards enters an active phase. That is why their production and design must begin in advance.

Organization of New Year's corporate parties, children's Christmas trees

If you have creativity and creative ideas, you can make money by organizing New Year's holidays.

To hold children's matinees and corporate parties you will need:

  • Actors, presenter, musicians . A professional team can be hired by agreeing on this in advance or by involving friends.
  • Carnival costumes and equipment . The costume of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. You don’t have to buy them; at first you can rent them.
  • Holiday scenario . Interesting and original script will allow you to receive more applications for events than competitors.

If a person has never organized holidays, then it is unlikely that he will succeed in everything right away. It’s better not to waste time and consider another line of business and find something you like. Moreover, there is plenty to choose from.

Sale of fireworks, fireworks

Today it has become traditional to celebrate the New Year with an abundance of fireworks and fireworks. They are purchased in thousands of pieces, and pyrotechnics sellers make a handsome profit.

To new year holidays went well, we need to take care of implementing the business idea in the summer:

  • Find profitable suppliers . Mostly Chinese products are supplied, but they are certified, as they are strict with this. Domestic manufacturers offer wholesalers only sparklers and firecrackers.
  • Find a good place to trade . IN mall a store selling pyrotechnics can only be located on the top floor and there must be appropriate permission for this. Many people trade from stalls semi-legally, at their own peril and risk.

When choosing a product, you should focus on the price of up to 500 rubles, it is the most popular. Approximately 90% of buyers will purchase exactly such products.

What should be included in the range point of sale:

  • Roman candles, firecrackers, class 1-3 flying fireworks, easy to operate and do not require a license.
  • Multi-charge batteries for 1,600-2,000 rubles.
  • High-altitude fireworks for 15,000-20,000 rubles.

As always, the New Year generates demand for live Christmas trees that smell like pine needles. Is their purchase and further sale not a ready-made business idea?

True, for successful implementation The project should take into account some nuances:

  • Choose the right price range, otherwise there is a risk of burning out in the face of fierce competition.
  • There are time restrictions. Unfortunately, after December 31, no one will be interested in Christmas trees.

Preparations for selling Christmas trees will need to begin long before the New Year.

What you will have to do to organize the New Year's process:

  • Find forestry with optimal prices and conclude an agreement with him.
  • Prepare documents for trading and rent a place.
  • Equip the outlet in accordance with the law.

On New Year's Eve, the price of green goods reaches its maximum, and this is 100 percent or more of the trade margin.

For those who know how to sew well, tailoring can be offered as a business idea. New Year's costumes. With proper organization and correct calculations, the implementation of the idea will bring tangible profits. Don’t forget about making carnival masks, because in last years this is one of important elements New Year's suit.

What you need for quality work:

  • Sewing skills.
  • Workplace.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Costume patterns.
  • Fabrics, threads, accessories.

The most popular images at the New Year holiday are Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowflake, The Snow Queen, Cinderella, wolf, hare, Pinocchio, bee, butterfly and others. There will be no shortage of orders, since when good quality products, new customers come based on recommendations.

Decorating the premises for the New Year

Having your own style and understanding interior design, you can temporarily... Such a business on New Year's Eve is quite profitable, since orders are well paid. For example, decorating a small office usually costs from 24,000 to 30,000 rubles. In addition to your own ideas, you can use room decoration options from the Internet. Large investments are not required to implement the idea.

Attention should be paid to:

  • Advertising (distributing flyers, social network group, posting advertisements).
  • Preparing decorations and garlands for room decoration.

The profitability of the project depends on the ability to sell services and the speed of order fulfillment.

Personal congratulations from the Snow Maiden and Father Frost at home

The idea of ​​personal congratulations from the Snow Maiden and Father Frost at home is becoming increasingly widespread. It does not require implementation large investments, since the main costs will be on the purchase of New Year's costumes. But at first, you can rent them (from 200 to 1000 rubles) or sew them yourself.

To stand out from your competitors and secure a good income, you don’t need to do much:

  • Conduct a small advertising campaign (then customers will follow the recommendation).
  • Create an interesting and non-standard script for an entertainment program.
  • Pay attention to each customer.
  • Work with all family members.

If you process 10 orders a day, then your daily revenue will be 10,000 rubles.

Handicrafts: making New Year's souvenirs

Many people love in free time make crafts with your own hands. But a hobby can easily become a profitable business during the New Year holidays. Decorative candles, Stuffed Toys, beadwork, topiary, keychains - all this is certainly in demand. People are willing to pay money for an original and high-quality souvenir that you cannot buy in any store. If you also involve family and friends to help, then you can make good money for the New Year.

True, it is necessary to understand what's for sale Christmas gifts will only be provided if they meet customer requests.

Today the following requirements are put forward for souvenir products:

  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Functionality.
  • Exclusivity.
  • Aesthetic appeal.

Don’t be afraid to start your own business on New Year’s Day, and when designing souvenirs, give free rein to your imagination.

Letter to Santa Claus: development and sale of a form

What kind of business ideas are not implemented in the New Year! It has already appeared new service- a letter to Santa Claus and it is becoming increasingly widespread. Competition in this niche is still small, as many are stopped by painstaking work.

Well, those who want to implement the idea will need:

  • Color printer.
  • Colorful letter templates to Santa Claus.
  • Advertising on social networks or on the street.

True, in order to earn decent money, you will have to work hard. Together with a letter to Santa Claus, parents can be offered the “Congratulations from Santa Claus” service, which includes delivery of a letter and a gift chosen by the customer.

Sale of Christmas tree decorations

The idea of ​​selling Christmas tree decorations is far from new and seems uninteresting due to a lot of competition. But what if you put up for sale something that others don’t have? After all, Christmas trees are decorated every year, toys break and become unusable. To stay ahead of the competition, you can make and sell handmade Christmas tree decorations. Toys made of leather, beads, glass, and paper will look good.

Preparation for production New Year's decorations need to start early:

  • Involve family and friends in the matter.
  • Select sketches and materials carefully.
  • Conduct an analysis of the toy market and offer exclusive products.

On New Year's holidays, it is customary to give each other gifts. Even a small sign of attention lifts the mood if it is packaged in a bright and original way. It is not without reason that on the eve of the New Year a lot of people gather around the gift wrappers.

If you like a business idea, don’t hesitate, but bring it to life.

What is needed for this:

  • Of course, skills in this matter are necessary, because without training you won’t be able to wrap a gift beautifully (you can learn master classes on the Internet).
  • Still have to buy packaging material: ribbons, beads, colorful bright paper.
  • Find a place and rent a counter in a shopping center (preferably at the entrance).
  • Get to work.

Displaying skill in the form of quick and elegant packaging of goods will attract a lot of people to the counter. You can make decent money from this.

Video recording: personal congratulations from Santa Claus

Regular greeting card from Grandfather Frost will surprise few people. Modern children often do not believe in its existence. What if it’s a video appeal, and a personalized one at that? This is a real miracle that even an adult skeptic will believe in. And how can you not believe it when you hear your name from the good wizard.

What does the recipient find under the tree in this case? A colorfully designed DVD with an animated or real film. Here a lot depends on the skills and capabilities of the entrepreneur.

At the same time, the child does not just listen to a banal congratulation:

  • Santa Claus talks to him.
  • He asks you to guess a few riddles.
  • Offers to meet your fairy-tale friends and so on.

Using the Internet you can easily set up similar business. In addition to the main order, it is appropriate to offer customers a unique personalized postcard and coloring book. Then you’ll get a whole New Year’s set – a memorable, original gift.

Organization of excursions to the homeland of Father Frost (Veliky Ustyug)

Where to go on the eve of the New Year holidays? Of course, visit the main character of this event. The organizer of such an excursion will clearly not go wrong in financially. Many people are curious to visit the homeland of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug.

How to attract tourists:

  • A visit to the residence of the main New Year's hero with a personal audience in the throne room.
  • By going to a special post office, from where everyone can send a postcard signed by Santa Claus. Your loved ones will be surprised when they receive it.
  • Going to a shop with magical souvenirs.
  • Traveling along a fairy tale path.
  • A walk through the small zoo and winter garden.
  • Other entertainment - attractions, game programs, theatrical performances, various types of winter skating.
  • Historical sights of Veliky Ustyug - churches, temples, monasteries.

One-day or multi-day tours can be offered. Of course, organizing excursion trips requires experience in this field.

Earning money from a New Year's photo shoot

That wonderful time when you can make good money from photo shoots in kindergartens, corporate events, and themed parties. Before this, of course, you will have to work hard. Advertise in local media and on Internet sites, prepare and debug special equipment (camera, color printer, computer). You can even wear a fairy-tale character costume to make it more interesting for children.

About how to make money for the New Year (the ideas proposed in the article were invented and tested by users Global network) instead of poisoning yourself with alcohol all night - this topic occupies everyone’s minds every year more of people. Judging by the comments left by regulars of one of the thematic forums, for most people December 31 (including New Year's Eve) is not a holiday, but a well-paid day of work.

Where to begin?

Among the many ideas for making money, the ones that pay off the most are:

  • income that does not require special training: sale of Christmas trees, toys, firecrackers, garlands and other holiday attributes;
  • income for experienced (and beginner) teachers and educators: babysitting for children whose parents celebrate the New Year outside the home;
  • additional income for actors and creative personalities: reincarnation as Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other popular characters;
  • sale of alcoholic beverages on New Year's Eve to random passers-by;
  • additional income for a professional photographer.

Some of the listed features deserve to be discussed in more detail.

“Order a gift from Grandfather Frost”

The author of this idea from the series “How to make money for the New Year with your own hands” suggests “rebooting” and slightly diversifying the New Year’s postal business with new details. For example, we should not limit ourselves to creating content where, by logging in, you can send a letter to the mystical elder and order gifts, but go even further: distribute colorfully decorated envelopes with an enclosed “official offer” to place an order for Santa Claus in children’s institutions.

It is difficult to find a child who will not be happy to receive a beautifully designed parcel with the “personal” seal of Santa Claus, inside of which there is a form for ordering gifts. Parents (educators, teachers) can either download the text from the Internet or come up with their own version.

The author of this idea, having talked about it on one of the thematic forums, claims that he earned forty thousand rubles in this way during just one pre-holiday week. An idea that came up with a person inclined to creative experiments a network user who is seriously thinking about how to make money from gifts. On New Year's Eve, as it turned out, not only flickering garlands are in demand...

Making decorative candles

How to make money for the New Year without making printed materials and without traveling around your hometown with a “fairytale” bag and staff in your hands? For example, start making decorative candles. To do this, you either need to prepare a special mixture yourself, or use ready-made candles and cinders, previously grated on a fine grater.

In addition, you will need cotton threads or thin cords for the wick, thick-walled dishes for melting raw materials, stirring sticks and molds for future candles.

Wick weaving. The wick for wax candles, which is either crocheted or hand-braided, should not be too tight, unless you plan to make gel or paraffin candles (then the wick is braided tightly to prevent soot from forming). Before placing the wick in the mold, the inventor of this type of earnings advises soaking it in wax.

Candle mold Any container can become, including specially made candle containers of various shapes, which are sold in the store. The main condition: the finished, cooled product should be easily removed from the mold.

For making colored candles in most cases, multi-colored wax crayons are used. They are also ground on a grater and mixed with finished raw materials for candles. To “color” the flame, experienced manufacturers of such gifts advise adding multi-colored salt to the prepared candle mixture, and to finished products scented - cinnamon, coffee, vanillin or essential oil.

When all the ingredients have been added, the candle mixture is melted over the fire, being careful not to bring it to a boil, and then poured into prepared molds where the wick has already been placed.

The cooled products are removed from the molds by pulling the wick.

Transformation into a New Year's character

There were also users for whom the topic was: “How to make money for the New Year?” (the ideas for making money covered in this article were suggested by visitors to thematic sites and forums) has turned into a permanent, albeit seasonal, source of income.

To bring the next idea to life, you will need, in addition to acting talent, special “ammunition” or the presence of appropriate skills (such as the ability to cut, sew, and so on), or, in as a last resort, some financial opportunities, allowing you to purchase the necessary costumes and symbols.

The field of activity of New Year's “artists” is difficult to put into any framework. They will be welcome guests at corporate parties, at children’s parties, and at apartment parties. However, having special acting skills for a person who once asked himself the question: “How to make money as Santa Claus for the New Year?” will not be necessary if the desire to earn money turns out to be stronger than laziness.

As one of the options to diversify the presentation (after all, this idea is also not new for a long time), the author of the post suggests putting on stream the provision of additional services like: “A photo session with Santa Claus as a souvenir.”

Sale of New Year's symbols, souvenirs and toys

The author of another idea, having thought about how to make money for the New Year without worrying or getting tangled up in the “beard,” suggests reselling Christmas tree decorations, figurines of the symbol of the year and other New Year’s symbols, the popularity of which increases as the holiday approaches. All you need to do is find an inexpensive supplier, so preparations for bringing your plans to life should begin several weeks (or even months) before the holiday.

One of the options to earn the maximum, according to the author, could be delivery of New Year's attributes directly to the apartment or to workplace customer. In this case, the collateral successful business There will be a beautifully designed price list with photographs of the products offered.

How to make money for the New Year without investment

As it turned out, this type of income is also real. For example:

  • Preparing New Year's dinner from the customer's products and setting the festive table.
  • Earning money as a landlord. Users of the Global Network who decided to take this step were amazed by the scale of demand for an apartment or dacha that was empty on December 31st. True, the premises will have to be given into the wrong hands for at least the whole night.
  • Developing the topic: “How to make money for the New Year?”, most users of the World Wide Web consider festive decoration of offices and other work premises to be one of the most acceptable ways to earn money without investments. As part of this service, the contractor may well require an advance payment (to purchase everything necessary) or decorate the room exclusively with decorations provided by the customer.

Earning money from selling Christmas trees

There is nothing complicated about this; a trip out of town is not at all necessary. A person who doesn’t know how to make money on Christmas trees before the New Year, but really wants to make money, will only need to enter the phrase “selling Christmas trees” into the search bar of any browser, and then select one person from a long list of foresters and make a deal with him.

Christmas tree sellers will have to take care of the following documents:

  • waybill;
  • tax invoice;
  • invoices (for non-cash payments).

In addition, a mark must be placed on the cut of each tree.

This type of income has its advantages and possible risks in the event that the entrepreneur’s choice falls on farming.

Advantage: Buying Christmas trees from a farmer will cost an entrepreneur approximately half as much as buying from a forester.

Risk: d Documentation for cheap Christmas trees is unlikely to be provided, and the reseller will have to solve all the problems that arise from this on his own.

In addition, the start of trading activities is impossible without issuing a Certificate individual entrepreneur and agreeing on the location of the outlet.

The retail outlet must be equipped with an advertising sign, fenced off from the workplaces of other sellers and equipped with cleaning and fire-fighting equipment. Also, the seller of “forest beauties” should have devices at his disposal that allow him to measure their height and illuminate them in the dark.

Earning money from snow removal

For a person who is seriously thinking about how to make money for the New Year, nothing is impossible. On the eve of this holiday, and then for several days after it, it is very difficult to find people willing to remove snow. If an entrepreneur is not in the service of the city authorities, but intends to use snow removal equipment, he will not be able to start this business without registering as an individual entrepreneur.

The clients of such an employee can be both ordinary people and owners of enterprises, car parks, and so on...

New Year's recruitment agency, or Earning money through mediation

There are always a lot of people who want to make money before the New Year, so an enthusiast who has taken on the duties of a coordinator is unlikely to be left without work: some need couriers to deliver holiday packages, some are looking for service personnel for a corporate holiday, some Need an assistant capable of cheating several hundred balloons... The intermediary’s task is to detect the emergence of demand in time, and then to form and direct it to Right place group of workers.

Earning money from recycling Christmas trees

This type of income will be relevant for at least two weeks after the New Year. An entrepreneur who takes upon himself the disposal of no longer needed Christmas trees can significantly increase his fees if he turns the depressing annual ritual into a noisy “Celebration of Farewell to the Christmas Tree.” In families with small children, workers dressed as fairy-tale characters who have come to return the Christmas tree to the forest will certainly become welcome guests.

It is possible, the author of the idea argues, that the first customers will not be ready to pay a significant amount to the recyclers. Providing services for minimum price, entrepreneurs can give a discount to individuals who agree to become the first authors of positive reviews and participants in photo sessions for a future portfolio. And if the clients are satisfied, then, quite possibly, they will invite a recycling team next year.

The New Year is approaching, which means thousands of people will be rushing around the city in search of gifts, and after the solemn chiming of the chimes, they will spend another week idly spending their free time in shopping and entertainment centers. How to take advantage of this and turn the holidays into good income? Open a business that is in demand in the New Year's bustle! And in order to create it quickly and recoup the investment as early as possible, you should pay attention to franchises.

So, what kind of business can you open as a franchise for the new year?

1. Gift shop franchise

Of course, the first on the list will be shops filled with souvenirs, nice little things, decorative items, and so on. We all know very well that choosing a gift is sometimes very difficult, and such souvenir places make our life easier.

You can also act as a savior from New Year’s madness by opening, for example, a gift store under the “franchise” franchise. According to company representative Kirill Karpushin,

Demand for products triples during the New Year period, and during this time the retail outlet makes 25% of annual revenue.

“Our franchisees strive to open every year just in time for the New Year,” comments Kirill Karpushin. In order to open a store under the Gift Calendar franchise, you will need from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles, depending on its area and location. However, preparations for the opening must begin from August to September, so if you want to open specifically for the New Year, then it is better to plan this undertaking for the next New Year holidays.

The opinion that it is better to open a gift shop in advance is also shared by the company "". So, a franchise business for this company needs to be started a couple of months before the “strength test” in order to work “like clockwork” during the New Year holidays.

The head of the Other Gifts franchising department says that the average time to prepare a gift shop for opening is 45 days. During this time, the partner manages to organize the renovation of the original premises, undergo an internship and certification in the flagship store, and train staff. However, we must not forget that the February holidays are no less significant and also belong to the “high-income season.” Therefore, right now, at the beginning of December, it is worth starting preparations for them.

If you ultimately decide to open a store under the “Other Gifts” franchise, then you will need a little more than for the “Gift Calendar” outlet - the initial investment will range from 600 thousand to 4.5 million rubles. And keep in mind that

The target core of the “Other Gifts” audience is those people who are “at heart” from 18 to 35 years old.

For those who like “more fun,” there is a franchise from the company “,” which specializes in selling not so much souvenirs and gifts, but various jokes, practical jokes, carnival items, and so on. The target audience for the “booth” is the same as for “Other Gifts” - 18-35 years old, but the joke shop requires much less investment - only 500-600 thousand rubles.

Don’t also forget that in the New Year’s bustle, every minute is important, so the “individual gift in 15 minutes” option is a very popular idea on the eve of the holidays. So, the company "" will help you open an island in a shopping center, where, within the time specified above, the client will have any picture he wants on a T-shirt, mug, and much more. To open such a design project you will need 300 - 750 thousand rubles, and if you hurry, you will have time to open it by the New Year holidays (definitely by the February holidays)!

And finally, there is a business that is particularly different from all gift shops, but no less relevant for the New Year. The assortment of this place is intended mainly for girls and women, as it is filled with cute accessories and little things created by Russian illustrators and artists. The average bill in Kawaii Factory stores is a little more than 1,000 rubles, and the initial investment to open a “kawaii shop” you will need is from 388,400 - 1,408,800 rubles.

Among the unusual shops, one can also note “”, which specializes in various products for home. But the greatest demand among all is decorative salt lamps in gift boxes. Apparently they create a New Year's mood for customers by illuminating the room with warm light.

2. Jewelry franchise

Jewelry and decorations are one of the most popular gifts for any holiday, and New Year is no exception. The desire to express their tender feelings and leave a memory of them drives thousands of men. What could be better when a loved one glows with happiness when opening a velvet box?

By the way, both friends and girlfriends give jewelry to each other, so there is no need to limit your target audience only for romantic couples.

Of course, the business of selling jewelry is popular during the New Year. However, if you don’t have time to open it in December, don’t despair. After the New Year holidays, many more follow (February 14 and 23, March 8), so it’s worth thinking about buying a franchise right now if you want to be fully equipped by then.

Jewelry is a cross between jewelry and costume jewelry. Nowadays it is especially relevant because it costs less than jewelry and can be worn every day, unlike precious items intended for special occasions.

“Jenavi” has been on the market for 24 years and in the franchising field for 10 years, and also ranks 25th in the BIBOSS version - all this suggests that the company is a very worthy mentor if you decide to open a jewelry franchise. In addition, Jenavi is the largest manufacturer of jewelry with Swarovski crystals, and they have not lost popularity over the past 10 years.

Speaking about luxury jewelry, it is also worth mentioning the “” franchise - a Japanese brand of jewelry made from semi-precious stones and cubic zirconias. The company has not been on the market as long as Jenavi, but its products are different original design and opening an “INORI” island in a shopping center will cost you only 300-600 thousand rubles.

Here it is necessary to say about the accessories, which are quite good. New Year's business, as belts and bags are in good demand as gifts. For example, under the “franchise”, which has been on the market for seven years, for 595,000 - 1,295,000 rubles they will help you open an accessory point at affordable prices and get your share of the “holiday profit”.

3. Cosmetics franchise

On the eve of the New Year, women literally attack cosmetics stores. You need to buy a lot of gifts for friends, mothers, sisters, etc., and don’t forget to grab new perfume and lipstick for yourself. However, opening a cosmetics store just in time for the New Year holidays is not so easy. The initial investment, as a rule, is at least 4 million rubles. However, there is one “but”: large cosmetics “shops” are fraught with the same long lines on New Year's holidays, but miniature retail outlets will be more comfortable for shopping.

Therefore, in the category of cosmetic stores for the New Year, we will talk primarily about the company “”, which requires 750 thousand - 1.5 million rubles to open a point. The company now has three franchise stores on the way: in Krasnodar, Murmansk and Stavropol. Everyone starts working in early December, as this is the time of the most active sales.

Speaking of sales volume, during the New Year period “LIMONI” makes 30% of its annual revenue. By the way, the most popular goods are mascara, foundation and nail polishes.

In a similar price category in terms of the cost of opening a retail outlet, there is a franchise from "" - a Polish brand of decorative cosmetics. As a rule, company franchisees open islands in shopping centers, spending 200 thousand - 1 million rubles on opening.

The investment should pay off well because average bill for cosmetics from Vipera cosmetics is 500-600 rubles, and during a crisis, people appreciate affordable prices.

4. Fast food franchise

In general, during the New Year holidays, shopping centers are a gathering place for a good half of the city, especially if the shopping center has a cinema, bowling alley and other entertainment services. Therefore, various food courts and small fast food outlets selling Hong Kong waffles, Cinnabons, etc. will be in great demand.

Running for gifts throughout the shopping center, we develop a “brutal” appetite, and we happily dine in food courts and mini-cafes. However, when the New Year's bustle ends, hunger does not go away. Imposingly strolling around the shops in New Year holidays, we, like all visitors, are also not averse to having a snack and treating ourselves to something tasty. Among such franchises offering something unusual and tasty, we can highlight bubble teas , and, bubble waffles , , those who offer both , unusual yoghurts and , as well as a kind of fast food from Kostya Tszyu . What all these franchises have in common is that opening islands in shopping centers for them will not take much time and money, and you will have time to work in the market during the most “highly profitable season.”

But you don't have to limit yourself to franchises only. fast food. There are other types of business offers on the franchising market that will also benefit from the high traffic volume of shopping centers. For example, "". This is a slot machine with beautiful fish that you can feed and then make a wish. It will undoubtedly attract the attention of all children and adults without exception who want to make a wish. cherished wish for the new year.

5. Organization of New Year's parties and corporate events

As a rule, companies always hold New Year's corporate parties, kindergartens have matinees, and schools have Christmas trees. And this could not be a better time to start a business organizing parties for children and adults. It is also worth noting that some people will want to surprise their family and friends, so companies specializing in romantic and sweet “surprises” will also be in demand.

Among the franchises for organizing performances for children, we can highlight “ » (200-350 thousand rubles of investment) and the scientific show “” (200-580 thousand rubles). Children will be able not only to see the standard program with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and the battle cry of “burning Christmas tree,” but also something interesting, fascinating and, most importantly, educational.

Companies specializing in organizing surprises and romantic events - franchise "

Hello, dear readers!

Today we will talk about how to make money for the New Year. Agree, quite actual topic. Especially for those who want to cover the rich festive table, give your family and friends not only attention and care, but also expensive gifts. And in general, celebrate the New Year without worrying about the contents of your wallet.

I’ll tell you honestly, I myself don’t do seasonal work. In other words, I myself do not have my own projects focused on making money, say, on Valentine’s Day, on March 8, or making money on New Year’s...

But I have a friend. A very good and close friend, with whom we launched many Internet projects, and who has considerable experience in how to earn quite decent amounts for the New Year, without departing from the theme of the holiday itself. But again, my friend is a supporter of not only online, but also offline business, so I’m sure the topic will be interesting for most of you.

I give the floor to him...

"Have a nice day!

Do you want to earn money? Here are just 5 real ones, ready-made examples how you can earn 50,000, 100,000, 500,000 or even 1,000,000 rubles for the New Year in 1-2 weeks!

1) « Father Frost and Snow Maiden delivered to your home " Today, every student can buy a Santa Claus costume or rent it. Place an ad in a newspaper, on Avito, VKontakte and hang leaflets at bus stops. This is how many people start. Are you weak? It’s even easier to increase the number of orders - make a website, at least using a website builder, and run advertising in Yandex.Direct, or other advertising in your city! You will need a suit, transport and possibly a 2nd participant, but at the same time you will work quickly and earn from 500 rubles. in 10 minutes.

2) « Personalized congratulations from Santa Claus " (Example ) All children want to watch something fabulous on New Year’s Day, and this is what they need! Many parents don’t even realize that in addition to a toy, you can give something unforgettable! But parents, seeing this, simply cannot say no! See the screenshot, because these are real sales over several days:

4) « Sale of live Christmas trees " Here is the most profitable option— set up one or, better yet, several points of sale of Christmas trees. Even at one such point you can raise up to 500,000 rubles. or even more. It’s even better if you deliver Christmas trees to your home and you have a gazelle. And if own car no, then your friends can help you with transport, or you can simply hire people or contact a transport company.

If you have already thought through everything, then you can create a special website for this topic, through which you can receive larger orders. Clients who are looking for a cheaper price go to the point, and those who value time and money will buy a Christmas tree from you with delivery on the website and no matter at what price. After all, children must have a Christmas tree on New Year’s Day! You think, what about the documents and all that? When buying in bulk from foresters, they will give you documents, and if you don’t have an individual entrepreneur, then just negotiate with someone who does! Most of those who sell on the street do not have documents, but play it safe, there is time and everything can be done in time. Here is the step by step algorithm . Here is an example of a good website using the builder . You can also do order Christmas trees wholesale and possibly with delivery throughout Russia.

5) « Sale of goods from China " You can create your own online store using the constructor in 1 day (here is the simplest constructor ) and the same example site on such a constructor). You just need to fill it with goods and describe the idea.

Don't know where to get the goods? Everything is also simple: negotiate with suppliers from China. Or here is the largest wholesaler site . The best selling products before the New Year are artificial Christmas trees, tablets, car recorders, flash drives in the form of a gold bar etc. Write through the Ali Baba website, ask for a price list for wholesale and act!

Do you still have doubts and are afraid that the product will not be bought? You are wrong! Look, so many people are searching and want to buy your product in search, look at the screenshots attached to the article, these are real results.

Uses all sales tools: Yandex.Direct, Yandex.Market, Google AdWords, post ads on Avito and create groups on social media. networks, even 2gis.ru sells, add yourself there and send your offers to companies because it works!

Some have already started earning money. They go to kindergartens and take orders for personalized video congratulations from Santa Claus today, and what’s stopping you from doing this?

What’s stopping you from going to a COUPON site, for example, Groupon or Biglion, and offering to make your own promotion, which will bring you 100,000 rubles. in 3 days? Even if you don’t have an individual entrepreneur, negotiate with someone who does. Website + product + office + ADVERTISING (all sources of sales) and you will celebrate the New Year with money.

Don’t let yourself think that you won’t succeed, that you won’t have money to celebrate the New Year, etc. It's just your fears that prevent you from achieving your goal. If you have an idea for making money and a real desire to act, then you will succeed. The main thing is to do everything right.

Choose your earning option and act right now!”


Like this short article from a practitioner who himself earns quite a decent amount of money on New Year’s Eve. There are options here both with and without investments. For experienced businessmen and absolute beginners. There are only 25 days left until the New Year, so act now! And may the New Year bring you and your loved ones joy, happiness and prosperity!

If you liked it this article, then recommend it to your friends in in social networks. As they say, it’s nice for me and it’s not difficult for you.

See you again online!

Sincerely, your friend and assistant

Always involves a massive financial rush. People spend huge amounts of money to create a memorable celebration and a cheerful mood. They spare no expense on buying expensive gifts and entertainment. But the holiday also has another side to the coin, showing us all how to make money for the New Year.

Every year there are more and more people who want to get rich on the eve of the celebration. Some prefer proven schemes, while others amaze with an original idea. People who use traditional earnings are forced to survive in intense competition, so the game is not always worth the candle. Nowadays, there are more and more New Year’s “tricks”, so it is important to have time to occupy your niche with minimal competition.

Traditional schemes

First, let's figure out how to make money from in the usual ways. The advantage of these options is stability and relevance. Such services will always be relevant, but remember: in addition to you, a good part of businessmen will be engaged in this. If you decide to start making money without experience, you may incur serious losses. Calculate the possible risks.

The list of timeless New Year's business ideas is as follows:

  • Trade in forest beauties will remain relevant for several decades. create a unique atmosphere of the New Year. There are two schemes: purchase and sale and own cultivation of trees on the site. Since there are a lot of outlets with such goods, offer home delivery to your customers.
  • Should not be underestimated souvenirs. It will always be popular with those who decide to buy an inexpensive gift. You can find sales points, or you can open your own small department in some shopping center. It is worth considering that rent on New Year's Eve increases, so make an agreement with management in advance.
  • It is unlikely that you will meet a person who does not know how to make money for the New Year by wearing a Santa Claus costume. Even if you don't have any acting skills, you can find an animator who is willing to work for you. You find clients - it is sent to order. This option is suitable for those who do not know how to make money before the New Year. It would be ideal to find the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters.
  • If you want to holiday business has been in effect for a long time, open a fireworks store. Today this niche is not very occupied due to large bureaucratic problems in registration. You will need to get necessary permissions in advance. All your efforts will definitely pay off, since in the future you can provide pyrotechnics for weddings, corporate events, etc.
  • People having driver's license and those who do not drink strong drinks always remain in the black. They can put a saber on their car and work as a taxi driver after it, and, perhaps, throughout the long weekend. This option is guaranteed to bring good profits.

These ideas are as old as time. Despite this, they continue to be relevant to this day. Thanks to proven schemes, you can strengthen your shaky financial situation.

Selling glowing balls

More recently, a new offer has appeared on the holiday services market. Gel balls can bring you home. It would seem nothing surprising, but they are illuminated and acquire incredibly beautiful shades. This decoration will undoubtedly appeal to both children and adults.

This technology has not yet taken root in our country, so you have the opportunity to be the first to implement the idea. It consists of placing LEDs in the ball, which give it an original look. To understand all the intricacies, we recommend discussing the possibility of purchasing a franchise.

New Year's quest games

Another idea on how to make money before the New Year is to create a real adventure. This type of entertainment appeared relatively recently and is successfully developing in megacities. If you live in a small town where the population doesn’t have much to do, then the idea will be a success. True, not all people will be able to play quests, but only those who have always been distinguished by creative thinking.

If you decide to sell such a service, then think about the fact that it can turn into a long-term activity. Accordingly, in addition to the New Year theme, you will have to think about new programs. Proper advertising and PR policy will allow you to get good profit. How to earn more before the New Year? Start selling certificates early and let people buy them as gifts.

Christmas tree rental

Not everyone decides to buy a fluffy beauty due to moral or financial considerations. Undoubtedly, renting a holiday tree would be a good way out of this situation. Rent out artificial trees for those who are not able to buy or store a real beauty. Or give us a living tree planted in a pot for temporary use. This method is very popular in Europe. Having organized such a business, you will no longer worry about how to make money for the New Year.

Popular handmade

Handicrafts are becoming widespread. Today, every girl considers herself the apogee of talent and individuality. Even if you don't have creativity or time to actively engage in this, then invite several needlewomen to create for you several options for New Year's gifts with your own hands.

They know exactly how to make money for the New Year. Almost everyone has ideas for a unique gift - give people the opportunity to surprise their loved ones with an exclusive gift. Take masterpieces from craftswomen and resell them at a higher price. It's simple: commerce will always remain an accessible method of earning money.

Rental of costumes for theme nights

This option is for the laziest. You buy popular costumes and rent them out. To implement the idea of ​​how to make money for the New Year, you will have to work on advertising. In addition, you can hire several entertainers who can entertain guests in fancy dress.

Pack sweet gifts

It's hard to imagine without treats. Both adults and children enjoy receiving sweets. This is where an interesting idea arises on how to make money before the New Year. Enough to visit sales offices with confectionery products and visit wholesale centers for florists.

Buy candies and sweets, add beautiful packaging - you will get a unique New Year's gift, which costs more! Clients may be companies that are accustomed to giving gifts to their employees on the eve of the holiday. Gifts can also be offered to stores for active sales.

Throw a party for your pets

Animals are often compared to children. They also want a holiday. Therefore, they buy delicacies especially for furry friends and feed them to their pets from the table. Only rich people, famous politicians, and stars can afford to buy outfits for animals. Why don't you give your pets the opportunity to be beautiful? ordinary people? If you haven’t yet chosen a way to make money for the New Year, ideas are on the surface! Look around, maybe somewhere in the corner there is a cat or a dog sighing, dreaming of a festive cap, collar or even a unique stylistic blanket?

The only difficulty can be in finding a manufacturer. If you have minimal sewing skills, then making suits yourself is not that difficult. IN otherwise visit the atelier, where you will be happy to order a collection for little fashionistas. This is not the entire list of what you can make money on before the New Year. It all depends on your desires and creativity.

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