What not to do at a traffic intersection. Driving through a T-junction of equivalent roads

There are not only controlled road intersections within the city limits. If there is no traffic light or traffic controller, or, say, the traffic light is not working, then the traffic intersection becomes uncontrollable. The traffic rules describe similar situations. At the same time, the uncontrolled intersections through which we are now considering also include the intersection uneven roads, that is, when there is a main road intersecting a secondary one, and an intersection of equivalent roads. Of course, in the absence of active regulation, the order of travel through such transport interchanges; signs that do not have priority at other junctions come to the fore here.


In fact, there are only three basic rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections. The advantage when crossing will be for a car traveling on the main road, for a tram if there are tracks at the intersection of roads, and for traffic on the right. Now let's look at each situation in more detail.

If we are dealing with an uncontrolled intersection, at which priority and secondary roads are designated in one way or another, then the task is greatly simplified. A car moving along the priority route must continue to maneuver, and those driving along the secondary route must stop before the traffic intersection, make sure that they do not interfere with other vehicles, and only then leave. The main one is indicated, and on the secondary road there is an inverted triangle “Give way” hanging before the exit. If there are no signs, then pay attention to the surface: dirt will always be secondary in relation to asphalt. In general, in addition to the “Give Way” sign, a “No Stopping is Prohibited” sign may be installed at an uncontrolled intersection. In this case, even if there are no obstacles to perform the maneuver, you need to stop completely before crossing the road and only then continue driving.

If at an unregulated intersection passage is provided for a tram, that is, it has rails, then the tram will have priority. The nuance is that this rule will only work if the tram is traveling in the main direction. If he approaches from the secondary side, he will have to yield in the same way as other cars. Moreover, if a tram moves from the main one to the secondary one, then it will also have priority in movement. This, by the way, also applies to trackless vehicles. That is, if you are moving from the main direction to a secondary one, then drivers of cars on this secondary road are obliged to give way to you and only after that begin to make their maneuver.

We looked at driving through an uncontrolled intersection, the rules for crossing which are determined by signs. Now let's take more difficult case when there are no signs at the traffic intersection. This can happen, by the way, if a traffic light breaks down at the intersection of city streets. In this case, the right interference rule applies. If there are no other intersections at an equivalent intersection current rules passage, then you are obliged to give way to cars driving towards you, relatively speaking, on the right side. You've probably seen this rule in action in large parking lots, because every intersection there is unregulated and the roads are of equal importance. In this case, when approaching a traffic intersection, you need to slow down, assess the situation and, if a car is moving along the road to your right, stop and let it pass. Driving along such traffic intersections requires your concentration and concentration, since the cost of a mistake is too high. By the way, don’t forget to pay attention to... They try not to leave uncontrolled traffic intersections where they are pedestrian crossings, but in any case, if there are appropriate markings, the pedestrian always has priority.

Who is more important

When approaching an intersection, whether it is signalized or not, pay attention to the signs. The performance of a traffic light can only be assessed from afar if it is blinking yellow, but you may notice a traffic light that is completely turned off already too late. You must know which road you are on at any time as you approach a traffic intersection. If , then you must act on its signaling. Please note that when the traffic light is running, other priority distribution rules do not apply!

But let’s assume that there is no traffic light at the intersection, and there is no traffic controller. Then pay attention to the signs and markings. If there is a “Main Road” diamond in the direction of your movement, then you can continue moving further, naturally, giving way to a passing or oncoming tram if they need to turn. This sign gives you priority, and drivers crossing your road with a secondary road will stop and let you pass. If there is another sign in the direction of your movement, for example, “Give way” or “Driving without stopping is prohibited,” then you must stop and let cars driving along the priority road pass. Driving through an uncontrolled intersection, according to the rules that apply to a secondary road, should be carried out only when there are no obstacles for maneuver. You may have to stand for a long time, but this is primarily for safety reasons. The fact is that drivers driving on the main road will not slow down. That is, if a collision occurs, it will be quite strong and can lead to irreparable consequences.

If there is a traffic light at the intersection, then other priority signs do not work

Signs can be located either on the side or on top. Therefore, be very careful when approaching an unfamiliar section of road that is crossed by another road. If there are no symbols and designations on your side, look at oncoming lane. Based on the shape of the sign hanging there, you can deduce what exactly it means. That is, “Main Road” is a rhombus, and “Give Way” is an inverted triangle. You can navigate in the same way if the signs on your side of the road are not duplicated, but only on the opposite side.

Don't forget about which road you are driving on. If this dirt road flowing into or crossing the asphalt road, then it is considered secondary by default. Be especially careful when driving through an uncontrolled intersection on the highway, because car speeds there are not nearly the same as in city limits, and the consequences can be disastrous. If both roads are, for example, dirt roads, then remember the rule of interference on the right.

Your actions at such a road junction should be predictable and easy to read. Other drivers must understand what exactly you will do now, so do not forget about turn signals and other signals. Make sure you are visible on the road and use your side lights. In general, you should always remember that crossing the road is dangerous place for maneuvers. Therefore, try to strictly and strictly follow the rules when driving through an uncontrolled intersection. The rules state that movement along the traffic intersection and maneuvers on it must be carried out, saying in simple language, without delay and transparently.


So, there are only three rules for driving through an uncontrolled intersection. This is the advantage of the main road, the advantage of the tram and the obstacle on the right. Strict adherence to them, as well as concentration and competent assessment traffic conditions will allow you to safely and comfortably cross such junctions without creating a threat to yourself or other drivers. The rules for crossing and performing maneuvers in this case are spelled out quite categorically. If in other situations drivers have some limits, for example, they themselves can choose the turning trajectory based on the road situation, but here rigidity, as you no doubt understand, is necessary.

Driving a car requires concentration, but the city limits certainly make demands on the driver. increased requirements. The driver must be attentive and careful, quickly and correctly assess the situation and predict the maneuvers of other road users at least one step ahead. All this comes with riding experience. So pay attention to signs and traffic lights, they will help you acquire the necessary skill. And refresh your memory of traffic rules more often; don't forget to follow their updates.

Intersections are an integral part of the roadway. Rules for driving through intersections worry novice motorists from the very first. And often this is associated with negative personal experience observations of congestion at intersections during rush hour: two drivers, without understanding, “shuffled” at a busy road intersection and everyone who, after a difficult working day wants to lie down on a comfortable sofa and be with his family, but is forced to indignantly spend an hour or two in a traffic jam. And how many times have we heard an irritated exclamation in public transport: “Well, why are you doing this? Interference on the right!

That is, almost everyone has a theoretical knowledge base of how to navigate intersections, even if they have not undergone long months of intense training and do not have driver's license? Is it so easy to navigate the intersection correctly?

Crossroads and its types

To safely cross any fork, you should learn to distinguish an intersection from an intersection of roads that does not belong to it. Crossroads are intersecting roads at ONE level, which means that multi-tiered winding roads, as well as passages under bridges and in tunnels are not such. And the exit from the yard or other adjacent territory to the main road in geometric coordinates alone does not belong to the intersection and the intersection of this section of the route will be done without the use of crossing intersections.

Intersections are divided into regulated and unregulated.

The former, in turn, differ in the way traffic is controlled: with a traffic light or with a traffic controller.

The second ones are made according to the type of roads crossed: equivalent or unequal. Unregulated road intersections of unequal importance differ in the location of the main road: straight, has a turn, or a circular road.

The use of traffic rules at intersections directly depends on their type.

Rules for crossing intersections

Exist General requirements to crossroads:

  • when performing a maneuver, you should give way to pedestrians, cyclists and cars moving without changing their trajectory (this requirement is controversial in some situations, for example, a pedestrian is obliged to make sure that there is no vehicle or that it has stopped in front of the pedestrian, or that it is not on a certain section of the path);
  • It is prohibited to drive to the intersection of roads with heavy traffic – congestion, in order to prevent further aggravation of the difficult road situation not only in the direction of one’s own movement, but also along perpendicular lanes. Even if you have a main road and the light is green, this is not a reason to create additional difficulties.
  • at a controlled intersection, you should follow the light signals or, in their absence, adhere to the signs and road markings, determining the priority and queue of exit to the intersection.

Now let's take a closer look correct behavior drivers at signalized intersections with traffic lights or gesticulating:

  • Rail vehicles have priority over wheeled vehicles when moving to green or the corresponding signal of the traffic controller in all cases, except for the permitted passage of an additional section of the traffic light. In this case, the tram driver is obliged to let through all vehicles whose main traffic light has turned on;
  • burning arrow in additional section traffic lights require the driver to give way to vehicles moving in the other direction on a yellow light;
  • The motorist is obliged to finish driving on a section of crossed roads, regardless of the traffic light signal that lights up at the exit from it. The exception in this case will be every intersection of roads with a “STOP” sign ( White background, black letters). Vehicles are required to give way to finishing vehicles, pedestrians and other participants. traffic regardless of the fact that the permissive green light is on. This becomes especially important when driving along multi-lane highways, when those who give a good “start” on green do not notice vehicles finishing their movement, stepping on the gas in order to quickly get through to the dying yellow one.

WITH unregulated intersections a little more complicated not only in classification, but also in the rules for their passage:

  • at the intersection of unequal roads, vehicles moving along a minor street give way to this path, according to traffic signs. In this case, drivers driving along the road marked yellow diamond, can pass freely, making sure that there is no rail transport, which has priority only over passing or oncoming traffic;
  • if the main road is winding, then you must remember the “interference on the right” rule between drivers driving along main road, and between traffic participants on secondary roads;
  • When making a left turn or turning in the opposite direction, you must give priority to those traveling in the opposite direction. Tram drivers must also adhere to this rule among themselves;
  • in any unclear situation (lack of markings, priority signs, traffic lights), you should consider yourself to be on a secondary road. Such behavior will increase attention and reduce the likelihood of an emergency.

Driving through a roundabout should begin with identifying the signs that give the right of first exit to the intersection: a white triangle with a red border or white letters “STOP” on a red background will indicate that the right of movement has been granted to those who are already at the intersection.

But the circular organization of road junctions has a number of difficulties in its operation. The vast majority of Russian cities have roundabouts with priority entry to them. Please note that almost all of them in the city have the same priority. Therefore, when traveling around Russia, motorists create emergency situations precisely at such simple intersections of transport routes, acting in accordance with the driving habits in their hometown.

Common mistakes

Let's look at a few typical driving mistakes And inappropriate behavior at intersections:

  1. Many people simply ignore the “STOP” sign (rectangular, black letters on a white background) and the “STOP” line at a traffic light, which in the future can lead to the creation of obstacles for vehicles traveling in a perpendicular position, reducing the visibility of the road situation for those making a maneuver, or even may foreshadow emergency situation, if your car is already at the intersection of the route ahead;
  2. In the everyday rush modern man appreciates every minute of his time. Too much traffic and an endless stream of cars on a weekday sometimes just drive you crazy. And noticing how the traffic light is turning yellow, we press on the gas, making more and more efforts, although it is known that yellow orders us to reduce speed, because the yellow light will replace the red one, commanding us to stop. And having flown at an impressive speed to the intersection, there is no thought that the same very busy motorist in a hurry on business is already pressing on the gas in order to be the first to cross this section and change lanes. Fiasco! No one is in a hurry anymore and everyone is waiting for the traffic police officers, nervously pressing the buttons on their mobile phones in order to cancel the meeting that was so important five minutes ago.
  3. If you need to turn to vacant plot roads, for example, from the adjacent territory, but you will have to cross an impressive traffic jam, then you should clearly understand: either they will let you through, or you will have to be patient. Dashing drivers, noticing that the cars in the near lane have stopped, press the gas pedal without making sure that the cars in the other lanes are also stopped. happens in the most offensive way, and the blame is entirely on you. Therefore, you should remember that if you are already being let through, do not rush, drive slowly meter by meter and give drivers the opportunity to notice your movement and show politeness (and comply with the paragraph traffic rules when entering an intersection when there is a traffic jam), letting you pass.

Causes of accidents at intersections

About 30% of road accidents occur at branching routes. There are a number of reasons for such disappointing statistics:

  • human factor (carelessness, ignorance of the meaning of road signs and markings, intentional non-compliance with traffic rules, unfamiliar path, nervous overstrain, fatigue, etc.);
  • technical malfunction of the vehicle;
  • infrastructure (carrying out road works, traffic density, etc.);
  • weather ( bad visibility, ice, etc.)

At the same time, the role human factor accidents account for about 82% of all causes.

Man is a rational being. And only a reasonable person can invent the rules of the game, taxation, traffic... but there will always be someone who wants to cheat... but the price of a bluff in poker, taxes or on the road can be incredibly different! Be careful, follow the traffic rules, show mutual respect on the roads and life will become easier!

You can express your opinion directly below the article in the comments.

13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing roadway the road he turns onto.

13.2. It is prohibited to drive to an intersection, the intersection of roadways or a section of an intersection marked by marking 1.26 if there is a traffic jam ahead along the route that will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction, with the exception of turning right or left in the cases established by these Rules.

13.3. An intersection where the traffic order is determined by traffic lights or traffic controller signals is considered regulated.

When there is a flashing yellow signal, non-functioning traffic lights or the absence of a traffic controller, the intersection is considered unregulated, and drivers are required to follow the rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections and the priority signs installed at the intersection.

Signalized intersections

13.4. When turning left or making a U-turn at a green traffic light, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way vehicles, moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

13.5. When driving in the direction of the arrow turned on in the additional section simultaneously with a yellow or red traffic light, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

13.6. If traffic lights or traffic controller signals allow the movement of a tram and trackless vehicles at the same time, then the tram has priority regardless of the direction of its movement. However, when moving in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section simultaneously with red or yellow signal traffic lights, the tram must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

13.7. A driver who enters an intersection when the traffic light signal permits must drive in the intended direction regardless of the traffic light signal at the exit from the intersection. However, if at the intersection in front of the traffic lights located on the driver’s route there are stop lines (signs 6.16), the driver must follow the signals of each traffic light.

13.8. When the traffic light turns on, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing their movement through the intersection, and to pedestrians who have not completed crossing the roadway in this direction.

Unregulated intersections

13.9. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

At such intersections, a tram has an advantage over trackless vehicles moving in the same or opposite direction on an equivalent road, regardless of the direction of its movement.

The paragraph is no longer valid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2017 N 1300.

13.10. In the event that the main road changes direction at an intersection, drivers moving along the main road must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads. Drivers driving on secondary roads should follow the same rules.

13.11. At an intersection of equivalent roads, except in the case provided for in paragraph 13.11(1) of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

At such intersections, the tram has priority over trackless vehicles, regardless of the direction of its movement.

13.11(1). When entering an intersection where Roundabout Circulation and which is indicated by sign 4.3, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along such an intersection.

13.12. When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving on an equivalent road from the opposite direction straight or to the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

13.13. If the driver cannot determine the presence of coverage on the road ( dark time days, mud, snow, etc.), but there are no priority signs, he must assume that he is on a secondary road.

In this article, we will look at the rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections of equal and unequal roads. Let's look at the example of the simplest intersection with the intersection of two roadways. Having understood and remembered how to drive through such an intersection correctly, you can easily figure out more complex intersections.

When approaching an uncontrolled intersection, you need to look at the priority signs and determine who needs to give way. At such an intersection we can go in four directions, namely: right, straight, left and in the opposite direction. Other traffic participants are approaching us from three directions: from the left (blue car), from the right (black) and from the opposite direction (green).

There is a sign “Main Road” in front of the intersection.

When we are driving on the main road, we will only have to give way if there is an obstacle on the right.

  1. When turning right, we do not give way to anyone.
  2. When moving straight, we also do not yield to anyone.
  3. When turning left and making a U-turn, we give way to oncoming vehicles (green car) moving in our direction (in this case, we reach the middle of the intersection and wait for them to pass), because they are also on the main road and are an obstacle for us on right. If oncoming people turn left, then we pass them in a friendly manner on the right side.

The main road turns left

The “Main Road” sign together with the “Main Road Direction” sign.

  1. When turning right, we pass the intersection first.
  2. Also when driving through an intersection in the forward direction.
  3. We do not yield to anyone when turning left.
  4. And only when turning around will we have to give way to the vehicle on the left (blue car), because they are also driving along the main road and will be an obstacle for us on the right.

The main road turns right

  1. If you plan to go to the right, feel free to pass first, because this is the only direction in which you don’t have to give way to anyone.
  2. When you go straight, don't forget to look to the right and give way to the black car, which is an obstacle on the right.
  3. When moving to the left, you will also have to give way to vehicles on the right that are traveling in a straight direction or turning left. If a black car turns right, then we will not interfere with it and can turn at the same time as it. You just need to make sure that he actually started to turn, otherwise he will suddenly drive straight with the turn signal on.
  4. When turning around, we act in the same way as when turning left.

There is a “Give Way” sign in front of the intersection.

When passing through an intersection, we give way to everyone driving on the main road, as well as to those on the secondary road.approaching us from the right. Giving way, we stop at the intersection of roadways.

  1. When turning right, we give way to vehicles on the left (blue car), as they are moving along the main road. If the blue car turned on the right turn signal and began to turn, then you can pass at the same time as it. If the black car (on the right) decides to turn around at the intersection, you will have to give way to him too.
  2. When driving through unregulated intersections in the forward direction, we give way to the left (blue) and right (black).
  3. When turning left, in addition to having to give way to cars on the left and right, you will also have to give way to oncoming vehicles, which, like us, are on a secondary road, but will be an obstacle for us on the right.
  4. If you decide to make a U-turn at an intersection, you will also have to give way to all vehicles.

Main road on the left

  1. When turning right, we give way to the vehicle on the left (blue car) and to oncoming traffic (green), if they are going in the same direction as us.
  2. When moving in a forward direction, it is necessary to give way to those on the left, to oncoming people, because they are driving on the main road, and also to the right (black car), although they are also on the secondary road, they are an “obstacle on the right.”
  3. When turning left, we also yield to everyone.
  4. Not the best option for a U-turn, but if there is no choice, we do it, yielding to all vehicles.

Main road on the right

  1. Before turning right, you should make sure that no one is coming from the opposite direction in our direction, and also that the black car (on the right) is not about to turn around at the intersection.
  2. When moving straight or left, we will also give way to green and black cars, since they are driving along the main road.
  3. When turning at an intersection, we will have to give way to the blue car, because by performing this maneuver we will twist its right side.

Rules for driving at uncontrolled intersections of equal roads

When driving through an intersection of equivalent roads, we are guided by the “interference on the right” rule.

  1. When turning right, we do not need to give way to anyone.
  2. Passing the intersection in the straight direction, we give way to the right (to the black car). In the case when black, green and blue cars are also driving straight, the drivers will have to decide for themselves who will go first, because the rules do not regulate this situation.
  3. When turning left, both black and green cars will be an obstacle for us on the right.
  4. When performing a turn, you will have to yield to all three directions.

Let's summarize the rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections

  1. At the intersection of equal roads, we look who is on our right.
  2. If there is a “Give way” sign, we look at who is driving on the main road, then at those who are approaching us from the right on the secondary road.
  3. The sign “Main Road” - we only look at those who are also approaching us from the right along the main road.
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