What do you need to change your passport at 20? When is a replacement required?

Many people are interested in how to replace a passport at 20 years old, as well as how to change it and what documents are needed. The procedure is established by regulations and must be followed in mandatory.

general information

Replacement of a passport at 20 years of age is regulated by several legislative acts.

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 232 of March 13, 1997.
  2. RF PP No. 828 dated 07/08/97.
  3. Order of the Federal Migration Service No. 339 of December 7, 2009.

These regulations contain special order replacement of passports by citizens of the Russian Federation after reaching a certain age. It must be renewed when a person reaches 20 and 45 years of age. To do this, a citizen must personally contact the migration service or submit documents through State Services or the MFC. In this case, a state duty is paid, the amount of which is 300 rubles.


What do you need to change your passport? This requires a minimum package of documents:

  • passport;
  • a certificate certifying payment of the state duty;
  • statement;
  • Some photos.

Additional documents for replacing a passport at 20 years old include:

  • military ID;
  • papers confirming registration;
  • house book.

These documents may not be needed, but it is best to have them with you. After the new passport is issued, they will be returned to the applicant.


Replacement is carried out within the time limits established by regulations. If a citizen changes the document at the place of primary residence, the passport will be ready approximately 10 days from the date of submission of the papers. In case of exchange at the place of temporary registration, the time limits increase to 1-2 months.

How to change your passport

To exchange a passport at the age of 20, you must come to the migration service, having previously taken a photograph. You can visit the branch at your place of residence, and not just at your registration address. According to the law, a citizen cannot be refused. After submitting the papers, you will receive your passport.

You can replace your passport at age 20 using the State Services website. To do this, you need to go to the website, register and fill out an application.

The citizen must fill out the form provided, avoiding lexical and grammatical errors. The questions are standard, so the application is filled out quickly. Next you need to do the following.

  1. Upload a photo to the site. It must be suitable in format and quality. If the photo size exceeds 300 KB, it will not be uploaded.
  2. Receive an email indicating that the application has been reviewed and accepted for execution, as well as the deadline for producing the document.

To change your passport after submitting your application, you need to visit the migration service office and pick up the document.


Knowing what documents are needed, completing everything is quite simple. If a citizen submits papers in person, he must fill out an application. The drafting rules are as follows.

  1. The form must be filled out with a blue ballpoint pen, without errors.
  2. No omissions, crossing outs or corrections should be allowed.
  3. All information must be truthful and changes are not permitted.

Any unclear points when filling out should be clarified with the migration service employees.

Changing your passport at age 20 is easy if you don’t miss deadlines and fill out all the paperwork correctly.


This is one of the main components of the document, so the requirements for photography are quite high.

  1. The image can be either color or black and white.
  2. The face must be located strictly in the center and occupy at least 80% of the entire area.
  3. There should be about 5mm of free margin at the top.
  4. A person wearing prescription glasses should have clearly visible eyes in the photo.
  5. Hair should not cover a citizen's face.
  6. It is prohibited to be photographed wearing any headdress. If it conflicts with the applicant's religion, the headdress must not obscure the face.
  7. The background of the photo should be plain, without patterns or spots.
  8. You cannot be photographed in uniform.

As for the size of the photograph, it is established by the relevant regulations and is 35*45 mm. If the photo's characteristics do not meet these standards, it is prohibited from being pasted into the document.

Replacement in another city

Many people are interested in how to change their passport at the age of 20, while being far from home. This can be done if the person has a temporary registration. The exchange period will be 30 days from the submission of papers. For this you will need:

  • old passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • statement;
  • military ID;
  • paid state duty (receipt required);
  • two photos;
  • birth certificate of children, marriage or divorce.

Many people change their passport while they are far from their place of registration, provided they have a temporary residence permit for at least 90 days.


Passport exchange at the age of 20 occurs in accordance with the established procedure, but sometimes citizens are faced with the fact that their application is not accepted. This may happen if:

  • the application for the issuance of a document is filled out incorrectly;
  • any documents are missing;
  • the applicant did not pay the state duty;
  • there is no receipt for payment;
  • photographs are not suitable for pasting into new passport.

To replace your passport at age 20, you must correct all mistakes made when submitting documents.


The law gives a certain period for replacing a passport - 30 days from the date of reaching the appropriate age. If a person fails to submit an application in time, administrative sanctions may be applied to him. They imply a fine of about 2-3 thousand rubles (Article 19.15 of the Administrative Code).

In Moscow or St. Petersburg, this fine is slightly higher and amounts to 3-5 thousand rubles. Overdue passport for a legal entity will cost even more – 250-750 thousand rubles. In the capital and St. Petersburg, this fine increases significantly.

Citizen's passport Russian state Currently, it is the main document confirming the identity of a resident of the country. You can’t do without it when decorating all important procedures: agreements for the purchase and sale of real estate and other property, obtaining a mortgage or car loan, receiving subsidies, benefits, etc. Replacing a passport at 20 years of age is an urgent operation, without which a person’s identity cannot be properly confirmed.

For the first time, residents of the Russian Federation receive a citizen's passport at the age of fourteen. During the Soviet era, a passport was permanent document and its periodic updating was not required. Now it is possible to change the passport of a Russian citizen at twenty and forty-five years of age. Thus, the first passport is valid for six years.

How to get a new passport at 20 years old? By and large, this procedure is identical to the initial receipt of the document in question, but there are a number of features that you need to be aware of in order to prevent violations migration legislation Russia.

The basic rule is to comply with time restrictions for changing documents. Within a certain time after reaching the age of twenty, you need to change your passport, otherwise penalties for delay may follow. Young people very often forget about fulfilling certain official requirements. Having received a passport at the age of 14, they may not even think about replacing it later.

It’s good if you remember this in time. But often this happens many days or even months after the twentieth anniversary, when everyone provided for by law the deadlines have irrevocably passed. As a result, the application to change a passport for 20 years is submitted untimely.

The legislation clearly limits the time frame for completing the procedure for obtaining a new passport upon reaching a certain age. This must be done within a calendar month after your twentieth birthday. This time is allocated for all stages, from paying the state fee, submitting an application and ending with receiving a new official document.

How long is a passport valid after 20 years in our country? This time period is exactly 30 days. If you do not receive a new passport during this time, the previous one will automatically be considered invalid and having no legal force.

Sometimes the question arises: The reasons for this can be very different and are a purely personal matter of the person. The dissonance of the previous surname or the reluctance to have something in common with the hated stepfather are some of the most common reasons for changing the surname.

If there is a need to change your last name or even your first name and patronymic, you need to contact the civil registry office. No one has the right to demand an explanation of the reasons for a decision from a person; this remains confidential information. After a citizen is issued a certificate of change of surname, he must present it to the Department for Migration Issues (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Migration) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of official state registration and get a new ID.

How to replace your passport at 20: Video

Where to apply

Where to change your passport at 20 years old? This question is especially relevant for active twenty-year-old people. At this age, they can be anywhere other than their hometown. Studying at an institute or college, completing an internship, traveling - these reasons force young people to leave the locality where they are officially registered. An application that a citizen needs to change his passport at the age of 20 can be submitted to any Main Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

There are cases when UVM representatives try to find an excuse to refuse to accept applications from those registered in other regions, trying to avoid unnecessary paperwork. In such situations, one must be more demanding, since no one has the right to refuse to replace a passport solely on the basis that a person does not have registration at the place of application.

A citizen who applies for a passport change in a city other than the one in which he is registered will have to wait longer for the issuance of a new official document than at his place of residence. One thing to consider important nuance: if a person wants to change his passport in one of the cities that has the status federal significance(there are three such cities in Russia - Simferopol, St. Petersburg and Moscow), then he needs to obtain temporary registration in it. Otherwise, contacting the UVM may lead to such unpleasant consequences as administrative penalty, and very noticeable sizes.

The procedure for exchanging a passport at 20 years of age is the same in any city in the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of permanent registration. What do you need to replace your passport at age 20? It is necessary to collect a certain list of documents and pay a state fee.

If a personal visit is not possible

In accordance with the administrative regulations of the UVM Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person who is in an inpatient medical institution and does not have the opportunity to independently apply for a change of passport can do this with the help of the hospital management. All documents are provided to the appropriate official of the inpatient institution, who, in turn, transfers them to the Department of Internal Affairs at the location of the hospital. A passport must be obtained from the same department, and if a person does not have such an opportunity, then from a hospital employee.

Sometimes situations arise in which a citizen who needs a passport replacement is unable to leave home due to illness. In this case, the issue is resolved as follows: all the necessary documents are provided to the UVM by the patient’s relatives. When a passport is issued to them, they put their signature on the application, and work notes about this are made in the appropriate columns. A dash is placed in the “Personal signature” column.

Providing documentation

If the time has come to change your passport after reaching a certain age, then the Passport and Registration Department UVM work You will need to provide a number of documents, the list of which is clearly defined. What documents are needed to replace a passport at age 20? This is an old passport and a photocopy of all its completed pages, as well as photographs. How many photos do I need to replace my passport? You will need two photos standard size(35 by 45 mm). One of them will be pasted into the new passport, and the second will remain in your personal file.

In addition, you will need a receipt confirming payment of the state fee. Details for transferring funds can be obtained directly from the Department of Migration. ? Many Russian banks provide this opportunity. The most important thing is to get a receipt or check for payment.

How long will the processing take?

The time frame for replacing a citizen’s passport at 20 years is standard and does not differ in any way from the time for changing documents for other reasons. The Migration Department provides a two-week calendar period for processing submitted documents and providing a person with a new passport. This process usually takes a little less time, and a new document will be issued after 5-7 days.

If obtaining a new passport is not carried out at the citizen’s place of permanent residence/registration, the procedure may take a longer period. At the time of passport replacement, a certificate is issued, which in the same way certifies the person’s identity. It performs the same functions as the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation itself. Using the certificate, you can buy plane tickets, go to a clinic, etc. The cost of replacing a passport is small and currently amounts to 450 rubles.

When can a passport be refused?

A passport can be refused in several cases directly provided for by Russian legislation.

  1. Lack of Russian citizenship.
  2. Indication of untrue or false information about yourself in the application form 1-P.
  3. Failure to pay state duty or lack of information about its payment.
  4. The submitted documents are incorrect.

This is an exhaustive list of situations in which a citizen may be denied a passport replacement.

What is the penalty for violating the rules when replacing a document?

The current law on replacing a passport at 20 years old regulates a certain amount of liability for late submission of documents to replace a passport. It is best to collect all the necessary data and provide it to the Department of Internal Affairs at the person’s location within a few days after the birthday. Otherwise, delays may arise, difficulties with paying duties, and so on.

The consequence of violating the deadline for filing an application, namely thirty days after the 20th anniversary, is a monetary penalty. will you have to pay? Today the amount is 2000-3000 rubles. In federal cities it reaches 5,000 rubles.

Replacing a passport at 20 years of age is a process that must be approached with maximum attention and responsibility. A passport is considered one of the most important documents In human life. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, persons over 14 years of age must obtain a passport. Then it must be exchanged at 20 years and 45 years.

Upon reaching the age of 20, you must immediately start replacing your passport, as it will no longer be considered valid, which can lead to many problems.

Change of passport by persons over 20 years of age

After a person turns 20 years old, his first passport is considered invalid. And therefore you should immediately exchange it for a new one. To do this, you need to contact the relevant authorities. If the passport is not replaced on time, various unpleasant situations may occur.

Terms and procedure for passport exchange

In order to replace your passport, you must do the following:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. Write a statement and contact the internal affairs authorities at your place of residence.
  3. Get a new passport.

Exchanging your passport is not a complicated procedure. The main thing is that all documents are collected in accordance with current requirements and provisions of the law.

You must apply no later than 30 days after turning 20 years old. If a person does not meet the deadlines, then he bears administrative responsibility.

Passport replacement is carried out in the structural departments of the Federal Migration Service. All necessary documents must be submitted strictly at the place of registration or place of permanent residence. In addition to the Federal Migration Service, applications for passport replacement are accepted by centers providing municipal and public services.

The procedure for replacing a passport can also be carried out via the Internet. To do this, you need to use the services of the Unified Portal of Municipal or State Services.

According to the latest innovations, an individual can now contact the passport office to replace a document without registration.

Passport replacement (20 years): documents

  1. Passport of an individual subject to exchange.
  2. An application from a citizen, which must indicate the reason for changing the document. The application form can be obtained from any FMS office. You can also fill out the form online.
  3. Two black and white or color photographs 3.5 by 4.5 cm. For those who constantly wear glasses - a photo with glasses.
  4. Receipt of payment state duty.

In addition to the above documents, it is recommended that you also have with you:

  1. Military ID. This is mandatory only for citizens of the country liable for military service,
  2. Birth certificates of children, if the citizen has any.
  3. A document with a permanent or temporary registration stamp. It could also be a house register or a cadastral passport for an apartment.

Reasons why a passport replacement may be refused

List of reasons according to which the issuance of a new passport may be refused:

  1. Lack of Russian citizenship.
  2. The applicant is under 20 years of age,
  3. Any of the certificates and documents required for the exchange are missing.
  4. Photos do not meet the required standard.
  5. Presence of errors and inaccuracies in the documentation.

If you know all the nuances of replacing a passport at 20 years old, you can avoid many problems and quickly get a new document.

Passport replacement period is 20 years

If all the documents provided meet the requirements provided and are submitted at the place of registration, the period for consideration of the application for a new document is 13 days. If the documents were not submitted at the place of residence, the application is considered from the date of its acceptance within 63 days. A separate factor when replacing documents is the state duty. Replacement of a passport (20 years) requires payment of state duty in a certain size(not to be confused with a fine). Its size is 200 rubles.

The applicant has the right to appeal the decision of the official who accepted the documents for issuing a new passport. Appeal takes place only in court or pre-trial procedure.

The applicant has the right to file complaints if:

  1. There was a violation of the procedure that concerns the citizen’s registration request.
  2. There is a refusal by an official to correct errors when filling out documentation.
  3. The official demands payment of a state fee in an unforeseen amount.
  4. The official refused to provide the service of issuing a new passport.
  5. The applicant was refused to accept the documents provided.
  6. The official requires documents that are not included in the list of mandatory ones.
  7. There is a violation of the deadlines for issuing a new document.

How to replace a passport online

Nowadays, the Internet has become so popular and multifunctional that you can even issue the necessary documents through it.

When applying for a new passport online, you will also have to wait in line. But there is one positive point here: you will be assigned a time and date to receive your passport.

In order to submit an application and provide the necessary documents, you must go to the State Services website, where you must log in successively. After registration will take place successfully, you need to go to the “By departments” department. Next, you need to click on the line “Federal Migration Service”. After which a submenu will appear in which you need to select the third line.

After selecting it, a list of required documents will appear, the amount of the state fee, possible reasons for refusal to issue a new passport, contact information and much more. You should read all this information, but select the “Get a service” section. You must click on this option and fill out the application provided. After the application is completed, you only need to indicate the reason for replacing the passport. In our case, this is an achievement of 20 years. After the selected option, a list of documents that are required specifically to replace a passport at a certain age will appear.

Conclusion and results

So, we see: replacing a passport at 20 years old is a fairly important process. It must be approached with all seriousness. During this article, we learned that replacing a passport after 20 years is done only when a citizen of the country turns 45 years old. A citizen initially receives this document upon turning 14 years of age. A passport replacement at age 20 must be completed within a month. Or rather, during this time it is necessary to submit the relevant documents and write an application. Replacing a passport at 20 years old can end up problematic if the citizen does not submit documents for a replacement within one calendar month from the date of the 20th anniversary. This, more specifically, threatens with a fine.

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