What do you need to adopt a foster child? What do parents need to adopt a child from an orphanage?

Adoption in Russia is a rather serious step. Not all families are ready to go for it. Typically, such a gesture is found among couples who cannot have a child on their own. Next, we have to figure out what it takes to adopt a child. With proper preparation, the task is not so difficult to cope with. However, adopting a baby will not be easy. It is advisable to begin preparing for the operation long before the actual implementation of the idea.

Who is adoption available for?

What does it take to adopt a child? This is not as simple a question as it seems. More precisely, it is easy to answer. But direct adoption will be problematic.

Not all citizens can be adoptive parents. In Russia the following requirements are put forward:

  • reaching adulthood;
  • Availability normal conditions for the life of the child;
  • no criminal record;
  • full legal capacity;
  • complete psychological health.

It doesn’t matter about whom exactly we're talking about- about a couple or a potential single adoptive parent. In Russia, they can adopt a child as follows: complete families, and incomplete.

Prohibitions on the process

What does it take to adopt a child from an orphanage or orphanage? Some people will not be able to foster a child under any circumstances.

These include the following people:

  • persons with low level income;
  • citizens without their own housing;
  • incompetent;
  • sick (provided that the illness will interfere with raising the child);
  • people with mental illness;
  • citizens who have already been removed from the role of an adoptive parent due to failure to fulfill their duties;
  • persons suffering from addictions (drugs, alcohol, etc.);
  • previously removed (fully or partially) from parental responsibilities;
  • convicted.

In addition, it will not be possible to foster a child if the difference between the future parent and the child is less than 16 years.

It will not be possible for those who live in a bad apartment or house to adopt a baby. For example, in dilapidated or emergency housing. If this factor is eliminated, it is possible that the process under study will be implemented quite successfully.

Start of action

What does it take to adopt a child? You have to start somewhere. Practical side The procedure begins with a visit to the local guardianship and trusteeship authorities. This is where the main action will take place.

Applicants must submit a request for an adoption permit. Citizens will be given a list of papers that will have to be presented to bring the idea to life. After this you will have to collect a package of documents.

Exact list necessary papers depends on the situation. A little later we will get acquainted with all the documents that may be useful in certain circumstances for adoption.

Adoption of a child is permitted only in judicial procedure. And without a certificate from the guardianship authorities, going to court is useless. As soon as the relevant paper is in hand, potential adoptive parents will be able to try to defend their rights to adopt the child.

Brief instructions

What does it take to adopt a child from orphanage and not only? You'll have to follow some directions. The main problem is collecting documents for the court and guardianship authorities. But more on that later.

First, let's briefly introduce the adoption process. The instructions below will help you not to forget about important nuances operations.

So, the guidelines for adoption in Russia look approximately like this:

  1. Decide whether the family is really ready to take in a step-child. This is a responsible step. And it will be almost impossible to cancel it without any negative consequences.
  2. Decide what kind of child the family is ready to take.
  3. Contact the guardianship authorities with a corresponding request.
  4. Get a list of adoption papers. It, as we emphasized earlier, depends on the situation.
  5. Create a package of documents.
  6. Submit the prepared papers to the guardianship authorities and receive a certificate confirming that there are no obstacles to adoption.
  7. Contact the orphanage and find a child whom the family is ready to raise.
  8. Review the documents for the baby.
  9. Meet the child in person.
  10. Apply to the court with a request for adoption. You must bring with you the documents that were presented to the guardianship authorities + a certificate of no obstacles to adoption.
  11. Obtain a court order.
  12. Draw up documents for the child in your name.

Despite the fact that the instructions look simple and clear, it is not always possible to adopt a child. That is why you have to ask in advance what is needed to adopt a child in Russia.

List of documents: basic

Now it’s time to familiarize yourself with the list of documents required by the guardianship authorities. There are a lot of them. And under different circumstances, citizens must bring different packages of documents. Among them there are also common components.

It is with them that we will get acquainted. What do you need to do to adopt a child? What papers will be useful?

IN mandatory citizens bring:

  • identification;
  • documents indicating the person’s registration;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • marriage/divorce certificates (if available);
  • autobiography;
  • a certificate of health of the applicant;
  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • an extract confirming no criminal record;
  • income certificates;
  • characteristic with last place work.

But that is not all. Having received the listed documents, depending on the situation, citizens will have to supplement the list with other extracts. Which ones exactly?

Spouses, children, adoption

Quite often, people get married, have children, then get divorced and rebuild their happiness. This is normal.

More and more often, men are asking themselves what it takes to adopt their wife’s child. This way the family will be considered complete in every sense. But in real life the operation being studied may be burdened. Especially if children have loving fathers.

To adopt a spouse's child, you will have to obtain permission from the other biological parent. The certificate must be issued by a notary. The document is needed when the child’s second parent is not deprived of his parental authority.

If the wife’s ex-husband did not fulfill the duties of a parent, you can go to court to deprive her of the corresponding rights. This technique will eliminate the need to obtain permission for adoption from the baby's father.

All that remains to be taken with you to the guardianship authorities is permission from the spouse to carry out the operation. There are usually no problems with obtaining such a certificate when raising the issue of adoption.

On deprivation of rights for adoption

We found out where to go to adopt a child. Next, we will consider in more detail the deprivation procedure parental rights. For example, the father of a child. Only in this case is it possible to adopt the wife’s baby without unnecessary problems.

As we have already said, you will have to go to court. The spouse must take with her:

  • documents indicating arrears of alimony;
  • evidence that the child’s biological father is not involved in the life of his offspring;
  • a court ruling on the assignment of alimony for a minor;
  • materials proving the biological father has exceeded the powers of the parent.

It is also advisable to obtain evidence that the ex-spouse is avoiding the issue of adoption. We will have to take into account one fact - it will not be possible to deprive a conscientious father of parental rights. And then think about what it takes to adopt your wife’s child from previous marriage, pointless. Decide this question You will only have to peacefully, by negotiating with the baby’s biological father.

Previous marriage and single parent

Sometimes it happens that, due to certain circumstances, a child has only one parent. He marries and creates new family. Usually at such moments the question arises about the adoption of a minor by a new spouse.

This process is not that difficult. The main package of documents will be supplemented with the following components:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • death certificate of the baby's second parent;
  • document declaring the biological parent missing (if available).

If one of legal representatives deprived of parental rights, then the guardianship authorities will have to present the corresponding judgment. Without it, further adoption of the spouses' children will not be available.

For minors

What documents are needed to adopt a child? It’s hard to believe, but the minor will also have to be prepared for the operation. Without certificates for the child, the court will not begin work in the chosen direction.

To adopt a minor, the following documents must be submitted:

  • birth certificate and passport (if the child is over 14 years old);
  • health certificate;
  • a document indicating the child’s ownership of housing or his registration;
  • an extract from the house register;
  • consent of legal representatives (one or more) to the procedure;
  • court order depriving parents of rights;
  • death certificates of the child’s legal representatives;
  • acts of child abandonment;
  • extracts from the registry office.

As a rule, the last 4 papers are variable statements. They don't all come together. For adoption, just one of these documents is enough.

Children who are already 10 years old can themselves influence the success of the operation being studied. They must give their consent to the adoption. If the child considers potential adoptive parents to be his natural parents, the mentioned paper is not necessary.

Conditions for adoption

What does a single woman need to adopt a child? Everything we have already met. There is no difference in who will take the child into custody - a man, a woman or a family. The main thing is to comply with the requirements of the guardianship authorities.

For adoption you will have to provide certain conditions to a minor. Namely:

  • allocate a separate isolated room for living;
  • provide a living wage;
  • settle in an apartment that meets sanitary standards housing.

The listed points often become reasons for denial of adoption. So, for example, if a family lives in one-room apartment, she will have almost no chance of taking the baby from the orphanage. The situations can be corrected, but adjustments will require a lot of time and effort.

Child selection

What do you need to do to adopt a child? You will have to not only contact the guardianship authorities and collect a package of documents, but also choose a baby. Usually children are adopted from orphanages and orphanages. Less often - from maternity hospitals.

A family that decides to adopt a child will need:

  1. Contact the orphanage with the appropriate request.
  2. Fill out the form for adoptive parents. It contains information about potential parents, as well as criteria for selecting a child.
  3. Review the documents of all eligible minors.
  4. Meet the children personally. It is important to establish contact with the baby.

That's all. Once the above steps are completed, the family must decide on the choice of the child, and then contact the guardianship authorities and the court for the further progress of the case.

Illegitimate children

Is it necessary to adopt a child born out of wedlock? This question arises mainly among men living with women in a civil (unregistered) union.

Usually adoption is not required - information about the child's father is entered into the birth certificate according to the mother. It is desirable that the biological father ( common law husband) was present during the registration of the newborn at the registry office. He will be required to submit an application to establish paternity.

If a woman has granted herself the status of a single mother, adoption will be mandatory step on the way to obtaining parental rights.

In our country there remains a large percentage of children who are left without parental care. At the same time, some mothers abandon their babies right in the maternity hospital, while other children are taken away for immoral behavior. But there are also people who want to adopt conscientious objectors. various reasons. Our material will tell you in detail how to adopt a child from an orphanage, or another children's or medical institution.

Legislative norms regulating the procedure for adopting a child are contained in the Family Code. Provided next procedure: A married couple, a single woman or a single man must decide to adopt and be psychologically prepared for such a step. IN in this case It is recommended to take educational courses and psychological trainings (if they have never had their own child).

The next stage is contacting the guardianship and trusteeship authority (TPA). There it will be necessary to consult with its officials about the procedure and also take a list necessary documents to obtain permission (this will be discussed below).

After collecting all the papers, future guardians will have to write, to which they will attach everything collected documents. If a single woman (unmarried) or man wants to apply, then they submit documents on their own behalf. When it is submitted by a family, the application is written on behalf of the spouses.

In cases where a husband or wife wants to do this, a notarized consent of the second spouse will be required that he is not against such actions.

If OOP gives positive conclusion, future parents gain access to the data bank of children who were left without the care of their relatives. IN district offices there will be information only about those children who are kept in child care institutions of this region(photo, last name, middle name, year of birth, short description character, habits, general state health, orphanage or other institution where the baby is). There is also an all-Russian database; for this you can access a special website where you can view all the information online.

After the future parents like the baby or older child, they write an application so that the guardianship authority gives permission to visit him in a children's institution. This stage must be taken seriously. The Family Code obliges new parents not only to provide financially for the child, but also to contribute to his social adaptation. The older he is, the great responsibility falls on his caregivers, so people must be psychologically prepared for this.

When individuals are ready to be educated, they contact statement of claim in that district court, on the territory of which there is an orphanage, maternity hospital, shelter or other institution (at the place of residence of the baby).

After the court makes a decision, persons with it apply to the civil registry office (RAGS) where they receive a new birth certificate for the child, where they are already registered as parents in its columns. This is the order and sequence of adoption.

The documents collected by future parents necessary for registration of guardianship are valid for three months. If this period has passed, they become invalid and must be renewed.

List of required documents

The process of obtaining guardianship is not simple, therefore, in order to take a child from the orphanage, future parents must collect the following necessary list documents:

Without these documents, it will not be possible to take a child from an orphanage or other institution. Sometimes guardianship authorities require other certificates, depending on the individual situation.

Application for adoption and consent of the guardianship council

The application, as well as the consent of the guardianship council, are the main documents required for the adoption of a child from the Children's Home. Without them, the court will not give permission to adopt a child.

An application is a fundamental document confirming the will and desire of future parents to adopt a girl or adopt a boy from child care facility or maternity hospital (they write about this in their own hand, without using computer equipment). It also indicates the complete personal data of the parents, such as age, preferences in the age of the baby, and gender.

The Family Code prohibits adoption by citizens of the United States and other countries where same-sex marriage is legal.

The above documents are also attached to the application. It is better to draw it up under the dictation of the guardianship authority employees, so as not to make mistakes. Together with all documents, the application must be registered.

After his admission, the PLO has two weeks to make a decision (to give consent to the family being able to raise the baby, or to refuse this). But the period can be extended to one month at the written request of future guardians.

Consent is the collective conclusion of the PLO. That is, based on the submitted documents of the future adoptive parent (the one who will adopt), a commission is assembled ( collegial body), which includes not only officials of the guardianship authority, but also other services of the municipal government.

They review documents, listen to applicants, and then make a decision on whether to allow or prohibit them from becoming guardians. This decision can be challenged in court.

For the court this is written agreement The OOP has the force of a recommendation document. That is, formally, the court can make a decision and appoint the family as the official guardian, even if the PLO is against it.

Institutions from which you can adopt a child

According to current legislation, citizens can adopt children from the following institutions:

Let's consider each case with detailed instructions.

Adoption from an orphanage

The Orphanage houses the majority of children, from infancy to the age of 6 years. Therefore, most future parents turn there. To adopt any child from an orphanage, you must follow the procedure below.

You must first obtain the consent of the OPP for a future adoption. This can be done before the first meeting with the child you like, or after receiving this paper. WITH legal point vision, you first need to get consent, and then start communicating with the baby (so that it doesn’t turn out that he becomes attached to people, and they are denied guardianship).

Then you need to carefully study the profiles of all the children you are interested in and get permission to meet the child you like. Psychologists recommend taking a nice toy to the first meeting and staying with the baby for several hours so that he gets a little used to new people. For the next meeting, it is better to choose a day off, and try to spend it with the child, walk with him in the room, on the street. For older children, you can take a vacation and, with the permission of the administration, take them home for a few days so that they get used to the environment. Any communication should begin in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. The main requirement is that the orphanage resident feels comfortable with these people. It is not recommended to immediately say that we will take you into our foster care, this may scare him.

When contact is established with a future son or daughter, you need to carefully study their behavior, interview teachers and doctors in detail for the presence of deviations, aggression, and carefully read medical documents. There are situations when workers in child care institutions deliberately keep silent about the fact that the child is mentally ill, which in the future will bring not joy, but only problems in the new family.

When contact has been established, and the parents are psychologically ready to raise a child in the future, they need to prepare a statement of claim and submit it to the court at the location of the orphanage. These claims are considered for two months, the decision comes into force legal force within 10 days from the date of its issuance. Only after receiving this document (which has entered into legal force) in hand, the family will take the child into care and issue a new birth certificate for him.

After registration of guardianship, the state will pay a special allowance for the child. One child receives about 6 thousand rubles. Payment is in progress for each adopted child and depends on the established living wage for his age. The father or mother can apply for and receive these funds.

Adoption from an orphanage

Orphanages are practically no different from orphanages, but children are already trained there. There are children over 5 years of age there.

The process of registering guardianship will be similar as in the first case. Only parents must understand that they are establishing contact with children who already think well and understand the situation they find themselves in.

In addition, a significant part of them were taken away from parents with immoral behavior, and there is no guarantee that they were engaged in begging and vagrancy. Based on this feature, future parents must carefully study the character and behavioral characteristics of the person under their care, because a mistake will lead to disastrous consequences, including a ban on future adoption of other children.

Adopting a baby from a maternity hospital

Many citizens who decide to adopt a baby turn their attention to maternity hospitals. This is due to the fact that a newborn child does not yet have a memory or a formed character. To do this, future parents collect the documents described above, write an application, obtain the consent of the PLO, and they are put in line.

After their turn has reached them, and the child has not yet reached the status of an orphanage (is in a maternity hospital), potential adoptive parents file a lawsuit and ask him to allow urgent execution solutions. In this case, the child can be picked up the next day. They should issue him hospital certificate. After this, you can issue a birth certificate. Before adopting a baby, parents should know the following rules:

  1. The lower limit for the difference in age between parents and child is 18 years (coming of age), the upper limit is no more than 30 years.
  2. Parents can take advantage of the secret of adoption, completely change the last name, first name, patronymic (given to the child in the maternity hospital) and the date of his birth, but no more than three months forward or backward (for example, the child was born in February, but he can be recorded as May or November) .
  3. The mother or father must receive maternity leave.

According to the Family Code, none of officials Public educational institutions, children's institutions, as well as court employees, without the consent of the guardians, do not have the right to transfer information to third parties about which family the adopted child belongs to. For this it is provided criminal liability By

Grounds for cancellation of adoption

The law also provides for the following:

  • Parents do not fulfill their responsibilities for raising the child.
  • Violence was committed against him, both physical and moral (this includes constant humiliation of his honor and dignity).
  • The guardians (one of them) were convicted of committing a serious crime.
  • If, during the process of raising a child, mental and other disorders were identified, which were known to employees of child care institutions, but they did not disclose this information to the future parents.

If the parents (biological) are deprived of their rights to the baby and he is adopted, then they do not have a chance to restore parental rights. This is expressly prohibited Family Code.

In order to decide to adopt a child, potential parents must know that in order to do so they need to meet certain criteria. You can adopt a baby from a maternity hospital, a baby home, an orphanage or another specialized institution.

That is why we decided to place on the pages of the site simple instructions for future adoptive parents.

First of all, adoptive parents need not only to know that the main normative legal acts regulating the procedure for adoption of children in Russian Federation, included in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Civil procedural code RF, as well as Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2000 N 275 “On approval of the Rules for the transfer of children for adoption and monitoring the conditions of their life and upbringing in adoptive families on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Rules for registration consular offices Russian Federation of children who are citizens of the Russian Federation and adopted foreign citizens or stateless persons,” but also, if possible, familiarize yourself with them.

So, if you have decided to adopt a boy or a girl, then you need to act in the following order.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1 (start):

We go to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence (you need to go in person, and not try to solve everything over the phone, or send an application for adoption by email). IN Sverdlovsk region guardianship and trusteeship authorities are included as structural unit(department) to territorial departments social policy. You can find out the address of your territorial administration on the website of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region - http://minszn.midural.ru/.

Currently, almost all territorial departments have their own websites that contain necessary information, incl. about the days and times of reception of citizens.

The territorial department of guardianship and trusteeship will explain to you the rights and responsibilities of adoptive parents, describe the adoption procedure, and give you a list of documents that need to be collected.

Step 2 (psychological, pedagogical and legal preparation):

In accordance with the Family Code of Russia, persons wishing to adopt a child must undergo psychological, pedagogical and legal training, which is organized by the guardianship and trusteeship authority on free of charge. The recommended duration of the training course is no more than three months. At the same time, for the convenience of citizens, it may be possible for them to undergo training in the evenings and on weekends. A document confirming completion of such training is submitted to the department of guardianship and trusteeship, and subsequently to the court.

Step 3 (collection of documents):

Citizens of the Russian Federation who wish to adopt a child must submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authority with a request to give an opinion on their ability to become adoptive parents. The following documents are attached to the application:

salary certificate from the place of work or a copy of the income statement;
medical report about health status;
certificate of no criminal record (issued by internal affairs bodies);
a document that confirms the availability of housing (certificate of ownership of an apartment or house, contract social hiring or rent);
a copy of the marriage certificate (if the adoptive parent is married);
a copy of the training certificate of the person wishing to adopt a child).

Please note that a certificate or declaration of income, as well as a certificate of no criminal record, are valid for one year from the date of issue, and a medical report is valid for six months. All certificates to adoptive parents should be issued free of charge, so if you are asked to pay a state fee or some kind of sponsorship fee, remind the employees that you are collecting a package of documents for adoption.

After submitting the documents, expect a visit from a specialist from territorial administration social policy, which will visit your family, get acquainted with the living conditions and begin to prepare a conclusion that you can be adoptive parents. Based on this document, you will be registered as a candidate for adoption. The conclusion must be ready within 15 working days from the date of application. It is valid for 2 years.

Step 4 (search for a child):

You can start searching for a child only when you have official status adoptive parent. Often this stage turns out to be the longest in terms of time, because you have to travel a lot to orphanages in search of “your” baby (you need to be prepared for this and be patient). Adoptive parents have the right to receive full information about the child’s health condition (if desired, contact a medical institution for an independent medical examination), acquainted with personal matter child. Be sure to get to know the baby and establish contact with him.

Step 5 (trial):

The judicial procedure is another test of your resolve. An application to the court is submitted only if the child is adopted. For example, to establish custody of a child judicial procedure is not provided, so many adoptive parents, in order to quickly take the child home, first arrange guardianship over him, and then re-register all documents for adoption.

By adopting a child, you are vested with parental rights and responsibilities in relation to him, and his biological parents lose these rights at the moment the court decision enters into legal force. Having received the decision in your hands, you can go to the registry office to receive an adoption certificate and a new birth certificate for YOUR child.

In case of problems related to the activity territorial bodies guardianship and trusteeship, we invite you to contact the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region (Ekaterinburg, Bolshakova St., 105).

Department for organizing control over guardianship and trusteeship activities:
Chief Specialist– Puzikova Elena Viktorovna – 312-00-08 (ext. 133);
Leading specialist – Safronova Alena Igorevna – 312-00-08 (ext. 140);
Leading specialist – Oksana Alekseevna Kobeleva – 312-00-08 (ext. 096).

What else do you need to know before deciding to adopt?

Practice shows that the vast majority of potential adoptive parents want to adopt one child under the age of 4, and that he be healthy. The desire is understandable, but where can we get so many healthy babies for everyone?

According to the Ministry of Social Policy in regional bank data on children left without parental care from total number registered children (as of April 1, 2014):
25% are children with the status of “disabled child since childhood”;
67% are children who have brothers and sisters and therefore are not subject to separation;
71% are children over 10 years old.

In addition, many potential adoptive parents do not always sensibly and objectively assess their real opportunities, not taking into account the fact that a child brings not only joy to the family, but also problems that must be dealt with.

That is why, in order not to get into an irreversible situation (the appearance of an intention to abandon adopted child, which will certainly be condemned by your environment), it is better to first arrange guardianship or a foster family for the child, and after you are convinced that this child is YOURS, then carry out the procedure for his adoption.

Registration of guardianship or foster family has its own specific subtleties, which specialists will definitely inform you about. territorial department guardianship and trusteeship.

For information: Rules for the selection, registration and training of citizens who have expressed a desire to become guardians or trustees minor citizens or accept children left without parental care into a family for upbringing in other established family law forms approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 423.

Adoption for childless couples is an opportunity to become parents adopted child. And this is a very common procedure in all modern states. Where to start with adoption? And you need to start by finding out what documents you will need, where to apply, and what to do then. But, most importantly, make perhaps the most important decision in your life. Not only your future will depend on this decision. And also the fate of the little man, who in no case should suffer from the fact that you change your mind or are afraid of difficulties. Here the moral aspect is much more important than all documents and courts.

The decision is the first and most important step

Children are our bright future. And these are not empty words. Becoming a mom and dad is the greatest happiness in the life of any married couple. Only after the birth of a baby do people understand their true purpose and the meaning of their existence on Earth. But, alas, not everyone and not always can experience the joy of the birth of a beloved child.

This is often due to health problems. Some of these problems are completely solvable. But sometimes doctors cannot help and make a disappointing diagnosis - infertility.

Alone married couples they come to terms with this and move on with their lives, finding activities and hobbies for themselves, giving love to each other and not complaining about fate. Others do not lose hope, carry out expensive courses of treatment, and try to get pregnant again and again.

But there is another way to become a full-fledged family. This is the adoption of a child.

Yes, knowing our legislation and all the delays associated with adoption, most potential parents are afraid of paperwork. And this option is not considered at all, considering that it is easier to fly into space than to become a mother or father of an adopted child.

But believe me, time does not stand still, everything changes. The adoption process is also changing, or rather the procedure for this process is being simplified. And today, acquiring the status of adoptive parents is no longer as difficult as it used to be.

This, of course, cannot but please those people who have been dreaming of having children for years, want to give them their love and tenderness, and enjoy all the delights of a fulfilling family life.

Where to start with adoption? First of all, by making a firm and unshakable decision. And you must accept it with full responsibility. Realizing that you will have no way back.

Of course, children are happiness and joy. But children are also everyday work. Raising a child is an honorable mission, but not an easy one. And raising a foster child is doubly difficult. Are you ready to fight and win?

If yes, then honor and praise to you. There are more than 20,000 orphanages in our country, and this is 800,000 poor orphans who wait and hope to find fathers and mothers every day. By becoming the parents of one of these babies, you will make him the happiest child in the world.

This concerns the moral aspect of adoption. Next about the legal framework.

What does the law say?

In the Russian Federation, children can be adopted by:

  • citizens of Russia;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • citizens of Russia permanently residing abroad;
  • stateless persons.

This procedure is regulated by:

  • Articles 124, 165 of the Family Code;
  • Federal Law No. 44-F3 of April 16, 2001 “On the state data bank on children left without parental care”;
  • other legal acts regulating the rights of the parties individually.

Adoptive parent, guardian (trustee) or foster family?

Now there is one more question that you must decide on. Who do you want to become for your child? Adoptive parent, guardian or trustee, foster family - here possible options. What's the difference?

  • Adoption. This is the adoption of a child into a family with the rights to be a full member of this family. From a legal point of view, the baby officially becomes your son or daughter. The adoptive parent can be either one parent or a pair of parents. The whole process remains secret, and no one except you will know that the child is adopted.
  • Guardianship and guardianship. This is when a toddler is accepted into a family for the purpose of his upbringing, maintenance and education. Children under 14 years of age can be cared for, and guardianship is established over children from 14 to 18 years of age. The difference from adoption is that strict financial and housing and communal requirements are not imposed on guardians and trustees. By the way, only one person can take care of you.
  • Adoptive family. Provides for the upbringing of a child in a family of adoptive parents. This makes it possible for the baby to live not in orphanage, but in normal home conditions. As a rule, children who cannot be placed for adoption or guardianship are placed in foster families. This happens after signing an agreement between the guardianship authorities and the adoptive parents.

Where to contact?

Anyone wishing to adopt a child can contact the guardianship authority at their place of residence for preliminary consultation. Be sure to take advantage of this right. There you will learn all the details of the adoption procedure and, for starters, you will receive a list of documents that you will need to become adoptive parents.

What documents are needed?

Parents who decide to adopt a child or take him under guardianship (trusteeship), when contacting the guardianship authorities, must have with them:

  • passport;
  • a short autobiography;
  • a certificate from the place of employment, indicating the position and income;
  • income statement (valid for one year from the date of issue);
  • document confirming the availability of suitable living conditions(valid for one year from the date of issue);
  • certificate of no criminal record for special offenses serious crimes(also valid for a year);
  • medical certificate about the health status of persons wishing to adopt a child (valid for 3 months from the date of issue);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate.

Can you adopt a child?

To become an adoptive parent, it is not enough to just want it. You only need to have positive characteristics worthy wages and acceptable housing and communal conditions. What will serve as the key to a full and comfortable life for the child you have adopted into the family.

Here are the requirements for future parents:

  • voluntary consent to adoption;
  • the family income must be sufficient for a decent living for all its members;
  • parents have no criminal record;
  • absence of serious oncological, venereal, drug addiction and psychoneurological diseases if present relevant certificates with all seals and stamps of medical institutions;

If all documents are in order, the relevant commission will give you permission to adopt. After some time, your home should be inspected by social security authorities.

Then the guardianship and trusteeship authorities make a conclusion about the possibility of being an adoptive parent - the same conclusion that puts you on the register of candidates for adoptive parents.

And only after that you will receive official permission adopt a child. With this document, you can already look for a future baby for your family.

Search and dating

After registration, you, as adoptive parents, are provided with a list of all children for whom you can become adoptive parents.

After reviewing this list and making your choice, you have the right to:

  • get detailed information about the baby and his relatives;
  • study the toddler’s personal file and medical certificate;
  • get to know the child personally;
  • conduct an independent medical checkup with an official representative.

Judicial review

After collecting and checking documents, choosing and meeting the child, your case will be heard in court. Where, based on all the information you have collected, it will be decided final decision about the adoption of the baby you have chosen.

Life is rich in surprises. Couples cement their relationship in the registry office, give birth to children together, and separate. The remaining one woman can again find personal happiness and get married. Her chosen one will raise the baby and provide financial and moral support. To officially establish paternity, he needs a special procedure - the adoption of his wife’s child from his first marriage. It will require time (up to two months) and scrupulous collection of the required documents.

Under what conditions can the procedure begin?

Exist following conditions, compliance with which is mandatory to begin the adoption procedure:

  1. The wish of a future father.
  2. Agreement ex-spouse a woman who has not been deprived of parental rights. If she is a single mother and her husband is no longer alive, this item is omitted.
  3. The consent of the woman herself to the adoption procedure.
  4. Compliance with the legal criteria that a potential father must meet.

The main requirements for an adoptive parent include the following:

  • he is capable;
  • he has a regular income;
  • he has reached his 18th birthday;
  • he has no criminal record;
  • he does not suffer from incurable diseases;
  • he is not the adoptive parent of another child in respect of whom the fact of adoption has been cancelled.

If the child has reached the age of ten, parents and government authorities are obliged to take his opinion into account.

Important! The procedure for adopting a child is impossible if the parents live in an unofficial marriage, i.e. did not register their relationship with the registry office.

What documents will be required?

Documents for adoptive fathers are divided into two groups. The first ones are the main ones, they are fixed on federal level, the second are additional ones that have the right to be included in the list regional authorities at your own discretion.

What documents are needed to adopt a wife's child? The “basic” set includes the following items:

  • Confirmation of no criminal record

To become the owner of a document, you need to contact personally police department and fill out the application form. Another option is to order paper remotely through the State Services portal. The certificate production period is about 30 days, the “expiration date” is six months.

  • Health certificate

To adopt a child, you need to obtain a document in form 164/U-96. He assures that the potential father does not have incurable diseases.

To obtain a certificate, you need to obtain a form from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and visit eight doctors. Four of them are located in dispensaries at the potential father’s registered address, another four are in the clinic in the area of ​​his registration. The last thing you need to do is see a therapist who will make a conclusion.

Important! The Internet is replete with offers to obtain a medical certificate in order to adopt a child without going through a doctor. Refuse to purchase such documents: the authorities carefully check them, and if a forgery is discovered, the procedure for registering paternity will be delayed.

  • Certificate from work

You need to take a document from the employer indicating the position held and the monthly salary (form 2-NDFL). Thus, the citizen confirms that the child being adopted will receive sufficient financial support.

  • Characteristics from the place of employment

Drawed up on the organization's letterhead. Certified with a seal legal entity and the signature of the manager.

  1. Extract from home book

She confirms that the future father lives with the child and his mother.

  • Real estate documents

IN ideal the family must live in the father's living space.

  • Autobiography of a citizen

Compiled in chronological order.

To avoid delays, check with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in advance what documents your wife will need. Perhaps the list will include additional positions. There you will be given a form to write an application for adoption.

Baby adoption process

As soon as you are ready to adopt a child, collect a package of documents and submit them to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the child’s registration address. Upon receipt of the package of papers, representatives of the authority will come to the apartment of the woman and her children. They will evaluate family relationships, living conditions and make a verdict on whether a particular citizen is ready to become a substitute for the child’s natural father from a legal point of view.

If the answer is yes, the documents, along with the statement of claim, are submitted to the court at the place of residence of the adoptee. After the hearing, the justice authority makes a decision on the possibility of adoption. It comes into force after 10 days. After another three days, parents can come to the registry office and receive their passports and the baby with the changes made.

The process of adopting a wife's child takes 1-2 months and requires care when preparing documents. If you are determined to consolidate your legal rights and comply legislative conditions, do not be afraid to start the procedure: government authorities will be on your side.

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