What does a student need to get a travel pass? Types of travel tickets

Parents know that free pass for children of a certain age guaranteed by the state.

However, there is often confusion about how to prove this to the controller. Some people consider the requirement to present documents to be unlawful. Others are confident that they can borrow free place for your young child. Other cases of distortion of the legislation in their favor by both parents and carriers have been noted.

Let's figure out what acts establish benefits for children on public transport. Who can use them in 2019?

Legislative framework

The basis for free travel for children is laid down in Article 786 Civil Code RF. Its paragraph 3 reads:

Clause 3, Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

"3. The passenger has the right, in the manner prescribed by the relevant transport charter or code: to transport children with him free of charge or on other preferential terms; carry free hand luggage within established standards; check in luggage for transportation for a fee according to the tariff.”

Subtleties of understanding legislation

The right not to pay is subject to restrictions and obligations of the parties.

Parents and accompanying persons should understand some nuances.

  1. A seat will not be provided to a minor passenger who has not paid for the fare. This means that an adult must sit him on his lap.
  2. One adult can accompany only one child. If two young passengers are traveling with their mother, then they need a separate seat. According to the rules, children are required to travel while sitting. This means you must purchase a ticket.
  3. If the vehicle does not provide transportation for children without a separate seat, you will have to buy a ticket. An adult has the right to bring with him two children under twelve years of age. Each ticket will cost 50% of the full price.
  4. The benefit is given to the child, not the mother. No matter who the child travels with, he does not pay for travel.
Children ride the metro without paying until they reach the age of seven. Accompaniment by an adult is required. Each person can carry only one minor passenger with them.

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Control and responsibility

Disputes and grievances sometimes arise due to the conductor’s requirement to prove the child’s benefits.

  1. Adults consider them unlawful, since “everyone knows about the benefit.” However, in in this case they are wrong. Art. 21 of the Transport Charter places the duty on the conductor to check the rights of beneficiaries. Therefore, he must ensure that the child is under seven years of age. This is confirmed by the date of birth on the certificate.
  2. A number of questions affect the moment in normative legal acts regarding the age of travelers. Thus, the phrase “up to seven years” is perceived incorrectly by some. She literally limits the day of cancellation. free trips date of birth. As soon as a child turns seven, he is required to purchase a ticket.
  3. The legislation says nothing about schoolchildren and preschoolers. After all, at six years old a child can attend any educational institution. The benefit is assigned to him based on the principle of age, not educational institution.
Accompanying persons are required to have the original document of the child with them. It should be presented upon the first request of the supervisory employee.

Water transport

By analogy, preferences also apply to sea (river) vessels. Children up to seven years of age travel within the Russian Federation without payment.

The condition is limited to the occupation of one seat with an accompanying adult. In addition, if there is more than one child, then they also need to purchase a ticket. The “one adult - one child” rule also works here.

On intercity transportation There are discounts for children under twelve years of age. Their travel will cost 50% of total cost. In this case, everyone will receive a separate seat. There is no need to take them on your lap.

Fringe benefits

Free travel around the city is reserved for some socially vulnerable categories of citizens. Their travel is paid for by the budget.

These include:

  1. Orphans and children deprived of parental care.
  2. Disabled children.
  3. Pupils of large families.
  4. Young people who have lost their breadwinner.

The first two categories apply to a specialized service to obtain status. They are given a document confirming their membership in a preferential category. They have the right not to pay for tickets on the subway, buses, and so on until they reach adulthood. If a young person studies full-time at a university, it is extended to twenty-three years.

The benefit is valid only if there is a document confirming the category.

Air travel without payment

Benefits for children whom parents take with them on a flight are significantly limited by age. So, only the youngest can travel without spending on a ticket. These are children under two years old. Those accompanying them are required to hold them in their arms without taking up additional space.

If there are two or more children per adult, then it is necessary to purchase a ticket for the seat. The baby must sit. The ticket price is reduced by half.

Discount flight tickets are available for young people under twelve years of age. The size is determined by the carrier.

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  • full-time students in schools and colleges located in Moscow and having state accreditation(municipal, federal and private), regardless of where the student himself is registered at his place of residence - including for foreign citizens;
  • full-time students in schools and colleges that have state accreditation, but are not located in Moscow, if the student himself is registered at his place of residence in Moscow.

2. Why do you need a Muscovite card?

  • discounted travel in public transport. You can read how to use a Muscovite card to travel on public transport;
  • Using the Muscovite card and the Moskvyonok service, parents can check how their children attend school and what they buy there. You can read more about the Moskvyonok service.
  • Having a Muscovite card for a student or a Moskvyonok card, a school or college student can visit the city;
  • full-fledged bank card With free service and contactless payment technology. This card can be used to pay for purchases on the Internet, and SMS notifications about transactions are free for the first two months. A Muscovite card for students is issued with a blocked banking application. You can read how to unlock it and use the card to pay for purchases;
  • discounts in shops and enterprises in Moscow;
  • making an appointment with a doctor - using information kiosks in your clinic;
  • convenient way to receive social payments. To do this, contact the organization that pays you payments;
  • a wide network of ATMs and branches in Moscow - depending on which bank you choose when applying for a card.

3. How to apply for a Muscovite card?

If the student is a citizen of Russia and studies in municipal school or college, a Muscovite card is available on the website portal.

Step 1. Please indicate the student's school or college, details of their (parent/legal guardian's) passport or other identification document and attach a photograph to JPEG format.

A social transport card can be issued by students of any educational institutions on the territory of Russia until they reach 23 years of age. It can be formatted in two ways:

  • through the official website of Moscow;
  • at personal visit to the multifunctional center.

Student card on ground transport entitles you to receive a preferential discount for travel on the following transport:

  • suburban rail transport;
  • metro;
  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams;

It appears to be plastic the size of a regular bank card, which contains the personal data of its holder. It provides certain discounts for public transport to students under 23 years of age.

Accordingly, only student citizens of Russia who have not reached 23 years of age can apply for it.

When using public transport, plastic must always be available and be presented to any inspector upon request. There are certain restrictions when using it:

  • the number of trips per day cannot exceed ten;
  • You can use it again no earlier than 10 minutes after passing it through the turnstile for the first time.
The presence of a card confirms a person's right to benefits, and it should be used only for the interests of its owner.

Registration via the Internet

In some regions it is possible to issue this benefit using the Internet. Mainly used for this official portal public services. For Muscovites, it has recently become possible to register for this service using the official website of Moscow www.pgu.mos.ru. Receipt procedure:

  1. You need to log in Personal Area if available, or register as a new user. To register, you must enter personal data in the form that opens on the website.
  2. Next, you need to enter the section related to education.
  3. Select registration service social card.
  4. The site will ask you to fill out an application to receive it. It is a form of questions to which you must fill in the answers.
  5. To confirm your right to receive this service, you will need to upload high-quality photographs measuring 3*4 cm and scans of your passport or birth certificate. It should be noted that all scans and photographs must be in JPEG format. Otherwise, they will not be uploaded to the site.
  6. Submit documents and application.
  7. Receive the card after it has been produced.

When filling out the application, you will need to provide the following information:

  • information about the educational institution;
  • personal data of the student;
  • passport data or information from the birth certificate.
After sending the application and documents, you will receive a notification about the date the plastic is ready. It will be available at the place of study indicated in the application.

Registration by personal visit

If you want to personally apply for a student’s social transport card, you must visit any multifunctional center convenient for its location.

You must have with you:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • a document confirming training at a specific institution.
All copies of documents and photographs are made in this center for free. The application is also filled out in the same way by an employee of the center based on the documents and information provided.

Parents or official representatives have the right to register for a child under 14 years of age.

The plastic will be ready within a month, and it must be received within the same month. multifunctional center.

Card activation

After receiving the plastic from an educational institution or multifunctional center, you must activate it to use its functions. Where can it be activated:

  • special terminals;
  • Mosgostrans kiosk;
  • at a metro station;
  • through the Internet;
  • in the multifunctional center.
When activated through special terminals, you must insert the plastic and select the required service from the provided menu list. Some regions require quarterly or semi-annual activation.

You can also activate the card in the multifunctional center.

For Muscovites, there is the possibility of activation through the Moscow city website. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. You must log in to the system using your username and password.
  2. Select plastic activation services.
  3. Enter the following numbers in the form that opens: 964390. This code matches all social cards.
  4. Then the digits of the card number itself are entered.
  5. And at the end of the long digital code set to 77.
  6. Save this form and send it.
  7. After a while for a short time the plastic will be active, a notification will be sent about this.

If it is not readable when you insert the plastic into the terminal, it means that it is not active and requires an activation procedure using any of the above methods.

Amount of social card benefits

The student's social card provides a discounted fare in the amount of:

  • 50% of the cost of intercity travel railway transport during the academic year from September 1 to June 15;
  • 240 rubles for all types of ground transport;
  • 365 rubles for the metro.

These amounts are fixed and do not depend on the frequency of use.

Card replenishment

In order to be able to receive the benefit, you need to top up your balance. Some social account owners do not always know where to top up their balance. Replenishment is made at public transport ticket offices. To do this you need to present your card and pay the required amount money.

Also one of convenient ways replenishment is replenishment of the balance through the site, through which it is possible to receive it. In Moscow, this is the city website of Moscow. To replenish you need:

  1. Log in to the system as a registered user.
  2. Select a balance replenishment service.
  3. Specify the method by which the replenishment will be made. For this, funds can be used from the account of any bank, as well as using Internet systems such as Qiwi, WebMoney.
  4. After this you need to enter the required amount and confirm the transfer by confirming a special code, usually sent to your phone.
  5. Funds are credited to your balance instantly.

In addition to the services of the regional website, you can use the services of some banks, such as Sberbank. ATMs and websites of this bank provide the service of replenishing the balance of a social card.

If you need to pay for travel on ground transport, you need to go to any kiosk that sells travel tickets.

The remaining balance is checked at an ATM when entering plastic or at any terminal. Any replenishment occurs instantly and is available at any time of the day.

The students' social card for ground transport was issued in order to compensate part of the students' travel costs during the academic year.

According to the law, students of universities and general education institutions belong to a special category of citizens who need additional measures state support. In particular, such people have the right to take advantage of special benefits.

For example, student and school passes allow a person to use public transport for free.

By law, discounted school travel for this category of students is provided for all types of vehicles.

Urban transport

IN major cities Discounts on public transport are especially popular. With a travel card, a student can buy a bus or metro ticket at a discount.

Of course, such a benefit is also in demand in small towns, when locality a small amount of educational institutions, and the child lives far from school. In most cases, there is no subway travel in these situations, but school students can use buses.

In some regions, children are given a 50 percent discount on riding in city and suburban transport, and in individual subjects Russian Federation, such travel is provided to students free of charge.

Suburban service

Schoolchildren can travel by transport with a 50 percent discount commuter service. For example, such students may be given a discount on travel on electric trains or discounted tickets on an electric train.

Upon presentation of a certificate from the school, the student can buy a discounted train ticket. In most regions, the discount is provided only for reserved seat and seated carriages.

International connections

The size and timing of discounts on the purchase of tickets for international transport vehicles directly depend on transport company and the region where the tour is sold.

In most cases, schoolchildren receive a 50 percent discount on domestic and international flights.

Discount amounts

Some regions have their own rules for calculating the cost of travel on public transport using a discounted school pass. Most often, students educational institutions can count on receiving a 50% discount on public transport.

Free passes are only available in select regions, subject to availability. Therefore, in some local laws Changes are regularly made regarding the procedure for obtaining such discounted school tickets.

Individual organizations involved in the transportation of passengers are introducing their own programs aimed at reducing the amount spent on travel. Money. How much a ticket will cost depends on the program, for example, in the summer season individual categories Schoolchildren are given the opportunity to take advantage of a discount on purchasing tickets to southern destinations.

The possibility of issuing such a ticket at a discount must be checked at the ticket office of the railway station.

How to use the benefit

Rules for travel in public vehicles contain a rule that in order to receive a discounted travel pass for a schoolchild, you need a certificate for free travel. In addition, the student must present a certificate from the school.

A travel ticket can be issued for 1 month. After this period, use discounted travel prohibited, the student must apply for a subscription renewal.

In most cities, school students can get a single travel ticket, which gives them the opportunity to ride any type of public transport for free or at a discount. This travel ticket is also valid for 1 month.

Using a Muscovite social card

Moscow provides discounted travel for schoolchildren. By legal acts local level, according to such a map preferential categories citizens have the right to use public transport under special conditions.

Obtaining a Muscovite social card is only allowed large families. The most popular service among children school age is to receive discounts on travel costs on public transport.

At first glance, it may seem that using the card practically does not pay off. But in practice, the use of such a measure state support helps to significantly save the family budget.

Topping up a Muscovite card must be done monthly. During this period, the student has the right to purchase discount ticket to the metro for 350 rubles. Ground ticket public transport will cost schoolchildren a little over 200 rubles.

Registration of a Muscovite card is carried out by submitting an application and related documents at the MFC.

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