What is needed to register a newborn. Documents for registration

Registration of a newborn child at the place of residence of the parents or one of them is a mandatory procedure.

Registration of a child is necessary to obtain a medical policy, maternity capital, child benefits and register the child in a preschool institution. Therefore, there is no point in delaying the registration of a newborn, despite the fact that the exact period during which parents must register a child after birth is not established by law.

However, there is a provision, stipulated by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, that any citizen of the Russian Federation must be registered at a new place of residence within a seven-day period from the date of arrival. In addition, the administrative law of the Russian Federation provides for a fine for lack of registration.

The use of these standards in relation to a newborn child is controversial, and in practice such a fine is rarely levied against the parents of a newborn, but such precedents exist.

Registration Features

Registration of newborn children has a number of features compared to other citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • a child can be registered only at the place of registration of one or both parents, as well as adoptive parents and guardians. It will not be possible to register the child even in the apartment of his grandparents, since family law does not allow a child under the age of sixteen to live separately from his parents;
  • the procedure for registering a newborn has a simplified procedure, since it is not necessary to provide written consent from the owners of residential premises and members of their families, as well as other citizens registered and living at this place of residence;
  • if the child’s parents live together, then to register it, only an application from the mother is sufficient, who must submit it personally;
  • if the parents of the newborn live separately, then it is necessary to submit statements from both parents confirming the consent of both parties to registration.

Passport office employees are required to register a child at the request of the parents (or one of them), even in cases where registration is not allowed under housing legislation due to the small size of the living space.

Registration of a newborn child is carried out at the passport office at the location of the apartment in which he is registered.

Documents required for registration of a newborn child

To register a newborn child, parents must submit the following documents to the passport office at their place of residence:

  1. an application from one of the parents (the one with whom the child will be registered) and written consent to registration from the second parent or an application from one mother, when this is permitted by law (that is, if the parents live together);
  2. general passports of parents and their photocopies;
  3. birth certificate of the newborn child and its copy;
  4. marriage certificate of the child’s parents, if the marriage is officially registered;
  5. certificate of paternity establishment, if the parents of the newborn child are not officially married;
  6. a certificate from the place of registration of the second parent confirming that the child was not registered with him;
  7. extracts from house books and personal accounts from the place of residence of the father and mother.

Registration of a newborn child is free, so there are no state fees.

Thus, in order to register a child in an apartment, parents first need to obtain from the registry office the child’s birth certificate, which is issued on the basis of a special extract from the maternity hospital. Additionally, to obtain a birth certificate, parents must present their passports and marriage certificate or write a statement to establish paternity if their marriage is not officially registered.

If the child does not have a birth certificate, parents will not only be able to register at the place of residence, but also receive any documents for the child and perform legally significant actions regarding the newborn.

A birth certificate, according to general rules, must be received within 30 calendar days from the date of discharge from the maternity hospital, since the baby’s birth certificate is valid during this period.

Registration is usually ready a few days after submitting all documents. Parents are issued passports with the child’s details entered in the “Children” column. A registration stamp is not placed on the child's birth certificate.

How to register a child without the father's consent

Many divorced women are faced with the problem of how to register a child in an apartment without the father’s consent.

According to Russian legislation, registration of a child is possible only in two cases (if the parents do not live in the same apartment):

  1. mutual consent of the parents, confirmed by an appropriate statement;
  2. a court decision on which parent the child will live with if agreement cannot be reached.

This list is exhaustive. Therefore, in the absence of the father’s consent, the woman must go to court.

Comments (31)

Anna | 2014/10/16

What specific acts should be followed if the passport office employees refuse to register a newborn according to the mother’s registration?

admin | 2014/10/22

Good afternoon Anna! To answer your question, it is necessary to clarify on what grounds your registration of a newborn is denied. According to the law, the place of residence and stay of a newborn child is the place of residence of his mother, and the consent of other residents is not required to register a newborn in the apartment. In asserting your right, you can refer to Part 2 of Art. 20 of the Civil Code, which determines the place of residence of a newborn with his parents, to the Government Decree regulating the procedure for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as to the Order of the Federal Migration Service, which approved the administrative regulations for the registration of citizens.

Anastasia | 2015/03/02

Please tell me. Is it possible to register a child in an apartment that is owned by one of the parents, but neither of the parents is currently registered in it?

admin | 2015/03/16

Hello Anastasia! Unfortunately, this cannot be done, since Art. 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the place of residence of a child is determined by the place of residence of his parents, therefore, in order to register a child in an apartment, the fact of registration of one of the parents there is necessary.

Anna | 2015/05/05

To register a child at the place of registration, the mother is required to write the father’s consent that he is not against it. I can’t find where, how, in what form it should be written

admin | 2015/05/13

Hello Anna! In accordance with the current legislation, to register a minor you need the consent of his father, certified by a notary. To do this, you need to go to a notary, who will draw up the text of the written consent and certify it. If the child’s father wishes to personally provide written consent to the passport office, then this document can be drawn up in free form indicating detailed personal data of both the applicant (father) and the minor child.

Sasha | 2015/08/14

My husband and I have different registrations. Can I register a child with my husband without the consent of his mother, but with the consent of the husband? Thank you.

admin | 2015/08/23

Hello Sasha! Today, in order to register a minor child at the place of registration of one of his parents, the consent of no other persons is required.

admin | 2016/03/17

Hello Maria! Current legislation allows you to register a minor child at any place of registration of his parents, including at the place of residence of parents with temporary registration, and the consent of any other persons is not required to register a minor child.

Marina | 2016/06/22

Good afternoon.
Can I be denied registration for a newborn child if I am registered and live in a dormitory?

admin | 2016/07/06

Hello Marina! Refusal to register a newborn child at the mother’s place of residence will be unlawful in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Natalia | 2016/11/01

Hello. Tell me, we want to register the child in an apartment owned by the spouse, but we are both registered in other different cities and there is no opportunity to go there. What to do in this case in order to register the child in this particular apartment?! Thank you.

admin | 2016/11/08

Hello Natalia! According to legal requirements, a minor child must be registered at the place of registration of one of the parents. Thus, in order for a minor to be registered at the desired address, one of his parents must also be registered at that address.

Valeria | 2017/01/09

Hello, is it possible to register a child with my parents where they are the owners, I am registered with them, and will the child be able to register with me, for example, in a year, already in our apartment? Or can the child be discharged only if his living conditions are improved?

admin | 2017/01/16

Hello Valeria! To register a small child at the mother’s place of residence, the consent of any persons is not required. Subsequently, you will also be able to freely leave your parents’ apartment and register with your child at a new place of residence.

Ekaterina | 2017/06/09

Hello, please tell me, can the child’s grandmother handle registration at the place of residence if the child’s mother is registered with her at the same address?

admin | 2017/06/24

Hello Ekaterina! The grandmother has the right to register the child at the place of residence only if she has a power of attorney from the parents to perform these actions. Also, to register, you will need to provide an application from the mother with a request to register at the place of residence. In addition, according to the norms of civil legislation, the place of residence of minor children is the place of residence of their parents (Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Svetlana | 2018/01/24

Hello, can you tell me if a grandmother, by proxy from a single mother, can register newborns at the mother’s place of registration?

admin | 2018/02/06

Hello Svetlana! Yes, registration by power of attorney is possible if the power of attorney contains the appropriate powers.

Anna | 2018/03/03

Hello! Please tell me, I issued a power of attorney for my grandmother, which states that she can register my daughter in the house where I am registered, because I myself am in another city and cannot come in person. but in the corresponding department they refused registration, citing the fact that they needed the original birth certificate (but how can I send the original document of my child to another city?), they also said that it was necessary for all the owners to appear in person yours and they also do not live in this region.

admin | 2018/03/13

Hello Anna! Instead of the original birth certificate, you can provide a notarized copy of it. However, requiring other owners to be present is illegal. You can appeal a written refusal to register at your place of residence to a superior manager or to court.

Faith | 2018/06/23

Good afternoon I own part of the apartment and am registered there. At the moment I live in another city due to temporary registration. A child will be born soon, can my mother, with a power of attorney from me, register the child under my permanent registration? Please tell me what documents will be needed in this case and what powers should be included in the power of attorney?

admin | 2018/07/07

Hello Vera! Yes, it will be possible to register a child by power of attorney if there are special powers in the power of attorney, namely: the right to register the child at the place of residence (full name, date of birth) with all special rights, as well as the right to submit and sign any applications. You will also be required to provide copies (preferably notarized) of your passport and child’s birth certificate. It is better for you to clarify the detailed list of documents by contacting the passport office or the Federal Migration Service.

Evgenia | 2018/07/01

Good afternoon. Can I register a child born abroad? There is a birth certificate of a foreign state with a translation into Russian and a mark on receipt of Russian citizenship. The father is registered on the birth certificate, he is a foreigner, he cannot come to Russia, and we are not in a registered marriage. I am the owner of the apartment. What to do in such a situation?

admin | 2018/07/16

Hello Evgeniya! Of course, you can register your child at your place of residence. If you are the mother of a child, and the birth certificate is translated into Russian, you can easily register the child without the presence of the father. If you are not the child’s mother, you will be able to register the child on the basis of a power of attorney from the father (accordingly, translated into Russian).

Victoria | 2018/09/28

Hello, can my newborn children be registered at my place of registration using a general power of attorney?

admin | 2018/10/10

Hello Victoria! Yes, you can register children in an apartment on the basis of a notarized power of attorney with the appropriate powers (must be specified in the power of attorney). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1995 N 713 (as amended on May 25, 2017) “On approval of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence” does not prohibit the registration of citizens in residential premises by power of attorney. Also, the right to represent interests by proxy is enshrined in Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Iskander | 2018/10/09

Hello! The passport office employees refused to register the newborn due to the lack of consent of the wife. My wife is in the hospital with the newborn, I went to the passport office alone (the child’s father), my wife and I are officially married, the registration is different. Is the refusal legal? I can’t find a legislative norm anywhere on the need for such consent

admin | 2018/10/18

Hello Iskander! To register a minor child at the place of residence, as a general rule, the consent of other persons is not required. The list of documents to be provided is established by clauses 48-50 of Administrative Regulation No. 984. However, since you and your spouse have different residential addresses, the consent of your spouse is indeed required to register a newborn. The need to provide such consent directly follows from the content of Article 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for determining the child’s place of residence (by agreement between the parents).

The birth of a baby is not only a joyful event for the family, but also the need to realize his rights in society. After discharge from the maternity hospital, parents must receive the first document in the baby’s life - a birth certificate. Then you need to make a compulsory health insurance policy for the baby and a certificate of pension insurance. An equally important point in the process of obtaining documents is the registration of a small citizen’s registration, without which it is impossible to be in line for a place in kindergarten and to receive certain types of benefits.

According to Russian legislation (Article 54 of the Civil Code of Russia), a child has the right to live with his parents until he reaches adulthood, when this does not contradict his interests. Until the child reaches the age of majority, the place of residence will be the place of residence of his parents, or the place of residence of one of the parents. When a child does not have parents, but has guardians or adoptive parents, his place of residence will be the place of residence of the guardians or parents.

Until the child turns 14 years old, he must live only with his parents or adoptive parents (guardians).

The registration of a child has many legal nuances and is regulated by a large number of legislative provisions and acts. The procedure for registering a child is simpler than the procedure for registering an adult, since this no consent required owners of living space and all family members registered in the living space.

Who has the right to submit documents to register a child in an apartment?

Only parents, adoptive parents or guardians can submit documents for registration of a child in the owner’s apartment and in a municipal apartment. If the spouses are registered as married, then one of the parents will be able to apply for registration. When parents are divorced, both parents are required to be present. If the child is registered at the mother’s place of residence, her presence is mandatory. The father does not need to be present during this procedure if he is listed in the “Father” column in the child’s birth certificate. The presence of the father is necessary only in those situations when he registers the baby in his living space. You will also need a statement from the mother that she is not against the baby’s registration in the father’s living space. Only parents, adoptive parents, and guardians who have not been deprived of parental rights can submit documents for registration of a child.

What documents are needed to register a child?

Timely registration of a newborn is in the interests of the parents themselves. By doing this, you can avoid some fines and receive all child benefits on time. Before contacting the passport office, parents need to clarify  what documents are needed to register a child?:

  1. the original (a copy is also needed) of the birth certificate of the baby who is planned to be registered;
  2. original and copy of marriage certificate;
  3. an application from one of the parents with a request to register the child at his place of residence;
  4. an extract of personal accounts from the house register where the child is registered.

If the child’s parents are registered at different addresses, then the list of required documents will be slightly different.
For those who are registering a child for the first time, it would be useful to learn some of the nuances of this procedure.

  • If the baby has not reached one month, then it is registered only on the basis of an application from the parents.
  • If the baby has reached the age of one month, then for his registration it is also necessary to provide an application from one of the parents.
  • When the parents of a newborn are divorced, the registration procedure involves providing a certificate from the place of residence of the 2nd parent.

The role of parents in the registration procedure for a child is important only until the age of 14. After the child receives a passport, he will be able to apply for registration independently.

When one of the parents does not want to give the child registration at the address of the father or mother, an appeal to the court is required. The judge reviews the available evidence and makes a decision on the child's place of residence. Based on a court decision, a minor citizen is registered in an apartment without the consent of the 2nd parent. If the parents are divorced, then a court decision is also required to register the child.

Temporary registration of a child

Temporary registration is necessary so that the child can receive the necessary benefits and medical care at the place of residence. Temporary registration is also sometimes required to enroll a child in school.

What documents are needed to temporarily register a child:

  1. application for temporary registration;
  2. passports of applicants (parents, adoptive parents, guardians);
  3. birth certificate for children under 14 years of age and passport of a child over 14 years of age;
  4. The documents required for registration of the child include the written consent of the second parent if he cannot be present at the time of submission of the documents.

Differences in registration of a newborn and a child over 14 years of age

A child under 14 years of age can only be registered with one of the parents. When the child reaches 14 years old, you can register him in the living space of other relatives.

If a newborn child is registered in the father's living space, only the mother's consent is required. If a child over 14 years of age is registered with the father, the child’s consent is required. From this age, a minor will be able to independently decide where he will be registered. In Russia, the opinion of a minor child after 10 years of age is taken into account in all cases. Parents' signatures in documents submitted to the Federal Migration Service for registration of a child over 14 years of age are also required.

A sample consent for registration can be downloaded in this article

Is it possible to register a child in a dormitory? Watch the answer in the video:

Any questions you may have can be asked in the comments to the article.

Like all citizens of the country, a newborn child also has its own certain rights. According to Article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which defines the rights of children, every child can: be raised in a family, receive care from his parents, live with them. Parents, in turn, are obliged to raise the child and provide him with everything he needs, as well as respect him and help him to develop comprehensively. If parents are deprived of their rights to raise a child, then the guardianship and trusteeship authorities become his guardians. The place of residence of any child who has not reached 18 years of age is the same place of residence as his parents. Until the child turns 14 years old, he must live only with his parents or one of them, as well as guardians or adoptive parents, as appropriate.

The procedure for registering a newborn child in Moscow

Although registration as such has long been abolished, permanent and temporary registration of Russians at their place of residence can hardly be called a procedure of a notification nature. In the absence of registration, it is impossible to prepare many documents, get a job, or obtain an insurance policy. A change of place of residence must be notified to the relevant authorities within 7 days.

Has its own characteristics registration of a newborn child in Moscow, which is governed by many laws and regulations. Children can only be registered at the place of residence of one of their parents or guardians or adoptive parents.

The procedure for registering a child is a little simpler than registering an adult, since it does not require the consent of the owner of the living space, family members and persons who are registered and live at this address.

It is carried out at the passport office at the place of residence.

What documents are needed to register a newborn child in Moscow?

  1. original and photocopy of the registered child’s birth certificate;
  2. originals and photocopies of parents’ passports;
  3. original marriage certificate;
  4. an application from one of the parents with a request to register the child at the address where they live;
  5. an extract from the house register and personal accounts at the address where the child is registered;
  6. if the child is registered at the address of one of the parents, then a certificate from the place of residence of the second spouse is required, confirming that the child is not registered with him at his address;
  7. Also, if necessary, a statement from one of the parents about his consent to register the child with the second parent will be required.

The collected documents must be certified by the head of the housing and communal organization and submitted to the passport office. Registration of the child will take several days. After which your passports and child’s certificate will be returned to you, which may contain a registration stamp.

However, it should be noted that this initiative of some passport offices does not have a legislative basis. According to the changes made to the Rules for Registration of Russian Citizens, when registering minor children, a Certificate of Registration at the Place of Residence must be issued, which in reality is issued only upon request. A birth certificate is issued once and for life, and the place of residence can change several times, so if you do not want the certificate to be decorated with stamps, demand what you have every right to.

After registering your child, you need to get a certificate from the housing office about his registration and residence together with his parents in order to prepare documents for receiving benefits.

Deadlines for registration of a newborn child in Moscow

Before registering a newborn child, you must register him and obtain a birth certificate from the registry office of your locality, where you will be asked for a medical certificate from the institution where the child was born, passports of the parents (or mother), and a marriage certificate.

If the registration of a newborn child is carried out within 1 month, then only a statement from the mother will be sufficient. If later, you will additionally need a certificate from the place of residence of the child’s father. There are no specific restrictions regarding the timing of registration of newborn children. However, you should not delay registering your child. The fines provided for by law for living without registration apply to all Russian citizens, regardless of their age.

In addition, without registering your child, you will not be able to draw up documents to receive monthly benefits and maternity capital; problems may arise with obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. insurance and registration of the child in the kindergarten queue.

What else do you need to know about registering a newborn child in Moscow?

If the parents live separately, the place of residence of the children is established by agreement of the parents.

If a child is registered with his mother, then a statement written by her will be sufficient, and without her presence and handwritten signature, the child will not be registered.

If the child is registered with a father who lives separately from the mother, then the mother will need a statement of her consent, certified by a notary or the Housing Office.

If the parents live separately, one of them cannot register the child with the other parent without his or her consent.

Registration of a child is carried out regardless of the size of the living space, even if it does not comply with the standards provided for by law.

The possibility of registering a minor child with relatives, including grandparents, is excluded.

Minor children who have reached the age of fourteen, with the consent of their parents or guardians, have the right to independently choose their place of residence. However, this is a controversial issue, because The civil code provides for separation only from the age of sixteen, and the family code does not provide for separation at all.

Controversial issues regarding the registration of a child are resolved in court, the decision of which will be made taking into account the interests and opinions of the child.

A newborn baby needs to obtain citizenship, and for this you need to obtain a birth certificate from the registry office. What is needed to obtain such an important document?

Any document is always issued on the basis of certain certificates or other evidence, which means you need official confirmation that the child was actually born into your family.

If you gave birth in a maternity hospital, then they will issue an appropriate certificate, according to which registration will be carried out, but other options are also possible.

The baby could be born suddenly, that is, not in a medical institution, in this case the person who was present at the birth writes a statement, the fact is established that the mother was registered at the antenatal clinic for pregnancy and a certificate of the baby’s birth is issued.

In general, in situations where an ambulance arrives after the baby is born, the woman in labor is hospitalized and the health of the mother and child is monitored until complete discharge, and cases when the mother does not seek help are extremely rare.

Childbirth can also be performed by a private practice doctor, in which case this doctor issues a corresponding certificate.

Documents for registering a child after discharge from the maternity hospital

In order for a child to be registered with the registry office, you must submit:

  • Statement
  • Birth certificate from the maternity hospital
  • Civil passports of both parents, if married
  • Marriage certificate (not needed for a single mother)

When all the documents have been collected, you contact the registry office at the place of registration or place of birth of the baby, write a statement in which you ask to assign the child a last name, first name and patronymic; all other data about the date and place of birth will be entered from the certificate you provided.

Who has the right to submit documents to register a child at the registry office

If a child was born in a complete family, then either of the parents can submit documents for his registration; the presence of both is not required.

If the mother is not married to the child’s father, but the fact of paternity is confirmed and the parties agree that the father will take part in raising the child, then either parent can register him. In this case, the child will be included in the father’s passport.

In cases where the parents are not identified, the child is registered by a court decision by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

If parents do not have the opportunity to independently register their child with the registry office within a month, then a power of attorney is issued to another person, which must be notarized. An authorized person submits an application and all of the above documents on behalf of the parents, along with a power of attorney.

Documents in case of unknown paternity

If paternity has not been established, then an entry in the civil registration book is made based on a certificate from the maternity hospital according to the mother, and the child is also assigned the mother’s surname and patronymic, which the mother will indicate in the application. The mother presents all of the above documents, except the marriage certificate. In this case, at the request of the mother, information about the father may not be included at all.

List of documents issued after registration

After all the necessary entries have been made in the civil register, parents are given a birth certificate of the child and a certificate of form No. 25, according to which a benefit for a newborn is issued. This certificate is valid for 6 months. If the mother and father are not married, the father will receive a paternity certificate. The certificate that was issued to you at the maternity hospital is no longer returned; it is stored in the registry office.

Documents to be presented in the absence of a birth certificate

If for some reason you do not have a certificate from the maternity hospital, then registration is carried out by court decision. This can happen if the baby was not born in a maternity hospital and was dropped off by a mother whose whereabouts are unknown, as well as in other extreme situations.

Deadlines for registering a newborn child at the registry office

The baby must be registered within a month from the date of his birth. The birth certificate is filled out by a civil registry office employee and certified with an official seal. The corresponding entry with the series and number of the certificate is made in the civil register.

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