What do individuals need to know about the nuances of obtaining a TIN certificate? Obtaining a new TIN with registration with the tax authority. Advantages of using an electronic digital signature to obtain a TIN

You no longer need to waste time in line at the tax office to find out your TIN number - you can to know, but do not get a TIN through Gosuslugi; step-by-step instruction Registration for this useful site is available on many Internet portals.

In receipt physical document The State Services website is not a help. To order for the first time, you will have to use another portal - the official website of the Federal Tax Service; if you need to restore a document, a visit to the Federal Tax Service department is mandatory. But you can easily find out which TIN is assigned and get the number itself through “Government Services”. If you are familiar with a computer, then 5-10 minutes of free time and constant access to the Internet will be enough for you.

Also read, how to apply to the registry office online through government services simple and fast

What kind of document?

TIN began to be assigned to ordinary citizens in 1999, while legal entities began receiving such a number back in 1995. It is this document that monitors how conscientious the taxpayer is.

The TIN is almost always required by the employer when applying for employment, which, by the way, is a violation.

Info: According to Article 65 Labor Code having a citizen's TIN is not prerequisite hiring. There are exception workers: civil servants, managers, chief accountants - for them, having a tax number is mandatory.

If you are planning to get a job, then it is better not to demonstrate your knowledge of Labor Code articles to the employer, but simply show him the document - the number is not a big secret and certainly cannot be used by the employer for fraudulent purposes.

How to get a tax number through Gosuslugi?

It has recently become impossible for an individual to order a TIN online through Gosuslugi - numerous instructions posted on the Internet simply mislead users and force them to waste time searching for non-existent sections. But obtaining a TIN through Gosuslugi, if the document has already been issued earlier, is still possible. So how can an individual obtain a TIN through Gosuslugi?

1.First of all, you need to register and log in to the website www.gosuslugi.ru. Authorization - more difficult process: if during registration you only need to indicate email and phone number, then during authorization you must enter all passport data and SNILS numbers. If you are already registered, then the task is simplified - you just need to enter your login and password.

You will see a window like this:

3. You should find the Federal Tax Service. At this stage, many users have difficulties due to ignorance of the structure executive power in the Russian Federation. In the list of ministries you need to find Ministry of Finance Russian Federation and click on the down arrow. The Federal Tax Service will appear in the list of controlled departments.

4. Click on the arrow opposite “Federal Tax Service”. A link “Find out your TIN” will appear. You need to click on it.

5. The system will ask for documents necessary to complete the application. In general, you don’t need anything other than a Russian Federation passport - you can find out your passport data in your Personal Account, because you indicated them when going through authorization. Don't forget to enter the captcha - this is protection against spam. Next you need to click “Check”.

Tax number information will be provided within seconds. It is with the help of this step-by-step instructions that you can obtain an online TIN through “Gosuslugi” without leaving your home.

Please note: Not every registered user can obtain a TIN via the Internet at Gosuslugi. This is one of the services that requires proof of identity.

There are three ways to confirm your identity on the State Services website:

  1. Visit one of the specialized service centers in person with your passport.
  2. Order a letter with an access code, which will be sent via Russian Post.
  3. Instantly confirm data using electronic stamp or universal electronic card(UEC).

Other ways to get a TIN online

You can also obtain this document through the website tax service RF – www.nalog.ru. To familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the site, it is recommended to use the Demo mode: to do this, when entering the “Personal Account for Individuals” you need to enter 12 zeros as a login, and any arbitrary code as a password.

The easiest way to get a TIN through the Federal Tax Service website is as follows:

Enter “Find out your TIN” in the search engine on the site - the search engine will return all suitable links.

  1. If you want to know yours or someone else's tax number, the link will suit you https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do. To find out your TIN, you need to enter all the data requested by the State Services portal - full name, passport details, as well as a captcha - then click “Send request”. If you need to find out someone else's number, you will need the passport information of both parties - both the applicant and the requested person. Applicants who are legal entities or government authorities, must indicate their TIN, OGRN and name as details.
  2. If you want to draw up a document (which is possible through the Federal Tax Service portal), you will need to use the link https://service.nalog.ru/zpufl/. This service allows you to fill out an online application to receive a document. A site user's capabilities vary depending on whether he/she has electronic seal or not. If there is no digital signature, then you will have to pick up the document at the Federal Tax Service office at your place of residence or stay. The document production time ranges from 5 to 15 days.

If you have an electronic signature, you can receive the document at electronic format or by registered mail via Russian Post. However, the owner of the digital signature will have to learn to use the “Legal Taxpayer” program. You can download this program on the Federal Tax Service website - it is necessary to seal a person’s coded statement in the so-called shipping container.

Please note: if the TIN document was previously received but was lost, then it can only be obtained by visiting the tax authority.

There are many advantages of ordering online: for example, the customer is spared the need to waste time in line at the Federal Tax Service. Also, he may not be afraid to make a mistake during registration - in electronic form any mistake can be corrected, whereas in the case of a physical one you will have to start the work all over again. It is obvious that the government's laudable desire to improve its online service portals will soon bear fruit in the form of reduced queues at branches.

Not so long ago, State Portal The service has prohibited the possibility of obtaining a TIN electronically, so many citizens are unsuccessfully trying to find the desired section on a website that no longer exists. However, earlier you may have already received your TIN and not even suspect it, for example, when registration of SNILS. It is still possible to find out your number through State Services; in addition, the whole procedure takes only a few minutes, and to obtain it you only need a passport and registration on the portal. Be careful, registration is considered complete after confirmation of the user’s identity at any municipal institution.

Go to the portal via the link https://www.gosuslugi.ru and select the “Service Catalog” section. You just need to hover your mouse over it, do not click on the button.

In the pop-up window, select the “Entire Directory” field at the very bottom.

Scroll down the page with your mouse wheel until you see the large “Taxes and Finance” section. At the bottom, click on the gray “All services” button.

Among the six services, you need “Find out your TIN”. Just click on the purple icon.

Now go through the “Get a service” field to the next page.

If your data was initially entered on the portal, and without this you could not register, the TIN will automatically appear below the green stripe.

If you need to find another person’s TIN, the State Services portal is not suitable for this. Visit the website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

If your data is entered incorrectly or has changed, click on the link above “Change data”. Fill it all out again genuine information

about yourself on this page. Now you will receive your TIN. On this moment , to issue you a TIN code, you need to visit the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, having your passport with you. Issuance occurs within five working days, you can receive notarized power of attorney

to a relative and ask him to go through the procedure for you. For every Russian citizen who receives income, registration with the tax service is mandatory procedure . A TIN is required in cases of applying for a job or registering as an individual entrepreneur. For minor citizens

In the Russian Federation who own real estate, having a TIN is also required. We will consider further whether it is possible to order a TIN via the Internet and how to apply for it. To obtain the document please contact district department Federal Tax Service, responsible for working with citizens at the place of permanent (temporary) registration with an application in the form 2-2-Accounting.

You must have the original and a photocopy of your identification document with you. In most cases, this document is a passport. The TIN will be stored in Unified register

taxpayers. The citizen is issued a certificate of assignment of a taxpayer number.

How to apply?

  • Where can you order a certificate:
  • personally;
  • through a representative;
  • by mail;

through the Internet. When contacting the Federal Tax Service via Postal office

  1. We go to the Federal Tax Service website, find the section for individuals, choose among electronic services paragraph “Submission of an individual’s application for registration.”
  2. We register in your Personal Account. Fill in the fields: E-mail, Password, Confirm password, Full name. Enter protection from robots (numbers from the picture) in a special field. Click the “Continue” button. We confirm registration using the link received in email to the specified box.
  3. After activation, the application form opens.

If you do not have electronic signature , then fill out exactly this form. All fields should be carefully checked to ensure that the data you enter into them is correct. All typos and errors found must be corrected, otherwise you will not be able to receive a Certificate.

It is not necessary to fill out all the fields at once; you can save the application at any stage and then return to the saved data. You can also track the status of your application from your Personal Account.

After filling out all fields of the application, it is automatically assigned a registration number. You will need to receive the completed certificate on the appointed date in person at the Federal Tax Service office. In this case, you will need to provide the registration number of the application.

If you have an electronic signature, issued by a certification center accredited by the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the procedure is noticeably simplified. You can receive the Certificate by mail (registered mail) or at in electronic format. In this case, completing the application for the first time will proceed differently.

Download the “Legal Taxpayer” program from the Tax Service website and install it. Using this program, we fill out an application in form 2-2-Accounting. If you are going to receive the Certificate in electronic form, then along with the Application you must fill out a Request in Form No. 3-Accounting.

Next, using the same program, we prepare a transport container with an Application encrypted and signed with the electronic signature of the applicant, and if you receive the Certificate in electronic form, then also an encrypted signed Request. We send the prepared container for processing, find out the results of processing and receive a Certificate. How to get a TIN for foreign citizen- read.

Options for obtaining a TIN via the Internet

  1. about yourself on this page. Now you will receive your TIN. on paper upon your personal visit or authorized representative upon presentation of an identification document, as well as a power of attorney to the representative.
  2. By registered mail, which is sent to the address specified by the Applicant.
  3. Electronically on file pdf format signed electronically official tax authority. Can be "downloaded" from the site.

Decoration for a child

If you receive a TIN for a child under 14 years of age, the application is completed in exactly the same way. Only do it legal representatives who are parents or guardians.

But it is worth considering that in the Applicant field you need to indicate the details of the child, not the representative.

If a child is over 14 years old, he or she can obtain a TIN personally.

When a TIN is issued in Russia - read.

If after receipt there is a change in last name, first name, patronymic, gender, place and date of birth, a new Certificate is issued free of charge. It should be noted that in these cases changing the Certificate is not mandatory.

If a document is lost, the ordering procedure will look the same as when issuing a new one, but such a certificate can only be obtained in person and with payment of a recovery fee. You will receive a duplicate within 5 days from the date of submitting your application to the inspectorate.

Advantages of obtaining a certificate via the Internet:

  • saving time. There is no need to stand in line in front of the inspection office;
  • you can correct errors in electronic statement. Paper version deprived of this advantage;
  • You can quickly track the progress of your application.

Please note that the service for issuing a TIN Certificate is no longer available on the government services website gosuslugi.ru. Those. If you decide to obtain a TIN for an individual through government services, this will not work.
You can only find out the number the citizen already has.

This can be done using the search on the site, or through the drop-down list electronic services provided by the Federal Tax Service.

Currently, the procedure for changing, restoring, and registering a TIN without leaving home has become convenient, fast and simple. public service, allowing any citizen of the Russian Federation In almost a couple of minutes, resolve all issues regarding obtaining a TIN.

Therefore, do not put off “on the back burner” what can now be arranged quickly, without serious time and nerves, because the Taxpayer Identification Number has become one of the most important and necessary documents modern successful resident of our country.

Commentary from an expert lawyer

Comments on the material:

  • Has impressive experience in the position chief inspector of the department financial monitoring security department North Caucasus Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia";
  • Direction: combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. Element of counteraction: analysis of economic and other activities of business entities and individuals;

You can find out more about our experts.

Reading the article encourages thinking about identification number taxpayer, its significance directly for an individual (excluding entrepreneurs) and the ability not to take actions recommended by the author.

With my commentary I will try to oppose the author and in his person the official advisory information presented by the country's tax service.

Let's start with the author's statement that TIN is one of the important and necessary documents for a modern, and also successful citizen. I have to disappoint him, a TIN is not a document and knowledge about it is not as important for an individual as much as it is given importance.

Cannot be a document serial number registration in certain lists, information databases and other resources. The number itself does not carry any special mystical meaning that affects the success of an individual’s life. This just indicates that you have been counted.

How will the tax authorities do this, as a result, independently duties performed according to the accounting of taxpayers or through the voluntary application of the taxpayer, is reflected only in the labor costs of individuals and directly to the tax authorities.

By submitting an application for registration, an individual makes the work of the tax service easier, acquiring unnecessary hassle for himself.

Turning to the information service.nalog.ru, it is not difficult to find a message that when changing the last name/first name/patronymic/gender/date of birth/place of birth, it is not mandatory to obtain a new certificate of registration tax accounting. Is not it, Is it strange, given such a “great” importance of the Taxpayer Identification Number in our lives?

Having once considered an individual as obligated to pay taxes, the tax service has no need to take irrational actions to issue a certificate with changed information.

An individual is registered and informing the tax authority about any changes in his relation is already the responsibility of the institutions in which such changes are recorded. It turns out that the information specified in the certificate issued to an individual does not matter to tax authorities.

At this point it is worth mentioning ways tax accounting citizens. The one that the author of the article tells us about, along with information resource tax service, everyone knows. And it is so famous that almost everyone considers this to be an important action in their life. The author even called it “the most important.”

At the same time, we should not forget that individuals who do not carry out entrepreneurial activities are recorded as taxpayers in the first place, according to information received from organizations, institutions, bodies, when grounds for paying taxes arise, and only secondarily, through their personal request (statement).

With regard to the duties of the tax service, an individual will be taken into account as a taxpayer regardless of his desire (application) or reluctance (no application) through data on the objects of taxation of such an individual.

Until July 23, 2013 tax authority was obliged to immediately notify the individual about its tax registration. Obviously, this seemed to the legislator not so important and difficult, and now there is no such obligation.

The conclusion from my reasoning is the following: there is no need to bother yourself with unnecessary contact with the state fiscal service, to have and keep a certificate of own accounting when it is not legally established for individuals (excluding entrepreneurs) to indicate the TIN when applying to the tax authorities and in other documents, subject to the provision of personal information identifying them.

TIN is a set of numbers assigned to everyone; this allows you to identify those who give money to the state or receive it from it. That is, all Russian citizens must have this identifier. To become the owner individual code, you should collect documents for an individual and send them to the authority involved in “distributing numbers.”

What should you take with you? Who should I contact? Do you think that everyone already has a TIN? You are wrong. This personal number assigned to newborns and foreigners, it is changed at certain moments, and so on. Let's look at what documents are needed to obtain a TIN in each case.

Why is the code needed?

Let's face it: many are trying to save money and not pay the state their due share. The idea of ​​a TIN is related to this. It did not originate in Russia. Citizens of other countries are no different from residents of our state, so they also try to hide profits from taxation. Therefore, the government decided to designate everyone. For foreign residents Previously, Russians had to collect documents to receive This number is assigned to everyone on the planet. Without it, bank transactions are not made, funds are not accepted for transfer to others financial institutions. This is necessary to control the movement of funds.

Of course, first of all, an identifier is needed so that the state, as a system, can take its due share. Just don't think of him as a robber. Any state has a lot of expenses, including social programs to support those who are unable to do without it. Therefore taxes should be controlled. All that remains for citizens and foreigners is to find out what is needed to obtain a TIN, collect the papers and not deceive the system. This also applies to low-income people. The code will have to be presented in order to receive assistance from the state.

Where to get a TIN for an individual

The answer to this question is quite simple. You probably already guessed that the code is necessary to control the movement of funds, collect payments to the budget, and therefore assign it state institute solving these problems. It's called the Federal Tax Service. You need to contact her branch at your place of residence. Nowadays the process of obtaining the code has been simplified. Any citizen has the opportunity to apply for it online. To do this, you should register on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. Within two weeks, your personal account will be created and a password will be sent to you.

In this virtual office, all problems related to obtaining or replacing a code are solved. There you can submit applications and send documents necessary to obtain a TIN for an individual. But to get the code in your hands, you will have to go to the branch in person. You need to sign for it. They send the TIN by mail to those who have an email. By the way, if you change the code, then in personal account and they accept payment, so you don’t have to attach a receipt.

Documents for obtaining TIN of an individual for the first time

Let's move on to collecting papers. Here, too, all sorts of nuances may arise. Ordinary citizen who wishes to acquire the code must take with him internal passport RF. The first time the TIN is issued free of charge. You will have to fill out an application at the institution established form. It will be issued by the specialist whom you will see for your appointment. This same person will tell you where and what to write. If the code is issued to a child, then everything is somewhat more complicated. Required following documents to obtain a TIN of an individual:

  • birth certificate;
  • a copy of the representative’s passport (for children under fourteen years of age);
  • a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the child.

It is advisable to prepare everything in advance. Please note that if you start applying for a code for several children at the same time, you will have to attach a copy of your passport to each application. Do as many as you imagine.

How to change TIN

Let's look at cases where the code is lost or needs to be updated. This often happens with women who get married and take their spouse’s surname. You will not only have to collect papers, but also deposit 200 rubles into a special account. This is a fee for providing a service. It is paid only when re-application for the code. The list of documents for obtaining a TIN for an individual in our case looks like this:

  • Russian passport;
  • old code (if any);
  • receipt for deposit of funds.

When the TIN is lost or damaged, then feel free to exclude points 1 and 3 from the list. That is, only a receipt and a passport are needed.

How to get a code for a foreigner

Some citizens of other countries are faced with the need to have a Russian TIN. This happens when they are brought to work or live temporarily in our state and decide to start a business here. We will tell you what documents foreigners need to obtain a TIN for an individual. As a rule, such a process should not cause any difficulties.

Prepare your country’s passport, temporary registration certificate and go to the government office in your city. There, like everyone else, fill out the application special sample. It will be reviewed within five to six days and an answer will be given. You will also have to come to the tax office in person to get the code. Unlike Russians, foreigners are required to pay a state fee even at the first application. Therefore, it will be necessary to present a receipt.

Is it possible to get the code through an intermediary?

The law does not prohibit entrusting another person with interaction with the tax inspectorate in this regard. To do this, you need to issue another document - a power of attorney. The paper is certified by a notary so that there are no misunderstandings. The representative must attach this document to the already designated package. Then they will accept his application instead of the one for whom the TIN is issued. The same person can get the code for you. A power of attorney is also required for this.

The process of purchasing a code is actually quite simple. It rarely causes real problems. It is necessary to remember that TIN is issued to people who have confirmed their identity. And for this, all countries use a passport. By the way, military personnel must present another document - an identity card.

We have not yet mentioned children who have a passport. If young citizen, who celebrated his fourteenth birthday, does not yet have the code, then he may well receive it in person. The child’s right to personally apply to the inspectorate for a TIN is established by law. You need to take your passport and go to regional office. It is recommended that you go with your mom or dad and have an adult help you with the application. Although the employees at the institution will also be quite capable of transferring data from the passport onto paper and will tell you what to write.

When moving to another city, it is not necessary to change the TIN only in cases where it was issued after 2009. When did a person acquire a code before? specified period, then you will have to contact the tax office for a new certificate. This rule does not work if the move took place within the same settlement. It is important to know that part of the code says about the region of residence.

If you are leaving for permanent place residence in another area, then take care of changing the TIN. IN as a last resort Consult with tax officials so as not to get problems out of the blue.

Is it possible not to receive a code?

This is a philosophical question, not a practical one. There are probably people who do not maintain relations with the state; they do not need a TIN. But there are very few of them. The code will be required when registering for service and when applying for benefits. Entrepreneurial activity It will also be impossible to do it officially if you don’t have a TIN. This is a rather serious restrictive instrument for those who wish to receive income. Therefore, it is advisable to have it. However, if you live in the outback, are engaged in subsistence farming, and are not trying to make money, you can probably do without it. Although in modern world There are few situations in which communication with the state machine is completely excluded. And from this it follows that you will still have to contact the tax office. And the sooner the better. Solve one problem, and you can start thinking about another. Good luck!

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