What to sell before the New Year to make money. How do you make money before the New Year (5 real options)? Additional business ideas for the New Year in a nutshell

First of all, you need to make sure that the company is registered in in the prescribed manner and conducts activities. This can be done in different ways.

Check TIN

Make sure that the supplier's TIN is not a random set of numbers, but a real one digital code, which belongs to the company offering the transaction.

It’s very easy to check this, since the TIN has its own algorithm, and fake number, most likely, it will not correspond to it. You can recognize an error in the TIN in any program for preparing information on the income of individuals by entering the number in the “Employer TIN” field. If the number does not satisfy the algorithm, an error message will appear.

At the same time, you can establish the authenticity of the TIN and its affiliation with a particular company on the Federal Tax Service website or using the counterparty verification service.

Request a copy of the state registration certificate (or entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)

The state registration certificate confirms that the counterparty exists as entity and registered as a taxpayer. From January 1, 2017, when registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, instead of a state registration certificate, a registration sheet is issued the required registry- ERGYUL or USRIP. Thus, the entry sheet is a document confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

In accordance with clause 13 of the Rules of Practice Unified State Register of Legal Entities sheet records state register included in the registration file of a legal entity. In accordance with clause 19 of the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the entry sheet of the state register is included in the registration file of an individual entrepreneur.

Get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

A fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities confirms that the counterparty is registered and has not been deregistered at the time of its receipt. In addition, according to extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities you can check the details specified by counterparties in contracts and other documents.

An extract can be requested directly from a potential partner or using the Federal Tax Service service.

The balance sheet allows you to draw several important conclusions about the company:

  • Firstly, it confirms that the company submits reports.
  • Secondly, it allows you to establish whether the organization conducted economic activities.
  • Thirdly, from accounting records you can learn about the “portfolio” of funds that the company has. If the company has practically zero cost assets, significant debentures and the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles - this is a reason to think about whether it is worth giving such a company, for example, a trade loan. The company's turnover that is too low compared to the amount of the proposed transaction may also indicate that the supplier is hiding part of the income. In this case, it is better to refuse the deal.

Based on data financial statements easy to compose the financial analysis, which will show the dynamics of the company’s activities and allow you to evaluate it financial stability. In the service, on the company card you can find links to financial statements and mini-financial analysis, which will allow you to immediately see key points in book forms without the need to study large and complex financial report by company.

Information about legal entities that have tax arrears and/or do not represent tax reporting more than a year, you can also get it on the Federal Tax Service website.

Additional Analytics

It is necessary to verify the integrity of the counterparty and collect evidence that you carried out necessary verification. Why is it important? When judicial trial this will confirm that your company has demonstrated .

From the point of view of the tax authorities (), the company did not show due diligence if she doesn't have:

  • personal contacts of management in the counterparty company when discussing delivery terms and when signing contracts;
  • documentary confirmation of the authority of the head of the counterparty company, copies of his identity document;
  • information about the actual location of the counterparty, as well as the location of warehouse, production, and retail space;
  • information on the method of obtaining information about the counterparty (advertising, recommendations of partners, official website, etc.);
  • information about state registration counterparty in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • information about the counterparty's availability required license(if the transaction is concluded within the framework of a licensed activity), certificates of admission to a certain type works issued self-regulatory organization;
  • information about other market participants similar goods, works, services, including those who offer lower prices.

Company information

Bulk registration address

A mass address is one of the signs of fly-by-night companies. At the end of 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued a warning that if there is confirmed information If the information submitted about the address of a legal entity is unreliable, the registration authority has the right to refuse registration. According to the document, the inclusion of information about the mass registration address is the basis for checking the accuracy of the data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Thus, by registering companies at a mass address, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur risks being denied registration.

But tightening control over mass addresses concerns not only new businesses, but also already registered companies: the tax office sends letters to companies that need to provide reliable information about their address to the registration authority. It will not be possible to ignore the notification from the tax authorities: if the address is not confirmed, the submitted documents do not correspond to reliability, then an entry about incorrect information about the address is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which may lead to the exclusion of the organization from the register, according to. Concluding agreements with counterparties registered at mass addresses is all the more dangerous.

How to check the “mass” of an address? Firstly, a service is available on the Federal Tax Service website that checks the address entered by the user with a list of mass addresses. Secondly, it shows which companies are registered at the same address as the counterparty or service the user is interested in. In some cases, such “neighborhood,” even if we are not talking about mass registration, may turn out to be significant.

Actual location of the counterparty

The discrepancy between the actual and legal addresses in itself does not characterize the counterparty in any way. According to the Federal Tax Service, almost 80% Russian companies not located according to legal address specified during registration. But the tax office recommends checking actual place location of the counterparty along with other data.

Such information can be obtained by visiting a legal or actual address prospective partner. This will allow you not only to clarify whether the counterparty’s office is actually located there, but also to take a look at the premises, production or retail space, talk to employees and neighbors office building. Such a visit can be especially productive if it is made incognito, under the guise of a buyer or potential partner.

In Contour.Focus, you can view a panorama of buildings and surrounding areas for a specified legal entity in one click. This option is called .

Enforceability of the terms of the contract for the counterparty

There must be clear evidence that the counterparty has real opportunity fulfill the terms of the contract. First of all, the time spent on delivery or production of goods, performance of work or provision of services is taken into account.

Violations of tax laws

The taxpayer has the right to request from the tax authorities information about the payment of taxes by counterparties. It does not matter whether the inspection responds to the company’s request. The Code does not establish the obligation of tax authorities to provide taxpayers, upon their requests, with information about the performance of obligations by counterparties, provided for by law about taxes and fees, or about their violations of the law ().

As shown arbitration practice, the company’s due diligence is evidenced by the very fact of contacting the tax office with a request to assist in verifying the integrity of counterparties.

In order for the fact of contacting the inspection to be recorded, the request should be sent by registered mail with notification of delivery (you still have one copy of the inventory and the returned notification) or submit a request in person to the office tax office(in this case, a copy of the request with a mark of acceptance remains on hand).

Arbitration cases

“Black list” on the Federal Tax Service website

We are talking about a register of disqualified persons. Disqualification is administrative punishment, which consists in deprivation individual certain rights, in particular, the right to occupy leadership positions V executive body management of a legal entity, serve on the board of directors ( supervisory board), carry out entrepreneurial activity on the management of a legal entity.

Grounds for disqualification may include intentional or fictitious bankruptcy, concealment of property or property obligations, falsification of accounting and other accounting documents, etc.

To avoid cooperation with companies whose manager has been disqualified, it is enough to check the potential partner through special service on the Federal Tax Service website. The search is carried out by the name of the legal entity and OGRN.

By the end of 2018, the Federal Tax Service launched the “Transparent Business” service in test mode, which can be used to collect comprehensive information about the taxpayer organization and exercise due diligence.

If you enter information about the TIN, OGRN or company name into the search, the following information will appear:

  • date of state registration and main state registration number of the legal entity, method of formation of the legal entity and name of the registering authority;
  • information about the organization’s registration with the tax authority;
  • state of the legal entity;
  • address of the legal entity and information about the address of mass registration;
  • OKVED;
  • size authorized capital;
  • inaccurate information about the head of the company, management of the activities of many other legal entities;
  • category of small and medium-sized enterprise.

You should pay attention to the triangle sign, which may appear in the section as a warning. This means that the information requires special attention.

Powers of the person signing documents

When checking counterparties, the Ministry of Finance recommends receiving documentary confirmation powers of the manager (his representative). If the documents are signed by a company representative, you must obtain a power of attorney or other document from the counterparty authorizing a person to sign documents on behalf of the company.

The Ministry of Finance also recommends that taxpayers request identification documents from the head of the counterparty company. This will confirm that the documents are signed by the person who has the authority to do so. In addition, there may be cases when the counterparty is registered on a lost or stolen passport. You can find out this on the FMS website.

Transaction information

Confirmation of personal contacts when concluding a transaction

A lack of personal contact when concluding a transaction may indicate that the taxpayer did not exercise due diligence. The collected data on the circumstances of concluding an agreement with the counterparty (who participated in the negotiations, who sold the goods, etc.) will help prove the opposite.

Verification of transaction documents

This procedure allows you to avoid not only claims from tax authorities, but also possible legal disputes.

  • check the address indicated in the counterparty’s documents, in particular in invoices;
  • make sure that the supplier’s documents do not contain logical contradictions and comply with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and other laws;
  • compare employee signatures on documents in order to eliminate the situation when different signatures are placed on behalf of one person (it is better to exclude such documents so that the Federal Tax Service does not declare them fictitious).

The given list of “filters” is incomplete. There are other ways to exercise caution in choosing a counterparty and obtain the most complete information about him.

Taxation of your organization - necessary condition the work of every accountant. In addition, this information is extremely useful when concluding agreements with counterparties. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to find out the taxation system by TIN (individual tax number- a special code for any taxpayer in Russia - both an individual and a legal entity, which is issued to him upon registration at the department tax service) and how to do it. Let's start by defining such systems that exist today.

Tax systems

Before we talk about how to find out the taxation system by TIN, let’s understand the concept itself. It refers to a number of rules that regulate the amount and procedure for collecting taxes and other fees (Article 11 Tax Code Russia). In our state there are five such regimes, different in rate, object, reporting deadlines, and the availability of certain benefits:

  • OSN - general system taxation.
  • USN (otherwise known as "simplified") - simplified.
  • UTII - single tax on imputed income.
  • PS - patent system(only for individual entrepreneurs).
  • Unified agricultural tax - unified agricultural tax.

When registering an LLC, it automatically appears on the OSN. Then the organization or entrepreneur, if the required characteristics are available, can choose any of the other four modes.

Why do many people require a TIN system? Not in all tax regimes the company pays VAT - in some cases it falls on the shoulders of the partner. However, let's talk about taxation systems in a little more detail.

Types of tax regimes

Let's present it in a table key features existing systems taxes available to LLCs.

Mode type Characteristic Important Terms

Maintaining tax and accounting records in full.

Payment of income tax, property tax, VAT.

Income tax - 20%.

VAT - 0.1-0.18%, depending on the type of product.

Property tax - regional rates.

simplified tax system

Common among new firms. To choose it for yourself, the company must meet a number of restrictive limits - number of employees, number of vehicles, annual income.

Simplified reporting.

The "income" rate is 6% of the total annual profit. Benefits on insurance premiums.

The “income minus expenses” rate is 15% of the annual profit.

UTIIIn order for a company to switch to this regime, it must not only have a given number of employees on staff, but also be engaged in certain type activities.The rate is calculated using a special formula. Due to the insurance premiums paid, it is possible to reduce the amount of deducted tax payments by no more than half.
Unified agricultural taxSimilar to the simplified tax system, but only for companies engaged in the production, processing and sale of agricultural products. - all mentioned cycles must be carried out by the company independently.All specific conditions are contained in ch. 26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Now let's move even closer to the essence of the issue.

How to determine an LLC by TIN: legality of the issue

TIN is a strict 12-digit combination. The first two of its symbols can tell about the region where this person or the organization is registered for tax purposes (Article 84 of the Tax Code of Russia). But how to find out the taxation system of an LLC using the TIN of the counterparty is a question that is somewhat more difficult to cope with.

However, it is significantly simplified by the fact that tax code refers to open data - it must be written down in the entire constituent and registration documentation, as well as in agreements, reporting and contracts of the company. Therefore, since this information is in free access, question: “How to find out the taxation system of an LLC by TIN?” absolutely legal. Now let’s outline all the available ways to obtain such information.

How to find out the LLC taxation system by TIN: 4 methods

The methods are quite simple and accessible:

  1. Visit the branch where the counterparty is registered and contact the inspector with a question that interests you - write a corresponding application where you need to register the partner’s TIN.
  2. You can also find out about the tax regime of an LLC online - go to the official website of the tax service or “Government Services”. Enter the code in a special field - and the information will instantly appear in front of you.
  3. Get necessary information"here and now" is also possible by calling hotline Federal Tax Service.
  4. Another quick way- send an SMS with a specific code to the Federal Tax Service mobile service number. Information will also be sent to you via text message. You can find out the service number and command codes on the official website of the Russian Tax Service.

These methods are available not only for organizations, but also for individual entrepreneurs. Don't forget to receive an email digital signature to access online services on the listed resources. We strongly ask you not to pay attention to third-party services that promise to provide information about the tax regime of LLCs through the TIN - it is easier and safer to use official methods.

Additional methods

If the question is: “How to find out the taxation system of an LLC by TIN?” is asked by an accountant, not a counterparty, then two more simple methods can be considered:

  1. View constituent documents company - if it did not remain on the OSN during registration, but switched to another regime, then you will find copies of papers there indicating this fact.
  2. It is easy to determine the reporting regime for past periods.

Determination of the tax regime of individual entrepreneurs

The same methods apply as for LLCs:

  • Applying to tax authority- information will be available on the day of the visit.
  • Through electronic service website of the Federal Tax Service and State Services - instant display of the required data.
  • SMS message or call to the tax service hotline - the service or operator will provide you with information within a few minutes.

We made sure that we determined tax regime specific LLC is not a difficult task. In addition, the above methods are useful for getting acquainted with the individual entrepreneur taxation system.

Let's assume you have to deal with a legal entity registered in the Russian Federation. But you only know its name and you don’t have the money to use paid services or order professional competitive intelligence.

What can you find out about a company on the Internet for free, instantly and legally?

1. General information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

What you can find: date of creation of the company, registration address, full names of the founders and general director, to which branch of the Federal Tax Service and Pension Fund the company, types of activities, history of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (changes in the charter, appointment of general directors, etc.) are attached.

You can search for companies and individual entrepreneurs both by OGRN/TIN and by name/full name. Please note that to get all the data you need to download the PDF from the link. In addition to the first paragraph of the article, be sure to apply the second.

2. Have documents to change information been submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

What you can find: information about legal entities that are in the process of registering/making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
In short: we check whether any information from the database mentioned in paragraph `1 will change in the near future.

Usage notes: similar to the previous paragraph.

3. Is the legal address reliable?

What you can check: Is the company address used for mass registration of legal entities?

4. Court cases in which the company name is mentioned

What you can find: a sea of ​​interesting details: tax evasion, salary arrears, industrial safety violations, etc. This item is required to be completed before the interview.

Usage notes: To avoid wasting time looking through similar cases and quickly find something really interesting, go to the “categories” tab.


5. Debts to bailiffs

What you can find: whether the company has overdue payments to the Pension Fund, unpaid taxes or debts to employees/partners that are already being collected with the help of bailiffs.

Usage notes: for the search, it is better to use not the name, but the OGRN, which can be found in paragraph 1. It also makes sense to contact the general director regarding his debts as an individual.

6. Is the company bankrupt?

What you can find: messages about the various stages of the bankruptcy procedure of a given company (if there were any): results of meetings of creditors, results of auctions, etc.

Usage notes: To search, it is better to use the OGRN, which can be found in the first paragraph.

7. Mortgaged property of the company

What you can find: dates of birth, passport numbers, TIN, addresses Email, VIN numbers of cars.

Usage notes: open notification texts using links. They are the most interesting things.

P.S. Ivan Sidorovich Sidorov apparently lives in a slightly distorted reality, where he does business with Ivan Petrovich Petrov from Romashka LLC :-)

8. Does the company participate in government procurement?

What you can find: what and in what volume the company supplied to government agencies.

9. Does the company fulfill its obligations to partners?

What you can check: whether the legal entity is included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

10. Are the company’s licenses valid?

What you can check: Are the licenses listed on the company’s website valid?

Usage notes: For example, three registers are given, but there are more of them.

11. Contacts from the “yellow pages”

What you can find: website, phone number, actual address.

12. How much are the company's shares worth?

What you can find: dynamics of the company's share price for last years.

Usage notes: Google the company name + “shared price”.

13. Does the company have patents?

What you can find: information about inventions that were made or purchased by the company.

Usage notes: If patents are not in the database, this does not at all guarantee their absence.

14. Information about the company’s website

A separate topic is collecting information about company websites. Both currently existing and abandoned/deleted. My modest experience in collecting information suggests that the most interesting things are usually written on forgotten and hidden pages. This process is described in detail in three materials.

Those who know how to earn money are ready to turn even the period that their neighbors and friends recognize as the most financially costly and difficult into a real Klondike. A little imagination - and New Year will pay for the cost of the most luxurious one many times over festive table. The main thing is to evaluate all options and prospects for receiving funds, use well-known business ideas for the New Year or come up with your own.

After the “thirteenth salary” and bonuses, people are ready to buy gifts. An unexpected significant amount becomes the basis for real attacks of generosity. Yes, the very atmosphere of the holiday, literally swarming with snowflakes in the air, encourages beautiful deeds. In addition, New Year is a traditional holiday. Its celebration is associated with certain customs and symbols that have long become a sign of this celebration. As a result, those who were able to take advantage of the opportunity to ensure compliance receive significant financial preferences for their efforts.

Trade of Christmas trees and fir trees

The last two weeks before the onset of the holiday, significant profits come from trading in the main trees of the upcoming celebration - fir trees or pine trees. This is a very short-term business, but guaranteed to be in demand. True, you should start thinking about running it in advance - by obtaining permission to open a Christmas tree market. In this case, documents for trade are submitted to the departments consumer market and services that are sure to be available in any local administration.

When preparing documentation, the newly-minted or PBOYUL informs city or village authorities about activities in the area retail flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers. The code for this activity is 52.48.32.

Having received OKVED, new representative business automatically becomes the holder of a coupon for trading live Christmas trees. He may also be asked to consider the places already identified by local authorities where Christmas tree markets are planned to be located. They are located on traditional sites or located in those places determined by the city program.

When submitting detailed justifications, the place chosen for trading by the entrepreneur himself may be considered. This feature is convenient for a beginner. After all, it allows you to give up competition for a place on a familiar and long-existing platform with those who trade on it every year.

Given the constantly evolving new housing construction, such options can be selected literally every year. The main thing is to immediately identify an area with high traffic.

The choice varies depending on the expected batch size.

Forestry departments usually offer batches of Christmas trees that include a minimum of 100 trees. They take 50% of the cost of the shipment as an advance payment. When planning to purchase a small batch, it is easier to contact farming. The disadvantage of this option is frequent requirement buy the entire lot immediately.

At wholesale sales centers you will also need to pay immediately full cost purchased batch. At the same time, it will be practically no different from the final retail price. But wholesalers completely take care of the search for a supplier, preparation of documentation for the product and its delivery.

Another advantage of wholesalers is the opportunity to purchase batches of Danish spruce and pine trees. It is very difficult to arrange such a delivery for an individual entrepreneur or private business entity on your own, and the price of each meter of a foreign tree is approximately 10 times higher than the cost of a domestic one. This increases the risk of unsuccessful sales, but also increases profits in case of success. The cost of a Christmas tree from a neighboring forest starts from 300 rubles per meter; a “foreign” one will cost the buyer from 4 thousand rubles per meter.

To set up a Christmas tree bazaar, you will need to create a fenced area with a sign. In every such point of sale There must be a fire extinguisher and a guest book. Also today it is allowed to register with the local administration special permission trading from cars.

The profitability of the Christmas tree business directly depends on a well-chosen place of sale.

Visit to Santa Claus's house

Minimal acting skills can be an excellent way to provide another profitable option holiday business. The cost of one call from Santa Claus to your home is at least 1000 rubles per visit. This kind of work is longer lasting than selling. Christmas trees. The Santa Claus season begins in mid-December and ends in last days school winter holidays.

In order to become Santa Claus, it is enough to purchase a suitable New Year's suit and pay attention to the advertisements of employment services. It is optimal if the applicant for the role of Santa Claus has a theater education, but in most cases, you can start such work simply by presenting a passport and other identity documents.

Willingness to provide your own is welcomed scenario. In its absence ready-made template often provided by the agency itself.

Alternative options may be to simply work according to an advertisement at your own peril and risk. An influx of applicants awaits these weeks for each contender for the role of the main symbol of the celebration. True, in this situation, no one will guarantee the safety of the newly minted winter wizard.

The decision to organize your own small business or become individual entrepreneur offering to use such services. It is not practical to base it on such a short period. In this case, it is more convenient to create an agency for the provision of entertainment services, the staff of which will include specialists who are equally ready to work as Santa Claus, a clown at a children's party, an animator or a host of corporate events.

In a situation where only the profit from the work of Dela Moroz is considered, agency employees can count on a reward of up to 50% of the cost of each call. This season, at the lowest prices, it varies from 1000 to 2500 rubles. Employees are invited to children's parties at home or in educational institutions, and for “adult” corporate events.

Financial bonuses for those who help organize the holiday

It’s hard to imagine the celebration from December 31 to January 1 without carnival costumes, business souvenirs, crafts made with my own hands. This provides a stable and guaranteed income for those who are good at sewing, embroidering, knitting, and creating gifts with their own hands.

In most cases, registration is not required to engage in such a business. special documents. Also, the master does not need to look for specialized personal trading platforms. They can offer their goods at fairs and holiday sales, trays at which are provided by representatives of specialized services and trade departments local authorities. Even more attractive is the use of the Internet for sales. Many authors of unique creations for the New Year holiday successfully implement them through accounts and specialized communities in in social networks.

Such a business can hardly be called the most profitable of those options for performing work that currently are held during the pre-New Year sales. But the cost of crafts can be determined independently, as well as the cost of materials that will be spent on their implementation.

Often for creating souvenirs, cards, children's and adults New Year's costumes do it yourself using material that is available in your home workshop. In this case it can be considered as New Year's business without investment.

Taxi for New Year

In the last days before New Year's, everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. This becomes a great business idea for the New Year to earn extra money during the celebration, simply by helping those who want to get from one point of the city to another. In such a situation, you can become a taxi driver working for yourself or temporarily join the staff of a taxi fleet.

In the first situation, you will need to issue a patent for conducting individual entrepreneurship. Such documents are drawn up in short term after provision required package documents and payments state duty. Currently it is 2000 rubles. Considering the cost of the trip, determined by agreement, this amount can be “recovered” in literally a few hours. True, the downside is the need mandatory installation cash register, its price is at least 20 thousand rubles. Also, all vehicles performing transportation must be equipped with specialized decals.

In days New Year's holidays Specialized taxi fleets need personnel. Here you can get a job in a car provided by the park, or in your own car, equipped special equipment for receiving orders and a radio beacon for successful work both with the park and with clients. Driver's revenue in in this case stipulated in the cooperation agreement.

The profitability of this type of business is in any case uniquely high.

Additional business ideas for the New Year in a nutshell

Rent of sleds, skates and skis

In large parks today there are specialized rental points where you can borrow sleds, skates or skis. But in those places where there are no equipped sites, similar business you can organize it yourself. Simply lending “your” equipment for winter recreation to those who want it.

To carry out such work on a large scale, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or private legal entity, but you won’t get much additional funds pocket expenses are possible without unnecessary problems with paperwork.

How can a busy business representative get a decorated Christmas tree?

Sports have become a part of our lives, so a fitness club will be an excellent option for starting your own business. Read with us.

The most win-win types of business in our review:

New Year's Companion

The twenty-first century is called the century of singles. But even inveterate workaholics who prefer not to spend their free time on family responsibilities, I want to celebrate the New Year with a companion. In recent years, a new line of business has been developing on social networks - professional companions who are ready to help you meet the New Year's chimes pleasantly and beautifully.

Professional escort

Another business option on New Year's Eve is the business of a professional escort. Often you want to celebrate the New Year with friends, but still go to sleep in your own bed. For a small financial reward You can always find a companion ready to help you get to your own home.

Creating a script for the New Year's celebration

There is no need to register as an individual entrepreneur or PBOYUL and those who own the word. On days of kindergarten and school matinees, corporate parties, the development of scenarios for such a celebration is popular. In most cases, payment for such work is carried out by agreement between the customer and the contractor. The ability to create beautiful scripts can bring in a profit of 1000 rubles per production.

New Year is a fabulous time. One that is ready to give gifts to those who want to receive them not only from fate, but also to earn them.

What is the work

I’ve been working as the Snow Maiden on New Year’s Day for three years now. For me this is the coolest job in the world. You enter the apartment, you are greeted by a child with round eyes and begins to scream and jump for joy. He touches the fur coat, goes to hug, recites poetry. Every five minutes he tries to quietly climb into Grandfather’s bag and take all the gifts. And you know, it's great. At first, all the guests watch warily, but very soon they are dancing around the tree with Grandfather Frost.

It's great to come into the house and leave a piece of happiness and magic there.

Many friends ask me where to start, how to prepare, how much you can earn. In this article, I decided to cover all the most popular questions and help beginning artists.

How much can you earn

It depends on the city. average cost call for 30 minutes in Moscow - 3,000 rubles, when the chimes strike - 9,000 rubles. On New Year's Eve, Father Frost and Snow Maiden receive about 5–8 orders. During the holiday you can earn 15,000–50,000 rubles, and if you try, even more.

Let's take another million-plus city - Kazan. The average cost of calling Santa Claus is 2,500 rubles, and when the chimes strike - 5,000 rubles. Total: you can earn from 12,000 to 35,000 rubles per night.

How to prepare

Not a single child will believe in a man in a red coat who cannot even put two words together. The Snow Maiden should also not stand like a pillar at the holiday. To make everything go smoothly, you can enroll in acting courses, where a man will be taught to speak in the right timbre, and a girl will be taught how to change her voice. You can also take private lessons from a teacher or attend classes at an animator school. There are many options, the main thing is to want it.

It is better to start preparing in advance, ideally a month in advance. This way you will have time to hone your skills, make business cards and find New Year's props. And remember: if you do a good job, you will already have clients for next year.

How to get orders

Agencies receive orders from their last year's clients. Beginners can place their ads on Avito and create a group on social networks.

Remember that Santa Claus works not only in apartments. Many companies want to organize a holiday for their employees in the office or at a corporate event, and kindergartens and schools are looking for Santa Claus for matinees.

Where to find costumes and what to do with them later

There are two options:

  • Buy. A good Santa Claus costume costs from 7,000 rubles, Snow Maiden - from 5,000 rubles. These outfits can also be used in next year, and if you don’t like the work, sell it.
  • Rent. Two suits will cost about 5,000 rubles per day, but you will also have to leave a considerable deposit. Naturally, you must return the suit to exact time safe and sound.

How to Write a Screenplay

A performance in an apartment lasts on average 20–30 minutes. During this time, Grandfather Frost congratulates the children, plays games (throws snowballs, freezes hands), listens to poetry and dances around the Christmas tree. This is standard. If you want to make your own interesting program, I recommend the site “Little things in life”, where competitions and games for children are collected.

It happens that there are several children in a family and they are all of different ages. In this case, you should have competitions prepared for everyone. No need to scare kids loud music, and force the teenager to recite a poem.

How to overcome shyness

The easiest way to rehearse a performance and overcome your shyness is to go to the playground in costume and try to perform the program for free. First, you will see all the major flaws. Secondly, overcome your fear of performing and practice your timbre. Thirdly, please your children and give them joy. You can hold such speeches more than once.

The most important rule

Not to drink. Not a drink, not a glass, not even a little bit. On New Year's days, the rule is “Today you don’t drink with us, but tomorrow you will betray your Motherland!” doesn't work for you. The kids are waiting for a sober Santa Claus, who smells nice of winter, and not something else.

Work sober and celebrate as you please on the weekend. It will be fair to you and to the children.

Personal experience

I'll tell you about my first performance. Spoiler: it was a failure.

The application included a performance for six year old child for 30 minutes. Everything is simple and clear. We prepared and rehearsed for several days. When we arrived at the place, we discovered that we would be conducting a performance for a 10-month-old baby. He does not walk, does not speak, there are no other children in the family.

I was just scared of the child and stood there like a pillar. It’s good that the experienced Santa Claus was with me: he saved the entire order. For half an hour, the guests and I tossed cotton wool snowballs to each other, and the child looked at all this and laughed.

After three orders, I relaxed and behaved confidently. It seems to me that the main thing is to believe that you a real hero, and just relax.

As soon as you cross the threshold of the apartment, forget who you are. Be a real cheerful Snow Maiden or a clumsy, funny and kind Santa Claus.

Remember how great it was when as a child you believed in Santa Claus and waited for him? Bring those same feelings home to your kids. You will be satisfied with yourself, and the guys will be happy.

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