What is young grape wine? Young wines: their names and taste

“Wine is prohibited, but there are four “buts”:

It depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation.

If these four conditions are met

Wine is permitted to all sensible people.”

Omar Khayyam

Autumn is the time to drink new wine. Young red is wine that has not had time to become “real red” because it was drunk as soon as the juice fermented. He was not even allowed to mature in barrels - he was bottled after the first fermentation.

If we talk about wines in general, they are divided into young wine - up to 6 months of aging, aged - over 6 months, vintage - aging for more than 1.5 years and collection wine - with long aging periods. Of course, it is believed that over time, wine acquires a bouquet and aroma. But, meanwhile, young wine is perfect for frequent consumption - moreover, it is the most healthy.

Wine has long been considered a universal medicine: in reasonable doses it has a healing effect on the body.

So, more about the benefits of wine:

  • Wine consumption increases good cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and increases the diameter of blood vessels.
  • Proceanidoles contained in wine have a protective effect on blood vessels, maintain their permeability, help dissolve plaques and fatty deposits, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • There is an opinion that the alcohol of wine and its other components prevent cancer.
  • Wine can be used as a cure for lung diseases.
  • Drinking wine helps prevent heart attack: coronary vessels dilate, which improves blood circulation and blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • Wine has a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism. Upon contact with white or red grape wine, tuberculosis bacilli, cholera vibrios, and intestinal bacteria die within a few minutes.
  • Wine will help with insomnia and anxiety.
  • Finally, an interesting fact: chocolate and wine prolong life!

However, so that everyone does not indiscriminately rush to the ongoing Beaujolais festival to deplete the wine reserves of French wine, we will also tell you about the pitfalls:

— Studies have shown that excessive consumption of alcohol, including wine, in combination with smoking can cause such a terrible disease as cancer.

— Wine, especially young wine, provokes “mast cells” containing histamine granules. Wine destroys the membranes of these cells and releases histamine. Accumulating in the blood and plasma, it causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and leads to allergic manifestations - urticaria, dermatitis. Histamine also harms the cardiovascular system - it provokes migraines and hypertensive crisis.

— A safe dose of alcohol is a relative concept. With a genetic predisposition, alcohol affects the liver and pancreas.

— The risk of viral hepatitis is higher for those who regularly drink alcohol than for abstainers. For patients with hepatitis C, the concept of a “safe dose” does not exist; for them, alcohol in any quantity is dangerous - it accelerates the destruction of the liver. For other chronic liver lesions, a safe dose of alcohol is no more than a glass of wine per week.

Remember that alcohol, like any medicinal drug, has a beneficial effect in small doses, but is harmful in large doses. And one more thing: before you start wine therapy, it is better to consult a doctor.

Guidelines for daily wine consumption:

  • for women - no more than 20 g of alcohol per day (200 g of wine);
  • for men - no more than 30 g of alcohol (300 g of wine).

Connoisseurs of wine culture are people with different tastes, which, in order to develop, require more experimentation. A new stage in such searches may be the search for not only a new recipe, but also a different technology. An interesting option that includes both of these requirements is young wine, whose originality is underestimated by many due to the lack of information about this drink. It's time to understand this issue, because new knowledge expands the range of actions.

What is what

Young or new wine is considered to be grape must that has not completely fermented.

Its taste is distinguished by greater sweetness and, accordingly, lower alcohol content (up to 10°), since it is sugar that is transformed into degrees during fermentation, and the interrupted process leaves the strength of the drink at the desired level.

From the world by thread

Some countries even produce young wine specifically, giving the drink original names:

  • Germany – federweisser;
  • Austria - assault;
  • The Czech Republic is a burchak.

The most popular young wine is the French wine Beaujolais Nouveau, which received its name from the producing region of Burgundy. This dry drink with the color of ruby ​​and a delicate fruity aroma is even dedicated to a festival every year on one of the November days.

Special characteristics of Beaujolais Nouveau:

  • tart flavors of wild berries, raspberries, blackberries, currants;
  • ease of tasting;
  • degrees that quickly hit your head.

This wine gives you the feeling of walking through Paris at night: it clearly impresses and leaves unforgettable memories.

Burgundy technology

To prepare such wine, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Harvest the huge September grape harvest with your own hands, preserving the integrity of each berry.
  2. The entire mass of grapes (bunches) is crushed under its own weight in a huge vat, where it begins to ferment, indulging in additional pressing.
  3. By the end of September, the completely unfermented wine is considered the standard of Beaujolais Nouveau and is bottled, although it sits for about another month - until the start of November sales.

It is recommended to taste such a masterpiece chilled to 13 °C along with cheese or cold cuts. It is important to remember that young wine cannot be stored for a long time: maximum until March of the next season.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any masterpiece, the new wine is a carrier of opposite meanings: science knows both the beneficial and harmful properties of the drink.

The benefits of young wine include the following effects:

  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • removal of toxins;
  • increased appetite;
  • prevention of colds.

The new wine will be harmful for allergy sufferers, as well as for people with liver diseases.


The repositories of winemaking art are still full of technologies that have not been discovered by many enthusiasts, so plunging headlong into various cultures, you can learn about even the most unexpected methods and techniques. The words that everything in the world has already been discovered and tried is pure deception, because every forgotten recipe, adapted to the realities of our time, can be revived in new forms.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , Art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Do you want to enjoy a non-trivial delicate taste and refreshing nature? Are you interested in unusual drinks that tend to change their taste as they grow older? Take a look at the gastronomic range of colors that young wine offers.

This is a special segment of alcoholic drinks, each representative of which demonstrates their genuine charismatic nature. With such drinks it is nice to have an individual tasting evening, as well as to explore the variety of unique alcoholic mixes.

Did you know? Some new wines can only be drunk for several months after bottling.

Young wines today are called alcoholic products that are unfermented grape must. It's actually fermented juice with yeast residue that's only a few weeks old. The degree measure of such products varies from 5 to 11%. It all depends on the recipe chosen by the manufacturer.


Today on the market you will meet white, pink and red representatives of the segment. The color scheme is not limited to certain visual characteristics.


Aromatic characteristics can be very diverse. Often the basis is varietal dominance, enriched with fruit and berry undertones.


The assemblages delight with a delicate sweetish taste, which, as the product matures, becomes more tart and dry due to the fermentation of sugar.

What is the name of the new wine?

The second popular name for young assemblages is “new wine”. It is also actively used almost all over the world. Moreover, many countries have their own names for these drinks. So, for example, in Germany these wines are called Federweisser, in Luxembourg – Fiedreweissen, in Austria – Sturm, and in the Czech Republic – Burcak.

How to buy an original product

The process of purchasing alcohol these days involves the risk of becoming the owner of a counterfeit. The amount of counterfeit products in the alcohol arena is growing every year. It is for this reason that when buying alcohol of one or another famous brand, you should pay attention to:

  • Purity and color consistency. A good “new” wine has an even color without any new formations or cloudiness. If you notice sediment and other foreign elements in the composition, immediately return the bottle to the shelf.
  • External appearance of the container. Carefully study the design of the bottles. It must be impeccable even for products in the affordable price segment. Modern manufacturers strive to provide customers with products of exceptional quality, which is why you will not find chipped glass, glue drips, uneven seams, dents or other signs of manufacturing defects on branded packaging. Also, before purchasing, visit the official website of the manufacturer whose product you like. Here you will get acquainted with what a bottle of the original drink should actually look like.

  • Excise stamp. When giving preference to popular products from famous foreign manufacturers, be sure to pay attention to the excise tax. This element of protection must be present on all representatives of foreign color, except those sold in the free trade zone.
  • Shop. Try to purchase alcohol only in specialized alcohol boutiques or in large supermarket chains, where, if necessary, the client can be provided with a certificate of quality.

How to serve

Today you can get the most vivid impressions from tasting “new” assemblages only if you take into account the basic classical principles of presentation. Drinks should be poured into tall, transparent glasses with thin stems. These glasses will allow you to fully explore the aromatic and visual characteristics of the drinks.

Special attention must be paid to temperature. White representatives of the segment are best served well chilled to 10-12 degrees, and red ones slightly warmer - 16-18 degrees. We should not forget the simple truth that overcooled drinks hide most of their taste characteristics, while overheated ones disappoint with a chaotic and pungent aroma.

What products does it combine with?

The selection of gastronomic accompaniment for the “new” wine is carried out individually, in accordance with the selected assemblage. As expected, light salads, fish, seafood and cheese slices go well with white foods. Red products will reveal all their beauty of taste and aroma in combination with desserts, fruits and meat dishes. Every taster can find the perfect pair. It is enough to rely on your personal preferences in terms of snacks.

Did you know? Young wine is produced only once a year, and many representatives of this segment are non-transportable.

Other uses

Having purchased a young assemblage for your personal tasting, be sure to pay attention to the recipes of popular cocktails that can be created using alcohol. Most “new wines” exhibit versatility in pairing with a wide variety of ingredients. Consequently, you can treat yourself to a host of incredible gastronomic and aromatic incarnations.

Popular cocktails that you will find today in leading bars, clubs and restaurants in the world include Xeres, Juan Les Pens, Peggy, Louisiana and Picture.

What types of this drink are there?

If you are interested in tasting branded young wines, today you will come across an impressive variety of products produced by famous companies on the market. Consequently, each consumer will be able to easily choose the most versatile alcoholic product for tasting this evening. At the same time, if you do not want to make a mistake with the choice of alcohol, we recommend paying attention to such popular products as:

  • Wine Legend of Crimea. Stylish white assemblage with a dry fruity taste. The aromatic component is based on floral coloring.

  • . A young red wine with a dark garnet glow and a velvety sweetish aftertaste. The aroma is rich in shades of dark berries.

  • R.K. . Delicate assemblage of garnet color with a lilac tint. The taste is rich with notes of prunes, chocolate and blackberries, while the aroma contains undertones of raspberries, plums and ripe cherries.

  • Lenotti Novello DOC Classico. It has an attractive ruby ​​hue and a rich berry aroma, in which traces of black currants, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries are clearly visible. The taste emerges with a combination of red and black berries, decorated with fruity nuances.

Historical reference

It is impossible to find reliable facts about where and when the first young wine was produced, but experienced historians still believe that the first young wines appeared at the very beginning, when humanity was just beginning to prepare alcohol from fermented grapes and other ingredients. And this is at least 7000 years ago.

Young wines are some of the healthiest on the market. With their help, you can cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, improve appetite, remove toxins from the body and prevent colds.

Young wines are an ideal product for an evening of meetings. Possessing a low degree measure, as well as diversity in terms of aromatic and gastronomic combinations, these drinks allow each consumer to find their ideal alcohol for the upcoming tasting evening. Head to your local specialty liquor store now to stock your bar with a smooth spirit that can provide joy for hours of tasting.

And the wine culture as a whole has fairly well developed taste buds. Undoubtedly, in order to learn how to reveal the whole bouquet of a wine drink, you need to constantly experiment and conduct tastings. These experiments involve not only the search for exclusive drinks, but also recipes that have long been forgotten or some adjustments have been made to them.

Many people underestimate the merits of young wine. This is due to the fact that due to the lack of information about this drink, many have not experienced its floral aroma. The drink tastes sweet, the alcohol content of fresh wine does not exceed 10%. Since the degree of sugar increases during fermentation, the fermentation process is interrupted halfway, this is how you can prevent an increase in strength in young wine.

Young wine: what is it?

The distinctive feature of young wine begins with the grape harvest. Perishable fruits are used for wine, and almost all winemakers do this.

The next difference is in the preparation of the wine. Take a large container that can be hermetically sealed, dump the grapes into it, but do not crush it, as other varieties require, but leave it to ferment in containers with a high carbon content.

Important! The wine can be prepared by the end of September, but it will be sold a year later, when all the alcohol has evaporated.

Young wine is called differently in many countries. For example:

  1. In Germany, another name for the new wine is Federweisser.
  2. In Austria they call it an assault.
  3. And on the territory of the Czech Republic - Burchak.

It is worth noting that in different regions, young wine is popular depending on the variety. The most popular French drink is red Beaujolais Nouveau. A distinctive feature of this brand is its rich, bright berry taste.

Among the characteristics of French wine are:

  1. Light berry taste.
  2. The drink gets to your head pretty quickly.
  3. Easy to conduct tastings.

Important! In honor of wine, many countries annually celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau.

Burgundy technology

To prepare a bottle of young wine, you will need to adhere to a certain work algorithm:

  1. It is recommended to collect manually throughout September to keep the berries intact and avoid damage to the fruit.
  2. Pressure of the grapes should be carried out in a large container under its own weight, it is in this container that the fruits will begin the fermentation process, and a press will be used as necessary.
  3. The berries begin to be picked by hand at the beginning of September; by the end of the month - beginning of November, Beaujolais Nouveau can begin to be bottled. It is recommended to sell the wine drink before the end of November.

A wine drink - or, must be cooled to 13 degrees and only then consumed. It is worth considering, since the drink is not stored for a long time, the best time to open a bottle of young wine is at the beginning of the year; at the end of March you can no longer drink it.

How to serve

Due to the fact that young Italian and French wines are not stored for a long time, it is recommended to consume it within the first six months after production; the maximum shelf life of the local young drink is one year.

Particular attention must be paid to the production date. The last date is considered to be the last day of December, when winemaking in Italy is in full swing. Many connoisseurs prefer not the taste of the drink itself, but the ritual of serving. It is recommended to taste only after the wine drink has been cooled to 13 degrees.

What products does it combine with?

Like most other alcoholic drinks, Novello is local with meat snacks, salads, and various cheese varieties. In some cases, they are served along with desserts.

Important! Many drinks take their name from vineyards in France.

Winemaking can rightfully be considered an art form. Today there are many production technologies that have been forgotten and lost. Many are being rediscovered, and some technologies that have undergone changes over the years are beginning to be reinvented. If you delve into this culture in detail, you may encounter the most unusual and amazing techniques. Many people say that everyone in the world knows everything, but in reality this is not so. All forgotten recipes are revived, only in modern times they can take a new form.

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